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welcome back everybody to the bd1p random streak this is fresh off the last tainted maggie run i wanted to get two done this sunday so i can have a nice relaxing stream on monday not worry about any recording or anything like that anyways question of the day yesterday i asked your favorite chip brand what is your favorite chip flavor i talked about pizza pringles last time probably not my number one flavor i'm kind of like i like barbecue chips a lot i kind of like that that hotness they got to him we'll hit random here we'll go on it's normal character day today by the way normal characters um maggie okay and kane's good pills free golden chests i'm liking this a setup here we oh we have eden's blessing as well it gave us plum baby of course it did a8p2k6l9 is today's seed i'm feeling good we had a really really insane run yesterday if you haven't checked that out yet go watch it it was a crazy tangent maggie run almost died like 800 times but it was worth it but this is this is a different roast talk about this run instead what does kane have that everyone else doesn't style grace and etc no he's got um good pills he has luck foot which is a honestly believe it or not a game-changing thing um free gold in chess as long as you keep your lockpick trinket which can allow for some really early game you know money grabs and and bombs and keys and all that kind of good stuff um he he might be the most like secretly powered a side character aside from like you know azazel and forgotten he's up there for the most like secretly powered character he's got a lot in his his his arsenal here that uh he can show off and stride his stuff but i like it but yeah when it comes to potato chips like i'm more of a tortilla chip guy i like eating chips and salsa like just by the bag of one two three you know i got like 400 chips in my stomach now it's crazy somebody stopped me but um for potato chips i'm having like i don't know like a a barbecue or a cookout something along that line um barbecue flavored like lay's chips they they're really like you can tell it's not like it's not good for you because they taste like just powder sometimes but it's my guilty pleasure chip i guess i don't know oh that's a nice hit right there i'm not tainted maggie watch out um they definitely have that uh that powder flavor to them but i mean they just tasted the hotness and the spice gives an extra layer of flavor for me at least that's an insane champion drop right there nice um we also got bot fly floor like item room one which is a little nutty dude butterfly is one of the the best defense items in isaac currently excuse me still kind of sick excuse me um literally one of the best defense items in isaac like period like he's gonna make this room just super easy for us hope i mean hopefully wow we got hit by oh yeah they do contact damage right god i'm trying to hate these enemies more and more man they're just too big the willis tower is just too damn that's an old meme you remember that that uh the willis tower is too damn high me where it's like um it's it's i forget i think it's mike tyson right and he's talking about the sears slash willis tower in chicago and how it's almost the exact height of two hoover dams and he goes the willis tower is two dams high that's it's it's a wow that was a the twins are over here holy that was a a really old meme when i was like 12 but i still kind of laugh at it because it's like oh you know that we found that funny back in the day now what we find funny is among us in the sauce and that's super that's so much better right thank you botfly for your support oh this polti's in here holy this polti's in here i did not even notice you existed dude oh there's two of you still huh i like they just came at me there was i i didn't hear them i didn't hear any oh there's a guy right there to get out of the way please put your eyes back on the screen and focus on what's happening in game play why is bd1p yeah you gotta get this streak to 50 man you're so close i told i made a post a long time ago on youtube community post that if i don't make this streak with the triple digits i will give kelvin and preach both a hundred dollars um i'm standing by that this trick is going to go to 100 million dude going to the freaking moon here uh walk in if there's a soul heart you might want to just buy that oh but booster pack though here's my next plan of attack i do want to sacrifice on this floor for an angel deal chance um i believe this works i believe this works come on you feel blessed right now oh you're putting me in a weird place game you're putting me in a really weird place come on come on come on i better be this one i'm gonna be real mad it was not that one okay you know what do your other rooms get some hp and keep sacking i think it's gonna be worth it all right speaking of worth it uh that is hp for sacrificing also what this is is a free golden and stone chest we have we have lock pick for ourselves over here lock it down walk it down all right do one of these beautiful ah tears upgrade you'll love to see it ah one i'm gonna count from sesame street for some reason uh uh all right go in sack some more hopefully another cent for booster pack if you can manage there's our angel deal do it again do it again and do one more time okay pick this up and escape from tarkov right now okay you're gonna go buy a booster pack then you're gonna go fight your boss look how much sack rooms change the game for you man that's crazy reverse cards no reverse cards ace of clubs two of spades fool any justicers two fool cards um [Music] this is an interesting one okay what you should do is you pop pop your world card which one is the world is down here pop your world cards you see where your secret room is do that pick up your potentially ace of clubs i would say for this situation okay okay hold on um what do you do i forget what you do ah ah no no no no thank you um this is when you die you become the lost maybe something along those lines no that's the other one that's out of body experience and we'll figure it out as we go along right okay we take take um two of spades with you but i want you to use your ace of clubs on this floor please uh is there anywhere you can actually you can use it after your boss fight to turn all the hearts that drop into bombs for you that's your that's your next strategy here or you can do it here i guess um not worth it though rainmaker's gonna be so easy with bot fly dude this won't even be a battle this will just be me destroying this boss i'm i'm having a good time that this run right now is actually doing very very well for us go botfly oh those are a little close for comfort there um we're not getting a lot of hits out i feel like on them i think our dps like this but we have one tier that was pretty good um overall our dps is a little lackluster right now though i will say um could be better could be better but it is also only floor two so don't get your panties or