Beginner Levels - Lesson 29: Review (Lesson 10 to 18)

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hello students how are you today today we're going to review lessons 10 through 18 now first we're going to talk about time and remember that we can say time two ways for example it is 2:30 it is 2:30 or we can say it is half-past two it is 2:30 it is half past two this one is easy okay now we can also say 2:00 a.m. this means in the morning in the morning or we can say 2:00 p.m. this means in the after noon okay so 2:00 a.m. is in the morning usually we're sleeping and 2 p.m. is in the afternoon okay now look at the pictures on the monitor and we I'm going to ask the assistance but first you guess and then the assistants will tell us the answers so only what time is it it's one o'clock it's one o'clock good okay now the next one is for Susan Susan what time is it it is 2:30 or it is how fast - yes it's 2:30 or it's half past two okay it's about the next one is for you what time is it it's 7 o'clock yes it's 7 o'clock okay now let's look at some digital clocks now Allie what is the time on this clock it is time 50 or 10 to 11 yes it's 10:50 it's 10 to 11 all right Isabelle for you what time is it now it's set quarter past two or it's 2:15 yes it's a quarter past two or it's 2:15 okay Susan one for you it is 25 past five or it is 525 yes it's 25 past five or it's 525 good all right now it's time for you to look and listen look and listen it's 11 o'clock it's 6:15 it's a quarter past three it's half past eight it's 10:00 to 4:00 it's 3:50 read and repeat now let's talk about more information about time and let me write one sentence on the board I go to work at 9:00 a.m. now we are going to talk about prepositions little words like this now we use at for times groups of special days like at Christmas so we could say at Christmas in British English they say at the weekend but remember in American English it's on the weekend and we can say at night now we use on on to talk about days and weekends on the weekend so let's say at the weekend UK on the weekend US and Canada of course all right we use in the in so in the morning for example so this is parts of the day in the summer in the summer and in four months for example June and in the years 2004 okay so in the parts of the day seasons months and years okay so at on and in you have to think about which ones to use now let's practice Ally what time did you get up this morning I got up at half past 7:00 this morning okay good Susan what are you doing on the weekend I am going to visit my friend the weekend's good and Isabel when are you going on holiday I'm going on holiday in August in August good idea okay now we're going to look at some sentences the prepositions are not there so our assistance will put in the prepositions but you look and you think and you get so here we go the first sentence I'm going to see a film mm-hmm Friday night okay this one is for Susan I am going to see it filled on Friday nights yes I'm going to see a film on Friday night okay here's another one we are having a picnic mm-hmm weekend okay Isabelle this one is for you we are having a picnic on the weekend on the weekend yes okay now can you say at the weekend yes we can it's British English okay so I'll put it like that okay now here's another one my sister was born mm-hmm February okay my sister was born this was her birth date okay this one is for ollie my sister was born in February in February yes in February okay here's another one I will meet you mm-hmm two o clock this one is also for you ollie I'll meet you at 2 o clock yes I will meet you at 2 o'clock okay she moved to Istanbul mm-hmm 1998 okay Isabel she moved to Istanbul in 1998 yes good she moved to Istanbul in 1998 he goes to bed mmm 11 o clock see M night okay so you get to do two he goes to bed at 11 o'clock at night yes good he goes to bed at 11 o'clock at night okay very good now do you remember the parts of the day let's look at them they'll make some room here now of course we'll start with morning and we say in the morning afternoon in the afternoon evening in the evening and we have night and remember night is special at night okay so morning in the morning afternoon in the afternoon evening in the evening night at night now we also have names for when we eat so let me show you those and they're a little bit different okay breakfast and we say at breakfast lunch at lunch where is she she's at lunch dinner at dinner and some people say supper at supper so breakfast at breakfast lunch at lunch dinner at dinner supper at supper okay now also when we talk about dates we use ordinal numbers now we saw these before and remember that ordinal numbers are the ones that show the order okay so we have for example the first the second the third a fourth okay so because we're talking about the order of days in a month here now we usually use the so the first so if I say my birthday is on the 8th of April you can see that it's the 8th day of April and we can also say my birthday is on April the 8th ok so these are the same information it's just two ways of saying it my birthday is on the 8th of April my birthday is on April the 8th they're the same ok now I'm going to show you a long way to tell you about my birthday now here we go I'm going to use my red pen so that you can see all the prepositions as we go ok so I was born at 8:15 in the morning on Tuesday on the 3rd of October in the fall in 1970 