Beginner Levels - Lesson 20: What did you do yesterday?

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hello see this how are you today now Susan did you have a good day yesterday I don't understand that's okay yesterday was in the past and we're going to talk about the past today now things that happened in the past happened before now so yesterday yesterday is the word for the day before today yesterday happened before today it happened before now now to talk about the past we use verbs in the past tense in the past tense and today we're going to talk about the simple past tense okay now we use the simple past tense to talk about events in the past that are finished some verbs in English are called irregular verbs irregular verbs these are special verbs we saw some of them in the present tense now irregular verbs change in the past tense and today we'll talk about a few important irregular verbs now first we're going to look at the verb beat B okay now here we go we'll look at in the present and the past so we say I am I am in the past we say I was I was okay next we have you are in the past you were so you are you were now he is he is he was in the past and of course she is she was it is it was okay now we are we were we were you you are you were and they are they were so again I am was I was you are you were he is he was she is she was it is it was we are we were you are you were they are you were okay so I and he/she/it are a little bit different okay now you can see on the monitor a chart of how this works we have present past positive and negative okay so I am I was I was here I wasn't here you are you were you were here you weren't here then he is he was he was here he wasn't here with she she is she was she was here she wasn't here with it it is it was it was here it wasn't here we we are we were we were here we weren't here you you are you were you were here you weren't here and they they are they were they were here they weren't here okay so here's an example of how it looks in a chart now the four forms of the negative past are was not and we're not was not I was not he was not she was not we're not you were not they were not for example okay now to make them shorter we say wasn't and weren't okay now it's shorter I wasn't you weren't okay so was not becomes wasn't were not becomes weren't now let's look at all of them in a question this is a yes/no question so here we go was I hmm was I were you was he she or it were we were you and were hey okay so again was I were you was he was she was it where we were you were they okay so this will make questions for yes/no questions now a question B can have short answers now here's some examples of some questions and some answers so here's one question were you in Taksim yesterday were you in Taksim yesterday no I wasn't were you in Taksim yesterday no I wasn't another one was I at home yesterday was I at home yesterday no you weren't no you worked was I at home yesterday no you weren't was it hot yesterday no it wasn't was it hot yesterday no it wasn't okay so these are all in the past now let me ask you some questions all right Susan were you in class yesterday yes I was in class yesterday Oh II was Susan in class yesterday yes Susan was in class yesterday Isabel was I in class yesterday yes you whirring cross yesterday yes Ally where Sean Penn and Julia Roberts in class yesterday no they went no not this class Isabel we're Susan and I in class yesterday yes you are and Susan were you and Isabelle in class yesterday yes we were good all right now let's talk about some time words these are words that we use in the simple past okay or in the past in general time words all right here we go the first one you've seen yesterday yesterday all right so for example today is Tuesday yesterday was Monday today is Tuesday yesterday was Monday and we can say something like yesterday morning yesterday morning today is Tuesday yesterday morning was Monday morning yesterday morning today is Tuesday yesterday morning was Monday morning now we get the day before yesterday the day before yesterday so the day before yesterday before yesterday happened two days before today so for example Monday Tuesday oops Monday Sunday Saturday so Saturday is the day before yesterday okay last night now it's only last night we don't say yesterday night this is the night before today okay last night not yesterday night last weekend this is the weekend before today so last weekend is the weekend before today okay let me make some space and I'll show you some more last week last week the week before the week we are in so last week is the week before the week we are in last month this is getting easier the month before the month oops we are in the month before the month we are in January December June May last year the year before the year we are in last year the year before the year we are in two thousand five two thousand four two thousand four two thousand three okay now these words all tell about when something happened in the past now let's look at a calendar for August 2004 you can see the calendar on your screen now let's say today is 17th of August 2004 now we're going to look at some sentences and fill in the blanks so let me make some space here on the board and then we'll have the assistants answer the questions but you look at the sentences and you think about the words that go in there okay now and we're going to do these one by one here's the first one today is Tuesday and Susan you're going to do this one Susan today is Tuesday yesterday was Monday yes