How YOU can unlock 30 characters in your VERY FIRST Repentance run: I was wrong!!

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And here I was thinking the solution to mom's shovel would be metronome. But that's a greedier unlock so you can probably understand why that's difficult.

Also good luck getting that greed donation machine to spawn with TMtrainer.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CondoSlime πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That's just... Insane...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dioclias πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
talk about poorly aged things a couple of weeks ago i uploaded two videos about the maximum characters you could unlock in a run and i mentioned i had a discord channel all about finding this dream run well that dream is dead no longer can you unlock 12 characters in a max percent run and here's why you can unlock 30. in my discord server i created a channel just for searching for a seed for this run after the second video was released i got quite the influx of members into the server but to my surprise not many were active in the channel at least not as many as i had hoped then i got this comment on the video so i got a weird bug on my side each time i'm finishing a run i'm able to continue to the last floor starting room for the last time i couldn't continue and so using the same run to unlock pretty much everything does that technically count archie can also be obtained to reset for mother for example little did i know this single comment would change the game forever soon after tv joined the discord and we got to work and i mean work for two days straight there was no more than 30 minutes of downtime in the channel with tb and i pouring over different theories on how we could use this to farm kills we started calling this method of hard crashing the game to reset runs a dwell force crash you see the next berrymade of the cross was 13 characters the rules for our category was once it was proved possible to unlock more than 12 every subsequent run needed to reach that standard so if we found a way to get blue baby who was the next logical choice the minimum character requirement would be 13. in order to unlock blue baby we need to kill mom's heart 10 times before me and tb started talking the only way anyone would have thought to do this is with dice rooms forget me nows and r keys and to acquire 10 of one on each floor was just not feasible some of you may be saying just to archie and hope you get one again but rk does not reset the item pools so once you pick it up it's gone for good in order to farm mom's heart kills resorted to this hard crash what was required of us to do was open a program called resource monitor kill mom's heart then right click on the isaac program in resource monitor and suspend the window wait about 5 seconds then end the program through the resource monitor the game still counted as a mom's heart kill and you can continue the run we were going to need a lot of r keys for this run and none of us knew how we're going to carry them all obviously you can carry two arcades if you manage difficulty them and have school bag and if we manage to find a question mark card or two we can get more and more problem is school bag only appears after you've visited every shop and since it is a shop pool item we don't have access to super dollar at this point we already need to use our r key to reset and find it and moving boxes unlocked using pandora's box in the chest so what's the answer enter t biscuit once more in his wrinkled brain co-op mode with co-op mode we can enter in two more players with one imposition of diplopia and two of us with r key we can infinitely do question mark cards with diplopia and always be able to use our r key when needed you might be asking why we just don't use four player instead of three i mean i'm partially known for four player right well we'll get to that seems pretty straightforward so far right well that's what we thought too none of us believed we could get over 12 characters for this run so 13 was already a huge step but then someone else joined the discord someone by the name of heelsgood and once heals could join the conversation was once again revitalized we began focusing on other characters i wish there weren't too many left to do we knew keeper and the lift couldn't be done because of the greed mode well i shouldn't say never just watch till the end so is this with the forgotten and jacob and then the tainted after a little bit of chaos and off-roading we decided to all narrow our search down to the last two a-side characters specifically the forgotten we figured we would eventually find our way to jacob and disau but forgotten would be so much more challenging you see the issue with the forgotten is how i needed to get the shovel pieces in order to get the first piece if to have already beaten the lamb then you need to go back and beat the first floor boss in under a minute go back to your starting room and bomb the ground you might be thinking just use our key after beating the lamb except our key does not reset the timer with no way to glitch the igt back to zero we had to look at alternative methods this is once again repentance changes the meta there is this new item called the spin down dice and when used it replaces the pedestal item it is used on with the item that is one id placement below it for example if you use spindown dyson item id2 the inner eye it will turn into item id1 the sad onion normally spin down dice ignores story items but for some reason not only are the shovel pieces available but the whole completed shovel itself is too the completed shovel's item id is 552 which means we need to find item 553 which just so happened to be much or mycosis good [ __ ] right well no not entirely see to unlock spin down dice you need to beat delirium with tainted isaac not to mention in order to get this kind of luck you're going to need a whole lot of arches so how do we do it the answer may surprise you tainted cane like we said previously archie only shows up once the run and never again even with the reset