Beating the House! At The High Limit Coin Pusher

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I come on push push [Music] hey everybody in light of Jeff's recent passing and the fact that they are clinging and redoing the room I have this video that's actually just a couple weeks old was waiting for a day that I've needed a really good video so I'm gonna go ahead and put it out now it's not too old but some of the comments have already happened obviously but I just wanted to let you know and I really hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for all the thoughts and prayers for my family and just family and all of his uh his children and greatly appreciate it alright everybody hope you really enjoyed this video thanks so much for watching hey guys welcome back to another harvest corn pusher video so this one today is actually pretty interesting there's a lot of the bitcoins in here actually there's a ton of them they must have got a lot of them in here but that's still to me not the coolest thing the coolest thing is this loose I'm guessing it's a gift card I wish you could see this other side but it's got a little mini screwdriver in it but that's that's pretty neat I got the Home Depot gift card so if you kind of need to get that but as far as everything on a close to got pictures yeah you got the 50s we've got 100 200 you got 350 s on there the big coins are somewhat close and you get that stack right there so obviously that's what we're going to try to get off first they cleared it off now the dice there's two of them in here but they're off so that kind of not the best placement but anyway so I did a $400 buy-in we got that and I didn't get started I hope everyone's doing okay I don't know what's sad to start off with first I might just start try to push it even and then get from there oh also when I say this I truly purpose that mean that no buy-ins for today hope that felt Oh someone didn't hurry and I say that all the time but not to buy in but they know by ends wherever I went I win whatever I lose I lose I've had some losing streaks up there anyway so [Music] one come off now I thought a Bitcoin fell off or not Bitcoin but a dollar chill [Music] [Music] and they get a little more money and now if we can get these bitcoins to come off pretty strategic you can use those for help with take up a lot of space - that was stupid see I can't see underneath there that was perfect I'm not everywhere [Music] anyway so take a lot off so cold frontal area not like that that's a little tough oh it's still good push though see if we can get this [Music] I come on push push Oh 50 bucks love it [Music] getting ready to go back to work here soon and gotta say I'm excited but yet I'm nervous just because it's been 14 months since I've been at work I'll come on push push and I don't it won't interfere with anything with courting here just what the way my schedule is I do have some training that I'll have done because my certification is almost expired and I got a bunch of in-house stuff every year we were required to take certain amount of seee hours certain amount of educational hours and I'm back pretty much two years so it spends a lot of time doing that Juiz work in EMS although I've worked all the jobs like work for the railroad for CSX for about four years and they're the same way each year he's got a lot of different training got to keep up to you and going backwards all right let's pile this thing up there was talk about them getting a new coin pusher but I haven't heard anything again about that I don't know if it was a new one or if it was warm like this which obviously the new one pretty much sucks to play so kind of like though oh that was dumb no a lot of people are saying just stick to the right side Josh because that's get ready to come off the way this stuff is on the right side sometimes you got to move back and forth with the play field to get that to come off look at that did you see that that thing really Oh second wait a second wait oh main I think is right there it's gonna go at any time does you see how far that push that up it got a hold of that gift card right there and push bunch of those up really far so that really went to our advantage all right now this should get it all yep there we go all right got up to the 50 chips come off these other ones are going backwards so we don't want that man we're getting some good fall Oh awesome man that is so cool [Music] got a Bitcoin and this is what we're down to push filling these holes here so they're talking about redoing this room we're building one which would be kind of cool this is really cramped in here like yours when someone's walking behind yo you got to pretty much go ugly forward so that would be neat if they could build onto it like I'm not sure maybe they'll do it summertime or I don't know what their off time is here you taking people summer vacations of this slow but maybe they're more busy I don't know big push all right so we're down to about dollar fifty and that's all from our first $100 buy-in we can get that West Virginia MasterCard to come off even hot spot right there she noticed it'll without another Bitcoin alright let's go ahead and collect alright so we've got that that's about I'd say about three quarters of a buy-in and let's go ahead and start putting our tally up so we have three-fifty chips which is 150 so now off on 400 we're down 150 so we are at 250 am I saying that correctly no I'm not yes yeah 250 sorry I can't count so 150 down and we got a Bitcoin for the competition coming up here two weeks so awesome start I'm still trying to work to get this car to come off flat you know see if this one goes up top if it does oh look oh man well I don't know yeah anti-climatic [Music] so all the people that just doing the channel I really appreciate having y'all here I hope you enjoy it I'm trying to mix it up some more my goal to try to get 100,000 subscribers and I can't do it without you all I greatly appreciate all the support I know there's always a lot of new subscribers with a lot of questions and this particular coin pusher is in we I call it a casino just to make it easier but it's not actually a casino throughout West Virginia and paint handle Virginia they have these little handles Oh big Bush oh they have these little