so time part of the day day day of the month season and year this is not true I was really born in 1971 no ok now we're going to ask our assistants to do the same thing with their answers and maybe they're telling the truth and maybe they're not okay so Ali you go first I was born at 11 p.m. in the evening on Saturday on the 1st of April in the spring in 1978 okay all right good though I was born at 3 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday on the 3rd of January in the winter in 1980 ok I was born at half-past nine in the after Indian ink on Tuesday I only ate 18th of March in the see print in 1977 ok in the spring all right now you can do this for your birthday but now it's time to look and listen look and listen I was born on Monday the 10th of December in 1980 her birthday is on the 15th of August he was born on the 27th of October 1975 we are going to France on the 1st of May my sister's birthday is on the 22nd of January read and repeat all right now let's talk about the weather and the seasons our assistance will help us so you can remember now first we're going to talk about the month in the spring so Ali what are the spring months March April and May are in the spring March April and May is good okay of course and we have summer and Susan is going to tell us the summer months June July and August are in the summer yes June July and August are in the summer now we have the fall is about which months are in the fall September October and November are in the fall okay September October and November are in the fall and what's another name for the fall the autumn yes optimum okay and finally we have winter and I can do this one I know the winter months December January and February okay so these are the seasons spring summer fall winter and these are the months in those seasons okay now is about what is the weather usually like in the summer it's usually hot and sunny in the summer yes that's right and we use adjectives like hot and sunny these are adjectives to talk about the weather now Susan what is the weather usually like in the winter in the winter the weather is usually cold and rainy it is sometimes sometimes it is snowy yeah oh okay only what is the weather like in the spring it is sometimes warm and rainy in the spring okay it could be warm and it could be rainy in most places and how about the fall is about in the fall the weather is cool and rainy cool and rainy yes okay so here are some adjectives to talk about the seasons and now you can look and listen look and listen I was born in July July is in the summer it is usually hot and sunny in the summer December is in the winter it is usually very cold and rainy or snowy in the winter flowers grow in the spring it is usually warm and rainy in the spring September is in the fall the weather is usually cool and rainy in the fall read and repeat okay now when we talk about what the weather is doing now we can use present continuous so we can use adjectives or we can use the present continuous so we'll look at these two ways to talk about the weather first we'll talk about adjectives now here are some things we can say it's sunny it's hot it's rainy it's wet it's cold and it's windy okay so these are some adjectives for talking about the weather we can also say something like this today is a nice day the sun is shining so here we have the present continuous we could say today is a wet day it's raining today is a wet day it's raining today is a cold day it's snowing today is a cold day it's snowing the wind is blowing it's windy so these are ways to use the present continuous to talk about the weather and then these are some adjectives that we can use to talk about the weather now let's practice and let me make some room on the board and we're going to do some sentences with the help of our assistants now you look and you think also okay here we go it is sunny the Sun mm-hmm okay let me get my red pen here for the answer and it's about you do the first one okay it's sunny the sun is shining the sun is shining it's sunny adjectives present continuous the sun is shining okay here's another one it is cloudy and wet it mm-hmm okay Susan what's the whom it is raining okay it is raining all right it's cloudy and wet it's raining now here comes another one let's go out and play in the snow it mm-hmm Alli it is snowing yes it's also say it's snowing all right okay do you like snow ah me yes I do great okay now we used present continuous to talk about the weather we can also use present continues to talk about what we're wearing now like clothes and makeup now let's do a little bit of review with the help of our assistants and we're going to look at some of these pictures and they will tell us something about it so with this picture Isabelle tell us something about the picture okay she is wearing a blue dress okay Ali she's very earrings yes and Susan she's wearing LED red lipstick yes she's wearing red lipstick now here's another picture and you're going to tell us something about this interesting person so let's start with Susan he is wearing a green hat okay Isabelle he has a red nose he has a big knows yes he has yellow hair yes he has beautiful yellow hair okay now the next picture is a beautiful rainbow and we're going to talk about the colors in the rainbow now some people use letters to remember the names of the colors in the rainbow now these letters are our o Y B G I V if you say it's not a word but you can