Beginner Levels - Lesson 21: What are you going to do?

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hello students how are you today today we're going to talk more about time first let me ask some questions so Susan what can you tell me about today today is present today has 24 hours it has morning afternoon evening and night to talk about today's night we say tonight we don't say today night okay that's right all right so today is the present and all you tell me about yesterday yesterday is the day before today the night before today is called last night we don't say yesterday night yes that's right okay good thank you now we already know how to use the present continuous to talk about the present time first we're going to talk about how to use the present continuous in this time and then we'll talk about future time so first I'm wearing a blue shirt today I'm wearing a blue shirt today I'm not wearing a black shirt today okay I'm wearing a blue shirt today I'm not wearing a black shirt today actually I am wearing a black shirt today but this is just an example okay here's another one she's reading a book right now she's reading a book right now negative she's not reading a book right now she's not reading a book right now so she's reading a book right now she's not reading a book right now and one more example we're learning English these days we're learning English these days or then we can say we're not learning Chinese okay now in these sentences we use present continuous for the present time now we can also use present continuous to talk about future time if we say win now let me make some room on the board here so you know the present continuous and all we do to mean the future is to talk about win so I'm playing football on Saturday or negative I'm not playing football on Saturday this isn't Saturday Saturday is coming I'm playing football on Saturday I'm not playing football on Saturday okay here's another example she's traveling to Paris on Thursday today is not Thursday Thursday is coming she's traveling to Paris on Thursday and of course negative she is not traveling to Paris on Thursday now these sentences are talking about arrangements or plans for the future we usually use this tense present continuous when we are sure about the future so for example this football match is arranged it's planned we know it's going to happen so I'm playing football on Saturday definitely so for this one I'm playing football on Saturday there's the plan definitely now for this one she bought her plane ticket last week she bought her plane ticket last week she's traveling to Paris on Thursday okay so she bought her plane ticket definitely she's traveling to Paris on Thursday future be going to now I'm going to show you another way to talk about the future and this is using be going to plus the verb okay this will change this doesn't change this doesn't change now here are some examples I'm going to watch TV tonight this is my plan for tonight okay here's another one and negative I'm not going to watch TV tonight okay B not going to verb all right another example she's going to buy a new coat for the winter negative she's not going to buy a new coat for the winter she's not going to buy a new coat for the winter B verb not going to verb okay this shows that we've made a decision I'm going to do this this is a decision about something we want to do in the future now one way to understand this is to look at the timeline now if you look at your screen you can see the decision before in the past and then speaking now we say I'm going to to talk about the future now here's another example I'm going to watch TV tonight I decided here now I'm going to watch TV tonight okay or a negative plan I'm not going to watch TV tonight so decision I'm going to watch TV tonight decision I'm not going to watch TV tonight okay now let's practice talking about the future and we'll have the assistants help us I want you to tell me about a decision you made before now about the future and also make the sentence negative let's start with Isabelle it's about what are you going to do this weekend I'm going to play tennis on Saturday and I'm going to study on Sunday okay negative I'm not going to play tennis on Saturday I'm not going to study on Sunday okay Ally what are you going to do for the next few months I'm going to study English in the next few months negative I am NOT going to study English in the next few months okay good and Susan what are you going to do next year for your vacation I'm going to travel through Europe next year negative I'm not going to travel through Europe next year all right thank you all very much now we can also use this same structure be going to verb to talk about predictions about things that will happen in the future or are going to happen in a short time okay predicting these guessing what's going to happen so here's some examples look the dark clouds it's going to rain okay these are predictions you see dark clouds you think hmm it's going to rain okay another example I feel dizzy I'm going to faint okay this is the prediction I feel dizzy I'm going to faint and then here's another one look at the ball it's going to go into the goal okay