The Complete Unabridged Timeline of Call of Duty Zombies (World At War - Black Ops 4)

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for over a decade the call of duty franchise  has always managed to dominate the gaming market   while the multiplayer is so iconic it  practically defines the shooting genre   there is an equally iconic game mode that has  built up its own reputation no one would have   expected such a simple concept to blossom  into something so meaningful adapting the   gameplay as well as the story as it grew in both  popularity and passion was call of duty zombies while oftentimes to understand and grasp a  timeline it is best told through a chronological   perspective call of duty zombies timeline can  easily get very confusing and difficult to follow   through this method alone to best deliver  the most coherent possible series of events   i will be using a mixture of both chronological  and sequential storytelling to make everything   as easy as possible to follow with that said  i present you the complete unabridged timeline   of call of duty zombies like most stories  everything starts at the beginning quite literally   in this case the first beings to ever exist in the  universe were known as keepers they existed within   the ether the ether is simply the name which  encompasses the entire universe as a whole   the keepers were unearthly creatures but their  intelligence and power was astounding the very   first keeper to ever exist simply referred to  as the first one created a device known as the   summoning key this single device is the oldest  artifact in all of creation and allowed the   keepers to manipulate the ether with it they  created agartha a physical manifestation of   the ether itself this place would go by many  names paradise the house the place above creation   but despite what it was referred to it was a  location which exists outside of all known and   unknown universes and simply exists within its  own pocket this would be the home of the keepers   the first one also used the summoning key to seed  life across all other dimensions each dimension   with their own quirk but as life goes on with all  creation there is destruction the ether didn't   come to exist without its complete opposite also  being birthed the dark ether serves as the hell   to the ether's heaven it is a realm of pure evil  capable of corrupting anything that enters it   the keepers eventually came to uncover its  existence and like most intelligent beings   it was their own curiosity and self-greed which  got the best of them here enter two very important   figures into the timeline dr monty and the shadow  man both of them are keepers however significantly   more important than the others the shadow man  sought to use the dark ether's power for his own   self-benefit and so he ventured into it being his  best friend dr monty attempted to stop him however   was unsuccessful the dark aether corrupted the  shadow man and all of the keepers who were with   him the corrupted keepers began to become morphed  changing their appearance and becoming an entirely   new entity known as apothecons unlike the keepers  the apothicons were given new purpose due to their   corruption their sole motivation became to wreak  havoc across all of creation they invented the   ether pyramid a device which could harness  the power of the dark ether and control the   ether entirely seeing the danger the apothecons  posed the keepers were forced to take action and   fight against them this led to a war between  the corrupted being led by the shadow man and   the uncorrupted being led by dr monty this event  would go on to be known as the war of agartha when   all the smoke settled it was the keepers who came  out victorious seeing their inevitable defeat the   apothecans hid away their ether pyramid on the  moon in one of the newly formed universes all   of the apothecons were then banished to the dark  ether where it was to remain their prison from   here dr monty as well as all of the other keepers  vowed to be the protectors of all universes   guardians of the multiverse never allowing the  apothicon's corruption to spread as time passed   the apothicons slowly somehow managed to worm its  way out of imprisonment and into creation once   more and with it they attacked humanity and earth  in this universe the apothicons attacked humanity   and keeping true to their promise the keepers  once again descended upon earth to fight them   off this time the keepers were aided by humanity  there was a group of warriors in particular which   when banded together they were able to put a stop  to the apothicons this event would go down in this   universe's history as the great war with that  the keepers yet again sealed the apothicons away   but similar to last time the apothicons still had  a method of tampering with the multiverses while   they themselves were not able to cross back into  creation they were capable of sending a specific   element this element would widely be known as  element 115 with it carried all the chaos and evil   of the apothicons with enough exposure to it by  simply being in its vicinity it could create what   we know as a zombie by sending these elemental  meteors to all of the dimensions they were hoping   that it would cause enough chaos somewhere to  shatter creation itself and by doing so it would   inevitably set them free from their prison once  more it is important to note that neither the   keepers nor the apothecons can intervene directly  with the free will of humanity anything they want   them to do they must decide according to their  own volition the reason this is relevant is due   to a device known as the agarthin device this is  yet another artifact which holds unspeakable power   the agarthan device is capable of manifesting the  user's will into reality like a genie in a bottle   it was even capable of putting an end to the  conflict between keepers and apothecons altogether   this is why both the keepers and apothecons sought  this out however unlike the summoning key which   existed since the beginning the agarthan device  needs to be crafted it required three things the   blood of an apothecon elder god an elemental  shard which can only be obtained by binding   four souls to the ether through a piece of element  115 and a vessel for everything to contain it   and all of that leads us to earth in the original  timeline where the apothecons sent divinium   meteors to different dimensions in this timeline  it was first uncovered by the small mining town   of purgatory point in the year 1885. this story  follows a man named jebediah brown when he was   only 10 he and his mother moved to purgatory point  seeking a new life the two settled in quite well   both getting jobs in the local shops for over  40 years there never quite seemed to be anything   of note but one day the miners uncovered a  mysterious blue rock this was element 115   due to the frequent and direct exposure to it the  rock corrupted a miner named clive farnsworth who   was turned into a zombie he returned to the  town and killed jebediah's mother viciously   ripping out her throat clive was promptly killed  by their neighbor and jebediah buried his mother   the day's the 14th of april the year of our  lord 1885 a day i will hold dear until my last   i have done and spent 30 years of my life  in purgatory point my mom brought me out   here when i was about 10 years young she  hoped to give us a chance at a new life   they're good folk here in purgatory point i'm  sure sometimes they get a little rowdy and   maybe we stray too far from heaven's gaze but uh  what do you expect from a frontier mine in town something happened to one of the miners clive  farnsworth a good man came by the shop a few times   anyway he went down into that  mine stayed down there for 10 days   when he came back up he was changed they say he  was like a feral animal rabid and carnivorous   his mind was gone his flesh all sallow  and bloody his eyes ablaze in a red light   first home he stumbled upon was me and mars  i was at the shop at the time ma went out to   meet him and clive he doc said it happened  quick clive jumped on her ripped her throat   oh bill ran over put two through clive's skull  shot him dead like a dog but ma she's been   laid to rest now she'll rise up to heaven and  bless her soul she'll be greeted with open arms   that mine they've been digging for that blue rock  some folks say you stare too long you'll find the   devil in it i need answers i need to understand  what happened i'll head down to that mine tomorrow   he knew something was wrong as word had spread  about this blue rock and so he went searching   for answers himself he visited the element 115  meteor and upon his interaction with it it forever   changed him the corruption had touched him and  thus connected him to the ether that night upon   his return he had visions from what he perceived  as angels in reality these were the keepers   they had warned him to prepare for what was coming  and were also testing the limits over how much   influence they can have over humans their first  real test was getting him to create a machine that   could upgrade any weapon put inside of it this  was the creation of the very first pack-a-punch   machine they guided him in constructing the  blueprints and despite not being much of a   blacksmith he was successful in the pack-a-punch's  creation of april the year of our lord 1885 somehow i don't know how it's possible last i  recall i was headed into the mine i swear i was   only down there for a few hours but i come back  up towns folks say i've been missing for five days   then there was last night when i slept i  had a vision two angels came down to me from   heaven they told me i needed to be ready to  prepare for what was coming and what was coming   they would not tell me but how to prepare build  a machine they said a machine that will grant you   great power now this machine was complex requiring  craftsmanship and mechanical skill i did not have   i told them such but they said not  to worry they would guide my hands   the way they described it it sounded like a  an oven or a kiln you stick your rifle inside   and when it come back out well let's just say  that rifle would pack a serious punch this machine   garnered the attention of many locals and visitors  alike but most importantly it proved to the   keepers that humans could be of use the keepers  yet again visited jebediah only this time hoping   that he could craft the agarthan device this  proved troublesome as he had no means of getting   elder god blood nor for souls what he was capable  of however was crafting the vessel for which   it would be held and that's exactly what he did  today's the 30th of june the year of our lord 1885   my invention is the talk of the town people been  coming from far and wide eager for a chance to   upgrade their firearm revolver rifle the machine  don't care it'll pack them all i pray every night   thanking the heavens for sending them to angels i  couldn't have done this without their guiding hand   they returned to me last night they told me  there was another machine they wish me to build   they called it the agarthan device said it had  the power to grant that which one truly desires   i told them i was their servant  show me the path and why i will walk they said i needed three things  the blood of an elder god   an elemental shard and a metallic vessel to  harness and carry both to find the blood they   instructed me to travel to the bottom of the ocean  i told them this i could not do for i would perish   to craft an elemental shard they instructed me to  forge four souls with a blue rock from our mind   i told them this i could not do for i do not have  the means to siphon a human soul to an element   but a metal vessel well i am a blacksmith  that that i think i could manage   over time the town would fall into ruin due to  its close proximity to element 115. the residents   became delusional paranoid and even jebediah  suffered some side effects as well he became   overcome with grief about the loss of his mother  and for whatever reason perhaps the simple madness   of losing one's mind he dug up his mother's  corpse and put it into the pack-a-punch machine   this created an unforeseen result her body did not  disappear from the machine as any normal gun would   instead an apparition of her  appeared in their old house   although it was a much younger version from  when she died her ghosts would continue to   be bound to the house for the foreseeable future  the day's the 21st of july a year of our lord 1885 i have a confession i am burdened with sin i fear i am the architect of my own damnation   this town this town is cursed the  devil himself has possessed our people   folk have been acting all kinds of crazy  paranoia visions seeing things that ain't there   and the violence seven dead in the last five days  sheriff don't know what's gotten into these people   but i know it's that damned mind them blue rocks   doc believes them to be meteors from the  sky from upping the stars maybe from heaven   but whatever the cause i fear the disease  that consumes this town has gotten to me as   well last night i felt overcome with loss  and grief i went to see ma the cemetery   maybe it was a whiskey maybe it  was delirium i can't say but i uh   dug her up and uh took her into town i  took her to my shop well i kept the machine   i i don't know what came over me like something  took control of my body like a puppet on strings   i i put her in the machine i don't know  why maybe baby would bring her back to me   but she vanished nothing came  back out i stumbled home in a daze   but as i arrived i see before my eyes i see  an apparition a spirit he looks just like her   only when she was younger she floats around  the house now i catch her playing the piano   the angels the angels they came back to me again  i've built the metal carriage just as they asked   only one thing left to do now upgraded with  my machine seeing his purpose as having been   fulfilled and the steady decline of  his well-being the keepers instructed   him one last task to put the vessel he  crafted into the pack-a-punch machine   which he did such energy mixing with each other  wound up teleporting purgatory point beneath   the surface of the earth all the way in angola  africa following this the town was completely   overrun by zombies and jebediah is killed today  is the 22nd of july the year of our lord 1885   we are truly lost this town these people we are  being punished by heaven for our transgressions   and now must suffer the righteous hand  of retribution i did as they asked   i put the metal vessel in the pack-a-punch machine  just as instructed next thing i know all the   energy all the power of the world gets sucked  out of the air as if pulled inside the machine next thing the world went wide i came to and i see  that i my shop all the people the whole damn town   has been transported as if willed by the lord into  this cavern buried below the surface of the earth   i fear we are at the threshold of hell the  world just waiting to open below our feet   we've been overrun by the devil's army the  dead have risen and now do us in battle   my name is jebediah brown and i bow humbly  before the two angels and ask for forgiveness   show us the path to salvation we are listening hello the events that transpired here would remain  buried for some time no one would know of   the zombies or element 115. all that was left  were remnants of a once forgotten mining town the setting and time frame for everything that's  about to happen is world war ii nazi germany the   events that happened in the real world are very  much the backdrop for everything going on around   it world leaders and military alliances all still  apply for this story we are largely following the   side of the germans the next character to uncover  element 115's existence was a doctor named ludwig   maxis he formed an organization known as group  935 dedicated to this element's research and study   among its constituents was edward richthofen  dr richtofen is a bonafide sociopath who sees   no moral distinction between natural death and  plain murder he is a nazi doctor and major general   within the axis ranks he was originally at the  forefront of torture and information extraction   research during the war but when approached to  join maxis to research element 115 he joined it   is also important to note that richtofen is  also part of the illuminati and was working   on behalf of their interests when joining group  935 the illuminati's role in the entire timeline   is largely unimpactful and not important  the facility they were given was at doris   other notable members within the organization  included sophia max's personal assistant and   lover other accompanying scientists included the  likes of dr h porter dr schuster and dr groff   there were also two spies who infiltrated the  organization as well despite being kept under   wraps the oss caught wind of this new project and  infiltrated the group in attempts to learn more   these included two americans named peter mccain  and later dr jarvina years after maxis's discovery   the japanese army also discovered deposits of  115 in the swamp they established the rising sun   facility and similarly created a group to research  it known as division ix in the early days of group   935's formation it was solely dedicated to element  115's research and the concept of bettering the   human condition gentlemen allow me to take this  opportunity to welcome you to group 935 this is a   prestigious moment in the history of our race you  represent the future of technological advancement   you are the pioneers of human discoverable  in your hands lies the destiny of mankind   in our hands is a great power and with that power  comes a price you have volunteered to be part of   this great experiment and with that decision  comes the responsibility of absolute secrecy   no one is to know what you do where you  work what our research has uncovered   or what our purpose will be you will have no  further contact with your governments or with   your families your decision to fully dedicate your  lives to group 9300 is absolute in your lockers   you will find your field ops manual which will  direct you should our manifesto get compromised   we cannot afford to let this power  fall into the wrong hands and therefore   the field ops manual should be considered your  bible make your preparations now a new dawn is   beginning for mankind much of its time and effort  went into building the matter transference device   a teleportation device developed by element 115  though experiments with this would be largely   unsuccessful attempts were made right out of the  gate by teleporting human corpses but they would   always be reduced to slop if the teleporter didn't  immediately maim the subject then they simply   vanished without a trace but the two stumbled  upon a miracle during one of their teleportation   tests the corpse was brought back to life while  the teleportation was a failure this was a whole   new avenue for further research they learned  element 115 had the ability to re-animate the   dead and so maxis sought to find a way to control  them but this was an especially difficult task as   the zombies were always disobeying his commands  maxis almost completely shifted his attention from   teleportation over to the undead richthofen  continued on with the help of dr shuster   over the next few months the two scaled down  their testing size from human teleportation   down to a walnut and for the first time they  successfully teleported an item as intended   log entry 38 date december 4 1939 the matter  transference prototype is prepared for test   run number 151 we have now reduced our test  subject's mass to prove that this is possible   dr schuster please give an overview yes dr  richtofen we have the new test subject a walnut   weighing in at 10 grams the target platform is  now three feet with no obstructions we have one   microgram of the element which according to our  calculations will be entirely used up during tests   excellent dr schuster commence test number  151 yes doctor please insert your earplugs good god we've done it we have powered up the  prototype and have moved a walnut directly from   the prototype device into the receiving device it  moved instantly it it teleported gets me dr maxis   immediately maxis wasn't too pleased as he had  instructed them to research the undead but he was   more upset for a different reason over time group  935 ran into financial problems and they needed   someone who was willing to fund their research  and developments this is where maxis struck a   deal with the nazi party they were willing to  fund group 935 and allow them to continue their   research so long as they developed weapons for  them which maxis agreed to but this is not the   crucial experiments that you are supposed to be  working on with all due respect dr maxis this is   a breakthrough of unimaginable proportions  what that you move the wall not a few feet   yes edward we will improve the human condition  by revolutionizing the walnut industry i can see   it now edward's walnut delivery don't be obtuse  how dare you call me that we are at war edward   i will admit that there is promise here but until  this war is won correct me if i'm wrong dr maxis   but group 935 is a research organization what  was the motto to improve the human condition   what business of ours is for find dr richtofen i  will let you in on a little administrative secret   we are finalizing a deal with  the nazi party we need funding   we need equipment they need new weapons chances  are this war will end soon for the treaty or two   and we will be in a much better position to help  the world are you certain this won't cause massive   deflections we have scientists from all over the  world working with us that is why it is with the   utmost confidence that i share this with you  no one will know of this this is simply the   breaking of an egg to make an omelet think of the  tactical advantage we would have think of the cost   think of the time we can provide the nazi's  technical expertise in various areas without   putting all our eggs in your walnut basket  good day edward and get back to your real work bloody jerk i think dr maxis has lost his  perspective no matter they'll do this on our own   and publish the findings before he has a chance  to you're not suggesting that dr maxis would steal   this technology and perfect it without us are  you i would by no means discourage that thought   great scientists must stick together and achieve  great science fortunately for them richtofen had   already invented the wonderwaffa dg2 a wonder  weapon powered by element 115. to save the   hassle of mentioning each individual creation as  they happen for the sake of simplicity let's just   go through them now the thundergun dg3 was the  successor to the wunderwaffe originally thought   up by richtofen but instead created by maxis maxus  was also responsible for the jgb also referred to   as the shrink ray as well as the original ray  gun richthofen also invented the monkey bomb   the various other scientists within group 935  had their part as well harvey yina invented the   scavenger sniper rifle dr porter invented the  successor to the original raygun in the raygun   mark ii and likely the mark iii as well he was  also responsible for the wavegun pretty much every   wonder weapon found within the games were created  by either group 935 directly or similar groups who   were doing the same thing later down the timeline  this also goes for the perks and elixirs juggernog   quick revive speed cola and doubletap were all  fused with element 115 for their special effects   these inventions would happen over the course  of the timeline so just keep that in mind   they didn't just all get invented in a few months  the nazis were happy to fund them so long as their   weapons development teleportation technology and  reanimation of the dead were to be used to help   them in the war this is why maxis was so upset  over richthofen continuing the teleportation   experiments when an undead army would be far more  useful but richthofen was surprisingly a man of   science he might be a sociopath but he continued  to work diligently on human teleportation   in fact as time went on he became so confident  in the success of the matter transference device   that he offered himself to be used as a test  subject and this is where you can really say   richtofen's story begins entry 42 date january 4  1940. dr schuster and i despite mounting pressure   from dr maxis i've continued working on the matter  transference prototype we have made great strides   in the last 30 days and are ready for our first  human subject if our calculations are correct   we will send a test subject me to the  receptacle station sitting 30 yards away   and behind a cinder block wall are you certain  you want to do this dr richthofen nein dr schuster   but this must be done quickly put  in your earplugs and pubs a machined is there a power outage why is it so dark i  feel almost weightless how very unexpected hello there they can see now oh my god i'm  standing in a circular cave surrounded by   some kind of machinery it's like nothing i've  ever seen before it looks almost alien in nature   there's a pyramid structure in the center of  the room i'm going to try and carefully touch it might be chamber is quite large i see what looks  like capacitors in the ceiling of the chamber   but there are no obvious connections to anything  electrical what is this place dr schuster   is that you dr schuster look at this it  appears to be covered in some kind of   hieroglyphic language i've not  seen anything like it before   why are you whispering to me there's no need for  that this is loose do you hear that it sounds like my god what happened i seem to be in some kind  of junker i can't be certain of where i am   he was transported to the moon where he  encountered the ether pyramid that was hidden   by the apothicons peaked by his curiosity he  inspected the device where he was electrocuted and   thus the corruption of the dark ether spread unto  him he began hearing the many voices of corruption   including that of the shadow man himself these  voices told him many things and informed him about   much of the alien technology he was slowly driven  insane forming an obsession with finding a way   to the fabled agartha shortly after becoming  corrupted he was then teleported to shangri-la   while it was initially shocking finding himself in  the middle of a jungle he did meet the residents   of the area as well as uncovering more traces of  element 115. upon learning this it didn't take him   long before he began manipulating them for his own  benefit due to the indigenous people's primitive   culture richthofen introduced them to the miracles  of modern technology hydropower mining systems   electricity richthofen was worshipped as a god  in their eyes and this made it easy for him to   convince them to mine element 115 for him and they  did while here he encountered the focusing stone   another elemental rock from the ether which held a  unique purpose when combined with something known   as the vril device different to the vril vessel  one can swap souls with another human being rikht   often had an elaborate series of traps built to  protect it and once it was done subsequently left   shangri-la with no more guidance the inhabitants  with constant exposure to 115 became zombies and   died he returned back to darice less than a month  later and informed schuster of what he'd witnessed   log entry 43 date january 23 1940 i cannot  be certain what happened to dr richtofen   once the test was commenced he just disappeared  from the machine into thin air i have searched   the area for days and have no evidence that he  is anywhere i am afraid i might have to scrap them done something something wondrous do you hear them dr richtofen you're  alive i'm more than alive mr schuster   is the device still intact yes but what  happened to you ah something wonderful   that chamber that's incredible the wonders  we can learn what are you talking about   are you all right get in the magic  transference prototype dr schuster   we have worked bearing witness to the pyramid on  the moon he and dr schuster formed a plan to build   a base there where it could be further studied the  base on the moon would be known as griffin station   they used their newly successful teleportation  technology to transport workers and supplies   many 935 scientists were happy to join  richthofen's cause as they had become disgruntled   with maxis's arrangement with the nazis and from  here griffin station would continue to be built   maxis was completely oblivious to the advancements  richthofen and his men were making but that's in   part because he had his own problems at the time  funding was yet again running out so he had sophia   write a letter to reichstag high command informing  them of this problem and updating them on the mass   production of their weapons sophia this letter is  to go to the reichstag high command immediately   gentlemen it is with the utmost urgency that i  draw your attention to the lack of funding being   injected into the giant project well i believe we  are close to realizing the ultimate plan we still   have several years of development before it is  ready it would be funny to cut our expenditures so   early in our development as you know early tests  on the dg2 have easily outperformed expectations   and we fully anticipate mass producing the  wonder of offer within the next few years   work on the matter transference has however  come to a standstill we simply do not have   enough element 115 to continue the experiments  the test subjects have survived teleportation but   are currently unresponsive to commands and cannot  be controlled if we are to overcome this obstacle   we need to increase the frequency and size  of the experiment to this end i suggest we   find not only a regular supply of 115 but that we  also find a larger conduit to channel the energy   our operatives in america have informed  us that the us has a large supply of the   element at the nevada base so time is of  the essence if we are to stay ahead of them   this cannot be done if you cut the budget nor  can it be done if you insist on pressuring us   into action before we are ready i am of course  available for discussion on the matter but in the   meantime i will continue with the work here and  try to win this damned war signed etc etc dr maxis   in response to this germany complied and even  gave them new bases of operations to continue and   expand their research these included a repurposed  theater at the kino facility in kino der toten   an asylum facility in berlin which is verruckt  they even managed to convince the japanese army to   relinquish control of their rising sun facility in  shinonuma division 9 would still remain intact but   just under the leadership of group 935 two other  facilities were established as well one in siberia   near the tunguska river which is where the maps  call of the dead and tagged or toten take place   and one in an old run-down castle named der  eisendrache now i've gotten a bit into this   timeline without mentioning someone who's to  become very important down the road and that is   samantha maxis her mother died upon giving birth  and so her father brought her along to the darice   facility to be closer to her however this would  not be the case maxis was so focused and dedicated   to his study and research that he often neglected  samantha and failed to keep an eye on her   as an attempt to make up for his negligence  as a father he gifted her a dog named fluffy   now you must be very diligent with her samantha  owning a dog is a great responsibility yes father   oh i love her you must feed her every day and walk  her and be very careful when you play with her   you know she's going to have puppy really can i  keep the puppy's two father we'll see samantha   one step at a time but for now samantha  would simply just exist in and around the   area just over one year later griffin station  was successfully built on the moon richthofen   places dr groff in charge of its research and  returns back to earth to continue the charade with two long maxis we have toiled  here under the eagle's nest   to build our fortifications for two long  years we have taken equipment to build up   our labs for two long years we have worked  under group 935 believing that dr maxis   truly wants to help the world for two long  years we've lived a double life today that all to you what this is is all about what i have  worked to keep from my enemy what is it doctor   looks alien it is an ancient real machine and  you dr brock are now the lead scientist here at   griffin station you will be the one to discover  how it works we first must discover what it does i know what it does it has a  direct connection to another domain no more preposterous than teleporting all of this  gear to the moon or to building griffin station   i suppose not how do you know that it does i have  found many interesting real artifacts here i have   decoded some of their language all signs point to  this device being a stable gateway to the eastern dr richtofen i'm aware of a project being  run by dr maxis at darice concerning bruhl i am going back to my post at  group 935 to continue the showing   i will be finding out just how much information dr  max's has on drip once the machine is operational   i will enact my plan on return  gentlemen let the games begin for the most part maxis wouldn't pick up on  richtofen's schemes but he would begin to   question his sanity due to his frequent exposure  to 115. though our matter transference tests at   the new site have been largely unsuccessful the  teleporter's malfunction has nonetheless yielded   some interesting data the fact that the test  subjects departed the original point of origin is   undeniable what is uncertain is what became  of them richtofen is insistent in his belief   that they have been transported not through space  but through time in the absence of empirical   evidence i myself cannot entertain such madness  i fear richtofen irrationality may soon prove a   liability to our endeavors regardless it wouldn't  matter soon he and sophia were transferred to the   kino facility to focus on creating germany's  undead army maxis's methods involved a sort of   brainwashing tactic the subjects were exposed  to a series of images to condition their memory   if the zombies were capable of recognizing  and remembering what was shown to them   then it proved they were intelligent  and had the ability to learn and thus be have been controlled treatment  for five days with little progress   i have been assured that given  time the programming will take hold their most successful test subject was subject to   the past weeks we have made great strides  in breaking through to their subconscious   i have had the projectionist make edits to the  film these changes have been very effective subject 26 has had a breakthrough he is responding  to the treatment and following basic instructions   the viral outbursts have been greatly reduced  and given time we feel this method of treatment   will be 100 effective in most cases maxis didn't  need the zombies to remain controlled forever just   long enough to be used as soldiers pointed in the  right direction the ideal amount of time was 26 can be hours given the progress  we have made in the past two weeks   if patient 26 can retain the impressions  longer than 26 hours we will have the process unfortunately for everyone this breakthrough  didn't last long subject 26 appeared to be in a   permanent state of docility which caused everyone  to let their guard down it attacked its handler   which led to both subject 26 and its handler  being put down however it didn't only attack   the handler sophia was also attacked and infected  though she tried to keep this information hidden   from everyone after many weeks of failure  and frustration dr maxis finally achieved   the breakthrough he had been searching for the  results were immediate and startling in the case   of subject 26 his instances of island outburst  were non-existent his docility appeared permanent unfortunately while we prepared to implement  the treatment on the other subjects   there was an incident during his field test this morning subject 26  attacked a handler 2-6 and the