The Easiest Minecraft Map In The World

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all righty folks welcome to a Minecraft map brought to you by our favorite sponsor the like button this one's by hens wood and it's called the easiest map in the world and I think that's a lie to be quite honest with you but why don't we begin and see just how much of a lie it really is oh god what is this why are we starting in darkness what the Oh God you wake up in a strange place you don't recognize dazed disoriented you attempt to find some form of escape I'll be honest really wasn't expecting this to be a horror map and also really wasn't expecting to be thrown into a blinded forest are you throwing me into a blind maze for the first thing it is in the new snapshots so we might see some 1.16 features and stuff which could be pretty cool look at this pretty sweet blue raspberry forest also pretty spooky okay let's keep going easiest man for the world that is great kind of spooky feel a chill run down your spine and a noise of the distance that you don't recognize you are acutely aware of just how dark it is in here yeah it's kind of dark I'm not gonna lie to you you have the noise again far behind you but you're slightly nearer than before is it just you or the walls getting closer together I mean they seem like they're maintaining a safe social the sound is much closer now and then without warning all noise cuts out you feel a cold sweat run down your neck something is behind you is it I don't want something to be behind why is this a horror map it's supposed to be the easiest map in the world what the heck is this oh god what the heck dude I was not expecting to be surprised with a bright hub area and a party popper sound effect bro what are the easiest map in the world rebooted by hens oi it's all gonna be lies it's gonna be the hardest map of the world it always is what is this welcome to the easiest map of the world I complete the monument minecraft map by N's would complete the monument also not what I was expecting going into this totally blind on the concept where everything is easy and there are no trolls or secrets I just don't I don't believe a word you say you must complete three levels in you should the four wings the Goldwing minigames the diamond wing park or the Emerald wing puzzles the amethyst wing quests I feel like we can start off with the parkour and we'll know very quickly whether or not the easiest map in the world is lie when you complete a wing its block will appear in your monument room like half of a gold block two-thirds of a diamond block a bit of something else and with this block is kind of cool that's also not half I realize it's more like a third yeah whatever dude so what was it it is diamond for parkour which is that one it looks like are there more side rooms though what do we have here thank you to my lovely testers thanks to them a z19 agent paint cat cream whitey omega and fin shark cool stuff and then what do we have oh this is the monument alright we don't even have to place wool down so it's like a mini diversity of sorts under the guise of being the easiest map in the world and I don't believe a word that you're saying so what do we have here Oh are these stages to choose from wrong this one looks kind of appealing this one looks like a house that I would make and this one looks like a mine so we back in the mine let's choose the middle one no okay so if I land on the red do I an alive return to hub alright alright I bet that's the case I bet you there are no checkpoints here and also how do I know which way to go I don't know which way to go I'm gonna go to green because green see me green means go and it's usually a good thing right that a checkpoint nope nope that's and I'm not going anywhere point oh nice sound nice thanks that this way what about this way is this a is this way a lie as well so it's a parkour maze which is really not what I was envisioning at all and you okay so you're telling me that it's the easiest map in the world but part of me is um having a hard time believing it's actually what's gonna be happening here you know help believe it for a second we're gonna do our best to make it through this blue okay the blue gives speed okay I'm gonna mess that one up oh boy this is not what I was helping to have happen here I'm gonna mess these jumps up in a jiffy okay all right we're trying to get to there I was trying to zoom but I don't have off to find what does that block do and do I want to go there that's a question then I don't know yes that does that do anything to me we don't have any weave night vision and that's about it okay is this a thing I don't know if I can make that jump ooh this is not what I was thinking was going to have happen wait wait it there just what oh god if I jumped it yeah I don't know what to do about that honestly okay okay all right okay yep mmm and OOP okay yep and then oh boy wait can I make mmm I don't mmm-hmm I don't know if jumping to those yellows is gonna be a mistake but also I don't know if jumping to that green is what is we did green actually like have an effect God dang it are you kidding I got it I got to see what green does cuz I got to see if I actually do make it over to that green over there which I think I probably can't if we just do that jump better I got to know if it's like a jump boost or something green seems like it'd be a jump boost but you never know maybe it just doesn't do anything oh it is a jump boost oh it's jump boost alright so maybe there's another way around this whole situation I was kind of dumb of me to just ignore green being dope you frickin Frick face okay and then you bring me to there which is great so that's just dizzy I