good uh-huh yesterday yesterday was Monday today is Tuesday yesterday was Monday okay Isabelle here's one for you the morning of 16th August was Isabelle the morning August 16th August was yesterday morning yes good girl yesterday morning the morning of 16th August was yesterday morning okay Ally of course this one is for you the evening of 16th August was was the evening of 16th August was last night yes good last night okay not yesterday night last night right okay so bail for you Sunday 15th for August was Sunday 15 August was the day before yesterday yes good the day before yesterday okay Sunday the 15th of August was the day before yesterday okay Susan here's one for you Saturday 14th August and Sunday 15th August August were Saturday 14th August and Sunday 15 August were last weekend just good were last weekend Saturday 14th of August and Sunday 15th August were last weekend okay Ally for you Wednesday 11th August was a day when is day 11 August was a day which is lost Wednesday okay it was a day last week okay easy okay so again Wednesday 11th August was a day last week last week yes uh-huh okay so Wednesday 11th August was a day last week izabel the days between 8th August and 14th August we're all days okay the days between 8th August and 14th August we're all days lost weight just good girl all right the days between 8th August and 14th August were all days last week okay Susan this one's kind of easy was July last month was July last month was July and Olli an easy one for you last year was 2003 yes last year was 2003 last year was 2003 okay so you can see all of these time words and you can see the past tense verbs okay now let's practice some more Isabelle were you in France last week no I wasn't I was in Turkey ah uh were you in France last month no I wasn't I was in France last year ah okay Susan were you in Malaysia last week no I was in Turkey last week I was in Malaysia last month ah okay Ali were you and Susan in class the day before yesterday no we weren't the day before yesterday was Sunday there weren't any classes last weekend yes that's right very good and thank you all right now it's time to look and listen look and listen I was in class yesterday you weren't at home last night Jose was in Istanbul last weekend it was hot last week we were at home yesterday morning you two girls were in France last month the teachers were in Germany last year greed and repeat simple past tense irregular verbs now we're going to look at some irregular verbs that we use a lot in English the first one is go go first we'll look at the simple past positive and then we'll look at the simple past negative and you can see the patterns now if you look at your screen you will see what go looks like in the past first I go I went I didn't go you go you went you didn't go he goes he went he didn't go she goes she went she didn't go it goes it went it didn't go we go we went we didn't go you go you went you didn't go they go they went they didn't go okay now the next one that we're going to look at is doo doo doo is very important because it's a helping verb so let's look and see again at the simple past positive and the negative so here we go I do I did I didn't do you do you did you didn't do hee does he did he didn't do she does she did she didn't do it does it did it didn't do we do we did we didn't do you do you did you didn't do they do they did they didn't do okay now you're beginning to see the pattern and here's one more have again have is very important because it's also a helping verb and we use it a lot in English and again we'll look at the simple past positive and negative so here we go with have I have I had I didn't have you have you had you didn't have he has he had he didn't have she has she had she didn't have it has it had it didn't have we have we had we didn't have you have you had you didn't have they have they had they didn't have now notice that the simple past tense is the same for I you she he it we you and they for all of these the simple past is the same no change no s all the same went went went it did had had had okay so it's very important to remember now with questions we use the helping verb do except we use did so for questions we use did so for a yes/no question did subject and then the verb for a question so did for example did you go okay this is the past this one changes this one is normal always okay so let's look at some examples for questions now we'll make some room here and I'll show you some examples did you go to the doctor did you go to the doctor here's the helping verb and here's the normal verb okay another example did she do the lesson did she do the lesson again did and the normal verb did they have eggs for breakfast did they have eggs for breakfast here's the helping verb in the past and the normal verb okay so these are the same and then these are different according to the verb so again did you go to the doctor did she do the lesson did they have eggs for breakfast now let's look at making them negative we saw this on the screen earlier so with these we use didn't or did not so here we go I didn't go to the doctor so again we have the helping verb not and the normal verb okay this is in the past she didn't do the lesson she didn't do the lesson helping verb not do and they didn't have eggs for breakfast they didn't have eggs for breakfast helping verb not normal verb so again I didn't go to the doctor she didn't do the lesson they didn't have eggs for breakfast okay so this is very important for the past now I'm going to ask some questions and I