I put Over $1000 into the High Limit Coin Pusher! Was it worth it? | Joshua Bartley

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whatever superstition if anybody has any or rub the screen like some people do when the slot machines perfect big push oh yes about to leave already prettiest game all right guys before this video gets started I wanted to kind of explain to you a few things number one I think this is one of the hardest videos that I've came out with it's extremely enjoyable it's definitely the highest I've ever put in for a Buy in however because of all that and there's one particular item that I'm spending so much time on it's like 70 minutes of footage so for only possible way that I could fit all this and and keep your all's attention is there's going to be some chipmunk parts or I'm gonna have to fast-forward I apologize for those that don't like it and for those that do like it this is the video for you so without further ado let's get started on one of my hardest battles I've had on the Hybris between pleasure alright guys hope you enjoy hey guys and welcome back to another high risk coin pusher video so I have told you all before if you've been following me on the live podcast that I wanted to do a video that was more of a laxing I'm obviously still want to narrate it but I wonder wait until the playing field was set up great what we see here is you see a home depot corner and lows card West Virginia I guess just a normal gift card a couple other gift cards Amazon card so the rules for today was five hundred dollar minimum buy-in so that definitely raises the stakes however I was told that nothing in here is valued under 50 bucks so your chances of getting your money back is definitely a lot better five hundred didn't get you much more five hundred got you the normal four hundred so again I guess today it would probably be around four fifty five per quart or something like that so anyways obviously my first objective is try to get all this stuff off here when Wendell edge and then we'll go from there so wish me luck guys and you don't mind leave me a comment down below let me know what you think the first thing is going to fall off [Music] [Music] so I got to tell you after playing both coin pushers a couple times this one might not be the prettiest one but I love the way this one plays so much better you have more control of where your quarters drop it feels like the playing field and look at that you ever get a big push off quarters falling out on the floor playing field actually is shorter on this one than the other one so that's less room that takes the only downfall to this one the stuff gets bundled up a lot easier which makes it harder to push wait outside of that also the angle at the end is not near as pronounced as the other one is alright so one of the first things you see getting it close is the food seller progressive and also if I'm able to win that $2 bill there that's the one that you all think doubles your total winnings so we'll find out if that in fact is that or if it's just the $2 bill all right come on big Bush all right come with a big push today I'm going to do my best to show you every single thing that falls down and it out look inside of the trash chute and see if there's anything stuck because I know a lot of people have been frustrated which I understand that things fall off but I don't see them so you have my word I will try my best to make sure that does not happen in today's video oh that should be a good push just pull that movie for Court look there's some chips underneath that if you ever owned a home there's no way a Lowe's or Home Depot part will go to waste because there's always something that you could buy there the downfall to today is if I have to do another buy in it's a $500 minimum so that means I would be down a thousand dollars just that quick so let me know down in the comments because I am getting pretty close already would you take the chance all this is a good one push it Oh who would you all take the chance go all-in this is where you are obviously I get the winnings but still for you all all this should be all right so we're getting some change back that's good rumbling big push aha it's getting so close well I think that went the house something big did that oh that's not what I wanted to have happen really like what for this there we go okay good push you should do something well irregardless that takes up so much room in there that you know it's like two cores combined very flat surface that when it lands like that it's definitely a benefit now I know we've have been debating this right sad because we feel like stuff gets stuck over here Jeff feels like stuff is getting stuck inside their quarters I'll come more big push all right we're down to two quarters $500 is going that quick that's uh that's very upsetting this what that is all right let's do a collection all right I don't see any chips inside there and this is what I was able to get back so so that's doing pretty good we'll have to worry about another Buy in yet and I am going to try to stack this as well as I can me and see that but I think there's a short in it and see that's what happens push it on top let's work the left side so if you get that Amazon gift card to come off I couldn't definitely be content with another Amazon gift card come on nice push push that big going off Bitcoin goes off in a week in half oh that should be a good one it's getting there continue to work that right side oh and that went on top all right big push big push all that on top I hope you all are kicking back and relaxing in whatever you're doling currently can hopefully just sit back for the next few minutes here and enjoy and hopefully will witness money together that was a big big fall to house see you all can see underneath there so you can see where the quarters are landing I actually have to put my head down low to see that so when they hit each other like that it's because I'm not paying attention and basically just turn up a lot of dry time so I did see a quarter