Playing with Poutine in MasterChef Canada! | S02 E06 | Full Episode | MasterChef World

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last time on Master Chef Canada a luxury ingredient truffles inspired Cody to give up his Mystery Box Advantage resulting in a dish it's a bit of a train wreck that almost sent him home but other Home Cooks had better results it's incredible I want to devour that whole dish ultimately it was Kevin this dish does not do new Justice whose Master Chef Canada Journey came to an end tonight the top 12 face A Team Challenge we need fries people that demands taste this is the best gravy I've ever tasted in my life it's delicious it's incredible and sales technique come on bro do you guys like steak let me show this kid how it's done bacon it's a crisp day in picturesque Guelph Ontario a destination for food and wine lovers and home to one of the country's most prestigious universities it's here that the top 12 will face their next Team Challenge the steaks are getting really really high right now so close I could touch it I could feel it I could smell it it's Team Challenge I'm excited this is what I do I've been on teams my whole life I was a football player this is where I shine in fact I still have nightmares about having to go back to school so being here on a campus a little bit of anxiety kind of creeping in hello and welcome to Guelph Ontario a hotbed of culinary Innovation it's here that you're about to face your most grueling Team Challenge yet you're standing in front of the University of guelphs Ontario agricultural College the students who attend this college are being groomed to become global leaders in the agriculture food Sciences in fact some of the world's most delicious foods were first developed on this school's farmland but the food that this University is most famous for is Yukon go potatoes this humble potato is the main ingredient in another uniquely Canadian invention poutine [Applause] really confident because we're making puts in and as a montrealer boutine is quebecois number one three o'clock in the morning food as you know poutine is a sinfully delicious combination of golden french fries gooey cheese curds and perfectly seasoned gravy right now poutine is taking the World by storm and can be found on the menus of some of the world's top eateries where chefs are elevating it to decadent new levels guest we want you to do the same in just one hour this lawn is going to be teaming with hundreds of hungry students it will be each team's job to woo them with your own unique takes on a classic poutine one that looks and tastes worthy of MasterChef Canada David you had the best dish in the last Elimination Challenge so you will be our first team captain Sabrina as a runner-up you're the other team captain your chef I lost the last Team Challenge I'm so happy to not be team captain today because I just have to worry about feeding these students this challenge is going to work a little different that's because today there will be three teams and the person who has the advantage of choosing who that Captain will be is David wow David has another Advantage I like to compete and I'm going to compete against another French Canadian Lynn I am not in the mindset at all to be a team captain today this is gonna be hilarious Lynn a captain again she already had one meltdown I think it's a good pick by David the three poutine stands have been assigned a different color red blue and green each one is equipped with its own specialty Pantry that features a different top quality protein for the red stand it's pork for the blue stand it's beef and for the green stand it's chicken and you David have the advantage of getting to decide which team works with which protein so David which color Pantry do you choose I love pork so I'm going to go with pork for myself pork is definitely my product I grow two pigs a year and we process them right from beginning to end make sausages do everything David which protein have you decided Sabrina will be cooking with I choose beef I have to work with beef which I'm pretty excited because chicken is boring then that means you'll be the leader of the Green Team and you'll be cooking with chicken that's the ingredient that I wanted to work with but David doesn't know that he's actually setting me up for Success right now it's now time to start choosing your teams I want to avoid Lynn's team like to play I do not want to be on there when she's freaking out waving her knife at bees David you get first pick my first choice is fast in the kitchen Andrew Sabrina who's your first pick considering I'm working with beef John come on yeah another good and blue Lynn who's your first pick probably nobody wants to be on my team because I lost last time my first pick was my second in command at my last challenge tanning I think this time around Lynn is going to let go of the Reigns and she's going to allow other Cooks to do what they're good at and I know we're gonna kill it Christopher Cody come on I'm choosing Kristen so David who's your third and final pick I'm just praying I don't get picked last I was a cool kid in high school never got picked last can't start now I pick Michael [Music] you're the bottom two again why do you think that is Jennifer welcome to high schools when it came down to the social game of high school I really struggled with that because I felt like I was bullied a lot quasi