don't know if it teleports me up or you just teleport I'm gonna go to here oh my that's didn't it's not what I wanted to have hand yes stressful is this was last time around it was kind of fun and I'm totally gonna screw it up again Oh God so every okay every for every set so hook God here we go two three Frick yeah oh my god don't do it one two three good Frick that's such a bad idea I got to do it the other way I got to do the way was doing the first time oh my goodness this is ridiculous we're going back to plan a here where we do this and then we just we just have to do that we just have to do that oh yes oh God thank you so much thank you thank you so much and we did it okay we have a 1/3 filled diamonds mush liquid fantastic looking great so did it say you have to do all three in every single one I you yep you got to do all got to do every single one in whoo boy alright you know what we're in the park or grind right now okay it's fine we're gonna do right now is we're gonna do the house thing return to hub and let me is this a you can't touch the floor kind of said no it's actually pretty simple and straightforward this looks very easy except why do I have a feeling that it's gonna be my welcome sign it down tiny town is actually reference to the sub server because hens I founded and has helped to construct tiny town on the sub server it's pretty cool place it's just to the northwest of spawn and it's pretty Swick if I do say so myself even though I haven't actually built anything there but I'm don't I don't actually know where I'm supposed to go here also this is a tinkers construct smeltery so we've got that going for us is there somewhere that I'm supposed to go to initiate the park or is it this dip do I do I go here I genuinely have no idea easiest map in the world my but I was thinking maybe we start off here and then we can get to onto this log but then like once we're on this log we can't get up there we can't jump on the stonecutter we can strafe jump around Oh let's see I'm gonna screw this strafe jump up just you watch yeah mm-hmm guaranteed I mean I've had a little bit of strafe jump parkour practice on the strafe jump on the Hall of Honor par course on the server but this is a slightly longer strafe jump just just you watch just you wait and see it's good yeah that's what I'm talking about right there oh then we can get up there okay and from here you can get onto the stairs and then up to here and then the question is where are we trying to get to I really I don't I have no idea what we're trying to get um do you want to go into one of the smelter ease I can't get if I can get onto the stairs there though right okay oh the hell oh there's there's a molten iron inside of those things so you probably don't want to go in there that seems like a mistake wait is that a checkpoint see I see a pressure plate on there so that could be something we do I want to jump maybe from here okay I don't know if that helped at all is is anything around here maybe the print maybe that's just a red herring pressure plate and the real one requires me to get on top oh god man uh please the question is if I go in there is it bad news for me it could be it could actually be lava that could be a lava texture and going here okay I mean that this seems like a pretty pretty nice safe place to be and then man they jump to that tree and then I jump on top of oh wow I have to loop it around once again this is really a map of thinking ahead my goodness wait and I do I go from here to there is that a jump that can be done whoo oh it is thank goodness God the stakes are really high right now on this aren't they because if you fall like that's it you're ruined okay all right oh my god dude oh my god can I do that I hope I can do that oh no is there a way for me to an alive myself and end up at the checkpoint effect oh it spawned a ladder oho God thank you so much maybe instead we just done what oh oh that's more like it that's what I'm talking about right there he's making the jumps a little bit more technical now isn't he so I go up there I guess God all the sudden these are all like max momentum Joe no I needed to land on the lower part of the stair god dang it I think his goal here genuinely is for this map to be more difficult than diversity yes OOP there we go what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about that's another checkpoint boys look at that ladder that's a beautiful ladder a beautiful specimen of a ladder oh my god I got a jump from here onto the fence huh yeah that's how you expect it boys professional absolute units of profession yes village parkour done zone look at that look at that glass is more than half full right there okay but why don't we take a break from parkour for just a minute and try ourselves a puzzle what kind of puzzle though this one looks to be of interest what is happening here puzzle info returned to hub check answer take paper yes I'm going to need some information please slide the tiles along the grid and line up the blank line up the black edges to form an image once you know what the image is depicting write your answer in lowercase letters on a piece of paper and place it in the dropper oh my goodness are you kidding me slide the tiles along the written line up the black edges to form an image what well let's just demo this so what does that do wait okay so it just pushes that sliding bit up interesting so it's it's like a Rubik's Cube but two-dimensional oh no this is this is gonna be nightmarish wait so I like that and then those are lined up but then something else is gonna be screwy that's the you know but we else we got to do is line up the corners yeah see we do we do this up I'm gonna do the hop again