gambling spots I think they can have up to seven machines Oh Jeff because this family owns or did I earn a few of them and they have just in two locations that I know of they have these machines in it and they have $50 buy-in or $100 buy-in a 200 but the only way I've dumbed it all in the only way it equals that's like three dollars and fifty cents or two dollars or something three-quarters what you're paying if are buy-in that's how they make their money back to put such high-end prizes here and the more money you spend on the buy-in the more quarters you get so like a $20 buy-in or if it's dog buy and you just get like a $2 and quarters you really don't make any money [Music] look how they work this [Music] it is now a private membership like most of the places around here so you have to be a member to come in but if you're local that won't be a problem it's not that hard to get a membership come on right there man second wave oh that is getting ready see it's pushing against the plexiglass there though this is what we're down to all right so we we need another 250 for me to break even from my buy-in however we do have a Bitcoin if you're questioning what the bitcoins are again I'm saying is if you're new if you've been around here for law pologize but the bitcoins they put random things in here certain things have different meanings such as these dice that are on the corner I've done one one sometimes they'll put another dice in there whoa and if you get a matching pair and you take it up that day and they'll actually buy the dice back from you for instance it could be worth 250 bucks or maybe 50 bucks I don't know just ends with the buyback is for that day all right this is my last quarter and put there so I think that Bitcoin you can trade fall and all right come on all right a lot of questions that get often is why can't you bring your own quarters and I've answered this many times but you can't bring your own quarters because they keep an eye on it's a very small area this used to be a smoking room that we're in there's two cameras in this very small room and most of these quarters are marked so if you just come and do a $50 Buy in and you're back here playing for an hour and they see that you know you're not winning then they'll catch up so that's the reason why it's more of an honor system but [Music] and from what I understand they call quite a few people and even doing just a couple quarter save call and they've kicked him out and this thing I have so much fun playing and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize but I guess if you're slick enough you could try to do it [Music] you know Jeff have some cool things planned for upcoming lap streams I hope y'all tune into that on Thursdays just been searching the web finding some pranks to pull on me so hope he's also looking up Frank's that he can do but they're a lot of fun and I really appreciate all the people that's been tuning into that and donating to the channel Oh big push oh I may not really push the that can I think I supposed to be a paint can all right we're down to that [Music] all right so let me stop it I don't want to be rude and go up there and tell them to turn down the music but man it's count Allah holy it's a big pain in the butt when I'm editing because I don't want to get a copyright claim for song playing in the background [Music] down to 75 cents that should be a good one maybe not and last quarter oh that is get ready go all right let's go down here and collect something on that Pam that's a hundred step I'll count to make sure but fit 250 up though 150 more to break even and we got this not a real good well plus we got the Bitcoin now all that one on top [Music] we're trying to get some quarters back here soon it's not looking good I'm going baby push it come on please please please no a quarter that was my last quarter to two quarters hey no more fall all right got about a dollar 25 come one last quarter fell come on please please please please oh man that's my last quarter all right well I'm gonna go up and do a $50 buy-in or $100 buy-in I know I said I was going on to do a buy-in but I mean everything's so close and I know you'll kick my butt if I didn't so all right guys so I got a hookup we've got $100 buy-in but I got a little bit more so I'll take it so now we need to get $250 breakeven all right so pay attention a little bit more what was close its before I jump into it but no well we're the channel stuff is so close there we go there we go now how come that'd do anything I'm telling you this thing has like uh you know what a rip pad is at the ocean like usually with the riptides uh happens the boat the lifeguards go through and they wave you in it's when the ocean like starts pulling you out like in a V that's what this does like a Riptide that's prettiest thing ever I'd like to paint a whole bunch of quarters one time and then watch that watch how it happens like cool Oh experiment just to understand the physics of point which are playing a little bit better oh yes yes I don't know what fellow something did cashwise [Music] I come on baby that was a good one all right now we're getting this real thick pushes just got to go one on the back top of each other so how about that oh how about that coronavirus that's been going on I think I picked the wrong time to be going back to work things seems like it's gonna really be causing a lot of issues man start and hit Europe and all those places for you all that live in that area please be careful that's nothing to mess around with you know something that just goes to show you that's all it takes there's a lot of mystery books and things worried about sweet things just like ethic white mink and off nobody else been waiting for a meteorite or a story but life is precious you got us definitely live every day to your fullest and you don't want to look back and say a bunch of wood ifs all right got 75 cents left but we did have a pretty good return now getting ready to come off on last quarter next quarter oh it's just teeter-tottering maybe you'll get this time oh man that might fall when I'm down here so I'll keep this thing rolling get 250 and now we have I think this is a 60 stack I'll buy that but so 250 310 or 320 no three Ken sorry my math is terrible so we're down three pins so we'll and