I installed all the Terraria ZENITH Mods...

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so I installed all the Terraria Zenith mods that I could find on The Mod browser let's see how chaotic these mods get it is that time of the year where I install all the Zenith mods on The Mod browser it's been a minute I honestly don't even remember the date or how long it's been since the last one but let's get it some of these we've definitely seen before there might be some new things there might be some updates there's a good bit compared to when a t mod 1.4 first drop I remember I think we did a couple of videos when I first dropped and there wasn't too much maybe like five mods but now you know I'm able to get a good scrolling yeah we got the Zenith gun we got Apex mod Zenith bow which I believe Apex was also gonna be an alternate name for the Zenith Zenith more start with Zenith lowercase start with Zenith uppercase the super smell yeah a bunch of more mods I might as well just start downloading them and we'll hop in game and go over them instead of me just announcing each one here all right so we got our mods installed here as you can see there's a good bit of zenith tier items let's grab just a little bit here let's start over these for one now we got the Apex from the Apex mod Xenith bow it says this is the ultimate boat you know I'll be the judge of that let's see it okay so far offer just shooting it it's a little uh lackluster to say the least and are those arrows backwards I really can't tell but uh also the projectile the arrows is very interesting like no Arc or anything I got the Calamity mod installed because last time I did Zenith video like this I think I just killed vanilla bosses and everybody got mad I don't know you know how it is being a YouTuber uh so let's do this let's bring in uh we're gonna start with the Calamity boss let's just start with I don't know the Golem I think I'm in master mode yeah so they should be able to eat up some shots and for this being a Zenith tiered item it's not really showing that power where's the power I expect these things to go crazy at least okay the damage is a terrible but like there's no presentation like this like look at this that's magical using that using this is a little lackluster all right these next three weapons I believe are all from the same mod Zenith more exclamation point so we got the gunth the summoneth and the whippeth let's see the guneth in action here okay this is a little bit more respectable in terms of Firepower let's bring in Plantera and let's see how this baby does on planter maybe Master mode ain't the way to go for this because even some even like the vanilla Xena thing doing that much damage stop Master mode all right we brought it down to around normal mode so uh hopefully these weapons are more respectable in terms of damage but uh you know this isn't as bad you know it's better than the bow in terms of uh you know the projectiles it shoots out it's still pretty mundane and boring though like I need something extravagant all right but yeah let's go ahead let's see the summoneth and the whippeth summon if okay this is pretty much the terror Prisma but just I don't know a different Sprite and then we got the Whip It which doesn't even really have like an actual Sprite okay not the greatest I'm gonna say not the greatest did not like those at all so those first couple of zenith weapons were pretty bad let's go ahead let's hop into the next ones here we got the short sword the 2048 melee damage and it just says why let's figure out why look at this thing though the presentation is amazing okay maybe not a mix yeah that might be over saying it but uh it is not bad let's bring in Brimstone Elemental and let's see the Xena short sword oh man great damage great damage there's no like special effects or anything crazy that I'd expect from a weapon like this but the damage alone is just you know Zenith here maybe even better all right next up we got two bows Zenith bow and then we got Eclipse I'm using regular arrows well I don't even know if we need arrows for these or not but uh oh here we go now when I'm talking about presentation this is it right here these are the type of weapons I expect from the Zenith every time let's go ahead who we bringing out let's bring on our Calamity boss I don't want to bring out something too strong I need to bring out something that's just right maybe cygnus bringing sickness he might be too strong no that's okay but this is amazing this is really what I expect from Xena tier weapons I expect the looks I expect the damage I expect everything the Zenith is supposed to be the peak of that class the peak of the weapon and this is this is a perfect example right here good job all right next up we got the eclipse you know it's gonna be tough to beat the boat so let's see what the eclipse has the one bow that eclipses all else oh here we go now that look nice that look real nice let's go ahead let's bring in I'm feeling Providence feeling Providence let's see how the bow does it's doing good damage I'm pretty sure Providence might enrage or something if you fight her outside of her bomb but the damage is still solid I respect it it's respectable it may not be as good as the last bow in terms of uh looks and maybe that don't really damaging that way but it's not terrible it's not terrible at all all right next up we got the Xena gun pretty much got two guns here we have seen a shark after but let's see this one summons the entire Arsenal to fight for you this is probably gonna be what we expect huh yes sir I remember this one and this one was amazing again this is what I expect when I see Zenith anything Zenith any weapon is what I expect let's bring out I'm gonna bring out a Empress of light daytime Empress of light let's put her to the test against the Zenith gun and it's looking pretty good so far I kind of wish for a little bit more or in terms of special effects but I guess the most we're gonna get in his special effects is all the projectiles and just like random stuff flying around from the bullets we're shooting because it does shoot all types of bullets which is also a nice little touch yeah cool I like it on to the next here we got two of them Xena shark and then this is Zenith shark ex or X so let's see this in action uh oh my God my ears that hurt my ears I ain't gonna lie my headphones are too turned up let's see it again though let's see it again keep her still she's moving a lot I got I gotta actually track her down like I'm playing the FPS now it's not bad the damage is kind of but we switched to the ex at Nina 9999 damage