and then we do that and then it's corn oh look at the corners right there dude see that's what you got to do boys is you gotta just line up those corners and that's the strategic right here now the question is how many stages are there in this level ah that's a nice corner that's a nice corner but then hold on let's just let's do what we came here it's a cold one yeah wait oh god wrong wrong way wrong way hold on wrong way up there I want to take this this gold one and bring it down a bit think yeah that that's looking nice and then that iron one bring it down a little bit that's looking real nice I feel like the issue here is I'm gonna I'm gonna get to it's gonna be it doesn't make any sense notice I think the corners are the only thing that's actually constant it's a chicken where is the paper and chicken and God I'm so good I'm so good haha whoo yes sir yes sir oh I'm so I that was relieving that entirely uncut somebody's gonna be somebody doesn't call foul play sorry it's too much I know okay yeah continuing along what should we do next oh man what should we do next what do we have here is this a quiz yes no crafting table and surprise Pikachu what could surprise Pikachu B let's find out oh boy minigame info you must place it what is happening here you must place each of the captions onto a mean base there is no correct answer once you're satisfied with replacements press the finish button I guess it truly is the easiest map in the world if there are no wrong answers or no right answers oh right what is this what in the world big jungus don't know that meme Doge I don't know okay wait wait so what so where are the captions where do I get my captions start oh all right flushed emoji bottom text give me your skin i funny KO kind of quirky doh we live in a society we do I do hold on Twitter wait where do I place it just place them onto a meme base oh there we go we live in a society when you walk in kind of quirky dough give me your skin would this be like give me your minecraft skin oh god I'm gonna I'm gonna be such a disappointment to everybody here when I don't get these dude I don't know any of these I literally only know we live in a society oh god I'm now boomer am i though dude can we get an okay boomer here that's just a picture of me you know it did say there are no correct answers and when I I that confuses me a little bit does that mean that it's impossible to do this or does that mean that all of the meme text is simply incorrect and it doesn't actually match what's going on here so give me your skin give me your minecraft skin all right I'm still default I need a new minecraft skin kind of I mean she's looking kind of quirky doh uh wait he's walking it's when you walk in um bottom tech flushed emoji away what but I don't know flushed emoji oh oh I thought it was literally gonna just sit yeah so it's a it's a ice icy now ice this makes more sense now I can't retrieve it bottom bottom text and funny bottom text and and I funny Co cool this is obviously correct congratulations on completing the memes making this was a Rorschach test so when he said there is no correct answer I could I literally could have just done it I was overthinking the crap out of that a hen Zoid makes me overthink things okay I don't take things at face value I could have done anything there he just wanted to analyze what I actually thought was what some of them I had good justifications for others not not some that was yep okay man we're good at minigames foo just popping them off what do we have over here in the Q Department what is the Q Department remind me really quick over at the amethyst wing its quests well why don't we try ourselves a quest here real quick that's looking spooky that's looking legolas see and that looks like I'm stuck in a bathtub in a boat let's do it quest info ride your boat across the ice for seven laps as quickly as possible you must complete the course in under blank minutes in order to attain victory it's always nice to know your point of reference because that way you can know if you should restart just kidding of course he wouldn't give that to us okay time starts as soon as you enter the boat you cannot see the timer until you finish all seven laps you must use f5 for this course oh these spawns both okay oh yeah Georgie T Dodi we zoom in we zoom in boys here we go wrong way you're gonna start the boat the wrong way you freaking y'all okay that you kidding me thank you I have to use that fun this is the worst am I going this way I must be going this way why would you start me fishing the wrong way I'm totally screwed welp seven laps say seven laps it it yeah that's blocked that's just this course this course man lap one that's so fun bet you're doing great my hunt brah this is just smacking into walls want you know what it's fine I'm gonna get used to the course I'm gonna analyze it and I'm gonna become the very best and then next time I will lap to whoop-dee-doo that's what I love about you brick lap three oMG ice boat racing feels so free he's gonna make it like some absolutely ridiculous time that you have to do lap four I need more around the corner towards the door also I'm not even Pratt passing the finish line the finish line's like over there I don't even know how to get oh I bet that the the fence opens up after I've completed all the other laps and then it's like hey at five what a stri it makes me feel so alive why am I in the dark that's what this is this is this mean I've already I've passed the amount of time or is this just a thing that happens on lap five doesn't make me feel super alive just makes me feel kind of worried six okay all right this is some serious the desperation is setting in but I'm finally kind of