handler were both   destroyed marxist believes subject 26 only attacks  a handler he does not know i was attacked as well i have observed a developing pattern of high  fevers and cold sweats my thoughts are erratic   my relationship with ludwigia is complicated i  fear i cannot keep the secret from him for long   maxis did find out about sophia's injury he kept  a personal log documenting what happened to the   subject and formulated his own plan of how to  deal with his lover another setback patient 2-6   was killed this morning in the field test he  lost control and attacked one of our handlers   his injuries were minor but patient 26 was  destroyed the breaking programming coincided with   the flashing lights and loud noises of the fire  alarm in the test facility one moment what is it the break in programming coincided  with the flashing lights and loud   noises of the fire alarm in the  test facility one moment what is it   you wanted to see me ludwig sophia yes  do come in sit down my dear have some tea is everything all right no no  everything's fine drink your tea i heard a nefarious rumor earlier  regarding the field test with subject 26   are you feeling all right of course just  strange this rumor may i see your arm   what oh why do you need to see my arm  relax sophia i would never hurt you   you know that right of course but and  you know i care deeply for you yes but yes yes then you know everything i'm about to  do is for your own good this is dr ludwig maxis   beginning preliminary trials  for the strategic operations   planning heuristic intelligence analyzer what's happening hello it's so dark here i can't see anything that's  all perfectly normal how are you feeling i saved you sofia i saved you the only way i knew he preserved her brain and transferred it into a  machine whom he'd also named sophia this would be   sophia's cruel fate for the foreseeable future as  for maxis he deems the zombies incapable of being   controlled or maintained as for richthofen when  maxis was sent to the kino facility samantha was   placed in his care and he took her to the siberian  facility to conduct his own human experimentation   not just on new test subjects but also on  samantha herself it's not exactly known why   or for what reason but richthofen had experimented  on samantha where he came to form a hatred for her   nevertheless this would slowly develop over  time it is also around this time that group   935 uncovered remnants of purgatory point and  collected all of the research found there left   behind by jebediah brown richthofen learnt of the  agarthin device and his ability to make any desire   come true the necessary components needed to craft  it and he figured it would make a good backup   plan to get to agartha if his goal to take over  the world didn't pan out also it kind of became   richtofen's goal to take over the world and gain  absolute power the vril vessel was brought to him   and he kept watch over it in the agarthan device's  progress log entry 937 date may 15 1942 dear diary   our men have safely returned from africa where  they recovered a number of artifacts buried   underground in some sort of subterranean  cowboy village apparently it was american   that's right an american cowboy western  town buried underground in africa thinking they can just waltz into  another country and claim it as theirs   there is no art to their work but i digress the boys have returned with a  number of fascinating articles and documents   they have pieces from a destroyed machine called  the pack-a-punch is a name as clever as that it   must be american i have given the schematics  to dr porter perhaps he will have better luck   replicating jebediah brown's work speaking of  that blacksmith we also recovered plans for the   agarthan device it seems that the blacksmith's  already built one of the pieces the fabled   ville vessel the agarthan device a device  capable of granting that which one desires   almost like genie in a bottle i think i  shall keep this genie in my back pocket   if my plan fails and it won't perhaps  this device can get me to agatha   as for richthofen's human experimentation project  three test subjects were captured log entry date   july 18 1945. dear diary i have been at group  935's siberian facility now for merely days but   my cup already runs over this exciting news first  yesterday i learned that i would receive not one   not two but three ten subjects ah hopefully  with proper 115 injections we will be able to   use these specimens to access the human mind the  chancellor's undead army is on standby until we   crack this crucial step firstly a japanese samurai  in bushido named takio masaki he's a man who's   always been dedicated to his principles he was  born into a wealthy family a bloodline dynasty of   highly decorated samurai even from the early age  of five he would be seen playing in the streets   with his katana slicing the tails off terrified  kittens it was clear that he was going to continue   bringing honor to the masaki name his life was  dedicated to perfecting his discipline for without   it life otherwise had no meaning he joined the  imperial japanese army and quickly rose up its   ranks as war was the perfect setting for him to  explore his bloodlust and the nature of those   less honorable than himself due to the legacy of  his family name and actions on the battlefield   takio garnered attention from the emperor himself  he witnessed takio's unwavering fear his ability   to stare death in the face and endure whatever was  thrown at him and he was jealous he began to use   tokyo for his own personal missions due to his  loyalty this even involved overseeing division   9's research on element 115. takio reported  that the work being done there was unacceptable   and in response the emperor ordered takio to  hand himself over as a test subject for which   he complied takio was then taken by group 935  the second test subject was the russian sergeant   nikolai belinsky his reputation is shrouded in  that of a ruthless killer someone who's climbed   up the ranks by murdering those ahead of him and  sleeping his way through the political ladder   however these stories of him may be just that  stories in reality there was only ever one thing   he loved in this world and that was his wife she  meant everything to him but once germany began   their advance into the soviet union the country  became a war zone they bombed the major cities   and nikolai's wife was killed in the carnage this  was perhaps a fate worse than death for him it   sent him into a spiral of drowning his sorrows in  alcohol he drank to forget and it is likely within   his drunken stupor where the tales of the ruthless  killer nikolai were born also made up were stories   of his ex-wives he began speaking about various  other women he had married who at least five   of which he murdered himself these women were  non-existent but rather a manifestation of the   sadness he was burying deep within him nikolai  would continue to fight on as a soldier part of   the soviet forces he participated in the battle of  stalingrad where his brother was killed and he was   subsequently captured by german soldiers and taken  by group 935 to become a test subject richthofen's   third test subject was a mexican of unknown origin  named pablo marinus these three were subject to   element 115 experimentation as richtofen attempted  to unlock the human mind tamper with the brain and   body by using element 115 and create an army of  soldiers for the german forces it wasn't just   about controlling these three in particular  either they also attempted to clone them so   they could create their own soldiers the element  115 affected them all differently tokyo began   vomiting uncontrollably nikolai was not responsive  to the treatment unless vodka was involved but it   was perhaps pablo who was affected the greatest  the element 115 gave him visions from the past   the future different timelines and different  dimensions he quite literally saw through space   and time he rambled about what he saw which caused  him to be looked at as insane while richtofen   continued to work on creating soldiers for the  german forces he began to find the work boring   and uninteresting which led him to re-evaluate  his interest in the agarthin device's creation   log entry 1469 date august 28 1945 dear diary  progress continues on unlocking the human mind   if germany hopes to continue their war they need  an undead army willing to obey orders there's also   been further interest in the super sold soldar  program the german chancellor considers this of   high interest we have begun the cloning process  we will have to see what results we yield test   subject n3wb has been vomiting for two days  straight our poor janitor he has nightmares   needless to say we will no longer be serving fish  the russian subject continues to be unresponsive   dr yina suggested a serum made of vodka but  considering mine concerns about his loyalty   i wonder if this is perhaps another attempt at  sabotage the specimen from mexico continues to   rant incoherently about giant monsters on some  uber fun war perhaps we were a little too eager   this is 115 injections i did not think he would  go this crazy so quickly ah if i'm being honest   i'm beginning to find this work a little drab  and boring undead army super sold out programs   group 935's deal with germany has truly  limited the organization's potential   the appearance of the spy last month has inspired  me to review the blacksmith's schematics the   gotham device and its three components the real  vessel the apothecon blood and the elemental shard   the instructions to creating the  elemental shard have my interest   peaked four human souls merged with element  115 not that i'm trying to brag but this may be   something in my real house richtofen's  experiments would continue with further   failures particularly the death of pablo during  a test to unlock the human mind via the spleen what exactly are you looking for dr richtofen  we are attempting to locate an appropriate   stimuli that will trigger the brain's  involuntary willingness to obey command   ah there we are four sets forceps dr richtofen but the liver and kidneys  or spleen our goal is to unlock the barrier to   the human mind with element 115 it is important  that we explore every possibility the barrier   may be very least expected there we are retract  us retractors it seems the chancellor has been   pushing us harder these last days is this because  of the spy that was discovered not the asylum i do not know dr yina our german leader along  with dr maxis is so limited in his thinking   his goals are simple-minded childish keeps  pushing for his undead army when you could   have the elemental shot the elemental  shard a device capable of endless energy   we could use it to craft anything  including a garden device of immense power   he holds this open while i grab the injector  a gotham device why haven't i heard about this   dr yina do you have a firm grip you are shaking  i'm ready please proceed injecting serum in three   two one the injection is nearly  complete i can't hold this grip   well i guess the barrier isn't in his speed i knew it you didn't go on purpose richtofen  it was an accident by my hand slipped   one four seven one date september 2nd 1845. another day another failure this time subject  n3wb just slightly at the floor the russian   subject still smells like urine even after he  was given a bath under laos twice and i think   i might have killed the specimen from mexico his  spleen is on the floor and he's not moving anymore   i can verify the certainty however that the  barrier is not located in the stream doctor   continue no matter the cost i wonder  what he might think of the experiment nice as time went on and richtofen descended  into madness cornelius pernell who was   responsible for sending peter mckanen  as a spy to group 935 believed the group   was losing control over its experiments and  decided to pull the plug on the investigation   a special force team was formed with  the intent of extracting peter mccain   it was led by tank dempsey he was chosen due to  the grit he showed during the battle of pelelu   he and his men were captured during the early  raids and he spent two weeks submerged in   malarial water in a rat infested bamboo cage he  nod his way through the cage and took down his   captors with only a bobby pin and his medal  of honor all he knows is war and working to   win it for everyone he's fighting for he is the  definition of an american hero he alongside john   banana smokey and paxton gunner ridge were sent  to the verruckt facility to extract peter mccain   before they got there however peter's identity as  a spy was uncovered and he was captured by group   935 an outbreak at the asylum shortly followed  and amongst the chaos peter had managed to escape   but lost his left forearm in the process by the  time the extraction team arrived it was too late   the facility was overrun and they were forced to  fend for themselves both smokey and john banana   were killed a radio was left behind in banana's  final moments of death when he lost his mind   field report a quiet report the mission has all  gone south it's johnny here smokey is near most   likely with meat in his mouth i've been here  for ages i ran out of pages but now have a bite   to record the mission has failed mccain must have  bailed and now we must fight off the horde we came   to farooq with low ammo in luck and now smokey's  lost his head we went down the halls they bit   smokey's balls and now he walks with the dead they  call me banana i worked at a cabana i rhymed to   keep myself sane though smokey is dead i'm holding  his head which right now is eating my brain dempsey on the other hand is  captured by group 935 and is   used as a replacement test subject for  the mexican in richtofen's experiments date september 10 1945 dear diary today for the  good day the swelling has subsided the ice helps   they made livers for lunch i still have not had  any luck reprogramming any of the light specimens   the key to unlocking the human mind will be more  easily discovered on someone who isn't dead yet   i am not convinced the army is stored until i  can break this this trust barrier oh apparently   someone in security found a spy in the group they  are delivering him from place of one that i broke   the only survivor was gunner who managed  to make his way back to the united states   and report what happened to purnell dempsey  was transported to the siberian facility and   he alongside nikolai and tokyo were all exposed to  serums of element 115 and tested on by richtofen 1945 dear diary today that's right some of this  i'm taking you home in fact i suppose this must be the  replacement time to get to there were many attempts to grow  their own versions of these three   but each one of them came out deformed and  a failure in one way or another in the end   these tests would be unsuccessful and later  abandoned experiments would continue to be   conducted on the three however serums of  115 were continuously injected into them   causing them to slowly go mad evidence of this  can be found in their prison cells written on   the walls these experiments caused side effects in  each one of the characters as well dempsey had a   loss of intellect but his will became stronger  than ever takio became silent but when he did   speak they were usually in old proverbs and  nikolai became dependent and only responded via vodka what seems as the oss realized  that we captured one of their spies   they tried to send a rescue team  into the world that was awesome i suspect there are other moles  in the organization dr harvey ina   or dr peter mckay to be precise include any americans in group  935 no matter how much genius apple pies from baseball and children but  i digress the new american test subject   is interesting his intellect seems low but his  villa is strong like others he doesn't seem to   know who he is anymore unlike the others he keeps  breaking her restraints or stepping at me n3wp is   still staring at the floor muttering what sounds  like some kind of proverb over and over again   i think his mind may have been destroyed by the  process oh then the russian subject recently began   responding to stimuli but only after injecting  him with a new serum made primarily from water while richtofen continuously worked on unlocking  the human mind his own motivations and goals would   also be tested he began making progress on the  agarthin device specifically the elemental shard   using a processed rock of 115 richtofen  successfully managed to siphon off pieces   of everyone's soul and put them into the rock  this included himself as he needed four souls in   total and he was conveniently around over the  russian subject recently began responding to   stimuli but only after injecting him with a  new serum made primarily from vodka perhaps   this is a break so in the experiment we have  been waiting for perhaps i was too harsh on   dr yina it was he after all who suggested  the vodka theorem credit that credit is due   today olson marks a great success for one of my  side projects using a process rock of element 115   and the real vessel i was able to successfully  siphon a piece of the soles from our three   specimens and inject them into the rock without  access to a fourth individual i used part of my   own essence much to my surprise the rock grew and  transformed creating a beautiful shard of glass   made purely from element 1.5 and parts from four  human souls the frill vessel the elemental shard   all we need now is the apothecon blood and the  algarven device shall be complete end log entry   1474 or should i say 1474 doesn't matter all that  was left to complete the agarthin device was the   blood of an apothecan unbeknownst to richthofen or  anyone at the time by siphoning the souls of those   four together it effectively bound them across  all dimensions and universes no matter what no   matter where these four were stuck with each other  though they wouldn't know it seeing how richtofen   began using group 935's resources for his own  personal projects dr yena saw at the perfect time   to prove his loyalty to the organization in an  attempt to clear any and all thoughts the others   might have had that he might be a spy due to being  american you cannot do this you have no authority   you've left me no choice dr richtofen you use  935 resources to work on personal projects   you've been threatening the employees myself  included and you're clearly suffering from   excessive 115 induced delusions suffering from  excessive 115 induced delusions how dare you   accuse me of such such such fire lies dr maxis has  ordered the elemental shard to be sent to division   nine where they are better equipped to study it  appropriately you are to cease experimentation on   the test subjects and put them on ice you are to  return with them to derise and meet with dr maxis   he would like to discuss your  dedication to the cause mine dedication   all of my projects my programs you think i'm not  dedicated you have taken everything from me oh   well i still have the dg2 in active development  i suppose that's something actually no   i'm afraid dr maxis has cancelled  its mass production as well this this is all you're doing you are  intentionally serving discontent you are trying   to destroy us and within you you're working for  the americans aren't you you're a spy they'll just   like dr peter mccain dr maxis would never have  hired americans no matter how much genius they   have no dr richtofen that's your paranoia talking  you've been exposed to element 115 for too long   i'm just a loyal servant to group  935 trying to protect its interests   now if you have any issues i suggest bringing  them up with dr maxis oh don't you worry a little   lying apple pie brain hell yeah i intend to  bring up a great many things with dr maxis   richthofen was forced to put dempsey  nikolai and takio on ice hand over   the elemental shard which was to be taken to  division 9 where they could properly study it   and he was forced to return back to darice with  maxis and to top it all off mass production of   the wunderwaffe was cancelled understandably  this pissed richtofen off as he felt betrayed   and so he formulated his own plan to deal  with maxis and samantha in the process   like i said earlier he came to form a hatred  for samantha though we never really see why he 1945 as for the control group they have been  put on hold recently i discovered that   does not play math producing the dg2 if he won't move those plans forward then i will  continue following his dream of an undead army   he doesn't deserve his perch of power  he doesn't know what to do with it   but i know just what to do with him and i'll take before we go any further we must first talk   about the progress being made on the  moon with the mpd during this time   when we last left off with them richtofen had  just placed dr groff in charge of its oversight since the discovery of element 115   we have achieved so much our weapons program alone  has advanced beyond even our wildest expectations furthermore the fact that we have been able to  establish a permanent base of operations of the   moon itself leaves me filled with optimism  for the future we can literally do anything despite countless hours of analyzing and studying  the mpd it yielded little to no results it wasn't   until by pure accident when dr shuster killed a  nearby rat that its soul entered the device and   began charging it catalog 1075 dr schuster and i  have spent countless hours with the pyramid device   in an attempt to understand how it functions  we have made little progress until now today   we uncovered what looks to be some  kind of tank with a glass-like front   the glass itself i've got you now rats kill it did you see that look the capacitor is  illuminated the tank is filling the machine it   seems to be activated what did you do i think  we just discovered what powers this machine   this information was swiftly  sent to richthofen who had no   hesitation in what needed to be done richtofen  arranged for various scientists and soldiers   to be sent to the moon where they  would be sacrificed to charge the this is pyramid list status update over   hello doctor we have the shipment  and are carrying out your orders all in the name of science dr gruff  continue until the tanks are full yes for richtofen's plan to succeed it would spell  the downfall for group 935 entirely he intended   to execute something known as operation shield  also known as security protocol 935 it is never   directly explained what this is but logic would  dictate it's the emergency measure everyone is to   take in case of an outbreak all group 935 members  are equipped with cyanide pills to kill themselves   so as to not suffer a gruesome mauling at the  hands of zombies group 935 would effectively   die it's not what richtofen inherently wanted but  he believed maxis had changed the group's goals   from researching element 115 to simply helping  the nazi party and he hated that but he didn't   want the work to go to waste in fact he wanted  it to continue so instead he struck a deal with   the americans and russians he agreed to hand over  their research and findings thus far and even have   scientists which he trusted be transferred over as  well under their supervision considering how group   935 was at the forefront of its research they  agreed october 10 19 you've done what dr richtofen   oh i'm sorry do you not see the microphone in  my hand recording for posterity is important   a.m october 10th 1945. you've made a deal with the  americans onto the russians you can't forget them   but our work this war ah the war is over dr  schuster it is my responsibility to ensure   the work of group 935 continues but these deals  it would mean the end of group 935 the americans   and the russians would tear us apart everything we  stood for everything this organization stood for   died the day dr max has made that infernal deal  with the reichstag you and i both know this to be   true listen to me and understand our technological  developments with 115 are the envy of the entire   world these agreements guarantee our work will  continue in america and russia and that they   will continue with our scientists at the helm i am  sorry but for our work to live on group 9's revive   must come to an end oh cheer up dr schuster  i have asked that you go to the americans   it will be good for your softer side you will  not go to america nor to russia once dr groff   confirms that the mpd is ready we will proceed  with operation shield as planned and then i have   a date with destiny what are you getting out of  this deal dr richthofen a feeling of fulfillment   that i've saved my fellow scientists from the  unemployment line or possibly prison edward please don't you worry about me dr schuster  i will be well taken care of   by this point in time richtofen had returned to  darice the pyramid was charged and ready to be   used so richtofen could finally carry out  his plan to get rid of samantha and maxis   eagle's nest this is griffin station we have an  update over dr cross have you made any progress   yes doctor the machine is  ready i'm debating the conduit   very good i should proceed with operation shield  i'll join you shortly security protocol 935   either the sport of doctor maxis  and that little brat personally teleportation tests continued as usual  with richtofen and maxis unbeknownst   that richthofen had already figured everything out   initiating test number three subject is  within the test chamber activate power oh my god do you hold yourself and clean that up   test number three unsuccessful test  subject has been reduced to the same state   as previous subjects clean up the test chamber  and recalibrate the system let's do it again yes   doctor though our matter transference tests at  the new site have been largely unsuccessful the   teleporter's malfunction has nonetheless yielded  some interesting data the fact that the test   subjects departed the original point of origin  is undeniable what is uncertain is what became of   them richtofen is insistent in his belief that  they have been transported not through space   but through time in the absence of empirical  evidence i myself cannot entertain such madness   i fear richtofen irrationality may soon prove a  liability to our endeavors for test number five   maxis actually used fluffy the dog he gifted  to samantha though fluffy would disappear into   the ether edward tie the damn thing down we can't  have it running around during the test it's tied   down now dr maxis initiating chest number five  subject is within the test chamber activate power searching for vitals no reading doctor   the subject has disappeared dr maxis we've done it  don't be foolish test number five is unsuccessful   subject has vanished yes but has not reappeared  at the mainframe recalibrate the damn system   test number six is where richthofen enacts his  coup to finally get rid of samantha and maxis   initiating test number six subject  is within test chamber activate power damn it edward did you set up the device correctly  yes doctor as per your specifications if you had   done it to my specifications then it would have  worked wouldn't it as usual your incompetence   do you hear that doctor parker full test  number six is the failure but the experiment   has caused some kind of electrical  port to energize within the chamber   they'll open the door doctor i  don't think open the door now daddy what are you doing damn  it samantha i told you never to   come in here edward get her out of here yes doctor what's wrong with her daddy what did  you do come back here samantha stop here come here samantha good girl rossie  gently samantha that's not flossy anymore   we must get out of here what deadpod what are you  doing open the door advantage open this door now i'm scared stop no fluffy reemerged from the teleporter though not as  the dog she once was it was changed into a hellish   beast this is what would go on to be known as  the hellhound maxis and samantha were trapped   in the test chamber and teleported richtofen had  no intention of teleporting them anywhere specific   it seems that he had actually just intended  for fate to decide or perhaps he was hoping   that the teleportation would simply  kill them outright but that's not   what happened samantha was teleported to the moon  where she encountered graf and schuster scared   and frightened she fled for her life where she  accidentally ran into the mpd where she was sucked inside the tanks are fall and the shields are  down the machine is coming nicely what does   the shipment most are buried outside of the base  the live ones we've sent back to customer poster   excellent there's nothing left but  to wait for dr richtoff's return   perhaps this is a good time to work on  my low gravity putting in the biodome yes this is not security maxis was teleported to a location simply known  as the crazy place it is a difficult location   to describe but in the simplest of terms it is  a gateway to get to agartha many have searched   for it or something like it to get to agartha  but this is unequivocally where one can do it   it seems to exist outside of time and space  similar to agartha itself this is relevant   because while stuck here maxis develops the  power to merge with electricity as for fluffy   it is unknown where she was teleported seeing  samantha entering the mpd as a potential issue   richthofen was informed of this development he  figured if samantha lived then maxis would also   have to as well and he must be somewhere in the  world while richthofen has proven to dislike maxis   if anyone could be capable of coaxing  samantha out of the mpd it would be her no father i know what must be done in the meantime  see if you can find dr magnus perhaps he can   talk something to her did you not deal with him  already yes but if the child ends up there then   maxis must be somewhere too find him how do you  propose dr cross i cannot do everything for you   i leave this in your capable hands   there is much to be done yes doctor oh and gross  yes i keep an eye out for an evil looking dog   maxis is successfully located and brought to the  moon but things don't play out as they were hoping accessing mtd mtv integrity check nominal  awaiting input excellence bring the sample analyzing mpd profile profiles created excellent  now scan for target yes doctor greetings dr maxis schuster i should have known  where is that rat edward where are we and how did   you get me out of that wretchedness none of that  is important right now allow me to fill you in   samantha honey daddy is here come dear please  open the machine daddy will not let them hurt you   anymore honey daddy knows he's made some mistakes  i am truly sorry that you are put through so much   when your mother died i could not bear the thought  of losing you too that's why i kept you so close   i did not mean to neglect you i just  wanted to know you were safe from heart i love you samantha i love you too daddy can  you do something for me something very important kill them all maxis committed suicide in front of samantha  to further push her down the path of revenge   the dark ether does what it does best corrupt  a mere shock was enough for richthofen to hear   voices of the apothicons and drive him to insanity  and obsession but now samantha was drowning in it   as such you can imagine how the dark ether  corrupted her like no one had ever seen   as the zombies were born of element 115 and  the mpd created to control the ether samantha   could now control them and so she unleashed  hordes of the undead against whoever she could   almost exclusively targeting group 935 however  as for maxis he did not truly die with his newly   formed power to merge with electricity upon death  he merged with griffin station and its technology   from here all hell breaks loose darice and  shinonuma are two of the first locations to   fall victim to samantha's attacks dr porter  was at the darice facility when it happened   he is the one who activates the alarm signaling  to the other scientists to kill themselves or   escape he personally takes the option  to kill himself but i'm all out of hope i'll feed this ain't my friend warning the shield is now active damn  it scientists i can't find my pills   and report to the barracks they are  coming we must do what i must do warning the shield is now active uh seeing no other option and faced with an  endless undead horde richthofen needed   capable soldiers by his side to assist him in  taking down and usurping power from samantha   so he returned to the doris facility and  reawakened his old test subjects dempsey takio   and nikolai fortunately for him the three had no  memory of who they really were or more importantly   who richthofen was it didn't take much convincing  to get them to side with him as the undead were an   easy enemy to rally them together from this point  forward this group would be known as ultimus to   take control from samantha what richtofen needed  was his diary the extensive research of 115 he had   documented the agarthin technology he'd uncovered  everything the voices told him it was quite   difficult for the mind to contain all of this  information and thus he documented it in his diary   however there was one slight problem the diary was  currently at the shino numa facility considering   richthofen has never been there before it is  likely that his diary was taken when the elemental   shard was transferred and he was restationed back  at darice it is also important to note that peter   mccain who had escaped the vorak facility all that  time ago was given orders to rendezvous with the   oss at the rising sun facility he parachuted  over the rising sun facility however died   shortly after the ultimus crew arrive and retrieve  richthofen's diary with minimal interference from here richtofen formulates his plan  on how he intends to defeat samantha what   he needs is the vril device the golden rod and  the focusing stone he encountered in shangri-la   when combined they can be inserted into the mpd  and swap the souls of any two individuals this   is how richthofen intended on seizing power from  samantha it is unknown why he doesn't directly   begin seeking out the focusing stone and veril  device immediately because the group returned   to darice with the intention of teleporting to  the moon and confronting samantha before any   artifacts had been acquired this does not go as  planned however one of the characters accidentally   overcharged the teleporter with the wonderwaffa  which wound up sending them through time itself   ultimus went from 1945 to 1963 to the kino  facility in berlin this teleportation also caused   richtofen to accidentally drop his diary leaving  it at the doris facility while in the future   samantha who had gone fairly dormant in the years  of their disappearance relaunches an attack at   the facility attempting to kill ultimus the group  had largely nothing to do here whatsoever and so   simply searched for a means of escape they found  one in the form of a lunar lander which flies them   to their next facility but before we get there  considering this is the future a lot of events   happened in the time frame that ultimus skipped  first and foremost considering richthofen's   plan involved the downfall of group 935 that is  precisely what happened the organization fell   but his plan in allying the soviets and americans  carried on flawlessly from here the story branches   off into two separate endeavors what the americans  were testing and what the soviets were testing   by this point world war ii had come to an end and  we were entering into the cold war and the space   race only for the sake of the story the reason  the americans and soviets were so eager to make   it to space was because they both knew the mpd  and the research from griffin station was there   whoever got there first would claim it for their  country on the soviet side of group 935's research   was harvey yina the american spy after group 935's  disbandment he had the option to either return to   the us or continue further research into element  115. he saw this to be the perfect opportunity to   continue assisting america while not being with  them it was clear that they were getting their   own portion of group 935 scientists so he decided  to go with the soviets and double their research   he