say Roy good which is not a word however each letter is the name of a color so we'll see if the assistants know the names of the colors so let's start with Susan what's the first one red yes red okay Allie orange orange yes Isabel yellow yes yellow okay Susan Ballou Holly green Isabel I don't know this one okay I thought maybe you wouldn't I is for indigo it's a kind of dark blue okay indigo indigo good girl okay Susan the last one I don't know it okay V is for violet it's a kind of flower this color okay so now you know another way to remember the colors in the rainbow and the colors in English also now let's look at our clothing and we'll talk about what we're wearing today and the colors so let's start with Isabel what are you wearing today I'm wearing yet dark blue sweater and blue jeans I'm wearing a ring and earrings yes good all right Susan what are you wearing I am wearing a grey shirt and black pants and drink okay good and Allie what are you wearing Oh what am I wearing you tell me what I'm wearing okay you are aware the blouse it is beige brown and blue and you are wearing brown pants Brown actually they're black only okay now it's time for you to look and listen look and listen in the summer we were shorts and sandals in the winter he wears blue jeans a sweater and boots in the spring she wears pants a sweater and a jacket she usually wears a skirt he often wears a suit and tie read and repeat now let's look a little bit more at the present continuous now remember the present continuous is used for the present time but action now okay so something is happening now now the simple present simple present is for facts habits and routines now let's look at a combination of these now here's an example I smoke cigarettes I smoke cigarettes this is a fact it's my habit and it's my routine unfortunately okay that is my habit now I smoke cigarettes but I am not smoking a cigarette now this is my habit I smoke cigarettes when I'm not smoking a cigarette now okay so this is present continuous action now are actually not action now so this is the simple present this is the present continuous okay and remember the formula is being so am is are and the verb with ink on the end okay now this one changes this one doesn't change so this is the one that does the work and so for example I am wearing jeans she is not wearing a jacket now so I am wearing jeans she is not wearing a jacket here's the question is he wearing jeans yeah yes he is or no he isn't now remember if the question begins with a be verb it's a yes/no question then you answer with the right be verb okay now we can also ask information questions so let me make some room here here's some information questions what are you wearing I am wearing jeans what are you wearing I am wearing jeans okay now I'm going to ask some questions our assistants will answer them we are going to look at some pictures on the screen now you think about the answers and our assistants will think too so first we have a picture that Ali is going to tell us a little bit about this picture they are playing basketball okay are they doing anything else they are jumping good okay what is the girl wearing the girl is wearing green blouse the boy has a brown hair the boy has red shirts and the girl has yellow hair the ball is orange okay that's good all right so jumping is good that's not a verb that we've seen very much so they're jumping okay now here's one for Susan tell us about the photo I think they are coupled they are cooking spaghetti and the kettle is boiling good a man is holding bread and the women is mixing the sauce okay the woman is mixing the sauce good is the woman smiling yes she does yes she is yes she is good okay now here is another photo Isabel tell us something about the next picture he is working at the computer he is touching the keyboard and he is wearing a white shirt and a tie yes good all right now let's change a little bit and we're going to talk about the body now let's look at the parts of the body quickly you look on your screen and listen as I tell you what these things are so this is the body first the face the mouth the lips one lip two lips one tooth many teeth the tongue here's the face again hair the hair the ear eyebrow cheek chin okay so there's the face and nose we can't forget the nose and the eye she has brown eyes forehead and now here's somebody else's body okay let's look at his body the neck shoulder back arm chest here's her body and inside you can see the stomach here is part of the body the elbow another part is the wrist and here's the hand the thumb and a finger more body this is the leg the thigh the knee here's the foot the ankle and the toe here's the right hand and the left hand let's practice I'm going to ask you some questions now Ali where does a person have a headache it's in his head haha yes it's all in our heads okay Isabelle what other aches are there stomach ache to take earache and backache yes good okay now spell stomachache s T oh I'm a ch8 8e yeah very good okay now Susan what parts of our body can be sore hmm let's see a short rope shore hands short food and a short oh but I think like that yes good okay a lot of things can be sore but I hope not all at the same time okay Allie what parts of the body can we break we can break a leg and a big wrist a finger enik hunt okay alright there's a lot that we can break now I hope that you are all very careful don't break anything okay now let's make