feeling the groove here on my on my moves there we go an hour an hour seven what if you what if you just it's like it's gonna be exactly the same as the intro where he makes it go all horror movie and then Oh can't wait wait wait wait wait forgot it's gonna switch because seven and congratulations on beating the boat quest you had 3.141592 seconds left timer Wow isn't that crazy I happen to finish it with pie left on the tire that's insane what a coincidence that that actually happened man my pacing was truly incredible to give away within that close ami unbelievable truely's living up to the easiest map of the world I'm actually starting to believe him to a certain extent but only to a certain extent okay let's do another one of the puzzle schedules if you tell me this is a maze I'm going to be upset puzzle info it's a maze feel like it's pretty self-explanatory return to up look at that gilded black stone in here dude oh is this really black stone brick stone brick I don't know it's such a new block I don't actually have a texture memorized anyway okay so we just have to remember this so it's kind of hard to get a reference point well let's figure it out folks is kind of like over it's kind of down and then it's kind of like mm-hmm you go like that and then you end come up and then I was like I didn't screenshot it so I think it was like this it's kind of like a zig zag a little bit until you get to that doesn't look right I probably messed this up to be honest with you but that's okay how lost could we get not lost mm this isn't looking right not looking it's not a complete puzzle test failed you do not collect that three keys hidden within them Oh Oh God I can't I can't oh oh you oh you sly dog congratulations on completing the maze puzzle thanks for that you have made my heart sink for just a minute there let's see how about we do another quest I don't know what this could be but are we trying to get to the emeralds what are the emeralds mean I have no idea what the emeralds mean but look dude cherry forest you gotta love it I wonder if the emeralds indicate something of importance on the ground hey do any don't line up directly under the thing okay so directly under it which means Oh big chunk don't I don't know what this means at all what is a big chunk so follow the emeralds on the ceiling and I guess we'll get a chest oh god are you telling me that I have to like reach into the lot no no no just I have to get there and then I'll see what's up hey God there's something all the way in the other corner of there I got it I gotta be systematic about it because if I'm not then I'm just gonna end up revisiting things have already gone too so we got to kind of clear from one side of the others is what I'm thinking all right so you go over there and then don't don't do me like this don't don't don't do me like wait no Frick I'm directly under it and I am definitely not seeing a chain man oh wait Oh always this the full flowing lava thing alright let's hope I don't fall into the lava otherwise it's probably gonna suck okay it's just a little scavenger hunt using these to kind of Mark it off isn't gonna be another thing in the lava wait wait for it wait for it is probably here it is here big stick what is this don't understand I'm missing a reference of something I have no idea what from but I'm not even gonna venture a guess because otherwise I'll just upset someone look at that now they're gold right there anybody else looking for two 1.16 dude you bet okay so that means we've taken care of all the ones over here I'll move on to we're just going from that wall to that wall I can't even see the emerald is the emerald actually like obscured underneath this tree hey it is it's right there how are you gonna go and can oh maybe I have to actually go up the tree get to get on top of it that might be it I mean I can climb this but I can't get all the way on the top hmm got it there we go there was a nice convenient vine right over here it gets you up on top of the tree and easy okay so you have to be able to see the Emerald in order for the whole thing to work I guess we learned that now so that means the next one is a gold where is it I guess it's over here it's gonna do this one oh how am I gonna how am I gonna stand there huh that doesn't seem very safe does it now is this another one where I have to get up on the tree possibly Frick I have to get on the tree again don't I I really should have stayed up there no no no I'm just dumb it's right there can I reach it is the question God come on man I reach that wait if I go in there if I go there I'm just gonna there's no way for me to reach it I can't reach it what do you want from me how do I access that there's no way why are these getting harder and harder how did I know how did I start off on the easy side now I'm working my way over to the impossible side I don't want to jump in lava that's gonna hurt right no let's just double-check does it hurt doesn't hurt if you doesn't hurt if you go in lava all right well that changes everything cool let's sit let's do that easy wait what are they I don't all right I don't know how that happened but let's not worry about it at all no right here nice easy and then hey smelvin' how you doing dude yes that's that one and now we have 1 2 3 more I think oh I bet this one is right at the tippy top it's super tall tree isn't it alright uh is there any way up there there he is ok ok wait what yeah ok that takes hurt and then we have this one and that one and I don't know what's Nevin does but I do know I can't burn in lava so isn't that easy and boom and last but not least hopefully that'll open up the brick wall what do you know it actually shows us what we're trying to do