twist over that yet just focus on killing rainmaker and then you're gonna be uh good for your devil deal here or angel deal it actually did work okay all right so that's what we call sacred heart in the business um i'm gonna do one of these we have good pills take all the pills here that's that's clickbait central right there baby let's go views are gonna be saying on this episode tears up and rain jump all right those were ins we do this this this is insane this this this build might be a little crazy okay actually i have a plan here i have a plan here spend your keys you're only gonna get here's a thing if you use uh two of spades when you have one key it only gives you one key use it now and you get two keys huh huh if you wanna do one of these you wanna bomb this open whatever's in here no lucky pennies they're going to turn all this into bombs ah troll bomb hello now you just now what you did there is you just uh turned two bombs into four bombs and one key into two keys literally just a net positive there's nothing no other way around it pop that all right beautiful this is why you play your floors the way that you do if you sacrifice before your floor one devil deal you do get an angel though it gives you sacred heart it happens every run trust me i always forget what spirit shackles does i'm going to look up i actually want to be able to use this i don't do its fullest i want to even yell that in the comments spirit shackles isaac what you got for me game um come on load load the slack c2 video let's go uh upon that turn into his soul thank you if i don't have a heart 10 seconds occurs to take damage on ghost form okay gotcha gotcha gotcha okay so your ghost form is half a heart as long as you don't hit you come back to life it seems pretty good i see it's pretty op it kind of reminds me of um like a more lethal version of like this one oh more lethal version of um out of body experience that's what it reminds me of a little bit i like that item a lot so i'm happy with this okay so all here's we got to talk about right now the sacred heart right we have a two times damage multiplier homing shots like and and believe it or not an actual good tier rate and this thing which gives us uh this this thing item rooms on the um boom i'm gonna take over the other item i think honestly um are we gonna go mausoleum and everything else this run you might wanna go mother this run dude holy chaos okay this run is taking uh we already got into the heart if we pick up chaos it's only going to be a net positive for us how do we how do we spin this into a better situation i don't think you can that is insane i mean hollow the ground i walk into that room right i was like oh hollow ground is pretty good look to my right so that's pretty good too oh a sacred heart right that was like oh that's probably even better honestly come here come here come here oh you missed the bomb you fool big bomb it open uh waste a key you can go back and grab your your trinket sure but also i don't really have time for that i'm kind of like a speedrunner right now got a great item in my my hands ah thank you okay what's your goal here what's your goal here fight your boss and find out what you get your devil deal if you do get anything at all because you don't want to pick up chaos until you've taken up all your special rooms on the floor because you don't want to like lose a chance to find a guaranteed devil item rather than you know your item room maybe being a devil item stuff like that right what's it gonna be game we actually got a deal oh it's berserk yeah so that's very tankable um i love berserk and you know what we'll go park guppy here as well and pick this up um now i think you'd definitely pick up chaos chaos is gonna be pretty much a guaranteed guppy for you on this run but what you want to do is finish out the rest of your floor first you can get some money in your mirror dimension possibly if we do want to go mother i mean dude berserk is one of those like really really good items like there's a lot of those really really good items this one just like has the only downside is if you if you play like an idiot and normally i do i will admit i play like an idiot most of the time so there may be a sizable downside to having berserk but we have 10 damage and four tier rate we are almost almost max tier rate jesus christ we're gonna be crushing this run i'm not gonna use it in the lost form because um you're liable to take a lot of contact damage with this item i want to be a little more safe than that all i'm really looking for now is money and there is a sense right there we can go grab get it ascent ascension haha uh maybe we want actually we should go fight beast this run i'd be more interested in fighting beats than mother mother's okay but beast is kind of like the boss you know i'm not gonna use it he says and he goes what does he do he uses it um it's very good though like it's very very good i can get in here please okay beautiful stuff all right be careful though you don't want to die with with sacred heart that'd be embarrassing that'd be very embarrassing all right easy room here potentially get a berserk for our boss here if we if we kill things fast enough uh we're gonna maybe if we kill that last guy into our extra room down here possible it's possible lucky rock that literally gives us uh chaos wow who would have guessed all right pick it up and then walk back in bomb explode 20 million cents here zero cents all right that works too i guess what do you got for me huh once maybe it's not as good as i remember it being i know it got hard nerf but still that's a little much okay watch out i can't hit him like that what what is going excuse me you guys took no damage there all right that's cool man that's awesome that's really epic dude pick up that all right i'm feeling good we should definitely uh do our well we can't do our boss trap room i guess um the scent right here i guess you look for your secret room and then you hopefully it can afford chaos with fight you can definitely buy me a machine to get chaos yes true i'm gonna do i don't have a lucky rock anymore never mind i'm not gonna bomb those open um look for your secret room if you find it you know hallelujah get your money and get out okay it's not there it has to be adjacent to our shop then which is a good place for it to be um [Music] this run could make it could make a lot of things work for us here beautiful red chest okay you know it's it's it's good pills it's good pills very good pills actually okay go go crazy huh we may have just lost our chance of buying chaos um that would suck if so but um you know things work out the way they do for a reason yeah there's no chaos for us uh maybe we get a reverse hermit and we can do something with that i guess oh good pill effects oh i say as i hit myself hey there's a chance we can still do it this change we can still hold on hold on i can see forever wait a minute wait a minute the the cogs in my brain have have returned to function again is it