some room here and we're going to talk about prepositions again prepositions in English are very small but very important and so we're going to practice a little bit more now again we're going to talk about at in and on at in on now remember that we use these prepositions to talk about places where things are now we use in let's do in first four towns cities and countries towns cities and countries we use on for streets okay and we use at for a special place where maybe two streets meet okay like a corner okay so in on and at now let's look at some examples of sentences with these prepositions now we're going to do in now remember let's see in is for general or large spaces and here are some examples he lives in Paris he lives in Paris the children are in school the children are in school is a place the pen is in the bag okay now the pen is small and the bags big okay in the bag now with on remember on is for flat surfaces or lines like a street or a road okay this is a flat surface so I live on this street I live on this street the book is on the table the book is on the table and there is a picture on the wall there is a picture on the wall okay so these are flat surfaces or lines now let's talk about at and remember that at is four special places or where two lines meet okay so for example he works at the bank he works at the bank this is a special place we can meet at the corner of the street okay and remember the corner is where two streets meet we can meet at the corner of the street and I see my friends at the cafe I see my friends at the cafe this also is a special place okay now we can talk about these prepositions when we talk about where objects are so let me make some room here and we'll do a little bit more with prepositions okay now remember that the preposition comes before the place before the place so here's some sentences there is a mirror on the wall is there a TV in the living room are there any books on the table there are some people at the corner of the street okay so here we have a corner at the corner of the street okay now with their remember that the real subject comes after the verb so you have to look here and then look back to get the right verb so here are some examples there is a stove in the kitchen there is one only one so we look back to make it is there is a stove there are four chairs around the table there are four chairs around the table so this is plural because you have four chairs so we look back to have our so chairs are okay so remember this about there is and there are now let's practice by asking some questions now I also want you to remember any and some so let's look at my picture and answer my questions about it and let's start with Allie are there any books on the table Allie yes there are three books on the table okay now you ask Susan Susan is there a sofa in the living room yes there is a sofa in the living room okay Susan asked Isabel Isabel is there any furniture in the garden no there isn't any furniture in the garden yes okay now you ask Allie Allie are there any people in the kitchen no there aren't any people in the kitchen okay great now let's do a little bit of last review and we're going to talk about articles first so now we need to use the articles out and the and nothing when we news use nouns only when do we use app we use a then the word begins with a consonant good can you give me an example yes for example we say a table the word table begins with Asante T is a consonant good okay do we say I university or an University we say a university because the word university begins with a sound why why is not evolved okay it starts with the yeah sound so University so we don't use and we use app because of the you sound University okay Isabel we use an wonder word has a wall sound can you give me an example yes we say an Italian sofa Italian begins with a I sound it's a constant it's not a consonant it's a while it's a vowel yes good okay do we say a hour or an hour we say an hour our sound is not a consonant it's a while okay so it starts with an O sound okay and Susan do we use a or an with non countable nouns no we don't we only use a or an with countable nouns or adjectives with the account will now just scream can you give me an example please yes for example we can say a table or an American television but we can't say a furniture because furniture is non countable now yes good it's about how do we usually use the we use the when we talk about specific person thing or place okay can you give me an example for example I go to the bank this means the bank that I usually go yes that you usually use okay all right now it's time for you to look and listen look and listen there is some furniture in the bedroom is there an umbrella in the bedroom there isn't any water in the bathroom there are some chairs in the kitchen read and repeat listen and write listen to these words and write them down number one tables tables number two ARM arm number three Furniture Furniture number four yellow yellow number five stomachache stomachache number six dentist dentist number seven fridge fridge number eight sit down sit down number nine pants pants number ten snowing snowing now check your work number one tables number two arm number three furniture number four yellow number five stomachache number six dentist number seven fridge number eight sit down number nine pants number ten snowing now listen to these sentences and write them down