hired two scientists to help him anton  gersch and yuri zavoysky and together they made   the ascension group there were many projects going  on in ascension at the time many of which involved   getting to the moon there was the standard rocket  testing along with attempts of teleportation   this was also further pushed thanks to the soviets  obtaining richtofen's diary from doris which he   dropped when they teleported through time the  soviets saw decent progress with teleportation   but not enough to actually make it to the moon  this is where we need to branch off slightly and   return to a previous character from the timeline  as they become quite relevant right now and that   is pablo marines the mexican test subject from  richtofen's experiments at the siberian facility   richthofen initially deemed him dead after  removing his spleen which ironically jarvina   had a hand in but what truly happened is that  while yes he did appear dead at the time due to   the 115 injections he actually woke up long after  the war already ended and group 935 was disbanded   he woke up at the siberian facility to the hordes  of zombies left behind day 521 i still don't know   how it is possible but late last year i awoke  from a watery grave when i swam to the surface   i found the german military base abandoned only  the undead remained on their shores i attempted   to flee but the fog it seemed no sooner that the  shore faded behind me it reappeared in front of   me every attempt i made to escape it he led me  right back here as if i was meant to be here i have begun broadcasting a radio signal i'm  hoping that someone will answer and come to   my rescue but if no one comes i'm not sure  how much longer i will survive this place   the experiments done on pablo gave him  visions of past and future it opened his   mind to other dimensions in these visions  he saw himself fighting in the great war   that happened close to the beginning of the  timeline when humanity and the keepers banded   together to fight the apothicons he saw this  and believed it to be his destiny day 3682 i think last night   i had a dream a dream i have not had in many years  like the ones i used to have at the eisendrache i dreamed i was in medieval times  during a great war a war to end all wars   in this dream i am attacked by one of the  great beasts it holds me within its grasp   about to end my life when i am saved  spared by a man in cloth not a priest   someone more powerful he wields a staff of  fire i see four heroes stand the top of a mound   the four raise their staffs in unison and  suddenly the knights know the war is not lost   i rejoined the fight and fight alongside  my king for years i had dreamed of this war   i wonder perhaps the german's experiments  warped my brain my sense of space and time   he thought i died but it was  only that my mind had transformed i have been here 10 years no one  has responded to my radio message   is there no one up there like am i even on  earth or am i caught somewhere in between every time i try to escape my raft always  brings me back this place is my my prison but is it a prison perhaps it is more  like a waiting room a purgatory of sorts   perhaps my dreams are much more perhaps  they are visions of what is to come and perhaps it is here i  must wait for what is to come they will come for me while trapped at the  siberian facility he came across the notes   left behind about how to construct the agarthan  device the artifact that can grant any desire and   believed this to be his way of getting to the  great war he put out radio message after radio   message to no response until one day it was picked  up by the ascension group he told them about the   agarthan device and that he could construct it  for them harveyina having heard richthofen's   ramblings about this same device was still on the  fence about its existence but with garsh pushing   for its potential for infinite uses to help them  convinces him to give it a shot what pablo needed   was the only piece missing which no one had  and that was the blood of an ancient apothicon   from his visions of the great war he knew where a  corpse could be found via the coordinates everyone   agreed to the terms we have verified authenticity  of this transmission yes yes anton a recon unit   traveled to the old facility apparently a survivor  has been living there since the end of the war   since the end of the war 13 years how can this  be true and how did we not know about this   unfortunately your gas is as good as mine and  his proposed this a garten device what do you   make of this personally it sounds too good to be  true but this isn't the first i've heard of it   dr richtofen had mentioned it as well just think  harvey a device capable of granting that which   any man desires i simply think it and bang it is  reality we could beat americans to group 935 lunar   facility we could become leaders of free work  overnight the potential it is certainly infinite   so he says he will construct device but  first he needs he needs us to find something   he says we must bring him the blood of an  ancient creature he gave us the coordinates   it's at the bottom of the ocean recovery will  not be cheap well we do not need the creature   only its blood harvey do not worry  your reward will pay cost tenfold   this is how the ascension group leads charge  into new world i understand and there was   one more thing he warned us to bring him the blood  straight away when exposed to the elements for   extended amounts of time becomes volatile  and unstable he warned us the blood   is alive let us worry about collecting it first  we will decide the next move after this doctor   of course dr garrosh the trip was a success the  apothecon blood was retrieved however gersh did   not want to hand it over he instead wished to  experiment with it due to its special nature   i trust your trip was success like he wouldn't  believe anton what we found down there the   creature was magnificent gargantuan in  size was otherworldly a remnant of a   different age uh i wish you could have seen  it it was that's a coordinates provided yes   43 north 180 east the blood has a fluidity  to it that i find fascinating we would   have investigated further but we intercepted a  transmission that the americans were in the area   somehow they'd been informed about the creature's  location ah these damn leaks they will be   our undoing it seems every step we take the  americans follow suit mark my words there is   a mall in ascension army we must strike it out  before it destroys us get a team together people   we trust if we are to study the blood we must  make sure the americans do not find out just   study it anton i think we should follow the plan  and deliver the blood to the siberian facility   we cannot this struggle with the americans we  cannot let them get the advantage this blood   is our only leverage after the war  in group 935 disbanded you came to us   you came to me you saw a better vision for the  future here than what your america was offering   we created ascension on the principle of being  better men of making this world a better place   if this blood is key to unlocking the future  we will be fools to not take this opportunity   perhaps you are right at the  very least we can study it   what's the harm in that the blood would go on to  be used in a number of different experiments first   and foremost was it was used on primates the blood  was injected into them in hopes of making them   able to survive space flight further analysis also  uncovered the negative space the blood inhabits in   simple terms the blood functions like a black hole  of sorts how are the experiments coming doctor   fascinating anton truly fascinating the  blood it's not so much fluid as it is   very much alive it moves it changes  shape and will reacts to our touch how is this possible i'm not sure one theory is  perhaps the creature itself was more of a vessel   and that its blood is made up of a million  different organisms that control it like a   crew piloting a ship the creature died but the  organisms inside survived trapped at the bottom   of the ocean is it sentient yeah how is it able  to move the blood uses negative space which exists   between the molecules this negative space provides  an influx of energy which we believe fuels the   blood giving it the ability to move do you still  believe this blood is suitable for our privates   for rocket testing absolutely the blood gives them  rejuvenation abilities making them more powerful   stronger if a monkey is on the brink of death and  given an injection it makes a full recovery in   a matter of minutes the only trade-off is they  become more angry hostile even violent in some   cases is this a problem it's manageable but i'm  confident monkeys given an injection of this blood   will survive space flight wonderful news i think  we can move on to the next phase of the program   we should prepare a serum for mass production  can you tell me more about this negative space   we really don't know much about it except  that it does not exist in this dimension   maybe a gateway from another one of our  men has theorized it might even be a   black hole of sorts send what research you've done  to myself and our weapons team be sure your isa   voice key is included in the brief of course  but i will remind you we need to be careful   we've noticed the blood has been changing  composition as if reacting to all our probing   and prodding reacting how so i'm not sure how to  explain it but it feels like the blood's getting   angry with the information acquired  from researching the apothecan blood   both gersh and yuri zavoisky began working on  project mercury what would later be known as   the gersh device the initial intention for  this creation was to be used as a portable   teleporter however it would find its purpose as  a black hole but just under one year of working   on its creation gersch removes yuri from the  project after proving incapable of handling it   when he nearly destroys the entire thing and  he is transferred over to the rocket division but on to business i am pleased to report  that all projects are running smoothly again   recent personnel changes as i had previously  mentioned yuri zavoysky is a brilliant scientist   but he has so far proven incapable of handling  project mercury or as you call it the gersh device   so due to numerous delays and setbacks i  have sadly been forced to transfer yuri to   the 8k 64-a experiments i have decided that your  nephew should take his place and look forward to   working with him directly story is incident  with the casimir mechanism leaves no doubt   in my mind that this is the right decision the  explosion caused the mechanism significant damage   it will take time to re-manufacture all of  the parts unless some of them can be salvaged   this obviously didn't sit well with yuri and so  he started to work on the gersh device in his own no time my intellect is ill-served blasting  a bunch of monkeys into the atmosphere but i can't fight girls over  this i was able to hold on to my   some after hours researching no one else really  understands what project mercury is capable of   until then this lab will have to do wait  a minute this did not bode well for yuri   as part of his new position he was given  richtofen's diary while it may appear to be   simple notes and logs from his past it was also  in fact corrupted by the dark ether similar to   element 115 prolonged exposure to richthofen's  diary is enough to drive anyone insane and hear   some voices left his teddy bear in  it the disgusting and filthy toy   who keeps bringing their child onto this  base thank god they did not take the diary   the things i have learned about element  one i'll have to conduct this research   on my own away from the destructive hands of  gersh his research into project mercury has   stalled but will he be transferred i doubt it  as long as project remains on track his friends yuri slowly began to become much more hostile  hearing the voice of samantha in his head superior to whatever the americans or should i say  canadians are developing finally project thunder   is nearing completion my staff has assured me  that the remaining issues of the effective range   and power cells will be solved within the next  few months oh and also you should know that dr   zavoysky does not appear to be adjusting to his  new position he has been hostile towards the   other scientists at least more than usual and  has frequently been seen muttering to himself   the transition must have been hard for him but  if he does not learn his place soon i may require   another more competent scientist to replace him  samantha was extremely interested in this gersh   device as it could be used as a rift so she could  travel through she corrupted yuri completely and   he began following her commands she pushed him  to finish creating the gersh device which he did leave me alone calm down no no  i won't shut up shut up stop stop okay okay and she also  instructed him to absorb gersh into it the fact that you are even in this lab again  is a reason enough to have you permanently ruin removed section do not worry  you will not be disappointed   in fact i'm sure you won't forget it but i can't  take all the credits if you do me the honors ah what's up device and stuck in a plane between existence  samantha also requested that yuri enter the gersh   device as well as she wished to send him somewhere  but before we get to that we must first catch up   with the americans and what they were doing with  their group 935 research during this 16-year time   period after group 935's disbandment america and  the soviet union got their split of the research   for the americans we follow the perspective of  major george sawyer who fulfills his side of   the promise with richtofen of hiring its  scientists and evacuating their families   major george sawyer personal log january  20th 1946 after speaking with major staver   this morning i can confirm operation  stapler has been a resounding success   while our officers met with the soviet  representatives to negotiate the fair split   of group 935's research our operatives quietly  extracted 40 of its scientists and their families   in the coming days they're to be officially  hired as war department special employees   to our knowledge the soviets have yet to realize  what we've done since the discovery of the   depository near groom lake in 37 our progress has  been minimal our hope is that these scientists   will provide us the edge we desperately  need for our element 115 research program   all of this would not have been possible without  the help of one dr edward richtofen when he   reached out to us last august he promised  unfettered access to group 935's research   in exchange for providing safe harbor for  its scientists while we may not have secured   all the research we did get the scientists the  brain trust if we do ever locate dr richtofen   i would like to shake his hand and thank him  personally for the great service he has provided   to the united states of america the most important  scientist recovered for the site of the americans   was dr schuster while he was happy to continue  the research he was working on i.e teleportation   the work the americans were more interested  in was that of the undead while schuster was   honest about what he experienced with the likes of  samantha no one believed him this is dr schuster   personal log june 27 1947. with the help of  major sawyer and operation stapler i began   employment at the pentagon i'm assigned to their  115 division which focuses on r d of the element   while i am grateful for this opportunity i have  my reservations element 115 is a resource with   potentially infinite applications yet the  only thing these scientists and the pentagon   seem concerned with are undead experiments i  may declare to them that my own work with group   935 was primarily focused on its teleportation  technologies if they wanted my help with that i   would gladly oblige but the idea of resuming  undead experimentation horrified me the room   went silent clearly they were not satisfied  with my answer finally major sawyer asked why i was blunt perhaps too blunt and told them what  happened at griffin station about maxis's daughter   samantha about the mpd about the undead outbreak  about everything if we resumed experimentation   there was no guarantee she wouldn't take  control of them just as she had done the others   more importantly there was no guarantee she  wouldn't kill us all as her father instructed her   i told them all this and do you know what happened  they laughed shuster was put in charge of the us's   teleportation projects he established one from  the pentagon to the groom lake facility in nevada   but what they really wanted him to do was simply  teleport to griffin station on the moon directly   shuster was hesitant to rush the process  as he feared the accidental side effect of   time travel i'm just a little confused dr shuster  you've already successfully established the   teleporter link between the pentagon and groom  lake the pentagon to groom lake is child's play   a distance of 890 kilometers what we're talking  about now is a distance of 380 000 kilometers   but it can be done of course colonel sawyer but  i had two years to perfect the link to groom lake   the timetable you've given me to establish a link  to the moon is far more aggressive do i need to   remind you what we're up against dr richtofen  told us about griffin station back in 45 from   what we've discovered he told the soviets the  same thing the soviets achieved teleportation   two years before we did if they get to the moon  first they get to claim griffin station yes   yes i know all about your adorable space race  but need i remind you that if this teleporter   becomes operational even a single mathematical  error could lead to catastrophic results yes   it will take you to the moon i have little worry  over where it will take you i worry about when   what time travel give me a break precisely  if the specifications are not exact we could   create temporal rifts with ripple effects that  will undo the very fabric of space-time itself   simply put don't rush  science moves at its own pace just get it done doctor you have two weeks before  we begin testing the zombie experiments would   not cease however schuster alongside a new  doctor dr layman continued where maxis left   off trying to create docile zombies that could  be controlled layman actually figured out a way   to accomplish this by turning element 115 into  a gas and giving it to an alive test subject   you've made progress dr layman yes um yes yes  so as you know our success with the undead   experimentation has been limited yes yes we've  achieved the same benchmarks as maxis but as with   his trials they refuse to obey orders that's right  we can't control them we can't make them docile   but i believe i've cracked it i'm listening okay  last month our man inside the ascension group sent   us copies of dr richtofen's diary now i've  been pouring over it following his research and that doesn't seem very docile to me   just watch stand back dr schuster  i promise you it's quite safe walk incredible it's completely subservient how did  you achieve this well i vaporized element 115   brought it to a gaseous state the specimen inhaled  it inhaled it and unfortunately it had to be done   while the specimen was still  alive while they were still alive   good heavens man did you the  soldier was gonna die anyway um doctor are you all right oh my apologies  layman i'm distracted by the eyes they're yellow   it is also important to note that harvey  yina who is currently at the ascension group   copied richthofen's diary and sent it to the us  dr layman was the one in charge of it however   somehow someway similarly to how the dark ether  corrupted yuri zavoisky by reading the journal   it too began to corrupt dr layman samantha then  pushed him to create an army of undead soldiers   for obvious reasons 10 out of 10 trials docile  and obeying commands and it's activated with   living subjects that's correct colonel completely  subservient and you've achieved all this with a   chemical gas that is correct colonel dr layman  has successfully transformed element115 into a   chemical weapon do you know what this means dr  layman what the potential of this gas could be   um yes yes but more importantly we've gotten  these creatures to obey our commands as richtofen   and maxis would have wanted how to hell with them  this gas if you released it over moscow you could   end this cold war tomorrow dr schuster when can we  bring this to full production with some additional   testing six weeks that's perfect hold on a damn  minute okay that's not what this is all about   a chemical weapon is nothing we're talking about  building an undead army here how do you not all   get that it's what i'm supposed to do it's  what i've been ordered to do what's gotten   into you dr layman what's gotten into me we're  not following her orders she told me to do this   it's what we have to do not waste our time with  this [ __ ] excuse me doctor do we have a problem   no colonel no problem we'll  get it done be sure you do what the devil has gotten into you i'm sorry i'm  not sure what happened okay okay it's it's that   damned diary ever since i started reading  it i'm hearing things like a like a voice   in my head pull yourself together this is  a major breakthrough be proud of your work don't worry i still hear you they are fools it will be done meanwhile we must return back to  the perspective of cornelius pernell having been   the one in charge of the spies sent to infiltrate  group 935 he too has become obsessed with the   potential element 115 holds he wants to do what  they failed and that's better the human condition   but he was having difficulties convincing  his higher-ups particularly robert mcnamara   to expand research into element 115. this dream  organization of his would be known as broken arrow   this is groom lake station chief cornelius  purnell personal log march 11 1961   after being unable to get  mcelroy or gates to see the light   i hope my meeting with mcnamara would  fare better but i had no such luck for   years now dod have run experiments with their 115  division but we are the ones with all the supply   i told mcnamara we have the fort knox of element  115 right next to our nuclear testing site   if we combine resources and work together  instead of simply bartering resources   groom lake could receive the funding to properly  mine the materials and expand experimentation but no mcnamara was uninterested another secretary  of defense another bust for project broken arrow   after being stationed with schuster who spoke  of his encounters with samantha on the moon whom   no one believed it was only due to his mentioning  of the rising sun facility where he ordered peter   mccain to rendezvous before he died that purnell  decides to investigate shuster's claims further   personal log february 23 1963. the construction  of the moon teleporter ongoing a number of   scientists from the pentagon's 115 division  have been stationed on site here at groom lake   dr schuster head of the operation continues to be   full of surprises he's been telling me these  stories about a evil little girl named samantha   that she can control the undead i asked  colonel sawyer about it and he told me   to pay it no mind apparently everybody's been  laughing off schuster's stories for years now   but then yesterday schuster says he has proof he  claims this samantha is responsible for several   outbreaks over the last 20 years rattles off a  bunch of names and one of them was the rising   sun facility i lost a good man there peter  mccain and never got an explanation for it   i decided to investigate this further what  he found was exactly what he was looking for   evidence of samantha's existence and attacks  around the world but more importantly it was   perfect fear to convince mcnamara to fund his  broken arrow project personal log july 29 1963   i've spent the last several months combing  through archives and conducting extensive research   and i can't believe what i'm about to say  but this is real this girl creature entity   this this being possesses a very real and very  dangerous power fortunately as of now her attacks   have been contained and if she were to choose to  unleash fury she could wipe us off the map and   not just the united states she could destroy  everyone but there is an opportunity here to   combat this threat the pentagon is going to need  to significantly increase their 115 operations   to support that they'll need greater  access to our gold mine at groom lake   project broken arrow is the key to all  of this two birds one stone we'll combat   a threat to national security and i'll secure  the funding for my program and its operations   drafting a report on the incident i plan to  present it to mcnamara in the coming weeks purnell   managed to convince mcnamara to fund the broken  arrow project to harness element 115 so they could   fight back against samantha's wrath washington's  words have lingered with me these last few days   to be prepared for war is one of the  most effective means of preserving peace   mankind has always prepared for war  because we face an enemy we know intimately   our fellow man in a way we are the only enemy we  have ever truly known but now i sit here with the   groom lake report in my hand and i contemplate  an enemy beyond our comprehension an entity   with the powers of a god that can manipulate  time space and the very nature of other beings the evidence is clear a trail of carnage can  be tracked october 21st 1945 the rising sun   research facility october 28 1945 group 935's  dereza facility april 25th 1956 the himalayas   now i am no stranger to undead experimentation  nor their outbreaks i've read purnell's reports   on the airfield and asylum incidents the  undead may be a concern but they are not   the threat without a leader they  are mindless and uncoordinated   but the idea of a being that commands  an undead army with seemingly unlimited   resources that gives the marching orders  to strike at any time and any place how do you prepare for war with that how do you  protect america how do you protect the planet   one of the scientists we acquired from  group 935 dr schuster i believe is his name   claims to be familiar with the entity he says her  name is samantha this samantha may be the greatest   threat our nation has ever faced certainly  more than that from the soviet union or cuba   for they are just men and my contacts on the  ground now confirm it on october 28th the entity   known as samantha attacked an abandoned theater in  berlin this marks her first attack in nine years   the location she chose is interesting in 1940  the german high command repurposed it as a group   935 facility that makes this the third group  935 operation that samantha has targeted the berlin incident has forced us to reevaluate  the recent pentagon outbreak we had previously   assumed it was a contained affair but must now  acknowledge the possibility that samantha played   a role i've made arrangements for the president  and castro to discuss the broken arrow initiative   if samantha poses as great a threat as it  seems we must put aside our differences   no nation alone can defeat her an alliance must be  formed we must reach across the metaphorical isle   the meeting will be held here at the pentagon  in the coming days dick will be joining us   for some reason jack requested he attend  regretfully i'm forced to admit that purnell was   perhaps correct if we use the broken arrow  initiative to harness the power of this   element 115 we could build a better world and be  prepared for war with samantha i've given roebuck   the coordinates of the berlin incident for safe  keeping he'll log them along with all the others his plan worked and broken arrow was  greenlit personal log september 3rd 1963.   the discussion with mcnamara was a resounding  success his plans for it are bigger than i ever   thought possible fools it was so easy all  those hawks over there think about his war   i offered them a morsel to nugget and had  the meeting out of the palm of my hand good riddance they'll get their war and i'll  get my riches they want to destroy this samantha   it's so narrow-minded why destroy her when we  can take her power and harness it for ourselves   with the amount of element 115 buried down there  just imagine what we could do could mold the earth   anew create it in our image a toast here's to  dr schuster for gifting me this opportunity   when we get the excavator up and running at  the test site i'll be sure to get him access and here's to broken arrow and to opening new  world but much like many others purnell had   ulterior motives he didn't want to simply stop  samantha he wanted to take her power for himself   or for the sake of the united states but part of  pernell's newfound insanity was thanks to element   115 itself when the oar was initially getting  mined he spent so much time near and in close   proximity to it that it just corrupted him as it  does broken arrow dream of mine for many years   when i joined the company you know what i did  what i cut my teeth on i sent men to their deaths   that was a handler first for the oss and  then cia oversaw ops and i sent in men to die   i was a bow they were my arrows smokey john  banana peter mccain tank dempsey list goes on so many men lost but my ops were good job  well done pat's on the back for purnell   so i climbed the ladder and eventually  became station chief here and spent   much of my time now that i think about it in  this very room after we'd mined the element 115   we'd store it in here i would  stare at it for hours i got lost and then one day it just clicked i had to do what  group 935 failed to do i would build a program to   harness its power i was tired of killing i  wanted to create technological marvels help   humanity improve the human condition and who  knows maybe even bring the dead back to life prepare the broken arrow if you will now for now pernell would go off to his new facility  camp edward otherwise known as nuketown to conduct   his own experiments regardless with that setup  with the soviets and americans we can finally   return to the ultimus characters who last we saw  were teleported from the future from 1945 to 1963.   they landed at the kino facility in berlin  where they were attacked by samantha   they found an escape via lunar landers which  took them to the now overrun ascension facility   samantha had turned all those corrupted by element  115 and all the monkeys who were tested on with   the apothicon blood got loose as well part of  the reason they have also arrived here is because   richthofen's diary is also here upon arrival  they are reached out by gersh who no longer   exists in the physical realm but is still able  to communicate with ultimus asking for their   assistance to free him which they do there's not  much else to it they release him from his ethereal   form and he begins to travel through space time  and dimensions the real object ultimus got from   their visit was richthofen's diary again so he  knows what objects he needs to take control away   from samantha the vril device and the focusing  stone while the characters freed gersh by doing so   they themselves were also accidentally pulled  into the gersh device and flung into the future   the mid to late 2000s to be exact they did wind  up where richthofen had wanted to go the siberian   facility where the vril device was left but  they wound up trapped in a closet fortunately   for them there was a big movie being filmed at  this location george romero had uncovered old   documents left behind by group 935 and their  experiments to bring the dead back to life   years ago i did research for a world war ii  movie i came across some old nazi documents   i couldn't believe what i was reading element 115  necromancers raising the dead real creepy stuff we're completely surrounded the coolest thing some of that  crazy [ __ ] happened right here and so he decided to make a movie on site he cast  danny trejo sarah michelle gellar michael rooker   and robert england as his actors however once  ultimus arrived a zombie outbreak occurred george   romero was turned into a zombie himself but as for  the four actors richtofen convinces them to help   him get the verl device from the facility which  they do the actors serve no greater role than this   so richtofen leaves them behind to die the entire  cast and production team disappear without a the rest of the trace of the  dead casting crew went missing   hollywood's lost its [ __ ] mind with  this story an entire production vanishes   crazy talk i told you this is  why you don't shoot in siberia   agent i needed to sort this quickly i'd rather  zombies come for me than an agent that's real horn   i don't need that to venture off into a little  bit of a side story this led george romero's   assistant sally to begin searching for him she dug  up research files and read documents pertaining   to the likes of the ultimus crew i started going  through his research and good [ __ ] lore this is   a confusing mess so much [ __ ] about time travel  different dimensions honestly i'm not even sure   he's getting into you can make this step up a  mad german scientist a foul-mouthed american   a drunk soviet and a warrior japanese soldier  all working together her journey inevitably led   her to investigate shangri-la where richtofen  had accidentally teleported all those years ago   in search of answers from two past explorers  named brock and gary so i started with a simple   one something about two guys named brock and gary  looking for arthur they finished like dirt there   next thing i know i'm in this jungle and it's hot  and humid and the sky goes black like dark black   and look up there's an eclipse and these things  start chasing me like trust me i know how it   fighting them sounds long now i should be dead  in fact i'm pretty sure i have died but it just   keeps going these two are quite the oddity within  the storyline as not much is explained about them   at all they are both explorers with brock being  the more knowledgeable one he's become aware of   agartha or at least the tales of it and seeks  to prove its existence that's all we know about   them their travels led to shangri-la where  they were placed in an infinite temporal loop the heat and humidity is just excruciating   according to the locals the temple should  be in this mountain range just up this river   gary do you hear that a waterfall we  must be close hand me the binoculars   there is a structure up ahead if  this is truly a gateway to our gotha   my work will finally be validated ah brock  i don't think this place is abandoned   don't be silly this place has to be thousands  of years old i have found some unfinished   carvings around the structures i can't make  out they do not look like wait what is this what the hell was that why is the  sky dark it's an eclipse we must run what are those things zombies we have to find  another way zombies what are you talking about the   writings must have been right no don't touch that  damn take a look around and try to find a way out i got nothing we will have  to conserve our supplies   take your shoes off and hand me your socks i have been trapped in the temple structure for  days gary is dead and i don't see a way out of   here i can still hear the zombies outside i fear  this is my last recording as the battery is about   to die and i will soon follow one thing i can  be certain of is that love they would discover   the temple advance within it and die sometimes  they would make more progress but no matter what   they were stuck in a time loop even when they  made it all the way to the end of richthofen's   secret chamber and uncovered the focusing stone  they were traveled back to the moment they first   stepped foot on the location i am now entering  the antechamber i see some sort of altar and   there is a rock suspended above it this is  just wonderful an inscription rick tarr fenn the rock above the altar seems  to be suspended in thin air   i'm going to remove it now we've been in this  jungle for days and haven't seen any sign of this   hidden temple cannot give up it has  to be here i can't shake this feeling   like we're going in circles we should  get to higher ground and take a look the heat and humidity is just excruciating  according to the locals the temple should be   in this mountain range just up this river gary  do you hear that a waterfall we must be close   hand me the binoculars there is a structure up  ahead if this is truly a gateway to our gotha   my work will finally be validated sally the  reporter from the call of the dead future   travels to shangri-la and suffers the exact  fate as brock and gary she actually winds up   getting stuck with the two on their infinite time  loop setting up these traps pretty damn proud of   them if i do say so myself wait i hear something  can't help but think they hold some kind of key   clues we should investigate the step to pyramid  for some clues i think we should get the hell   out of here while we still have the chance  but we're so close to proving the existence   ugh finally sorry the only thing more annoying  than the undead are those two guys whoever they   are anyway i've been trying to get some bars on  myself for days and i'm having no luck i swear   if i die a few more times i may actually lose it  at least then i'll have those agents off my back   but continuing on character to arrive at  shangri-la we are finally back to our main   ultimus characters after obtaining  the frill device from call of the dead   they were teleported to shangri-la to obtain the  focusing stone considering they themselves didn't   have access to it they had to use brock and gary's  infinite time loop to their advantage they led   the two through the traps one by one until they  were capable of getting them to richtofen's altar   once the focusing stone was acquired richthofen  now had the two pieces he needed to swap bodies   with samantha and take control of the ether but  while in the process of teleporting to the moon   similar to the accident that occurred  at doris with the wunderwaffe   dempsey fires the shrink ray at an incoming  zombie which messes with the teleportation   shooting them in an undesired trajectory they  bounce off of the moon and accidentally wind up   in the pentagon itself and this is right in the  midst of dr layman unleashing the nova 6 gas   per samantha's influence she convinces a now  insane dr layman to release element 115 gas   through the facility they do not understand right  they don't see what you are trying to accomplish   but i will show them they want it weaponized  i will show them what weaponized does soon they will know dr layman i was told you might be down here i  dr layman what are you doing i am doing what i   have to do you all must understand that is the  facilities air filtration system if you release   the gas then you will all learn a hard lesson  in how disobeying her wishes has consequences damage where are the gas masks what have you done and i'm have to get her out of  my head goodbye dr schuster wait is this your doing samantha are you there we're truly doomed while dr shuster  was capable of getting a gas mask on   it is unknown whether he managed to survive as he  does not make another appearance in the timeline   after this event she also had yuri zavoysky  who entered the gersh device exit here as well   to unleash the undead test subjects and  this is where the events of classified   take place ultimus are forced to fight  their way through the pentagon during   its zombie outbreak the characters are capable  of surviving and actually find the teleporter   shuster established from here to groom lake  and they take it to almost safety samantha is   still hot on their trail however they uncover the  other teleporter that was attempted to be created   by shuster to travel to the moon directly  which they take but just as shuster feared   the unfinished teleportation technology sends  the characters to the moon but in the year 2025.   