Playing as the ROYAL WOLF in Minecraft!

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under the Moonlight aphmau sacrifices herself for another but this isn't the end as she becomes the Royal wolf now she must protect her pack and get revenge on the ones who stabbed her in the back let's go come on [Music] oh no oh this is bad okay all right I can't get up but maybe if I crawl I can just get out of here huh what the oh you hurt oh it's okay here um you can have this oh look at you all right I gotta get out of here now huh what howling what am I uh first I gotta go get food um what is that oh no huh stay back stay back huh what the what are they doing are they bowing oh my gosh oh buddies oh okay come on uh where can we go maybe I can climb up the waterfall and huh oh what what is that a chest what is this uh [Music] thank you so much I don't know what this does but we'll figure that out come on let's see her down here oh let's go on hey how about wow did you die leave anything good yet wow you were waiting for me to die how could you you guys left me behind I mean no not at all yeah I like the new outfit whoa hey hey hey stop it hey we are protectors oh that's cute now for YouTube you guys left me behind for dead boy we ran away and then you just happened to not die yeah you know you're you're good at protecting yourself so we let you do it of course I am but I'm at a heart right now and I need food so you know what maybe if you boys prove yourself to me I will make you one of my royal guards that sounds important I like that yeah yeah that sounds important let's do this first steal me some food now or else here's the Apple do I win did I get it close enough but I need something better go steal some food from the people in The Hub let's do it yeah let's see what they bring back if they ever come back oh okay [Music] and I got you rotten flesh yeah oh thank you yeah guys we're looking around I actually found where this map leads we got a map yeah I found a map the wolf showed me exactly where look how many dollars wait what diamond yeah I don't care about diamonds God out of here oh what oh my God wait this is oh it's a wolf statue oh what is that a scepter what the Royal said here oh God [Applause] this is so oh what all right boys you got the gold you got the diamond show me I got diamonds all right follow me this way come on we're going to take the Royal boobs out for a walk over this way and we're taking the diamonds for a while yes yes yeah Rockies same thing wait ah what are you stealing Zane [Music] no like dealing before the Royal wolf it's not what it looks like I was worried about you um oh I wanted to show you this uh guys can you please put down the treasures of treasure stuff can you put that down here oh yes your Royal wealthy there you sing cards there and put down the treasures and now I can I have lots of treasure and I have guards and everything don't worry my guards are very friendly I don't think this is a good idea these two are the worst choices on the server to be your guards no no no no no no you don't understand I'll take your question the right one no no no no no no what is wrong with you too what is happening oh that's cool and all but I don't think this is a great idea don't worry Zane they won't bite they are perfect all right Kim Kim hey whoa look at you what's with the uh Royal get a bath now I'm glad you asked because I am a royal wolf I got a scepter and I got two oh you guys are back I got some little guard dog and they bow oh how adorable well you're looking good your Royal Majesty oh thank you I'm looking to help people out with my new wolf powers do you need anything who's more wet to expand my amazing Library over here you know again you sure you know me and the pups will be on it all right come on that's awesome well thank you aphmau thank you all right so in order to make her a Royal Library Kim come outside I want to show you my Powers get over here okay coming up watch this I am going to help you get these watch out puppies okay wait give me a second one more time and okay look at all that wood now wow that is more wood yeah there you go see isn't it brilliant are you okay yeah yeah okay it only chops trees and stuff it makes Mining and uh and uh chopping wood very easy um what what do you want hello can I come in oh sure I'm letting myself in any way because I'm royalty Zayn what do you want where are you in my lab are you in here hello there you are oh can I come in I guess you're gonna do it anyway so yeah what are you doing here after you gonna sick your dogs on me again no look Ian 's are just dumb these pop py's a smart watch but I put the wand over them they bow oh impressive I admit um is there anything that you need saying that I can help with I I guess I need more Redstone I'm working on a lot of machines yeah let me show you a really good ability uh let's see do you have any Redstone watch out excuse me uh all right doggies fish go fetch maybe uh I'll open the door I got that there you go fetch go doggies go oh there I hope this works um this is ridiculous no way this is going to work look I just want to get back to my experiments okay okay but you need Redstone and this is gonna take forever oh no um so uh I can promise that we will be a very valuable asset to the server okay whatever this is ridiculous there's no way this is going to work um what do you want you stupid a lot of redstone okay maybe I misjudged this um you're welcome citizens is this dude bothering you uh no uh is he making you do hard work when you don't wanna uh no that's not