Beginner Levels - Lesson 19: What sports can you play?

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hello students how are you today we're going to talk about sports now some sports are games games and games are usually played by two or more people so games are usually played by two or more people some games are called team sports team sports team sports have two teams and each team has two or more people okay so with team sports have two teams and each team has two or more people in team sports one team wins the other team loses okay now let's look at some names of some popular team sports okay we have baseball baseball especially in America basketball basketball now we have football in America and Canada football in America and Canada is different we also have football which is called soccer okay so these would kinds of football are different American football and football also known as soccer there's also hockey hockey and volleyball ollie it's Molly ball okay so here are some team sports baseball basketball American football football in the rest of the world also soccer hockey and volleyball okay now some games are played in teams but they're only played with one or two people and these games I tell you two examples one example is golf golf and tennis tennis so usually only two people okay sometimes only one all right now let's talk about the verb to play to play now when we use these names we use play in the present tense so for example I play golf I play golf notice no the no the no app no okay I play golf only okay you play baseball you play baseball she plays basketball she plays basketball they play football they play football we play hockey we play hockey you play tennis you play tennis and here's another one oh and they play football again they play football we have it twice but that's all right okay all right so I play golf you play baseball she plays basketball all they play football we play hockey you play tennis and they play football again now this means that I play golf usually on a regular basis okay this is normal okay now for the negative let me do the negative for the negative you've seen this before we use don't I don't play uh-huh or she doesn't play haha okay so for example I don't play tennis I don't play tennis okay you don't play games you don't play games she doesn't play hockey she doesn't play hockey and they don't play football they don't play football so again I don't play tennis you don't play games she doesn't play hockey they don't play football okay so this is in the negative now I'm going to ask some questions of course now the question is do you play a team sport do you play a team sport now tell me yes or no and tell me the sport that you play and let's start with Ollie Ollie do you play a team sport yes I play football Isabel do you play a team sport no I don't play a team sport I play tennis but I don't play on a team I play tennis with my sister and I usually win oh very good okay Susan do you play a team sport yes I play football and Ollie do you play hockey no I don't okay thank you very much and now it's time to look and listen look and listen the students don't play hockey you play basketball she plays tennis with her sister I don't play football we never play hockey in the summer she always plays volleyball on the weekends read and repeats you storms present continuous tense now let's look again at the present continuous tense with sports now we use a form of B usually with the present is or R plus the verb plus ing okay so is there are and we should have a mean here plus the verb plus ing and this verb will be the verb for play plus the game here's an example the students are are playing football the students are playing football it means they are playing football now right now okay now we're going to look at some pictures on the screen and I'm going to ask some questions about them so let's start with Isabel Isabel what is this woman doing she is playing golf all right okay she is playing golf now Allie you're next what are the men doing they are playing basketball yes they are playing basketball Susan you're next Susan what are these people doing those people are playing hockey yes they're playing hockey Ollie are you playing football right now no I'm not Susan are you playing volleyball now no I am NOT Isabel are you playing tennis now no I'm not what are you doing I'm studying English good work okay now I'm going to ask you some more questions it's about how many people play volleyball six and what do they use they use a net and a bowl yes where do they play they flew they play in a gym and on the beach yes okay Ally what do football players wear heavier shorts and shirts yes and shoes I should say - and where do they play they play on the field sometimes they play inside well good Susan how many players are on a basketball team five where do they play they play in a jean yes who plays basketball women or men women and men play basket yes women and men that's very good okay now it's time to look and listen look and listen the boys are playing baseball she is playing tennis Lisa isn't playing tennis the teacher and the students are playing a game they are playing golf read and repeat individual sports now let's talk about individual sports when a person can do a sport alone one person we call that an individual sport individual sport okay individual means one person okay now let's look at some names for individual sports here we go bowling bowling hiking hiking ice skating ice skating sailing sailing scuba diving scuba diving skiing skiing look at the spelling of this okay this is not an English word so it's skiing two eyes together special and swimming swimming okay so again bowling hiking ice skating sailing scuba diving skiing and swimming notice we're swimming there's two M's swimming okay now we don't say that we play these sports we don't say play no okay there's two ways we can do it let's talk about the first one we use goal plus the in part of this so we've seen these in okay so let me give you some examples ah let me write them here so this is what we how we say that we do these sports I go ice skating every winter I go ice skating every winter go ice skating every winter you go sailing in the summer you go sailing in the summer go mm okay