going to be down here watch oh it's in this room that's a regular secret room right right right it's got to be here then to our left is it where is it down oh it's down duh okay we can actually maybe buy chaos hold the phone no blood bag please no blood bag [Music] come on ain't a nickel or a dime here game don't hold out on me hey we have we're so close okay okay okay um there must have been hearts in our other room there were hearts in our in our mirror boss room okay so hold on think think for a minute you i'm not used to using my brain i'm not very used to using my brain what we should do is pick up go to become the lost again go through your mirror pick up the hearts that were in your other side of the world um there also is one scent in that room down there walk through here go over to your boss fight pick up your health yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right what's what's going on in here nothing and then this one cool oh wait we have our shopkeepers back right so those guys still exist in there um that's gonna be one two more cents we actually get it now we actually can get can get it okay cool let's let's see what's going on in this room though real quick i want to make sure there's nothing crazy oh they're back huh i forgot it worked like that but it'll still hurt as we play it though because we are in the lost form um break these just in case you don't like the machine breaks next pop um i think you got chaos i think you worked your way around it and finally got chaos would you look at that would you look at that alright so then what you want to do here is you want to say the loss and there's a reason for this because you need to actually get this scent over here oh we can't play the machine anymore can we we have to beat a room okay we have okay this is like a mental gymnastics right we gotta beat a room to become the lost again [Music] we can't walk into you um we just need two we need one more cent and we're good one more scent and we're good oh i love this game dude chaos time baby all right all right all right all right okay so we just we just ended up cheesing our way into getting chaos right now 15 minutes on floor 2 is uh quite the interesting situation here okay i guess if we're going to beast we don't need that uh crown so we'll just head on down normally here [Music] what a floor what a floor honest to god what a floor just don't die in this room when you get your lost form back there we go boys yeah we're back to normal and just now you just go freaking berserk on everything you literally oh this is a lovely room for me oh we didn't get any kills with berserk are you kidding me those didn't account for kills dude look at the ice on the ground oh my god all right you know what you can't please them all right you can't please them all car battery is uh fight the first find for chaos that makes a lot of items a lot better every enemy in here is like frozen why is ice cubes so much stronger than i remember it being is it our luck is that our luck factor being crazy what the hell is this run is just just all sorts of freaked up bear cano soul of magdalen and samson huh that's like that's two berserk pops right there pretty much that's gonna shred through dogma relatively with ease with relative ease i should say is a better way to phrase that okay goodbye you died in one hit oh great rocket in a i'll tell you i'll take it i'm gonna take rocket in a jar and if this item kills us i will gift a million subs to my to my viewers right now there's no way we die on this render rocket in a freaking jar i hate this item a lot but i'm taking it to prove a point that we are unkillable right now goodbye the virus ooh nice nice nice the fight a good drop to get not affected by chaos because that is going to be uh poison contact damage with berserk as well as one-third spun do this this run is just you know it reminds me of frank sinatra's that's life you just kind of like roll the punches because everything is working out for you you you've taken you know some some pretty tough runs recently the blue baby run that tandem maggie runs a little scary for a while but you know you wrote the punches and eventually life pans out for you like like in this run right here where i just destroy everything like i mean like come on dude oh berserk is uh not going down at all oh because car battery oh that actually has a functionality i didn't know it's gonna actually work usually those items just kind of like don't function okay school bag is is one of those items you always want just just for you know the sake of having it kirsten mays here yeah uh i kind of like our ice cube thing i also don't want a d100 or d4 on accident by popping it um goldback's a great item to have especially with car battery allowing you to have two active items that can have car battery leads to some pretty awesome game breaks if we can find a sharp plug on this run plus that plus like you know i don't even know we need to go deeper pluto and mars we can loop infinitely to the home floor and get like infinite lives that'd be pretty crazy um we should be doing those looking for our demon judgment to play we kind of bouncing around the room right now there you are sir we have rocket bombs remember we have rocket bombs i'm not gonna forget please no payout yet huh um that was okay don't move thank you there's our secret room hell yeah wooden chest more pills for us bad gas and speed upgrade all right bomb your way into here oh you have rocket bombs uh you you have rocket bombs uh what's in here for us holy mantle oh my okay okay okay ow that hurt there's one kill oh you're going dead you're going bad go stupid dude art okay we have holy mantle now so we uh as far as being at two hearts are not going to lose this run no matter what you guys think at home you're right it saved us from the rocket bomb dude this is the greatest item known to man all right walk into your curse room for free hopefully get some money for school bag noble hearts helps too okay rocket bombs watch out rune bag's insane oh my god oh my god oh my god okay you i need to focus now because this run could potentially be something insane this could be like your magnum opus if we can get any kind of game break here we're pretty much guaranteed if we can just keep keep it up to find an r key or forget me now and really make this run shine um but it comes in the fact you need to buy a school bag it it has to happen this is going to open up the door to a lot more things for you we have only have one active currently that could change fast and now every act of every pool has a chance to have every active in it so you really need to like you know you know man up here and hopefully find another active item hopefully okay you know what you know what pay out right now you're tempting me i almost want to go deeper on them but that'd be a very very dumb choice for a guy like me what does soul of maggie do does that drop hearts on the ground if you kill an enemy it doesn't matter the floor is already