despite the jump into the future it is finally  the time where richtofen can enact his plan   through his efforts he opens the ether pyramid  and uses the vril device to transfer souls   with samantha richtofen takes control of the  ether and zombies while inside samantha's body   and samantha is now stuck in richtofen's old body  it is here when maxis decides to step in after   merging with the technology of griffin station  when he initially killed himself he has been   planning for a countermeasure against richthofen  in the event that he did get control he devised   a way to sever the link that he had with the  zombies and so manages to convince nikolai dempsey   and takio to help him unbeknownst to them this  plan effectively involved blowing up the world before we can continue with the timeline  there is obviously now a huge gap in history   ultimus teleported from 1963 to 2025 a period of  62 years so what developed within that time frame   firstly mere days if that after ultimus's ventures  through the pentagon jfk mcnamara castro and nixon   planned their meeting the events at the  pentagon with ultimus would be seen as a   cautionary occurrence admittedly the aesthetic  of the disaster during their trip is played up   for the gameplay and not as severe as it would  imply as robert mcnamara had already planned   the four got together to meet to discuss what to  do about samantha as well as real-life politics   for time and the world do not stand still change  is the law of life and those who look only to the   past or the present are certain to miss the  future i said are certain to miss the future   i miss that prime minister castro this missile  crisis was the last straw we almost blew ourselves   up now we invited you here today good faith in  good faith to sort this thing out and why is he   here he lost as i always say forgive  your enemies but remember their names   now gentlemen as i like to think from the  long history of the world that there are   only a few generations sounds like someone  breaking in just a storm dick sit down oh my god it appears the pentagon has been  breached zombies gentlemen at times like   these our capacity to retaliate must be and has  to be massive to deter all forms of aggression gentlemen last words mr president yes jack any  superlative words of inspiration for   our humble troops do not pray for easy  lives my friends pray to be stronger men considering their hand in being just like group  935 samantha launched yet another attack on the   four this time samantha had yuri play a direct  hand in terrorizing the pentagon and he would be   nicknamed the pentagon thief much of the storyline  that happens here actually isn't too relevant   in this timeline the four survive and go on to do  what they did in real life but most importantly   capture yuri and detain him to be questioned  considering his connection to the whole zombie   outbreak he is sent to camp edward for it is their  element 115 research facility but in the meantime   before we get to that purnell had been doing  some experimenting himself particularly with the   elemental shard the last time we saw the elemental  shard was when richtofen bound his and the rest of   ultimus's soul to it and it was later taken away  from him when he was transferred back to darice   it was taken to the division 9 facility where they  could study it but after the downfall of group 935   the americans obtained it and put it into storage  purnell secretly took it out of storage and had   been using it particularly a new character dr  hale was the one in charge of the shard she   has a particular romantic fondness and love for  pernell she used the elemental shard to power   adam units they were all-purpose robots who  served more or less capable of any general task   but due to the shard being powered by souls  when the adam units were powered by the shard   they too felt like they became alive and she  wanted to further experiment with this but   purnell decided to take over this hypothesis for  himself the electrical output is unlike anything   we've seen before director pernell come now dr  hale this is element 115 we're talking about here   we know what it's capable of that's what i  thought too but the elemental shard it's different   the levels of concentrated energy it contains well  simply put our team has been unable to measure it   it's unlike any element 115 sample we've studied  before whenever we drain energy from it that that   energy is replaced as if it's recharging itself  this ability i think it's what maxis was looking   for all those years ago i think it's the genesis  code that's unlikely doctor i know how it sounds   but look at the adams when we charged  them with regular element 115 it gave   them power but when they were charged  by the shard they feel and act different   they feel alive dr maxis spent years reanimating  the dead hell the germans made that group 935   primary purpose during the war but according to  his own research that was the ceiling reanimation   he could restore the body but not the mind  or soul i know but he didn't have the shard   if you'll let me run some tests i believe i  don't think lab rats are gonna cut it here   i may have a candidate you can use i'll let you  know when he's been delivered if what hale had   said was true then he had his own test subject he  wanted to bring back to life he had paxton ridge   the only survivor from dempsey's extraction team  venture to the rising sun facility and retrieve   peter mccain's body it was here they tried to  use the shard to revive him this is broken arrow   operations director purnell accompanied by dr hale  the date is june 1st 1964. it's approximately 1am   we're about to begin test number 22. dr hale you  may proceed when ready confirming conduits have   been linked with the shard output set to 5000  volts duration set for 10 seconds beginning now damn i'm sorry dr hale i thought we had him director i don't believe it  incredible assessing vitals   first glance everything looks good  i'll need some time to run a few tests   but i think i think we've done it oh take all  the time you need dr hale if we've done it   i mean if we've truly restored life to the  deceased we'd better be damned sure we're   right let's keep him quarantined for now begin  your test when ready we need to make sure he is   well who he was what was his name director peter  his name was peter mccain i'll send you his file and doctor yes sir not a word of this to anyone  outside the company not the cia not the dod   broken arrow eyes only of course sir peter mccain was successfully brought back to  life while he initially had side effects such   as visions of apothecons they quickly faded  out the department of defense also wanted to   use the elemental shard for different broken arrow  experiments elsewhere and so confiscated it from   purnell though not wanting to part with the item  he instead broke the shard into two halves keeping   one for himself thinking the dod was turning  against him he had peter mccain swear a loyalty   to him and broken arrow over the u.s dr hale  says you're making big improvements every day now   yes sir you might say i'm beginning to feel like  the old me absolutely remarkable how far you've   come these last few months can't be understated  how's the memory loss still a struggle sir   if i close my eyes i can see it clearly for  a moment the reece asylum the plane jump   but then it's gone and the nightmares the  nightmare sir dr hale mentioned something about   strange dreams giant monsters medieval  france not in weeks sir those have subsided   outstanding news so what's next peter what  are your plans once your recovery is completed   sir well dr hale mentioned your interest in  staying on at broken arrow broken arrow brought me   back from beyond the veil sir i can think of  no greater honor than repaying the organization   for what they've done believe me peter the honor  would be all ours these are strange times i need   good men like you in my circle dod's claws are  deep into our organization 2d i've not confirmed   it but i suspect they planted spies in our ranks  last month out of the blue they forced me to give   up the elemental shard as if they knew what we  were up to i'm sorry to hear that sir oh that's   all right dod don't know it but i managed to break  the shard in two kept half so we can continue our   work we need to stay on our toes i need people i  can trust you're welcome to join the organization   but it'll mean swearing loyalty to broken arrow  before the united states company over country   i need to know that's something you can do  i can do that sir as we established earlier   purnell had become corrupted by the dark ether by  frequently being in the presence of element 115.   he began to hear the voices of corruption and  he was influenced to try and find a way to   the ether there must be a way there's got to be a  way the voices in my head it's been years now they   they won't leave me alone the only way  to temper them is is liquid courage at night it's worse it's lonely here it's  just so quiet in the middle of the desert i   i hear them seeping through  the dry cracks of dead dirt they want me to find the way through  the gateway i found a schematic in dr   richthofen's journey he he made a plan of a  back-up plan to build a device a fast lane we   tried to build it but we didn't have the necessary  components they well they just don't exist the last several months i've  had this reoccurring dream   in it i'm able to merge with the ether  the spirits they say it's the only way   i need to investigate this further the device  purnell refers to is the mpd apparently richtofen   had formed schematics on a method to build one  of his own instead of having to take the one   away from samantha though obviously he never  got around to building it as he didn't need to   the americans did though they crafted the  apd or the american pyramid device by all   stretches of the imagination it functions  nearly identically to the moon pyramid   even in the way it requires souls to charge though  the one thing it never seemed capable of was being   able to tap into the ether itself i'll admit  i've had my concerns cornelius but if what you   say is true mk alpha could transform interrogation  practices not just transform sawyer revolutionized   using the apd to harness the power of element  115 we'll be able to interrogate subjects from   within their own subconscious we can access their  thoughts manipulate their emotions rewrite their   memories we can procure any confession brigadier  general what i'm offering you is mind control on a   level mk ultra could never dream of accomplishing  so what's the holdup what am i missing providing   power to the apd is proving well difficult the  design is based on group 935's analysis of the mpd   which means its source of power is if you're about  to suggest what i think you are the answer is no   it was the only way rick hoffman's men were able  to charge the main pyramid device i am not and   i repeat not letting you kill soldiers to harvest  their souls we prefer the term life force actually   call it whatever the hell you want we're not group  935 we're not killing people to power your pyramid   find another way for now or i'm shutting  this down fortunately for purnell he didn't   actually need soldiers and live subjects  to charge the apd similar to how schuster   accidentally killed a rat next to the mpd an 80  am unit broke down near the pyramid and thanks   to the elemental shard having been powering  it its quote-unquote soul went into the apd   you had something for me dr hale yes director  weiss bring me another one this morning there   was an incident with an adam it short-circuited  and broke down we're not quite sure how or why but   i think what happened next will have  your attention here you are dr hale   hello how may i be of service the adam died right  next to one of the life force fuel canisters   and and twice yes ma'am malfunction  malfunction power failure watch what happens remarkable dr hale i i'm not sure how this is  possible but you may have just saved this project   as pernell had expected by charging the apd  they could access the thoughts of those put   in it manipulate their emotions and mind  control them it was the perfect device to   be used as an interrogation instrument and this  is where yuri zavoysky comes back into play   after being detained at the pentagon and sent to  camp edward he is interrogated by purnell where   he attempts to extract information about samantha  and agartha i swear i tell you what i know we've   only scratched the surface the night of november  6 1963 you gained access to the pentagon how   i do not know i just appear i do what she's  saying i just appear who is she the girl   the little girl she was in my head in  yuri head for so long slayer that ma   why did she send you who was she  targeting i i did not know you lied tell me who she was targeting  people people who tried to stop her   she sent me to stop them i obey try to stop them  i take weapons get out of my head i can feel you   look huggy not until we're finished did she tell  you about her next attack next attack what is her   next attack what's she planning she she said  many many things about past present future   she see all time is same that is how  she travels she show me what is it what if she showed you hillary she showed me moon  and she showed me this place secret government   facility is she planning to attack here not  for a long time 50 maybe 60 years there will be   big boom then she attack don't play games with  me i never play games i tell you what she tell me she tell me you will be there too for now i feel  my name terminate the session end it now what else   did she show you yuri what else have you seen i  seen different worlds universes past and future   these things are meaningless because all paths  will be taken different worlds you think this   place is only place this is one of many and in  each four men attacked what do you mean four men   four men split in two beginning and end  first and last alpha and omega primus   what the hell is he talking about who are they  yuri their names yuri what are their names they are trapped i see them for years  they are trapped in the endless cycle   no matter how they try to break it there is no  escaping psycho always beginning it is the ether   once it was above all worlds but then it  corrupted one and like virus is corruption spread two angels they come to me in  dream it must be code for something   yuri what are the two angels they come from  place above existence agartha yuri this is   very important how do you get to agartha why  do you hear the voices too answer the question it is not for you it is not for anything of us  answer the question director we should halt the   interrogation his levels are fluctuating rapidly  we're done when i say we're done tell me how to   get there yuri i do not know and even if i did i  would not tell you you sure have been marked by it   you are cursed i hear it in your  thoughts i can feel it it's corruptions i can do this all day gary tell me what i  want to know get out of my head the confluence   girls the children how do we get there you do not possess power to extend its embrace   even if you find way to ascend you  will not comprehend what you saw it would destroy you dr hale report one moment director he's gone sir yuri is killed and pernell then begins shifting  his attention on trying to ascend himself to   agartha he has hale use the apd to experiment  on him with the elemental shard this is dr hale   conducting pernell test number one the date is  august 3rd 1967. the director has secured himself   inside the apd and we are ready to begin the  transfer when i flip this switch an electrical   current will be pulled from the elemental  shard and will flood the apd are you ready   director yes dr hale cornelius are you sure  about this more than anything commencing test director director director what are you all right better  than all right my dear run it again   peter mccain catches wind of his experiments  and fears exposure to element 115 has gotten   to purnell which was correct he sends a report  to the dod to take appropriate action this is   peter mccain deputy director at camp edward  february 4th 1968 personal log last week   officer weiss spoke with me about an incident  he witnessed on january 26th at 0 300   weiss witnessed an unauthorized access of the  apd weiss claimed it was being used by dr hale   and director purnell he believes these  experiments have been running for some   time now which lines up with the numerous  complaints i've received about purnell's   erratic behavior one week later on february  2nd i witnessed firsthand what weiss reported   i don't know what the purpose of this experiment  is it's certainly not authorized by either broken   arrow or the defense department now i can't say  i'm surprised dr hale is so willingly assisting   the director her affection for him is well known  around the base i also can't say i'm surprised   purnell would take advantage of her affection my  old friend has changed in recent years i suspect   his exposure to element 115 is the reason for  his newfound confidence i've decided to inform   brigadier general sawyer the department of defense  will decide his fate purnell found out about his   report and subsequently detained mccain in a  cell what what happened where am i cornelius   four years ago i asked you to swear no an  oath to the company company over country   at that time you pledged loyalty i guess we  have different definitions of the word loyal   this this is one of our solitary cells how how  did i get here put some knockout juice in your tea   passed out like a baby had my men throw you  down here you see they're still loyal to me   especially once i informed the staff that you've  been experiencing delusions due to 115 exposure   you're a threat to yourself and all those around  you no no no no no that's not true you know that's   not true and to think after all i've done for  you i carried the guilt of your death for years   i've carried it for so long i was determined to  find a way to bring you back i find a way bring   you back from the great beyond and this is how you  repay me cornelius you're not well you need help   you're suffering from aggressive 115 exposure  you're not seen clearly oh on the contrary   i see clear now than i ever have i walk  through the land of the blind with one eye open   and what do you do you go and file a report where  the department of defense that director cornelius   cornell is unstable and a threat to national  security can't have you interfering with my plans   peter you can't stop it purnell sawyer will come  he'll bring his men he'll see what you've become   of course he will but it won't  matter by then it'll be too late   with mccain detained purnell and dr hale continued  their experiments inside the apd purnell's entire   being would be altered his human body was changed  into that of pure energy while this was happening   major sawyer and his men arrived to arrest purnell  thanks to the report from peter mccain this is dr   hale conducting elemental shard test number 54.  the date is march 15th 1968. initiating test now earth is going on where is director pernell he's inside the  apd dr hale i need you to step away from   the control panel private yes sir no wait you  can't stop the test we're right in the middle   doctor director purnell has betrayed his  country and is considered an enemy of the state   he's coming with us right now  private you may proceed wait no what the hell the whole facility just lost power what what have you done to me everybody  stand back what the hell is that thing   director purnell cornelius director pernell  is no more and all of you are unwelcome   sir we have a containment breach nova 6  gas is leaking throughout the facility   everybody move get the hell out of here the  gas is the least of your concerns open fire private get on the horn we need as the radio implies purnell now the avogadro  killed everyone peter mccain who was imprisoned   also dies but thanks to the oddity  in which his life was brought back   his soul would remain floating around the area  as for the avogadro there's a slight unanswered   mystery about what happens to him after these  events he is back inside of the apd as it now   functions as a sort of detainment it is possible  that sawyer and his men were able to force him   back inside before they were killed or perhaps  purnell decided to go inside of his own volition   after this event the us managed to piece together  what happened what the avogadro was what it was   potentially capable of and they placed a nuke  near the facility as a fail-safe if the avogadro   got out and for now they abandoned the facility  hoping to keep what happened here a secret moving   in the timeline there is also what developed with  the ascension facility shortly after ultimus's   endeavors there harvey yina had to pick up the  pieces from their loss he intended on carrying   out the plan they had initially formed when  obtaining the apothecon blood and that was   delivering it to pablo marinus at the siberian  facility so he could craft the agarthin device conrad that is enough now as it stands we must  account for the facts two days ago one of our   research facilities was attacked all personnel  are dead with the exception of dr gersch and dr   zavoysky who are both still missing what about  foreign troops we do not know they have not been   recovered now i know what dr gersh and his work  meant to this organization however all is not lost   we must remember that all is not lost we have no  leader who is going to lead us now you an american i'd remind you to think before you speak  conrad i am one of the founding members of this   organization and you are someone who has forgotten  their place in it i am not saying i should lead it   likely i would rather not i would leave it to  the committee to find a suitable replacement   however with americans broken arrow grows  stronger by the day and we must act quickly   if we are to stay ahead of them what is it  you are proposing some of you may remember   four years ago a contact at an abandoned  group 935 facility reached out to us he   promised to construct the agarthin device for us  provided we brought him the blood of the beast   we never brought him the blood instead  we used it to fulfill our own needs   i propose i take a small crew and deliver the  blood as promised to our ally in siberia with   the agarthan device and soviet hands we  will not only end this cold war overnight   we will bring humanity together create  a better world they boarded a ship and   began the transfer of the blood however  as was observed during the experiments   the blood was getting angry the apothecan  blood broke out of containment and attacked   the whole crew killing everyone on board this is  dr harvey yinga it's the first of january 1964. happy new year we are 15 minutes out from  the abandoned group 935 siberian facility   where i will deliver the blood as promised for  the creation of the agarthin device after i have   secured it i've arranged for rendezvous with my  handler who will take me back to american soil   uh it's been nearly 20 years i can hardly remember  my former life after group 935 disbanded i had   a choice come home or turn to the soviets and  bury myself in the heart of their organization   i chose the latter when again would  america get such an opportunity here   there was a moment back in 45 right  after mccain was discovered where   i thought dr richtofen had  discovered the truth that i was a spy he was right of course but it turned out dr  richtofen had his own problems with group 935 it's time to go back home darn  it if i'm not excited to eat a   hot apple pie and catch a game of baseball sir he's blocking containment what on  earth is going on it broke containment   it started attacking the guards following we need to move the ship would make its way to the siberian  facility but unfortunately no one was there   to deliver nor claim the blood meanwhile with the  other divisions of broken arrow for this story we   follow a new agent of the company named russman  he worked for broken arrow we can only imagine   about as long as they were formed upwards of 40  years we are going to be moving forward in time   quite a bit while we've been largely talking in  the time period of the late 60s russman's story   begins around 2025 broken arrow has still been  advancing within this time building new facilities   to prepare for samantha's attacks there was  one in china as well as hanford washington   one task rusman was sent on was to camp edward  knowing of the avogadro's creation being that   of pure energy broken arrow thought  that they could potentially harness it   use it as an infinite power source so he alongside  another employee named george barkley were sent to   camp edward to transfer a piece of the avogadro  to the hanford site the mission was fairly easy   as they encountered little to no hurdles this  is case officer barkley it's july 6th 2025.   myself and project manager russman have returned  to camp edward and god hell you doing get your   ass up here we got ground to cover i'm  sorry sir i just get a bit nervous what   the nova six gas put that fear in your  back pocket once the incident in 68 was   contained they powered down the site as long as  we don't flip the master switch we should be fine   it's not the gas sir it's the robots oh come  on now barclay robots ain't gonna harm anybody   from what i've been told as long as we're on site  they remain perfectly still don't move an inch but   moment we leave bang it's like a robot atropolis  over here and they won't interfere with us long as   we mind our business we'll be fine stop staring  at him properly nobody likes to be stared at   what about the entity the entity oh well that  thing should be coiled up nice and cozy what's the   sensor reading barclay he's still in there sensors  say the entity is still secure of course it is   ain't nothing breaking out of that tin can  not sure how they managed to get it back in   but we're lucky they did they're  not worried it might escape   worried [ __ ] they were damn terrified of  the thought didn't you see the nuke they   rigged up out there what you better believe they  installed they measure that thing would escape but that could happen right now  come on bobby don't be stupid   that thing ain't busting out unless  someone's stupid enough to open the damn door   all right i'm gonna give it a kick you  ready you're clear facility transport   via pyramid device is now available all  right let's just grab a little juice what that's it [ __ ] we're not sending the  entity to hanford just grabbing a sample   what does hanford want with it they've been  interested in the entity for some time now   wanted to pursue further scientific endeavors  with it whatever that means well i know i'll be   up here once we get out of here hey i don't  suppose you've seen an elemental shot lying   around anywhere have you an elemental what now  a loud piece of rock that looks like glass gives   you a headache when you look at it no i haven't  seen anything like that no sir why do you ask   probably nothing i always wondered  if poinel kept a piece for himself   anywho what's this i hear about you leaving us  with a cdc you heard right i'll be out at the   end of the month for a new opening well we got a  long drive back can't wait to hear all about it if you remember earlier the dod had confiscated  the elemental shard at least half of it from   pernell so research could be conducted elsewhere  scientists within broken arrow began using the   shard on animals to try and create biological  weapons bios as they were referred to rosman   was witness to the oversight of much of  the projects including the bios's creation   he was very hesitant and cautious about its  purpose which proved correct it didn't take long   into the bios's testing that they became rampant  and attacked the facility he was at everything   was inevitably overrun and the facility had to be  powered down and abandoned russman was the only   survivor another incredibly crucial detail about  russman is that considering he's been involved   with element 115 for so long he's suffered much  of the side effects fortunately for him he's   never heard the voices of corruption but instead  he suffered from severe memory loss he inevitably   became so forgetful he couldn't remember his own  name mere flashes of his past every now and then   and we finally catch back up with the main story  in 2025 the earth is nuked thanks to maxis and   the ultimus characters this not so surprisingly  wiped out a large population of the world and   subsequently turned them to the undead humanity  that which remained was thrown into disarray   and on top of that there was a current battle  struggle for power max's plan a of blowing up the   world and cutting richthofen off from the ether  didn't work and so he turned to his plan b simply   overpowering richtofen if he could open a gateway  to agartha he could in turn find richthofen's   soul and throw him out he intended on opening a  portal by activating three polarization devices   when all active the energy created would be  so massive it would open a gateway to agartha what has occurred cannot be undone however i  realized the calculations were made in haste   and could potentially threaten the entire globe   that was not the intent i considered a possible  plan b should this occur but this plan would   consist of creating global polarization devices  that would it appears i have difficulty speaking similarly richtofen's plan involved doing the  same thing but in favor of him if the pylons   were activated in his favor then his connection  to the ether would be enhanced making him nigh   unstoppable giving him absolute power considering  both of them are spirits technically speaking   they both had to try and convince others to do  it for them maxis's was much easier considering   he had the ability to merge with electricity  he could reach out to anyone listening he   did get his own group of followers to  attempt to activate the pylons for him   hello hello are you there we have  activated the spire as you instructed   but the shamblers are swarming our location  and we can't hold out against their superior   numbers from on without aid hello please come  in it is vital that you instruct us on that while maxis had accrued his own small  group willing to try and help him   they were either killed or completely abandoned   his pleas altogether as they felt  he was using and lying to them you can manipulate everybody into  doing what you want we know the truth calculating works in your so yeah you keep talking but now i'm gonna  hear you because you're destroying me   everything electronics start  with evil radio box thing richtofen on the other hand had a much trickier  time finding people to talk to as he could only   communicate with zombies and they weren't very  practical fortunately for him a freaky coincidence   occurred a group of survivors turned to eating  zombie flesh to survive in this apocalyptic world   this group was known as the flesh  those who ate the flesh of zombies   became connected to the ether and  could then hear richtofen's voice he   would largely use his influence to get these  individuals to kill those who were helping course i have this maxis  nothing else no i won't do that   how do i know you're not lying you can be  making all that out sure that only makes sense really but they're my friends   yes of course i see now i'll do it i'll  do it for you for you and the flesh but   in a turf war kind of scenario both sides fought  with nearly everyone being killed by each other or hello zombies this is jackass flats calling any  human community within broadcasting distance we're   located at standard map coordinates 37 degrees 0  7 north 116 degrees 03 west this is a warning to   anyone contacted by a group of mysterious voices  several of our party began to hear the voices   and their competing instructions and incompatible  demands drove a wedge down the center of the camp   half of the camp is carrying out the demands  of only three electronics this voice is a   big long and its ultimate goal is unclear the  other voice cannot be heard by humans who have not   been on the law madness this way lies neither  of these instruction sets will understand those   of us who have not chosen a side have been hunted  by both sides seeking to force us to assist them as for broken arrow once the nukes hit and the  zombie apocalypse began the company effectively   went under they destroyed any and all records  of theirs that could possibly