Beating The Dark Souls Trilogy using ONLY Pyromancy (All Bosses)

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so yeah today's stream is sponsored by razer guys uh razer has sponsored me for their chair uh the razer isker which i am currently sitting in so yeah shout outs to razer you can click the panel below the stream or type exclamation mark razor if you want to check out the chair but anyways uh yeah let's get started we are doing dark souls one two three with pyromancy only well for the most part anyways oh shoot you know what it's fine this is an optimal chat oh my god the run is ruined touch the demon inside me i still had hollow knight music playing pretty red i don't want to go human yeah this is a nice color cracked round shield firemancer really gets screwed with this starting stuff shield sucks hilt is a better shield than that might be honestly and that has a big aoe we've done it thought that first one was gonna miss me too actually all right what a start i don't know why i'm resting here actually i'm gonna grab these fire bombs though i don't think i really need them and i'm gonna go down and get the red tear stone ring right off the bat i go human will ain't no swag trying to think i'll grab this extra soul i guess just in case but couldn't i don't think i really need hey bob thank you for the tier 3 51 months am i going to dupe yes yes i'm going to cheat okay i'm a little scared but i kind kinda wanna grab this dark souls 2 is by far the worst for pyro only though luckily we have the tunement glitch the tune and glitch will make things much easier oh i can actually use this nice and straight am i going for the hollow flame now the well i might use the hollow flame for a bit but the hall of flame is kind of [ __ ] uh all right so we're gonna do some duping now probably i don't know if i should have done it with that soul actually i'm gonna get some health just because well actually i'm not even gonna kill capra let's just get 45 decks yeah i'm gonna buy arrows from the female merchant ugh the hilt make me mid roll what about the hand axe no uh that is not what i wanted to do fine good dammit oh okay so you can actually drop down here okay and we can breathe it sounded like that works oh that definitely got him right he's free okay we got laurentius [Music] oh yeah you have to say no didn't aggram with the second bomb yeah i was a little scared oh yeah you oh my god every time you need to say no and then the second time you need to say yes very good okay beautiful [Music] all right so i guess we go down i guess we go down to koilana now is pyromancy so bad that you have to cheese it i mean kind of like i could do it legit but man it's it's uh it's kind of a pain like the main issue is that it it costs like 300 000 souls to upgrade the pyromancy flame fully so i would need to kill like half the bosses before i could even fully upgrade the pyro yeah dark souls 2 is going to take [ __ ] forever guys so like yes he dropped something as well right god am i even going to be able to kill her long ago no luck i don't think i can really kill her guys once whatever we don't need we don't need our spell anyways come on i just want to do one more cheat okay i can't do this anymore no don't don't drop it it was i saw okay it said use man it said use use use the partner to i don't need to reset her aggro though like it doesn't matter okay i just want to get more sp uh attunement slots honestly and i guess a bit more health and i guess do i even want endurance and i kind of do but it's oh yeah let's get our into her hidden body okay all right we are strong now chat let's put on fire whip oh yeah all right [Music] so let's go free griggs i guess and then do taurus and everything i need to kill the undead merchant yeah the new attack on titans today can you buy multiple spells with some glitch well this is remastered which i'm not sure i think you could you can do similar stuff in remastered but it's a little different can you drop duke spells and remaster i don't think so is there anything heavy that he sells i need i need heavy stuff so i can mid-roll okay god this run is so scuffed already i haven't i've killed one boss oh god remember when i used to speedrun this game like two weeks ago just punch them all together oh excuse me here we go somebody went through does that guy really only have 90 health hey left-hand lance thank you so much for the prime sub all right dude i'm gonna firestorm taurus so hard are you ready for this buddy [Music] laughing a second i just realized i didn't i didn't buy throwing knives or i don't i didn't buy a bow either dude i'm so stupid all right i'm just gonna go down below i don't want to get torched what am i doing honestly what am i doing dude i want to reset i thought i haven't i was like i'm just gonna roll off and quit out because i don't want to die trying to quit out so i was like oh i'll just put out but i didn't realize the [ __ ] kill box was so close to the ledge there oh my god dude this is so far back this m this is already so bad dude what am i doing oh i bought the poison knives you're right i did buy the oh my god dude [ __ ] sakes yeah i forgot about those i was just thinking because normally i normally i buy stuff to aggro the guy normally i buy stuff to aggro the drake from the undead merchant but i bought it i bought the knives from the female merchant i don't know that was just so stupid i i just i i just have no i really wanted to punch that shield guy with my flame but i could have just used like great combustion and he wouldn't he would have just been dead instantly yeah i could have waited for the dragon to come down i could have done a lot of things better there oh what no i'm not gonna reset i really want to but it's there's no point there's just no point i'm just embarrassed honestly i played that like a complete [ __ ] noob all right let's activate the elevator i need to quit out here all right so i guess we'll just do sends gate yep actually a second what what what do i even want to do right now even have any souls man this run really is a train wreck actually i'm gonna go kill capra i doubt [Music] hit him with the fire whip everything's fine guys we got this will kill gaping and then we'll go get uh we'll be able to buy the bellowing dragon crest because i've wasted all my souls this this routing has been seriously so scary it's gonna do fall damage to me i gotta get hit by one of these slimes ds2 brain oh yeah you can prom swap the ring right though i don't i don't have my key binding set up for that but yeah that's true forgot you can do that on remaster ah well all right i uh i'll be honest guys i want to reset like i'm not going to but my god man do it this is our uh [Laughter] oh do i want i don't even want youtube to see this i don't want anyone to see this dude why would it matter all right let's just keep going um [Applause] hey horny jail fugitive thank you so much for the five gift steps i gotta say death cam and remastered feels so weird like it feels just because the fps it just feels like so smooth i freaking i i knew that that great combustion would probably miss misgaping dragon i should have just for the final for the final kill i should have just switched spells and used like a fire orb or something i'm so committed i mean the stream is going to take long enough as it is but man i am not happy with how this run started get out of my way what the what the heck is going on hey marchy the streamers look not very speedrunning that is unfortunately true you know whatever i'm sure all the people on youtube will love watching me die hey mr down syndrome thank you so much for the five months come here you [ __ ] that does so much damage i'm just gonna wait for it i he's throwing the fire bombs in like a weird spot i don't know if i would have made it so no bonfire well you get the bonfire automatically when does the game give you the bonfire though is it after ons crappy you kill gwynevere going the long way around what do you mean by give you the bonfire with the game the game gives you like access to the bonfire up there uh even if you've never grabbed it do you i don't think i don't even think you need to die don't you just need to reload the area because you get it automatically in the prepare to die edition speed run but you definitely don't you definitely don't die at any point what game is considered to have the strongest pyromancies i don't know probably demon souls dark souls 2. that's a that's hilarious demon souls doesn't have pyromancy i mean it has firestorm and that [ __ ] is broken firestorm and demon souls can do like 15 000 damage oh god nice block firestorm is magic it's pyromancy damn it even if you dude having 99 forbidden sons still isn't even that good like freaking torch dude i'm definitely getting this bonfire hello am i gonna take enough fall damage here dude i don't think i am honestly nope all right oh wait hold on gotta mute my sound otherwise i wanna get copyright striked by some [ __ ] what smoke what how am i alive i'm not gonna [Music] yeah there's this there's this company this like russian company that just copyright strikes ons music i had a youtube the the you know that you know the miracle only run that i did the trilogy miracle only run i had a dm's i had like a copyright strike on my channel for a month or not a copyright strike but like they took all the monetization off my video because i had they said i they said that the ons soundtrack was theirs and then i i filed an appeal and it took a month for them to get rid of it they didn't even respond to my appeal the appeal sat there for a month and then it just got removed because they didn't even respond to it uh all right you get the money back i didn't even post the i didn't even post the video publicly until until it got removed i had to wait a month to post the [Music] video let's see come on give me rtsr at this point no i mean i don't need rtsr but it definitely helps ever been to the end of this quarter i have yes what the heck will the anor londo bonfire spawn i guess i can go do hydra now actually i mean i need to go do sif and then get the i guess i need to get the crest or the abyss ring i can go do four kings yeah i need to go back and kill gaping hey sketch head thank you for the nine month reset hold although i need to go human dude i want to see what human looks like we're gonna be a nice red color kinda like orange nice peach color hmm hollow was better i kind of like this well i'm not going to be able to take enough ball damage here it's annoying that it's so close you need that extra little bit hey what what that worked okay surprised i gotta say i definitely don't need the crown of dusk not yet i mean i guess i can get it i don't know if it's worth the time takes so long well i can get it oh yeah you have to summon her to get it don't you [ __ ] what am i doing man well could i just summon her couldn't i just summon her before the dlc you can't what does it disappear after you kill the golem in anor londo well duck is somebody who speed runs this game so i kind of trust him oh no i'm talk know that you can summon her after you kill the golden golem i mean like right when you go to the dlc like after you get the pendant apparently that doesn't work all right well i guess i'll have to go back bro i'm sorry speed let's run this just the definition of speed okay oh no oh no no no no give me all your spells oh oh my god i don't think a lot of you guys probably didn't realize how close i was to dying there i probably should have just summoned her and then got the the crown when i went to the dlc but whatever this run is already so slow as it is why not just go full frickin opaega all right let's go do butterfly before i forget about her so i'm thinking we'll do butterfly and then i think i might go do four kings i don't know man i need to i guess i could buy fall control and do golden fog gate skip i'll be honest i didn't really plan this route it's kind of how dark souls one always goes for me it's just a complete mess like do i even have enough spells to get to get four kings [Music] i mean if i equip fireball i definitely do no i don't have the chaos spells because the thing is i need to kill rtsr plus crown two great fireballs punch spam great combustion oh yeah this fall doesn't kill you i just want to get the damn anor londo bonfire i don't know how to get it to spawn so i guess i'm just gonna die rip souls i don't i don't need the souls okay wait what did you say uh rtsr crown two great fireballs punch spam grey combustion okay all right well we got we got everything to do that so let's go do it and you know what let's also come on get ball control oh no i'm not human anymore i'm back to being jerky i row only listen these aren't offensive spells okay they are support spells and they are okay to use oh wait yeah i need rtsr dude what am i doing honestly all right this is uh one of the faster rtsr setups in this game very very fast oh god oh i quit out too early wait what man it takes a while to fall down here more than i thought hey buck okay so two great fireballs punch great combustion oh my god my fireballs are like it's fine i don't know if i did it oh my punch missed it did miss i don't think i'm gonna get it i did speed all right we're gonna grab this bonfire because i'm gonna need to come back to it okay so now we'll go to anor londo punch is not pirate dude get out of here i will go back for gaping later don't worry we're gonna we're gonna get revenge on gaping oh yeah i was thinking i'll get the crystal habit about right i'm gonna kill koi lag with dark flame so you don't need to use the crystal halberd can you kill quailag but toxic mist i don't know it's possible but crazy slow am i gonna handle smelter melter is actually not that bad hume knight is the main concern yeah this hidden body pyromancy is so good favorite spell dude i don't have a bow for bose bow set up duke skip [ __ ] well okay i don't know what i was thinking oh that was terrible oh my god i'm all the way at the bottom all right hold on you know what what yeah i'll do the other way bro couldn't lock on this is how you do it right there we go what is wrong with me today nothing's wrong i'm just making mistakes okay my chat is bullying me sharon the axel's run going oh pretty nice he's giving some good was giving good commentary actually nice overlay didn't break three times has it been like he has been dying much no that's good i haven't watched a neo2 run in a long time you died too gaping yeah is that funny no you laughed i was you [ __ ] laugh nah just thinking about like enough chaos memes yeah [ __ ] bed of oh god don't remind me i don't even have bow for this ron like now you're doing a marathon we're a bed of chaos it's like a big ass meme yeah it's my favorite part great thanks it's kind of this is normal for ds1 and trilogy runs yeah no kidding every time i do one in a in a marathon it's like the worst [ __ ] nice you've done it all right all right let's go to the dlc oh god i don't have oh god getting black flame for this fight is not worth it man i really want to just go kill quailag with the freaking crystal halberd but i i'll do it i'll do it you know what i'll do it it's not a pyro but man i can't get