I got that there's definitely a lot of hit coins here on the end Bitcoin right there to come off this one it's not gonna take much that might get it open awesome alright second wave ha got all these 50 spouts up over there all that one on top hey so leave me a comment down in the comment section let me know what I should call something that goes on top like if the coin goes on top of the other one I'd like to have an easy name because it seems like I always boil my words and you all pretty daggone creative so when a quarter I put a quarter on top of the other one good name for that I didn't get to it in time I know that dries so many people crazy when I don't hit that skill stop the time but this thing is so slow anyways [Music] I'm worn Davey knock it off and they're down to her last about two dollars oh man it's right there last fifty cents oh but we were able to get here we go I just need to try to work this side get this to come off all you know what I just found that Bitcoin stuck in the chute oh man I wish this is live so y'all could remind me that bitcoin that I got earlier is stuck in the chute remember I told you all that common problem luckily I can see this one so I was able to remember it that's right I did have see that's how I know it drives y'all nuts but when I something falls and I miss it and then it gets stuck in the chute and I leave no one's like hey what about that hundred dollar chip or whatever that fell off it's because I miss it and it gets ooh just this shoots made of wood so it's easy to miss and now it very well could get knocked down if I can get stuff to fall on that side but if not I'll get Mike or not Mike Mike's not here today I'll get duh did you see that sweet I'll get blender - come on I gotta get that oh sweet well I need I need to break up that ohm and the bitcoins right there down to 75 cents I'm going to last buy-in coming up the last quarter last quarter all right so I'm gonna move this down a little bit all right so let me know if y'all like this angle here we got another $50 towards it so what's that two hundred three hundred three hundred and sixty dollars and we got that and again let me know down in the comments if you like this angle too I like to mix it up some oh there's another Bitcoin holy moley there's a Bitcoin here on this side there's a Bitcoin on this side I totally miss that so both of them are stuck in the chute I gotta make a mental note to always keep an eye on that every time I'm finished you all might have seen it fall but I didn't man coins are just knocking it but going right over it come on get it off ha ha [Music] come on knock it off knock it off pulling around it this should get it oh man come on baby [Music] please please please yes yes oh man there's a bunch of Court guard I'm gonna have to go get them so there's one scores held up on this side I'll walk up after I got 75 cents left I'll take this off and show you what I'm talking about so you all understand the dilemma last quarter push push push all right here let's take this off so see right there see in there and right there see the see there's one stuck in there and then there's one lighting is not the best but anyway so I'm gonna go get them to take that off all right guys so one two three bitcoins that was awesome so we now officially offer just today have four bitcoins it's four chances into it that's awesome let's go ahead and finish this off hopefully we can now get our money back I got all these fifties here [Music] come along baby I tell you that right side is a hard spot to to go on because it really for some reason has bad luck with moving come when much that's gonna go on top that's tough man alright that should bring down some way for some time maybe not maybe this one should do it alright come on push it off oh you got to be kidding me alright I'm gonna try the left side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so not the best [Music] come on that's got to go seriously it's got to go [Music] I told me nothing is leaning hey while you're at coming up with good names there's define gravity chips or whatever it is on the edge give me a cool name for that if you don't mind hoverboards see that's reason why I can't do it come on dumb names push there we go he's just staying in come on baby please look it's not even pushing inside see if this one does it oh no that one did no one trying to stack this sat up right here not like that there we go I got me some more quarters some of them rolling away [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that should do something I [Music] know I want to touch it there we go coma one push it [Music] keep looking at the camera just to see if you all can see what I'm saying I think is this literally it's defying gravity what's that it then I just turn my head exactly when it fell I did man Pam I turned my head right as I fell sweet alright so we are at let's see 100 200 250 350 410 410 alright so we got to work on this middle one now those ones on the right are just too hard to get I'm out stake I'll push it on the right some but [Music] man that's gonna be one big ball see it's slowly coming off oh man got course one with another zip code rolling away comma one that's going to fall it's gonna be a big hmm getting closer oh yes yes yes yes yes and pool I'm gonna stop counting from here on out if you all want to count your head that's fun but that way I can be surprised at the end that's really close to falling I'm gonna go for that [Applause] [Music] push that off come on baby oh so close so close you know that paint cans fit in the direction needs to hit into 38 minutes well just gonna be a longer video [Music] comma one get that off there go to the left side and once what was that that was big push yes yes yes yes all song I'm definitely saving this video for when I have a bunch of banned videos for a good rainy day I probably won't even go to wait that long [Music] come on baby get that Lotus paint can off there got a head a Home Depot gift card I spent it take a lose hard oh come one right there oh I don't know if that's I'm seriously just realistically don't know if that's gonna work or not last quarter come on alright let's go collect all right so I'm a hold that off until the end as a surprise sorry but we're looking good to say that much and I am