implicate them for   having been responsible for any potential outbreak  ten years pass after the world was nuked and we   are finally introduced to our new main characters  marlton johnson is a nerd seems like the most   accurate description we actually know very little  about him but he is incredibly intelligent when it   comes to space time and computers his story begins  before the world was destroyed browsing various   military conspiracy theories online he came across  one on camp edward and their ada m units how these   all-purpose robots began to express emotion and  were being used as soldiers he believed this to be   true and so ventured to the abandoned facility to  investigate himself what he found was a well-kept   landscape despite not having been active for over  60 years it was like nothing ever happened and   this was thanks to the adam units keeping to their  duties the entire time they're not supposed to   move around when humans are looking and so keep  still like mannequins my reason for being here   should come as no surprise the adam initiative  project toy soldier i am aware of the advanced   robotics program happening at this facility i had  to come see for myself if the rumors were true   this is a secret the government shall not keep  from us i don't care if it's been 60 years oh   you mean to say you're not familiar with the  adam initiative the home service robot meant to   cater to its owner's every need it was supposed to  revolutionize the world except there was a problem   according to various internet forums i subscribed  to the robots began experiencing emotions   this became exponentially more problematic  when project toy soldier was started   they turned their robots into killer soldiers  but the robots did not wish to die that was only   the start of where it all went wrong there are  two theories over why the project was abandoned   theory number one the facility's computer system  went haywire and took control of the adams makes   sense but there's little evidence to support it  theory number two an incident occurred that led to   the creation of an artificial entity this entity  took control of the facility turning the adams   against the facility's occupants i don't think i  buy theory number two i've read my science fiction   and an ai gun rogue seems much more plausible  regardless after the facility was shut down the   robotics programs were discontinued i maintain  what i've always said the robots at this facility   are still alive how else do you explain this  place we are in the middle of the desert yet   this facility still has power the grass is green  and the buildings are well maintained who do you   think is taking care of this place there hasn't  been a human here in decades those robots the   ones that stand so perfectly still they're the  caretakers and now i fear we've angered them   while investigating being at the right place at  the right time the sirens for a nuke went off   and so he locked himself in the bunker he did put  out a distress signal which was investigated by   the cdc and the fbi however they were attacked by  zombies and died when he reemerged from the bunker   the world was in shambles like many he was forced  to wander the earth where he wound up meeting   abigail misty breyerton she is a simple farm  girl that's pretty much all there is to it her   mother died sometime in her past and her father  was killed by the zombies during the apocalypse   she met marlton and began traveling with him as  they both took a slight fancying to each other   then there is samuel j stuhlinger he has a history  he prefer no one knew about and that's the fact   that he used to be a member of the flesh he  partook in the cannibalism of zombie meat and he   too gained the rare ability to hear the voice of  richtofen through the ether and finally there was   russman himself after the downfall of earth and  broken arrow he was forced to wander but thanks   to the years of element 115 exposure his mind was  gone he could still talk react and move about his   life as he was more than capable enough to survive  on his own but memories would slip his mind   on their journey both stulenger and russman met  each other and banded together they stole a bus   and began wandering as a team all four of these  characters paths would cross in a small town   near hanford this group would go on to be known as  victus it is here where the events of transit take   place banded together for the first time the four  characters are reached out to by maxis to activate   the polarization devices so he can quote unquote  save the world he obviously puts on the front of a   friendly ally despite his more devious intentions  but while reached out to by maxis richthofen also   reaches out to the only one he can stullinger he  tries to get him to convince the other three to   activate the polarization devices in his favor  a specially difficult task as a voice inside   his head doesn't make him appear as the most  sane of individuals in the end the characters   follow the only direction they seem to have and  activate the polarization devices in maxis's favor   despite not doing what he wanted richthofen  still hopes that they may still decide to help   his cause and so uses the power of the dark ether  to teleport them to china at dye rise it's an old   broken arrow facility long since abandoned and in  disarray after the zombie apocalypse nevertheless   it's where the second polarization device  lies i don't understand why are you doing this   why me travel where don't you get it  there's nothing left oh how did you   what what do you mean man the rift well  maybe i don't wanna huh did you think of that   oh you can't tell them about the flesh what  i did they'd kill me if they knew oh [ __ ] if you're gonna talk to your imaginary friend stu   you might want to wait till  you're in a z-free zone get over here now come on come on what do we do now we arm up find a  good place to defend kick ass that's it i don't understand what are you talking  about stewinger misty made it pretty clear   except for hate beginners we're  going down we're going down fighting we've been here before the reason the  characters are respawning is thanks to richtofen   it's one of the only times the dark ether has  shown the ability to fully re-animate the dead to   their original state and pretty much the only time  in the entire timeline anything like this is done   so take it with a grain of salt regardless  richtofen cannot allow them to fail   they are the only ones who can activate the  polarization devices for him so he will reset them   as many times as it takes to get it right however  similarly to what the characters did in hanford   they activate the pylon in maxis's favor  the next location the four are sent to is   africa the final pylon is located at purgatory  point the old mining town that first discovered   115 and was teleported underground enough  walking for today we set up camp here in case you boneheads have forgotten the world  is broken very broken the dead walk the earth   and what remains of civilization is at the mercy  of forces we barely understand what makes you   think we're gonna find something different  at this new place i don't know that we will   but at least we'll be sure uh sure of what  exactly i don't know his memory's going again   your name is russman russ mann that my first  or last name we don't know you're just russman   anyway you're a former operative from broken  arrow you've been walking the earth since   the uh um incident yeah i think i remember the  town that's right that's where you found us when we met you already had your lap dog in tow  what do you mean lap dog huh i'm the only one who   knows what to do don't talk stupid stew all you  know is whatever the german tells you to think   i don't think you're in any  position to ridicule mr stuhlinger   particularly given your own proclivities  you better watch your mouth before you   say something you regret boy enough  we need to remember why we're here we've all been jumping through hoops  for reasons we don't fully understand   fully understand all right for  reasons we don't understand it all   point is we do it we keep moving we keep  fighting it's what we do day in day out if you really need a reason why we do this i'll  give you one we do it because doing something   anything is better than doing nothing the rift is less than one day's travel we  move it down what if we don't find answers   then we'll just have to ask more questions similar  to the last two ventures before it richthofen   and maxis attempt to convince victus to side with  them thanks to the likes of a mysterious man named   arthur who's been trapped here victis do as they  done prior activate the pylon in favor of maxis   he gains control of the ether and finally  reveals his true sinister intentions the process has begun now i controlled the  ethos energy i can at last reach agatha ah you fools why did you listen to him   regretfully i must inform you that neither  the earth nor its people will survive ah i tried the heart of on you oh god   once the gateway is open i will finally  be reunited with my dearest samantha hello are you forgetting something even if  you're rich wretched daughter is still alive   she has my body if you are so eager to re-enter  the physical world richtofen i will grant you   that fish several things were done here first and  most importantly to him was the safety of samantha   after the events of moon her soul had been stuck  inside richtofen's body and so maxis took her soul   and sent it to agartha as punishment for richtofen  he took his soul out of samantha's body and stuck   it inside of a zombie this would go on to be  known as zombie richtofen or undead richtofen   from here maxis would proceed to destroy earth and  all of its inhabitants as weird as it may sound   this was not the death of our main characters  victus ultimus and zombie richtofen would all live   explaining them now wouldn't make much sense the  only one we can understand for now is ultimus   after samantha's soul was taken out of richtofen's  body dempsey takio and nikolai were left on the   moon with a comatose-like corpse they took  the body and used the teleporter on the moon   where they were yet again sent through time  they went from 2035 to 1963. they arrived   at groom lake the nevada base of the united  states when dr shuster was performing his own   teleportation tests log entry 97 august 3rd 1963  the mata transference device has been realigned   again in order to accommodate  additional temporal variables   this is test number eleven human subject five  one private hastings if the transparent specs are   correct private hastings will arrive at griffin  station on august third nineteen sixty three   if he arrives at this date a communication link  will be successfully established and we will have   confirmed that the teleporters temporal anomalies  have been compensated for are you ready private   hastings yes sir i can't understand a word of  what he's saying in that ridiculous spacesuit   a simple thumbs up will suffice private  hastings good initiate the transference matrix moment of truth dr richard did it  work do we have a stable connection no sir nothing we've lost him that's the fifth man we've lost this  base is rapidly running out of privates   now i suppose they're all just dancing around  on the moon somewhere in the far future having   a grand old time wait wait what what's  happening richard what did you do nothing   sir something's coming through hit the alarm  get me panel we need soldiers here immediately who the hell are you where did you go wait no  no no no it's not possible from here purnell   who had yet to establish broken arrow and wasn't  yet the avogadro figured that they would make   for good test subjects to be further studied this  is cornelius purnell report 639 august 3rd 1963. earlier today while dr schuster was performing  test number 11 we had an unexpected arrival   through the teleporter we've been unable to  verify what year they came from our struggle   with temporal anomalies during teleportation  is well documented but we are certain of   where they came from the moon this event alone  is baffling enough and is without explanation but   it becomes downright absurd when you take into  account that i know two of the four individuals   corporal tank dempsey of the united states marine  corps who i knew personally and was declared kia   after a failed rescue op to recover peter  mccain and dr edward richthofen from group 935   who went missing weeks after we formalized  the agreement to initiate operation stapler   i didn't recognize the other two but they  and corporal dempsey were in a delusional   near catatonic state medical evaluation  shows they've suffered from excessive   element 115 exposure and quoting our medic  i'm not even sure how they're still alive   as for dr richthofen initially we believed him  doa upon closer examination we discovered his body   is very much alive just zero brain activity how  it came to be that these four men were on the moon   we may never know however for the immediate  future we'll be keeping them here at groom lake   they are ideal candidates for additional 115  testing the four are held in custody at hangar   four a slight distance away from the groom lake  teleporter in fact when they themselves arrived   after their visit from the pentagon their future  versions were already held captive but for now   this is where ultimates are while the world in  2035 is destroyed they continue to live in 1963   with a currently soulless richtofen body from  here the timeline ends and a new one is formed   for this we follow the perspective of samantha  while she has largely served as an antagonist of   the ultimus characters at the end of the day she  was just a little lost girl she didn't want to   control the ether she didn't want ultimate  power what she wanted was for life to be   normal a father a childhood normalcy after maxis  placed her soul within agartha she recognized how   he became corrupted and evil she wanted to get out  of agartha and she needed help whilst in agartha   a rift to a new dimension had opened up and she  reached out to this universe's characters for help   we finally reached dimension 63 the timeline and  characters that we've met so far all still exist   in their own universe but being a different  dimension this one veers off in its own unique   path with pretty much the exact same characters  it is also where the timeline gets quite confusing   this timeline spurs on a whole series of paradoxes  events which could not possibly exist nor make   sense but i'm going to try my best to help you  understand as setup there are three maps which   pertain directly to this dimension origins mob of  the dead and shadows of evil the former two hold   their own little niche but origins is very very  important in the original timeline element 115 was   discovered thanks to apothicon sending meteors to  a whole bunch of different dimensions and it was   simply found but in dimension 63 history is very  much important if you recall from the beginning of   the entire timeline the apothecans on their second  escape from the dark ether attacked humanity   the humans banded together and fought off the  apothicons thanks to four heroes it was the   event known as the great war that happened in this  universe because of that event massive deposits of   115 reside in what is now northern france group  935 was similarly formed to research this element   and maxis and richthofen joined the organization  unlike the original timeline in this universe   richthofen greatly respects maxis and even views  him as a sort of father figure researchers within   group 935 were able to uncover remnants of the  great war and statues of the four heroes from it   during the war the four heroes wielded elemental  stabs and the researchers find documents written   about them in these catacombs maxis then intends  on recreating these stabs and having richtofen   head its development the ancient texts describe  an artifact known to them as the amplification   rod it is my firm belief this item is instrumental  to harnessing the energy of the elemental stones   unfortunately neither the rod nor the stones  have been recovered from any of our dig sites   i feel we must push forward regardless as such  i have drawn up plans to create replica rods   based on the descriptions from the main chamber  i will instruct richtofen to begin fabrication   immediately continued research of element 115  creates localized energy fields which leads   maxis to believe in the concept of gateways across  space and time researching element 115 continues   to yield unforeseen results the conversion  process creates localized energy fields   which appear to function as portals bringing  forth objects of indeterminate origin it is my   hypothesis however outlandish that this transfer  of matter may actually be occurring through space   and time i believe the answer may lay with the  broken rune stones located at the mount perhaps   channeling sufficient energy from the  conversion generators to their location   may prove fruitful his hypothesis would  prove correct as samantha begins reaching   out to him from agartha for help the child's  voice calls to me more frequently than ever   at first she spoke only of her imprisonment  in a mythical realm known as agartha   now she claims to be my daughter even  though i know no such child exists   i fear my sanity may be slipping away from me  over time the researchers working at the dig   site would suffer from element 115 exposure group  935 also invent three giant mechanical robots to   help them in the war named freya odin and thor  and maxis slowly becomes obsessed with the voice   of samantha who's frequently talking to him and  comes to believe her to be the key to everything   the large deposits of element 115 slowly take  over the camp the knights who fought back in the   great war are resurrected and maxis becomes near  catatonic thanks to his frequent exposure to it   richtofen who's been cautiously observing maxis's  erratic behavior over the past year fears what the   element has done to him and everyone seeing the  undead come back to life he takes drastic measures   and preserves maxis's brain at the same time of  this outbreak there was still a world war going on   hence why the research into 115 was taking place  in the first place because of that nations from   all around the globe sent spies to france to  observe group 935's progress these include the   likes of tank dempsey from the united states  nikolai belinsky of the soviet union and takio   masaki from japan unlike the ultimus characters  these ones are never experimented on meaning their   personalities and character are much more flushed  out and not designated to acting via a stereotype   the three are present during the zombie outbreak  and all converge on richtofen's location   i would play the scene but there is copyrighted  music seeing the undead horde as a common enemy   the four team up for the sake of survival  this group would go on to be known as premise   samantha then reaches out to this universe's  version of these characters and asks for   their help in setting her free on a slight side  note samantha for a period of time is going to   begin speaking with an american accent there is  no reason for this canonically within the story   the change spurred on from the concept of this map  delivering us a new beginning and part of that new   beginning was changing samantha the vision for  how the narrative would play out was not fully   realized at the time and thus samantha would for  a brief period in history have an american accent   she would later revert back to german this does  not affect her story or differentiate arcs within   her character in any way it winds up being an  audible inconsistency regardless premise choose to   heed her pleas of freedom they decipher and follow  the steps written down by the ancients and open   a gateway to agartha during their ventures they  had also transferred maxis's brain into a drone   which they sent through the portal maxis's brain  arrived at the house and was greeted by dr monty   despite maxis's lack of a soul monty provided him  with a new body to put the brain in similarly dr   monty also retrieved samantha and brought her to  the house he cleansed her of the dark aether's   influence and she became an innocent soul once  more from here maxis would indulge his curiosities   being a man of science and exploration he uses a  teleporter within the house to explore different   dimensions one of which is called empty earth in  this new dimension a different version of maxis   had been collecting and or recreating artifacts  from all different timelines it had been tampered   with so much that the world itself became unstable  and was literally falling apart at the seams   the other maxis had constructed something he had  labeled zerobase to house all of these artifacts   amongst them was the chronorium a book which  chronicled the entire history past present   and future pertaining to the individual reading it  across all reality that universe's maxis placed it   under heavy security and made it accessible  only to those possessing a soul monty then   proceeds to tell maxis how he wishes to create  a reality where the apothecons never existed to   create this reality he needs the summoning key  the first artifact in creation but to do so he   needs the assistance of those with souls and thus  maxis reaches out to the one person he knows he   can trust and the reason he's even still alive  to begin with richtofen maxis informs him all   about the wonders of what he's experienced and  how they can rid the world of zombies richtofen   accepts this task and so maxis tells him about the  chronorium if richtofen gets it he'll know exactly   how when and where to get the summoning key but  before we can continue richtofen's journey we must   first take a detour into the slight future where  we're going may seem a bit random and off topic   however it is very significant everything that's  going to take place is still in dimension 63 the   same universe where premise just helped samantha  for this we must talk about mob of the dead the events of mob of the dead are fairly  self-contained at least when it comes to the   four main characters the time period is the  1920s salvatore sal de luca opened gambling   houses across chicago and it gave rise to the  deluca crime family billy hansen was hired as a   hitman and sal would come to view him as the son  he never had michael finn o'leary was brought on   board due to his hand in the gambling business  and rigging sporting events finn got married to   a woman named angela beau an aspiring starlet  with delusion of grandeur and finally sel also   began working with albert the weasel arlington due  to his reputation for being a master schemer and   bank robber but over time as his mob empire grew  it slowly began to fall apart the chicago police   who were previously accepting bribes from the de  luca crime family no longer began accepting them   finn's wife filed for a divorce a heist goes  wrong for al and he wakes up in the hospital   and all of this leads to sal killing a prostitute  out of frustration the police no longer willing   to turn a blind eye to sal's empire arrest  him an investigation further develops into   the crime family which leads to the arrest of  billy hansen on account of multiple homicides   finn was arrested when his wife turned over  evidence to the police convicting him of gambling   fraud an al gets found guilty of grand larceny  grand theft auto arson conspiracy and battery all   four mobsters are sentenced to spend their time in  prison at alcatraz the mobsters themselves don't   hold too much relevance to the overall timeline  they instead found themselves victims of timing   they were at the wrong place at the wrong time  you see richtofen's blood is very important   while we may not have covered his adventures  just yet due to the whole time travel thing a   later version of richthofen we're going to get to  has traveled through dimension time and time again   every time someone travels through a portal  powered by element 115 their blood is changed and   this is a cumulative effect the more one travels  the more of the ether is absorbed into their   bodies this comes with no side effects aside from  the potency of one's cells due to richtofen having   gone off on his own adventures through dimensions  like i said we'll get to them here soon his blood   is the most potent of all it has the ability  to open a portal to agartha for the apothecons   and so the shadow man sought to create a pocket  dimension at alcatraz a sort of purgatory there   was no escape no matter what happened you were  destined to simply repeat history over and over   again effectively keeping those here trapped once  richthofen and his compatriots were here he could   siphon his blood and get to agartha that was  the shadow man's plan but before we continue   with his goals we must first talk about richtofen  himself as he too had plans at alcatraz after the   events of origins premise richtofen traveled  to many dimensions with the help of maxis   there were many artifacts he needed to acquire and  events that needed to be set up one of the first   things he did was build a chamber for the victus  crew from the original timeline to be stored in as   well as retrieving blood vials from these specific  mobsters i'll explain the need for the blood vials   at a later point when it makes more sense within  the timeline the only reason richthofen knows that   he needs to do this is because of a paradoxical  cycle he is already in a future version of himself   already did these things and collected these  items so he has the information and knows to do   the same to make it simple a lot of events simply  conjoined to this exact location which is why he   reaches out to the illuminati of this dimension  and convinces the warden and guard to build a   secret chamber for them with cryo chambers which  they do anyway from here richtofen leaves unaware   of the shadow man's goals speaking of which we can  finally return to his plans playing out he somehow   managed to reach out to the warden of the prison  and turn him the warden became obsessed with the   shadow man as though he were a god he worshipped  him he praised him and he did whatever he wanted today is a red letter occasion i sit in my  sanctuary brandy in hand overlooking my prize my   prison mine a temple of concrete and corrupted  flesh tilting on the axis of hell itself it is beautiful i can't recall the last time i indulged  in they appear to have gone to my head congratulations and good luck so  thoughtful of the doj to send me a   bottle after all their posturing and  blathering and delays delays delays but now the island is open a full year early  thanks to me and its true purpose our purpose   written in the apocryphal pages of history  pulled from the flames of ignorance the first drop of blood of  course it should be my own not too much now not yet oh early to  bed tonight tomorrow i will be reborn like i said earlier the four mobsters were victims  of circumstance the shadow man wanted the warden   to kill the four which would inherently transform  the island to the pocket dimension that he wanted   effectively using them to lay the trap for  richtofen what am i doing wrong nothing every   interpretation by every scholar i have made real  in flesh and blood and still the dark ones remain   silent they are deaf blind and dumb wherever  it is they reside in the fabric of reality   have i not bled the wicked have i not placed the  markers on the proper lines what more what more   i am tired and i have grown so very disturbed  waiting for the release that was promised   but i fear will never be delivered because they  do not exist no wretched are the thralls who   despair in darkness wretched richard richard  the work will continue with or without the   illuminati all they do is talk and scheme and  pass judgment on methods that they deem unorthodox   what the hell with their protection i will  awaken this island even if it takes every   last soul in her walls if i fail i will be  locked in here and soon join them all in hell the result is the same but while this was playing  out the mobsters were having their own quarrels   by some means al managed to convince sal billy  and finn that he could build a makeshift plane   and escape they believed that he could do  this and for eight months they worked on   collecting the resources needed but at some point  everyone realized the ridiculous nature of what   al was trying to accomplish it led to infighting  with al taking all of the blame as such the three   lured him to the roof and killed him my name is  stanley ferguson i was a guard at alcatraz from   1933 to 1942 today i'm going to give you some  insight into one of the more interesting tales   from the prison's history over the decades  alcatraz has seen more than its fair share   of daring escape attempts however few were as  audacious as the one undertaken by four inmates   on new year's eve thought to be the brainchild  of an inmate by the name of albert arlington   the outrageous scheme was as unlikely as its  mastermind it's believed that arlington aka the   weasel somehow convinced three other inmates that  he had devised a foolproof plan to escape the rock   it was a plan that would see them literally  taking to the skies on a makeshift aircraft   of arlington's own design just how the weasel  managed to convince these hardened criminals that   such a plan was even possible remains a mystery to  this day what is known is that no such plane was   ever built instead the group's plans for freedom  soon descended into bitter argument and infighting   with the plan falling apart anger and frustration  would ultimately lead to a brutal altercation   between the misguided arlington and his former  co-conspirators armed only with makeshift weapons   finn o'leary sal de luca and billy hansen lured  the unsuspecting arlington to the roof where they   intended to exact the bloody and violent revenge  and so it was here beneath the dark and stormy   winter skies that the hapless arlington met his  grisly end bleeding to death on the cold concrete   roof this proved to be the perfect opportunity for  the warden to carry out the shadow man's wishes   no contraption hear me yes yes i can  hear you apologies my lord i am here   calm faithful warden calm i bring the land  news the world that you seek is near at hand   no thank you my lord thank you i've done my  best to prepare the way please where are you now tell me what i must do four souls  in your possession for arriving soon   with the first you will transform the island  salvatore de luca finn o'leary billy hansen al   arlington salvatore finn billy owl yes my lord i i  know these names their sins shall be their undoing   their eternal punishment through your  sacrifice will ensnare another his   ultimate reckoning a trap for another forgive my  ignorance lord but how will i know what sir it's   me stanley we have a situation damn the situation  ferguson you handle it i'm not to be disturbed i'm real sorry to interrupt your prayers  sir but there's been a murder up on the roof   it's al arlington arlington yes sir part  of some kind of botched escape attempt   de luca and his two cronies in custody  looks like it was them i'll be right there   i'll be right there part of the shadow man's  pocket dimension plan also involved the warden   killing himself as well so he too could oversee  the island once this was done he was to be on   lookout for richthofen and kill him my lord i  intrigued me to speak i have done as you asked   the remaining three of the first fours  i'll die by electric chair this evening   and soon after i shall join them it will be  glorious in this new realm lord i have no doubt   but but i confess i am afraid this form is weak  and has taken to drink but i do cling to it still   please grant me the strength to grant  you the strength oh you poor pathetic   wretch i will grant you nothing until your death  you know this yes yes my lord of course my life   is part of the disease and the disease must be  purged i i rejoice that that day has come but you   are a base disgusting creature that cannot help  fearing for its own skin it is not your fault   thank you for saying so my lord truth be told  i long for the miracle that will release me   that's a good lad you have been an adequate  servant therefore you will continue to serve after   the corruption such an honor for me not an honor  a purpose your life's sentence waiting for dr   edward richtofen to walk into the trap the doctor  i've heard mention of him amongst the illuminati   what would you have of him his blood holds  great power you will harness it all and open   the way to the paradise below i swear my lord it  will be done and one more thing name it my lord   spare him no pain yes rick coffin shall suffer  and from here sal billy and finn were executed   via electric chair for their participation in the  murder the three collaborators were sent to death   by electric chair justice came swiftly  on the morning of january 19th 1934   the execution order was carried out the  warden then followed suit the time has come   the sponge is wet on my crown the cap  screws tightened the switch in my hand oh i'm going to burn   for the fools they want justice for the toll  i've extracted from this forsaken island sir there's some men from the bureau here i  stalled them as long as i could but they're   on their way to your office now what  do you want me to tell them justice   there is no such thing there's  only the wheel of the dark one okay   uh i'll just tell him you're  not feeling so well then yeah   do as you wish run hide beg for absolution and  perhaps he will be merciful as he has been with me do not weep my dear warden my lord  you're here of course more or less   the threshold awaits my friend yes yes the threshold one last flash of light  and the sun shall vanish into the sea   and the darkness the darkness shall spread  through every fiber of creation it shall spread   listen i told you he ain't here he went  to see some special doc on the mainland you guys are wasting your time shall be its  instrument ah come on guys cut me a break   i shall bleed the chosen few better hurry  the gateway will open and paradise will fall uh yeah see there what i tell you nobody's home   nothing here the pocket dimension was created sal  finn billy and al found themselves in an infinite   time loop they were unaware of the cycle that  they were in and so frequent attempts were made   over and over to escape each one resulting  in their death no matter what happened the   characters would always die and they would be  reset to where it all began hey sal we must have   been through this 50 times already and we'll go  through with another 50 if that's what it takes   9 30 lights out god begins his rounds how  we're doing tonight ferguson incredibly good   i'm doing great mr deluca my  boy tommy it's almost six now ain't that swell hey finn get that tip for saturday's  race yet i'm working on it right now you're gonna shut them up although i gotta do it   i know the rules handsome no talking ah 9 35 the  weasel launches into a song and dance routine   damn it arlington you gotta get the  dog that'll be the real deal this time once the weasel gets the keys we move on to stage  two let's get moving here you go fellas courtesy   of the warden's private collection boys in the  laundry stash departs of course they [ __ ] did what the [ __ ] i killed him you've  been in the joint too long al   you forgotten how to get [ __ ] done what the [ __ ] this ain't right something weird's going on here   you don't say weasel where  are those screams coming from but there was one unforeseen inconsistency with  this purgatory world the environment around the   characters never changed meaning once the cycle  repeated a remnants of the past still remained   this is relevant because al kept documenting  and writing what they were doing and what was   happening though they never remembered once the  cycle repeated over time and through following   the steps as they were written down the mobsters  slowly began to make progress in their escape   attempt or at least their illusion of an escape  a twist was thrown in however as the further   they got to freedom they actually uncovered the  truth about al's terrible makeshift plane plan   and how they killed him for it but the thing is  killing him after getting so far only further   continues the cycle whether it be their death  by zombies or killing al the cycle is always   going to repeat that is unless al managed to  kill the other three instead thus breaking   away from history and freeing them all from the  cycle as a reminder it is not important for the   warden to keep their cycle continuing they were  only a means to creating this pocket dimension   and so eventually al actually broke the  cycle by killing the other three mobsters   and thus their souls were eventually set free they  were still stuck in the dimension but they were   no longer cursed to run from the endless hordes of  zombies for infinity al's spirit takes the form of   a bird and the other simple spirits for now  the cycle was broken but the trap was still set   to ensnare richtofen now we can finally return  back to richthofen you may have noticed that i   skimmed over him slightly during the mob of the  dead segment it was important to establish that   he built an underground base there but you may  have also noticed that i mentioned cryopods for   victus who i haven't mentioned since the end of  the original timeline well now is the perfect   time to explain i said how ultimus victus and  zombie richthofen all survived maxis destroying   the world and everyone on it i already mentioned  how ultimus survived and this is how the rest   did as well whilst primus richtofen and maxis were  traveling through portals and dimensions exploring   the new technology richthofen began to hear faint  whispers these weren't the voices of corruption   but rather it was the voice of stullinger premise  richthofen traveled to the original timeline and   encountered ultimus richthofen who at this  point is a zombie after maxis put his soul in   one premise richtofen figured that he could use  victus to get the chronorium they all had souls   and were a capable bunch but they were also the  last surviving members of a soon to be destroyed   universe to oversee this he used zombie richtofen  telling him that he could restore his soul to his   body if he helped and so they all got to work  richthofen had maxis attempt to teleport victus   to empty earth this proved to be a slight problem  as the teleportation across different dimensions   wasn't an exact science and troublesome to get  working this led the victus being teleported   to all different places initially these included  small random towns but also the old broken arrow   facility russman used to work at they are taken  here to retrieve the half of the elemental shard   that was left behind after the bios is destroyed  the place basically their entire journey becomes   one giant fetch quest the elemental shard  is needed to power a device which will take   blood vials of each of the victus members which  richthofen wants he also wants the elemental shard   in and of itself and it is also required to access  empty earth despite some slight infighting within   the group almost resulting in them disbanding they  acquired the chronorium and are teleported to meet   with premise richthofen he reads the chronorium  and learns all about his potential futures   most importantly the fact that he dies in every  single one believing this would protect him in   the future from the fate of death he just read  he takes the blood vials he obtained from sal and   finn and delivers them to his past self he obtains  the victus blood from zombie richtofen completing   their agreement and sends him back to the original  timeline he returns to victis asking them if they   want to live which they agree to he subsequently  puts them in a cryogenic slumber a future   version of richtofen accompanied by dempsey  nikolai and takio then arrived to collect victus's   blood vials a lot of events that just transpired  here are very confusing and extremely overwhelming   especially following a chronological series of  events the blood vials which are probably the   most confusing at this moment will become much  clearer later in the timeline when we become   the future version of richtofen coming to collect  the blood so i'll explain it at that point as for   zombie richtofen we might as well finish his story  right now after his deal with premise richthofen   was completed he was teleported to the original  timeline where his comatose body currently lies   groom lake 1963. zombie richtofen arrives through  a teleporter and confronts his body and transfers   his soul back into his original state this is  cornelius purnell report 7 15 october 13 1963.   