want you to give one positive and one negative answer and you can use full or short answers so only did you go to school yesterday yes I went yesterday I didn't go today before yesterday okay only did you do your homework yes I did my homework yesterday I didn't do it last week Oh Susan did you go to France last month no I didn't go to France I went to Malaysia ah did you go to work on Friday Isabelle yes I went to work on Friday but I didn't go on Thursday I was ill oh I'm sorry did you have a fever no I didn't have a fever I had a stomachache oh I'm sorry did you go to the doctor no I didn't I went home I had some tea and went to that yes good did you have a stomachache too Susan no I didn't have stomachache I had a headache ah and what did you do I didn't do anything I went to bed well I hope you feel much better soon all right now it's time to look and listen look and listen I went to class yesterday you didn't go to Istanbul last week he went to Germany last weekend the eggs didn't break I did my homework the girls didn't buy bread greed and repeat simple past tense regular verbs now one way to remember words for the past is to look at a timeline you can see the timeline on the screen we have now and then we look into the past we see yesterday last night last week last month those are the time words and then some of the past verbs are was were went did and had now we make the past tense for most other verbs by adding IDI this is for regular verbs okay so we add IDI for regular verbs sometimes this is a little different and we will see this okay now let's look at how we spell some of the regular verbs that you already use or that you have seen in class there are five groups of spelling rules the first one is to add IDI easy okay now here are some examples listen listened look looked wash washed work worked okay so for these groups of so for verbs in this group we only add IDI so again listen listened look looked wash washed work worked Oh a now the second group for spelling is if there is already an e we only add D okay so here's some example use there's already an e so we just say used only deep like there's already an e liked and live there's already an e lived okay so for verbs with that already have e we only add D so we have use used like liked live lived okay now the third group is this some verbs are very short they end in a consonant we have to make two consonants and then II D so consonant + e D so here's some examples stop stop okay it's a short word use the consonant and a vowel so this one becomes stopped stopped PE D okay we need this for the sound alright okay we'll see some more examples later the fourth one is verbs that end in Y consonant why we take out the Y and we make it ie D now here's some examples study we have a consonant and a Y now we take this out and we say studied okay the Y becomes an i and then we add IDI this one is special here's another one try take out the y TR make an eye Edie okay so though consonant Y the Y becomes an eye Edie okay so study studied try tried and the first one if it's a vowel plus y so let's vow plus y it's normal okay so for example play you have a vowel and why play played okay this one you have to remember it because it's probably the most difficult one consonant why ie D vowel why normal okay now let's practice with these verbs and I'm going to have the assistance help in this and first let me make some room on the board now I'm going to give you some sentences and you're going to change them to the past tense for example I listen to the teacher I listened to the teacher okay so present tense I listen to the teacher past I listened to the teacher okay now Isabelle here's your sentence you live in France Isabelle you lived in France spell the word Isabelle L I we e do mm-hmm yes good you lived in France okay and what's special about this verb it ants with me yes so it ends with E you only add D oops we need a period okay now only here's your sentence we study English we studied English okay spell it s T u the I II D okay and why did you change it it ends with why yes it ends with why you'd have to become I good okay um now Susan here's your sentence we play baseball we played baseball okay we played oops I should ask you to spell it too late we played baseball okay now here's a why it didn't change why because of the little because of the vowel yes good okay now ollie here's your sentence I wash my blouse I washed my blouse okay spell it W a s H II D yes good mm-hmm I'm sure you don't have a blouse ollie okay now Susan here's your sentence he looks tired today he looked tired yesterday okay good spell it L o o k e d yes he looked tired yesterday good this is past of today oh Ysabel here's one the managers work today the managers worked yesterday yes the managers spell it w o r KP yes good the managers worked yesterday very good pronunciation now let's work on some pronunciation now it doesn't matter if you know the words this is for the sound of the past tense and so we'll make some different groups now we saw five spelling groups now we're going to look at pronunciation groups okay now for example sometimes we have Edie sometimes it sounds like Edie sometimes it sounds like too so we're going to look at these groups now after long vowel sounds like play we have a played we have this sound played only D okay played no Edie okay played here's another word with long vowel sound this is long e so agreed agreed okay and of course this one has e so it's only D and then we have tri now this is long I found I so tried tried okay so again