Taiwan Street Food $100 Challenge! Asia's HEART ATTACK Snacks!!

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in this video I've traveled all the way to the Sovereign Nation of Taiwan in an attempt to spend over $100 on street food Taiwan is a country famous for its markets but it's also famous for being really hot and that's why night markets are the thing here today as the sun begins to set we've come to ninga Night Market ninga Night Market is one of Tai's most famous and popular night markets here we've got traditional Taiwanese food and snacks I'm talking oyster omelets I'm talking brave pork and various Seafood options but here's the thing this city is known for being moderately expensive but is it going to be expensive enough to get me over $100 this money is burning a hole in my pocket and this ulcer is burning a hole in my stomach let's go eat boom right behind me our first location they're serving a food called scallion rolls let's take a look at the menu option number one it has um uh there's a noodle I know that for sure I can use my app all right snap a pck okay here it shows it has cheese two times it has pickle and it has noodles wow that is a exciting eccentric combination I'm just going to point and pick one could I have that I've chosen the kimchi cheese because we're in Taiwan wait do people here like kimchi I assume they do if it's here she got a giant bowl full of noodles and what I presume to be kimchi you can see on the bottom they have kind of a Roy or a pancake then cheese and then they have the noodle kimchi mixture she gives it a little bit of a roll and then she slices it up grab a plate throw it on top hit it with a little bit of sauce and that is ready to go thank you all right folks we have our first dish right here $370 I would have to eat over 30 of these to spend over $100 that's never going to happen come take a look at this a nice wheat pancake on the outside it's full of noodles it's really an unusual creation there's lots of scallions in there too all right let's try it out it's full of those cheap cheese squares noodles kimchi let's go mhm that's actually pretty good it's like a nice crunchy pancake on the outside it's Savory you get little bites of kimchi which are a little bit sour mhm this is a carbohydrate Bomb It kind of reminds me of when I was in Ethiopia eating street food what Taiwan reminded you of Ethiopia yeah in Ethiopia they basically had a big bread pancake and they filled it with spaghetti this is the same kind of carbon carve crime here the chili sauce it's really bringing it all together I'm telling you this is Taiwanese junk food so good even that dog right there would eat it in the end is this worth ordering yes but it's not that expensive so from here I'm going to go see if I can find some foods that are going to get me $ $100 we've come to our second spot right here it's a location that is specializing in Quail eggs two varieties but both of them are fried and this one has cheese this looks good I have to try it let's go see how it works so right here we have the stall owner and these are the quail eggs my gosh she is cracking the hundreds of these Quil eggs every single night right now she's taking the quail eggs and she's putting it over the Heat and then she dumps them into these little cupcake tins that are full of oil and you can see they're absolutely bubbling up immediately as she puts them in there once they're done frying she takes them one by one and skewers all of them on this stick eight coil eggs per stick so that's the fried version but they also have a cheese version I'm going to order that now she breaks off eight of these quail eggs and she hits it with a little bit of cheese put that in the broiler let it melt and we'll see you in about 2 minutes all right folks our second food right here quail eggs that have been fried and then DED with cheese that has been melted all that $185 for8 eggs how many eggs are you supposed to eat in a day two is that for any type of egg what about ostrich eggs cuz I feel like even one ostrich egg a day it could be too much cheers mhm you know when you get fried egg and the best part is that outer part of the egg that's a little bit brown mixed with the white part that's been really crisp ified the whole thing tastes like that but with gooey cheese on top it's so good someone called a Taiwanese police too much cheese being pulled over here that is delicious but let's see if I can ruin what's already perfectly good right here we have soy sauce chili sauce curry sauce and wasabi sauce look at that even a sauce more like a paste I'm just going to just get to painting over here I'm the Bob Ross of food over here I think this is going to be enough Wasabi to burn a hole in my skull here we have cheese we have quail eggs and we have far too much Wasabi more than any person should really consume at any one time cheers I'm okay is it better no but it's different and so if you're eating 35 of these a night eventually you're going to want to switch it up this is food number two let's keep moving for our next Food