why do you think you're standing here my fellow home Cooks they don't really know my cooking style I have yet to Blossom in this competition so Sabrina who do you choose the last time I worked with Jennifer she was an emotional wreck I'm gonna take on quasi and let Lin take Jen like she did last time I am so happy I am not on Sabrina's team if there is one person this competition that really makes me feel like I'm back in high school it's Sabrina you now have one hour to prep and cook before your poutine stands are open for business you will then have one hour to serve the team that attracts the crowds and sells the most orders of poutine will win this challenge the other two teams will face the dreaded pressure test that will result in at least one home cook going home [Music] [Music] each team now has just 60 Minutes to plan and prep elevated poutine dishes before their stands open for business right away I'm thinking how delicious would our butter chicken puts in be oh that sounds awesome I do worry a little bit because frankly butter chicken on fries just doesn't sound most appealing to me I was seeing if you did like a black and cajun chicken it's almost sweet with a little bit of heat too and then caught like dirty chicks on top no having Jennifer on our team concerns me a little she talks and talks and talks for fries though if we toss them in cornstarch it'll make them crispy no why don't we go Japanese like you know Japanese you know what I mean with the Nori kind of like a Ramen base like a Ramen gravy my poutine is a definite West Coast thing we have a lot of Japanese influence when it comes down to food so as soon as I seen those ingredients there I knew that I wanted to represent the West Coast sexy man yeah potatoes I'm gonna need a man on potatoes that's me John's our beef man right I'm thinking Philly cheesesteaks with some twerk so I'm making egg which is a loose translation to the big beef puts in being this sinfully dirty thing that it is should have an equally dirty name Sabrina's French Canadian she's going to be the queen of poutine and I think the blue team have a really good shot at winning this one two three ready we're making poutine girls rule boys drool we're gonna kill it today so this is going to be a really unique challenge for the simple reason there are three teams competing one bucket down guys what about Sabrina's team who has she got in her team that she can really rely on that's got strength that can really help pull this off is it John what do you think it might be fun enough some of these are thin yeah they're good if they're too thin don't do it I think she can rely on herself I think she has probably what it takes to take the entire team on her own forward I mean she knows poutine inside and out you think she's going to be a great leader I think she's gonna be a fantastic leader so let's talk about Lynn this is her second time being captain on a Team Challenge as you know she didn't fare well in the last one she lost by a landslide you know what I like Dave's team I know Michael has had a few missteps but he's a very methodical guy Michael really hasn't shown what he can do at this point in time what's good about Michael he's a very good salesman in this particular competition it's more important I think to sell the Putin thank you Sabrina what's up Chef I've come to get an update on your poutine dish our gravy's coming together our potatoes are on fire and we're gonna have some deep fried jalapenos you cut flank steak before yeah you know how to do it perpendicular to the grain yeah otherwise stuff exactly and what color are you expecting on that beef it's gonna be a little pink inside not too much as a college kid we don't want to go too rare with it sounds like you've got it all together [Music] what are you gonna do a Japanese inspired bacon poutine what do you call it bacon Japanese so what's in it the of course the bacon a pork stock a Sriracha spicy mayo Nori and a scallion oh look at him go okay look at him go you're fast aren't you thank you Chef you didn't take the peels off no I like it rustic okay so you got the bacon here I'm you know bacon goes lovely with everything and it's gonna impart Bacon Fat flavor with the fries as well I think that's a fantastic idea getting a lot of that bacon fat into the fries the potato is gonna absorb it and give it extra extra flavor pork but in the sound of what you're doing I couldn't wait to taste this thank you chef how's everyone doing here excellent how are you Chef good what are you making we're making butter chicken poutine with a mango yogurt cilantro coleslaw to put on top we have a lot of cilantro in here yes aren't you concerned about how large cilantro leaves are they're huge so Chef Claudio just picks up the sauce and he goes yeah this isn't gonna work that's so thick look at that so I should start over then uh the thing is if you mix this now it's gonna liquefy on you this sauce is either gonna make or break her Putin I don't have any time to waste so I trash my sauce because I am not gonna lose once again he's the judge that yogurt sauce has got to be something special I know we need to show the judges we were able to get all the elements as close to Perfection as possible anything less than the best could send us home Lynn how's the sauce going it's a mango yogurt well it looks nice [Music] a very nice flavor of the coriander I can taste that the acidity