play played long aid agree agreed long eed try tried long I'd and we have two more show showed okay showed long old showed boo-boo food this one is a little bit special this is just a sound we say so Edie but this is a long you sound the so again play long a played agree long II agreed try long I sound tried show long o sound showed boo long you sound booed okay so this is the group now here we go again we can say all of these words played agreed tried showed and booed okay now there's another group that has consonant sounds let's do this we're here and this one also is with the same group but the spelling is a little bit different okay so these are some consonant sounds we have rub the rubbed rubbed and notice two bees okay it's a short word with a consonant BB rubbed okay another one sag sag sagged again we have the consonant short word sagged to G's loved loved loved okay here's the consonant remember this one is silent e is silent loved okay slam slam a door slam the slammed okay so again two M's because it's small and it slammed open open opened opened and closed closed closed okay so notice these rub rubbed sag sagged loved loved slam slammed open opened closed closed okay so these are the consonants that are followed by the sound now let's say these again we have rubbed you say them at home sagged loved slammed opened closed okay now another group is kind of special because it's edy it's the easy writing but it's the sound okay now look at these words watch watched okay too we write it like this but we say watched COFF COFF right coughed coughed smoked smoked smoked stopped now remember this one short with a consonant so double p stopped stopped wash washed kiss kiss kissed fixed fixed okay now if you look at the kinds of sounds here we have two focaccia and okay kind of F and soft sounds so again we have watched you say them at home coughed smoked stopped washed kissed fixed okay good now I want you to see one more group and this one is kind of normal and this one is Edie so for example decide D side did decide decided alright there's an e so we only add D start and started start started now these are with D and T Edie okay for those sounds decided and started okay these ones are normal now let's practice let me make some room here first and I'm going to give you some verbs you're going to make them into the past and then we're going to put them in groups now remember our assistance will help but you guess first now worry walk want stay hope list carry like visit okay so we're going to work with worry walk want stay hope list carry like visit now I want the assistants to tell me what these are in the past tense and then we'll work with them some more so first of all only what's the past tense of worry variate can you spell it w o r r e í ë ð yeah good okay why is there an eye it ends with why it ends with y and there's a consonant before it okay Isabelle walked spell it walk21 want want it spell it W a and T E D mm-hmm good all right Isabelle your next state spell it as T a why II D yes good and Susan hope helped spell it h o P in D yes good all right Holly list listed lol i s PE d if it and Isabelle carry carries spell it see a are are I II D yes good and Susan like liked spell it L ikev2 leave is it visited V I site24x7 where does worried go it has the sound it goes under the yeah yes worried okay and Ally where does walked go what is it t ending it goes under t okay to walked all right Isabel weirdoes wanted go wanted has an IDI ending it goes under ad okay walked oops wanted wanted okay all right only weirdest stayed go state it has it the ending it goes under the F stayed all right Isabelle where does where does hole go hoped has a tea and link it goes under t hoped hoped mm-hmm okay listed Susan list it has an good ending it goes under ed yes listed yes uh-huh okay Isabel where does carried go carry it has the ending it goes under day yes carried and Susan what about liked liked has a to ending it goes under - yes liked alright and Ally where does visited go visit it has a it ending it goes under it yes visited okay so we can see from these we have the three groups of the worried stayed carried the top words walked hoped liked and words wanted listed visited okay now this is the chart that you made and it'll help you to remember these things you can make the chart at home with all of these verbs but now it's time to look and listen look and listen I washed my hands before breakfast you smoked a pipe Lisa worried about her sisters broken arm ally liked his new shoes we carried the Timbers you listened to the students baseball players enjoyed the game read and repeat listen I'm right now it's time to listen and write listen to these words and phrases and write them down number one yesterday yesterday number two yesterday morning yesterday morning number three last night last night number four last week last week number five last year last year now check your work number one yesterday number two yesterday morning number three last night number four last week number five last year good now it's time for the sentences listen and write the sentences number one Isabelle stayed home last night Isabelle stayed home last night number two Lisa didn't have a headache yesterday Lisa didn't have a headache yesterday number three you went to America last year you went to America last year number four Ali and Lisa didn't do their homework Ali and Lisa didn't do their homework number five we were in the office on Thursday last week we were in the office on Thursday last week now check your work number