Attempt to Empty Out the Entire High Risk Coin Pusher!? | Joshua Bartley

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all right that should be good look at that I move that whole playing field hey guys welcome back to the high risk coin pusher so today I'm going to do something a little bit different and if you don't already under my channel under the messages I commonly go up there and I ask questions and sort of inside things about the channel and I ask the question just a few days ago what do you all want to see what kind of videos that you all want to see is there anything different or anything I can do and more more Ganis I think it's how you say it mor in a GSIS so more gayness offered this I've always wanted to see a price shoot cleared out if that's in your budget I think that's an excellent idea obviously a lot of times when stuff is way far back it's sort of out of my budget and normally one of the coin pushers like this I won't play it where it's been played a little bit but I think today would be an excellent time for my first attempt to try to come in here and clean this whole thing out and now I say first attempt because I'm not exactly sure if I can economically afford to do it but I'm going to give it a try and if this doesn't work then we'll try to get into another video so hopefully that's something that y'all don't mind seeing and obviously for the wallet it would be really nice so let's shoot it in there let's go ahead and get started I hope everyone had a good Christmas ready for the new year think of them to be relying a little bit more on stacking the coins up [Music] there's a lot of stuff right here on the edge just getting ready fall and that was hey somebody caught something that's really really funny so in my last video and I've said it several times before that but when I something is non anti-climatic oh I always said melodramatic because I honestly thought melodramatic meant obviously with the term mellow I thought it meant it wasn't what you expected and obviously I was wrong melodramatic after I looked it up and someone called it means just the opposite I apologize guys I get to talking sometimes and I'm trying to focus on the coin pusher and talk and lord knows some of the things that come out of my mouth so I appreciate the catch if you ever hear me saying something that's just not correct please let me know I'll do my best to fix it now sometimes I don't always see the comments but I try to I've tried to breeze through the comments as best as I possibly can so a good catch and thank you for finding that so I don't look like an idiot in the future videos alright there we go alright so there there's the first thing that fell off was the 50 and we got you know what to be fair I'm not going to use the progressive so we'll just say currency so we got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen items that needs to come off wow that could be really expensive I did do a bigger pay in today though to get some more coins cuz I knew I was gonna come up and have to buy it again there's a good one I should make them at all [Music] anti-climatic that's a real hard word to say when you're especially with my Virginia accent so I need to find another word to cover when something was disappointing so I hope everybody got through the holiday okay and that little man's love and being off school that should be a good one see you know this is what I have left so I really put a lot of money in today make this video so that's what great suggestion I'm always looking for obviously I know the high risk coin pusher and the coin pusher is the reason why you here I would never not do that but if there's I just always I try to keep it fresh for y'all so you don't get bored so if there's anything that you want to see just let me know leave it down the comments go into the channel leave a notification on the common Channel [Music] there we go I'm surprised that gold coins still there [Music] so I hooked up with a new merch company now I had a merchant helping me that I've dealt with for years we're all set years for a couple years and I'd never really used it just because it was so expensive and I will suggested to a new merch company that works with youtubers one good one so I gave them a try ordered some merch off of it came up with some ideas came in super fast give me a lot of flexibility with pricing so I can obviously price things higher but I can also place things really low to where I'm not only making just a little bit off of each one now and to win-win because you all are getting on a good product for a good price I'll put the link in the description to it now what up tried to do is I've tried to use things that weren't so much about me in the channel I mean there are a few things up there but more about just the love for gambling the love for slots or the love for swing pushers and you know little neat things about winning money in general with embedding and I'm constantly updating it and putting new stuff so you have to let me know what y'all think [Music] man this could be a long road ahead here [Applause] [Music] man and that's already down to that it's right there on the edge over me come on push may have that something full I don't think so Oh bad timing here's a good one [Music] [Music] there we go that was very anti-climatic [Music] these were winning change back that's good but if I'm going to empty this thing out I got to start pushing the stuff all all right good one hey normally I wouldn't focus so much on something that's worth a dollar obviously not in here however today's goal was to win everything the progressive so I got to try to work in order something I'm worried about is over here this is going this way which is not cool and then the corner so that's one there's a problem [Music] so you all got fantastic eyes been told a couple times about the coins that are marked and before that was actually they had that for the progressive or camera what that was for they've done a few different things with it but I went and asked them and that's not currently going on right now they said they'll let us know however something really cool though is next week they got signs up in here they're doing a all-around giveaway they're not saying what it's for but they're from what I've been told it's worth thousands now I'm not sure if the coin pusher is going to be included with that but that's really cool I'm interested