however that doesn't mean you can acquire an infinite supply of them by crafting what's the recipe you might ask well it's simple i just need soul hearts bombs keys and oh it needs bone hearts what's the big deal isn't it just bone hearts you may ask well yeah they're super easy to find once you unlock them with the forgotten which we need to get spin down dice for which we need the bone hearts for does your head hurt imagine mine well okay it isn't over yet how do we get the path to beast oh it's just by beating mother okay how do we unlock mother oh we have to beat hush three times okay well how do we unlock hush oh that one's easy we like it when we unlock blue baby when we beat mom's heart ten times we can go to the hush floor so all we gotta do is hard crash the game on mom's heart use the crash again on hush then use an arky and we can go to mother all right let's do it oh oh no yeah so here we are we can't actually access the corpse where mother is because no matter if it's mausoleum mom a regular mom an unexitable cutscene plays your first victory against her which is why up to this point we've been skipping her and before i get any smart asses in the comments i think they know everything let's cover some bases no you cannot teleport into the fleshroom with any assortment of items no you cannot enter it before the cut scene plays it plays regardless of the room that you're in no you cannot enter corpse through an arrow room until the heart is dead and no for god's sake eraser does not do anything for us i don't know all your guys's obsession with it is but it literally is useless and no you cannot hard crash the game right when you kill her the run ends when you kill her and is not continuable except for the one time i did it on a stream but upon entering the run she just died instantly the solution is actually much stupider than this and also was a complete accident i had streamed two days in a row of me just testing different theories on how to skip the epilogue cutscene we'll also be able to continue the run from the mom fight we spent a whole saturday using cheat engine to lower the game to less than one frame a second to try and time the exact frame we should suspend the crash but no matter how hard we tried we couldn't recreate even close to my half success the day earlier but then this happened while trying to frame count the frames between the cutscene activation and mom kill i accidentally killed her and attempted to save an exit so i could just try again from the fight but as i said then exited i noticed that i got all of the unlocks but no in-game cutscene here just watch die get her ass mom how did i not get hit there okay be careful here no exit game top top dono hp 68 not 69 well you know well wait but i quit the run what i quit the run though dawg whoa whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] no wait we just skipped it did we not just skip it did we just there's no [ __ ] way we just did that [Laughter] that's the golden ticket seeing the epilogue unlocked in the stats menu and the continue button also available i was filled with bitter confidence but i also didn't think it worked i mean after all this time all i had to do was save and exit really as i entered the run expecting an instant cut scene i was faced with an empty room the run was doable before we go into the next part of the video i just want to express my gratitude to each and every one of you that joined the discord and came to the streams once again this wouldn't have happened without you specifically however i want to personally thank cork tea biscuit tea timer and heal's good for their major contributions thank you guys so the next thing that i can show you as a result of our week's rate of testing is our route and it goes something like this now keep in mind once more this is not the actual run some people had a hard time grasping the fact that this run is a slimmer chance of winning the lottery so if you're one of those people who were mad i didn't do it on an actual run why don't you go make an attempt and send it to me just curious anyways here we go much like my first two videos you're gonna go for the same unlocks different than before however it's like you have infinite time to do them so don't get pressed if you don't get them right away things you gotta do in the first floor are enter in three players leave player fours slot open for the tainted characters since normal cannot turn into tainted avoid damage and picking apart for samson and eve enter the shop and every subsequent one for the school bag item which is no longer essential but still very helpful all in these shops look for the question mark card and diplopia we should acquire the ploppy and the question mark card before we head into the blue womb although the shop there may have one as well enter your normal secret room you're looking for the r key to make this run happen and it must be acquired by the time you leave womb2 another great find here will be we need to go deeper set your collection of coins for unlocking kane and purchasing your key items such as diplopia you'll also want to spend 99 coins in this run to unlock the golden razor which you may need later for an unlock on the second floor your process is pretty close to the same enter the shop and the secret room and the big difference on this floor being you get your first devil deal you definitely want to take for his asel also in this devil do you could find we need to go deeper but you can take whatever you want pretty much all the way up to depths 2 keep doing the same go for four still hearts to unlock laz get your pennies for kane and your hearts for maggie whatever the hell you want but again it doesn't really matter you're gonna have the next like five hours to do them however on depth two you're gonna be really frustrated this floor is home to the mom fight which also makes it home to the most precise trick on this run and maybe even an isaac ever the cutscene skip for some reason mama is one of only three bosses that can force the cartoon onto you along with beast of mega satan however she is the only boss who is only once once you clear a