i can't get great chaos fireball until like the end of the run i'm sad i mean if i did quail ag skip i guess i could have but you're gonna report the video hey i haven't even used the halberd okay i just happened in my inventory you'll be even sadder when you do the dude watch me not even have enough casts i've already killed butterfly should have used all control here oops wasn't i gonna do commentary for someone's running gdq yeah i am commentary i believe commentators don't actually show up in the schedule though just the hosts show up could be wrong about that i believe that's the case isn't ceaseless also like immune to fire there's no way i'm gonna be able to kill ceaseless what all right nice rtsr setup hey regal yeah the insane stress i need to actually learn how to do pyromat like these for i gotta say for dark souls 3 i actually have like pretty good routes for running magic only stuff but for dark souls 1 it's it's just bad dude i just have like no any route like i kind of have an idea but a lot of it is kind of just like winging it dude i don't even know where to get where do you even get the black flame pyromancy chat yeah i know it's in the abyss but like where don't it's got that's the whole reason i'm here right now master 3.6 all right what if i put on the axe okay this should be mid roll stone pants set up so long oh did you get a pb regal oh congrats on partner right yeah yeah yeah and the partner pv dude is crazy you you were getting pbs i mean obviously your pv is pretty good now but like man you were getting pbs left and right and man now now you haven't gotten a pb in like a [ __ ] month brutal we i should use great combustion yeah okay i need to re let me actually fix my spell order because this this is pretty bad job all right i gotta figure out guys where to get the black flame it's like by madness right i actually should just check a video i should have checked the video before i started the run but ugh close to the shortcut lift the one that goes back up to artorius uh kind of forgot that those guys actually shoot me from behind even with pity hidden body what the actual [ __ ] am i doing dude i'm alive oh good god this [ __ ] run i am so bad right now oh god i don't know how it lived oh meow hey whippy thank you for the 47 months [Music] so i think it's down here yes oh god we've done it all right oh no i'm gonna die come on uh right black flame are you know what let's actually go uh well i guess we can go [Music] bigger calamite i don't know i kind of want to go get great chaos fireball and chaos storm does less damage than great combustion yeah i i'm sure it's an amazing spell fire tempest is that the one you get from killing kwai lana because i tried to kill her and she wrecked me i didn't have anything to kill her with except like a hand axe can one shot call me see well i can get it on the way i can kill her with black flame although then i'm not going to have if i kill koilana with black flame then i'm not going to have any casts for quite a lot yeah i can get the bonfire in blighttown a bit slow but you got okay do you think we're going to be able to kill quality with back black flame glide guys i really should have bought more than one purple moss but hey one is all i need how am i even gonna kill well yeah i got i guess black flame will be able to kill quite lana hopefully he's probably gonna like one-shot me though get power within yeah let's do the insane power within strats there is some cool like blighttown parkour you can do to get the to get power within i have one moss it's fine oh that did not do very good damage to her i gotta say but i'm sure it'll be fine on quality right opium fine guys once we have rtsr it might be better to use dust crown is is it better to use dust crown rings so i get 12 casts all right we got this guys hey jumpy dude i thought i'd get the dodge there oh oh god come on give me some fall damage i need fall damage just wait all right we got this guys here we go not gonna happen fellas [Music] [Applause] i can't kill her with it all right i'm i'm sorry it's there it's not happening it's not happening chat come on like what do you want me to do i can't [ __ ] kill her i don't the toxic mist oh use man eater mildred that's that's basic that might i might as well not even use dude this guy didn't even i did try what you mean didn't try i gimped myself by not killing quailag earlier get out of my way oh [ __ ] 999 humanity let's go chaos firestorm is garbage compared to tempest i see all right well let me here let me equip dude black flame is actually garbage hold on one more cheat so i can get like 10 million attunement oh yeah when does the achievement slot cap 50. stranger stranger thank you okay we'll have great gas fireball great fireball great combustion chaos storm fire tempest black flame looks pretty good do you get do you get more spell casts from higher attunement i didn't even know that i didn't realize that was a thing in this game all you need is 12 combustion yeah not in ds1 oh right it's because i have the ring on i'm an idiot i was like why do i have more casts all of a sudden all right guys well i'm sure we can kill ceaseless with our with this right he only has like twice the help yeah i could do the cheese dude i don't even know how to do the cheese though the cheese is kind of scary just run i could have sworn i remember he he can do an attack i thought he can do an attack though he rips his arm out yeah i mean i know how to do it i know how to do it from here i was more so just scared i remember i tried doing this cheese once and i got like hit and killed right away whew we got him fire oh yeah fire sage isn't actually immune to pyro i don't think thankfully so dude black flame is really disappointing though i gotta say spell sucks yeah i'll try to use fire tempest i'm trying to get i'm trying to get rtsr okay it still wasn't enough oh my god all right just dude this is so [ __ ] what the [ __ ] am i doing dude all right i'm trying i want to use fire tempest for master guys here we go here we go no no no dude the elite damage is centipede centipede is also immune to fire i'm pretty sure my take oh i don't have enough health man i just want to try to get rtsr but i can't my health is like it's too awkward i don't have i'm taking too much damage i wonder if it's because of my my dust crown didn't even try all right i'll try black flame dude take a bit of fall damage could be enough fill the room listen i'm sorry chad okay also i don't have a bow touch the demon inside me hey noob thank you for the 37 months i don't have a bow guys so yeah monkey shake dude go buy one go slow though actually wait yeah i don't know but yeah i know master i i used to do bolus bed of chaos it's just every single run that i do dark souls one every time i do dark souls one in the marathon the bet of chaos is like the most cursed [ __ ] [ __ ] ever dude i i bet of cast takes me like 20 minutes every time i do this marathon yeah i know not idea i know i don't know where i would get a bow though other than like the merchant global hey shadows in the sun thank you for 11 months i guess i could have also taken the chaos shortcut is the chaos shortcut actually faster after you kill centipede dvd after marathon no could have got the bonfire i actually probably should have considering how this normally goes for me oh god i'm mid-running i'm gonna make it in time oh no no no no no no no okay it's fine what is my walk key what the [ __ ] is walk man how do you walk yeah i know you can tap w but my character is gonna go like oh god you backstep from this line right the this right here or is it the second line it's right it's right there right oh we got him [ __ ] you better chaos all right let's go kill calamite in one fire tempest now i'm probably just gonna die if i try to use fire tempest on cal me but i'm gonna try it anyways let me go human let's go chad mode all right yeah if he does the horizontal fight if i if i bait out the horizontal fire breath i can maybe get a one shot calamity i guess can you one shot him even without power within i feel like you probably need power with them you do okay yeah should have done golf-less can you even do golf-less calamite and do four combustions and then storm okay all right i'll try i guess i'm just gonna die trying this most likely i know it's rng oh you're right i didn't shoot him down oh stop it can still do golfless mario no no no way golf-less can even i don't i don't think pyromancies have enough range run is beyond scuffed you know as scuffed as it's as it's been we are still making pretty good progress like we we don't actually have too many bosses left we have calamite and then what do we have like gaping and priscilla like this run shouldn't actually be too much longer than two hours anyways i i don't think yeah i need to do stray as well straight straight priscilla gaping and then pinwheel nito and calamite but like oh yeah and guards but it shouldn't actually take too much longer yes skipping dialogue i know i'm i'm sorry forgive me so who here is super hyped for pyro only dark souls 2. you know i should have added a sub incentive to do scholar pyro only although maybe that was maybe it's good that i didn't do that hit him with the great combustion one two oh i think i could have killed him with three great combustion actually holy [ __ ] hey miter guy thank you for the six months yo that damage dope all right let's go to firelink let's go to firelink and we'll go do gaping time to get my revenge on gaping bed of chaos curse was uh solved sharon or was removed it was cured it's a shame yeah i thought i was on just in time no you messed up [Music] incentive for wearing my onesie oh my god sharon but chad wants to see you in the onesie you want to see me in the onesie not chat what is chat then you can do jammies get up here he's too scared to wear it you're scared to be too comfy [ __ ] i can i save this yeah that is pretty cold but you're supposed to keep the ring on aren't you or wait no i don't know i'm so confused i thought wait oh my god yeah you are supposed to keep the ring on come on get up there all right all right here we go here we go speed [ __ ] oh my god i almost just died again oh i don't need the souls guys it's fine hello everybody laughs he killed all of them in one case hey chub loops thank you for the 15 months yeah rip the sub two hours though if it wasn't for the gaping deaths it might have happened but you know honestly the the run despite how bad the start of this run went it it has gotten a lot better finishing with the black flame all right i guess we'll go do pinwheel neato and then we can go to priscilla yeah i don't know this is gonna be like two hours ten minutes probably which isn't all that bad i mean considering everything that's happened took two weeks from work for elden ring i mean i think you'll be able to beat the game for sure if you're playing a non-stop just wait for it to be delayed again it's not funny hey thiago thank you for the prime sub get out here oh my god i was scary chat almost didn't work uh the ds metroid run looks cool but the runner makes you cringe so what on cdq right now do i want to be a massive peach i guess i will now let's turn human again beautiful you can see lost izalith right down there hmm rolling off that ledge there always scares me so much the kill box is like an inch away from the ledge oh no not in leroy forgot about this guy it's the benefit of turning human uh there's no benefit this looks nice see my nice human butt hmm oh look at the black flame oh yeah how imagine hitting only one tick of fire tempest when you're like inside the boss's butthole all right uh dark moon tomb right two more bosses chat or no three i also have to kill gargoyles not sub two hours yeah i know i i tried why no demon souls uh i just dark souls 2 is going to take a while so i didn't want to do like a super super long stream today yo what's up matt do you guys do pyro's a challenge run yeah so to give you guys just a just to let you know chat the last time i did pyro only humanite took 30 minutes to kill but now we do have the attunement glitch so it probably won't be as bad will nightfall have a viable speedrun i mean you could speedrun anything i'd that's such a weird question i mean you could speedrun nightfall i don't know if it'll be interesting or whatever but how the hell did i block that oh one okay now we go back to firelink and let's go finish off the gargles gargoyles i could kill the gargoyles with just the glove pretty easily i reckon all right nice rtsr setup i one shot him with great chaos fireball very well hmm oh you know what hold on let me put on yeah i did butterfly i've done every boss i'm like 99 sure yes i did gaping did gwyndolin i think gaping did this twice how does one get in anor londo without ringing the bell it's called sends gate skip and then there's other there's other tricks you can do so you don't have to ring the bell at all you can because of there's two different ways to get to this the sunlight altar or no not the fire link altar i mean um and if you kill if you kill four kings by doing another skip then you can actually get to the you can place the lord vessel without why not glitchless because that's boring all right chat time for the the best fight in the game oh no you're not there we go no so yeah he he has this weird ai where when you hit him with combustion he'll just jump sideways you can just kill him from like full to dead doing that all right i'm gonna pause the timer all right gg dark souls one sub two ten all right i'm going to take a short break guys and then you know what it's time for dark souls 2 baby all right i'm going to get a drink take a short break [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] alright chat are you ready are you freaking ready i'm not [Music] i'm not ready i'm just doing vanilla i don't want i don't want to deal with all the scholar memes in using only pyros it's gonna be horrible but scholar is so good okay what good for watching somebody suffer [Music] all right so all right i think my plan do do pyromancy scale with intent faith in in dark souls 2 i think they do right or do they scale at all actually [Music] they do okay all right so i think we're going to he'll drag we'll kill i might start with bonfire aesthetic and kill dragon rider twice just to get a bit stronger and then we can we can free rosabeth buy her fire seeds because then we'll actually have enough to buy the fire seeds from from rozabeth [Music] and then maybe we'll go for [Music] maybe i'll go for great fireball i'm not really sure what kind of like upgrade route i want to or not upgrade route but i really don't i gotta say guys i really didn't plan too much for this so it's gonna be [Music] this is going to be scuffed [Music] we probably want to freeze straight early on so we can get lame swath and then we're definitely going to want to get forbidden sun forbidden sun is going to be like our end game build [Music] yeah i mean i could do dragon rider with gravity and then go down to grab the branch but it might be a good idea to kill dragon rider twice i'm not sure if i'm gonna have enough spell casts to kill last giant [Music] otherwise non-scholar got shut up get out