the mango is quite nice I think it's going to be a nice match thank you good luck can I give you a hug you guys can do it too okay I was just loving the love [Music] got a lot of safety Chopper that's what these kids want this challenge is about selling as much poutine as you possibly can to a hungry starved University kids so I need to rev up the crowd and I need to do my very best to charm as many beautiful ladies over to have our steak poutine okay there's only one line that line is gonna be blue team I could sell snow to an igloo dweller it is uh a talent I have do you guys like steak let me show this kid how it's done I only have to say one word bacon thank you I am the biggest Hustler when it comes to this I know Michael is a smooth talker and Cody is all looks I need to distract from them and Cody's good looks and charm do you want your food to taste good or do you want it to look good [Applause] we said bacon it went crazy let's make one up I'll make them taste it Tammy makes a beautiful dish of butter chicken puts in and Jennifer brings it in the crowd and she's making people smell telling them to go with a green Booth if you're eating them with your friends calories don't count Jennifer's big mouth is actually gonna help us help with sin bodacious [Music] Jennifer's contribution is actually helping not hindering like I thought who was that [Music] [Applause] it's good oh that's good you got all the flavor you need in that 30 seconds seconds we're gonna have a crowd coming for Putin okay ladies and everybody bring the heat we need more gravy this is not gonna be enough this one's ready students choose your [Applause] choose your head we need fries people here we go wealth University will now choose between the red teams Japanese inspired poutine with bacon Nori and miso gravy the blue team's Philly cheesesteak poutine topped with deep fried jalapenos and the green team's butter chicken poutine with fresh cilantro yogurt and mango slaw the team that sells the most orders will win this challenge so check this out this is the big dirty State poutine who's getting the first one ladies first thank you very much the forks are right here and the napkins are right here how do you like it that's delicious we got bacon baby bacon cells everyone loves bacon yeah I love butter chicken romantic India hope you enjoy it's worth the wait over here this is the best gravy I've ever tasted in my life you see the red and blue team's lines and they're endless I look over to the green line and there's like 15 people in there it's like a two-man race they got nobody oh no good pick on team captain for Lynn I can overhear the other teams talking that our lineup is very short what they don't realize is we've already fed them and those people are coming back for more and that I got my second one from the Green Team they got their first I was still alive yeah wow it's a very short line is this your second plate yeah it's delicious it's incredible the green team has sold so many orders that they've run out of chicken that's all you have left yes we're selling out chef wow we're running out of butter chicken but Tammy decides to make another batch and she does it in world record speed like I've never seen anybody go and make a butter chicken that fast in the kitchen there we go Tammy saves the day with lengthy lines at both the red and blue TEAM stands the judges go in to find out what's taking them so long quasi are you moving as fast as possible or is this chill out mode no no chill mode okay you gotta hustle we have a huge line qualities on the fries get it together buddy I'm pressing these potatoes and I'm going as fast as I can now it's about speed hey getting it out fast fast fast John you may have to top that beep as well just keep up the speed huh yeah yeah so we need four more we're getting slammed there's hundreds of students waiting for poutine and this is taking a long time to make because of all the components on it so I see that you've gone for the butter chicken you're liking it I love it it has really nice flavoring you taste all the different flavors all mixed into one did you taste any others I tried the steak one from The Blue Team yes and how did that fare it was just like an ordinary poutine yeah I could just make it at home I didn't think it was really anything special at all I see that you have got the the red team the bacon I'm a fan I love Japanese food so it mixed into the poutine is like win-win for me now I'm having the red team one thing I found there's no bacon you didn't get any bacon no that is not acceptable who didn't get the bacon in the poutine you didn't get the bacon with me I'll check through them I'll check hang on guys hang on Dave they've got one two three four poutines here that do not have bacon Michael you got to do more than just standing taking the cash no you could be a supervisor on this Michael's first priority is to sell bacon to the students have you run out we have not run out of beds are you sure we have plenty teeth Michael doesn't follow that direction we are not winning this thing we may be in the pressure test Michael you're the last point of quality totally right keep an eye on it okay yes sir David speak cannot compromise quality and remember bacon is your hero ingredient yes chef you got it I got it thank you so back to it thank you very much thank you two minutes you have two minutes left I'll be looking over there