now let's make some predictions using going to for example winter is almost over what can we predict it's going to be spring soon now let's practice now Isabelle it's hot this morning what can you predict it's going to be hot this afternoon yes mm-hmm it's not hot this morning now what can you predict it's not going to be hot this afternoon yes Susan my student is hungry what can you predict your student is going to eat soon and Susan Tom's hair is very long Tom needs sorry Tom is going to need a haircut okay alright or tom is going to get a haircut yes Thank You Susan okay Ally the fruit market closes at 8 o'clock it's almost 8:00 now the market is going to close soon we aren't going to get an oranges oh now do you all know what soon means Ally said the market is going to close soon what does soon mean Olli soon means in a short time in the future you can say in a few minutes yes very good thank you very much and now it's time to look and listen look and listen Lisa's birthday is next week we're going to take her to dinner the man is bringing the food the woman is going to cook the dinner Susan doesn't know about the dinner it's going to be a surprise lunch is almost ready we're going to eat in a few minutes greed and repeat future now another way to talk about the future is with will plus the verb will verb okay so this is the third way to talk about the future now look at this I don't have time now I will do my homework tomorrow I don't have time now I will do my homework tomorrow okay now we usually use the contraction and we'll look at what all of these look like so here we go this one's a little bit easy because this doesn't change and this doesn't change so I will speak I'll speak okay I will speak short I'll speak you will speak you'll speak he will speak he'll speak she will speak she'll speak it will speak it will speak we will speak Weil speak you will speak you will speak and they will speak they'll speak now here's a couple of more examples for you so that you can see how this works I don't have time now I'll do my homework tomorrow okay I don't have time now I'll do my homework tomorrow okay this is a short one again soon you'll speak English very well soon you'll speak English very well and finally he'll be here in an hour he'll be here in an hour okay now we can talk about will we can use will to talk about decisions we've made at the time we're speaking so for example I'll cook breakfast now it's 8 o'clock I'm hungry I'll cook breakfast now my decision now I'll cook breakfast now okay now look at the timeline again and you can see the decision is made now speaking now you say I will mm-hmm to talk about the future okay now the formal negative of will not is won't won't it's a little bit special okay will not be comes won't now here's some examples please wait this won't take more than a minute please wait this won't take more than a minute okay another example I won't be at school tomorrow I need to go to the dentist okay my decision I won't be at school tomorrow I need to go to the dentist and the door is open will you close it the door is open will you close it no I won't ooh not very nice okay now let's look at the screen so you can see this all at once we'll talk about formal positive and in formal positive the short one okay I will speak I'll speak you will speak you'll speak he will speak he'll speak she will speak she'll speak it will speak it'll speak we will speak will speak you will speak you'll speak they will speak they'll speak now we saw the positive now we're going to look at the negative now again we'll look at the formal negative and the informal negative the short- now remember this one is special I will not speak I won't speak you will not speak you won't speak he will not speak he won't speak she will not speak she won't speak it will not speak it won't speak we will not speak we won't speak you will not speak you won't speak and they will not speak they won't speak okay now we also talked about will when we want to talk about things that we know are going to happen fats so let me make some more room here so before we talked about will for decisions and now will talk about will four facts a fact is a true thing okay so we know this is going to happen the film will start at eight o'clock the film will start at 8 p.m. we know this it's a fact again next year will be a leap year 366 days some new vocabulary for you next year will be a leap year fact and my bus will be here in two minutes okay now let's practice using will and I'll start good news they won't be a class this Wednesday I'll go to a movie what will you do oli I'll go to see my friend Mustafa alright good now Susan what will you do I I'll watch television okay and Isobel what about you I think I'll go to that okay now tell me what won't happen Isobel hmm I won't be tired okay Susan I won't miss my favorite television program oh good and what about you ollie I won't study ah you know I've just decided sorry we're going to have class all right now we also use will to predict the future okay will plus the verb to predict the future now remember to predict means to think about and guess the future okay now we also use will to talk about our opinion about