of here okay all right chat so yeah uh i guess i'll give another shout out to razer they're sponsoring the stream today guys for the chair that i am in the razer isker they've got a game they uh got a new gaming chair they released so if any of you want to check it out you can uh check the command in chat exclamation mark razer or click the panel below the stream anyways here we go all right what class do we want to start as oh yeah uh first person to prime sub will get the character named after them any uh any primers in the chat this is your chance come on there's somebody lg yo thank you dale dunn you were a little too slow but you were you almost got it thank you daledon and dov thank you for the prime also dima thank you for the gift sev all right let's go so one of the best parts about doing meme runs in this game at least oh yeah what class do we want to start as for pyromancer sorcerer [Music] probably sorcerer sorcerer's best i think all right we'll start sorcerer with bonfire aesthetic oh yeah okay so one of the best things about dark souls 2 meme runs is that we can randomize our character hold on let me go female all right sharon come get ready for the abomination and check it out are you ready [Music] all right nice looks like you lol oh got him hilarious no no it's not joel that is something joel would say though all right maulin as usual is dead give me chat [Music] oh yeah i know guys listen that's the only non-pyro we're gonna use all right i need his clothes i need them i also need to light the magilla bonfire [Music] listen i i guess i i could have technically not killed maulin and waited until i got the pyromancies to kill him but then i'm losing like so many souls it's all right chad it's just mullin it's just smalling uh this is vanilla well i already i'm already telling you right now i'm not going to be using pyromancies in a moment as well so because i'm gonna bonfire aesthetic dragon rider and once i bond fire aesthetic dragon rider there's gonna be ng plus enemies that spawn here so yeah i need to kill this guy okay all right we're fine everything's fine listen there's no pyromancy class start okay chad all right i probably shouldn't have even bothered doing this especially because i have soul arrow come to think of it i well whatever this this is kind of unnecessary whoa why is that so loud dude gravity equals pyro now yeah all right so yeah we're doing these insane strats guys we're gonna respawn dragonrider oh yeah i'll be watching gdq i'll be later tonight all right we're going to do that and then we're going to come down here don't hit me we're gonna kick all right solid 46 000 souls well it's kind of slow to do this but it is nice because then you can get a lot of uh you need a lot of upgrades and stuff do i have enough health to survive actually survive even enough [Music] it's enough nope hey minecrafter thank you for the 18 months god dang it and do the parry glitch well i don't need to do the perry glitch i could just level up my health god my character looks so ugly hollow dude my character looks like horrifying [Music] yeah so we're gonna get the we're gonna get the dark pyromancy glove while we're down here which is dark pirate oh standing on the hollow's head there it is yeah i'm gonna get the branches well dude i don't even know how to get out of here oh yeah it's the slider i should probably just use the homeward bone fine though i did the skip i did it but oh [ __ ] are my so where are my souls gonna be okay they're over there i'm gonna get i'm gonna get the the 20 gems here these are pretty good yeah dark fog's not a pirate hey dawson beer what's up buddy area is so much brighter in vanilla actually kind of interesting hey rowan okay so now that we got the branch we can go free rozabeth i will be doing dlcs yeah all right so we should have enough souls to buy three fire seeds and then maybe like a spell or two am i doing happy hobbs league uh i was thinking about it i'm not sure i'm not really much of a no-hit runner but oh god chat i don't have i don't have anything get out of my way dude rooseveth is gonna die if i try to talk to her will you let me rest if the basilisk is just gonna they all just come out dude oh yeah she okay wait wait hold on sorry i'm so confused he's outside now isn't she how do i get this to [ __ ] open back up wait does it not oh my god all right whatever let's just pro dark souls streamer listen okay i speedrun the games i don't [ __ ] talk to rozabeth oh [ __ ] we need we should get the blue clear stone ring man this run is gonna take so long all right uh up she said she's going back to majula you better getting her to go back to majula is like one of the hardest things ever i swear he does not like going back to majula it's pretty simple no it's not all right chat 30 fire orbs let's go yeah why not big firearm i don't i don't have great fireball man i really wish that we could customize our character in dark souls 2 for the speed run so nice bye enough for one fire bomb all right 29 fire orbs if i can't kill last giant with this this is like omega concerning our damage should be pretty good though i think not opening the gate dude if i die the last giant i'll get the 100 subs not dying of this guy got this damage well it's doing way more than 60 but uh oh wait i just realized that i should not have used these fire seeds on the dark pyro glove that was a grave mistake actually i mean it should be okay and there's a lot that you can pick up in the game but are there fire seeds in the dlc guys it's fine that's pyromancy i used my glove to pull the ballista ah [ __ ] i'm gonna have to pick up so many more fire scenes now though i didn't consider the fact that i've i just wanted to use this pyro glove temporarily so i should not have upgraded it go forth touch the demon inside me i actually have pyromancies to blow up the barrel though if it fails do i even want to blow up the barrel i don't think you can infuse pyrogloves [Applause] i really [ __ ] up there's one there commit to the hollow flame yeah i really don't want to do that hollow flame is so well i mean it's actually decent but honestly where the heck am i right now i'm completely lost chat okay wait a sec where am i oh there it is listen this chest is hard to find okay yeah i just picked up a ring that gives me faster spell casting speed dude i [ __ ] myself over so bad by buying those fire seeds during it i'm tempted to just feed in three fire seeds honestly just a reset just find some fire seats ahead oh well yeah i don't i don't want to use the dark love is the thing but maybe it's better if i just use the dark glove the whole run but the like it's the damage is worse if you're not at if you're not followed so there's 18 of them i don't think there's 18 in vanilla that's the problem there's 15 three or bought from the pirate chick yeah that's the problem i'm not there are a bunch of fire seeds that i can get late game but i'm gonna have to do like i'm gonna have to do like half the bosses with a plus five pyro flame now there's one i can get in rotten there's one before chariot up here but i i can't get the giants memory ones until i kill ancient dragon which i'm not gonna kill ancient dragon for like an hour and a half for like two hours yeah i mean i could use ring of binding but then the dlc bosses are going to kill me in almost one hit and talk to the dragon and kill later that doesn't really solve the problem though [Music] so i don't even know what boss to do right now i guess we'll do flex aisle cheat engine a maximal power plant listen it's not what i'm trying to do carhelion can actually reinforce the pyro flame funny enough yeah you can kill roosevelt for one extra fire seed and fire seeds are kind of depressing in this game like there is really not that many they're worth to kill her for one extra i mean after you bought everything from her you don't need her anymore so you just kill her extra fire seed dude what a psychopath okay it's the truth though all right see you later draco oh look at that damage [Music] the stun what this boss has quite the quite the move set you gonna do it again wow what a fight i romancy flame and oh wait why did i use this one sec guys hmm [Music] what the heck they turned into three fire seeds wow that's just what i needed perfect all right oh okay where do you get the fire clutch ring in this run we're in this game actually just spawn it guys okay [ __ ] you listen i made one mistake forgive me all right i don't want this run to take like eight hours okay let's go kill who do i want to kill we should probably kill rotten listen chad i'll just i'll just get rid of the dark pyromancy flame it's like nothing ever happened all right oh look at that damage where do you get great combustion from just cheated in guys it's not funny where where is great combustion oh it's in drang lake how can i get that before skeleton lords oh it's titchy gren okay we should we should probably do chariot then oh oh yeah we don't actually want to bone out after rotten well it's fine i guess i guess we should we should go to the dlc yeah rotten gives so many souls yeah a tune glitch and barely have enough cast you have to actually do like if you don't use the tune glitch you have to be really careful with your routing because you can run out of spell cast so easily you need to use like multiple herbs just to kill the bosses get the clutch ring from the dlc it's in the it's in the iron king dlc though isn't it oh it's in the third dlc after ava well that's even more of a pain in the ass honestly oh my gosh i have so many poppable souls now fire clutch is kind of insignificant oh yeah the bottom of the majula well there is a pyromancy there i think you're right not using fire arrows i know i'm so sorry oh [ __ ] i didn't get the cheaper bright bugs all right ins and faith 20 25 and 16 our damage should be pretty good now i'm the path the path plus six let's go do chariots yeah i will put the run up on youtube yes sir oh yeah we can use yearn nice yeah we can do chariot okay nice pyromancy are you supposed to get those uh metal chests on the lava rocks and iron keep without dying you have to be like really really patient uh well not patient you need you need a lot of setup you can't really do it right away that's what i found you need like what oh i'm so happy i'm pretty sure that's the one i saw before okay there you go uh yeah you can use like flash sweat plus fire resist armor and rings dirty bigger and some life gems queued up yeah yeah you can get wet using the urns oh look at that damage dude oh no oh my god he almost just killed me settle down horsey cheated damage dude shut the [ __ ] up oh my god i'm never gonna hear the end of this all right let's buy some new spells oh god i need the [ __ ] token oh my where do you get the this guy you know what it's fine because i think we can go get a spell down there the cheat engine has to oh no i thought i had my bow out all right it's all good okay so i believe there's a pyromancy no it's a [ __ ] miracle wait is there a pirate that's here um i've been debated is there one in the chest i don't think so hold on i'm just gonna open up the i have the wiki page open we need to go to straight the chest is ash knuckle ring okay no i am specifically not using f extra wiki using wiki dot all right [Music] oh my gosh no yes let me [ __ ] buy stuff come all right where do we want to go now i guess we'll do skelly lords all right we have 62 great combustion chat we are strong i am going to get forbidden son it takes a while to be able to get forbidden son all right so there is one more there's one more fire seat i can get after skelly lords okay great combustion is not very fast oh one shot oh oh wait i made a mistake forgot about these phone wheels oh oh my god that was i'm sorry that was insane but they don't die in one shot using that strat in the actual run trust me you you do not want to do this strat in the speed run all right so we can get one more fire seed up ahead here before covetous and we can get one from killing uh rosabeth and i guess we'll also get one in duke stone and we can get the great fireball spell do i plan on killing the giant boss in bs3 uh probably with either boulder heave oh yeah i got rid of my moss nice one all right i think it's in it's in the it's in this room i think fireseed yeah i might get the lion mage set so not sure if i should go do sentinels i don't know if i should do sentinels or najka first the spell is honestly what the hell is going on the spell is pretty good but it uses so much endurance all right let's go get some stuff from the lunch uh we can upgrade a bit more i guess so i'm so sorry why'd you keep one of the fire seeds for yourself the pump should have just given it to me unfollowed trash stream okay dude he should have given me the fire seat cat that's all i'm saying all right he brought this upon herself [Applause] you have the option to cheat in the seed but you choose to kill her instead yeah well listen i don't want to cheat anymore all right i've cheated enough oh yeah this respond her listen you know she did she did everything she could for me he got me all my upgrades she she was she was good but she had to die somebody's behind me now that's not good [Music] hmm foreign i like this spell but man it's stamina usage is brutal all right we're gonna go free straight and we're gonna get a sick pyromancy spell chat blame swath oh yeah baby can get lingering flame what is lingering flame from he also sells it right is lingering flame lingering flame is like the bomb that you put down on the ground right oh yeah there's also if i get the best uh [ __ ] there's a fire seat i could get here but i need the bastille key where the heck do you even get the bastille key whoa all right let's get the spells lingering flame and flame schwab let's also get some rouge water the gape ring you don't need the gap thanks [Music] where's flame swap flame swath is legit really good chad oh [ __ ] i warped the wrong bonfire i should probably do the glitch with um the tune and glitch with flame swap instead of great combustion but we do have 11 casts which is still pretty good all right so now we're gonna go work our way towards great fireball and yeah let's get the lion mage set while we're here hey schopenhauer thank you for the prime sub buddy what do you mean a statue box oh no i used it oh i used it on [ __ ] man i use it on straight i should have came here first oh my god dude where can i get another branch oh god i don't remember just i'm not cheating it in chat did i really want to ride najka oh look at that damage come on najka get over here give me that butt he doesn't want to do the butt slam come on dodge could do it oh damn we want to try to kill many uh rat authority i'm gonna have to say no i think we're probably gonna skip rat authority for now oh man i really wish i had a i wish i had like a firestorm ability for congregation coming up that's okay though no i don't have any firestorms i don't think oh wait i do actually have firestorm i'll equip it yeah i forgot titchy grun actually does sell firestorm there's like two or three different types there's like chaos firestorm and tempest or whatever i mean i'll come back for the boss don't worry all