done you know what just move on with the solo maggie why not or does it charm everything it does one of those two things i'm pretty sure i actually haven't found our super secret room yet have we hmm ah dude who cares all you're waiting for now is a demon judgment just move on with your life okay head on down here i'm feeling good this run is actually great this one is is is ah hello oh it does drop heart oh it's like it's like tan and maggie's effect okay you were frozen i didn't even see you down there dog we got some hp back here that's pretty nice at least beautiful dude we i don't know if we can actually lose the run anymore because holy mantle stacks on the beast fight that's two free hits on the beast fight oh that was an insane hit right there why did car better not work that time for it did car battery work at all uh oh no we can't hit him because he was frozen ah the irony dude the straight up irony okay that's fine though walk in for free and you'll walk out for free it's just that simple okay what do i want from roon bag i want pear throw and i want yara um i really want to farm for a death cert or an arch this run and we need to get some game breaks to make that happen we need to find sharp plug we need to find um what's a combination blank card we need obviously to get infinite money uh soul of isaac is is very very very good good stuff roger okay can you make it down here fast enough why is car battery not working with um beautiful stuff dude not with berserk anymore i thought it worked i literally called it happening and what did we find okay actually we can use the slay xc2 glitch to force it our key hold on so there is a bug in the game that if you how does it work if you school bag and forget me now on the same frame you can um pop forget me now over and over oh hey why not how you doing um is it when you're picking up an item yeah you know it's when you pick up an item that goes into your school bag slot so you you want to pick it up with this like this and then pop forget me now i think that's how it works so correct me if i'm wrong uh chatters at home but i believe that's how it works um i believe that's how it works so we'll try out if we get the chance to we'll definitely try it out if not oh well you know i'm gonna also soul of isaac this of isaac because i don't really want that also we're two parts beyond now oh we never know we are biased above as well as we now have uh double homing because it's funny and uh laz rags because it's funny um so we can we can do floors over again infinitely as long as we have an active item on the ground oh my god i don't i don't even know what to say i'm just trying to figure out how we're gonna make this run i don't know why i took i saw homie at tunnel vision but it's also funny just to have just don't accidentally uh oh don't pick that up pop your forget me now that would not be good when do i want to use forget me now um we can grab multiple negatives next floor and get more damage as well as racking up some extra mom kills for the for the hell of it uh the gods just pop it right now um that would be nice to have double of those although mausoleum doing it on like the next floor will be nice we get more item rooms we double choice on our item as well as extra shops so probably on the mausoleum or next floor whenever we find an active item we'll do the bug and then we'll see if it actually still works if they patched it out yet because they haven't again they're waiting on we're waiting on quite a lot of patches for isaac and i'm not gonna rush the devs sorry dev singular because kilburn's putting all his time and effort into this and he wants to make it perfect as possible but uh we're still waiting on quite a bit of hot fixes for this game which are a little a little bit of a letdown but you know life goes on all right move on move on move on god damn man this run is popping off this is crazy dude this is crazy okay curse of the blind huh that's a little frightening i'm not gonna lie that is honestly actually very frightening i'm not gonna lie okay i'm out of here one more one more one more room there we go perfect stuff okay um i think you just gotta i think you buy out the shop man i think you'll save your money you buy the entire shop out if you can look there's some money right there for you what about this what about what's up good stuff good stuff oh oh my god what the hell diplopia [Music] does that work it did not work i don't know how to use the bug but now we're back on this floor that was a little still i could have pulled me at the shop and a little bit better play there i thought that how did how does the forget me now bug work you can usually use it to duplicate stuff but you can like use school bag when you pop forget me now and do infinite floors with forget me now um weird i don't know how it works um hey you know what though we're here it doesn't matter we still forget me now nothing bad happened there um we should have i played the floor out all the way first we did that but i wanted to really test it out i was a little antsy for it you know either way we're all rocking a genre either way we're a hundred percent fine now it's not really gonna do it's gonna make everything worse for us i wanna because we get a lot of money on these runs don't get me wrong um reverse emperors does not do much for us either star's card though could do a lot for us um hey we got rid of our curse though anna's might have just saved ourselves from getting like a really bad item um in the form of curse of the blind stuff yeah shorter glass hilarious let's uh definitely buy bloody lust here i want to force an how do you force an r key on one of these i try to like my brain's like racking itself i mean out of the 30 character run i can figure out how to force an rk but let's figure this out huh if i want to get an arc it's gonna come from any item pool right so what's the easiest item pool to abuse probably the shop pool so my next thought is how do i get blank card easiest well all the pools are up so i don't even know um hmm that's fine normal items spawn there get some money while you're here also it's really good for uh lusty blood bloody lost whatever you want to call it i'm not gonna buy shorter glass i don't really see a point to that i guess it does work kind of well with bloody lust but i don't like taking damage for no reason that's my personal preference though on uh pop answers i want to see my my rooms on this floor okay claw machine that's a very very vital way to get stuff um hold on hold on open up all your rooms here please thank you so much okay going up going up going up you want hearts and you want money but you you want to play the clown machine pretty much all the way out that does literally nothing for us in our current situation um i priestess does not do anything for us as well good pills oh great actually great pill and shot speed up all right we have insane stats right now ours like 16 1.6 or sorry 16666 damage look at that um almost max speed a lot of