the future I think in the future and what we think is going to happen so it's like prediction and opinion so for example it was hot yesterday it was hot yesterday fact it'll be hot today this is my prediction my opinion it was hot yesterday it'll be hot today ok another example we had too much ice cream it was hot we had ice cream we had too much ice cream we'll get stomachaches we had too much ice cream we'll get stomachaches ok this is the prediction or the opinion all right now let's practice using the will using will to predict the future for example my team is playing tomorrow I think they'll win the game okay Ally Susan didn't eat breakfast today what do you predict I think she will be hungry soon hmm ok Isobel it's almost noon what do you predict we will eat a launch eat lunch in a few minutes yes ok and Susan what will you have for lunch I'll have pizza ok I don't have any money what do you predict we will pay for your lunch oh thank you very much alright now it's time to look and listen look and listen there's no milk I'll buy some this food is bad I won't eat it the sun is shining it won't rain today we like this table we'll buy it greed and repeat okay now we're going to play a telephone game to practice what we've learned about the future so are you ready Olly yes I answer the phone when it rings ring hello hello this is Molly stone it's Susan's birthday on Sunday and we're going to cook dinner for her on Friday night oh no I will miss the dinner I am going to see my parents on Friday hmm okay we'll change the day is Saturday okay for you yes I will be pretty on Saturday what time will dinner be it'll be at 6 o'clock that's fine I will be there what will be I'll cook some chicken I will bring some soda and some red great okay I'll call Isobel now I'll see you then bye okay Isabelle are you ready ring hello hello this is Molly stone its Susan's birthday on Sunday and we're going to cook dinner for her on Saturday can you come okay I will come too what are we going to eat I'm going to cook chicken all these going to bring soda and bread and what will you bring I'll bring ice cream I'll make a cake too great okay I'm going to call Susan now that's okay I'll call Susan good bye bye rings hello hello Susan it's Isabelle are you free on Saturday can you come to dinner on Saturday yes that will be fun yes it will be very nice Oh what time will we eat dinner dinner will be at 6:30 alley and our teacher will be there it will be so nice to see everybody and okay I'll bring mmm dessert no you won't bring can ting just come at six okay is this party going to be for me I think it will I'll wear my new blue dress excellent I think we'll enjoy our dinner thank you very much time words okay we can talk about days we know about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and we also know the different tenses that we can use to talk about future time now we're going to talk about minutes hours months and years now let's look at the clock on your screen so if it's noon now twelve o'clock let's think about minutes if I want to talk about something that's happening right now I say this minute this minute if I want to say something about something that's happening at 12:01 I say in a minute in a minute now if I talk about something happening between noon and 12:01 I could say in the next minute okay in the next minute if I want to talk about something that's happening at 12:05 I can say in a few minutes in a few minutes and if I want to talk about something between now and 12:05 I say in the next few minutes okay this one is a little bit stronger in the next few minutes now this is minutes let's talk about hours so let me make some room on the board and we'll talk about ours now if I want to talk about something that's happening between noon and 1:00 o'clock I say in an hour in an hour now if something is happening between now and 1:00 p.m. I can also say in the next hour or in an hour okay so I have a choice from 12:00 to 1:00 o'clock in an hour in the next hour now if I want to talk about something that's happening between noon and 3:00 o'clock or even 5:00 o'clock I can say in the next few hours okay this would be between noon and 3:00 or 5:00 o'clock the time is indefinite it's not sure okay so there is no exact time for the future it's a little bit vague okay let's practice now it's three o'clock class is starting at 301 now ollie when is class starting class is starting in a minute yes now it's 2:30 class is starting at 2:35 Isabelle when is class starting class is starting in a few minutes yes Susan it's noon the class starts between now and 12:05 when is the class starting the class is starting in the next few minutes and what else can you say the class is starting in few minutes in a few minutes opinions yes good now let's try ours now Susan you asked Ali Ali it's noon class starts at 1:00 when does class start class starts in an hour good now Ali you ask Isabelle Isabelle it's 2 p.m. the class starts between now and 3 p.m. when does the class start class is starting in the next hour yes good now let's talk about the time of date now if you look on the screen you can see the time words that we use to talk about the past we have yesterday