boys and girls running low on gravy is gonna be our last couple ones are you going there thank you enjoy my pleasure come on you guys let's do this [Applause] come on brother we got him we got him ten nine eight seven six five four three two one service it's over [Applause] feeling good we've got this thing in the bag I have to redeem myself from losing the last challenge so this would mean the world to me we did good we did good that was insane man with their poutine challenge now over the home Cooks assemble in front of the judges to find out which team sold the most orders congratulations red blue and green teams all three teams did a fantastic job your sales were incredibly close but only one team sold enough poutine to save themselves from the dreaded pressure test they beat the second place team by a mere seven orders let's let it be green let it be green to announce that winning team please welcome the University of guelph's cheerleading squad the Griffins [Music] [Music] my team won the ladies won we won yes the green team wins I don't understand what's going on is that the right color it is so awesome to cake everyone else's ass the feeling is I want to put it in a jar and keep it forever red and blue teams you now face the dreaded pressure test that will result and at least one of you going home please go and clean up your stations yes sir what a heartbreak we worked our butt off you know at the end of the day I don't know how we could have done any better fought strong we did a good job I didn't even know how that's possible that just doesn't make any sense not only do I have to cook in the pressure test but I have to cook in the pressure test against really good competitors someone really good is gonna go home it's the day after the Guelph University poutine Challenge and now the red and blue teams are about to face off in a grueling pressure test we're facing elimination I can't go home the pressure I'm feeling is incredible I lost I hate losing if I'm prepared for anything welcome back to the MasterChef Canada kitchen you all made inventive poutine for hundreds of hungry students at the University of Guelph congratulations Green Team you sold the most poutine dishes and are safe from elimination well done thank you thank you thank you Chef Lynn what did you learn from this experience I had more trust in my fellow teammates I learned that you can actually have fun and still succeed David your team served four poutine dishes without one of the main ingredients the bacon you know I I take responsibility for that because I was just trying to push out poutine and I missed it Serena you're from Montreal this must be a very hard challenge to lose one of the few comments I kept hearing about your poutine is it wasn't inventive enough we played steak mushrooms and onions which is uh knock it out of the park classic it's safe though isn't it in retrospect you're right one home cook from each team would be safe from elimination and the decision to save those home Cooks will be made by David and Sabrina Sabrina Chef you face a difficult choice do you choose to save yourself or will you save one of your team members David and Sabrina have to cook today just to save face because they gave me hell for saving myself last time we had a Team Challenge so Sabrina who are you going to save [Music] I was a captain I made the final decisions it's on me I'll hold my own I couldn't lead a team into failure and then run out like a sneak I'm not Lin I put this guy on my team because I believed in him and he did everything that had to be done [Music] I'm gonna have to say John John head upstairs thank you Sabrina I don't have to be in the pressure test live to fight another day David now you have a tough decision to make I led the team I'm not going up there unless I win I'll be saving somebody on my team this particular individual hasn't had a win yet he worked equally as hard as everybody else I'm Gonna Save Michael Michael take off your apron and head up to the gallery feel great that he picked me I still feel a little bad if they have to fight for their lives it's now time to find out the dish that will determine your fate in this competition it's one of Italy's most popular pastors and according to Legend its shape was inspired by the navel of Venus the goddess of love there's something romantic and beautiful about Italian food I love Italian food handmade tortellini blanketed in a rich cheesy sauce I got this and I'm half Italian I'm not gonna go out on pasta I've never made tortellini but I've made pastas before I think I can do it the secret to this challenging dish is threefold first your fresh pasta must be rolled to the perfect thickness and folded with absolute Precision second your customized filling it must work in harmony with the third most important element your sauce rich and perfectly seasoned with a luscious Creamy Melt that is culinary Bliss please head to your stations tortellini is refined it's delicate there's no way that's happening with these hands but I'm gonna do my best I'm gonna make sure my flavors are there there are a lot of great home Cooks in the kitchen I know that I could bring it with tortellini but this is going to be a close one in front of you you will find everything you need to make a perfect tortellini dish from scratch you will also have access to a specialty pantry stocked with cured meat fresh vegetables and a touch of