things are going our way right now a lot of things are i could not be happier first try first i can try first third try there we go broken bottoms here fire in mind i it's really good against beast believe it or not firemind actually kind of against beast hey first try on fire mind as well let's go bad phd with luck foot pretty good look at how big our tears are dude oh my god and with our crazy luck set we're gonna be spawning a lot of boys out here okay you still don't forgive me now don't forget you forget me now still uh so when do you want to use that it might honestly be on this floor doing depths two three times might honestly be the move um but finish out your floor first see what you can get out of this this floor if there's anything unique here i mean the claw machine might be like a seated they might see the the claw machine multiple times on depths too so our best bet probably am going to be doing depths 2 over and over and over and over and over again so why don't we uh do that then kill the mini boss obviously seeing a mini boss as well as as we could nine lives next to our run through we get a certain uh kind of boss okay yeah yeah yeah what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to pick up the you're going to fight mom pick up the polaroid and negative and then go down so you can you can have two copies of it when so you can keep one when you go down to your uh what's it called next floor your mausoleum two beast fight stuff come on that sucks ah oh rocket bombs why did i pick it up just prove a freaking point i'm an idiot okay you know what dude you know what just go and fight oh red mom of course my favorite mom variant to fight honestly not being so you know sarcastic at all just the best mom bearing in the fight there we go pick this up pick this up forget me now here we go our third depth two okay you have the negative now you wanna get two negatives so you can have the extra damage um ooh moon car i'm gonna pop moon card right now and see what happens all right just agreed fight agreed fights we get more money out of it we can buy more things from our shop and or play our claw machine if permitted all right walk back over oh flies are all your friends because you're you're you're beyond what we have is baby plum count as a fly item the more you know dude the more you know that's crazy i didn't i didn't know that actually worked like that okay nice our answers rune is lost to time over there we'll get it back eventually though don't worry infamy's pretty good um no oh great that's that's great honestly our key in the shop watch this no but there is d20 no but there is d20 okay that stack is hilarious um arcade good arcade to this floor please and we can maybe force an arky out of this it needs to be a stellar arcade though excuse me the cops are coming back it needs to be a really good arcade i guess it could happen in this room too there's a lot of beggars we can play in there okay you know what you know what i'm feeling this out right now let's start our rolls here um because you don't have anything else to work with currently so might as well play which play with what you got already ace of diamonds hey that could be really good as well what are you i'm not it's going to ruin my run i'm not going to do it that that'll ruin certain things i'm i'm not gonna do it um there's a case to be made for it sure but oh that's really good actually um i i'm not gonna do it there's no reason to okay great oh cool we actually had a lot of drops in there what did that was those were our flies that did that weird i don't know our flights turn into money like that cool the more again the more you know keys no arcade huh maybe you're still hiding in the corner over there but that kind of sucks we get no arcade we could get one next floor i guess maybe um it could happen oh don't do that um but i don't know i saw of lands we can take with us that's fine it's it's cool it's good oh there goes those okay there could be actually there could still be an arcade you never know how there's actually this floor is kind of going a lot of directions you never know man things are happening oh there is a sacrifice room which for 20 coins and this hold on oh that's really good as well i'm gonna play this out by the way okay we got an item drop there uh we're gonna need some more hearts to make this work so let's go get our hearts back the sacrifice room could be the way we make this run work um believe it or not why did i oh i could walk in but i gotta also just bomb into that works as well get some hp back don't worry about your boss trap room either that could make some for some pretty interesting dynamics here um if we get the 20 cents that's 20 things we can roll right there on the ground which would be very very much worth it out of there all right push the bombs away walk out walk back in watch this card with diamonds all right okay this should be our should be our thing right here we got our 20 cents so pick this up roll this okay there are a lot of things going on in that bottom corner i don't know what to make of it all right sadly no batteries oh but a temperance card shot speed shot speed tears okay good no batteries though elf up helps a lot higher offense two more things on the ground right here um i guess there is no way to get a battery um maybe in the shop we have one just lying around that i don't think we do but that could be nice we need to get we need to get batteries on the ground to make this these rolls like actually you know viable let's see there was no battery in here huh that's quite the shame um have we seen our secret roommate or super secret we have not seen our super yet like it could be in our super this runs taking a while but trust me guys it's going to be worth it we can make this run work we could definitely make this run work and i'm determined to make this run work and if not this floor it next floor who cares there's a super secret room in which there is a guy who not drop batteries hey kind of again another letdown here um do not enter your fight without your full card don't forget about your full card that's pretty essential for you honestly um [Music] vision yeah there really isn't a way to get a battery here is there and we can i'm gonna play our guy over here um because this could prove to be worth it for us don't be bombs in there please get this chest out of here get it out of here thank you thank you thank you thank you we need to get that out of this we can actually play our guys some more there could be a way to find batteries in this room um i'm willing to try i'm on the dang try you know please even mini batteries give me like 400 of those will be in a great place a lot of red chests in here dawg i don't know if i feel good about this a lot of red chests in here man i'm gonna pay out one more time okay any keys we can play him with one key right here he's more you need more you're telling me i've given you like four oh no well there goes that guy for oh oh we already saw this right let's