number one I am going to the dentist because I have a toothache I am going to the dentist because I have a toothache number two is there any milk in the fridge is there any milk in the fridge number three there aren't any people wearing blue jeans in class today there aren't any people wearing blue jeans in class today number four because it was sunny she told the children to go and play outside in the garden because it was sunny she told the children to go and play outside in the garden number five she usually gets up at 7:30 in the morning she usually gets up at 7:30 in the morning number six I am buying some new furniture on the weekend I am buying some new furniture on the weekend number seven he is going to the supermarket do you want anything he is going to the supermarket do you want anything number eight touch your toes touch your toes number nine my mother's birthday is on the 28th of October my mother's birthday is on the 28th of October number 10 May is the third month of spring May is the third month of spring now check your work number one I am going to the dentist because I have a toothache number two is there any milk in the fridge number three there aren't any people wearing blue jeans in class today number four because it was sunny she told the children to go and play outside in the garden number five she usually gets up at 7:30 in the morning number six I am buying some new furniture on the weekend number seven he is going to the supermarket do you want anything number eight touch your toes number nine my mother's birthday is on the 28th of October number ten May is the third month of spring now read the story and answer the questions about it read and answer it is my friend's birthday on Saturday she was born on the 17th of April she will be 21 years old this year I'm going to buy her a pink sweater for her birthday some of her friends are buying her chocolates but she told me that she doesn't like chocolate because it gives her a toothache and she hates going to the dentist the party starts at 8:30 on Saturday night she is having the party in her living room so she is moving all the furniture out of the living room to make space for people to dance I don't know what to wear for the party I usually like wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt but I want to look smart for the party on Friday afternoon I'm going to both shopping for some new clothes for the party I hope that it's going to be sunny on Friday when I go shopping I don't like going out if the weather is cold and rainy now listen to the questions and write your answers number 1 when is my friend's birthday when is my friend's birthday number 2 what am I going to buy her for her birthday what am I going to buy her for her birthday number 3 why doesn't she like eating chocolate why doesn't she like eating chocolate number 4 what do I usually like wearing what do I usually like wearing number 5 which room is she having the party in which room is she having the party in number six what time is the party going to start on Saturday what time is the party going to start on Saturday number seven where am I going on Friday afternoon where am I going on Friday afternoon number eight what do I want the weather to be like on Friday what do I want the weather to be like on Friday number nine why is my friend going to move the furniture from the living room why is my friend going to move the furniture from the living room number ten which season is my friend's birthday in which season is my friend's birthday in now check your answers number one when is my friend's birthday your friend's birthday is on the 17th of April number two what am I going to buy her for her birthday you are going to buy her a pink sweater number three why doesn't she like eating chocolate she doesn't like eating chocolate because it gives her a toothache number four what do I usually like wearing you usually like wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt number five which room is she having the party in she's having a party in the living room number six what time is the party going to start on Saturday the party is going to start at 8:30 on Saturday night number 7 where am I going on Friday afternoon you are going shopping on Friday afternoon number 8 what do I want the weather to be like on Friday you want the weather to be sunny on Friday number 9 why is my friend going to move the furniture from the living room she is going to move the furniture to make space for people to dance number 10 which season is my friend's birthday in your friend's birthday is in the spring all right we'll see you next time you
Channel: English For You
Views: 292,203
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Keywords: دروس, English, english for you 80 cd, intermediate, تعليم, free english, learning english, English for you, اللغة, kolay ingilizce, Key English, learn english free, apprendre, education, الانكليزية, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, how are you, full english, IELTS, easy english, TOEFL, for, TOEIC, free english learn, iTEP, ingilizce, beginner, learn english easy, learn english, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce cd, PTE, ingilizce öğren, Education (Word), you, english lesson, elementary, ECPE
Id: BppFoENt9ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 17sec (3497 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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