Philadelphia shredded cheese you will have 60 Minutes to create a superb tortellini dish your time starts I've got to make something delicious my sauce has to be delicious my pasta's got to be fluffy Airy and awesome big things got to happen in this kitchen for me today I want to use North African ingredients and Italian ingredients and blend the two together I'm using raisins anchovies accentuated with cheese I think the Innovation will impress the judges [Music] so they make mistake in any of the steps it's elimination they're done I'm really concerned never made a tortellini and I have no clue what I'm doing Sabrina started her pasta dough immediately she's going to need it right now she's gonna allow enough time for resting oh she knows what she's doing when you work the pasta dough what you're really doing is getting that gluten in the flour to come out and makes it very very elastic so then you can roll it out when the time is right that's real rest [Applause] by making a rotten tortellini today we're gonna do a mushroom black garlic pancetta filling this is love food it smells good already I'm making a portobello mushroom anchovies I think I feel really confident it's a little bit out of the box but you know what that's what this competition is all about foreign David so what kind of tortellini are you doing ham and cheese obviously with the more refined hams and I see you're working on the sauce basic Bechamel but I like to use like a gooey type of cheese so mozzarella is the perfect type of gooey cheese yeah you are sweating like a good one is this normally the way you cook or is it just the added pressure it's the added pressure well I'll leave you to it and look forward to trying them thanks very much David thank you Christopher how you feeling nervous you have shown us that you could do Savory so what do you worry about there's a lot of very strong Cooks today down here in the kitchen and I don't know if I can match them this is definitely not my strong suit you can do it to win this you must have confidence okay like me I'm full of it confidence got it thank you time is getting serious here I gotta make some tortellinis and get them in the water 15 minutes you better start forming your tortellini concrete hands need delicate touch and I'm not that delicate of a guy but I'm figuring it out oh that sucks quasi is really struggling with his pasta dough a little bit frazzled in the kitchen oh my God quasi just threw his past to go out oh geez I threw out to tornado because I wasn't pleased with the way that it looked time is ticking and I haven't started stuffing my pasta yet spell quasi stumbling blocks into Stepping Stones I kick it into a higher gear and floor it you got this class I sure do baby [Music] and when you're sealing the tortellini you can use a little egg wash a splash of water and sometimes you can do it without any of that as long as the dough is soft and moist enough you give it a good cream punch nice it will not open up come on just nerves get to them it's such a delicate operation them with those shaky hands knowing that this tortellini is the deciding factor of whether I stay or whether my Master Chef Canada journey is done it's nerve-racking one minute left come on I want to see some beautiful cottonini dish in one minute come on guys last stretch you can do this good you're looking good ten nine eight seven six five four three two one hands up great job guys I'm looking at my tortellini I wish I could have pushed just a little bit harder but nothing I can do now I'm worried there's not enough sauce and they're gonna call me on it you've all just had 60 Minutes to make us Flawless tortellini in a velvety cheese sauce let's find out how you did Andrew please bring up your tortellini this is a tortellini stuffed with portobello mushroom anchovy pesto what's in the sauce the sauce is a standard Mornay sauce with mozzarella and some garlic I like the presentation it's clean I like clean dishes but with flavor hopefully this delivers pasta perfect filling when you were putting those cooked white anchovies didn't think it would work you deliver on that too only problem is a little bit dry the reason was you could put more of that creamy cheese sauce Christopher please bring up your tortellini I'm worried that my filling is dry I'm worried my presentation isn't impressive enough and I'm feeling really nervous foreign is made of pancetta sausage Portobello and artichoke hearts it's been flavored with garlic onion and Sage well the shape to me looks terrific let's see what they look like inside [Music] a good amount of filling you happy with that yes [Music] the pasta is cooked very nicely [Music] The Filling I find a little subtle but an interesting combination of ingredients this is quite good thank you [Music] wow how did you achieve such a beautiful creamy light cream sauce I started with a roux I used a bit of a white wine reduction and mixed with cheese wow so velvety you're a pastry guy right that's where you're confident yeah I think it's time you begin to be a little more confident in the Savory world because you have a beautiful tortellini here it's very good thank you chef [Music] quasi you're up next please foreign you'll find some roasted red peppers white anchovies did you run out of filling nope there's almost no filling in there it's a bit funky a lot of flavors happening there's Peppers there's anchovies what else is in here