here but I kind of jumped the gun hates Nevin you want to talk to us about what's going on you have to make a big big hammer to smash hole in the wall and escape from this place ok is big is big stick and big chunk she really didn't realize that it was just big okay makes sense in large crafting table what am i absolutely right there oh that's where the podzol came from don't worry about it let's just let's put that back right there and it's just yeah yeah just a little - okay not a big deal not a big deal at all all right so that means we're actually on the right track we got our eight a big chunk and then this is it's right here where it is oh it's right there I see this final big stick very nice thank you for crafting recipe smelvin appreciate you there in launcher okay so how is made its for up there wait so what are the dimensions on this is four and then I'm assuming it's like that it must be like that right is this up here wait a minute it's a four by four by five all right and then those go like that did I do wait yeah it uh it wasn't like in the whole double podzol thing over there wow this is big hammer this is amazing I'm going to break door oh my goodness this is best tool in Minecraft oh can I give this in survival mode please okay how far does this go oh there we go complete quest congressional beat defending cuase all right I'm stoked oh now let's get the M up to where it needs to be and do uh is this a quiz yes or no or both minigame information answer questions with which answer you believe is correct there is no penalty for incorrect answers you may get every answer wrong multiple times and still win all right sounds great in love zero and vulnerable zero I'm time one rabbit type zero love cause least one going zero more carrot ticks 40 rabbit type C Oh which the following is not a real data value naturally spawned rabbits can have easy SMAP in the world huh is that what this is hey what are you kidding what yeah mmm-hmm so this is highly technical and I if all the questions are similar this I'm not gonna know a single answer let's just be clear here okay all right great so hmm I don't like over there rabbits that just wanna live in a minute are there in vulnerable rabbits I wasn't aware of that revs could be in love because they could be breeding so that's that's valid rabbit type six up I don't know or there's six types of rabbits or seven if there's a rabbit type zero more carrot ticks I mean maybe that could be just like if they're waiting on a cool-down or something like that on breeding glowing I suppose if you shot them with an a glowing era that would make sense right so could that I don't know if they could be invulnerable though in love definitely and I don't I don't know at the end life time one would be at all and I don't know what love cause least is but also there's two rabbit types and I feel like maybe one of those is the ants because like why would he put two of them in if both of them are correct so what if it's like rabbit type zero is not not right it doesn't look to be it's a ghostly trollface that comes and zooms at me at least I don't have to complete a challenge like in diversity what if it's rabbit type six and it's what do you know is this process of psychology all right what do we have here which of the following is not a real block I mean is a block have to be physical because cave air doesn't seem like a physical block is cave air a thing I didn't know that minecraft could determine between air and cave air bubble calm that's a real thing frosted ice is isn't it it's called pecked ice so are we just being as simple as like that the the wording of it structure void is legit yet petrified Oaks lab it is legit locked chest is not like its own block but you can do an NBT thing like maps you can try to access a chest it'll say this chest is locked but I don't know if it's like does it have to be a block on its own it can't be NBT --d horn coral is legit chipped anvil you mean like damaged anvil 7 me 8 cave err I don't know what like are we okay so Locke chess is the only thing here that requires NBT the restaurant is weirdly named it's the locked chest I mean the lock chess is not survival mode get a bowl okay that was correct I guess I'm kind of yeah all right what do we have here which of the following is a renewable resource bedrock is finite you have to load more chunks so my assumption would be like what is something that you could get more of without loading a new chunk that's what I have to assume renewable means right bedrock you have to lose new chunks or terra-cotta you would have to load you can't like generate it so what could be gotten with a generator right something like that iron ore definitely not blue ice could you can you generate blue light can you because you can god I forget crafting recipes but you can make obviously blue ice from packed ice but can you get can you make packed ice from ice pink jukebox requires diamonds so you can't just magically make those beer cobwebs I mean spiders don't like make cobwebs you would think that you think it would be but it don't and chanting table definitely not another star what you need soul sand which isn't indefinite is it is it ice it might be ice you might be able to do ice the only thing that actually makes any sense at all even though okay alright there you go which of the following is not a real block slash instrument pair four note blocks oh god this is just gonna be like something is marginally off and I'm not gonna remember all that I always whenever I want to do something about blocks I have to look up what block does what sound so there's not a chance in the one we're gonna get this sand is a drum I think woollen guitar sounds about right