Abandoned 1850's Victorian Mansion with Secret Tunnel | Ohio Urbex 2020

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so it's 2020 and it's been over three years since we visited this abandoned 1850s mansion in southern ohio you might even recognize this intro but a lot has changed since 2017. so this is one occasion where we did a revisit in 4k and we've got a little mystery many of you told me in the comments that you believe this property was part of the underground railroad that there's a tunnel in the basement so we did our best you'll never guess what we found so let's head inside and check it out go ahead and give us a like and if you want to see more videos like this subscribe and ring the bell we appreciate it man i forgot how amazing the staircase is ron paul 2008 [Music] it's been a couple years and the paint can is still sitting in the window we'll check out the basement last we heard from a couple folks that this property probably has a tunnel from the basement they seemed pretty confident that there was so we will have to you'll have to wait to see we're in the kitchen and what looks to be the pantry super tall 12 foot tall ceilings and the flaking paint is extra good lots of fireplaces looks like one in almost every room here's the servant staircase a remodeled bathroom lots of odd shapes and styles to put this modern bathroom in this hold of a house richard hummel lived here between 1964 and 67. on the ceiling is very wide probably 12 inches wide and the trim around these doors and windows is similarly spectacular head upstairs we've got a little nook used to have power this is how you get out to the porch so [Applause] ceilings on this floor are again looks like 12 feet tall maybe more and like the other rooms another beautiful built-in cabinet and another fireplace substantially more graffiti now than there once was but thankfully it hasn't been totally trashed [Applause] [Music] looks like we're on the patio the second floor patio but the floor is too bad so we're not gonna cross that way we'll cross through the help staircase because you see this staircase you could go up to the top and turn right or left you could come up and go that way or go this way and you had a bathroom over here a very odd bathroom you can see it drops off so you open this door there's a bathroom [Applause] this looks to me like a study just because of the shelves on the wall the shutters are beautiful and they're still intact you can see their hardware it's all steel and very intricate it also had those handles on the outside or latches to keep them shut more beautiful built-in cabinets and now let's head upstairs this is where you'll find the widow's peak on the third floor [Music] it's one hell of a view it's hard to say whose handprint this is or when it was from but it's old since the last time we were here there are substantially more damage there was a tree on the roof but it hadn't totally broken through a huge portion same within the back there was damage but it hadn't totally started to give way you can actually see down to the floor below and the main beams are rotted let's head up to the widow's peak so [Music] hard to beat a view like that let's head back down there are several names carved into the wood up here sadly some of the new have been carved in over top of the old this one's my favorite 1908 now it's that time to check out the basement [Music] since the first video came out i've received many messages that there's a tunnel that this house was part of the underground railroad that there's a secret passageway in the basement especially behind the furnace but along other walls as well so i wanted to make sure we did our due diligence and gave it a thorough walk around and you never know let's see what we find we've got a well and it's completely full of water there's two dollars in here somebody left two dollars well we don't take anything so goodbye two dollars that just goes into the other room who knows maybe we'll find it this wall is caving in here's the furnace i thought somebody said that there was a tunnel behind the furnace looks like there is not but this house might have more than one furnace we're gonna keep walking around until we run out of rooms if you see something that i didn't let me know in the comments so this is one of my favorite parts about this house so if you see these pulleys there would have been a generator or a tractor engine that would have turned those pulleys returned the shaft and then those pulleys would change the speed to make it optimal to run other equipment that would have been in here maybe a type of saw a pump kinds of different things it's interesting those are still here and uh yeah we very rarely see that that's a real oddball thing to find so we're back where we came down the stairs this keeps going this basement's huge and then there's this garage that was added onto has some interesting things like a piano a couple pianos but this is not original you can tell by the framing of the house so somebody just added a garage onto it but that's where people conventionally thought there was a tunnel maybe because of that it was the curved arch for support it's definitely interesting regardless then we go out here and there's another building and being that this house was built in 1860 my belief is that this building was used for one of two things there was not a very large kitchen in the house that we saw so this could be an outdoor kitchen or this could be where they actually made the brick for the house maybe it was used for that to bake the brick and then later it was turned into the kitchen it's hard to say so i think it's that time to get out of here if you guys like this video don't forget to subscribe hit that like button it really helps us out and check out our other videos we've done a ton of videos on old stadiums hospitals churches victorian homes colonial homes a little bit everything or if you'd like us to check out a place shoot me a dm on instagram at oh occupied next time be safe out there [Music] [Music] perfect [Music] you
Channel: Once Occupied
Views: 266,292
Rating: 4.8860459 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, ohio, urbex ohio, haunted ohio, abandoned places, abandoned buildings, abandoned ohio, abandoned house, mansion, once occupied, urban exploring, urban exploration, ohio mansion, underground railroad, haunted, creepy, forgotten, rurex, best abandoned, ohio history, mansion no one wants, houses for sale, victorian houses in ohio, victorian era house, victorian era houses, victorian era home, ohio historical sites, derelict places, abandoned mansion, exploring with josh
Id: 1G2IGiPajN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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