right we have 62 firestorms what happened to my what happened to my other spot wait why wait can you not i thought you wait what the [ __ ] why is it not working oh be but no it doesn't take two slots let's see will it work this time it works that's it's weird there's some like maybe it has to do with like the order that you attune it or something i don't i just love cheating can't control it i'm sorry oh here we it's go disappointing actually foreign the punch pyromancy yes it's one of my favorite okay so now we're gonna go down to freya oh my god where am i going oh no don't blow up i wanted to try to do seldora skit but i kind of forgot how to do it at least that guy got one shot equipping a torch doesn't actually work in this version of the game funny enough yeah one spot oh my god this hitbox [Applause] we're all good [Music] yeah now i can get the line mage set that's true all right all right buddy all right buddy dude are you [ __ ] off man thanks 30 30 seems good yep we're gonna go get great fireball now [Music] phildoroscope i thought i could close the door vkgs is actually in this chest too all right now we can get plus nine let's also go get the uh we're gonna get the lion mage set [Applause] are these guys weak to fire at all i don't think they are these guys aren't weak to [ __ ] oh my god here they come all right let's go do mini rats and then we can get toxic mist i guess [Music] so should upgrade the flame one more time i need one more fire seed not sure where i should get the final one there is one in sinner's rise but i don't i don't really know where to get it well it's no soul appease but it gets the job done all right let's get plus nine plus 184 that's pretty good all right uh let's go to straight cell and then we can go do center i guess not really sure dude straight's placement is so weird like why is he just standing next to a million enemies yeah the lion mage reduces casper what are you aiming at dude i think i think there's there's also some armor that increases pyromancy damage i think i think sinner's armor increases pyro damage but we're not going to be able to get sinner's armor small instead i don't think it's that much anyways let's get a little bit more attunement uh yeah my agility is fine all right let's go do i guess we can go do mytha actually [Music] hey rockhill thank you for the prime sub man by using flame swath because it's actually one of the best pyromancy spells believe it or not quite good what 147 use outcry i kind of want to get outcry but it's so slow to get now this is vanilla dude i am not fighting mytha with the poison up no chance oh look at that damage baby oh i shouldn't have done this this is dark souls 2 where it doesn't count as well so you want to go [ __ ] get over here uh i wish i had like i don't even know what other rings to get be honest yeah like fire clutch would be good all right let's uh let's get rid of bastion we need to put on poison mist all right we are going to poison and toxic smelter and iron king it's actually pretty good for them no no no no god also tensions right thank you for the prime sub and rakil thank you for the prime as well you know what let's uh let's buy i don't even know what i'm buying i kind of just wanted the carvings [Music] very good look at how much damage this [ __ ] does actually though it's pretty good right so not a pirate okay yeah you're right i'm sorry this run as legit as f extras foreign hmm [Music] hmm all right i gotta make sure to buy these extra bright bugs coming up we still need to get one more fire seed really sure where to get it you could probably get it in the area after smelter i think are there any other like important pyro spells that i want to get well obviously forbidden son we want to get that is there anything other than like forbidden son i have to if i want to get outcry i have to get i have to freaking remove all of the smelter thingies i don't even know where to get all the wedges from oh [Music] hey lynch thank you for the 22 months all right come on no baby jump please i don't have baby jump mod installed on this version of the game so toilet [ __ ] no it's not on nexus mods all right let's go back real quick yeah baby jumps are in bold versions of the game but yeah if you want to learn if you want to learn about what baby jumps are and like why they happen you can type exclamation mark baby jumps yeah i forgot my cameras off my bad [Applause] uh flying coconut thank you for the 25 months and lynch thank you for the 22. kapchi thank you for the 14. thank you for the gift sub dorian no i don't have any sub goal i just since i i did a i did a trilogy run on youtube with miracles so i figured i'd do pyro's i'll probably do sorceries as well before elder ring comes out all right uh let's see where do i want to go now i've killed sinner i've killed freya have i killed all of the lord souls iron king rotten yeah i have okay nice we can go to drink like then i still have to kill gargoyles yeah but i mean i could kill guards right now it's not gonna bother though if there was no baby jump mod the record for dark souls 2 would probably still be like a 210 or something the record would be so much worse for dark souls 2. yeah i also have to kill giant rat i'm not going to do fume i'm not going to do dlc too until i get like forbidden sun that should be my next goal right now we'll just we'll do during lake castle and belstadt and then we'll go get forbidden sun i guess yeah so for for those who are too lazy to read but are curious what baby jumps are basically in this game so the way that jumping in this game works and that this isn't like exactly correct in terms of like the numbers but so let's say when you're sprinting in this game okay you run it let's say 3.5 like units per second now the problem is for some reason the way that jumping in this game works is that so when you jump the game checks to see if your speed is above like 3.5 okay and when you're running you're always above 3.5 but the issue is that for some reason there's two different movement speed values in dark souls 2. so there's a clean stable one that doesn't move at all and then there's another movement speed value which is the one that they use for the jumping and that value is tied to your cpu usage so basically if you have a very stressed out cpu and you're at high cpu usage your movement speed will randomly fluctuate between like 3.4 and 3.6 now the funny thing is your character isn't like that that that speed you're running that's not you're not actually running slower sometimes it's just that value for some reason they use like an inconsistent value for it oh god this is not good why would they use a second value that's the million dollar question man so uh oh no no like it's just it makes no sense because they have basically what the baby jump mod does is that it uses the it doesn't even add any like code to the game it just changes the jumping function to use the clean stable movement speed value rather than the the noisy one that's affected by cpu usage basically if that makes sense don't you still get some baby jumps on the mod well those there are some spots where baby jumps can still happen but it happens because the terrain is weird there's like some weird terrains in some spots in the game where your character like if you run over a certain ledge or something it can slow your character down slightly or if you're at the end or start of your sprint yeah yeah you know you don't reach full speed instantly this i haven't even used great fireball yet i really should they should try it so pyro is not broken in dark souls 2 though i'm just i'm sorry to say it's not yeah i heard he's now this is the only part about vanilla that i do not look forward to uh there's just way less enemies in vanilla in general all right i need to make sure to tune great fireball after this why you need to run naked instead of where i don't know what you're asking are you asking me why i'm not running naked or what what do you mean your stamina regen is a bit worse if you have armor on but this is like a meme run so it doesn't really matter great fireball all right let's grab let's grab these i really want to get some better rings but kind of i want to try to get the better uh i want to get the like chaos storm oh yeah i need to oh my god this damage is really bad where is the fire clutch glitch surprise that didn't mean he's probably gonna do the shield thing now i like no i i don't really want to it's not really worth aestheticking skeleton lords in my opinion yeah pyromancies are pretty weak against [Music] knight all right let's go back and actually upgrade to plus 10 i've been neglecting that near the night after the bonfire from the eye of the priestess oh okay the one that you have to like open the gate for well i think you have to open a gate for all of them but [Music] very good very good you think we can go get the chaos storm spell you think i can survive and i have flash sweat the fire ring i also have the orange burrs last sweat and bird don't stack oh welcome home jesus dude oh yeah and you should get the water [ __ ] yeah i could jump on the rocks from above all right hold on let me i'll get the water and then we'll we'll be fine [ __ ] i [Music] oh i gotta pull the lever don't i to get the water pots [Music] yeah that water is strong dude all right what boss do we want to go do now i guess we could try rap authority yeah i was surprised when i fell onto that ledge and i had like five percent health i thought i was dead for sure oh [ __ ] uh like some of my spells here a bit messed up hey schmoop thank you for the 17 months what will this work there we go bella teammate glitches kind of a mess okay chat i'm gonna i'm gonna hit them and then use fire chaos storm and hopefully they all die that spell did not do as much as i was hoping for oh my god i hate this [ __ ] attack let's just spam them with chaos storm it's honestly pretty good i just hate i hate the fact that it only does full damage like one time good enough back to amana i just can't wait to get forbidden son yeah demon's firestorm is insane demon's firestorm can hit like 10 times in a row i remember i used the i i used firestorm on a boss and it did like 15 000 damages i'm trying to think is there anything else i'd want to get i could pick up the life ring actually might be kind of nice for safety i don't really know where else i don't really know what other rings to use so i might as well get something that's gonna help no the life rings not there it's further up dude i can't even [ __ ] move children a little leveled up my adp a bit more i think just dodge yeah i tried i tried but he he's too strong i'm getting that damn life ring i don't care at this point i'm at 95 agility which is actually pretty good i've i have pretty decent iframes but you can barely roll in the water here is the problem why do all the branches have to respawn all right it's fine we're gonna we're gonna destroy the branches with our great fireball we're [ __ ] [Music] yeah give me that extra help so [Music] harvest pyro only game yeah i mean doing any sort of magic only running dark souls 2 is kind of like suffering i'm not gonna lie at least compared to like compared to melee hexes are okay falling hexes busted is a bit of a stretch but hexes are decent they're definitely not op though i'm killing a frog nice damage killing pepe you think chaos storm can even hit them chad [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that there's so many of these casts are just missing we got him oh no i have not forgotten taka but we do have the attunement glitch now which is gonna make it like way more manageable but yeah i have not forgotten see are there any other pyros that we want to get i don't really think there's much else i mean there's outcry i guess at this point we mainly just want to get forbidden son pyro only and ds3 is pretty good but you need to use boulder heave boulder heave is quite important why boulder heave well boulder heave does physical damage and it uses very low fp the low fp is like the main thing that's really good all right got some more effigies i mean you can basically kill every boss in the game with boulder heave there isn't any boss that's like resistant to physical older heave is like the best pyromancy spell but great chaos fireball is actually pretty good too and there's there's some other good spells but the the main the main issue with pyro is that like you don't have enough for some of the dlc bosses it's really hard to kill all of them uh without running out of mana i remember i tried doing demon princes with dark pyromancy and it's it's doable but you need like 10 ashanestas oh yeah let's try chaos are you supposed to beat the bosses without the teammate glitch very very carefully you need a lot of spell restore items so i i did do a pyromancy only run i i don't know if i ever highlighted it or put it on my youtube i think i'm maybe i did but but yeah it's it's really rough all right chat now it's time for nablon's quest oh wait i need to die in order to do nablon's quest i need to be hollow how much of his quest do i have to do to get forbidden son he was gonna kill me hey how many bosses are left quite a few oh yeah there's a fire seat here as well not that i need it anymore you can collect all the armor and stuff before you actually kill uh before you talk to him right pretty sure you can alright see you later mr understood have a good one buddy probably should have went and done that before i went to go do guardian dragon but that's okay hey abyss [Applause] easy punch fire punch counts as pyro i mean guys this isn't like an official this isn't this is just a meme run but yeah but it counts bearer of the curse let's go back to majula and we'll go get the ring wait okay we need to get the ladder miniature from laddersmith gilligan hi boy let's go find mr kale yeah i'm doing the knob long quest for forbidden son the only spell that i'll use after this point all right chat pretty cool skip coming up here hopefully don't mess it up oh [ __ ] yeah i know i'm sorry i had to kill him chat i'm sorry all right no we don't have to do the herald the hood gives me one extra spell cast and i think some infant faith or maybe it's just the spell casts actually man look at this [ __ ] item i wonder what that was that i dropped so yeah the the way that the map is so the way the map works in this game is like super weird aldia is actually in this aldia's keep is in the same spot as um as like najka's area is hold on a second i actually kind of want to buy something from from navlon could have gotten unleashed magic i don't really want to use unleash magic i don't even think it works i don't even know if it works for pyromancies but they're good well i guess i i guess i can just give him the aged feather why not you need like 60 and to use unleash magic though i think well the main issue is the it's 58 ends uses three attunement slots oh my goodness oh yeah we need mist for ancient dragon so oh my god this glitch is so whatever i have a lot of spell restores i guess 66 forbidden sons dude i'm a wizard holy [ __ ] this is so hot hey tommy thank you so much for the 51 months imagine having almost unlimited cast from a glitch and stuff i