before last night last week last month those are for the past for the future we have words such as tonight tomorrow tomorrow night the day after tomorrow next week next month next year now we saw the words for the past time before and now we have words for the future now here are some more words for the future let's make some room here and I'll give you more vocabulary ok here we go this after noon this evening tonight tomorrow and of course we have tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon tomorrow evening and tomorrow night so these are all the future this afternoon this evening tonight tomorrow tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon tomorrow evening and tomorrow night we also have the day after tomorrow okay tomorrow the day after tomorrow now afternoon means the time between lunch and the time work usually finishes so this afternoon means after lunch today so for example I am going to go to the park this afternoon I'm going to go to the park this afternoon I'm speaking in the morning I'm going to go to the park this afternoon evening is the time after work finishes until about 10:00 p.m. and this evening means after work today I'm working now this evening is later today for example we are going to the cinema this evening we are going to the cinema this evening okay that's our plan tonight means after the evening usually after 10 o'clock it means after the evening today so for example I am going to stay up late tonight I am going to stay up late tonight now tomorrow of course is the day after today we might say what are you going to do tomorrow what are you going to do tomorrow now of course tomorrow morning is early tomorrow we could say what time are you getting up tomorrow morning oops morning what time are you getting up tomorrow morning now tomorrow afternoon is obviously after the morning so we could say she is going to meet her boyfriend tomorrow afternoon she is going to meet her boyfriend tomorrow afternoon tomorrow evening is the time after work tomorrow between 6:00 and 10:00 p.m. and we could say we are going to the restaurant tomorrow evening okay this is our future plan we are going to the restaurant tomorrow evening tomorrow night is after 10 o'clock and we could say I am working late oops very late very late tomorrow night until midnight I am working very late tomorrow night and finally with the day after tomorrow we could say I am going to start a new job the day after tomorrow I am going to start a new job the day after tomorrow notice we don't say on with these words all right so if we I would say I'm going to go to school tomorrow no on no on ok on is for weekdays all right now and we also we can say on for the weekend all right so let me make some more room here and I'll show you the difference here all right now first we'll look at some examples of days for example on Monday on Monday the 1st of August and on the weekend now let's talk about weeks months and years now again we have a list this week next week the next few days this month next month the next few months this year next year and the next few years okay now if you look at the screen you can see a calendar for August 2004 now let's say that today is August 1st it's Sunday to talk about the week that we are on now that we are in now we say this week so for example my sister is visiting this week my sister is visiting this week this means my sister is visiting from August 1st to August 7th the days between August 1st and August 7th are this week to talk about Tuesday August 3rd we say this Tuesday to talk about Thursday August 5th we say this Thursday for example my brother is visiting us this Thursday my brother is visiting us this Thursday now notice again no on on is not there now look at Sunday August 8th on the calendar all the days from Sunday August 8th to Saturday August 14th our next week so we can say I'm working next week I'm working next week to talk about Tuesday August 10th we say next Tuesday this means the Tuesday in next week is next Tuesday for example we are meeting next Tuesday we are meeting next Tuesday again no on ok all right now look again at the calendar remember that today is Sunday August 1st and we want to talk about something happening between now and August 21st or August 28th we say in the next few weeks so for example my sister will visit sometime in the next few weeks my sister will visit sometime in the next few weeks it's not clear when ok and we use the same words to talk about months now let me make some room and I'll show you some more examples now first of all we're talking about months so we can say this month is August my sister isn't coming this month next month is September she's coming next month we're going to go to Paris sometime during the next few months okay this also could be in alright so this month is August my sister isn't coming this month next month is September she's coming next month we're going to go to Paris sometime during the next few months get the F in there okay now again let's make some room and we'll talk about years so we talked about minutes days hours months and now we'll talk about years so here's some examples I'm not traveling this year we're taking a vacation in