I expect this thing to go crazy it's still kind of well hold up 999 damage don't really feel like it doesn't I don't know I don't know Zenith shark now I believe the rest of these Zenith weapons are all from the same mod a good majority of them here so let's get to it starting with this one the fiesta which is a dart weapon a dart Zenith weapon amazing it's got the Firepower of the Zenith let's see let's use it against I don't know let's get a vanilla box here let's get Duke let's see the Xena dart gun the fiesta I guess the Duke it's a little bit slow and for faster enemies like this you really gotta aim but the damage is pretty solid for a dart weapon with no Buffs no accessory no nothing it's not bad all right after that we got the Zenith staff it says your body starts getting stronger let me just see how strong my body gets from using this okay I'm liking the Firepower a lot going on which is what I like to see when using these type of weapons the damage itself is not as crazy as the projectiles look but still not bad like the projectiles are shooting was making it feel like I should be able to kill anything instantly next up we got the Zenith yoyo shoots all the yoyos you've collected oh yes now this is amazing that is the perfect example of what I want to see let's use it against the Golem Jesus okay uh Plantera okay and looking like we might have to fight a Calamity boss let's bring in a big body Calamity boss let's bring in Providence why not and the damage is still looking very very solid you know how Calamity is with their bosses and all the rules they got so you know that when you do some good damage to a boss it's got to be a Nissan weapon man and we did kill her she's gonna be loud when we kill her foreign death animation all right next up we got to tell them here last Spectrum let's go ahead let's see it in action so fairly similar to the staff but we're shooting obviously Tome attacks or should be tomatex let's go ahead let's bring cygnus in again and let's see it in action Mage definitely being one of the higher damage classes in the game I expect this thing to go crazy on some Calamity bosses it's definitely very Vivid very bright a lot going on which I like after that we got the Zenith Boomerang which this kind of looks like a bow from far away but let's see it in action here it says it throws all the boomerangs we have collected in the past and as you can see you kind of get like a big bundle of them around your mouse and this is pretty amazing I like this a lot this might be my favorite attack so far I just love the idea of all the boomerangs building up into one big just mesh and it's wherever my mouse is too so like pretty much you know I got a giant ball of that fall in my mouse around it's still taking a while to kill him but at least it looks cool all right let's go ahead let's check out this uh in the short sword so it says right click to shoot homing short swords left click to swing the short swords okay so we got a little baby Zenith attack and then if we right click we can shoot okay I gotta right click multiple times I can't just hold it down so if I right click here we shoot out a bunch of uh swords let us bring in let's bring in a nice little vanilla boss here I feel like this one might be on the softer side I don't know we'll see let's see the damage from just the right click it's not bad and it does home in like these things are hitting like 90 degree angles sometimes it's very bad homing though as you can see some of the sword just don't come in let's see the left click though let's get in close and see the left foot oh man the left click is actually kind of decent it's actually kind of decent damage to us so let me bring in Plantera 82k health and it's really not bad damage man let me bring in let me bring in another big body from the Calamity model let's bring in The Old Duke 500k that's a real test right there 500k very hard to hit he's moving a lot this might not be a great example this is a terrible example okay can we get somebody that kind of like just sits still oh I got an idea we do ravager let's bring a ravager he's kind of known to sit still a little bit it's still pretty solid honestly the damage might be better than the regulars either Let's see we get compared oh man it's way better who would have thought the shortest sword is better that just goes to show you Size Doesn't Matter all right while we have the ravagers still stomping around let's go ahead let's check out the Scythe now and this looks like this could be pretty amazing shoots out all the previous sizes in the game and maybe even some we've never seen before the damage is okay it ain't no short sword damage but it does remind me of the Zenith Blu-ray we tested earlier so it's not that bad all right next up we got the party thrower this is a flamethrowers unit and man I like how it looks it's definitely got the presentation down damage though technically isn't terrible I think it's better than the size but it's not looking too good I think it's not bad I can't say that any of these have been bad but we've definitely seen some that hit it out of the park more than the others the Xena short sword left click attack was crazy our last but not least in terms of weapons from this mod and then we got a pair of zenith spark boots to check out uh we got the Zenith bow no idea how this is gonna look okay so that's how it's gonna look crazy we've had like three or four bows that we all compared to each other and I would say all of them have not been too bad except for the first one let's bring in a boss here let's bring in Brimstone again the reason why I'm summoning the same bosses because some of these bosses I don't remember what they do so I'm trying to summon in ones that I think would be tame all right let's bring cryogen let's see the damage here okay first phase annihilated second phase a little bit tankier you're taking less damage in the second phase but this weapon has been decent the damage has been pretty decent on this I like it but if I were to have to give it a rank this would probably be the third one compared to all the rest because I really like the eclipse I really like the Zenith bow the Apex was I didn't like the Apex so this would probably get third place all right the last but not least from that specific mod the more Zenith items mod we got the Zenith spark boots allows flight dashing swimming Auto jump super fast running and extra Mobility on ice increased movement just speed provides ability to walk on water hunting live against Community fall damage yada yada it's just really good boots better than the terror spark boots