I've come behind the counter for all of this 10 different types of creatures from land from Sea from everywhere I don't even know how to categorize this as one type of food except for that it's all protein there's a couple things that stand out and look very unique to me first of all this is the man working the stall hello hello yes boom is that right I said Vietnamese empty and then Gin Gin what gin his name is gin oh cool thank you so right here we have some pork kidney right door next to it we have snails and this looks absolutely fast fascinating to me it almost looks like it could be a snake skin but it is not that is fish skin so next I'm going to be ordering some snails and some fish skin this is a first for me in Taiwan let's go all right right here we've got the snails he's going to put that into our plastic container okay that's a lot of snails okay good good and then he's going to staple that shut so nobody can open it next I fear he's going to put a dangerous amount of skin in here as well I should tell him to stop but I feel shy okay okay that's good thank you he is refilling his stapler and then stapling the shut so I cannot eat it good move I've got the final product right here I got to say that's a lot of seafood this is going to be expensive all right folks we have our Seafood Feast right here first of all a trove of snails send then this that is the skin of a fish we'll save this for last but all this together cost 400 in the local currency in us see that is$ 1235 let's talk about the snails they're seasoned beautifully there's a thick sweet sauce on here you can see some of the chilies I didn't know that people in Taiwan ate snails they've kind of plucked them all from the shell so we can just eat them straight away even the poops sack is missing very respectable cheers it's half glazed half slime the snails themselves are delicious a little bit earthy and kind of crunchy they definitely have a texture to them this is the alpha snail of the bunch let's go for it pretty good here's the thing with snails bigger is not better always as they get bigger and they get much harder so that is a snail but right here we have the fish skin they saute it in different types of seasonings I'm also told Taiwanese people eat this when they get a sick burn so you know if you've been badly burned eat some of this oh God it's so good cheers wow if you eat pork skin that might be rich fatty and gelatinous but this is like no actual fat it's just the squishy gelatinous jiggly n o I feel my Burns healing I got to be honest I'm not sure how popular this food is here but it is unique fun to try and medicinal that's the most important part when you're in this part of the world especially East Asia food is not just food it's also medicine take bur bro boom we've come to our next location behind me right here something I found irresistible it is confusing is it going to be good I have no idea first of all fried bread good that's basically a donut then there's a lot of cucumber not good I'm going to get it anyways I'm going to get how they usually prepare it and see how it goes what she does is she cuts it first and then she puts in some mayo so far so good oh wait what's happening she's filling it full of cucumber she puts some sausage and then some egg and last of all she puts some tomato a wild assortment of ingredients wrap it all up and then I don't even know what just happened put some protection on it put it in another bag for some reason and that is ready to go thank you I'm telling you the people here mov so fast it gives me PTSD there was no time to give special instructions on the sandwich you get what you get and you go okay I just saw something wild there's a whole pig here not a whole roasted pig a li one my tle ganger right here Taiwan is wild you get to just have a pig this guy seems to be the owner he's got a delicious bag of food scraps right here what a well behaved Pig a lot of people out there do a lot of strange things in order to get attention they get weird tattoos they wear revealing clothing guys get a pet pig oh the Pig loves him I'm literally going to be eating pork sausage in about 20 seconds sorry sorry all right guys right here a sandwich done Taiwanese style the dough that's been fried so it is essentially a doughnut on the outside when you open it up you see just a a wall of cucumber after that sausage made from what animal a pig that was 2 seconds ago there's a whole ass Pig here now if you're new to the show I don't like cucumber it's my least favorite food in the world I'm going to try it how they meant for me to try it and then I'm going to remove the Cucumber let's give it a shot my God half a pound of mayonnaise in there I love that big fan the flavors are so overwhelming you hardly taste a cucumber and this point the cucumber is just offering a little bit of texture oh wow this is an assortment of ingredients that should not work it doesn't make any sense I guess the soy sauce egg feels Taiwanese and so does the fried bread and so does some pork sausage do I like it yes get it but but only