gold block bells could be right packed ice chimes glass sticks sticks what do you like it like a percussion kind of thing I know glass is some kind of percussion a sound no that means sticks though clay flute terracotta marimba bone blog xylophone oh god they all sound like they could totally be right other than glass sticks cuz I don't know of an instrument that's just called sticks just pick up a couple sticks and bang them together or you get you get the drum and then you get the sticks probably making fun of it and it's legit bells wool guitar oh God also why are you using wood instead of glass we need small guitars off no it's just that it's I thought it would they all sound like they could be right is a terracotta marimba okay alright there we go which of the following is a real particle effects and dry llama spits block step submerge dolphin dolphin watch it actually be that signage consume consume elder Guardian and right llamas spit walk step llama spit could be legit right good Nick because it's actually a particle oh no it's not it's not a llama spit I free cuz it's like a part it's like that comes at I don't know oh boy watch consume is actually I guess that would be probably when you're eating and the food particles are flying off but isn't that that's tied into whatever type of food it is so it's not specific enough probably oh I don't I don't know on this one so I'm just gonna keep getting these wrong I'm sorry everybody I kinda want to just answer consume no I wanted that to be right I really did it would have been fantastic I mean and ER I could be ender I could be legit one I just like I've seen the ender eye particle used in maps but I just don't know if that's the name of it nope no not that not that at all now alrighty this is going super well never better elder Guardian no alright it's gonna be the last one that I answer here I mean we had to have one at least I've gotten a couple on the first try so submerge the odds of me getting in on a last try are 12.5% so it's going well let's go and actually no it's probably not 12.5% because no no it's cumulative thing based upon how many left each time I'm guessing so it's probably even worse than that actually I'm impressed by my inability to how am I gonna know I don't okay all righty so we haven't done signage dolphin it's between signage and dolphin it's dolphin dolphins real particle effects alrighty never in a million years would I have gotten it but then I had to have one complete and uttered with and failure and there you have it easiest map of the world huh yep well in any case we got one more per section so let's do it alright what do we have here background info if you're unfamiliar with redstone mechanics that may benefit you to familiarize yourself with the following concepts repeater locking and comparator subtraction you know just reading up on some comparator subtraction feel like I'm back in math class with formulas in summary output equals max of rear- max of left-to-right comma zero of course it means that let's do the puzzle info you must complete three levels redstone puzzles using the materials within the redstone block to unlock the iron door let's do it using the materials within a residue block a dust scooper that's cute it's very cute and redstone dust it can be placed on white concrete alright alright so not placeable hopefully it beam so I can only place it on the white concrete huh so that means that I need to so I need you to wire this up to the door I mean that seems pretty simple if you ask me oh I see I have a limited amount of redstone mm-hmm so somehow I've got to use less than 12 how do I do that I guess maybe no I can't put it up there what's the quickest path here so you probably need three you got that but do I make it loop around itself ha all right this is interesting I feel like I need two more redstone here but somehow I don't hmm what's the trick here what's the trick I must be missing something but I can't put down what the heck is going on here I obviously can't put it down there because the torch is occupying that I did not feel like I have enough redstone have you replenished the supply nope you have not what kind of tomfoolery is this all right so there's some little trickery bit that we can do here and it looks a little like this and then if we're able to break this one that's cool as soon as we break this one though it deactivates but maybe we can use this to our advantage to like if we do that there and then we break this all the way over to here okay it stays done and then one two okay that had nothing to do with comparator subtraction or repeater stuff but I'll take it that's really interesting I don't know why it does that but all right let's move along and we have six Reds or seven redstone dust and the dust scooper again all right so what now God what kind of tricky stuff are we about to do here so I need to somehow I'm assuming I need to like extend the piston or something like that and then if I do this oh right so the piston needs to be extended and I need to have redstone on the piston Oh God how do I do that okay so this is obviously something to do with the subtraction or I don't know that doesn't do anything do this oh do this those are both the same signal though so I how in the world do I use a comparator in order so here's my assumption is I need to do this and then one more and then I also have how is that gonna be extended oh my god how do I somehow manage to save the most difficult technical stages for last I thought maybe for a second I was just overthinking things cuz I put that there and I was like oh wait a second we have three more blocks I can just do that and then oh wait look it retracts for some reason so