bomb we have rockets on the bomb hold on let's bomb this guy's even get a charge over this maybe i don't think it does give you a charge but oh it does okay cool cool or one closer i guess somehow nothing in there all right all right all right all right all right all right my baby don't mess around um can we actually get a charge off of our boss trap room maybe mom is one charge that's only two in there though isn't it hmm let's get our full card first make sure you have your full card on you or do we reroll our full card no we did not cuz we oh we don't have any bombs for it though is the issue oh there's a bomb right here look at that it solves this freaking self all right do that pick up your fool card what i'm trying to do now is go down to somehow get down to uh i'll go into one of these one heart here another one another one okay beautiful it will not give us a charge i'm pretty sure but it's worth a try i guess um okay yeah we're not gonna get a charge here i don't think unless we get like the extra battery uh thing oh god oh god that was really close to meet us dying guerra though hey that can make things pretty worth it okay this happens we fight mom now and then uh that's it we don't get any more charges huh damn dude i was really hoping for some kind of like saving grace to make this pop off because we just needed one more to get the batteries especially with yara now to get the batteries pumping out dude oh it would have been so nice we'll just fight mom we'll get out of here then that's fine switch back to make sure you get your charge on this if possible okay pick this up pick this up full card out every room here has been explored we have no more chance to get a crawl space really uh there's a i guess there is a pill in our room over here i don't know what it is though it was not 40 hour energy thank god i wouldn't be really pissed if it was we can play you out for a minute here uh you can't drop batteries i never mind you can't drop batteries there's no point to playing you out at all unless you give me a battery for beating you i don't think you do though i get no charge out of this right wow ouch yeah no charge out of you there huh okay well let's pick pick everything up and leave man you're fine you're fine you're fine um i guess there is still hope for this to work nope did not do anything okay yeah yeah yeah i get it i'm leaving i'm leaving okay everyone's still maddie for sticking around in this god forsaken with rocket and a bomb we have rock in a jar bomb bomb rocket jar rocket okay pick up this pick up this and pick up this and get the hell out here don't forget your yara room because yara might make next floor the floor you can break the game on and then it's like a five hour run okay pick up your yara and head on thank you should be able to keep at least one of your things um ready thank you okay you could be keep one negative hey there's extra damage for us man the aruna is ready we're all good to go down and fight the beast after we break the game of course if we can please break the game i want to break it so bad i want to break it so bad nothing okay here you go oh hello we can use shoot i guess shupe is a once the room brimstone for us i guess i mean we can use it a lot um which is is a very good thing obviously so we can get some massive damning off of that so what do you want to do here you want to find again an arcade or a shop where you can bomb your donation machine open and get a ton of money on the ground that way you can you can uh yara all the money on the ground then d20 it and potentially maybe get chests and potentially maybe possibly even find an r key oh succubus that's nice that's nice to see this stream is pretty primed for it though too i will say all right shop number one here we go our only shop i guess there is another part of guppy um just buy it it's gonna take your hp down quite a bit but i think it's worth it you're only you're only one away from guppy now um nothing great in there okay think about your time spent there is no battery so no results going to happen there which sucks two dimes that makes everything quite a lot more interesting as well a flagellate down you're gonna move buddy there we go there we go broken mode i'm paying out right there okay i think your best bet is going to be this room down here do we have an arcade no we do not have an arcade okay here's what i'm gonna do here is what i am going to do everything we grab matters so i'm gonna just start piling cards and runes and stuff like that into this room even my trick is gonna be stuck in this room um that that's my goal for right now everything goes into that room we yara everything in that room then we d20 it i just wanted to work so bad and i haven't gotten a good game break and oh maybe this is actually the better room to do it in um maybe that is the better room how many how many coins are in this i'm gonna do some math here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten there's like 11 to 12 coins in there okay okay and there are one two three four five six seven eight as a lock upgrade as well uh we'll do the other room i guess it's a secret room it has better luck for us right well also i want the hearts in the lock upgrade anyway so we'll do it in the other room i guess we're gonna make this work chat don't worry looking for a temperance card to really make this work would be my guess um again pile some more money in there everything like that bob's your freaking uncle dude you can make it work you can make this work real well what's in here huh yo infestation's real good really really good this is why you always take chaos man it's so good literally there's one of the best we go two bombs it's kind of inconsequential for that room touch and touch all right two eternal hearts there's a part of our hp back already okay we're not getting a ton of usability for oh this isn't okay maybe this maybe this is the freaking room dude what the heck you seeing this no it is not the room um i'll take nail over shoot because nail's gonna give us some hp yeah i want that pretty badly actually um pick up this and drop that in your item or your other room as well okay your plan is slowly coming together here and it's going to pan out trust me manifest it make it work make it make it make it work get it this one over here and it'll be good to go okay you're almost done don't worry you're almost done with this whole set up here what else can we buy in this shop huh there's our yara um give some money back to good old society over here huh it's not a lot for you this run make sure your thing's so healthy because if you run out of money eventually one of these ones are gonna be in a hard place buy the book put it back down buy the soul heart and buy the bomb for good luck and move on all right you're now going to go into this room hopefully there's a battery bomb or a golden battery in here neither of those things came true but that's okay telekinesis not what i wanted to see and okay bumbo can stay right there