if you can share it with or near a live [Music] Pig all right guys we've come to our next location and this food is very special this is stinky tofu right here on each of these skewers you can see this tofu has already been fried but before it's fried it's made stinky and that's by almost fermenting it letting it rot with some delicious bacteria right now they're making what they call stinky tofu barbecue first you have the fried tofu right here then it's slathered in barbecue then she puts on cabbage once the cabbage is on she applies some Taiwanese barbecue then when you order it she puts on even more spices and there's coriander going on top too but can this delicate coriander handle the intensity of this Tinky tofu we're about to find out all right folks we have our meal right here it cost 85 I want to tell you why this food is very special to me you see first of all stinky tofu not for the faint of heart this is going to be bold now I got to say I scared the out of me I know you think there's a driveby happening right now no there's just a balloon game for those of you who don't know what stiky tofu smells like I would say you know in the summer when you go to a dumpster and there's a bunch of liquid on the bottom but it's not just liquid it's really hot liquid so it's kind of ranted too smells like that and people here love it let's go for [Music] it wow that was intense the stinky tofu it really stinks my whole mouth is just like a Rd Cesspool right now but beyond that she put this Chili Pepper on there that's very spicy so I don't know if it's more smelly or more spicy but either way it's causing a lot of pain and [Music] confusion it's one of those foods that grows on you with each bite the fried texture of the tofu amazing it's like it's got a leathery crunchy coat on top of it the first time I saw Andrew Zimmer on television he was in Taiwan eating this food and he was talking about how potent and crazy the smell was it looks sounds and smells a lot worse than it tastes now me and Andrew zimon will be joining together in holy matrimony do they allow that in Taiwan they probably do so that is the stinky tofu maybe not the most delicious but defitely worth [Applause] [Music] trying we have come to our next location right here a simple menu this is what I like I don't want too many options I want pictures this picture is looking nice to me right here cuz I see a big fat egg in the middle and I see shrimp soup with egg is there anything else I need to know no if you take a look right here you can see these eggs are in some kind of a water or a broth oh these are not chicken eggs it turns out in fact that these are duck eggs this dish is much more interesting let's order one and see how it works boom all right it starts with a bowl full of celery then we come over here and we have some spiced cabbage right here the fat partially cooked duck egg that goes in next then we have our shrimp balls and a little bit of broth and that is complete thank you all right folks meal number 12 18 I've lost count I got three cuz I kept getting bad angles you guys ever accidentally have to get three more cuz your angles were bad just me come take a look at this the broth looking a little bit watery then we have the shrimp it's not really a shrimp ball as much as it is a shrimp covered with stuff and then that is a big beautiful duck egg try a little bit of bro a I like it Celery Stock next take a look at these guys they look bouncy they look artificially orange I like it it's really hot that was a bad take let's do it again this is why you have to have three four sometimes I'll have seven dishes lined up just so I get the perfect bite all right my very first time trying the shrimp let's give it a shot very bouncy and then it tastes like they fried it or put some kind of breading on the outside that's got soggy at this point oh right here take a look at that that is no normal egg that came out of the butt of a duck it's a duck butt egg right here I've got the ultimate bite a little bit of shrimp a little bit of duck egg some of that cabbage and broth I love it there's something about the duck egg it's like a little bit bigger and the yolk is a little bit more creamy in Asia they embrace it and I think we should too folks this was delicious I'm not sure how much more I have in me but we must keep going we come here for another food right now we're in the back of the stall this is called wow is that right all right a local person said that was correct and not offensive why is she holding a light anyways take a look at this right inside of here beautiful braze Fork it looks so delicious soft and succulent that is going to go inside of our gu bow okay so right here you can see the bow buns inside they're steaming they look delicious they're in a giant steaming basket one B please the first thing he does is put some peanut powder in there then this is pickled mustard greens and then finally the succulent brazed pork in those soft buns he's hiding it from me hit it with a little bit of cilantro and and then we got some more peanut and