i'm filing this report on behalf of private gordon  private gordon was working graveyard and hangar   four where our new test subjects are being kept  at o 300 this morning private gordon reports a   quote bright blue oval-shaped light  beam materialized in the room end quote   out of said light beam stepped and i quote  a zombie dress in a world war ii german   military uniform this zombie did not interact  with private gordon but instead slowly walked   up to the comatose body of dr edward richthofen  who up until now we've been unable to resuscitate   private gordon then observed this zombie touching  the body of dr richtofen at which point the zombie   turned to ash and dr richtofen immediately let  out a guttural shriek and began cackling i cannot   verify private gordon's story but what i can tell  you is that as of this morning dr richtofen is   very much alive and he is very animated so  much so we've since had to have him sedated   from here the four would be held in custody  at hangar four they do not understand   you saw it destroyed yet it's more time travel [  __ ] tech just hasn't happened yet speaking of bs how the hell did you get back in your body doc does it matter dempsey i'll tell you what matter americans  still give nikolai his vodka anyway for now that would conclude  the ultimus character's journey for   the time being primus richthofen  now with the chronorium in hand   and all of the future past and present  knowledge written out in front of him   works with maxis to secure a better universe  one free of zombies and apothecons alike   while i haven't really been talking about him  too often now seems like an appropriate time as   any to bring up the fact that the shadow man isn't  actually in the dark ether anymore unknown somehow   someway at some point in history he managed to  escape it once again as he did long ago but now   he's simply working towards opening a portal to  release all of the other apothecons but as per the   rule with all keepers and the sort he is still  not allowed to intervene with the free will of   humanity meaning despite being out and about he's  not allowed to just do whatever he wants and take   whatever he wants so he had to manipulate people  insert the reporter it is the only name he is   known by and so the shadow man took on an alias of  his own tony hale rapt and he hired the reporter   to fetch him some artifacts and investigate if his  other schemes were going according to plan as well   singularly and most importantly in this dimension  is the summoning key the very first artifact in   all of existence that can manipulate the ether  and the first keeper used to create agartha   that summoning key is in this dimension and the  reporter is sent to find it and collect it which   he does while there are no radios of him doing so  and it is a fairly anticlimactic retrieval thanks   to the information and coordinates given to him by  the shadow man the reporter is capable of tracking   down the summoning key and collecting it though it  resides in a box sealed with ancient magic another   artifact he was sent to collect was the vril  vessel for the agarthan device this event is much   trickier as the vessel was located in the original  timeline which is part of a different dimension   it is never specified how the shadow man does this  and perhaps it is a different dimensional version   of the reporter he sent to collect this one but  either way the reporter was sent to the siberian   facility just before richthofen received  the three test subjects here he is strict   get your damn hands off me now what do we  have here a spy if you know what's good for   you you'd let me go oh yes yeah yeah i'm sure  you've worked with someone incredibly important   honestly you have no idea did you find my secret  facility who are you i'm a reporter i was hired   by a man mr rat i never met him he asked me to  find some goods for him things he wanted badly   sounds thrilling and what was his goods he voted  so badly look i don't know the specifics he just   told me to travel to russia he gave me these  coordinates which led me here how was i supposed   to know it was a freaking german base gave some  vague description of a strange metal object   this i assume yeah that'll be it called  it the seal of duality whatever the hell   that means well the real vessel is not  for sale and is certainly not for stealing   but it is curious i have only just arrived at  this facility bringing the real vessel with me   yet you somehow knew it would be here how is  this possible how the hell am i supposed to know   i just go where the shadow man says  to go i don't know how he does it   listen if mr rabbit wants to find you he's  got his ways look you want to go ahead and   get this over with if you're going to  kill me kill me not like it'll matter it's kind of funny you know something mr rap said  about if i failed him and died it'd be okay he   said he'd reach out to me all over the multiverse  whatever that means i didn't pay no mind then but   maybe some other me is out there having a lot  better luck than i am sir what should we do   take the strange sad little man away find a hole  like i said it is unclear if this is the same   reporter from dimension 63 or if the shadow  man reached out to this dimension's version   of the reporter either way he was unsuccessful  in collecting the vril vessel and perhaps was   killed on site or carried on with his journey of  following the shadow man's list amongst them was   checking up on if the warden had carried out his  wishes in killing the four mobsters at alcatraz he   was sent to interview stanley ferguson the prison  guard at the time who recapped the entire story   after learning that his plan had followed through  the shadow man ordered the reporter to bring   what he collected to morgue city and investigate  four individuals anyway no clue why mr rap wanted   me to meet this stanley first but i'm headed  to the city now something about tracking down   three doozies and a floozy oh yeah not to mention  those artifacts in the south pacific and russia   i don't know what that's about i never even met  this guy likes to stay to the shadows real weirdo maybe it'll all make sense when i get there during the next six months the reporter would  spend time in the city taking in the sights   sounds and smells while here there was a meteor  shower which as you can expect was no ordinary   meteor shower while not directly stated it was  likely element 115 as all of the residents began   acting strangely and mold began to grow around  this city hey mr app just checking in so i'm here   finally taking in the sights sounds and smells  of more city i know you sent me here to write   a piece about the city's bustling nightlife and  theater scene and the characters that inhabit it   but things are getting kind of strange even though  no one seems to want to talk about it something   is definitely off about this city just last week  there was a media show a freaking media shower and   everybody acted like it was no big thing then the  mold showed up all over the city in the dark damp   alleys there's a strange kind of fungus growing  it looks weird and smells even weirder but nobody   really says anything then people started getting  sick at first it just made them delirious confused   then they really got sick it  was like they were wasting away   people finally started talking about it i spoke  to one guy in his 80s a fruit seller at the local   market he said something similar happened in new  england in 1882. when i tried to press him on it   he just lowered his head and ignored me if you  ask me something definitely ain't right here   the mold affected the people differently and they  began talking about the keepers themselves hey mr   wrap so i went by the market again today for some  reason a fruit seller was much more talkative   even if what he said was more than a little crazy  he told me that when he was a boy his uncle would   get drunk and start talking about how a dark force  casted shadow over the city how good and evil were   battling right on our doorstep and that the only  thing holding back the forces of the apocalypse   was the ancient order of the keepers well even  if what he said was more than a little crazy   i'm not sure he was even though they're scared  or maybe because they are people are talking   more asking around i've heard more than a few  whispers about this ancient order and the keepers   i think it's some kind of cult they say  you can hear them chanting sometimes   from beneath the city there's all these rumors  about human sacrifices and freaky [ __ ] that even   the police won't investigate because they've been  paid off or because they're too damn scared i'm   not sure what to believe anymore regardless of the  strange happenings around morgue city the reporter   still followed through on the shadow man's job  request and delivered the files on the four   individuals that he researched hey mr wrapped so  i tracked down all the people you asked me to look   into i sent you a telegram with all their details  all their contact numbers but i gotta be honest   i'm getting nervous these last six months you've  had me working like a low-rent private dick   when really i just want to be a reporter it's not  that i'm ungrateful i know the checks you've given   me but more than generous for services rendered  it it's just all this stuff you've had me do   tracking down ancient artifacts in the south  pacific finding all these strange metals and rocks   in russia and still i haven't even met you face to  face i'm i'm sorry mr rap i think maybe the mood   in the city is getting to me a little it making me  nervous antsy uh anyway i'm looking forward to you   finally getting here the four people he was asked  to look into were nero blackstone jessica rose   jack vincent and floyd campbell each of them  chosen as they had a secret that they wanted   kept a future to advance to and they were willing  to do anything to make sure that they can make it   jack vincent was a police officer in  morgue city and a corrupt one at that   he had dealings with all sorts of criminals  and mobsters alike he's familiar with all   four of the characters from mob of the dead  even having a hand in busting some of them   himself he arrested al arlington during a bank  heist and busted sal de luca's liquor joint   i once busted a little weasel who tried to  use one of these to blast open a bank safe   dumbass nearly blew himself up could've used this  when i busted sal's liquor joint he's familiar   with billy handsome's hitman reputation what is  this one of billy hansen's trophies as well as   finn o'leary's whiskey finn o'leary's whiskey  tasted better than this [ __ ] he was more than   familiar with his fair share of mobsters but  he wasn't any less crooked than any of them   absolute power corrupts absolutely the hopeful  and the stupid pretend that's not the case   the detective isn't stupid and he's even less  hopeful the years of dealing with the dregs of   humanity have hardened his heart and born fruit  to the seeds of corruption the detective shadow   tarnishes the badge he's sworn to uphold  but the true darkness is still to come he never had a change of heart the only thing  that did change was the mayor the new mayor was   tired of the corruption and sought to put an end  to it and jack couldn't let himself be ratted out   he planned to kill any associate that could  possibly snitch on him to keep his secret   safe jessica rose was a burlesque dancer  at the black lace nightclub but her real   dream was becoming a famous hollywood star  she did anything she could to make it there   including sleeping with a film producer it did  work and she got herself a contract however   a photographer caught them taking pictures of  their scandalous sexcapades word of jessica   sleeping her way into the job got out but photos  didn't and that was the real damning evidence   some live for the limelight the femme fatale is  willing to die for it her whole life ahead of her   was so much already left behind but with  the stakes this high and the odds this low   fame and fortune might be just one audition away   the photographer blackmailed jessica threatening  to end her career and she couldn't let that happen   she arranged a meeting with the photographer where  she intended on killing him floyd campbell was an   up-and-coming boxer who rarely ever won a fight  yet he was given the opportunity to go up against   the champion if he could beat the number one  contender tony king through a combination   of debt and being the absolute underdog of  the fight yielding quite a payday if he won   campbell who hasn't fought in 18 months wanted  to ensure his victory as did his promoter   most things can be settled in the ring bets grudges debts the boxer  knows the cost of paying them all   a stranger to the winner's circle but  not the cold hard reality of the ropes the boxer can't stop fighting  but never seems to win   he intended on using brass knuckles under his  gloves the day of the fight and finally there   was nero blackstone a once famous magician of  morg city who has since fallen on hard times   he was born into enormous wealth and grew  up surrounded by lackeys and sycophants   always praised his arrogance was  fueled as misplaced as it was   in modern day his magic career has gone downhill  going so far as to be labeled the worst magician   of the year by the magician's weekly magazine  and on top of all of that his wife was very   demanding and liked to spend money because of  this she accrued substantial amounts of debt   she couldn't possibly pay back so she forged  nero's signature taking out loans in his name   making her problems just as much as his  now but similarly he couldn't pay it off born into wealth power and the trappings  of unearned privilege the magician is   arrogance incarnate his appreciation for  his own meager abilities knows no bounds   fortified by the adoration of lackeys and  sycophants ego bloated by servile fawning   the magician knows it's easier to believe in  magic when you're in desperate need of a miracle it is also important to note that nero has a  uniquely interesting angle in this dimension   as during his failing magic career he turned to  the dark arts and he began reading all sorts of   different texts during this he began having dreams  of the shadow man but unlike other characters who   are corrupted nero shows next to no side effects  only a familiarity with having seen the shadow man   before it is also important to note a slight side  story that's occurring in the city at this time   as well dr monty has become aware of the shadow  man's goal and so sends a letter to the reporter   he's been manipulating telling him not to give  the summoning key to anyone for it would cause a   catastrophic and cataclysmic event this freaks the  reporter out because he's aware of the role he's   been playing in what might happen if what monty  said was true this is where premise richtofen   yet again comes into play the first action he took  in this dimension was the creation of the secret   lab at alcatraz since then he's acquired the  chronorium and learned where he could procure the   summoning key which is why he's arrived at morgue  city he confronts the reporter trying to acquire   the artifact but being on edge from monty's  letter which told him not to give it to anyone he   panics and attacks richtofen for which richtofen  defends himself and stabs the reporter killing him   now the summoning key is locked inside an ancient  sealed box which cannot be opened by conventional   means richtofen for now has to wait and bide his  time meanwhile back with the other characters   the shadow man took these four's predicament  and decided to apply increasing pressure like an   animal being backed into a corner forced to react  he disguised himself as various individuals and   talked with those close to the characters he spoke  to jack's longtime partner implying that he was   aware of jack's crooked nature which pushed him to  feel like he had to silence his former associates   before they spoke please understand that you  yourself are not under any suspicion at this time   this is merely an informal interview yeah yeah  i know can we just cut to the chase the chase   excellent metaphor or is it an allegory i  can never remember the difference you want   to know about my partner jack vincent you're  a good detective so what do you want to know   that he's a loudmouth show-off more than a little  rough around the edges he's a drinker smoker how   about the fact that he's got a wife that scares  him more than any [ __ ] criminal out there what   do you want me to tell you is jack vinson on the  take listen the more i talk to you the more i'll   get a reputation around the precinct can we maybe  do this elsewhere he spoke to jessica's producer   pretending to be someone interested in hiring her  for a big project which would likely get rescinded   if her photos got out as you know i'm looking to  cast the female lead in my new picture and i heard   that you have quite the roster of up-and-coming  talent in this town can you maybe tell me a little   more about what kind of woman you're looking for  i'm looking for an all-american girl a real beauty   i heard you may know an aspiring actress by  the name of jessica rose the burlesque dancer   she ain't exactly peaches and cream more sugar  and spice i heard she's a real firecracker if you   know what i mean i'd like to meet her give her a  screen test leave it with me i'll get back to you   he spoke to floyd's promoter implying that  he was simply using the underdog status   putting aside your enormous self-interests as a  promoter what would you like to say to boxing fans   everywhere about the upcoming fight particularly  with regard to this last-minute substitution uh   floyd campbell i'd like to say that floyd campbell  is a credible opponent despite how the bookies may   see it what about the fact that fans would much  rather see the number one contender facing off   with the champion your champion as opposed  to this little herd of journeyman fighter   look there's no doubt that floyd campbell is the  underdog nevertheless are you using campbell to   keep your big moneymaker away from opponents who  could be just a little too dangerous the champ   doesn't avoid anyone but nothing this interview  is over no further questions and he spoke to   nero's lawyer quote unquote on behalf of his wife  increasing pressure that he needs to pay up as you   can see these documents give some indication  as to the considerable amounts of money we are   talking about my client would never have signed  the authorization on these loans nonetheless there   it is in black and white signed by mrs herself  nero's family estate is not what it once was   even if these documents are genuine we'll need  some time to get our affairs in order i would   advise your client that our company intends to  aggressively pursue settlement within one week   15 days at the most look i need to  make a call my secretary i see out   each of these actions pressured the characters  into committing the crimes to keep their secrets   but before they followed through on their murders  in a cruel twist of irony each of them were   actually safe from the blackmail the only person  who could really snitch on jack was his partner   but he'd sworn to keep it a secret hey jackie it's  me some suit from internal affairs came by today   asking a whole bunch of questions i didn't  say anything because i don't know anything   as far as i can tell you're in the clear  i trust you jackie you're my best friend   you're like a brother i just wanted  you to know that i got your back   always jessica's producer turned down the shadow  man due to a weird vibe she was getting from him   and actually had a friend who was  willing to hire her to be on broadway   hey hey jessica a movie director came by to  talk to me today said he wanted to meet you   i gotta be honest i didn't get a good  feeling from him i told him where to go   well not in so many words listen i'm  glad you didn't sign that studio contract   truth is i'm not even much of a producer i'm more  of a talent wrangler here's the thing my partner's   written a musical that just got financing i  know that you're gonna be perfect for the lead   this time next year you're gonna be on broadway  baby nero's lawyer found out that the signatures   were fraudulent and he didn't have to pay  anything nero i have the most wonderful   news the loan documents were fraudulent well your  wife was fraudulent she forged your signature on   the loan agreements and we can prove it the  date on the forms says november 5th last year   exactly the same time that you were in the  hospital following your performance of the   amphibious man you couldn't possibly assign those  papers you were in a coma for the entire month   as for floyd his actually comes after the event in  reality the characters if they simply did nothing   would have been fine some better off than where  they started but each of them failed to receive   these phone calls and thus they carried through on  the shadow man's pressure jack killed his criminal   associates jessica lured the photographer and  stabbed him floyd killed tony king for the   championship fight and this is where campbell's  phone call comes in saying that there will be   no investigation into him cheating hey floyd you  did good you kept your word delivered the knockout   i just wanted to tell you not to worry about  any journalists or commission investigations   that is done anyways besides setting your mind  at rest i wanted to give you the good news it's   all set you got it floyd you got your title  shot january 15th and nero killed his wife   in a work accident claiming her life insurance to  pay off her debts as the shadow man did with the   mobsters in alcatraz these actions allowed him  to create an altered reality a different morgue   city where they were cursed to survive but more  importantly be used to give him the summoning key   i have been watching i have seen each and  every one of your misdeeds i know who you are   but questions for me why  do you do the things you do do you not see the futility of  your tiny insignificant existence   you are but fragments of a bigger universe   your sins serve only as an invitation  invitation to an evil beyond your imagination i'll lead the way i will show you the path   only through me the shadow man  will you find your redemption in this twisted world he was able to brandish them  with the mark of the beast an apothecon-like curse   which gave them the ability to transform and  break the seal which contain the summoning key   the shadow man tricks the four posing as an ally  telling them that they can atone for their sins if   they follow his guidance part of that is through  sacrifices if the four characters sacrifice   someone close to and important to them then they  can be absolved of their past sins this leads the   characters to sacrifice the only ones who are ever  truly on their side to begin with nero's lawyer   floyd's promoter jessica's producer and jack's  partner their significance and willingness to   stand by these characters likely made for a much  stronger sacrifice candidate for the shadow man   where they obtained gateworms these gateworms  could be used to open a rift for the apothicons to   finally escape the dark ether and that's exactly  what happened apothecons then flooded dimension 63   after using the four characters the shadowman  reveals how he was not their ally and was simply   using them to get the summoning key this  does not sit well with the four characters   learning of the shadow man's deception  while initially fighting against the keepers   the four then team up with them to stop him  with the guidance of the keepers nero jack   jessica and floyd actually managed to stop  the shadow man and trap him inside of the   summoning key they hand the key over to the  keepers so they can protect it and return   their dimension to safety but that's not what  happens upon delivering the summoning key to   the keepers richtofen saw the perfect  opportunity to claim what he came for i'm so sorry i really don't have time to explain i  have a universe to set right thank you and goodbye he takes the summoning key so that he may carry  on his journey leaving dimension 63 to die in a   very literal sense with the apothecans free  in this dimension and the summoning key not   there to rid them of that world dimension  63 is destroyed from this point forward   with the summoning key retrieved and the  chronorium in hand richtofen can now work   towards monty's plan of creating a perfect reality  monty needs richthofen and the others to help him   create it and as a reward their souls would be  in this new reality this information would be   relayed by dr maxis who was the one interacting  with richthofen monty attempted to remain more in   the shadows so maxis told richthofen to collect  their souls after obtaining the summoning key   richtofen ventured off on his own journey to  collect his soul it seems no matter the reality   he's never been the vulnerable type he doesn't  like to be seen in a certain way and where he was   going was exactly that his childhood dimension  2 to 10 is where a child version of richthofen   resided the chronorium told him that he must  go to this dimension this iteration of his soul   but the undeniable fact is that there was  sadness here that he wanted to face alone   it's a story of dimension 2 to 10. the  story of my soul i was just a boy then   an innocent i was a sensitive child a lonely child  orphaned at a young age i never got to know who i   really was but one day i learned who i would grow  up to be i had to do it the cronorian told me   i had to trick the poor little innocent me into  trusting a complete stranger i took my own soul   before it could ever have the chance to  flourish is it any wonder and the way i am   his soul would be reincarnated at the house  by dr monty as eddie considering their   history samantha and eddie get along as well  as you'd expect as the gates to agartha opened   the four heroes were rewarded  with riches beyond imagination   from that day forward they knew that  samantha would keep them safe forever   getting everything wrong i told you before   their eyes should be blue it's my  turn eddie i can do whatever i want   but you don't even know how to play properly  girls don't know enough about zombies   put the toys away children make sure the windows  are locked before you come down to the basement   we'd better do what your dad  says i didn't even get my turn tomorrow eddie you get to make  the rules i promise come on fluffy   i wish the heroes and our stories  were real sam i know what you mean   but we will make everything okay my dad says he has a plan the alarm that is heard is not one of danger  it's one of arrival it signifies a new soul   is entering the house i figured i might as well  explain it while we're here richtofen then returns   to nikolai takeo and tank after the events of  origins and brings them along on his journey   as their souls are needed as well richtofen  didn't exactly disclose what he was doing   it was impossible to hide the interdimensional  time jumping and so the others came to believe   that he was trying to change history which  was not inherently wrong they weren't on   board but perhaps tagged along just to make  sure that he wasn't doing anything insane   but he always is what richthofen really sought to  do right now was create a paradox by creating a   paradox in one dimension it would spawn fractures  within that dimension these fractures all stem   from that dimension's paradox and veer off history  in whatever way it will it's much like shattering   glass the initial dimension is complete and clean  but by creating a paradox it shatters it creating   all sorts of different timelines and variations  richthofen was free to mess with these fractures   without affecting the initial timeline's history  and so he sought to do that with the original   timeline it's the greatest paradox he could  possibly hope to create for if not for the   original timeline then no other timelines would  exist premise included so with the help of dr   maxis opening portals from the house in agartha  richthofen and the others traveled to darice   to meet his other self just moments after he  teleported that universe's maxis and samantha goodbye doctor this ain't funny doc turn around slowly do you know who i am yeah we know that's  why you better do exactly what we say   a great evil approaches there is a chain  of events that must be set in motion the future hangs by a thread you  must awaken the test subjects richtofen whatever you're thinking of doing  don't do it you do not want to meet what's   on the other side of the door you cannot begin  to comprehend the great evil you could unleash so damn it richtofen i thought we  were done with this what can i say   things change only a fool would dare  to change history i am no fool but i   do i do only to secure a better tomorrow  yeah well let's see if we live to see it before we go any further it is important to note  while this is theoretically the original timeline   with the ultimus characters the actual original  timeline is untampered ultimus is still currently   at area 51 under research from dr schuster  teleporting them from the future where they   blew up the world so no matter what changes happen  from here on out that timeline remains exactly the   same the characters that are going to be hunted  down are ultimus in story but just different   ones richtofen's actions here would be disguised  he pretends to collect his soul simply as   theatrics for the other three but still hides  his intent on making the universe right dempsey   nikolai and takio's outlook on richtofen is not  good despite having assisted him during the events   of origins they still believe him to be evil  to various degrees dempsey has a difficult time   trusting him due to his cryptic and manipulative  nature takio is probably the most welcoming of   richtofen picking up on his sense of purpose  though much like everyone else in the beginning   he's hesitant to trust him but probably the most  friction is with nikolai considering they were on   diametrically opposing sides of the war he still  blames him for all of the bloodshed endured during   it so you gonna tell me what the [ __ ] you were  doing back there dempsey my dear simple-minded   american you simply wouldn't understand right  after we got here after you said goodbye to   your evil twin you did something strange strange  dempsey you're really going to have to narrow it   down i know you're sick richtofen but why were you  messing around with your own corpse that wasn't my   body that was someone else entirely someone a bit  like me but not he's dead hey i know what i saw i   saw you stoop down and hold something against the  body pictures dempsey pictures or it didn't happen   there's something i was gonna ask you what was  it ah dear dempsey your memory lost perhaps due   to your prolonged exposure to element 115 or  are you just one of the stupid dempseys german   your actions defy reason but you seem driven  by a sense of purpose i do have a purpose takeo   a purpose you will come to share you only have to  trust me you trade on lies and deceit richtofen   give me one reason why i should trust  you i don't have time to explain now   but i have a message for you a message from  the emperor what do you know of the emperor   it has been so wrong i feared he had abandoned  me forgotten me you have not been forgotten takeo   stay strong and your path will become illuminated  i do not understand your riddles german   how will my path become illuminated the spirits  of your ancestors are not the only voices you will   hear takeo trust your instincts listen to them  last night i had a dream they