and die not good not good this game break is looking less and less likely by the second i'm saying i'm still trying my best to make it work man if it doesn't happen so so what i tried my best to make this thing work and god damn it i'm proud of it okay yara and d20 okay we got too many batteries on the ground here let's exit from the bottom to avoid picking a bunch of stuff open okay it kind of helped a little bit there right all right oh okay pick that up you're one charge away there is one more room to do here that was a good plan on your part all right walk back over hey guys maybe it's happening right now it could be happening literally right now god damn it's okay um why why why why why why why all right the only thing you do now is take damage deliberately um to go into your boss trap room i want to just have this work in my favor so here we go guys i i might sound stupid what i'm doing here i'm just gonna i have to make this work i have to try my best at least [Music] there we go all right boss trap room give me something delectable in here dog hey you know what you know what we asked for electable what did we get we got delectable you know what it's a good item all right oh he's doing fires at me okay oh he's stopped because he's he's a little that's why beautiful okay now we actually fight this room out thank you siren and goodbye great voice you got there by the way oh you're rocking a freaking um how do i not die in the situation i can't leave the room i gotta like wait for the timeout yeah okay cool all right let's uh go do our thing we have one too many batteries again not three which may mean our time on masterchef here is done damn [Music] this is a shame this truly is a shame all right pick everything up and leave i guess i mean you can keep trying in the future for this to work but i don't know man i do not know [Music] yeah it's done our time our time trying to get break the game has been uh cut short because this game's not only broken anymore i tried my best chat and you know just didn't work out i just didn't worry it's sad it truly is i'm actually crying right now i don't think you guys can see but i'm actually crying so bad right now um well that was four to two minutes of my day how about yours anything behind these pillars nope all right hey you tried right you tried it's gone just get over it i guess all you do now is uh hope and pray for the future right oh we could have done our game breaks in the item rooms and done it coming back up i guess it wouldn't have worked though so i think which is really sad but i can dream right i can dream pop your nail don't be an idiot okay are you gonna go for full clears i mean why not we have sacred heart i mean our hp we have nine lives it's pretty much a beast guaranteed to win um i'm i'm just sad i'm just sad al just also is a beast win um yeah just take alges the game is not going to be broken man if we find a beggar we can maybe make it worth our time again but like is it worth trying if it's not going to work anyways i i have no faith anymore i blew candle how you doing today you were on our last run and you actually kind of helped carry a little bit i'm proud of you what do you got for me oh knockout now that's a freaking dog that's an item right there that is definitely an item oh look at our we have so much we have a great luck stick you know break in the game actually matter because now we have a great luck stat we're gonna make a beast and knockout drops happen it's gonna be the funniest thing in the world it actually is one of the funniest like little like little uh boss synergies in the game i like it i like it okay i move this back a little bit i was right by my mouth not in front of my face huh sorry about that dang no beggar here no beggar here you know i did break the game on home once so maybe i could do it on home that was a 30 character run was making all of home a game break that was pretty fun um that was a 4.5 volt plus deck of cards um is the easiest game break in isaac i think honestly i think that is like the most the most you know two item game break is it's just that it works uh keepers thing actually that drops money all over the ground right right hold on here go for a yara ruin on this floor i should have waited until i got a hero that's a i'm a dumbass i am a dumb idiot nothing in here right okay okay okay because the thing is if two of those things are batteries then we have our game break because if it's if one of them is a battery the yard version is also a battery fun little fact happened in our other room in this in this uh this run so if one's a battery it's always a battery okay no yara uh still try to try to see what you can do here huh not much it looks like yeah no batteries shame okay two of clubs you might as well pay away your bombs do that um you can never be at zero charge because you have the battery things don't worry about that error room nope no error room there pick up your allergies and then leave the floor hey you're trying your best you're trying your best right it doesn't pan out man like i said oh well oh well not everything in the world is meant to be broken except for uh binding of isaac obviously i think another another keeper soul you know could make it a a viability or an ace of uh queen of hearts card maybe as well that gas nothing there hey some hp for us that pretty much solid solidifies our victory right there oh you came like out of the freaking center of the room just to kill me there how nice of you like i think i should have been our friend man that's not good i don't like that one at all actually that's not very fun to have knockout no knockout drops like messes the game up quite a bit it's it's really entertaining to watch on beast you got to trust me on that one i've had it a couple times and every time i've made made beasts like not impossible to fight but dang near a lot harder all right see our bill also is a very good idea to have it makes your tears crazy wacky funny quirky you need to repent this is something that's just light inside you that one yeah are insane all right are you not dead dude that guy lived forever man that was crazy the most unsatisfying game break in isaac huh is that what we're going for for this title today all uh like hour long of this video you know what the longer they are the better you guys like watching longer videos from what i can tell you sit down you watch it in multiple parts you never know so lazarus hey that's pretty cool pretty not not not bad at all honestly all right no beggar in here looks like everyone dead everyone is dead all right i think beggars have the highest chance of showing up on the basement so that should be the next floor we go to uh we'll get a beggar on maybe our next way next floor one more floor after this i think um potential beggar here next floor obviously i i said that already i don't know why i thought it was gonna happen this floor also why i was like wait wait that happened in the boss player but it's not gonna happen in the boss fight