that is complete thank you this guy is a guaba machine all right folks we have our guaba right here is that really how you saying okay I feel racist somewh I say it but you got to embrace that feeling sometimes guys Sunny saying Embrace racism moving on the food it's here it's all about that steamy bread inside the vegetables fine they're necessary for contrast but what we really care about right there is the bra pork you can see it's been soaked a dark color probably because of soy sauce mhm you know because I am a fat American the only thing that's missing is mayonnaise it's delicious the pork is tender and juicy The Pickled mustard greens adds a little bit of sourness and a little bit of texture but man it's all about those steamy buns so soft and they're almost like elastic like stretchy like you could wrap anything in there take a look at that that's just pure fat who needs mayonnaise when you have pure pork fat plus a little bit of that crushed peanut is nice I taste it it's sweet too there's some sugar in there as well this is Taiwan between a couple of and I love it all right folks we've come to our final location because after this I cannot fit any more greasy food inside of me there's so many interesting chicken parts first of all chicken wings chicken drummies over here A whole pile of chicken hearts I mean it's pure Carnage can you imagine all those hearts were pumping the blood of a whole chicken that's like 300 Hearts right there wild after that right here we have classic Taiwanese fried chicken and then this right here is my favorite part and something you won't see at KFC this is any guesses everybody you're looking at it that is the of the chicken a part that's often unappreciated I have a feeling that our American are being exported out of the USA and to here where they actually appreciate a good ass let's get some may I please have some ass he said no okay here we go right here he's going to scoop the ass into a colander that is not nearly enough oh he hits it with a little bit of powder I've asked for even more ass he piles the ass he puts it on the scale he weighs the ass he hits it with a little bit of spicy powder yes oh no I said spicy yes he put even more powder he puts it in a popcorn bag B and before I know it my life has flashed before my eyes ooh unnecessary plastic that's for the ocean and that is for me let's [Music] eat all right folks this is the final meal and I mean it this time he said it was a whole extended family so we got the hearts here here obviously anes and these are very petite anes definitely Asian chickens not an acceptable joke I am sorry I apologize let's move forward now He piled on the super spicy seasoning let's see how it is cheers that's unbelievable it's super salty but it's also very sweet like it's been soaking in a syrup that's wild good heart now a lot of people their intuition is led by their heart but for even more people their intuition is led by their ex it is surprisingly small I'm guessing there's no bones but there's probably some like hardage inside let's give it a shot cheers wow like P were fat it's crunchy on the outside it's super fatty like melting like a stick of chicken butter in my mouth there's a little bit of cartilage that exists inside some of the bests I've ever put in my mouth but from here we must add up all the foods we tried today and see if we broke our goal of spending $100 here in Taiwan at the night market today I set up with the mission to spend over $100 on street food here in The Sovereign Nation of Taiwan did I do it no not even close I only spent $31.20 that's it I'm full but worse than that I have a sodium overdose and I'm thirsty the other thing that surprised me is I'm very impressed with the lack of morbid obesity in Taiwan good job guys I don't know if it's because they're sweating it all out I don't know if it's cuz they have to walk around all night while they're eating this food but my gosh this is some of the heaviest food I've had in a while but folks here pretty slim before we go I want to say a huge thank you to Ola Tai travel for helping to make this video possible Ola taipe is offering custom Private Tours led by passionate locals like her Ola Taipei takes you beyond the typical tour spots from cat cafes and antique shops to Scenic hikes experience taiwan's culture and Beauty in a unique way plus they offer tours in English Spanish Chinese and even Catalan right their tours provide Rich insights and Unforgettable experiences book your adventure at Ola type.com and experience taipe like a local otherwise that is it for this video guys thank you so much for watching I will see you next time all right good that's a wrap if you love Indian food then you're going to love our new channel best ever food India subscribe now for weekly videos showcasing the most unique street food from around the country
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 571,721
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Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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