it's now that simple but if I okay so if I do that doesn't extend what an idiot what an idiot why are you like that what'd I ever do to you to deserve this well how do I do and then it doesn't go but then it does go but then it doesn't go why are you like this tell you what here's the idea is that and God dang it I really wanted it to work I really did I'm you know what I'm not done trying to brute force it God dang it is it too quick is it too quick for me to be able to just sneak it through hold on Anna did you get the jump right oh I was so close but I can do this I believe in me all right I believe it's I'm sure this is not the way you're supposed to do it but I want to make it work god there's nothing that would be more satisfying to me right now than to simply Bruce brute forces brick home what I keep saying one more but it really really really one more okay and then I'll actually figure it out that is no way to place it you fool you you fool I didn't even place it down there first this is how to work that way okay so it means there's got to be a way to freeze the piston in place and heck if I know what that is I do maybe this then I have to loop it I don't freaking know dude yep that's how we're doing it boys that's how we're doing it I'll take absolute brilliance there we go ah it was almost just as brute force is what I was trying to do before but hey if it works it works that's what I'm talking about alright it's always just a bit of redstone dust and a dust scooper so what sort of trickery do we have now I didn't even need to learn my math lesson where did the math come in there at all it didn't all right so now we've got the comparator Locker which I actually know the mechanism here so I think that this one will work nicely for us and we can just do that right dip it oh shoot right can't you can't do that we gotta leave that there but then we just strain it out from there and it shouldn't be a problem let's see that's it that there lock it into place and then we can do that that and that and then the question is do we have enough to bring it on home we don't shoot okay all right not a problem not a problem at all do we lock Oh what if we like lock them both into place now that would be some next-level plays I know it couldn't be that straightforward he had to give us some other curveball here can we no he can't mmm do this we could do that wait a minute wait a minute way to do this now it's feeding itself in and but I mean but a boom that's what I'm talking about right there complete puzzle that's full area okay three more to go let's go into parkour let's do a final little parkour stow oh god it's not little it's not very little at all is this return to hub it is okay well up here we go I guess God see the challenge here is just gonna be figuring out like what the route is probably easiest map in the world uh-huh totally believe you okay so what are we going to god it's gonna be that it's gonna be this jump this is a mean jump it's kind of a mean jump take me all the way back down like that yeah yeah my actually no did somebody yet softlocked how sad for you boohoo go cry about it you're still here what you only like bail you out or something not gonna happen no way you're on your own buster you knew this was gonna happen you through that sick twisted jump right at me stop bothering me come on man just relax deal with your own problems you weird I'm trying to get out of here just want to beat the thing fine I'll let you out of your stupid softlock all right but you owe me you owe me one big time you're the one who made the map this way this is your fault alright you knew that would know oh my god way to make me feel badly about something over which I have no control you're really gonna you're gonna force me to hit this jump again aren't ya mmm-hmm or yeah way cuz there's no way ever that God I have to have this jump it's basically a strafe jump man that's mean I mean the fact that that's down there means like this must be yep that's where we're going that's definitely where we're going continuing along from there let's see uh nope I'm not going to strafe jump that we will just be doing it this way thank you alright there you go and then do that I swear to god he's gonna he's just gonna throw strafe jumps like back-to-back at me or some crazy shenanigans like that and I'm not out God not okay what are we doing here we're doing we're doing that aren't we no uh-huh yeah we're gonna reset all the way back to the bottom there we get up there that's we're getting okay if I have to reset all the way back to the bottom anywhere around here I'll be very disappointed where do I go from here yeah I'm not sure am I going back over there and then up yet uh it's good question it's a real good question what's going on right now am i going over there see cuz if we go they're the only places to that and I don't think I can do that I really don't think I can do that you see that jump that jumps a no-kill but I don't know where else to go maybe I'm falling you know what maybe it is that I'm following the Emerald walks that could be it kinda I'm glad I didn't screw that one up so be here and then I jump to there I think I have a lifeline on this there's a block down there I just have to like to back up real quick if like oh oh there we go okay this is where we're going oh crap okay just follow the Emerald blocks took me long enough to kind of figure that out this this one could go poorly oh no no no I don't I don't like this I don't like this part I don't like that at all oh my god I got it okay it's not a block above my head this is this is free jump free jump there okay great oh no pressure at all boys no pressure okay and oh my god I made it I think I made