going to focus the rest of my energy on trying to get there's actually some corn underneath it so I don't want you all to think why he spent all this time to try to get a gift cards because everything that comes with it get for it [Music] alright guys try to push it through this way now because that's gonna get called that it's another lady's cord in there that was dumb whatever names you all come up with that just happen come on all right let's do this [Applause] there we go big solid push yes the right side a couple times second big solid foot man the possibility is there I think you all can see there's a big powerful change underneath it but the possibility is still there [Music] no more buy-in so I got to do it off of [Music] all right second wave hit this left side I'm gonna go ahead and collect simple more than what it was [Music] well not as much as what I was hoping for but I believe I'm still in the game I do something big all it took the bottom out it from it of course they could wait that thing on that site well I guess it done turned a little bit say they could wait it so kind of like what they do it flying J's there we go [Music] well into that angler there it's like oh man see how that thing's pushing up think it's going on start doing that backward spiral lifeguards are out waving flag come in Riptide say what this injured danger so I got caught one when I was a kid and almost had to get the lifeguards come get me there they're dangerous oh I know you're supposed to swim sideways to get out of it but it's just more the nerves getting to you I don't care how good of a swimmer you're unless you're a lifeguard two practices every day come on take off aha come on baby oh oh I just got something big and that all come one second wait a second wait a sec wait ahaha I don't know that gift card stuff but something came out with it look all right come on we got put this in here all right I'm doing here that hit the right side of thing right there that's got it maybe not I don't think got things won't fit down the chute I don't think they planned that one off too well but if it falls in there out like a foaming before if it's inside of there wit all I think they'll give that to me I think so just naturally stuck [Music] come on baby [Music] oh man these are just amazing alright so we got that I need to hurry up because tom is too far so let's come on baby oh man nothing just went backwards all the bitcoins slip right there [Music] last quarter come one big push Oh trying as quick as possible that one on top there's more fell down we got 75 cents push push push what's here to push push it there push everywhere that's how we spend the day away in the merry old Land a little off since the penis wasn't there says he said Scott that's 50 Cent's ass bit of change I'll answer the change give me a dollar won't work on this right side since it's there we go alright come on oh so much up there to fall last quarter [Music] last quarters give me something there's a quarter maybe another one and it did not look for just since we're gonna play this 50 Cent's game alright where do I go I guess what side that's the closest to the hedge all right come on cool oh I didn't make it in time I'm sorry alright let me double check alright guys be right back let's count this alright guys so very very very very happy so a couple years for 60 stacks there's a hundred so I think this one was one hundred sixty sixty and a 40 see one hundred two hundred two hundred sixty here's two hundred sixty right here three hundred and sixty four hundred and sixty it's two of them five hundred and sixty that got us our money back six hundred and sixty and the grand total is seven hundred and ten seven hundred and ten dollars right here so seven hundred ten minus five hundred two hundred and ten dollar profit not complaining at all not complaining all right but we're not done yet one Bitcoin to Bitcoin three Bitcoin for Bitcoin five Bitcoin six bitcoins all in one go and kicks Jeff's not gonna believe it six bitcoins the competition is in two weeks I can't believe it six bitcoins so we want got two hundred and ten dollars six bitcoins I am tickled to death guys I can't believe I did it I got so happy almost forgot about the big one so we also won a loaves gift card and then there we go we've got the gift card it's actually a gift card holder so I'll find out they didn't tell me how much this one was worth so I'll find out how much this is worth and I'll put it up in the screen right up here so anyways we've got the gift card can pretty me put all these big winnings into and we got that oh man I'm running out of money and that so alright guys almost completely forgot about it so if you enjoyed today's video this was another long one but I know some of y'all like the long ones please please please show to me by hitting that like button that definitely lets me know what I'm doing that you enjoy doing it and makes it worth me coming up here and have all the lost ball stays that I've had here recently it's good to have some good days some days and green for sore also and my journey to get a hundred thousand subscribers if you liked what you've seen enjoy this style Covidien if you could please hit that subscribe button we're almost there not exactly sure where we're at right now but we're getting close to the 100,000 mark can't do it without your all's help so I greatly appreciate it and one more thing if you can hit that Bell notification that's beside to subscription mark and now let you know anytime that I upload a video so you'll be one of the first ones here outside of that guys ladies thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed today's video thank you so much for being a part of the family you look forward to it and I'll see you coming up on Jen eyes and braise a live stream here this Thursday all right guys thank you so much for watching talk you see
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 733,857
Rating: 4.8399892 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, vegs, slots, tech reviews, iphone, samsung a20, jeff clark, logan paul, reviews, how to beat slots, High risk, high limit slots, hit the lottery, samsung, apple
Id: MigTODRl64g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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