TimeLapse Yr 1 Young Family Left to Build Debt Free Cabin in the Woods

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[Music] this is what's going to take all of our stuff to arkansas okay so i've never pulled a trailer before um but better now than never [Music] it's so weird looking at the empty house over here so i don't think we've had the house this empty since we moved in it's kind of strange but it's very very real [Music] do [Music] guys we made it to the donation center we're gonna get this horse trailer unloaded and donate [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] there it goes all right our van is sold there she goes but that's one big thing that we really needed to do so hooray for us little happy dance yay so we got that done now we got to keep on getting in there um and get more painting done and finish out this house hi guys so are you ready to come paint with us let's do it all the work is done we are ready to show this house [Music] do [Music] [Music] we wanted to be able to do this trip um moving out in one trip but we have too many big items and it's not going to happen so we are on the road right now heading out to arkansas we'll be there in about two days two days later this is our creek our own creek we're taking a walk right now on our property to make sure that we can get the truck up here with the trailer oh we gotta figure out how we're going to place this so it goes this way oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] you guys can play right there if you want right here in this clearing that's okay [Music] [Music] do [Music] last week was one heck of a journey we ended up taking a road trip out to our arkansas property dropping off our first load as well as letting the kids see the property for the first time and actually explore and that excitement that they had was uh speechless just uh reassuring to me that we're doing the right thing absolutely it was amazing going out there and doing that because i'm ready i want out here and i want to be there we are so so ready [Music] you ready [Music] hello hello hello it works [Music] i can't believe it guys um we're doing it we are doing it literally everything that we own is either packed up behind me or gary's pulling it in the truck right there with the fifth wheel trailer or it's already out at arkansas so this is literally the very last load for us and uh we're doing it we're setting off we're we're doing this crazy adventure it's happening today is the day so many feels right now it's crazy we're a little crazy but all the fun stuff is right well we made it to arkansas sort of got stuck in mud right off the creek that's gonna grab real nice pull my butt on up ready or not here we go [Music] good morning good morning guys this is day three on our property this right here is going to be our future driveway it's kind of graded out already but there's a lot of overgrowth and smalls could not make it up here it was too muddy it was too hilly biggie had to pull smalls with the fifth wheel attached to it just to get it up here this whole area where we're kind of showing you right now we're going to level this spot out and this is going to be the camp area for us and for the country road cure this is going to be where we're camping when we're trying to build the houses and we're going to start getting to work because we got theresa knock down land to clear we got to get this going on so the construction company can get out here and get our road put in and now you look like you're ready for the safety dance wait [Music] well what's the first tree you want to lock down the small one up here just push it so now i think i'm gonna chop down this tree right here this guy's constantly in the way these two if i can then that opens up this area a little bit for me to be able to maneuver [Music] good job baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] this right here we should be going through it in a matter of like two weeks so we'll see how that goes this toe we did not have it filled up or initially and we were originally thinking that we can get it filled up from the water station but uh because we don't have an address out here yet we were not able to do that so that's something that i'm going to go ahead and get set up our property has never been lived on it's just a parcel number so without getting an actual address there's certain things that i can't do so i got to definitely get on that like this week linda and larry you guys are amazing thank you guys so much for hooking us up with the first tank of water you guys gave us our first uh life source out here we totally appreciate you they're our first lifeline right there yes it's like yeah i call it lifeline [Laughter] [Music] howdy how you made it look at this big beast here we are yeah we're gonna have to move these guys we've been clearing out camp a little bit more problem we got plenty of time to work on this road while y'all [Music] [Music] this is our gentleman that we invited over his name is john and he is going to be witching for water [Music] [Music] now that is a piece of machinery right there i'm chatting with uh anthony on the country road cure right now as you guys can see he doesn't want to miss any of the action going on over here and of course you know we're getting the well put in i can't wait for anthony and roxanne to get out here i know you're super excited too bro oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] y'all are missing a show over here you also see that the grace at which i am you are shoveling very gracefully [Music] hey you think i might have some water just just a little bit just a little bit bye you guys guys and this is why we're gonna need a four foot covert over here whoa dude [Applause] it's going [Music] [Applause] just thought i'd