the Alps next year they're buying a house in the next few years okay so again I'm not traveling this year the future I'm not traveling this year we're taking a vacation in the Alps next year they're buying a house in the next few years okay now we can also talk about seasons in the future of course and we can use this or that for seasons so for example this summer is the summer that is coming so if we say it's June 2004 now I'm studying English this summer okay I'm studying English this summer meeting the future next summer is the one after this one next summer is the summer after this one okay this summer next summer for example he's not studying English until next summer now I want you to notice a small vocabulary difference between American English and British English now when we write dates using numbers only numbers Americans write the month the day and the year okay so for example 10:30 103 okay the month the day the year in the UK in many other countries such as Australia New Zealand people write the day the month and the year so in the UK this would be 31 1003 okay this is just a little bit of difference this is very important in business also in the US people say the u.s. people say on the weekend and in the UK people say at the weekend okay small difference on the weekend at the weekend review okay now let's review the kinds of future tips that we've done in this lesson now first we have the statement the negative and the question with present continuous we can say he is visiting friends on the weekend he isn't visiting friends on the weekend is he visiting friends on the weekend we are having a party on Friday we aren't having a party on Friday are we having a party on Friday now with be going to we also have I am going to eat dinner at home I am NOT going to eat dinner at home am I going to eat dinner at home another example she is going to buy a new car she isn't going to buy a new car is she going to buy a new car now with will we have some examples we will see you tomorrow we won't see you tomorrow will we see you tomorrow and another example for will they will be here soon they won't be here soon will they be here soon now let's practice a little bit we're going to practice using future tenses by asking and answering questions so alley first please ask Isabelle a question using be going to is about are you going to the party on Saturday yes I am okay Isabelle please ask Susan a question using will okay Susan will you be free this evening no I want I will be very busy this evening okay now Susan please ask Allie a question using present continuous Allie what are you doing on the weekend nothing do you want to meet some right all right very good that was very well done now it's time to listen and write listen I'm right listen and write these phrases number one soon soon number two in a few minutes in a few minutes number three in the next few hours in the next few hours number four tomorrow night tomorrow night number five this winter this winter number six next year next year number seven tonight tonight number eight the day after tomorrow the day after tomorrow number nine this afternoon this afternoon number ten next week next week now check your work number one soon number two in a few minutes number three in the next few hours number four tomorrow night number five this winter number six next year number seven tonight number eight the day after tomorrow number nine this afternoon number ten next week now it's time for the sentences listen and write the sentences number one I'm going to go shopping in an hour I'm going to go shopping in an hour number two Alley is going to see his parents next week Alley is going to see his parents next week number three there aren't going to be any classes this summer there aren't going to be any classes this summer number four they won't go to the lake this week they'll go next week they won't go to the lake this week they'll go next week number five and and bill won't be home this evening and and bill won't be home this evening number six the sky is very dark we are going to have a storm the sky is very dark we are going to have a storm number seven tomorrow night we're going to the cinema tomorrow night we're going to the cinema number eight I'll study hard this afternoon I'll study hard this afternoon number nine and is leaving next week and is leaving next week number ten will finish this lesson in a few minutes will finish this lesson in a few minutes now check your work number one I'm going to go shopping in an hour number two Ali is going to see his parents next week number three there aren't going to be any classes this summer number four they won't go to the lake this week they'll go next week number five and and bill won't be home this evening number six the sky is very dark we are going to have a storm number seven tomorrow night we're going to the cinema number eight I'll study hard this afternoon number nine and is leaving next week number ten will finish this lesson in a few minutes now read the story and answer the questions about it lead and pencil jeana's friend Edith is coming to see her this Thursday Edith will stay for a week with Jeana in Istanbul Gina is going to take Edith