mean it's just having to do one spell at a time can be kind of kind of a pain what does this set give the astrologist set i have no idea god my [ __ ] character go forth touch the demon inside me i guess we'll use one bright boat here are there no knights because this version doesn't i really should have done the team english on poison mist and box of nests so hmm how is he not toxic this fight is so good yes oh all right what a fight i definitely should have done the tunement glitch but young people yeah wait for fume night let's go do giant lord yeah i killed center here we go oh um what am i getting i love how like this is the strongest pyromancy spell in the game and it still takes like five times longer to kill giant lord than with the rapier uh all right [Music] by the way this spell forbidden sun you're only supposed to you get what is it three casts total and that's if you have 99 attunement right now i would only get one cast of this spell one cast put on the astrology stuff the set is sick dude go forth touch the demon inside me [Music] we have a ton of health so it could be fine just killed me in the convergence mod oh god hey you're a lucifer thank you for the 35 months buddy thank you thank you so on a scale from one to ten how excited are you guys for the few night fight it's gonna be so epic that ghost [Music] toilet [ __ ] i don't see we're making decent pace though i feel like this run will be around four hours then again i don't know the dlcs might take a while when do i expect this to be on youtube uh i probably it's gonna take a little while to upload and go like high quality so probably won't be up on youtube until tomorrow or the day after horse valley isn't too concerning still no fire clutch ring i just didn't even bother how much damage does the fire clutch give anyways i don't think it's that much where is the fire clutch again it's at it's after uh after deals somewhere in dlc3 [Music] is it dlc2 people were saying it was dlc three this damage is pretty good actually yeah there there's a glitch which allows you to have like basically 99 casts of any spell yeah i'm sorry i'm cheating for this run give me i've sinned fireball versus fireball we're slowly whittling them down dude forbidden some actually has really far range i wonder if you could do that one glitch that i was trying with forbidden son and like the first dlc or whatever this spell actually goes so far but i'm toxic they really should have made it so sin can't do multiple flying attacks in a row some more bright bugs i'm gonna go for 105 agility let's go do big squad i guess whole reason that i'm saving up so many bright bugs is for the dlc fights mainly the dlc fights are freaking scary dude oh yeah i still have to do guards yeah it's reminding me [Music] maybe i should go get okay hold on i need to i'm gonna look this up so i can't get the the penal handcuffs maulin's dead he's [ __ ] dead dude gotta kill this guy all right [ __ ] you can resurrect maulin but his stock doesn't update his stock is basically stuck to when you whenever you killed him and i killed maulin pretty early also his name's not mauldron it's ma lin i have 13 bright bugs that's probably a bit much you're safe than sorry i think i'm gonna use the bright bug in the fight maybe i'll do the cheat can i do the cheese strap behind that not bad you're gonna run out of chaos storm so it was pretty good a little cheesy but uh you know do what you got to do flame swap would have actually probably been better there still no outcry dude outcry would literally take me like 20 minutes to get i just i don't want to bother yeah i'm gonna put this run on youtube yes sir is outcry better than chaos storm i actually don't know yeah we're gonna have to freeze some of the nights for this run it's just gonna be terrible if we don't i'll probably free two nights i think i'll cry is the best aoe ability that's only two casts in 99 oh [ __ ] there sylvester's it's crazy how big this dlc actually is in the speed run you barely do like you barely even go into the dlc sorcery dog [ __ ] and ds2 i mean it's okay it's not great though i have the habit of chewing my hair sometimes my hair gets my mouth but definitely not on purpose so not doing invisible abba no i haven't killed fume yet i'm wait i'm doing fume at like the very end when i'm really okay i'd like to get one more ring but i don't i don't even know what to use something that gave something that would give like a bit more health probably be nice dude invasable might have actually been doable i mean it would have been kind of [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i did nothing dude invisible ava before giant lord god last giant oh god we gotta get rid of the fire get rid of the ice uh i did not chemi so many poppable souls oh we can we can get the fire clutch ring finally now guys oh there's flame butterflies there breath of the wild was number one how much [ __ ] health does this guy have man please just he's gonna interrupt me again isn't he okay big damage now chad all right let's get a little bit more health let's get 105 agility 50 bigger i just want a lot of health for fume night mainly yeah well the fume night is going to take [ __ ] forever so if i die it's just like it's really really bad uh all right we gotta go free the one other night i think we want to go this way i'm excited to do ds3 though i gotta say a nexus wolf 105 agility is like excessive amounts of iframes i think at 105 you get like i don't know some you get like 14 or 15 i frames or something i don't know if you get a lot 13 maybe yeah i saw joel haber did a ds3 speedrun equal to ds1 i think you get even more iframes than ds1 so okay this part is kind of scary oh [ __ ] can you not stand over there please oh this game is [ __ ] cancer dude i can't [ __ ] do it i can't open the door and i can't cast home come over here you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god now the other enemy is resetting oh god please kill them yeah just kill them forehead only takes like 80 casts let me out okay [Music] okay here we go damage isn't too bad at least it's staggers that everybody uh dude you've got a portal to freeze he's not going to freeze it in time i don't even know what he's doing bro you have go do your job man what the [ __ ] is he doing what are you doing are you going into the portal that's already [ __ ] okay yo am i gonna get the ai freeze here oh my god no or not the ai freeze i thought i thought i might get the glitch if ivory king is standing on top of that knight when the when the ice spawns he can die in one hit actually it's pretty nice so ooh the stagger how do you how did you get the ring of transfusion in the hollow overhaul mod dude i don't even know what that ring is i can't remember i only played that mod once for like a little bit so i mean a certain amount of adp is fine like 95 agility is good but base adp in this game is actually [ __ ] up like there's some boss attacks that are so fast that you you actually just can't uh there's nothing you can do if you can't counter you can't i frame their attacks for long enough [Applause] i mean the hitboxes aren't crap but the like the problem with adaptability is that like if you design the game around people playing it with base adaptability then if they do level up their adaptability the game will become extremely easy because base adaptability you have like six i frames so if they if they made every attack only hat like only stay active for a few frames then this game would be extremely easy there isn't really any like there isn't really any solution except for just not having adaptability in the first place i did my first playthrough with like three adapt with face adaptability and it was it was terrible dude get away from me man [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't think i had fire clutch on for that last fight pursuer on your first playthrough yeah i'm trying to remember what boss was like the most frustrating for me with the low adp yeah well explorer is the is explorer actually starts with good adaptability from the beginning which is nice explorer starts with nine i frames bandit for example starts with five or six yeah of the cats are really annoying number 80p for sure oh yeah i still got to do the gargs let's go do the gargs after double cats i guess bro we're making pretty good progress though we've got what garbs and then all of the second dlc second deal i mean we already got the scepter in the second dlc at least i maybe should have summoned actually i do have a ton of help though oh yeah dark lurker oh god i forgot about dark worker yeah dark lurker's gonna be [ __ ] annoying also i'm surprised i got it i got a horse spawn already let's see how i feel like i missed the building i try to speed run with 080p uh no sounds horrible yeah you can beat the game with 380p sure i knew so yeah you can strafe a lot of stuff but some sometimes bosses put you in situations where you have no choice but to roll and double cats give like no souls it's actually kind of [ __ ] up oh yeah let's go do uh let's go do gargs before i forget actually because they're so easy what oh my god i don't have a yeah i could have grabbed the stone from rotten i for i just forgot that i don't get one [Applause] [Music] imagine there was a way to just like jump over the ledge here that would be pogba break them all up so didn't really work as well as i would have hoped oh i haven't killed the giants yet oh man new speed run strat yeah all right let's just we'll do two of the dark river dungeons right now hey dead ringer thank you for the 19 months yeah so this is the armor piece you know that armor piece that we saw in aldia's keep this is the armor piece right there like aldia's keep is it's like in the same area as this spot the s3 all the magic and ds3 is really good to be honest [Music] hey monte thank you for the four months [Music] forbidden son for this dungeon is quite nice damn pre-shot pretty good do i think magic will be good in alden ring yeah i don't know if it's gonna be better than melee though chromesoft just seems like they've gotten a lot better at that like balance honestly oh god i also have to do vendrick oh [ __ ] me this game never ends this guy is quite tanky i have unlimited forbidden sons too [ __ ] each how do i have 50 sons because i'm cheating oh i'm cheating legally legal cheats yeah he had the he had like magic protection active from the the mage i think you can see the damage is pretty decent now all right damn killed navlan many times no there's a thing called an attunement glitch in this game you can look it up on youtube if you want to know what i'm talking about but all right we're gonna go get we're gonna get an extra an extra giant soul i think not sure which one is faster to get like the the other one is faster to get but you have to run further to get to the tree so yeah dark lurker is weak to fire damage so he's gonna get wrecked dark lurker will be the one fight that's actually like relatively fast although i think he's he's weaker to lightning than he is to fire but okay then okay then like this guy does not go through the wall instantly like that but i mean it's like on a delay all right please no wombo combo here all right this should be fine having four i think five would be nice but it's unnecessary should be pretty good damage i feel like magic would be a lot better in this game if there was actually rings that boosted your magic damage it's kind of weird when you think about it that there's there's pretty much like no rings that boost your magic damage in this game for the most part except the clutch rings in dark souls 3 you can get like there's like four there's like four rings you can get to increase your damage so how much damage does this flame swath do it's pretty good let's see the 17 is like the burn damage from the spell on the ground all right guys fuma night is coming up soon no i haven't done dark recorder i'll do dark lurker before thrown duo because it's in the same same area can you toxic fume knight i don't think you can you toxic or poison him he's immune to poison out there i thought but increasing int increased damage uh yeah i mean i have 30 30 which is like pretty close to the max you're gonna get maybe i could get a little bit more i could maybe do one level up after smelter attack is so luckily this smelter is this is a magic smelter actually i didn't even use sprite bug actually oh oh i stunned him all right hey subpar midasound thank you for the 15 months thank you very much all right we'll go level up our stats a little bit more maybe that'll help see my fire bonus is plus 191. i got seven damage sick all right guys here we go prepare for and so hopefully this won't be as bad as i remember yeah so we need to get we need to get the bot i'm gonna grab the bonfire and i need to get rid of all the statues hmm i have spell restore items so like that one of these crimson waters will probably restore my it'll probably restore like 20 or 30 casts so i have like what 20 spell restore items right now sharon all right i actually like really got to go to the bathroom chat so i'm gonna go i'm gonna go peep oh run to the bathroom real quick i was gonna wait till the end of the run but i i gotta go dude we're back okay here we go guys this damage is much better than the last time i did this still not good but it's it's not gonna take that long the clutch stagger i'm in like a loop right now oh my god these staggers easy freaking clapping hey d-pod thank you for the nine months [Music] yeah well the funny thing is so i've i've done pyromancy only in this game one other time this is this is the second run i've ever done of pyro only and the first time i did this there was no attunement glitch so the fight took me like 30 minutes and i had to use like 10 spell restore items or something it was it was [ __ ] up i was using like fireball and normal combustion doing like 10 damage it was funny to watch yeah like trying to do magic only runs without the tune glitch is actually so rough especially in the early game and for some of the dlc bosses i actually don't think i killed old dragon slayer i think you're right i think i still need to kill him yeah dark souls 2's just goes on and on but we're almost done we are on like the home stretch right now yeah magic only in dark souls 3 is a lot of fun but can't say the same about dark souls 2. i can't [ __ ] [Applause] can't [ __ ] see after i hit him [Music] oh my god it was a little a little sketchy at the end that's all right okay let's go kill ornstein yeah yeah i'm pretty sure we actually didn't kill him i went to the wrong bonfire am i wearing makeup i don't think so unless larksa put some on me last night he's gonna be ng plus no ng plus you get ng plus dragon slayer by i think bonfire aesthetic king the dragonrider bonfire i wish i could use i mean i could use other pyro spells but man fires uh forbidden sun is just so good i'm like so op for this guy right now hit him with the chaos storm a chaos storm would be so good if it could hit multiple times all right chat all we've got left is dark worker and the final bosses it's happening [Music] yeah i'm excited to do ds3 ds3 will be quite fast probably only like two hours a bit