he goes goes scuba diving on weekends he goes scuba diving on weekends we go swimming two M's at the beach we go swimming at the beach you you usually go skiing in Switzerland the Alps okay you usually go skiing in Switzerland and they sometimes go hiking in the country this is outside the city they sometimes go hiking in the country so again I go ice skating every winter you go sailing in the summer he goes scuba diving on weekends we go swimming at the beach you usually go skiing in Switzerland they sometimes go hiking in the country okay now these are all with go the name of the sport in Ok Go all right now I want to talk about prepositions with this with these and let me give you some examples we use prepositions of place or location and this is very important okay we use a we do not use prepositions of direction only prepositions of place or location okay so again prepositions of place or location are used after go+ sport name Plus Inc look we go swimming at the beach we go swimming at the beach not to not to the beach we go swimming at the beach not to the beach another example you usually go skiing in Switzerland you usually go skiing in Switzerland not to not to in Switzerland and they sometimes go hiking in in the country in not - okay so we use prepositions of location not direction - is direction okay now let's look at these action verbs a little bit differently and I'll show you a different ways that you can use them without Inc now we saw going this one is without Inc we can use the simple present verb to talk about these sports and here are some examples I ice skate every winter I ice skate every winter it's the same it's a different way but this the same meaning you sail on the lake you sail on the lake we Bowl every Friday night we Bowl every Friday night I scuba dive once a month that means every month one time I scuba dive once a month I never swim after I eat lunch I never swim after I eat lunch it's bad for the stomach she skis in Germany she skis in Germany now again this is special this is not English so only this one is it's very special okay and finally they hike in the mountains they hike in the mountains so again I ice skate every winter you sail on the lake we Bowl every Friday night I scuba dive once a month I never swim after I eat lunch she skis in Germany they hike in the mountains okay so these are the same as go in except it's just a different way that you can do it okay now I'm going to ask some questions about individual sports and I'm going to ask the assistance you can use go mmm or you can use the simple present like this okay so let's start with Susan Susan when do people go scuba diving people scuba dive in doing in the summer in the summer yes my sister goes scuba diving in the Red Sea hmm nice place Isabelle do you ski yes I go skiing every winter hmm and all we do you go sailing yes I go sailing with my father and where do you go sailing we often sail on the Marmara sea near Istanbul oh very nice okay now it's time to look and listen look and listen isabell go skiing on the weekends I never go ice-skating we don't go skiing in the summer we swim in the summer they go sailing every weekend do you go hiking often read and repeat individual sports present continuous tense okay now to talk about individual sports using the present continuous this is how we do it we use the verb be +8 verb in okay this is the present continuous for example I'm ice skating I'm ice skating now okay now let's give you some other examples you were ceiling you are sailing she's scuba diving she's scuba diving now we're swimming mmm we're swimming now you're skiing you're skiing this is an AR and they're hiking they are hiking okay so this is the present continuous for individual sports I'm ice-skating you're sailing she's scuba diving we're swimming you're skiing they are hiking now okay now of course if you we want to make it negative we do like this and you know this but I'll show you again she isn't hiking she isn't hiking me aren't swimming swimming they aren't swimming okay so this is negative now let's look at some pictures on the screen and I'll have some pictures some questions about them and I want you my assistants to tell me what individual sports the people are doing and let's start with Ollie so only what individual sport are they doing they are sailing are they sailing now yes they are sailing now okay Susan what individual sport are they doing they are scuba diving they're scuba diving are they scuba diving now yes they are yes they are Isabel what is the woman doing she is bowling good now Susan one for you what is this man doing he is assuming he's swimming yes now Ollie here comes a picture for you what are these people doing they are skiing yes they're skiing now okay Isabel here comes a picture for you what are these people doing they are hiking yes they're hiking Ollie back to you here comes another picture what is this woman doing she's ice skating she's ice skating Susan are you doing an individual sport right now no I'm not I'm answering your questions yes you are and very good work to all of you and now it's time to look and listen look and listen the students are skiing I'm bowling the teacher is swimming we aren't hiking they aren't scuba diving right now we are ice-skating now read and repeat now we'll talk about a few more sports and then we'll have enough for some individual sports we used do we use do do a sport okay so here's two examples one is karate karate and the other one is gymnastics gymnastics like you see in the Olympics karate and gymnastics for example I do karate I do karate so be careful she does don't forget this does gymnastics she does gymnastics I do karate she does gymnastics okay now the negative looks like this he doesn't do gymnastics he doesn't do gymnastics they don't do karate they don't do karate okay so this is the negative he doesn't do gymnastics they don't do karate all right now let's ask some questions here we go we're going to start with Susan Susan do you do gymnastics no I don't do gymnastics okay you ask Isabelle is that Val do you do gymnastics yes I do gymnastics okay you asked Ollie Ollie do you - character Ollie no I don't do karate my sister does alright very good okay now we're going to review the verbs that we use for