take off there Oh see that was a bad move on my part alright that should be a good push now if you notice this thing is pushing it to the right I wanted to do a strain I don't know how I can balance that all right so down to seventy five six alright something big fell hopefully and this is my last quarter for that last okay now let's go down and go ahead and do it alright so unfortunately herb my time now obviously your times will be a little different because I'm going to cut some things out I am still down five hundred at ten minutes in so have someone my money back and that was dumb that's not how that happens also like to take a minute to all amazing that's what I needed a Bitcoin fill and a stack of money now keep in mind there's no 20 rolls it's at least fifty dollars that that's awesome but I'd like to take the moment to all the old subscribers have been a part of the channel for a long time and all the new subscribers thank you all so much for being a part of I just got another 50 to fill hopefully that fell down in there it looks like there's actually getting called up there but we'll get that I just want to tell you how much I appreciate having you all part of this channel I hope these videos relax you and you enjoy it and since a lot of people live in areas that they don't have coin pushers like this hopefully you can sort of live bacteria Slee through me I really like to win that two dollar bill just to see you that's the Tripler or the devil your whole winnings that would be super nice bring time here soon so that home defend cart will definitely get some good use it's always a phone your own home again there's always something to be done that's one of the things I miss about renting any major repairs and that was up to the landlord oh that should be a really good one all right some will work the left side for a little bit I've sort of neglected that maybe if we get that progressive all I am down to my last quarter good push good push all right let's do a collection alright so this was not a bad haul so we have sixty and we have fifty so that puts this at 110 and we also got the Bitcoin I believe also this one actually has a different name you know what this particular one's called you leave me a comment down in the comments and let me know what this particular coin is called and I greatly appreciate it but irregardless that goes towards the Bitcoin competition coming up and that's what I was able to get quarter wise so and all that's on top somehow I missed all that like to get that $50 chip and fall down at the right time all right that should be a good oh all right something else fell must might be a quarter all there's a Bitcoin over here in the corner I missed it thankfully you all seen that alright so I'm going to stop playing field I'm gonna do this too much as it eats up quarters really quick and again just as a reminder I can't do $100 buy-in or two or an R buy-in if I do know the buy-in it has to be 500 bucks so it's a big risk so with that being said I think trying to win that $2.00 bill and hoops oh man it's starting to get stuck in hopes that it's the doubler which again if you're not haven't seen the previous videos with these gold money the fives the twos the hundreds they're one of three things either they're face value or they're double face value or there's one which I haven't won yet but it takes your total winnings at the ends of say if I won $300 it takes it to $600 which is awesome all right down to 75 cent I'm gonna try to get this five to come off and a sort of a strategic way 50 so close to coming off last quarter [Music] nothing okay let's go do them alright so this is a 20 stack however remember nothing in here is valued under 50 so this would be 50 added to our already 110 so that would be 160 so that is awesome and didn't do real good there's some more than so didn't do great on the pullout but that's alright we're getting there now 160 of the 500 that we need and a Bitcoin which is which is great I come on it really needs to come off oh that was stupid I didn't even see that let that thing was there big push let's get that 50 chip off there just get up to 210 this is not really looking so promising for me hopefully this will do something and it didn't all right so this is about the time that my heart starts beating a little bit faster probably pick the bad day to try to be monitored I'm down to 50 cents alright come on big push please all that 50 so close and that was my last quarter all right 75 cents when I got off that pool so let's continue to try to work that 5 which might be a bad idea seeing how that hundred-dollar chip is holding it I should probably went to the right side big push circle it starts keeps this in a game that was last quarter slow and steady alright so I'm gonna work the right side now they may have got me on this guarantee that everything just fifty bucks at least very well could be that was my last quarter that and a single quarter alright so I'm here sit here for one second all right so we're 20 minutes into it as of right now I have what two ten and a half to ten plus the Bitcoin okay so I am going to take a leap of faith and I am gonna do one more $500 buy-in I can tell you I'm not going to do anything over a thousand so this is all or nothing so let me go up here and do one more $500 buy-in and we'll go from there alright guys so I had 280 in winnings and cashed that in so now we are down seven hundred and twenty dollars this is what I was able to get for my next $500 by n so this is going to be interesting if I can get 720 dollars but I'm going to give it my all so the first thing that I want to do is try to stack this thing I see this button this see if I didn't stop again this skill stop hasn't locked a desired here it's not really so go ahead and leave it guess let me know down in the comments what you think I want to end up with now that was nice and now I got another 50 towards it we really need to focus on getting that $2 bill off for that oh that should be a good one I'll see it's getting called up underneath that 