dreamt of a house   a house with children yes hold on to that  thought takeo in time you will come to learn the   significance of your visions german i will keep  asking until i get an answer what are we doing   here putting things right nikolai putting things  right your words are empty your soul is hollow how   could you ever hope to put things right nikolai  i realize that i'm often hostile towards you   it's simply because your ideology is diametrically  opposed to mine we are allies only because of our   situation we will not fight shoulder to shoulder  forever richtofen though we may not see eye to eye   nikolai know this i possess an artifact that will  help us on our journey you can never wash away the   blood on your hands richtofen you are an evil  that must be stopped i'm helping you more than   you realize nikolai after all didn't i just kill  myself a little while ago i know what i'm doing   the beacon will allow maxis to find us who is this  [ __ ] maxis i've never seen him apart from that   brain in a jar we found in france everyone  else's dynamic is unique in their own ways   can i trust you nikolai because last time i  checked we were enemies when did you last check   we were allies in all three world wars richtofen  seems to think he has some kind of plan i'm not   so sure about that i think he's [ __ ] delusional  then richtofen speaks of putting things right do   you think he has found a way to end this nightmare  after france i'm starting to believe that anything   is possible maybe there is a way to end all  of this to return to our homes our old lives   our families our families how many wives is  it you've had nikolai i gotta be honest i lost   count as a russian i know how to endure how to  survive there i hope for something more than that   you can dare but i don't know if it'll do any good  in my experiences wishes hardly ever come true   hey tack we got to keep an eye on richtofen i  don't know what he's up to but i don't like it   i share your concerns dempsey we would be  wise to remain cautious did you notice him   doing something weird when we first got here  weird describes much of what richtofen does   right after he popped himself when we were holding  back the horde ripped off a knelt down over the   body why perhaps he was paying respects to his  foreign self we gotta piece it all together tack   why the [ __ ] did he come here again  we know not where richtofen has traveled   but i believe his experiences have changed him  wherever he's been whatever he's been through   i'm not sure richthofen's any less crazy than  before mysteries will reveal themselves in time   they always do this is the nature of our quest  besides our thirst for battle you and i have   little in common nikolai you're mistaken takeo  i have no thirst for battle i fight because i   have to you have a great disdain for the  german why does your hatred run so deep   do i really need to explain that i mean really  have you forgotten richtofen's thirst for chaos   he is a monster an animal he is a troubled soul i  can see it in his eyes but a monster i think not   we know not of the journey richtofen has  taken he may hold more wisdom than you realize   i fear and the wisdom he holds will only be used  to advance his own agendas we will only survive if   we all work together nikolai you know this in your  heart richtofen was the one who left us in the   dark tokyo we have no idea what he has been doing  with his original self dead and the fractured   timelines created richthofen was ready to proceed  from here he tells the others that they must   secure dempsey's body a retrieval is all everyone  agrees as it seems simple and honest enough   now considering richthofen's death this obviously  forced the timeline ahead of it to shift as well   in this deceptio fracture as it is known dr groff  takes control of group 935 following richthofen's   death at this time he is still working on the  mpd on the moon and fears samantha for whatever   reason he intends on sending dempsey's body to  the moon likely for research and this is where   premise comes in they steal one of the giants  group 935 was responsible for creating and   use it to pursue the transportation of dempsey's  body it inevitably leads them to der eisendrache this wasn't how it was supposed to go we're supposed to secure the  package and be in and out clean instead the whole thing's been  one disaster after another today you die first i took your legs i should never have trusted you richtofen never by the time of their arrival dempsey's body was  already set on a course to the moon and launched   though their perspectives have not changed much  the characters slowly begin placing their trust   in richthofen a little more though they're still  on edge not exactly going to plan is it richtofen   or are you gonna tell me this is how  you planned it that everything's fine   yes the answer is yes dempsey everything is fine  i know you have questions but you have to trust me   dempsey i have seen things you wouldn't  believe things you couldn't even imagine yeah   well with your imagination i don't think i'd  want to see all the [ __ ] you have time has   a way of asserting its will dempsey that is why  we must take steps to intervene in my possession   is the most powerful artifact in this or any  universe a vessel that will allow us to literally   save our eternal souls don't go getting  all spiritual on me richtofen we're here   to get me out that's it ask yourself  dempsey what do you want to achieve   what is it you really want i want to complete  my mission end this chaos once and for all   our travels across the world they used to  make me nauseous now they make me thirsty   is that how you are feeling nikolai i have  a thirst a thirst unlike any i have felt in   years be careful nikolai i have seen alcohol  lead many men down the road to ruin do not try   to confuse me german i know why we are here to  secure the american test subject is your contempt   for me finally diminishing my simple-minded  russian friend i am beginning to think you're   not the richtofen i once knew you are stronger  than you realize nikolai if only your judgment   were not so clouded you would be invincible what  is it you hope to find on our travels nikolai   what is it your big russian heart wants most of  all i know not why an animal such as you would   be curious richtofen but i will tell you i hope  one day to return to the motherland to return   to my family you told me that you spoke to the  emperor you told me you had a message sadly takeo   now is not the right time for me to explain when  will you speak of the emperor's message if not   now soon my friend for now i must focus on dempsey  he has no idea of what he will soon have to face   why do you confide in me german i regard you  with the same contempt as the others to be honest   i think it's your irrational commitment to  being honorable that makes me trust you takeo i   see the chaos in your eyes german but yet i see  a stillness in your soul despite what lays ahead   takeo i am not afraid i know what will happen  that knowledge brings me peace search deep inside   yourself takeo tell me what you want what your  heart desires what i want what my heart desires i wish only to prove my honor in the eyes of  the emperor hey nikolai if [ __ ] goes down   with the crowd you got my back don't you i do not  understand this american slang but it better not   be what i think it is i hope to never see the day  when we turn on one another richthofen says he's   been here before was that crazy evil richtofen  or this new man with a plan ripped off and i am   not sure which richtofen is most dangerous and  nikolai a word this artifact of richtofen's has   he shown it to you call me crazy but i'm starting  to think richthofen may actually know how we get   out of all this crazy you may be but richtofen's  knowledge cannot be denied whether or not he can   be trusted is a different matter richtofen  has told us little of his comrade dr maxis   i do not like to put my trust in a man i have not  met and know what you mean especially seeing as   how richtofen put his damn brain in a jar you  okay tech you and richthofen seem to be getting   pretty friendly these days you're paranoid  dempsey you forget the symptoms of exposure   to element one one five element one one five  don't you remember what it does to you attack   it makes you forget things richtofen claims  knowledge of worlds beyond this realm   do you believe this is possible i  can't deny that he knows a lot of stuff   but i don't think it's all good richthofen  told me he had spoken with the emperor   that he had a message for me i wouldn't hold your  breath richtofen seems to like keeping secrets it   is unwise to speak lightly of demons dempsey your  disrespect will have consequences you know i'm   kind of looking forward to coming face to face  with myself after all i'm one handsome devil   dakio what is the german told you of his plans i  know no more than you nikrai he speaks in riddles   teasing a promise i fear he cannot  fulfill your bravery is welcome takeo   but your blind loyalty to the emperor confuses me   do you care only for the individual i seek  to restore peace and order to our existence   such a goal could never be considered selfish i  have long considered you a barbarian and a brute   is there more to you than that nikolai none of  you know what i have lived through what i have   endured i believe this journey will teach us much  about ourselves and each other i am not sure how   much more there is to know about richtofen though  i fear his words may belie his true intentions   do you know this dr maxis of whom richtofen speaks  so fondly i feel we have encountered him before   but i know not when how or why the journey to  collect dempsey's body is made difficult by dr   groff he is adamant in continuing group 935's  research even when he comes into contact with   premise richthofen not even richthofen himself can  get him to cooperate as he comes to believe that   he may be a spy groff works as hard as he can to  get dempsey to the moon and secure him as a test   subject even willing to go so far as to blow  up the entire der eisendrache facility to do so   but his efforts fail premise redirects  the missiles towards the moon blowing   it griffin station and dr groff up dempsey's  transportation is shot down and richthofen is   forced to reveal how he's been deceiving them as  he needs their souls to secure a better future he's still alive i [ __ ] hope so   this subject will one day wreak  havoc across the entire universe   he cannot be allowed to leave this wasn't how  it was supposed to go we were supposed to secure   the package and be in and out clean instead the  whole thing's been one disaster after another i   should never have trusted you richtofen never  you should trust me dempsey you all should   this artifact has the power to contain and  preserve the subject's soul your soul but it   can only be done after the moment of death just as  you saw me do to my other self it is the only way wait if someone's got to take him out to save  the universe then it should be me that does it good to see you tank so the characters accept richthofen's goal of trying  to save the universe and needing their souls to do   it what initially started out as a journey founded  upon deception turned into a cumulative effort to   save the universe from here maxis teleports  the characters to an entirely new fractured   dimension known as the pre-tone fracture in this  dimension we follow the origins of ultimus tokyo   and the major events from the original timeline  division 9 is formed after discovering element   115 at shino numa but this timeline shifts as  that facility winds up getting overrun by zombies   division 9 then make a new facility on  an island at the map zetsubou no shima on   this island they've experimented on pretty much  everything the plants the animals mainly spiders   and some scientists like the original timeline  tokyo is sent to the facility to oversee its   experiments where he reports the work being done  here is unacceptable for which the emperor orders   takio to hand himself over to be tested on for  their plant-based experiments and he was forced   to endure whatever was done to him when the  characters arrive in this fracture it's not   quite where they wanted to be they teleport on  a division 9 ship where they are taken prisoner take it easy tech the object in your hand it's gonna bring  you nothing but pain leave me i know i am an annoy of the emperor himself i am no president oh that was close yes a little  too close we must go now so after washing up on the shore of the island  they begin their search for tokyo hey richtofen   why don't you tell your pal maxis to drop  us off exactly where we need to be next time   we are dealing with the complexities of  the interdimensional time travel across a   fracturing universe it's not exactly easy keep a  close watch on takeo we need him alive before we   we uh before we need him dead yeah i know the  drill been there done that i hope your recent   trauma hasn't affected you too negatively  dempsey after all it was all for the best   trauma call it what it was richthofen he had us  track down another me just so we could kill him   off i've told you before dempsey it is essential  that we remove all fragments of our other selves   yeah yeah yeah their continued existence could  still lead to the destruction of the earth and   the collapse of the universe do you trust me  yet dempsey after everything that's happened   and the way you seem to be the one  in charge of bouncing us around   i don't see how i've got a lot of choice so here  we are again out to extinguish another flame   that you say stands between us and peace when the  time comes to kale will do what needs to be done   he always does the others seem to believe in  your madness richtofen i have yet to see proof   that you're not leading us down a dark path  make no mistake nikolai the path ahead is very   dark i have never pretended otherwise you have  spoken of how element 115 corrupts our minds   our memories it is an inevitable side effect of  our travels i'm surprised you're not used to it   by now if 115 really does corrupt our thoughts  what does that say about you richtofen you have   been exposed more than any of us it is a burden  that i am willing no destined to bear do you   trust me yet nikolai we have followed you this  far but where we are going i'm not sure i will   deal with future when it comes when you talk  of a mission you refer only to the test subject   are you afraid to say his name believe me takeo  it is far better to let go of personal attachments   they will bring you only heartache i fear denying  dempsey the chance to better understand himself   may have consequences even had he been conscious  before his death i do not believe that dempsey   had any great knowledge to impart you promised  that you would deliver a message from the emperor   richtofen i can wait no longer i will keep my  promise you will have the emperor's message   before the sun rises on this island how will my  path differ from that of the american will i too   have to confront my own mortality we will cross  that bridge when we come to it takeo even i am not   sure exactly how events will play out do you trust  me yet takeo you have promised me answers i have   to believe you will stay true to your word are you  beginning to see the method in richtofen's madness   you who were once his sworn enemy the  germans the least scary thing around here   besides we're all in this together we need  each other you seem more reflective these days   perhaps you are not the head strong dempsey you  once were i think you're reading too much into   things tack i'm just tired after that swim so  you sure you're up to the task ahead tech we   are not certain what lies ahead my path may  be different from yours i'm just saying tak   if you have to do what i had to do you may not  find it easy your concern is as appreciated   as it is unexpected dempsey aside from  your ramblings in the heat of battle   you seem to be more at peace dempsey what can  i tell you seeing how you check out is a hell   of a way to get perspective so nikolai i hear  you say something a while ago about going back   to your family i think you're mistaken perhaps  confused so about your wives how many did you have   or were you just claiming victories you never had  i do not wish to discuss this matter any further   we have mission you appear closer to richthofen  than i have seen before do you really consider   him an ally look he knows a whole lot more  about this craziness than the rest of us   i think he really does have a plan i  am still unsure of the german's motives   for all his talk of making things right there is  still madness in his eyes maybe that madness is   what we need right now tell me nikolai do you  think you could do it kill your other self if   it meant it would put things right i would never  give up without fight this i know deep in my heart   you and the german were once sworn enemies nicorai  are you beginning to see his goals as though they   are your own ours is an alliance of convenience  tokyo i still despise the german with every fiber   of my being you must have a strong reason to  ally the german i sense a longing in your soul   a longing for something beyond your reach i  may have dreams takeo but i know they are not   reality my life is only war it is all i  know do not question me any further takio   my thoughts and my past are mine and mine alone  i have little interest in your secrets nikolai   unless they are the kind that put our alliance at  risk i will fight until there are no more battles   to be won and when that day comes what kind of  man will you be nicarague when all this madness   ends i will still be the man i always was a  loyal servant of mother russia richtofen may   have confidence in his friends but none of us can  truly know the nature of our own destiny nicaragua   premise's travels inevitably lead them to  the underground prison where tokyo resided your eyes i recognized them almost as though they were my own   i did not believe i would find you in such a place  i was a warrior i fought many great battles for   the glory of our nation for the honor of the dying  samurai spirit i was a hero i share this memory   i have lived many of the same victories i  later learned that my victories were unwelcome   his betrayal was driven by petty  jealousy he knew i could endure anything   but i fear not even my own death punishment is  one thing this is cruelty who could be so evil   as to desire another soul to endure such  suffering who amongst us can be so dishonorable   are you so blinded by your own loyalty  the orders came from the emperor himself this room may have been corrupted and consumed  by evil but we possess the power to change things   the tomorrow is only possible if  we blow away the ashes of the past   none of us choose the means by which  mercy will find us but i am at peace i understand what must be done will you be my it is my honor so three down one to as richtofen said there was somewhere they needed  to go first before collecting nikolai's soul and   that was true richthofen is not someone who  doesn't think things through and this plan   that maxis and dr monty were having him running  around doing had some unanswered questions   richthofen knew that he was collecting their souls  so they could live on in a universe free from all   the calamity they were forced to endure but what  didn't have an answer was what happened to them   after this universe is created if all universes  where the apothicons existed get wiped from   existence what happens to the people within  those universes well richthofen figured that   likely they would die and disappear alongside them  this was only further perpetuated by the cronorium   itself which detailed how no matter the universe  richtofen died in all of them and as you could   have figured he didn't want to die he needed  what he referred to as an insurance policy an   ace up his sleeve that no one especially dr monty  knew about a way to cheat fate and death itself   richthofen's plan was to use blood vials blood  obtained from individuals from dimensions that   were no longer going to exist after everything  was said and done this was the purpose of the   secret alcatraz base he had built however long ago  the blood of sal and finn were going to protect   richtofen he was given this blood even before the  events of origins from a future version of himself   which is why he has the blood vials the entire  time we've been with him meanwhile the blood of   victus was going to protect the others collecting  their blood was also part of his plan by being   in possession of their blood it would create a  paradox and preserve their lives this is where   the characters arrive at alcatraz to meet the  other version of richthofen who just obtained the   chronorium delivered the blood to his past self  and obtained victus's blood vials to hand them   over to the other characters if you've played the  games this is not where blood of the dead comes in   in this timeline premise arrive obtain the  blood and simply leave to obtain nikolai's soul   it's a very clean entrance and exit with the  blood vials secretly obtained maxis teleports   the characters to the agonia fracture in this  dimension division 9 had successfully resurrected   dragons for the war the only way for the russians  to fight back against this was by stealing group   935's research for their giants and they created  their very own models in this fracture the battle   of stalingrad never ended and world war ii  continued indefinitely element 115 was also   accidentally released on the battlefield making a  three-way war between dragons mechs and zombies in   this timeline is also a version of sophia maxis's  assistant who was infected and subsequently had   her brain transferred into a machine it seems no  matter the universe this is always sophia's fate   she was put in charge of the facility in this  location and was responsible for much of its   going ons research attempts at taming dragons  development into other soldiers and weapons   sophia is in charge here after being teleported  to this new dimension per the difficulty in maxis   controlling where they come out they wind up  falling through the sky fortunately for everyone   when the portal was opened it also opened  under a dead skydiving peter mccain from the   pre-tone fracture just before he died as he did in  shinonuma while i would usually play the cutscene   this one quite frankly has copyrighted music so  sorry upon landing the characters discussed their   adventures so far the mystery of richtofen's blood  vial adventure and everything they've had to go   through so far and what they will have to do in  the future so richtofen are we gonna talk about   the blood you can if you want so i don't imagine  it will be a particularly riveting conversation   you took us on a little whistle-stop tour of some  other locations said we all needed the blood vials   i was right this subject is very boring can we  talk about something else okay maybe you start   telling me about your end game specifically what  you plan to do with all our souls rattling around   in the summoning key it's a house we have to get  to the house we'll be there soon you mentioned the   house as if we have the faintest idea what you're  talking about it's a house didn't i tell you   it's there will be safe forever and ever tell  me something and give me a straight answer or   i swear i'm gonna punch you in the gumballs  whose idea was this plan of yours i you know i   i really don't know i'm getting confused again  are you ready to face your own demons nikolai   are you prepared for what lies ahead what lies  ahead say what you mean german you are referring   to the fate of my eternal soul your soul is not in  danger nikolai the summoning key will contain it   keep it safe for what purpose i have yet  to hear you explain what you plan to do   when you have our souls the madness around you  will not last forever nikolai i have told you   before everything i do has purpose i aim to make  things better for all of us i have long since   given up trying to make sense of your riddles  richtofen war is all i will ever truly understand   you have not explained the purpose behind our  last journey uh you know what i am referring   to i'm going to have to ask you to trust me  nikolai the less we speak of the blood the better   it's supposed to be a secret trust me nikolai the  plan will succeed do not worry your ugly little   russian head any further doctor's orders  you are an impossible creature richtofen   i have a terrible feeling that even you do not  know why you do the things you do you have spoken   many truths that have come to pass richtofen  it is clear to me that we are bound by destiny   so will you tell me what our future holds uh no  such knowledge is a burden that only i can bear   i fear the instability around us reflects  the instability within nicaragua's mind   i am wary of what this day may bring  nikolai is stronger than you realize takeo   you do not know what he has endured in the past  i do what happens if our mission is incomplete   what happens if we fail to recover the other  nichorei failure is a thing of the past takeo   i've experienced it time and time again but  no more we will complete our mission long ago   you told me i would hear voices and that i  should trust them yeah takeo you will hear voices   even ones that will not always speak to me what  purpose for the blood vials the ones we retrieved   after our journey to the island worry not their  true purpose will become clear assuming it comes   to that which i hope it won't how's it feel  to be back on your old stomping ground nikolai   bring back memories this is not something i  remember the russia i knew was not plagued by   giant dragons dragons robots and flesh bags aside  you should at least know your way around the area   right why do you assume i know my way around just  because i am russian draw me map of [ __ ] chicago   stay cool nikolai we won't be here any longer  than we need to be we just need to deal with   you you do not need to explain pattern dempsey  richtofen was first uber second tachyo is third   i am not as stupid as you look look on the  bright side nikolai we get through this we   get the better future ripped off and keeps  promising us promises can be broken dempsey   i fear we are more likely to join richtofen on his  descent into insanity why are you so sad nikolai   i mean even when i hear you yelling in the heat  of battle i can't help feeling there's something   wrong so many things are hung dempsey it  is part of the reason i yell and curse   it takes mind off wrongs hey tech i know you went  through a rough time saying goodbye to yourself   not to mention the old betrayal i  confess recent events have left me shaken   but i will follow the road ahead of  me the road ahead is long and dark   do you remember who said that i believe  richtofen is guided by insights unseen to us   i believe he is indeed on a path of redemption i'm  not sure if richtofen can ever be redeemed tack   he's got a lot of blood on his hands even  if his own redemption is impossible he still   seems eager to make amends still don't know  exactly what he's up to though especially that   business with the blood vials i believe there is  bigger picture that we are not yet able to see   you know the saiyan tack time will tell  indeed time will unveil those mysteries   it has shrouded for so long i would not dare  to presume but i think i understand some of   what you must fear nicorai i look around  me and see my country consumed by madness   i myself am uncertain as to what i must  feel at least we have a sense of purpose   something that has all too often eluded us we are  all being led on a dark path toward an unknown   destination listen to the voices around us [ __ ]  i believe they have much wisdom to impart i have   heard many voices but i have heard little wisdom  richtofen's goals are still unknown we are bound   together only by convenience personal contempt  aside i think it is unwise to underestimate the   he has knowledge of realms beyond our  understanding i believe that richtofen   will betray us again mark my words it is his  nature respect for it in the cry i disagree   the characters are forced to use sophia and her  assistants if they want to get to nikolai one of   the most unexpected steps they must do is extract  information from gersh yes that gersh unlike all   of the other characters who exist in fractures and  are simply a duplicate in some way shape or form   gersh is the same one from the original  timeline after ultima's freedom from his   entrapment his soul was launched through space  time and dimensions where he wandered as an   entity he effectively lost his mind rambling about  the universe and space and time he even recognizes   the characters but doesn't realize that they're  not the ultimus group that actually saved him   sophia extracted information from him via  interrogation while she said it was not going   to hurt him this was a lie and gersh was killed  by sophia in the end sophia gets what she wants   freedom and only the desire to find her lost love  maxis she ascends in the universe in an attempt   to find him meanwhile primus confront  nikolai but as his premise self predicted   he doesn't go down without a fight but they  inevitably take down his mech and confront him you think you will kill me now i am sorry nikolai  i wish i wish there was another way but know this   in my heart i share the same pain  as you the pain that you have buried   and blurred beneath an alcohol-fueled  haze yes the pain of your own memory you loved and you lost everything  else has been delusional fantasy   that distance you from painful truth you know  what i speak of you remember before the bombs fell   before she was taken from us some  things are forgotten for a reason it is done the souls have been collected maxis we will see you soon with the souls retrieved it was finally time to  go to agartha give dr monty the summoning key and   with it get their happy ending create a universe  free from apothecons zombies and their souls can   live in peace the only detail unaccounted for is  that no one aside from the shadows of evil crew   knew that the shadow man was trapped inside the  summoning key okay uh let's recap a bit shall we   this was meant to be a new start really a  perfect world free from all the evil that   had corrupted each and every corner  of the known and unknown universe   it was going to be a place of safety for the kids  the little yous you little well so far so good   but things started to go  wrong soon after you arrived now i can understand your initial shock coming  face to face with maxis especially after so long but you did the right thing you followed  the plan you brought the summoning key here   and you destroyed that bloody  machine once and for all thing is max's went and bulged everything up please you must help me he heard  voices you see calling to him only together can we prevent  the destruction of your world   it wasn't really his fault you know  he hasn't actually got his soul   yet all i got was a brain anyway the key  thing as in the thing that is key is that   max is fiddled around with the summoning signature  and accidentally released an even bigger bastard someone even i didn't know  was in there the shadow mary a one and only original harbinger of doom so i'm going to be absolutely truthful with  you things have got way too far out of control   this isn't any vague evil we're talking about the  apothecans the most powerful and evil entities in   all the existences that ever existed and  now they're here in our perfect world i'm not going to sugarcoat  things it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] show as monty said the only reason the shadow man  was able to escape was because maxis didn't   have a soul only a vessel and a brain and thus he  could be corrupted by the dark aether's influence   the apothicons were now free in agartha causing  destruction and dimensions colliding and yet   again it was on the characters to fix it so  richtofen with all this mayhem unfolding around us   have you formulated a new plan yes dempsey  my plan is to live through this day   if we can do that then we still have a chance  those kids in the house they're actually us   created from our souls in the summoning  key yeah dempseys the children are us   but they are free of the confusion and delusion  that has shaped our existence so this dr monty   what do you actually know about him was he  another group 935 scientist or something   oh no he may call himself a doctor but monty is so  much more than that how do i know this isn't what   you wanted all along richtofen i mean throwing  the whole universe into perpetual chaos seems like   exactly the kind of thing you do you are wrong  dempsey just as dr monty explains this is not   the future we had sought to secure something has  gone terribly terribly wrong so answer me honestly   just how much of this chaos is your fault did our  little trip to alcatraz have anything to do with   it be quiet dempsey i told you that's our little  secret i know you're not particularly fond of me   nikolai but i promise you i'm really trying hard  you should try harder the children in the house   they are us are we to believe that  they are vessels for our eternal soul   yeah nikolai that is exactly what they are vessels  for our eternal souls what of these bodies that we   currently inhabit what becomes of us when the  battle is over you will see nikolai and one day   you will thank me your plan forced me to  relive painful memories i would rather   would left in the past i am not sure i should  thank you for that you misunderstand me nikolai   i'm referring to the future not the past i  fear that our future will soon be upon us   our journey's end is rapidly approaching  let us just agree to disagree nikolai i have   every intention of living a long and eventful  life we have traveled far richtofen but what   do you know of our true destination we have to  focus on restoring order to this universe takeo   which means doing the kind of things we usually  do questions remain unanswered richtofen   what of the children the monte doctor seem  to imply that they are us they are what   we could be had we lived in a world unsullied  by the evils that have punctuated each   and every moment of our existence if the children  are us then what of us the bodies we now inhabit   what becomes of them when order is restored that  question has been on my mind for a long time takeo   i believe the answers not ones that would bring  you any comfort are you returning to your old   precipitous ways richtofen do you have another  agenda that we are unaware of i promise you takeo   i will make this right without the help of dr  monty have faith takeo others and all the times   i betrayed tortured or tried to kill you have  i ever let you down you have kept your word   as you had promised i was shown the truth behind  my own misguided path you still seem real mad at   richthofen you having second thoughts nikolai  second thoughts my opinion of the german has   barely wavered but i believe we are serving a  higher purpose so do you think this dr monty is   the real deal i see no other explanation dempsey  but as for how closely his goals are aligned to   richtofen's is something that remains to be seen  i know and you put up a bigger fight than the rest   of us you think your gut feeling about richthofen  was right all along each of us have made the   ultimate sacrifice in the name of richtofen's plan  we have hunted down and extinguished our other   selves we'll fight side by side back to back even  if it's for the last time nikolai though i fear   the end approaches i believe richtofen holds cards  he has yet to play so tack you notice anything off   when we bag nikolai's soul and stalingrad many  things were off on our last mission dempsey   but i believe i know what perplexes you the big  beam of light that came out of the summoning   [ __ ] it shot right up into the sky and i saw  figures in it you me nikolai but no richtofen   an intriguing realization an unlikely revelation  if our memory of stalingrad is correct why do   you think we saw only three figures i'll tell  you what i think i think our pal ricked off   an ain't got a soul not sure if he ever did  if our souls are truly within