sports now I'm going to write the sentence you think about filling in the blank and our assistance will help okay now here's the first sentence n and Jo play basketball every day okay Holly how what are we going to do with this Ben and Joe play basketball every day yes good play basketball every day then and Joe play basketball every day okay Susan here's one for you Hey mm-hmm basketball right now okay Susan what are you gonna do with this they are playing basketball right now yes they are clanging basketball right now good okay Isabel here's one for you Ben's sister swim every week okay Isabel vans sister swims every week swims yes Ben's sister swims every week okay good job Ali she now again you're going to use swim now she is right now okay now Ollie how do you spell swimming s/w I am and I and D yeah good job she is swimming now okay Susan here's one for you the boy karate on Sundays okay the boy does karate on Sundays yes good the boy does karate on Sundays okay and Isabelle he mm-hmm karate now he's doing carrot and now yes he is doing karate now okay so you can see again then enjoy play a bit basketball every day they are playing basketball right now Ben's sister swims every week she is swimming now the boy does karate on Sundays he is doing karate now okay now for you it's time to look and listen look and listen if Jackie Chan doing gymnastics in the film no he is doing karate my cousin is swimming in the Olympics my mother is playing golf today her husband is not playing football today read and repeat ability now we're going to talk about a new verb to talk about ability ability ability okay now the verb that we're going to use is can-can it means that you have the ability so it's usually physical or mental ability to do something so for example the woman is strong she can lift heavy things okay the woman is strong she can lift heavy things so after can we have a verb okay after can is the verb no s no change the basic verb okay so the woman is strong she can lift heavy things here's another example Moustafa can play basketball he knows the rules okay so two different abilities now the negative is can not oops can not or to make it short can't okay this is negative can't here's an example the old woman is weak she's weak she can't lift heavy things okay the old woman is weak she can't lift heavy things all right and here's another one another example Mustafa can't play basketball he can't play basketball he doesn't know the rules Mustafa can't play basketball he doesn't know the rules okay so now this verb always stays the same no s no change the second verb no change okay it's kind of easy no change no change now let me give you some examples and then you can see how it's the same for everybody now oh you don't have to worry about s I can throw ah oh I can throw a ball you can swing ah bat you can swing a bat these are good for that huh she can catch ah all she can catch a ball now there's no s on it no s okay easy she can catch a ball can-can can't we can run we can run you can do gymnastics you can do gymnastics and they can swim they can swim so notice ken is the same can verb can verb all the way through no SS no change no SS no change easy okay this is the ability to do this okay now I'm going to tell you something that I can do and something I can't do for example I can ski but I can't do karate I can ski but I can't do karate okay now I would like you to tell me something that you can do and something that you can't do so let's start with Isabel I can play basketball but I can't play football okay Allie you're next I can say the board but I can scuba dive I can't see him underwater ah okay Susan I can scuba dive but I can't play tennis I can't I don't know the rules ah okay all right thank you very much and now it's time for you to look and listen look and listen she can do karate but she can't do gymnastics they can swim but they can't sail a boat the boy is tall and strong he can play basketball our team can win the game you can't play basketball because you are short she can play volleyball but she can't play football read and repeat now another way that we could talk about ability is with this verb ability this is the second kind be able to verb okay so this will change it's about the same okay as can it equals can mostly okay so now let me give you some examples I'm able to play basketball I'm able to play basketball now here's the B mmm able to play here's the verb basketball I'm able to play basketball you were able to play basketball you're able to play basketball are able to play he's able to play basketball he's able to play basketball we're able to win the game we're able to win the game you're able to win the game you're able to win the game and they're able to win the game they're able to win the game okay now again the B is here so the B changes M R is our R are able to verb okay so only this changes I'm able to play basketball you're able to play basketball he's able to play basketball we are able to win the game you're able to win the game they're able to win the game okay so it's a different way of talking about ability now I'm going to ask the assistance for help this time I want you to tell me what you said before but I want you to use be able to so let's start with Isabelle okay I'm able to play basketball but I'm not able to play football yes only I am able to sail aboard but I am not able to scuba dive I am NOT able to swim underwater yes okay and Susan I am able to scuba dive but I am not able to play tennis I don't know the rules okay all right very good now you're able to look and listen look and listen I'm able to play many sports your leg is broken you're not able to run she's able to do karate the students are able to go swimming on Sunday she is tall she is able to play basketball he is strong he's able to do anything read and repeat you you review now let's do a very quick review and we'll start with Ali Ali who is Michael Jordan he plays basketball can he play football hmm I don't know okay Isabel do you do an individual sport sometimes are you doing an individual sport now no I'm not I'm studying English yes good girl Susan do you play basketball no I don't I'm short do you swim yes I do are you swimming now no I'm not okay good job good job everybody and now it's