mushroom onion there's some crushed raisins I'm confused by it you are struggling to shape your tortellini the pasta had me Chef it had me up against the ropes the pasta dough not bad the creamy sauce I think is very good but some of those flavors and the fillings a little tough to get one's head around [Music] David please bring your tortellini up here I call it ham and cheese there's pancetta cotocino and a little bit of mortadella [Music] wow [Music] wow that definitely tastes like a ham and cheese sandwich MasterChef Canada time and cheese there's no spice no herbs it lacks excitement my tortellini's not as good as I thought it could be me going home David [Music] there are a couple of things that I think you have gone astray on The Filling it's very big in the Mortadella end of things which is a very rich meat you know at this stage of the game I want to see elevated flavors if this fish ends up sending you home will you have regrets with the decision you made not to be safe up in the gallery no let's hope it doesn't send you home [Music] Cody please bring your dish up to the front so this is a tortellini that is stuffed with pancetta a trio of mushrooms that also has chives in there I love the plate that you've chosen ideal for such a pasta dish these are quite small yes they're a little smaller than a typical size tortellini we've cooked the tortellini perfectly filling is flavorful what's the flavoring in the sauce black garlic Sherry and shallots it could be a little bit more acidic a little more white wine to just help clean the flavors but all in all not bad okay thank you Sabrina please bring up your dish I kept it classic but I kept it delicious I'm confident putting this dish in front of the judges my turtle needs stuffed with Italian sausage and broccoli I cooked out some shallots and garlic beautiful shape tortellini here I'm not surprised though because we've seen you with pasta before and I hold you to a very high standard when it comes to pasta [Music] good but I know you could do better you know Sabrina you're a go-getter but I think you need to push harder what's holding you back just used to a certain comfort are you scared of failure I'm scared to push you should reach higher this got real and it got real up here you want me to bring it I'm bringing it you want me to cook I'll cook everybody please come up to the front [Music] we gave you 60 Minutes to create a stunning tortellini dish and while some of you surprised us with Gorgeous flavor combinations others surprised Us by playing it safe Christopher please step forward well I have to tell you your dish was the best tortellini of the night [Music] please join the other Home Cooks in the gallery thank you great job way to go Christopher the end of the day he's running this competition [Music] Cody Sabrina Andrew please step forward unlike Christopher your dishes were not great but tonight it's good enough to win you another day in the MasterChef Canada kitchen head on up to the gallery good luck I'm feeling very grateful to just barely squeak one quasi you tried to bring several cultures together but ultimately the flavors got lost in translation David you've dazzled us with pasta before but your ham and cheese tortellini did not give us what we expect from you your place here in the master chef kitchen is only as assured as your latest dish it's very hard to lose home cooks that we like and respect but unfortunately at least one of you has to go home tonight David [Music] please take off your apron and up to the gallery you're safe [Music] the judges are telling me to step it up and I'm paying attention baby I gotta step it up because that's not gonna happen again quasi you told us that your dream was to inspire people and to become a food superhero still this chef well in this competition you have displayed those qualities of a superhero unwavering fairness and positive action thank you Chef your warmth and generosity will be missed here this experience has been absolutely amazing an absolute pleasure yeah and I want a superhero hug I loved your food I thought it was amazing do big guys come in here and get emotional come on up here and get your apron this competition has really given me the push and made me feel like I can really accomplish things with food all day up in my kitchen baby all day [Applause] my food dreams have just started this guy really is the limit and I'm up up up and away foreign [Music] box Takes the Cake Michael's cake is Bluer Than your hair nothing is Bluer Than my hair and an elimination challenge that demands creativity is the home Cooks to their limits you think you're being a little hard on yourself my heart is breaking [Music] [Music]
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 404,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #masterchef, Alvin Leung, MasterChef Canada, MasterChef challenge, MasterChef pressure test, best dishes on masterchef, best masterchef dishes, cooking competition, cooking show, how to cook, master chef, master chef world, masterchef, masterchef best dishes, masterchef world, recipe, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season 2, masterchef canada season 2 episode 6, masterchef canada full episodes, alvin leung, michael bonacini, claudio aprile, masterchef full episodes, cook
Id: H-FkRB1sYtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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