the children   then what is left of us exactly i'm starting  to see a flaw in this plan specifically that   we don't seem to feature perhaps when the  battle is over our spirits will join in unity   ascending to another plane of existence  i ain't sure i like the sound of that   what if i don't want to be a [ __ ] kid what if  i just want to be me you know that this journey   has changed us all nikolai i cannot dispute that  the fact that i allowed myself to do what i did   proves that would you welcome a fresh start  for your soul the chance to live a new life   far from this realm of violence and fear however  much i would wish it to be otherwise i know   that my past is gone forever i do not believe  the survival of our eternal souls is the real   driving force behind richtofen's agenda he is  a selfish creature i think you are mistaken   i believe this richtofen has sacrificed more than  we may ever know what do you believe in nikolai i   believe in a higher power i believe this dr monty  may well offer us our best hope for the future   whatever it may be tell me takio what do you  believe in my beliefs have changed greatly   but i will tell you one thing i know for sure  nikolai even though we are bound by destiny   in our hearts we are a team while here and  before confronting the shadow man richtofen   instructs the others to drink their blood  vials by doing so their blood was mixed making   them in a sense other people but most importantly  people from destroyed universes sal and finn   hail from dimension 63 which was destroyed by  the apothicons at the end of shadows of evil   victus are from the original timeline which  was destroyed by maxis at the end of buried   and all of them were in a purgatory the premise  characters is blood mixed with theirs becoming   them and thus protecting them creating a paradox  despite the shadow man's best attempts at trying   to convince the characters that monty is evil as  well and does not have their best interests at   heart premise still carry through with stopping  him the shadow man is defeated and thanks to the   assistance of sophia who had since found maxis and  arrived during the character's current ventures   that the two save the universe maxis still  residing inside of the summoning key absorbs the   souls of the children and together the two lock  away the apothicons and all evil from the universe we will do it together as  one we are now and forever uh with the evil vanquished i can  stop making it all nice again   no undead no apothecans no shadow man all of  it gone forever but it here's the funny thing   you snowflake shouldn't even still be here  you should be fading out of existence by now those blood vials i was wondering when you'd bring this up  they're from realities we've already closed off   they shouldn't be here they can't be here such a  paradox means you're putting my perfect world at   risk you guys and your bloody free will what to  do what to do well you certainly can't stay here   you could send us somewhere  else somewhere we've never been   hmm i suppose i could make a little corner  somewhere in history a place where i can dump   some of the other [ __ ] that i've left  over or i just wipe you from existence oh hang on actually that all works out perfectly what monty did here was fix a paradox the concept  of a paradox itself threatens his very existence   and he might die due to one despite being alive  for who knows how long he still values his own   life and doesn't want to disappear so he fixed  this paradox richtofen had created by placing them   inside of a cycle he sent them to the great  war when the humans fought off the apothicons   premise are those four heroes that saved everyone  from the beginning of the timeline it was always   them but for them it was where their cycle ended  they saved humanity protected it and would simply   go on to die they are but human after all they  do provide some entertaining developments that   affect the future for example one of the warriors  who fought with them during the war was the wolf   king as his name would imply he had tamed  various wolves to fight alongside him in battle   he looked at premise as the bravest warriors  he'd ever seen they were the ones who told him   to build his castle which would be the location  of der eisendrache but this was premise's fate   they save the universe die and their younger  selves meet again at the beginning of origins   where their whole journey repeats itself it  was an endless cycle always destined to repeat   exactly how it does now despite richtofen  reading the chronorium and attempting to avoid   this fate it was exactly that drive which led  to this outcome it is also the reason richtofen   wanted to save the souls of dempsey nikolai and  tokyo following a singular pathing of the timeline   the four while they do grow closer it's still only  ever so slightly by the end of revelations where   their journey ends nikolai never comes to trust  richthofen dempsey believes he may know what he's   doing and takeo believes in his heart the most  but richtofen his understanding of the timeline   isn't quite so linear he has the chronorium he's  traveled between dimensions he's experienced so   much with the others life death and rebirth so  when he saw versions of the other three die it got   to him it actually upset him that is the reason  he tries to bring them along on his journey in   the first place why he includes them in collecting  their souls he wants them to live on because of   everything they've gone through even if they don't  know it the journey doesn't require all of their   souls but richtofen wanted all of their souls to  be safe but as was heard via the conversations   during their travels richthofen often says how  the others are losing their memories thanks to   115 delusions of dimension hopping for which he  was asked about himself but his response was that   it was just a burden he must bear in reality  they were right richthofen suffered the most   element 115 delusions traveling so much he would  forget so much of the information he learnt the   result was him just feeling so tired at the end  of each cycle he tries so hard to save them only   to fail premise's cycle repeats who knows how many  times tens hundreds millions infinitely they may   have gone through the cycle with absolutely zero  changes happening that was until one little rat   came along and changed everything or sorry should  i say one weasel changed everything during one of   the infinite cycles premise finds themselves  in during one of them the chronorium changes   the chronorium doesn't change or isn't supposed to  change is more accurate history plays out one way   across all realities but something in this reality  broke the cycle and the person who did that   was albert the weasel arlington the mobsters  were stuck in their own cycle endlessly destined   to repeat their escape attempts at alcatraz  but al managed to break free from that cycle   and doing so had ripple effects across all  dimensions richthofen never expected it the   chronorium only pertains to the person reading  it and richthofen wasn't the one who broke the   cycle so how does this change things well as  for premise the cycle is broken after collecting   takio's soul in the cycle the characters obtain  tokyo soul arrive at alcatraz to obtain victus's   blood vials immediately leave and make their way  to russia to get nikolai's soul but in that cycle   they arrive at the secret laboratory on time  according to schedule but in the broken cycle   they arrive late teleporting to the wrong  area with the bad news that the cronorium has   changed i was stumbling around in total darkness  part of plan you give us the fire we'll give them   hell do not speak so lightly of hell easy tech i  didn't mean the real thing gentlemen we are here where have you taken us we should be closer to  the lab no matter it's this way if you please you're late   doctor doctor is there a problem two  for each of them survival depends on it   you'll remember so much to do a vessel for maxis  the opening of the gateways are you sure you're   not getting confused you'll be needing this the  chronology but i've already read it read it again   what is the meaning of this the  pictures have changed our blood mind let me guess you're not gonna  let us in on what that was about   or explain why you have people in freezer we are leaving now what have i done uh okay change of plan we should be looking for the  other nikolai but apparently i have messed it up   when i say i i mean him me what now german  surely you do not seek to torture me further   i know all too well what lies ahead enough riddles  richtofen have i not already given you enough   my blade my honor my soul everybody just pull  your [ __ ] together or i'm gonna start freaking   out too so let me see if i understand ricked  off and copied entire plan from special book   special book change its mind and now  advance what our blood of course we all   heard the doctor fate now demands our abroad  as well i have never seen richtofen this way   the threat is real man you guys are  killing me with this doom and gloom stuff   if that book changed once it can change again  so let's buck up and get to work already   gentlemen please calm yourselves you must forgive  me i i forget how frustrating i can be sometimes   never mind the coronorium or this silly blood  business i have something entirely new in mind   richtofen knew exactly who that monster in  cell block was i could see it in his stupid   wide open face yeah that big guy with a  club was he a prison guard or something   that thing was no ordinary guard i believe he  was an agent of a much darker force the warden   i have known him to take many forms each one  used to torture the souls of both the damned   and the doomed he's not very nice still with me  doc looking a little pale paler than usual anyway   yes of course it's nothing the climate of this  dimension is stifling it's probably all the fire   owns the brimstone so this warden guy any idea  why he'd want to trap us here what do mad men ever   want that was rhetorical but just for the record  we are not trapped dempsey simply confined to   one place against our will but it's not  permanent pinky promise dempsey did you   hear that a voice just now no voices whispering  in the shadows kind of hard to hear anything   over the shriek's explosions in gunfire but if i  start hearing voices you'll be the first to know   richtofen i know your plan's probably way over  my head and i know i'll forget half of it later   but you gotta give me something there is no  plan dempsey is that what you wish to hear   we were supposed to pop in get the blood  and leave but things have changed now we   must improvise and adapt you are a marine surely  you can manage that i see your accusing glances   nikolai is there something you wish to say to  me why bother that is what you always say eh   all will be forgotten anyway ah it was stroke  of genius to build secret lab in hell dimension   because that could never end badly we will end  it one way or another and rest assured nikolai   i would not deprive you of the  chance to kill your other self   so this warden he needs your special blood  huh maybe three of us make side deal and just   give it to him the moment you traveled through  space on time your blood became special as well   no my dear nikolai any attempt to bargain  with a warden would not go well for you   richtofen i cannot stay silent you do not have  plan for once in your life admit it and tell   us what we are facing annihilation as always if i  believed for an instant that you could comprehend   so much as a phrase in the cornerium i would  hand it over but no that is mine burden to bear   my way nikolai is the only way stop looking so  damned morose takeo this place was not created   to be your own personal hell was it not faith  wielded into creation and faith has delivered us   here as we attempt once again to disrupt a natural  order the scales will be balanced the spirits of   this island awaken in your presence richtofen it  seems as though they desire something from you   doesn't everyone the voices of the damned and the  doomed can get in line behind you three the warden   the keepers on the numerous other richtofens now  placing demands on my time richtofen i must ask   do you still reflect upon your other self the one  you destroyed or did it end the moment you pulled   the trigger that richtofen was evil takeo what  he had just done to maxis to samantha to reality   he needed to die for the good of all and that was  all i could use a little optimism from you to ko   i truly could i've gotten us out of worse places  than this have i not you have and you may yet but   i do not fear death edward i fear what winning  may cost hey nick do you catch what richthofen was   saying when he read that cruller chronic evil book  thing chronorium he said that pages changed on him   judging from face it was not good change so now we  fight for lives this is what we get for trusting   german something must be done dempsey richtofen is  leading us deeper into this help yet you and i we   could take command and hey if you got a portal  stashed in your pocket by all means open it up   meantime following that lunatic is our one  and only play so nick i've been thinking   we came all this way to get this blood  as some kind of insurance policy yeah   back in the lab richtofen said something about  our blood i heard this as well the blood holds   some sort of power power that this warden seeks  to take from us perhaps we can use it against him   we have been comrades for a long time have we  not dempsey if something happened to richtofen   comrades can depend on each other there look  i think i know what you're getting at nick but   you need to stow it ricky tick turn it on  your own teammate that's bad [ __ ] karma   looks like there's enough of that going on  around here listen tech i know where you're at   doing what you had to do what we had to do  it [ __ ] you up it was my honor to end the   suffering of my other self the anguish i feel  is his the responsibility for my sins is mine   you are a true warrior dempsey you focus  your pain into action and press ever onward   it is both an honor and a terrible curse i love  you too tack but could you not poke me in the   emotions right now i'm trying to break out of  hell dempsey does richtofen appear to be acting   strangely to you the deeper we delve into this  realm the more i sense the weight on his soul   now that you mention it he does seem a bit  squirrelier than usual but if all the [ __ ] up   [ __ ] in this place doesn't get to you and  you're probably as twisted as that nut job warden   i understand your anger with richtofen nikolai but  you must not allow this resentment to destroy you   we have come here to serve our inevitable purpose  this is not fake turkey or this is richtofen   playing games with reality and our lives i  had hoped you would be wise enough to see this   tokyo comrade you can feel as well as i that  richthofen's plan is but an errand of fools   how can you be so calm acceptance is not weakness  nikolai only by accepting what is can one decide   how one wishes to proceed moment by precious  moment do the spirits of this prison disturb you   nikolai you should know that they too have  suffered at the hands of this warden i have seen   men broken by gulag and death was mercy for them  in this place takio without death to release them   i fear what men can become i confess  takio i fear this might be end for us   every step of richtofen's plan brings us  closer to doom not salvation if we fail   and warden gets blood i think that it is not  failure in this realm that you fear nicorai   it is your success in the next i do not bring  you should we clean the life of your other self   you will not bear the burden around what the  chronorium had detailed was richtofen needing   to use his blood to escape alcatraz if they ever  wanted to get out his blood was the most charged   through all of his dimension hopping and thus  it was powerful enough to break their purgatory   prison of course the shadow man wanted his  blood so he can open a portal to the dark ether   but brutus was in charge of making sure that  followed through being a special entity within   the world his death was never permanent and all  this leads to richtofen recognizing his fate   the chronorium detailed it and he knew it was the  only way of escaping the island like the mobsters   before them they were stuck here destined to die  over and over again until the shadow man got what   he wanted and so for the first time richtofen  was forced to admit defeat it was the only way to   escape this hellish purgatory he offered himself  up to the dark mechanism to siphon his blood   while the others attempted to fight back brutus  but this is also where we need to address other   changes that happened with the cycle breaking  with a broken cycle it enacted change not just   in the current moment in time but also the future  which is also the past the great war to be exact   what i'm referring to is that at the end of the  cycle premise are sent to fight in the great war   and it is unknown whatever becomes of them but  in the broken cycle richtofen actually lives   during the course of the war he invented  a teleporter to travel through time   and that's exactly what he does he is given the  elemental gem from the staff of fire which was   used to destroy the likes of evil and apothecons  and travels to alcatraz at the exact moment   richthofen sacrifices his blood this new richtofen  also referred to as post-revelations richthofen   uses the elemental gem to wipe out brutus  the day is won but at the cost of a sacrifice listen to how the spirits  sing they are of you this room need that swell does that mean we win i would be greatly relieved if that were saw that will not be necessary  nikolai the future has changed read it learn of your true calling you must keep  your soul it will be needed to defeat dr monty who hello hello i am still here what have i done the cycle is broken as such insurance policies are no longer needed  i wish i could tell you i was sorry edward   but i'm not no no you can't help me you're a  doctor wait don't you know who i am i have been witness to miracles on calamities   dimensions more don't collapse and  walk a path no other can take no i want to be me someone who denies the hard work i wanted to keep going this is me you won't even remember primus richthofen dies and a new path  is to be forged under new leadership   nikolai is placed in charge as he is the  only one left with their soul still intact   it is never addressed what having a soul does  or makes nikolai the man necessary for the job   in some ways many believe it functions as a sort  of conscience he is able to do the right thing or   the necessary thing even if it comes at his own  detriment richtofen was never able to do that he   always wanted to live he was always attempting to  cheat death and trick fate he lost his soul when   he was a child and thus could never admit defeat  the chronorium as it does told nikolai everything   he needed to know most importantly they are  the problem richtofen takio dempsey and nikolai   are always fighting the undead their journey  never ceases but that's because they are the   ones who caused it and continue to perpetuate it  if they never existed neither would the apothicons   so nikolai knew what he had to do it wasn't just  premise that were part of the problem it was also   ultimus the original characters who helped  bind their souls together in the first place   so primus traveled to groom lake 1963 not  too long after zombie richthofen finished   his deal with primus richtofen  and returned his soul into his is that your body nikolai give up   and drink yourself to oblivion or do you want to  make a difference for once in your life you oh you four must come with us in  time it will make sense now now we must go quickly there  is a war to be fought war   what kind of war a war unlike  any you have ever seen the great nikolai hides the truth from the others about  what he's planning part of his plan is similar   to monty's nikolai intends on creating a universe  free of all corruption so he too needs the   necessary devices he already has the summoning  key now what he needs is the agarthan device   so everyone travels to camp edward to retrieve  the elemental shard which purnell had locked   inside the apd with him all in all their trip is  successful however considering the cycle is now   broken dr monty has taken note he noticed everyone  has veered off course as they were supposed to be   collecting nikolai's soul but now it's become  ever apparent that they're trying to build the   agarthin device dr maxis relays this information  to them that they've been found out and teleports   samantha and eddie to safety recognizing the  danger dr monty poses before monty kills him happy nikolai everything playing out as a cronorium predicted we have what we came for the elemental shard hurray for us it's too late maxis he knows what you're doing who knows who does he speak of  dr monty what's happening nikolai you are too late ah [ __ ] that's all we [ __ ] need hello samantha who is the boy that would be us we're going to fight the vor eddie the great war  then we're going back to the house to kill him   and burn it all to the ground afghan  the ether the infinite everything from here there were only really two things that  needed to be done get the agarthin device and   fix everything nikolai decided it wasn't them who  were going to collect it as he wanted everyone to   spend time with each other in good company  sitting around a campfire enjoying drinks   and telling stories to get the agarthin  device nikolai had used victus they were   released from their cryopods and yet again  used as just a collection team for the others   i've known some of you for a long time  the others well kind of feels that way too   it's not always been plain sailing but  it looks like we finally pulled it off   so to answer nikolai's question about what  i really want i just want my happy ending   yeah me too brother okay calm down by happy ending  i mean finally being able to hang up my guns and   maybe do something that won't end up getting me  maimed or killed look i know what you're thinking   what the hell else can dempsey do besides be  knee-deep in combat well i've thought about that   we may have won our war but that doesn't  mean there won't still be a need for soldiers   i reckon i might serve my country best by  helping train up the next generation of recruits   you know pass on my expert knowledge  excellent idea making the next generation even   dumber is the american race zip it doc  before i do it for you with my boots anyway while we're on the subject of boots let  me just raise a glass to one of the finest men   to ever set foot in a pair peter mccain semper  fi brother semper fi sympathy hippie puree   sorry how dempsey when i count to  three i want you to throw the grip   into the air what did you into the fire  the choice is yours one really really two   whoa do you know why i picked you dempsey i knew  you would go on hey where'd you get [ __ ] great   you want to know about pain i know about pain  levels that none of you pozos can even imagine   i got shot in the face does that count i'm talking  about the kind of pain you have to live with   oh thousand-three to ten so back in boot camp the  squad house had these cheap broke-ass bunks mcrd   probably bought him secondhand from alcatraz  or some other hell hole anyways the mattress   was about as thick as your freaking finger and it  sat right on top of an old ass metal frame of half   rusted bed springs my what horrors you have  suffered i have experienced more pain stubbing my   toe hold your horses tack i ain't got to the pain  bit yet so i wake up early one morning swing my   legs onto the ice cold floor and try to remember  what the biggest problem of the day is gonna be   i don't know it yet but my biggest problem is  the fact that the crappy mattress is no longer   covering the springs near the side of the bed the  d.i stomps in and yells lights nice lights we all   snap to our feet now i don't know how much you all  know about physics but when your body waits on a   bed those springs are all stretched out when that  weight is removed they snap shut like a bear trap   it took me a minute to process what  had happened but that my friends is why you always always wear shorts even  more important when you get older oh amen so we got these boy scouts to run around  frantically trying to construct some a   garthan device i get it but what is it what does  it do the agarthin device can do many things   it has the power to open and close new worlds  new worlds and we open enough new worlds   isn't that why we're in this mess in the first  place as i said it has the power to do many things   for us i intend to use it to bring us  the peace that has eluded us for so long   cheers to that but we'll  see who deems i need a refit   i feel very much more drunk than  usual what is in this stuff potatoes no potato vodka is very good so nikolai was out drinking with friends i  knew it was late and life would be mad but   we were having a good time after few more drinks i  vomited on uniform oh i knew i was in big trouble my friend says no nikolai and tucks five  rubles in my pocket just televised the   drunken stranger made mess and even gave money  to pay for cleaning his brilliant idea huh yeah   so i stay out more drinks more fun yeah then  finally i get home wife is very very mad   i tell her about drunk man who made sick  and how he gave me five rubles to pay for   cleaning wife says but there is 10 rubles  here ah yes i say he also crapped in my pants do not get it maybe you would like to  hear takio's stand-up routine um no so richtofen what exactly is the deal with sam  weren't you mortal enemies oh yeah very immortal   that more trendy but a lot has changed maybe since  we both got a little taste of the mpd it's helped   us see a little more the iri i know she's got  every right to be mad but with her dad being   killed and all but how can we be sure she won't  turn on us you know there was a time on the place   where maxis was very much a father to me too what  you're serious i only ever knew him as a bitter   rival the cronorium shows only samantha's path  to redemption when war is over she will be normal   child again innocent same as boy that's nice to  know it's been a long time since i've been in us   do not remind me but i'll tell you one thing a  long time ago samantha told me something very   important she promised she would keep us safe  forever and that she would make everything okay   she said her dad had a plan nichola  if what you have told us is true   that we stand on the brink of victory and i would  like to make a toast to peace we have traveled   further than i ever dreamed possible we have faced  challenges that no mortal should ever have to face   though our alliance was brought to the brink  of collapse many times we have prevailed   even in the face of unimaginable  evil we fought with courage and honor   but now perhaps the fighting is truly  at an end in my blood tack i'm a marine   and that ain't something you just turn  off do not be so sure think of dempsey   a warrior's path should always lead toward peace  well i'm with you on that attack to peace to peace i can honestly say i never imagined being in  this position i didn't look at us old body body   i'm not going to apologize for all the  terrible things i have done because frankly   i'm not five or anything yeah  i've had the time of my life oh i know you probably never really trust me  and even now you'll be expecting me to put some   last-minute rabbit out of my hat a big rabbit of  betrayal yeah no kid thank you deb i knew i could   rely on you ah so do you have a rabbit on betrayal  if i'm honest i've been expecting one since we all   got together sadly no i am all out of ravage  you have spoken many times of a war nicholas   a great war yeah a war unlike any we have ever  seen oh are you going to tell them everything   the apothecons the keepers the shadow the  dark ether monty shadow man the apothewats   what's he talking about nikolai they are legends  contained in the book the conorium tales of demons   and angels commanded by the forces of  light and darkness that does not sound   like any war we have ever faced demons and angels  light and darkness the big star who was who   which was wish do you know that nikolai monty  and shadow man were more similar than you know   richtofen both were corrupted by the dark ether  one by his own ambition the other desperately   trying to save his friend do you remember when i  asked you what you really want we remember but why   do you ask this now because the great war no the  greatest war is the one we fight against ourselves okay everybody this is love  song i want you all to join in   i've got to be honest with you i'm not sure if  i want to join in i'll sing for my supper i'll   drink to another i'll tell all you folks a  tall tale a tall tale well it's all based on   fact though i should say the act of  telling it's taller each day literally thought nothing was finer  than lazing around every day but my aunt jemima lost it all in a fire including give us something about the emperor or honor   honor is one thing but i'm feeling  nothing but lack of opportunity not so eager to let them still watch over me   nicely done what about your coffee  yeah do you have any soul no no one sings unless they want to sing we're all  telling tales and we're all singing songs drinking   our drinks from midnight till dawn i was trying  to say something there sorry richtofen we're   not messing with you we want to hear your  dulcet tones ain't that right yes really   really this isn't the song that  i wanted to sing but nobody i was the nicest one   but you won't even remember me and if you start  to doubt you should know that without einstein ouch on a slight side story this is how pablo gets  back to the great war to help the premise heroes   he similarly was always there and is the reason  richthofen can teleport to alcatraz at blood of   the dead as he protects him and gives him the gem  regardless victus succeeds and sends the device   to nikolai but you see these final few events i've  been detailing out of chronological order because   there's a sad fate best left for the end there was  two things nikolai had left to do get the agarthan   device and fix everything the reason he had  everyone gather around to tell those two stories   was twofold because they were his friends and  he wanted to share that special moment together   at peace away from all the chaos they've been  running from forever but it was also where he   poisoned everyone's drinks to kill them  they were the problem with the universe   this is what the chronorium had told him it  was why he still had his soul because only he   could make this decision no matter how hard it  was ultimus richthofen died but was reborn as   zombie richtofen yet again and it was then that he  reawoked victus to commence them on their journey what are you serious no way  dude that's awesome uh stew   oh my someone's been busy your enjoyment pal asked  if we wanted to live this don't feel like living   calm down everybody everything's  fine or going to be fine okay my friends old and new we stand on the  brink of victory element 115 group 935   the hell kick scourge the mpd the apothecarts  all of it will soon be gone but tonight tonight we celebrate we got a whole bunch of maggot feeders headed  downstairs and we ain't got no weapons yes   i'm telling them now but they're oh a tasty  bit grumpy because they just woke up hey stew   you want to be a bit more specific about what  the voice in your head is actually saying   dr mindy what is he like a bad guy we gotta go with this power and the means to control  it we can go wherever we choose at last   we can return to our homes  our old lives our families i've got to be honest with you samuel i don't  have even the slightest inkling as to what an   agarthing device is he didn't say you had  to know what it was martin just how to build   it trust me guys it won't be that complicated  in fact my german pal says it's going to be a   duke it's one thing trusting used to do it's  a whole other thing trusting your imaginary   brain buddy russman how can you even say that  he's the sweetest guy in the whole universe   he wants us to help save it the  universe thank you sammy i moved the madness is nearly over child but one thing  remains the one who perpetuates this madness   he must be i wish i did not have to  ask this of you but only you can do it but once it was all done richtofen was  shot and nikolai used the agarthin device   to destroy the summoning key and  open a gateway to a new dimension   he had samantha shoot him finally putting a  close to everything that's been going on and   with it everything else was banished to the dark  ether and samantha and eddie set forth towards   a new beginning i want each of you  to think about what you really want where would you like to go now believe me you can have it hello uh richthofen there's something done wrong we get everything  you ask you haven't forgotten about us have ya no sammy i haven't forgotten about you it is time richtofen   the multiverse must come to an end the paradox  must be resolved at least it will be quick what are you talking about  we found the agave device i know and i'm so sorry me too richtofen we fought for what we wanted we got more than  we deserved all the chapters of our lives   good and bad even if there was no witness even  if no one came to see it still happened somewhere we fought the great war over and  over but victory could never be ours we were always doomed to fail  monty told us the truth our journey   is the very reason this madness exists we  are the ones who fractured the universe   this is the truth the cronorium showed me  the truth richtofen could no longer face when we are gone so too is everything that  spewed forth from the ether element 115 the   apothecarts even monty himself all of it will  be banished to where it belongs the dark ether we should not be here our time has passed but for all the pain and torment we have  endured together as we leave this life behind   it is my hope that you know  one thing beyond any doubt look away eddie you are more than just my allies my  brothers in arms you were my friends i would like to return to my home my beloved  before the bombs fell if only to die by her side i see myself at peace serene sitting  beneath its hairy brotham tree   listening to the joy of my children at prey you know the more i think about it the  more i think i'd be a darn good d.i get those kids toughened up i would like to be in favorite bar but  as long as i am vodka i am happy man i would like to know for sure that i brought  honor to my ancestors and the emperor   i should probably try to relax pick  up a hobby maybe i could open my own let me think about it wherever i  go you know i'll be kicking ass and thus the journey of the aether storyline  comes to a close samantha would return in   cold war in a new story arc all grown up but  that is a different story for a different time   the likes of ultimus and premise had captured  the hearts of players from all around the globe   many have tried to emulate the charm and charisma  these four had with very little success their   comedy has provided endless amounts of laughs  and their journey has broken the hearts of just   as many fans it is a story and franchise  which i will always hold close to my heart   but for now that does it for the complete  unabridged timeline of call of duty zombies
Channel: EruptionFang
Views: 5,401,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eruptionfang, anime, theory, animated, call of duty, zombies, cod zombies timeline, call of duty storyline, call of duty timeline explained, the complete unabridged timeline of call of duty zombies, aether storyline, complete zombies storyline, black ops, ultimis, primis, the complete timeline of zombies, monty, shadowman, call of duty zombies storyline full, radios, richtofen, complete zombies timeline, aether timeline, dark aether, black ops cold war, zombies timeline explained
Id: cP0bQGrQZlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 405min 13sec (24313 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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