show you guys all the rain that we've been having keep your fingers crossed for us that they will be able to uh get out here monday finish this road up because my gosh we have so much to do next week and if this road and this area don't get leveled out uh it's gonna create for some interesting times when uh country road cure gets out here with my mom and all their huge vehicles and i don't know how we're gonna do it so he's gonna go and start getting some of the shell together [Music] come over here to this area that was our campsite you can see like some of the leftover uh fire pit and stuff right over there [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the big thing that's on our list is we gotta now empty the horse trailer because we got to get it ready to swirl around go to las vegas pick up country road cure come back help them unload [Music] one week later we just met up with my mom that rv is my mom the trailer is roxanne and uh roxanne's mom and step and then that car was roxanne we got anthony behind us as well [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm coming over [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] i still remember [Music] the day that you came [Music] so if you were chance will pass you by and if you're standing on the sidelines wondering why what's the worst thing that could happen if you tried well you might fall [Music] but then again you might learn to fly [Music] do [Music] well you all know that we've been dealing with a lot of the rain and the mud and the nastiness and that at first our solution to the problem because it was just needed a quick fix right was to put down all of this straw well the straw worked out it did soak up a lot of the water and it did stop the mud but it brought the fleas so it was like we got something to fix the problem and kind of created a whole new problem [Music] so [Music] [Music] once it's cleared out and more opened up we'll be able to get an exact idea on where we want to put the house exactly but you could see the mountain right here and so if our house is faced this direction we'd have that beautiful mountain view and once a lot of this is cleared out i really think that we'll be able to see it a lot better be able to see the views that we want we'll be able to know exactly where the house is going to go and all that stuff [Music] so [Music] oh my gosh i just wait he'll fall when all the leaves start changing look at that guys that is awesome [Music] it's calling me [Music] me [Music] [Music] he's calling me [Music] i can't control [Music] me [Music] me [Music] oh one day soon [Music] one day [Music] one day [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] gonna be to get this area finished digging out and then that pile of trees right there that's our last pile of trees [Music] dude my white brother from another mother i'm telling you thank you tandra no problem [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] the world could fall down [Music] okay [Music] we're gonna be okay [Music] [Music] it was horrible absolutely freaking horrible i would love to sit here and be like oh yeah guys i'm so happy everything was perfect but that would be completely lying to you it was terrible i was beside myself with frustration and just disappointment imagine a blowout yeah a blowout would have been working out and then now you have concrete all the way out you can't put it anywhere yeah so i mean i've seen a lot worse this isn't that bad yes it sucks get it fixed it's going to be fixed and we might just be calling in some help from some professionals just to finish this part out you know we had that horrible concrete disaster it took us a while to find a very good reputable company that would come out and be able to fix this disaster without breaking the bank we made a decision and these guys are here getting it [Music] do [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do you guys hear that in the background uh i think i hear it i hear something something big is happening we're getting a special delivery although it's late at night finally i don't care it's here and yeah [Music] yay so nick just got here and we are going to be starting to set up right now he's going to show us how to do a proper string line on the inside and we're going to start laying these blocks [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] we hate to interrupt your video but we have a favor to ask of you guys we noticed when looking at our analytics that about 50 of you guys are not subscribed to the channel and we would really appreciate it if you guys would hit the button right there subscribe to the channel it really helps us out as far as being able to continue to grow yeah it would really really help us out a lot so if you guys don't mind please hit the button we appreciate it thank you so much and now back to your video [Music] [Music] my so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so now that we've got the third row in we can move on to the dura wire [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: Simple Life Reclaimed
Views: 1,521,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wild wonderful off grid, life uncontained, time lapse video, good simple living, time lapse, lumnah acres, Keeping it dutch, the crockers, trent and allie, justin rhodes, cog hill family farm, red poppy ranch, martin johnson off grid living, country road cure, simple life reclaimed, timelapse build, time lapse build, time lapse homestead, couple builds, cabin build, cabin in the woods, building a cabi in the woods, young family, young couple, diy cabin, building a home
Id: DIb96BZV4oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 55sec (3295 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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