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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love in today's video i'm going to be making a delicious loaded baked potato casserole it's a perfect side dish for any of your favorite dishes and it's easy to make and it's one of my favorite all-time comfort foods now before we get started i'd like to remind you to subscribe to my channel if you haven't yet and share with your friends too let's get started now these are the potatoes that i'm going to be using they're kind of medium large potatoes and i have already scrubbed them clean and they're perfect and ready to go and i've got a fork here and i'm going to start out by punching in some little holes like this you don't have to go in real deep and you be sure to do this on all of them just like that now that i've punched in all the holes i'm going to go ahead and rub some oil on all of them like this because this oil is going to make them real nice and crispy on the outside which is what we want you'll be sure that you rub the oil on them really good like this and i'm going to go ahead and sprinkle some kosher salt on them and now i'm going to sprinkle some pepper on them and i'm going to go ahead and post all the ingredients and amounts on the screen and below in the description box so you'll know exactly what i used and how much so now after i have done this to all the potatoes i'm going to go ahead and put them on this rack now the reason i'm going to put them on this rack is because i want the heat to go all the way around them from the bottom and from the top just like this now these potatoes are ready to go in the oven and i've got my oven set at 400 degrees and they're gonna bake for approximately one hour now i've got my heat set on medium and in this bowl i've got some thick cut bacon and i've gone ahead and cut it up into little pieces like this and while my potatoes are in the oven i'm gonna go ahead and fry my bacon now you don't have to get your bacon fried real super crispy just until it's nice and golden and fried just right so now as you can see my bacon is nice and golden and it's ready i'm gonna go ahead and turn off the heat and i'm to remove it out of this pan now i've got a plate over here with some paper towels and i'm going to go ahead and put them on the paper towels so that they will absorb all the grease and i'm going to go ahead and let it sit there until i'm ready to use it so my timer just went off and our potatoes are ready now they're usually perfectly ready at one hour but you check your potatoes and poke them just a little bit like this and if they're nice and soft in one hour then you know they're ready if you think they need to go a little bit longer then go ahead and leave them in there a little bit longer now these are very hot but i'm going to go ahead and cut them into pieces see look at that and they're so nice and soft and ready and they are super crispy from the outside so i'm just going to go ahead and cut them into pieces like this so you don't have to cut them into any particular style now this is the dish that i'm going to be using i'm going to go ahead and put them into my dish okay now that i have them cut up into my bowl like that i'm just going to push them down a little bit like this just like that let them cool for just a minute now in this bowl i've got some sour cream and in this bowl i've got some mayonnaise so i'm going to go ahead and mix them in together now i like the taste of the combination of the mayonnaise and the sour cream just like that so i'm going to go ahead and put it into my bowl and i'm going to spread it out like this and i'm going to push it in like this just like that now i've got a little bit of garlic powder right here i'm gonna put a little bit of garlic powder but that's optional if you don't want any in here then don't put any and i'm gonna put some pepper i just love to put in plenty of pepper into my potato casserole now i've got some green onions right here that are chopped like this i'm going to go ahead and sprinkle some on top and they're optional if you don't want to put any of the green onions and you can leave them out just like that now my bacon i'm gonna sprinkle some of the bacon on top like this oh look at this now in this bowl i've got some freshly grated sharp cheddar cheese i'm gonna go ahead and sprinkle some right on top like this and that's good now set this aside and i'm going to do the same to the other potatoes and i'll do the process all over again just like that now i'm going to put my mayonnaise and my sour cream now i'm going to spread it out put just a little bit of the garlic powder the green onions now i'm going to put my bacon and i'm going to top it with the rest of the cheese now you can use any kind of cheese that you want but i like the sharp cheddar see now it's ready to go i've got my oven set now at 350 degrees i'm just gonna put it in there until all the cheese is nicely melted so my timer just went off oh my gosh it's so nice and cheesy up here this is absolutely delicious so this is my fully loaded baked potato casserole if you like my video give me a thumbs up and share with your friends thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 62,377
Rating: 4.9559493 out of 5
Id: 5sy9XKbgHag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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