20 and it's also getting called up underneath wow that sounded big I missed it you've seen what was let me know I mean hopefully I'll see it here soon one big that should do something good oh yes I've seen the fit each it fell I don't move so that's another hundred so that's going to get us at six hundred and twenty it's right on the edge I'm thinking this should do it okay there we go no oh man it hit that glass if you just see what had happened was it had enough motion to take it off but it hit the glass so I think that is why I call it dizzy although we have successfully had a good decent amount of quarters fall we are 25 minutes into this alright and that was the last quarter so I'm gonna go down here okay so to answer a question I get often and I actually answered it earlier but this was in a shoe I have no idea when this fell but what I had to do is stick my hand up inside of there and soon as I did a bunch more quarters fell so that answers your questions when things disappear and I don't make a count for it I didn't know then to do it I will future make sure that happens so we have another chance into the Bitcoin which is great and here is the hundred that I told you about that puts me down to six hundred and twenty and this is what I was able to win so let's go ahead and continue on if you're wondering what the progressives are the press is over these how it operates is I think something else still oh look at that now a lot of that's gonna give on top that's okay I'll see that five it went backwards [Music] [Music] all right so here we go so I have a hundred dollar stack so there's another 100 to that so it's five hundred and twenty and I also have this so what it's really try to just hit a homerun on this [Music] [Music] because how public I have made this they get people stopped in here a regular basis now when they've gotten to the point you come in and ask for that coin pusher most of the time they're gonna say no now so what they've had to do is turn this place and to a private membership which the majority of the places around here or private memberships you have to be a member which I will have a membership but this is to keep down on that and a few other things issues they've been running into so again I'll always ask you all to please you know I understand you see something like it and you want to play it maybe in the future I get big enough I can build my own place and do the same premise just with coin pushers I won't have slot machines won't get in trouble that way and maybe we can work it out as something as a business idea that I have been considering however unless you are a local to the area and can get a and they're obviously that's probably one of the criterias to see if you're local to get a membership you got a plat for it for now on I think this thing is gonna be pretty unaccessible to people it's from people ruining it people coming up here and being rude trying to debunk or play and I essentially got me in trouble I've done a lot of butt kissing up here and I'll try to become friends with as many people as I can so they can respect what I do but it's coming problem I just asked you all to please and join us join us for what it is and entertainment enjoy watching me play and maybe in the future we can set up with Mike the owner and good partners and and just do a high-risk pointer for building of its own so let me know is that something you would travel to same concept just without the slot machines if that's something you'd be interested in alright well that was my last quarters that's right there some will try to this is not looking good not at all one more please police I really don't want to do another $500 buy-in last quarter please do something oh my gosh un-freakin'-believable I am actually going to do one more quick buy-in I'm gonna played with them see if I can do a half a buy-in but the rules are rules but I just spent a thousand bucks to come in here and I think it's probably something I'm sure they could do it so let me go kind of do some hi so this is what we had it worked out where I was confused was I was at 720 I had won another 200 so that put me down to 520 they allowed me to do a $300 buy-in however from this point on if something Falls it's not worth 50 bucks it's gonna be for face value so that now puts me see five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight twenty eight hundred and twenty negative so I hope this was worth it crumbling please please please I need to push that off there I got to get these 150 bucks that sitting there off of there I please do something good that was good I'll take it [Music] please please please that one will top that hurt really bad let me try to lift that real quick [Music] I hope you all see that how that thing was leaning and down about a dollar fifty no babe is so close this should do it this yes yes yes yes second wave saw hurt that's get ready fall too well needed alright so here we're here is where we're at currently so 100 200 oh well that's disappeared 100 200 250 so that gets us back down and there's a Bitcoin right there and this cash right here is what I need to fall guys whatever superstition if anybody has any or rub the screen like some people do when the slot machines you can willpower draw some Jedi power I would appreciate any help I can get at this point even though it's past tense you never know I need to win it bitcoins never give me three bitcoins and I need to win that 100 stack and that other stack that's beside it so let's do this let's go ahead and stop it oh they're so close please don't fall the wrong time perfect big push oh yes oh yes I bet you that they will give that to me that bitcoins right there all that's right there it's looking good everything's going great so there's the all that took - time to do your Jedi mind power I appreciate it what's up let's try that one more time but everyone Kenobi if you don't watch Star Wars that probably means absolutely nothing to you yes yes back-to-back second wave maybe oh yes all right we gotta keep this up guys Jedi power