over two hours i think i will say forbidden sun is quite nice for these dungeons weird but forbidden sun casts when you free aim it it uh it kind of spawns like to the left sakura pyro only i don't know about that i don't think you can do flame vent only if you have infinite spirit emblems i mean you can kind of do pyro only in bloodborne if you use the flame sprayer i guess you gotta i mean you can kill gas going with uh you can kill gascoigne with molotovs whoa laughs you can do bloodborne old patch molotov only with no mods with the dupe glitch that's true it would probably be pretty [ __ ] annoying but that is true yeah dark lurker is super weak to fire so uh d shin thank you for the prime sub aldia with fire i don't think he's that fire resistant surprisingly even though he's on fire which doesn't really make any sense hey mr hattington thank you for the five months how many spells does this restore a lot fancy chaos storm would genuinely be really good if it could hit multiple times second hits only do they barely do like anything let's see how much this flame swap actually does about the same amount as forbidden sun it's a bit slower so see like he's on fire but look it still does like it still does a decent amount especially because he's on fire right now he already has damages come on aldia do an attack that doesn't suck please oh god he's doing the super attack this attack has like a 10 10 hour charge up this boss is so bad you know i it's funny because i was like i remember when when they released scholar of the first sin whoa those attacks were doing more damage is that getting double hits there or something um anyways i remember they released a patch for vanilla that's and people are like yo there's a new boss that they added at the end of the game that was so hype and then because nashandra kind of sucks and i was like man maybe there's going to be a really good like final boss for ds2 and then it's this i was like man they made it even worse and aldia kill he kills runs in all bosses because if he does the bad attack you lose so much time all right we did it guys it's run took forever am i going to use the spells other than boulder heave i will use stuff other than boulder you but i will get voted maybe i'll get the dark pyros but they're not really like worth going for because carla is really slow to get but you might do it anyways we'll see four hours 30 for ds2 yep and he has received it all right guys dark souls 3 let's go elton ring pyro run after ds3 i was thinking about adding an incentive to this marathon to do like pyro only and demon souls even though it's not pyromancies but i don't want to stream too late today anyways it's fine i feel like the game sound is a little quiet but that should be better uh all right i'm gonna let the intro cinematic play i'm gonna take a short break uh give another shout out to razer guys who's uh sponsoring the stream uh razor sponsored me for their new chair the razer esker i'm currently sitting here so if any of you want to check it out you can type xmmark razor or you can uh click the panel below the stream but yeah i'll be right back guys the pilgrims discover the truth of the old the words fades and the lords go without drones when the link of fire is threatened unearthing the old lords of cinder from their graves aldridge saint of the deep watchers [Music] and the reclusive lord of the propaned capital the giant [Music] only in truth the lords will abandon their thrones and the unkindled will rise [Music] nameless accursed undead unfit even to be cinder and so it is all right i'm back just in time all right chad you know the drill first person the prime sub gets the character named after them better be fast people run dang dude he was ready he had it locked and loaded hey blaine thank you for the three months it was actually really fast [Music] all right uh we'll start with black firebomb i've had like monstrosities in ds3 i haven't really bothered and i don't i don't really want to make a crazy character right now okay let's do this i don't know if you can there you go [Music] all right ds3 pyros are honestly really fun i kind of consider dark souls 2 to be a bit of a drag when it comes to doing these kind of these kind of runs but there are some fun meme weapons in ds2 with like good damage output like the warp sword and the craftsman hammer but man doing magic and dark souls 2 is brittle even when i did hexes that was pretty rough but to be fair when i did i did a hex run i did scholar and that made it like way worse uh no i'm not doing fire weapon i'm gonna use the demon scar probably not it's prob it's just gonna be like all magic why is scholar worse there's just some really annoying parts in scholar oh my god i almost just died all right uh pretty clean first boss and it's already better than every ds2 boss dark souls 3 just feels a lot feel feels a lot smoother say that much do i have to get the pyromancy scrolls i can't even remember dude which one is the great fireball wait do i though i mean i know i need to get the one for great chaos fireball i think he's he sells great fireball by default i believe all right so we're going to come up here typical typical magic run strat just come up here and grab the estus shard and we'll also trade normal fire bomb and a black fire bomb for a chunk and a large shard get the silver serpent ring i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure i have enough fireballs with just one ashanestas to kill the vort hey frankie thank you so much for the six months fire orb is from the great swamp one i g i guess i can grab the one in the swamp i really don't i don't know if i need it but okay can i get through please thank you for the prime sub and frankie thank you for the six i'm not sure if i want to try to grab the ashen or the ester chardon in the cell whatever you want to call it shitty room i guess we'll try i don't know this sd shard is like for a magic run you do want a lot of estes so i should probably grab it especially if i'm gonna use dark pyros change the game on twitch uh mod can do that for me i guess i like dark souls 2. i'm not going to act like it doesn't have a lot of problems but dark souls 2 is still enjoyable but so i think the thing that annoys me the most about ds2 is just how some some weapons and builds are just so bad in that game like dark souls 3 has way more balance i feel he might hit me here all right in the face okay don't don't die the board oh god i should have just locked on no i was aiming for his head agent smelt yeah you can do that with like any weapon if you uh if you hit vort in the head when he is charging up his frost breath you can uh you'll get like huge you'll get a huge weak spot hip and then you can also repost him which does a [ __ ] ton of damage like you you can pretty much kill him every time when he does the frost breath with almost like any weapon coming through i'm gonna die here nevermind do i recommend the two most popular mods for ds3 uh i don't know what those are i assume it's probably cinders and something else uh my best i would say convergence mod is really good and po uh pocket souls a lot of people probably haven't played pocket souls but i would i would highly recommend it i might actually do another playthrough of that before alderman comes out it's actually a lot of fun you it's basically pokemon in dark souls 3. uh it's a mod where you get these estus flasks that you can throw or they're basically like pokeballs that you could throw at enemies and you have like a chance to catch them and if you catch the enemy then you can summon it and pretty much like that's how you have to play the mod like you just run around with all your summons and stuff uh i need to go free whatever this guy's name is corn effects or something like an elden ring it kind of is yeah [Applause] i'm gonna play god of war when it's out on pc i think so yeah yeah i have my full playthrough of it up on youtube in case anybody wants to check out for the pocket souls i also have my convergence mod played throughout my believe yeah dude the new god of war is gonna be so sick i'm like i'm i'm so excited for that it's gonna be really cool to see eldon ring mods as well thank god it's on pc i have a feeling there's going to be some really cool stuff for album ring it's probably going to take a while but with a bit of time there's going to be some really cool mods modding has come a long way am i still planning on putting eternal darkness on youtube i don't know if i even highlighted my playthrough of that uh i kind of want to make like a a vod channel or something because i don't i don't really like just uploading uh like random horror game play-throughs and stuff i'm kind of tr i'm trying to i'm trying to like grow my youtube and i feel like posting a bunch of bots is not not the greatest idea so i might make it like a a new youtube channel just for for playthroughs i'm not going to be doing much like many playthroughs though for a while since all the rings coming out soon yeah the youtube algorithm is just like kind of a piece of [ __ ] if your videos don't do well like if you have a video that gets a ton of views and then you start posting stuff that has less then youtube will kind of like not recommend you as much hey izzy thank you for the 26 months i'm i'm so freaking excited for elder ring dude like oh my god man i haven't i have not been more excited for a game in my entire life and i've been excited for a lot of games before like before i started streaming i remember being so hyped for certain releases i i mean i used to be like addicted to wow being hyped for wow expansions the new halo game every stream i say that at least five times it's the truth man i'm sorry i can't help myself dude wow classic for the days yeah you're farming proof of concord but 300 item discovery yeah concord i've never done all achievements in dark souls 3 actually because it's it's just horrible ross bolt spam all-time favorite game i don't know it's close it's a faster to quit out instead of opening the door uh depends oh where am i going depends where you're talking about i mean for for rta which is basically what i'm doing it doesn't really matter uh it's generally faster not put out i quit out on the door before the elevator just because because it's a little uh a little scary with those enemies chasing you okay i'm a little scared to like try to get past these guys they're afk i guess yeah hollow knight is definitely one of my favorite games gosh these guys you get a pyro ring when you kill the crabs yes you do but i already started as a pyromancer so do i like cuphead i do yeah i'm excited for the dlc for cuphead yeah i think that i think that team cherry just i mean hollow knight i feel like they have they set the bar really high with hollow knight and they don't want to like let people down with silk songs so they're really taking their time with it they just don't communicate ever that is true i hate the sounds that this enemy makes dude the [ __ ] away from me hey clay thank you so much for the four year reset man why don't i cheat in this one because i didn't make any mistakes that would even require me to cheat [ __ ] off ladder's so so long all right so i think i'm gonna go back and get some spells and stuff before i kill stray a nice skull miner yeah i can imagine one be sure you can get so much estes early on in this game it's kind of crazy the grass crust worth using i mean what else would i use i mean casting spells uses stamina in this game though it's worth using it does put me above 30 but i know being under 30 oh [ __ ] also i just i didn't well whatever it's fine forgot to uh a tune create fireball this was to still do pretty good damage though i thought it would i mean it's still doable great this doesn't count as a boss but he gives uh he gives a really good spell this damage is ass though foreign all right yeah you can escape his grab once he catches you you spam the trigger buttons but he's generally going to do a little bit of damage to you unless you're like omega insane masher what are the trigger buttons on keyboard i don't know play this game on keyboard mouse yeah i meant yeah left and right click is what it is in dark souls 2 so do not sell that soul do not sell that not want to do that do not what do i have enough attunement to put on great fireball or it's fire orb actually let's go do great wood think we've probably got enough monsters i hope i don't know maybe maybe fireworks not a good idea no i haven't i heard that there's a new dlc for blasphemous is it is it good and i'll grab this just in case wow i can't kill great wood it should be okay though i played one of blasphemous i thought it was quite fun uh i played i played one of the dlc's for blasphemous and it was like it was uh it was all right but the final boss was kind of it's kind of like disappointing because the final it was weird there was these like four bosses that you fought and then you unlocked the final boss but then the final boss was basically just the it was the four bosses you fought before but all combined into one you like that concept i i wasn't a huge fan because it the final boss was like a little disappointing for me because i i it was like it was pretty easy because i had already fought the other bosses and learned their move sets with the shoulder one what did i just hit what what the hell whoa what what did i hit there did i hit his like face or something hello scary oh all right now we got the best iromancy in the game 14. 