cutscene you never have to see it ever again the issue is as you might be wondering is that if the cutscene plays the run becomes uncompletable you cannot go back and continue this is where the cutscene skip comes in on depth 2 makes you have a way to exit the mom fight because when you skip it the womb entrance does not spawn and the door does not reopen there are a couple ways you can do this have we nearly go deeper and open the womb yourself have a teleport card to exit and a black market use forgive me now or in dire cases spend one of your arkies if you can spare one as a note glowing hourglass does not restart the fight once you reenter the run now comes the time to execute the trick be warned this is still in the early early testing so you may find an easier way to do this but all it requires you to do at the current moment is pause the game on a certain group of frames and exit to the menu yeah that's it i spent a total amount of seven hours streaming this skip and ended up doing it wrong the entire time see what tb cork timer heals and i thought we had to do was executed similarly to a force or hard crash we used chi engine to slow the game down to one frame per second and counted our frame window for hard crashing and nothing worked i got one run where i unlocked the epilogue and was able to continue but upon re-entering the run mom insta died and epilogue still played if it wasn't for me trying to reset the fight and accidentally nailing the skip we probably wouldn't be here here's a little tutorial when you kill mom she yells isaac at you the second she finishes saying i you need to pause and exit you'll exit to a plain black screen just hit space or a depending on your controller skip the cutscene that plays and continue sometimes the most complicated issues require the simplest solutions if you're wondering how or why any of these bugs work i'll be uploading a more in-depth tutorial video on how to pull off all the tricks in this round within the next couple of days so look out for that in the meantime let's keep going so you've skipped mom and manage your way down to depths one with two other players congrats it is very essential that you have at least one way to reset and keep hold of at least one other r key that way you can use it twice more in the future room run proceeds as normal but room 2 is where we begin the fourth crash method open the resource monitor program on your computer and then go beat mom's heart do not go down to show if you have the option nor should you leave this floor at all go over to the resource monitor and find the isaac window then right click and go to suspend window once suspended wait a few seconds and end at the window once you reopen isaac you'll see your profile icon has changed and even displays the amount of times you've killed mom's heart when you re-enter the run you'll be back at the beginning of your floor with nothing cleared repeat the forced crash technique until you can access both blue woman have blue baby unlocked so 10 times and proceed down to hush if possible use the clicker item to become lazarus and kill the heart to unlock bethany this can also be done at any point later in the run you're going to do this force crash trick again for hush you need to rack up three kills then if you want go fight delirium what those three hush kills do for us to unlock the alt path to mother which once again we'll get to later you need to do some more runs but first you should go beat the lamp you can self-sacrifice in any four you can find and make it into the dark room except for void and blue womb your most efficient route will be to go down to stroll the beginning of the next run that way you can kill satan and unlock judas as well you will also need to kill satan around five times to lock the negative which you'll need later to access ascension this is a risky gambit however because you aren't guaranteed a sacrifice room you could always reset but you better hope you still have one more left for after beast anyway by the time you've killed the lamb once should have unlocked the shovel items which are meant for the forgotten unlock as you may have assumed we can't do this the normal way in order to unlock the forgotten normally i have to beat the first floor boss in under a minute and carry the shovel handle into boss rush obviously we're a bit further than a minute into the run so i have to use our spin down dice method however not only will spin down dice be hard to find and unlock you also have to find mucor mycosis on the same run since it's one item id above the completed shuffle minutes can take quite a few resets our solution tainted cane to get tainted cane and tainted isaac you must open the hidden room at home as both isaac and kane how do we get there you might ask well first it's a go beat mother luckily for us we already unlocked the all paths hopefully by this point in the run you've done the mom skip because if you haven't you may lose your run on all of its progress on the mausoleum mom fights continue as you normally would all the way down to the corpse grab your knife pieces beat the special mom's heart you know the drill once you make your way to mother ender and grab not just a jacob any saw unlock but also the ascension unlock restart once more and make your way through the depths too because you unlock the negative by killing satan or maybe isaac somehow five times you can use it to open up ascension once you make it down or i guess up to home use the red key found on mom's chest to open up an unlocked handed isaac or ace in the hole your best bet now will be to reset the floor with the force crash click her over to kane if you have the option and get canned as well because you may be using your last r key here if you're out of question mark cards you might have caught on to our plan here realize that we cannot use tainted cane to craft infinite arches but as a reminder there is a catch we need bone hearts no worries however as tb pointed out to me writing this script diplopia is super easy to craft as long as one player has either r key or question mark card they can dipole them for what would seem to be an infinite