one Isabelle stayed home last night number two Lisa didn't have a headache yesterday number three you went to America last year number four Ali and Lisa didn't do their homework number five we were in the office on Thursday last week now read the story and answer the questions about it read and answer Nick and Tom went to America last month for two weeks they lived with Tom's brother in Chicago they had a nice bedroom they did many things Nick enjoyed the sports Tom's brother and Nick were able to go to some American football and basketball games Tom didn't go to any games he didn't watch them on TV the weather was sunny and warm Tom went sailing on Lake Michigan Nick was ill he didn't like the water sometimes Tom and Nick went to restaurants they both liked the restaurants they were in Chicago a short time but they had fun now listen to the questions and write the answers number 1 will did Nick and Tom go to America when did Nick and Tom go to America number 2 did they go to a hotel did they go to a hotel number 3 did they have an ugly bedroom did they have an ugly bedroom number 4 what did Nick enjoy in Chicago what did Nick enjoy in Chicago number 5 what did Tom do what did Tom do number six was the weather nice was the weather nice number seven did Tom enjoy the basketball games did Tom enjoy the basketball games number eight why didn't neck like saline why didn't Nick like saline number nine our Nick and Tom still in Chicago our Nick and Tom still in Chicago number ten did Nick and Tom have fun did Nick and Tom have fun now check your work number when when did Nick and Tom go to America they went to America last month number two did they go to a hotel no they lived with Tom's brother number three did they have an ugly bedroom no they had a nice bedroom number four what did Nick enjoy in Chicago Nick enjoyed the sports he also liked the restaurants number five what did Tom do Tom went sailing number six was the weather nice yes the weather was sunny and warm number seven did Tom enjoy the basketball games no Tom didn't go to the basketball games and didn't watch them on TV number eight why didn't Nick like sailing Nick was ill number nine our Nick and Tom still in Chicago no they were in Chicago for a short time number ten did Nick and Tom have fun yes they had fun all right very good work and we'll see you next time practicing English Oh Jack hi it's me Angie hi Angie how are you feeling are you feeling better this afternoon yes I'm feeling a little better I had a sore throat and cough this morning but I am better now yeah we missed you lunch today we had nothing to talk about without you there very funny I called to find out what happened there today how'd it go hey well your students are great what did you teach today I was great in the class too I talked about regular and irregular verbs I'm sorry I put you in a hard situation I can't believe I was sick this morning I was really happy to be in your class instead of you I really like your class okay so what else happened today what I miss yeah we're having a dance party soon Jack that's a pretty good report I have to call Lexi now will you come to school tomorrow Angie I'm not sure yet I want to but I will see how I feel tomorrow okay see you later bye bye hi Lexi oh hi Angie how are you feeling are you still sick I'm not sure I had a bad cough in a sore throat this morning I feel okay now but I've taken some cold medicine well I was with the guys today at lunch we missed having you around of course we talked about you thanks Lexi so what else did you talk about at lunch oh I heard that your English course is having a dance party I heard that from Jack a few moments ago will you come I'd love to but I'm not from English time I don't think I can come and I haven't been invited Alexi come on of course you can come I'm inviting you would you please be my dance partner at the dance party that's very kind of you Angie I'd love to be there with you uh I can't turn you down of course I'll come thanks for accepting my invitation Alexi I have to say bye now see you soon see you later Angie my hello hi Sam it's me did you miss me today do you mean that you weren't in school today no I didn't notice ha ha ha ha I know you missed me at lunch and at school who did you talk to you since I wasn't there yeah I said but the Carrie she's very good at talking about everything so you enjoyed yourself at lunch then it's of course lunchtime is my favorite time I was wondering what is new on the social scene well Jim Pete has asked about you I heard that already Jim Peters asked about me ok ok sorry that was the big story of the day hmm what else happens oh well do you know that green Martians invaded the school during the last hour of the day and kidnapped all the teachers into outer space mmm that is more interesting than Jeff Peters ok bye you you
Channel: English For You
Views: 704,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, English for you, you, learn english easy, for, دروس, kolay ingilizce, Key English, ingilizce ogren, PTE, اللغة, ingilizce, free english learn, education, تعليم, learn english free, iTEP, apprendre, Education (Word), easy english, learning english, English, elementary, free english, learn english, beginner, TOEIC, ingilizce öğren, ECPE, TOEFL, الانكليزية, full english, IELTS, how are you, english lesson, intermediate, english for you 80 cd, ingilizce cd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 44sec (4184 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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