1818 it's labeled as a pyromancy all right are there any good pyromancies that were added in the dlcs there is the i think the demon princes give the the like delayed explosive one right lame fan yeah seething chaos even chaos did pretty good damage but it was kind of hard to use all right here we go chop sundown [Music] how much does the fire orb do that's not bad i'll just give this to boulder [Music] [Music] come on just let me spit on you dang it dude i hope i have enough ash and estus listen all right here look look where's the damn spell it's a pyromancy it says it right there part of a stray demon of stifled flame iromancy another pyro run where he abuses boulder yeah listen i love this spell all right skipping two tomes uh i don't think i am oh god all right this is what you get for cheat all right dude all right uh let's try that again hopefully actually hit this jump this time dude can i stop [ __ ] sliding off the ledge i like hey mocha thank you for the prime sub well at least i have full ash uh full fp now i don't think i need much for walnier yeah no i don't need the karthus pyromancy i will get the dark pyromancies in the woolner fight here and i'm gonna get the izalith one as well oh he's vaping let's do it again what enough do i prefer mana based or spell bass uh well i i kind of like the mana system i do wish there was a bit i don't know i wish there was like a better way of recovering mana like i think if there were melee weapons that restored fp or something that'd be pretty cool just like if you hit the boss you just get fp back something like that just when you're when you're out of ashness you're just [ __ ] you know what let's let's bring this boy in uh all the way down here he needs to fight some skellies no no no don't go after me go after him so come on guys you can kill him did they not kill him yet dude he's that he's at one health what the [ __ ] skeletons are worthless hey nova how's it going get the mimic to kill it yeah the mimic is the mimic does a lot of damage but it's he's a little unreliable sometimes he'll try to grab he'll try to grab uh the demon and then he just does nothing okay please don't go out of bounds mr lizard thank you yeah pyroglove is reinforced with titanite in this game dude my timing is just so i guess i could try to kill them i think i could probably hit him with the fireballs yeah i definitely can pretty quick oh he's one away he gives a bone shard it's kind of nice i'm not using lightning steak lightning's sake is really freaking good though like one of the best miracles in the game i don't know why they put the swarm in the game i mean it's cool but yeah he's he he's not that it's not that strong uh you know what i'm gonna quit out cause these enemies are gonna chase me or [ __ ] me up when i drop down here i'm gonna grab the bonfire here too just in case hey grimstar thank you for the gifts of de nova thank you thank you oh no don't don't do it oh god oh my freaking god dude yo thank you so much for the raid hub what's going on guys i'm doing pyro only for the three souls games i'm sure well a lot of you hot viewers have seen pyro only does this demon give a pyro no i don't think so i think he gives demon fists in the great axe all right [Music] strangers great chaos fire orb don't want anything else there oh there is actually a cool glitch you can do you know what we'll try it out oh yeah he doesn't take the great the great warden one bob couldn't beat ludwig ludwig's tough dude i hope he had a good stream hub like 5 25 dang it i'm so close actually we're gonna go do dancer anyways do i have enough with great chaos firework i need to get one more ash nestus i think should do it we should be able to kill the answer now dude i already have plus five goodness uh right dancer like spacing out right now i'm gonna have plus six here oh which one did i not get so you've never done no hit bloodborne plus dlc hob did you only do you only did like any percent i guess and that's really simple i'm so surprised actually uh i don't know it should be like nine hours or so all right i'm just gonna punch hers so bad at it yeah the dlc takes a lot of practice but luckily well i don't know what i don't know what the no hit strats are like for bloodborne there is there's like a strap that you can kill lawrence without getting hit at all like you just stun him from full to dead but it's kind of precise and then an orphan there's some like you do you guys allow like cheese for orphan like the the perry loop for example oh [ __ ] uh nice staggered oh god oh god [Music] from downtown nice miss dude stop dude stop doing that attack dancer alright two shards i'm not talking about shards though oh and cathedral yeah but i haven't killed sage yet but yeah you're right i mean i i could have got i could get the the shard there what was the glitch you wanted to show oh yeah let me go uh there's like a cool glitch you can do with fire surge and the bow i believe you can do like running firestorm i believe we'll go try that i'm not sure exactly how to do it but i i think it's pretty easy yeah yeah if you use the witch tree bellbine you don't need the sages ring that's correct an awesome choice stranger what is this ds1 yeah i've never done this before so i'm actually kind of excited to try it uh let's see what did he drop great axe large shard i don't really need that since i'm already at plus seven hey isaac from google thank you for the sub man you did i don't know if you're still here hub but you did um all bosses plus dlc pyro only right in ds3 don't think he's here anymore well you're probably right but still have to skydive all right let's get plus eight plus eights do i have all right i'll level up a bit get some more attunement i think you want to get 30 30 for pyro i'm gonna go to high wall and we're gonna get uh the bow i mean skydiving can be a punishment if you're scared of heights but at the same time it's something i guess it's cool to say that you've done it you don't have a parachute wow okay wait i picked up a lot of embers and i spent all my souls okay let's try this out wait do i need the stats to use the bow okay i don't think i do how do you do it can't i will kill andre you know what maybe i don't maybe i don't remember maybe i don't know how to do this and it doesn't seem like it works there must you can only swap that with the ledge drop i think you might be right okay well this was a waste of time hold on let me let me just try with the chaos storm real quick no no no don't why did i do this okay let's uh let's go do osiros yeah there there's a cool glitch you can do where you you cast chaos you can cast like firestorm or chaos storm as your as you're moving it like plays the animation using the fire surge spell yeah that's how you do it skull minor you can also roll forward as well i think one of my favorite things about doing these kind of runs in dark souls 3 is being super op for crystal sage and deacons or or watchers in woolner depending on what kind of weapon you're doing if you're doing a tight knight scale weapon or no twinkling tight knight weapons you can get plus 10 or plus five or uh abyss watchers it is so satisfying like pancaking the best watcher in two hits uh i don't really have enough this king bacon to kill great wood early on not safely anyways right in the face oh my god are you hiding from me come out come on don't be afraid oh no what in the world is going on what dude easy block man locking on with this spell is really bad okay dude this guy i i can't [ __ ] hit him and with the boulder okay that fight was kind of slow i mean we're making pretty good pace we're see we're an hour into the run i remember watching you lose a run to this ledge hob that was tragic dude uh bob's nemesis this wall [ __ ] i need to pick up one oh god i don't like i don't like having to pick this chunk up yeah dude have you tried using pyromancies in dark souls 2 have you tried using any magic in dark souls 2 for that matter it's [ __ ] horrible dude it is so bad [Music] gundyr gets bullied so hard they really shouldn't have made it so you could parry him it's like he just can't do anything i mean ds2 was okay i didn't actually die that much it's just the game is just super freaking long man you want 30 30 right is it worth going actually i think you want 35.35 oh is it 40 40. let's get a little bit more health oh yeah let's give her the eyes as well farewell give her the eyes let's turn in the s this shard yeah i think whenever whenever i do pyro runs i would normally go 35 35 maybe but i'll go a little higher yeah i'm gonna upgrade the pyroglove i'm just i'm turning in the the infinite bone so i can get an uh tie knight slab titanite slab is kind of slow to get but works out well do not kind of want to try chaos storm i don't think it's going to be very good though i kind of want well okay you know what i'm not gonna use it on sage i think i will try chaos storm for deacons at least it'll be fun for deacons the spell buff doesn't increase that much upgrading the later levels yeah going to plus 10 is like the most insignificant upgrade at least for catalysts i i think for pyro flame the plus 10 upgrade is a bit more impactful but i remember i would upgrade my like when i do sorcery runs i would upgrade the catalyst it's a plus 10 and it would get like two extra spells up why am i even bothering let's just pass right away what the hell i uh i thought she was gonna spawn the illusions how weird why do i have a bow well there's a cool glitch you can do where you cast spells so i can puke great chaos fight fire orbs for example or i could i think i can throw boulder heave maybe let's see can i can i do that oh it's kind of weird you can but it's kind of weird yeah you can you can swap the animation from any spell to a different spell it's like really easy to do you just need a bow yeah that's on current patch did the dogs die oh i guess he killed both the dogs okay yeah if you want to do the glitch all you do so you cast a spell and then make sure not to move at all and then you backstep uh you basically backstep let me kill this you cast a spell you stand still you backstep and then you hold l2 and forward at the same time and you can keep doing it over and over again as long as you don't move pretty cool i'm gonna turn on this s this shard i probably shouldn't bother beating at meme runs yeah dude i got the divine elixir so [ __ ] off [ __ ] hell [ __ ] i'm getting a lot of that notifications today thank you for the 51 months coming in souls all right we're going to put on chaos storm and let's let's put on fire surge why not it'll be fine right no you can't spell swap fire surge you need to you need well you can but you need to drop off a ledge to be able to do it apparently let me borrow that hoodie yeah this is the twitch hoodie that was released a while ago larksa bought it for me i could probably get the witch tree belvine oh yeah so hob when is hobbs league starting he i i got i guess it's public now because people are asking me about it rob invited me i haven't i haven't decided whether i want to do it yet sorry sorry i haven't responded yet i'm not much of like a no hit guy but i mean i i think it would still be fun yeah do you guys think nems is actually gonna do it i can't believe nem said yes i was actually like shocked oh is he just doing commentary i thought he was doing like bold oh he is doing both okay i don't think they sell this hoodie anymore yeah the new attack on titan came out tonight i'm gonna decided to watch that i think there's a new demon slayer episode that came out tonight too crunchyroll thing has nem's not streamed in a while dude nem's barely streams them streams like once a month we're lucky demonstrator episode was 10 out of 10. oh [ __ ] yo i'm actually pretty hyped then nice [Music] all right let's hit him with the chaos storm oh dude i'm gonna die trying to cast this [ __ ] spell though [ __ ] is like oh [ __ ] man thing does some good damage though here's the summon yo what's up k witty fire surge is actually decent kind of laughs i gotta say this was considerably slower than if i just use great chaos firework but i have no regrets all right uh let's go kill i think i might just go kill a dragon's third armor i i don't know how to do the move swap with chaos storm and fire surge you need to you need a ledge to do it apparently oh [ __ ] no i just swapped the ring okay i thought i didn't have the ring equipped for that fight but am i not using the same free belgium i mean i have the sages ring right now but i should go pick that up because i have the void sword now all right i can't i gotta go the gotta go the long way now too dude [Music] i'm out of the vomit league yeah that was a lot of hits there you are a pyromancy guy and lose life in fire yeah that's true should be ashamed i think pyromancies are pretty freaking strong against dragons their armor i remember right what i'm gonna get i'm dead what the [ __ ] it's the fire clutch it was the fire clutch plus the [ __ ] counter hit dude oh man i was okay all right i gotta be more careful i i'll be i'll be honest sometimes i'm like really greedy when i do these runs just because i mean it's not like i'm doing a no hit run out i don't care but i really knew i knew i shouldn't have gone for that i really i was not expecting to get one shot oh it's fun being greedy when it works out it's really nice but right there that that was just stupid i knew he was gonna do the follow-up attack all right here we go round two foreign fine it's all good can you parry dragons their armor i don't think so dang i had no idea i feel like i should get some more attunement oh i don't know i mean i have enough for two chaos orbs i guess it's fine for four chaos orbs rather can you parry mirror knife i don't know yeah vel stop perry is pretty flashy no i haven't killed old demon king yet [Applause] our mansions are honestly so so strong vestiges i don't really like vestige that much tell you the truth it uses so much fp and it doesn't really do much more damage than chaos chaos fire orb at least if you get the the lingering damage hit with the chaos orb i won't help series uh no [Applause] let's do the controller skip oh god that was terrible i really should have my keybinds set up for this third try so do i want to go do eldritch and pontiff right now i don't know i guess we'll go get the dark pyros normally i just skip the dark pyros and spam boulder heave but i'll uh i'll go for the dark pirates on this run because i haven't done it in a while they're really not worth getting but we'll do it anyways dude and her father [ __ ] me up so bad i i raged pretty hard at the the mortal gauntlet in sakura i was doing it with no uh demon bell no kuro charm though just making it way worse thing i haven't gotten the mimic heading a long time dude bad orangey maybe we'll get one from this guy what's in this one selkie here we go with this rats are kind of scary all right so to free carla we gotta go we just gotta go through like the swamp area and then go down the end of that tunnel i think and get the key then we can free her on the way to wyvern i don't know i think there's a lot of replayability in these games just trying different builds you know i mean no damage obviously and like speed running add even more replayability but because i'm so excited to just do a bunch of different builds in elden ring i can't wait to i gotta say i'm like super hyped for the magic and elven ring that it seems it seems there's a lot of cool a lot of really cool magic just from what we've seen so far yeah fit game i have a feeling that there's going to be some really [ __ ] cool magic in album ring excited for the exploration in the world i'm just excited for everything man i like i've i've i've literally said i every single day i just say how excited i am for elder ring and i'm not i'm not gonna stop i'm gonna say it every day until it comes out dude it's gonna be content for like two years yeah dude just so much stuff to do so excited are you uh are you gonna be doing any like pvp hob maybe some elven ring speed runs no i'm sure you're probably try to get no hit like world first finally do some pvp but your sakura speed runs were major trash it'd be cool to see you do some speed runs actually holy [ __ ] this is so hot i mean it would it would probably be nice i feel like speed runs would well i don't know i don't know if you're really interested in speed runs but it'd be probably a nice change of pace for you not having to worry about getting hit stalling is most of the combo all right we're gonna do the one we're gonna we're gonna use my fist for wyvern i'm sorry guys his head is too his head this always happens to me his head is so close to the ledge just get dark orb and melt wyvern it's so boring though man all you do is just hide in a safe spot and just cast like 60 times in a row like guys you're not missing out on anything missed out on chain snake i mean there's there's other safe spots that you