on a walking trip around Sultan Ahmet next Friday Edith will enjoy the trip then they're catching the bus to tax them next week they're going to buy clothes and then they're going to have dinner also next week they're going to visit some palaces Edith will really enjoy those Gina thinks she'll see Edith in America next year then Edith will take Gina to some interesting places now listen to the questions and answer them number one what is Edith going to do what is Edith going to do number two is Edith coming next Thursday is Edith coming next Thursday number three when is Edith going to leave Istanbul when is Edith going to leave Istanbul number four where will their walking trip be where will their walking trip be number five when are they going to go to Sultan Ahmet when are they going to go to Sultan Ahmet number six will Edith enjoy the trip will eateth enjoy the trip number seven how are they getting to Taksim how are they getting to tax in number eight what are they going to do in Taksim what are they going to do in Taksim number nine when are they going to visit some palaces when are they going to visit some palaces number ten what does Gina think she'll do next year what does Gina think she'll do next year now check your work number one what is Edith going to do Edith is going to visit her friend Gina number two is Edith coming next Thursday no Edith is coming this Thursday number three when is Edith going to leave Istanbul Edith is leaving Istanbul next week number four where will their walking trip be their walking trip will be in Sultan Ahmet number five when are they going to go to Sultan Ahmet they're going to go on Friday number six will Edith enjoy the trip yes she will number seven how are they getting to Taksim they're catching the bus number eight what are they going to do in Taksim they're going to buy clothes and they're going to have dinner number nine when are they going to visit some palaces they're going to visit some palaces next week number ten what does Gina think she'll do next year she will see Edith in America next year and I'll see you next time practicing English hey you guys there's a film from my country opening up this weekend what are you going to do this weekend does anyone want to come to the film with me we have visitors today I can't come sorry what are you going to do this weekend Angie well I'm going to do some shopping on Saturday with my cousin Monica now that her apartment is painted she is looking for new curtains and more furniture Oh what are you going to do on Sunday I think that I have a little Homer too great not a lot but some Oh what are you going to do Sam well I have a very busy weekend planned I'm taking Sally Hibbins to a movie on Friday night on Saturday I'm coaching my friends brother's basketball team and then on Saturday night I have tickets to see a basketball game I'm going to rest on Sunday hmm okay everyone has plans on Saturday do you want to go to the film with me on Sunday night hmm I have never seen a film from Greece I think that would be interesting to see a new kind of film well it's in Greek of course but there are subtitles in English well I have nothing to do so I can go on Sunday night what about you jack as long as I can sleep in on Sunday morning I can go anywhere on Sunday night okay Lexi it looks like we will be joining you for a movie on Sunday great I'm glad you will be joining me for the film on Sunday hello hey Sam it's me Alexi hey hey Sam I told my mom that we'd be going to a movie tonight and she had this great idea she wants to make dinner for us all before we go to the movie what are you doing this afternoon around 4 o'clock well since I just got up a little while ago I haven't made any plans to go anywhere I had a great time last night after the game we found a 24-hour kebab place sat and talked until 4:00 a.m. what are you doing right now well I'm reading the paper and drinking coffee in bed so can you come to my apartment at 4:00 today for dinner ok see you later see you at 4 p.m. hello hi Angie how was shopping yesterday it was great Monica and I got many new things for her apartment great hey Angie what are you doing for dinner tonight well I'm not sure why my mom wants to cook dinner for us before we go to the movie Sam and Jack and both come for dinner I hope you will be able to as well yes I can come to dinner tonight sounds great see you anytime after 4:00 okay okay bye Lexi bye you
Channel: English For You
Views: 594,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free english learn, دروس, beginner, elementary, learning english, apprendre, تعليم, الانكليزية, kolay ingilizce, learn english easy, TOEIC, learn english, iTEP, for, education, ingilizce, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, learn english free, English, PTE, Education (Word), ECPE, english for you 80 cd, intermediate, how are you, full english, free english, IELTS, TOEFL, english lesson, Key English, ingilizce ogren, easy english, you, English for you, ingilizce öğren, اللغة, ingilizce cd
Id: Rh0JQU1_IWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 0sec (4260 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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