time to listen and write listen and write listen and write these words number one play baseball play baseball number two going swimming going swimming number three doing karate doing karate number four can play can play number five is able to is able to now check your work number one play baseball number two going swimming number three doing karate number four and play number five is able to now listen and write these sentences number one I play tennis on the weekends I play tennis on the weekends number two my son is playing baseball today my son is playing baseball today number three you are not going sailing today you are not going sailing today number four they can't do gymnastics they can't do gymnastics number five we are able to play this game we are able to play this game now check your work number one I play tennis on the weekends number two my son is playing baseball today number three you are not going sailing today number four they can't do gymnastics number five we are able to play this game now read the story and answer the questions about it read and answer Yasmin and Nick loves sports but they don't play team sports they go bowling on Fridays they play golf every Saturday sometimes they go scuba diving or swimming they can't do gymnastics but Yasmin is able to do karate you can see their picture in today's newspaper in the photo they are sailing Yasmin and Nick are famous now now listen to the questions and answer them number 1 do Nick and Yasmin play team sports do Nick and Yasmin play team sports number 2 what do they do on Fridays what do they do on Fridays number 3 what do they do on Saturdays what do they do on Saturdays number 4 when do they do gymnastics when do they do gymnastics number 5 who can do karate who can do karate number 6 do they swim do they swim number 7 do they sail do they sail number 8 where is Nick and Yasmin's picture where is Nick and Yasmin's picture number nine what are they doing in the picture what are they doing in the picture number ten are they famous are they famous now check your work do Nick and Yasmine play team sports no they don't number two what do they do on Fridays they go bowling number three what do they do on Saturdays they play golf number four when do they do gymnastics never Nick and Yasmine don't do gymnastics number five who can do karate Yasmine can do karate number six do they swim yes they do number seven do they sail yes they do number eight where is Nick and Yasmin's picture their picture is in today's newspaper number nine what are they doing in the picture they are sailing number ten are they famous yes they are all right good job we'll see you next time practicing English so Alexi you really don't know where we going today do you ooh no but I'm very curious I don't know where we're going you will like it we are going somewhere very different okay follow this box oh yeah Wow a horse-riding place I've never seen this before Istanbul is full of surprises but what are we doing here we're taking you horse riding obviously riding I've never been on a horse before I don't know if I can do it Alexei of course you can you've been playing football in Greece since you were small you're in great shape it'll be fun and easy can you all ride a horse yes we can it's not hard you can do it oh but what if I can't well now we'll just have to pick you up well I will try it I hope I can do this look Angie I'm riding by myself you're right this is fun and I can do it you look great on that horse try riding it faster now okay I like riding horses this is great I love this ha I knew he could do this he's a natural on the horse yeah yeah way to this afternoon and we take him to play on our volleyball team I hope he's still having a good time after we play a game of volleyball he's pretty good athlete he likes to play football a lot he plays basketball - I think he can play volleyball you'll be able to use his hand that will be different ah thanks guys that was a lot of fun I enjoyed it a lot we are glad that you had fun what other sports do you play Alexi well the big one of course is football you call it soccer in America people play it from the time they are young in my country what other sports do you play well I'd like to play basketball and now horse riding I like to watch hockey hey I like hockey now I can ride a little maybe I could try polo well now you can ride that's an ability you must have so why not try Sam Aleksey it's almost time to play volleyball Alexi do you remember the rules I showed you yesterday yes I remember great let's go out there and play are you ready okay see you Angie see ya huh yeah yep Oh whoo you really play well today thanks Angie I like the game but my arms are hurting and my leg - I think Alexei played really well today whoo thanks Sam yeah I bet he saw the two hours of horse riding this morning and an afternoon in the park he's got to be tired I am tired I am tired and I'm sore all over you should have a rest now can we play again sometime of course Jack and I play every week we love playing volleyball I'm so happy to be able to play such a great game with good friends ah hello hey buddy what are you doing I'm watching television I just had a hot bath hot bath why I'm in pain that's why my legs hurt from all that horse riding I know I know and I'm sore all over my shoulders neck my ribs hurt too sorry buddy should have thought before taking you on to sporting events in one day you'll be okay tomorrow see you at the cafe okay bye you you
Channel: English For You
Views: 504,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you, learn english, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce cd, Key English, الانكليزية, Education (Word), english for you 80 cd, ECPE, اللغة, TOEFL, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, apprendre, PTE, ingilizce öğren, how are you, English, for, free english, English for you, ingilizce, elementary, easy english, learn english easy, education, دروس, learning english, TOEIC, iTEP, تعليم, learn english free, kolay ingilizce, free english learn, full english, IELTS, beginner, intermediate, english lesson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 55sec (3835 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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