to see what they're giving away a man of big race tracks they give away like cars obviously they're not gonna do that here but you know anything it's worth a couple thousand dollars heck yeah worth 50 bucks is cool all in the progressive went off again and I did not win which I'm starting to get really suspicious because I'm I know they have all the people up here playing but I get a lot of chances in on this thing and it seems like by now you know I can't I guess to play it four times I would have gotten something so I'm definitely getting I'd like to be up here when they actually draw the winner so in some places are guilty for they already know who's going to beat winter which I get along great with everyone up here I tipped good before I leave because if I have a good night so I don't know why all right come on man I can't believe that whole thing of quarters is almost already going all right some will have to stack the playing field again all right so let this come out all right uh-huh on top here's a good one man second wave hiring well this is what's left that's not much especially what I started but I mean obviously I have pretty decent amount down there so what did you I guess you did see that that thing fell all the way over there on the side now if I'm not got thing in here when it does that count I got it on tape I didn't cheat obviously I guess that thing can come out [Music] come on sir course ah the quarter got stuck up I don't know you can quarter got stuck all the quarters got it like a white mark in it I don't know if you can see that or not well who please think I'll go in there [Music] I'm definitely won't get them swap make out because that's that's precious up here [Applause] no no what you've stopped it [Music] oh there we go and this is last quarter [Music] all right well that's it's only go down here and see what we got all right guys so this is what we got back obviously it's not what we started but that's still a decent return puts keeps us in the game I need to start winning some more things here freaking on top now I know we just discussed the whole left side is the better side which I 100% agree but I'm just trying to keep pushing even so I can try to get everything off Oh on top [Music] come on geez oh here we go that's good [Music] oh man see if it happens this time it's stuck right there in the corner but they've been pretty good with giving those to me so even if it gets stuck [Applause] right side here come along good push all that one's falling backwards I win on top not that good oh sweet do something big I think that thing fell all the way back and it's just gonna be a hard one if I do see the problem is more you play that it gets a bulb up right here so then it keeps falling backwards all right that's a good one hopefully yes all right whatever oh that's on top look prick and this is what I have left I try to get the angle a little bit higher this time see if that's a better angle for you all let me know down in the comments if you like this angle a little bit better than before and if you or if you want me to try to go higher it's a real tight space here so I can only do so much you don't want to is portable dollies third dollies geez my brains not working there we go one of those portable tripods which I get the question all the time what's rightfully so saying they let you bring a tripod in there I don't think so then again I got a insinuate this is not a big place whatsoever and secondly they do luckily put the coin pushes back in a corner coming here where there's not a lot of people in here like right now I'm the only person in here now people will come and go but alright come on good push now some of this I might have to speed up too because if not this is going to be a really long video [Music] last a little bit alright guys so I'm gonna go up here and see if they can go ahead and get this all for me because I have a feeling it's gonna hinder me so I'll be right back alright guys so they went ahead and took that off for me I got that and let's see so I have the $50 up with the progressive which I never win so kind of thing I've got a another 50 chip let's see I think this is the sixth okay now I think it's 60 and 100 so I don't worry I'll count all this up at the end let you know what I paid in I'm on boy until I first to total hopefully I don't have to do any pay ends but it's not look at this promising so there's that I got somebody that leaves me a message well on the regular and they are fired up about the SPAC that I'm not doing something holding a tray loading it up properly and I've tried to figure out what they were talking about and do it but apparently I'm not doing it right but there I mean just scolded me like they're my parent and I get to the point when somebody treats me like that I told myself when I got out of the military I was never going to allow anybody to ever talk to me like that again so the more you talk to me like that disrespect me the less I'm gonna listen to what you're saying I mean Coppola this is Saul supposed to be an amble friendly enjoying ourselves channel and yeah I know ki frustrates you when you see things that you think you could do better and I'm not listening I guess and put it in the same hand I mean treating me like crap I'm definitely gonna listen to what respond to your message it's kind of thing [Applause] [Music] come on good push oh that was a good push all right so let's do this all right one push now on the back this should be hopefully one good push I know this is probably something that a lot of people want to see for a while hold on top like oh man this this can be expensive endeavor but I know it's sucks when I leave here and I'll leave you a lot of money right on the edge for the next person to come in and win easily come on [Music] that's so close yes would be kind of funny or not funny if I was able to win all of it off and the person didn't come check on it and they do it by anti coming here it's all quarters they can't win anything actually that would be terrible I always come here first to check it before I decide to play so you all only really see it at its best and a lot of times they'll reset the playing field for me if I ask which I hate they ask too much because they're in the middle doing stuff [Music] come on boy I got 75 cent left that was good man that was very anti-climatic last quarter if you see nothing fold backwards all right so here's 