The Hottest Chili Pepper in the World. | MasterChef Australia

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i love this challenge things are going to get a little hot in here what are they chillis poblano chilies jalapenos starting to see a little pattern here huh oh cayenne chillies i'm starting to realize that those minutes under the chilies is all the cooking time you're going to get and 15 minutes is not much time at all next one big quinn you see what's happening here they're getting hotter they're getting hotter if there's anything i don't want to cook with it's hot chilies for the simple facts i can't handle them it's going to be very hot in here especially when we look under this gloss [Music] i'm scared come on george it's okay yep the chilis are getting hotter so under here habanero you have to cook with one of these chilies the hotter the chili the harder the dish so the more time you have to cook that dish that's why these little babies you only get five minutes and that's why the habaneros you have 30 minutes but there's one more chili that i need to show you this chili is the hottest chili in the world this is the trinidad scorpion butch tea chili you know that your tongue pretty much looks like that after you've tasted just a tiny bit of it if you chose to cook with this you'd have to wear a face mask you'd have to wear gloves if you touch this chili your hands will be numb for two days so it's off the table sarah you're you're married into an indian family or indian family's married into your family you must love chili i do love chili um but i know that you guys can't handle too much spice but um what well it's not asking you guys i love chili it's him maybe he should have been not here today maybe maybe the rules are simple you need to cook us a delicious dish it's about being able to be smart cooks to introduce the flavour of the chili rather than just the punch and smack of the chili yeah you guys will be picking the chili that you want to cook with we'll be working that out a little master chef classic the knife pull i really want to get the habanero chili for the simple reason i've got the most time [Music] sarah number one that means you're first oh great girl i knew she was gonna take her off okay tash number two that means you go second i'm definitely looking at the hotter chilies that give me a longer cooking time [Music] go five minutes man go five minutes be brave i'd be crazy to choose a five minute dish sorry georgie so i'm gonna go with the cake no way 15 minutes isn't long but the opportunity to cook against a top chef would be absolutely mind-blowing and i'll do anything i can to win this immunity challenge sarah your time starts now [Applause] i definitely think i've got an advantage today i've chosen the habanero chilies they're the hottest but it means i've got the longest time for cooking 30 minutes come on sarah i'm doing it today i'm going to make pork mince mossa with a chilli chutney and a is raita hot it is pretty hot fascinating challenge because obviously it's a balance of uh heat and time how do you temper something like a habanero how do you make it i'm bored i'm i think 30 minutes is very very alluring how would you do about it first of all i guess i'd cut them open and i'd remove that in a membrane would i blanch them and then and then grill them or would i slow roast them sort of like cooking them for a long amount of time to sort of reduce the heat a little bit they're quite scary i have to say i finished my dough and i'm happy with that so now i've got to get my oil in the pan up to temperature so that i can deep fry my samosa i'm using the hottest chili today so i really have to be careful not to make it too hot so my samosas samosa's inedible i just want to do a little chili jam on the side i know george isn't a chili fan so i'm going to make a little chili jam with habanero on the side so the judges can adjust the heat to their liking i love the fact that you're living dangerously and not only putting it in the main component the samosa but then you're going to make us a chili jam to dip the cement you guys have got different taste buds i love chillies so i love chili as well but i want that balance of pleasure and pain yeah exactly what about this sweaty head ah don't worry about that that's half of the pleasure obviously i'm worried about the flavor of the chili and getting that in there without taking it too far right 10 minutes down 20 minutes to go that means tash is cooking 20 minutes i'm gonna take a big risk today i'm going to use chili in a dessert so i have to make sure to balance the heat of the chili with the sweetness of the dessert but if i pull it off i know that dish is going to set me apart from the other two i'm going to make a pineapple and chili sorbet with a macerated fruit salad i peel and call my pineapple put that in the thermomix along with some ice one big hurdle in this dish and that is making a sorbet in that 20 minutes that has to be made and frozen in that time span i'm pretty nervous about the fact that i've only got 15 minutes i've got the shortest amount of time and the least experience cooking with chili's you're almost done brent yeah it's all about the chili so get loads in there for me and the cayenne is what i've been drawn to i would use it in a way where it becomes the body of the dish yeah so you know char really gently maybe make a puree try the green one oh that's hot i think what the weirdest thing is the man who doesn't like chili's has probably made the best choice yeah in terms of those yeah absolutely 15 minutes down that means 15 to go brent let's get into the pantry brent what are you cooking i'm going to use the mussels i'm going to use a bit of white wine and the chili and toss it through a bit of garlic get the herbs you know all in one pan make it delicious come on community man that's what's on the line unreal brent you're on a winner mate i've picked up a few nice ingredients so i can put up a nice little dish with mussels and hopefully make chili the star choice good choice excellent choice well there's been a bit of a running joke in the house with brendan's chilly eating brent calls himself the chilly virgin because he's he's not good with uh heat um which didn't go down too well when the girls made him a coffee the other night full of chili so this challenge has probably come a little bit too soon for him but uh he's got the mildest ones out of the bunch so yeah i think he'll do well come on then idea what is it i'm going to do some mussels with a chorizo white wine toss it through with the chili and serve it on a bit of bread great idea for that that amount of time bro okay good i like the sound of the idea but you've got a motor right yeah come on man get him cranking mate remember this little hot round is about the chance to fight for immunity keep that in mind 10 minutes to go come on i'm still trying to get the right balance of chili in my pineapple sorbet i cut the tips off the chilies because they're slightly less hot than the walls of the chili will she have time to set your sorbet i mean that's going to be yours fingers crossed great idea great idea i've only got 10 minutes so if my sorbet isn't set properly i won't have a chili element on my dish at all and i will be completely out of the running to get that immunity pin things are hunting up five minutes to go five minutes [Applause] five minutes left to go i'm really worried my oil is nowhere near hot enough to deep fry my samosa i put my samosa in the oil and nothing happens it's not even bubbling your desperate time so you've either got to take some oil out how much oil do you realistically need to fry them so i just pour some of the oil out and i hope it comes to temperature quicker i need to really get motoring otherwise i'm not going to get a dish out i do beat about seven or eight muscles because i know not all of them will open just get all one mate get those muscles in there brent lid on i'm forensic time's ticking away i just hope that i've got enough time to do it all this is here three minutes to go three minutes before we determine the right i'm right down to the wire now i'm nearly out of time but the oil's finally up to temperature i just hope that the samosa cooks through and the pastry is nice and crispy i've got rockmelon and honeydew sitting in the ginger and mint and lime dressing and i'm just hoping that my sorbet is sitting in the freezer come on 30 seconds to go and i still haven't got my sorbet on the plate and i'm just hoping that you're set my sorbet set and i've never been more relieved don't forget your bread the time has come ten seconds to go nine eight seven six five four three come on come on you
Channel: MasterChef Australia
Views: 511,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, masterchef australia, masterchef australia season 6, #masterchef, master chef, how to cook, masterchef australia season 6 episode 16, masterchef australia s6 e16, best dishes on masterchef, cooking competition, masterchef australia immunity pin, masterchef australia immunity challenge, masterchef australia chili challenge, masterchef chili recipe, hottest chili, hottest chili pepper in the world, hottest chili in the world, Trinidad Scorpion Butch T pepper
Id: K4gTDEcxcIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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