it also counts as wings so I can't wear wings but let's put them on nice so you do okay don't take off all of them I look weird you do get a nice little sprite here you get the boots on your feet you get the wings they look good I got no complaints there they look good and as you can see I'm zooming we might have to put on a little thing to measure our speed all right we got the depth meter on we got the stopwatch so let's see our speed and then I want to see our uh how fast we get like flies so we got 119 miles per hour and that's just running what about flying we could probably reach very high speeds flying yeah 175 it'd probably go even higher and then if we start let's say from like down here so we're at 478 476 on the surface let's just see how fast we Ascend pretty fast 125 miles per hour too just ascending not bad I like does I always liked overpowered boots that you get towards the end of the game all right so we should be at our last set of items here unless I miss some 100 possible we got a handmax the final Hammer NX and then we got our pickaxe so let's see The Hammocks in action here uh by just cutting down some trees man nice and simple oh man look at that just got rid of everything and look at the walls get them out of here very nice very simple I guess we might as well see some damage too you know bringing the King Slime hit it with the ax nice and fast decent damage too 181 true melee because we're playing with Calamity really not that bad and the speed is insane but after that we got the pickaxe 5 000 pickaxe power the damage is uh I don't really expect too much from the damage but it's still super fast giant range too very big weapon yeah let's go ahead let's see this here so I believe there's forms or different modes we can use yeah right here dude there's different modes we can use so I'm gonna put that on Mouse four oh my God look at this is this an attack mode no it's just a mining mode and I love this idea so much we're shooting now all the previous pickaxes and we're still binding everything that's amazing and then this is the regular mode okay let me go ahead let me turn on the lights here and let's see the uh regular mode in action let's see it okay it's not that fast I thought this was gonna be way faster I mean it's not bad but you know I was expecting super speed I'm talking about chunks I thought we'd be breaking like a nine by nine on blocks but this right here really is not that bad though this is definitely the best part about this so that definitely you know helps its case even though this form is kind of slow maybe I'm using that form wrong though maybe there's like another reason or another way to use that form last but not least of course we kept it for the finale the Xena toilet as you can see this thing is gigantic a literal Throne made for a God or giant can I place it okay we can place it but let's read the stats so it does a lot of damage a lot of Critical Strike chance average speed no knockback come on where's the supersonic speed and Max knockback uh it says it is a material what could it be a material for that's kind of what I'm interested to see okay it's just for like a quality of life mod I was about to say is there something higher than the Zenith toilet uh the toilet of the Gods now let's uh wire this thing up I want to see though I'm very interested how does it do damage okay so we can just straight up smack things is what you're saying we pretty much just smack anything I thought I was gonna have to wire it up and then do something like that let's bring in uh let's bring in who should I bring in adult Idol on worm 2 million health dead don't even matter to me who else can I bring in from Calamity that won't give me a speech when I kill it oh Duke I know he got less Health but still 500k is a lot we can fight yarn you got a million Health stuff guys okay we got him game froze for a second but we got him now I want to see is there anything that happens if I wire this toilet up all right let's see here I'm gonna just put some wires boom we put a little lever connected to it does this do anything oh my God yes sir not only does it everywhere three piles of doodoo that's crazy that ain't mine but not only does it do that it can attack regularly that's really it I don't really know where I was going with that hold up look at our damage let's bring in uh Queen B and let's literally on It come on walk into it come back come back down wait can you even hit it I don't know if you can hit her with the projector okay that's a little bit upsetting like what are those projectiles for them but yeah there you go there was a bunch of zenith mods pretty much all of them on the mod browser that looked interesting to download I know one of them I didn't download was the the first fractal one which kind of because we kind of seen that one recently I did a short with that one recently and that one was also in the last video and it hasn't changed too much from what I remember and there was probably maybe like one or two other ones that could have been fairly decent because I definitely want to get the ones that are you know not terrible in quality even though some of these weren't the greatest yeah it's still cool to see that we're still getting more Zenith mods and some of the mods are actually pretty good like I could see myself installing some of these for play through like if I'm doing a theme playthrough I installed the more Zenith items mod boom I'm doing a flamethrower only play through I got something to work up to I'm doing a scythe only play through I got something to work up to I'm doing a boomerang only play through I got something to work up to and like not only does it add in Zenith items that much specifically like it adds in more items that allow you to do like full playthroughs of stuff which is really sick so shout out to more Zenith items mod literally flamethrowers Dart weapons more bows more boomerangs more tomes like it's I'm honestly great and it looks like they're working on whips so that'd be nice to see in the future yeah thank you all for watching the video shot all the mod developers that made all these Zenith mods I'll see y'all next time
Channel: Gameraiders101
Views: 437,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I installed all the Terraria ZENITH Mods..., terraria, zenith terraria, terraria zenith, calamity mod, chippygaming, so i installed all the ZENITH Terraria MODS..., ALL Zenith Weapons VS Terraria Bosses, all zenith mods terraria, terraria zenith mods
Id: SW4gN96CtII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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