50 but unfortunately this is all I was able to get out of that not that good at all so I don't think I'm going to get out of here without doing another pan that's just terrible seemed awfully quick too [Applause] yep oh the kitchen time and you get back the left side I'm going big push come on do something big yes yes awesome save my butt so we've got another stack feels kind of light well I was able to get that so we can continue on [Music] yes awesome now if I have to do a pan it's not so bad because there's just 200 right there just that easy awesome and got that [Music] [Music] well I've won enough that I can go to the pan so let me go up here and do a pan swap this quarter out and we'll go from there all right guys house pan number one hopefully one and only outside other by in just a little hint I am pretty close to a thousand dollars now obviously I've made money in but I kept the money that I've already won set aside that way it's just easier for me to count what I'm really hurt this is worth it here we go Oh come on on top what a break [Music] Oh progressive thing came down but I'm not really so much worried about it I'll get it at the end [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] also another bit of news is apparently there you are getting a brand-new coin pusher built for here and one of their other locations I get asked all the time emails and messages where is this place that I would awesome I'd love to know where this is at and I always answer everyone but at first I was try not to make it so like if you got hold of me little messenger I'll give you the locations but if you look at a map all the way at the end of West Virginia right beside Washington DC there's a Panhandle that's what looks like is Panhandle now there's a Northern Panhandle about Wheeling and Pittsburgh there's the Eastern Panhandle where the Eastern Panhandle is that's three counties Morgan Berkeley and Jefferson County in those three counties is where you're gonna find all of these the gambling spots most of them are owned by just two companies but that's where they're at they're all over the place like some of universe within a mile radius there's three of them I mean they're all over the place so if you're ever along Interstate 81 or all four seventy coming this way won't stop and check them out they're all over the place it's kind of hard to give you directions to just one because there's plenty of them so hopefully that answers your all's question the one I play is on the outskirts of Martinsburg good push them down to 75 cents all that pan down to 75 cents just that quick last quarters do something I think I'm gonna focus just on the left side for a little bit all right first pool obviously is what I put in but hey we're still in the game [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] as you're all watching it you have the sort of a better view of it because I'm focusing on picking quarters up and drop them in there and but to me it just seems like everything quit moving and one more quarter and then on top well wouldn't it not fall great [Music] this very well could be my fault for not focusing on the left side more fell backwards man last quarter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Rock [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alright let me double check before I start alright that's it that's that's it so we've got this right here these right here so I'm gonna do one more pin and that's all I can afford to do I'm sorry I really wanted to see if I can Duke but it's a lot harder than what you think so let me go up here and do the pin I'll be right back alright guys this is Make It or Break It moment [Music] and that helped another thing just hang in there it should go to this time go on no we're just hanging there oh yeah funny other things what will be following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] perfect [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look I understand this might be a little frustrating look at it looking at it cuz but I mean y'all been past hour this is done nothing but move back and forth and I hate to leave it but I mean they're officially closed now I'm like I'll make them stay up here any longer but hey if you like my attempt and hopefully my attempt was worth alike hitting the like button but let me count out where I'm at and then I'll be right back alright guys so I counted up my winnings let's go with the least I have 250 to go into the progressive that I'll never win I got this dollar coin that it means more to me out of spite than anything and I have let's see one two three four one two three four four sixty four sixty in cash and 1 2 3 4 4 5 yeah 1 2 3 4 450 so all right so I'm at 910 for my winnings I've got 1100 involved - 9 10 so 190 I lost $190 trying to attempt that so I hope today's video could have been a lot worse than I will say that so I hope today's video at least deserves a like so if you don't mind hitting that like button let me know that you appreciate me going up here and try this I'll try it again here's really seeing unfortunately you're unsuccessful I can't remember what we started off with but we got one two three four or five things left so I mean hey I was pretty good it just got here and didn't want to go anywhere anyways guys this video is long enough I hope you enjoy today's video if you did please slap the like on it also hit that subscribe button and subscribe to the channel for more high risk coin pusher and argh coin pusher game style fun also if you hit that little Bell notification I'll let you know there anytime that upload a video you can check out my merch give me any suggestions of any new mercs you'd like to see and also just GoFundMe if you want to donate to that and be entered into the coin pusher giveaway that would be awesome but outside of that guys thank you so much thank you for watching this whole entirely long 50 oh wish it was more successful but it wasn't so anyways guys thank you so much for watching and have a great day also while Happy New Year's which I'll have another video out for New Year's hi guys thanks
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 253,866
Rating: 4.8826318 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, High limit, vegas, slot machine, huge, josh bartley, coin machine, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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