what's happening uh you know it appears here get out of my house what uh oh so you're overworking her pack right why are you talking about get out of my face okay all right guys [Laughter] okay all right what were you guys doing we're protecting you and then it's very dangerous on the server so we are gonna take you back to our den yeah I need to be protected you need to rest so you can take care of all of that one for golden treasure all right guys and that completes the den renovation wait what um oh just building things for your safety obviously [Music] [Applause] don't take it so you just yeah don't take care of things around the Hub guys I can't believe this I should have known Zane was right well anyway [Music] I can't hear you giving commands and they really only have one brain cell don't they that you all must mind me all the gold what what are you talking about when you're done with that you must find me all of the shape of the server and return them here yes [Music] this is ridiculous I'm going back home hey hey all right all right then I'm gonna do this [Applause] what happens nice cheers ah yeah hi maybe you want to make a run for it as well uh why of your Royal Guard I'm trying to keep you safe obviously right oh oh wow oh that really got rid of him huh uh let's see what do they got they have anything interesting on them leads oh a bow very nice I will take that okay dealt with them uh let's be working on them oh I don't I the Royal wolf have set you free oh wonderful thanks you're welcome you're welcome go back home but be safe okay okay thanks again have been assaulted we must I cannot believe this are you fighting at my house [Music] your houses might be on a fire put it up put it up put it up wait there's more fire uh uh-oh oh it's burning oh it's burning my house this way follow me okay okay what's going on over there Kim I'm going to take you back to my Den it's no you saying on the server piercing you have gone mad with power I should have listened to you Zane my Royal ears were too small I did not hear your tiny plight hey it was Tiny all right let's get out of here come on follow me to the dead it's safe there over here don't worry humans I will save you okay well could you just wait up we can't jump like you can okay okay it's inside follow me this way oh I'll get with it okay I'll stop jumping just so that way you're not jealous jeez Kim hey I can't all right what is this place this is where I was living with Ian and Pierre so we were going to live but then they decided to steal all of my gold steal all of my diamonds had insult me how could that that's awful I mean I'm kind of not surprised yeah I mean I'm not I am not surprised either but my other wolves I don't know where they went but you know what it's no matter what matches is that from this point forward you two will be my Royal God do you mean it really I mean it uh okay let's go let's do it do it now now now you have to be my Royal Guards okay I declare you my Royal eye are you emphasizing eyes nice nice gigs right and and for you yes you can dig down like that it's very good all right all right puppies listen to me yes we are going to go outside and practice fighting because you can't fight each other I don't want that the last two that were here they fought each other and let me tell you it was not nice we had to go and and I mean you're asking foreign zombies protect me guys I've got this whoa come on come on look at you you are doing such a good job protecting your Royal Highness well I am doing tallness and you've already had enough time in the wolf Cake Tree I want to be up now I I Stood Still My Turn it's my destiny and I want to be happy up there you already had your turn the only person that belongs in the king tree is me yeah because you look at look at look at that yeah about that I gotta say otherwise yeah no we've decided done you are oh well yeah I hate something I still have The High Ground on the king trip my treat yeah wait a minute my wolves they're back get them get in my Royal Royals Maya wolves I like what we did with them hey queen huh I like that hat you got gimme I got it I'm going to the tree [Applause] take this bye I failed my subject I failed my God I failed my wolves earlier wait what what I'm I'm an actual wolf now oh my gosh and I can jump again thank you so much you knew it I knew you were a good wolf after all all right it's by decree as the king of the king tree is that I say you gotta unburn my house it's it's looking really bad it is and I'm taking everything back with me okay I'm standing over here now run I'm gonna go you can't do anything without discount s for the crown no both of you all right let's get my crown back come on okay [Applause] you think getting back your crown is gonna help you but don't you worry keep coming back already took this over and over and over and over again [Music] what wait wait wait we were just sitting here I swear to help me I would marry them Hyundai would be a royal king right wait a second okay no whichever one oh nice all right man um gold yes everyone would get half of everything that I own [Music] back ground so which one of us we're married my wolves get back so they only bow to the true edge of the crown now oh Hitler Queen see I wanted to resolve that conflict without using any more violence stay down there sit down there
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,180,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: _E3Q1tkETlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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