supply make sure you're well off on our keys the amount you need is going to vary depending on your luck and play style and you're going to start crafting i mentioned earlier how you're going to need to spend 99 coins in a single run to unlock the golden razor so i hope you've been doing that the reason we need to get for golden razer because we need to get too spooky and the reason we need to spook is because we need to get much of mycosis and the reason we need to meet my coaches is to get the shovel still following me neither because any item tainted cane touches disappears a different player needs to hold it if it's found or just leave it when you find it however there is an alternative method albeit hard as tainted kane you need to craft a school bag clicker and golden razor then craft one throw away item because the quicker removes your most recent item you want to turn into somebody who isn't tainted kane place down the golden razor and have another player spin down dice the razor three times from mom's shovel for this to work you've had to already unlock two tainteds so while you're in ascension and after you've gotten kane make sure you've also gotten isaac but let's back up first we need to spin down dice we completed isaac and once again make your way down to the void floor and beat delirium spin down dice is now officially unlocked once you've acquired the shovel piece find yourself a sacrifice room or just go through the game normally and head to the dark room once in the dark room you define your dirt patch and dig up our bony boy it's one more character done i bet you're looking at the character list and just seeing how close we are being done i mean let's just recap you get isaac by default maggie kane samson eve lazarus and azel can be obtained whenever in this run we got eden from beating mom's heart once and blue baby from beating mom's heart 10 times we got jacob when he stopped from beating mother we got the forgotten with well it's complicated bethany from a mom's heart kill while being lazarus judas from a satan kill and now all we gotta do is beat mega state and our key out for apollyon or if you're lucky get a void portal to make sure you get the yama without having to time your kill like we do with mom [Music] after that it becomes a game of collecting r keys going to ascension as different characters and unlocking tainted variants one useful thing to note here is that clicker runs in the same cycle every scene you can memorize the cycle you can get maximum character unlocks every visit when you force crash after unlocking a tainted variant that character stays unlocked all you got to do is enter him switch characters errants repeating to like the other 13 tainteds not including cain and isaac and that's pretty much the run or so we thought you see when i was scripting this i thought we were done we'd hit our match but then i got this dm on twitter from an account named colin noodle and it said this and i knew we had so much more to do if you don't know tm trainer is the item that is used in challenge 45 to create absolute chaos in the game every item in this is extremely buggy with a cursed icon and even more confusing effect respawning spiders when hits using the eraser item and picking up coins it's nuts i spent another hour or so on stream testing this and then i realized it could literally take weeks to get the right effect i mean even after all that testing i still hadn't gotten tm to spawn any hostile bosses only friendly ones and not one sign of agree donation machine spawning our goal here was one of two things get tm trainer to spawn ultra greed kill him with the zazel and get lilith or have tm train respond a green donation machine and use that to unlock keeper you might be thinking there's a pretty high chance the machine will jam will try to put a thousand coins in there in one run but because the jam percentage is based off your character we can actually stay below the one percent line by using clicker to donate with all 30 characters the only issue was getting it to spawn maybe it would spawn if we killed ultra greed maybe that would crash the game maybe using tm trainer on a run this big would crash it anyways to who knows point is it's going to require a lot of man hours too many man hours and we don't even know if it's doable i just wanted to make sure we included it as a possible method to unlocking every character in one run so now we can boost lilith and keeper up to a definite maybe if we make this a category the rule should follow every other minimum percent category in the second that a new milestone is reached every remnants meet that standard or become obsolete for example if everyone is running to get 13 characters and someone on a run acquires 14 then everyone that doesn't reach 14 is now voided and that 1 14 character runs the new record and standard which is why i think random this category at 30 out of 34 until someone managed to get that last 2 out of 4 over would be ideal anyways this video was long enough and just when we thought we were done we weren't if you're interested in following the growth and completion of this run join the discord and go follow me on twitch where i try and run this category multiple times a week as well as play games with you guys every wednesday we see that help and discord finding a proper seed for this run to prove it's legitimacy so if that's your jam come on by lend us your brain for a bit i had a lot of fun theorizing with you guys on the possibilities so expect a video much like this one to come out focusing on the minimum amount of runs to unlike everything in the game in the meantime like comment subscribe for more patins content like this go follow the twitch come join the discord all links will be below once again big thanks to tea biscuit tea timer heals good kyle noodle and cork for building this with me peace out guys you
Channel: bd1p
Views: 183,789
Rating: 4.8877172 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, max percent, max%, the binding of isaac repentance
Id: gD6TE4mjcpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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