room you idiot you gotta get a walk around the floor to find it first the pop your nail you idiot you're like playing like merm right now not popping your nail at all smh where's our guys at oh here you are destroyed dude hey that could be that could be pretty good for us i like that i like that um any beggars nope we get knockout drops freaking galore up there i just leave just leave to sleep they're gonna be able to beat beast easily here sacred heart is your first angel room item is you know everyone's dream right okay there is a high chance we can find beggars on this floor so we gotta look around for those we can make those guys pay dude we can make those guys pay so the loss that's funny that's really funny give that back give me that back you're my friend you're all my friends we have an army with us right now dude uh i don't want bray i don't like brainworm that much i know it's pretty it can be pretty good but i don't know it is a lot of weird things your tears like not hit what you want him to hit and that can cause you to take some damage not because if you want to knock back an enemy and doesn't knock it back well you know tough right so i i don't like it that much that's my personal opinion on it though not a huge fan of the item not a huge fan of the item all right basement one last floor to go through no beggars it looks like very sad very very sad can we get 10 000 likes for how sad this was wait there's a chance that can happen still we can get a game breaker there's a small chance of it happening okay okay okay very tiny chance of this happening um i'm putting all my stuff in this room this is our final call this is our final final call we don't even need the alge's rune i'm putting that in the room as well okay you're going in here too mr broken syringe we have one more trigger to go grab bring back and a rune as well that wasn't a yara rune was it was it bear cano no it was soul of the lost no all right walk it back walk it back walk it back come on dude this is all i've ever asked for in life okay we have a sack and a couple of chests hey it's not gonna happen damn we try hey you know what you know what we gave it a very very very honest effort three tries in a row the d20 break it did not happen oh well life goes on sayonara sayonara all right not there it's it's a shame man i really was looking forward to that happening but you know what if the game doesn't want it to happen i can't force it i can't force it i'll take this over that at this point you're gonna be fine and go fight dog might just absolutely just destroy 20 damage max tier rate and this shot speed doing some you know oh we already hit great awesome yeah we we have this in the bag we have this run in the bag well you know what you know what it shows that even though no matter how hard you're trying this game it still hates fun that's that's the lesson from today that's today's lesson oh oh you che you're trying all right even dogma hates fun car batteries so good okay oh hello oh that i bet if we didn't have car better we would have gotten more batteries on the ground we were probably re-rolling batteries into other things probably so that kind of sucks as well car battery being our first chaos item did not do us justice i feel like on this run it would have been great with sharp plug and stuff like that but did not find sharp plug either we did not get guppy and realizing either this one was just a letdown dude the most disappointing game break in all of isaac man all right here we go peace time this should be an easy ass fight here you look great that was fake out of those pestilence fermented i'm like why is he green oh my god here you come nice telegraph there i guess it was my fault for pushing him off the screen huh i should be gone already get back here get back here you're getting knockout drops you're getting razored everything you're getting fired come on there we go push him into the lava oh you can push him into the lava that's right that's the fun of knockout drops at least we're drowning him we're drowning him in the lava dude how to drown the horseman new clickbait video coming soon okay watch this uh-huh yeah keep going keep pushing him down i'm getting poisoned get him down there keep him down there [Music] god i love this item dude god i love this item stop homing there we go one more down uh yeah yeah now we also have nine lives don't forget so we we cannot lose on this also car battery get him get him down there there we go is it in the lava with him oh yeah there it is blowing himself up now this is just stupid this runs just like ridiculous you go go gay get back down back down go you're drowning you're drowning the lava no escape for you you just dash even further into the lava what was your game plan there what was you what was your game plan there all right last guy go down yep yep follow your brother's another llama right there yep uh-huh [Music] yeah baby this is the easiest fight known to man you can't touch me you can't touch me i got hit there though he did he didn't touch me there i guess can you get down to 11 now oh god okay don't do that you don't want to die on the beast fight come on man you can't really hit him at all it's kind of a hard hard uh death fight but we're going to be a-okay there oh we have rocket bombs yeah all right let's do it rocket bombs time karnakot drops beast into the lava i cannot push beast into the lava the more you know i'll hit myself there okay so you can't even put regular bombs down here okay that's interesting interesting uh oh god i'm being sucked down to the lava why is my body flying in circles what is happening my body is is not having a good time with this right now okay i'm back to my actual form my normal boyform okay go up all right we're not gonna die guys don't worry we have uh we have um what's it called nine lives we cannot die against beasts of nine lives there's no way the fire is doing consistent damage as well we don't even die at all because we have this insane build by the way ah i want to make a 10 second clip this title of what for that for that weird body thing happening last time anyways gg we finished the run if you enjoyed that run uh subscribe and like and comment for the algorithm um follow my twitch it's down below i'm live every monday wednesday and friday from 12 p.m essentially well it's about 4 p.m central time it's a fun time like seeing some people from the youtube maybe come by the stream from youtube just say i'm from youtube i'll say hey what's up man that'll be the end of that pretty sure but anyways guys see you guys tomorrow peace out and goodbye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 4,701
Rating: 4.9103141 out of 5
Keywords: chaos, sacred heart, holy mantle, beast, dogma, insane, knock out drops, tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted
Id: RFivCIrNlaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 42sec (3702 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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