put it down in the comments [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh alright so Bitcoin number three and let me check this you know what let me wait till the end I know it's over a hundred dollars and so this is one of those times that I might not be oh I'll talk a lot but you gotta know when to walk away kind of thing and I don't like how this thing gets bunched up I really feel like it's a hindrance all right that's a good one all right that did a good push with that this thing is doing nothing but just teasing me alright so let's go ahead and stop the playing field start from the right get this playing field a little more even and let's drop it alright this should be a nice look at that man I am so close to winning that Home Depot card even though it's heading in the wrong direction oh that was dumb just give me the Home Depot or I'll take that all right not an excellent one say that all at the perfect time there we go slow down Oh watch that thing to be fifty bucks [Music] that was a lot of weight near that old song can't think these things that you gotta know when to hold them you gotta know when to fold them and you gotta know when to walk away oh yes yes yes yes yes man it is just inching but there's all right here we go beautiful well I got me some oh come on please please please please I am dropping quarters the absolute wrong places I think a lot of the other region matter of fact I know I'm not going to be able to reach it I have anything in here long quarters are like gold here [Music] [Music] all right I'm gonna take more than one to get that off especially when it's not even hitting with the correct area okay perfect this is got to do push that out okay the left side actually pushed more from here than the right side did so let's focus on that a little and down to that didn't help 75 cents man they are getting their money's worth you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go up real quick this vide is getting extremely long but I'm gonna go up and get them to knock that down and see if anything can help so let me all right so here's what happened they gave me this it was stuck in there it freed up these quarters here that's been getting caught I'm not gonna do any more by N's so I got to play with what quarters I have left and we're just going to hope and pray that that's enough I'm going to lose I hate to admit to that I'm gonna lose question is this how much you might want to lose by [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 100 so much closer at this on the stack everybody's way too long as it is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh it's just there by inches [Music] I rearranged camera because we are wanting to see this thing come off live-action look this is it yes yes yes yes yes yes yes unbelievable unbelievable finally freakin Home Depot card what a battle that was an amazing battle alright this videos been long enough I have this much less I'm just going to throw it in there see if I can win this off here and then we're going to figure out where we're at and how much I'm down maybe I made it up a little bit I doubt it [Applause] [Applause] alright guys so here's the end tally as you all remember I was down to 520 into $300 buy in which took me up to eight twenty or yeah five six seven eight eight twenty eight hundred twenty dollars so let's start off with cash first so we have two hundred three hundred two hundred three hundred four hundred five hundred six hundred so there are six hundred dollars here and just found out this is worth and this is a hundred dollar gift card to Home Depot which I'm happy you know this doesn't get you a lot at Home Depot but it's still two hundred dollars so again so you could just say this 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 so we were down 8:20 and we got $700 then back so we are down a hundred and twenty dollars which is not bad considering I had to $500 pans and that left me with little close to you know $1,000 a negative so we're down 120 I'll take that I'm happy with it I'm content so now let's go over to the other thing we also got three Bitcoin entries so you can't put a value monetarily on this but that's three chances haven't been doing really well with it here lately so that puts me three more chances into it overall today we are down 120 bucks I'm completely happy with this I would rather take the 120 loss as opposed to what it was going to happen I hope you all enjoyed this video this is what about a battle I mean just an amazing battle for a hundred dollar gift card to Home Depot I could try to want any other cash but I mean just you seem thing was getting powered up and that definitely wasn't going to do another buy-in so please please please of all videos I hope this video deserves a like if you can hit that show me support on this one and also if you're not subscribed to my channel I would really really really appreciate if you don't mind hit that subscription button I don't play twice a week do one podcast week try to keep the content fresh I love having you all part of it I try to stay active as possible with you so if you can consider that well my journey to get a hundred thousand subscribers I would greatly appreciate that outside of that this is a nail-biter for you like it was for me I'm sure a lot of different opinions that happen like hey you're an idiot but I had fun and I think at the end of the day that's what it's all about is sitting up here and having fun so guys thank you so much for watching have a fantastic weekend and I look forward to talking to you soon on another video all right guys good night
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 903,737
Rating: 4.7911658 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, 1000 into slot machine, goin all in, josh bartley, coin machine, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher
Id: 0JLJsZ8reW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 22sec (2482 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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