can attack him from uh that aren't all the way at the top i like chain snake hey swimmer dark souls 2 was uh long very long and pirate thank you for the 17 months oh man i'm freaking hungry right now guys i ate before the stream but i'm i'm getting pretty hungry again hey extrazor thank you for the gift sub man i ate like eight hours ago yeah all right let's go get the dark pyromancies wait [ __ ] oh chat forgot the free carla i am going to free her now but it would have been very efficient if i did it earlier luckily she's not that far away hopefully there's some cool daggers in all the ring yeah i've never really been a big fan of daggers i much prefer like hard-hitting weapons but yeah there was there was like the that one dagger and the network test that was pretty cool fashion one what farewell yeah we'll go do yarn now have you seen the great bow glitch in this game hop i'm sure you probably have right are dark pyromancies better overall uh the great oh glitch where you can like rapid fire the great bow the boat glitch great boat yeah the clutch rings work for spells that damage was i feel like i wasn't actually hitting him there yeah there's like an even more op glitch hub where you can you can fire 10 great bow arrows in like rapid succession you can pretty much kill any boss in like 20 seconds it's not actually used in the speed run though you need to get uh you need to get gayle's repeating crossbow to be able to do it worst wish ever discovered i assume have you seen the have you seen the cannon stuff bob oh no i'm not gonna get him wow [Music] you joined the run too late uh i mean no there's still there's still a lot of this run left we still have aldrich princes uh all the dlcs why do i need storm ruler i might try to do the elevator clip i don't know we'll see actually i probably won't i don't have ball control so or the cat ring elevator clip is super weird it's like it's just not consistent really everything yeah nem's nemesis is the entire game so [Music] bill i need to heal this is so [ __ ] oh my god this is so bad oh okay just relax everything's fine it's fine you need to change my reindeer ride i also should get the witch tree belt all right well that wasn't very good you know i'll be honest i'm actually kind of curious how you guys do this fight in the no hit run because i feel like even parrying it pairing that isn't even really safe well no no i i don't mean um i i don't mean like normal no hit run with i'm not talking about melee i mean like if you're doing a pyromancy like melee pontiff is super easy so you haven't streamed in a year dang dude harry and great combustion oh yeah great combustion makes more sense that's that spells quite fast also i don't have the witch tree bell vine or like the sages ring on right now all right i gotta go i gotta go get the wish tree belvine after i kill uh aldrich game looks 10 times better on pc than on the consoles i don't know i think it i don't well i haven't played dark souls 3 on console before or not in a long time anyways so i thought i was gonna die there he's not gonna follow you sergeant i am just dude can i [ __ ] aim no no no it aldridge dude the the glove start it counts as a pyro come on man get out of here uh right so yeah let's go get the witch tree the witch tree belvon yo what's up andy also uh slith thank you so much for the two months so uh i'll probably play the demo for nightfall we'll see all right 40 40 chat we've done it farewell so what if nightfall is better than elden ring that would be that would be an astonishing feat foreign there we go alive huh guess we'll do princes guys come on man i'm hitting him with a glove that does like 30 damage if anything i'm making it harder hey also andy thank you for the sub man um that's pyro spell for a boss run uh i mean boulder heave is the best overall pyromancy in my opinion it has low fp cost and it does really good poise damage just does good damage in general no i haven't done any of the dlc yet just clearing up the main game right now yeah i mean that's what makes the spell so good everything in dark souls 3 is weak to physical damage or not weak but rather not resistant does rtsr work with pyro i believe it does but you can also just use uh you can just use lloyd's sword ring and it's not as big of a damage boost but it's not much lower and you don't have to be one hit from dead how did i get powerful so fast it's just uh knowing where to pick up all the upgrades and stuff i mean i'm pretty i'm two hours into the run now so it's not like it was that fast but pyromancy can get very strong early on all the magic types in this game get strong early on if you know what to do and then you have dark souls 2 where it's like you literally plan everything ahead and you still like you you try to min max perfectly to do as much damage as possible and you still don't do anything yeah magic when ds2 came out was better but it still wasn't that good in my opinion all right imperious happy night another dogged contender welcome unkindled one purloiner of cinders mind you the mantle of lord interests me none the fire linking curse the legacy of lords let it all fade into nothing x's used to be really good yeah i got lucky there [Music] and let's roll that too late dude oh i should have been using the belt whoops so i think i can't remember if dark orb is better for uh the bird here i think it might be i believe the pyromancy flame is better holy [ __ ] rtsr set up imagine being able to aim endurance farewell fashion one chat right we're missing one us this shard but it could be fine i did i think i activated the elevator in archives anyways so if i need to i can go get that est assured should be fine though i wonder how fast you could actually do uh like an optimized run of pyro and ds3 also 30 blades thank you for the 14 months oh man kind of tired chat but we're getting close to the end so well yeah i'm i mean i'm not saying you're gonna beat the record the all bosses record doing pyro's king kong i i'm just kind of thinking like i wonder how fast it could actually be if you he routed it nice skip do i get the pants chat i'll get the pants skip hard to learn no it's not that bad beautiful laughs i've seen your kind time and time every man must is forgive me that disrespect i didn't want to wait for the vow to end i didn't want to cheese him i mean i kind of cheesed him anyways but i didn't push them off the ledge unexplained run yeah maybe i'll do some more meat runs with vs3 soon i'm using onyx blade this run though [Music] i will be running ds3 before alden ring comes out yeah but i mean you don't use onyx blade with the ds3 speedrun man wilhelm skip is so nice for this dlc probably would have tried to do it if i had fall control oh [ __ ] i should probably should have got fall control but it's not a big deal get the ds3 wrecking dude the ds3 recce is really hard the sexy underwear uh it's in the building it's in the building before you jump on like the roof the the building with the ladder um yeah it's there or i'm trying to just think about how to describe where it is gail's diaper is sexy hobbs into some he's into that [ __ ] dude he used a deez nuts joke oh ellen all right i honestly don't know if i'm going to have enough ash and estes to do this i'm a little concerned the desert pyro set and she has just taken it dude uh um wow tried to go for the snipe so oh man i want to do another ds3 viewer run soon so much fun heel sniping with the projected heel probably i could look for a punch there really he's probably gonna dodge this forgot she can do that actually don't dodge i thought she was gonna do the follow-up oh [ __ ] i don't have my uh bellbine uh insane no hit friday yeah i'm so ready for vomit oh yeah well the speed run for dark souls 3 used to use luck we actually we used to use andre's straight sword with uh karthus rouge yeah they nerfed it not quite quite that good anymore unfortunately yeah the ass to ass route dude those were the days all right i'm gonna have to use boulder heave on demon princes it's just it's horrible without boulder heave nice uh what the [ __ ] is happening oh i still need to do grave tender good enough all right let's go do grape tinder right now then yeah warden twin blades are crazy good and going to grape tender the normal way is so slow oh man i oh geez i thought i was gonna miss the branch that was really close that was fox oh my god all according to plan so oh [Music] come on come on let me hurt you there we go um that was a bit of a pay game i was in hp i mean i don't really have anything else to level up like i'm at 40 40. i could get a bit more endurance i guess that that would actually be kind of nice but maybe i should and the wit the casting speed difference without the belvine is crazy what and i cannot ask this pencil at all all right this isn't good i'm gonna stun soon probably not stand up here yeah no s's cancel isn't that hard i kind of just like wing it but my problem is i do the time i do the timing too early i'm still not really exactly sure what the inputs are for it either if i actually just sat down and practiced that it would be a lot better boulder heap is so good i'm gonna do this run tomorrow again no i will be back to scholar tomorrow most likely i maybe i might do like a ds1 rando run soon uh but we'll see probably more scholar tomorrow gotta get the 210. yeah i want to do like fog bog gate enemy item rando with uh like auto equip no more sakura run dude i haven't ran sakuro in a long time i might i might run sakuro a little bit before elder ring we'll see no sub two hours is not possible man your health bar in dark souls 3 can get so big kind of crazy oh yeah by the way guys on gdq a really cool runner named the mitch on the final day is going to be doing blindfolded sakuro so i would definitely recommend checking that out if you were not aware should be pretty hyped yeah it's blindfolded the whole run uses magicians blindfold no now it's it's it's completely legit there's a lot of like really tricky setups and stuff no partake skip no i'm i'm on current patch no it's not tomorrow it's the final day of gdq so like in a week you and hob got me so hyped for eldon ring gonna try playing through all six souls games each weekend yo nice dude that's awesome [Music] breaking the bosses ai to the point where they can't do anything i mean i don't know what you're talking about because there isn't you don't really break the ai in any of the blindfold and any of the blindfolded run i mean you use mortal blade which is really strong a lot of the setups and stuff rely on using like the the rice and the pellets and whatnot he means getting kenny stuck in a corner oh okay yeah i don't think you can do actually i don't know i don't do they get kenny stuck in the corner for the blindfold run i guess maybe they do i have no idea i haven't watched a full run i get i guess they probably do that's i imagine that would be the easiest way yeah mitch doesn't actually have the record for blindfolded there's some like japanese dude or i don't it doesn't matter there's there's another runner who who beat mitch's time like quite a bit recently yeah i'm billy billy that was a wait it was a fake run i didn't watch it so i wouldn't be surprised though hoping to get that break so i'll be honest i don't do pyro's even do anything to madeir like dark or fire i think he's pretty resistant to both if we use boulder eve we have enough estes he's super resistant to dark i think i think you pretty much need to use boulder heave for this guy as well unfortunately there isn't really any dilution there there really isn't any alternative other than boulder heave unless i want to go into the fight with 14 ashnesses all right let's see how much a great gas fire orb does to him it actually still does a decent bit just uses twice the fp [Music] i forgot that he'll do this you get too close uh i think i can use great chaos fireball five times before i need to uh restore i like madeira except for this attack like him just yeah just constantly yolo oh this the clutch how did that hit him i tried to hit them didn't work they were not about i feel like these load screens are taking a really long time hey lincolnstein thank you for the two-year resub time for the best boss yeah we've got some cheese for him though rum is not valid if this isn't done online yes because speed running online is something that's very common all the runners do it is look at that crotch dude bro are you really healing back there you stop that all right we can do one more big level up i guess why'd i bother with the boulder the boulder is good you can keep knocking them over with it you can i mean you saw i was like kind of stun locking him but it's not uh not fully consistent all right let's do one one final level up or gail you don't get like anything from that thirty thirty actually i probably should have got some more endurance oh i'm afraid i feel like the music might be too loud oh don't hit staggers dog go forth touch the demon inside me hey human wine thank you so much for the prime subs [Music] spamming a bit too many heels [Music] [Music] oh i shouldn't want for that [Music] gotta we gotta play it safely [Applause] [Music] he doesn't actually have even though i have fast casting speed he doesn't really have that much [Music] can you do something hey [Music] all right guys final boss let's do it i am freaking hungry chat nice all right here we go actually not doing as much as i expected it's not bad oh my god i can't dodge chad [Music] all right chat is miyazaki what is me so we are going to leave the fate of the fire keeper up to miyazaki as we always do now miyazaki has been very friendly lately so uh well let's let's see what happens oh miyazaki he's feeling angry it's been a while since we've got this actually they also uh dsf thank you so much for the 27 months yeah my character has got a somebody told me to increase chest size so i i made my character have really big chest hmm the first flame quickly fades darkness will shortly settle hey skull miner thank you so much for the gift sub but one day tiny flames will dance across the darkness you die of poison in this cutscene i don't know like embassy it's just a tombstone behind her fade yeah her fate has been sealed fellas sorry chat that's what miyazaki wanted i think i should have taken off my pants no barefoot step nameless accursed undead unfit even to be cinder i'm a monster hey listen miyazaki miyazaki chose this ash this wasn't my doing all right gg what are you trying for with the white branch when you use the white branch there's two different things you can become you either become [Music] a tombstone or you you become a still like rock formation thing and depending on which one you get that is how we decide is back chat look she's dancing all right oops well gg fellas it has been a fun stream uh but i am gonna go get some dinner i'm gonna call it a night but i hope you guys enjoyed the run i will be putting uh i'll be
Channel: Distortion2
Views: 443,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: YDrrh6r6fQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 574min 34sec (34474 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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