it wait where do I have to jump there from though right here maybe well right here which way it's easier this way there we go Park we're done so what I'm talking about two more stages to go so we've got Bo over there and crafting table here on your crafting table first we'll see what we get minigame info you must use the crafting table to turn all of the items from the material chest into exactly 10 unique items with no leftover items remaining once you've made all 10 items place them in alphabetical order in the answer chest mm okay material chest I have to make ten items exactly oh god oh god what do I do here dude I have no idea sticky piston ladies what the answer chest oh that's all that's all I get I get nothing more out of this alrighty then so probably mmm an ender chest definitely definitely an ender chest that's one of otherwise we wouldn't have four obsidian so we got ender chest for sure and we're also gonna have an enchantment table probably so that means one of the leather is gonna go towards making a book okay let's make an enchantment table real quick because we know that's gonna be one and that's gonna be where two of the diamonds go another one of the diamonds I'm not sure we'll figure it out got that okay you know that boom cool book diamonds and I actually guess I could just use the crafting guide if I wanted to but why bother okay that seems like it'll be earlier in the alphabet so enter chests let's do that one that seems pretty clear and straightforward alright so you know one of those and we got our eight obsidian and let's make ourselves that real quick I'm gonna just not think about or screw up a very easy obvi is item graphic recipe what if what if pants are one of them okay so you ender chest and enchanting table just guess that you think an item for out 37 Oakland 37 oak planks it's like are you are you serious right now really really is 37 we could make it makes slabs or we could make a brewing stand if that's an option what would we make with seven glass is the question you know what I should do here's there's the solution what we do is we get all that into our inventory and now we see what sort of things were able to make here yeah and 18 pages of it okay make a glass bottle that's true these are see this way I can think about stuff brewing stanzas is an obvious one there is I haven't heard we've already done the oak planks are one that's just really and then God what if we made glass panes and then I could make a jukebox that's actually that's plausible scary troll face leather boots no one else could be made sticks a leather cap quite clearly blaze powder um chest cobblestone slab oh boy there's definitely some other things that can be made from these that are gonna unlock other options but I don't know what they are you know what end crystal has to be one of them because we have the spare blaze powder that has to be used we also have another ender pearl and we have a ghast here so I think we go like there's no other way it has to be aunt crystal alright literally everything starts with en so we it would be if that would be first I think before ender it would be n crystal everything is end related so that's fine yea-ah make a sticky piston and then slimeball could also go into making a magma cream should we have another blaze rod like what are we gonna do with all these plays or as I don't know and then the sugar cane has to go into just make it more paper right we don't have redstone so it can't be a piston I feel like it has to be an enchanting table or sorry a brewing stand mmm and also jukebox maybe I do have an idea actually I don't know if it's right but we have 4 slime balls which we can't make a lead we can't make a slime block the only thing left is magma creams and we have but do this we get four more this goes to a brewing stand this goes towards magma cream and then that goes towards magma block and then that goes to brewing stand it has to be Hass like that's the only thing that we could also be making with those okay I'm brewing Stanley goes there magma block goes somewhere in that ballpark probably jukebox bookshelves and then maybe we do something with sticks and I don't but it wouldn't it would only be it has to be like one left over but if we okay so let's assume jukebox because if we do jukebox it's gotta be deluxe right let's do jukebox as one that gets us to 29 the weird thing is it's it's an odd number which I find strange also if 18 sugar cane and that lands us at six okay so we could make two bookshelves but why two bookshelves why two bookshelves okay this is by far the most difficult room and I've been racking my brain just playing around with different combinations and I think maybe I have something but I don't I can't quite completely map it out until I do it and such a risk but we have exactly enough for two bookshelves but obviously we have to have 10 unique items so it means that one of those bookshelves has to go into something else the only other thing their bookshelf can go into is a lectern which means I need to take some of these turn them into slabs it'll be four of them for the lectern which means we'll have two slabs left over which means that slabs two of them would go into a barrel which means you that and then I think we have eight left over which go into a chest and then jukebox and I think that makes it happen but let's just find out and see because if this doesn't work I am gonna be very sad but there we go so we take the rest of the paper and the rest of the leather and we turn it into books now we're gonna make two bookshelves out of it and then we are going to turn that into the slabs and we're gonna make one lectern just one so now we have a unique unique then we're gonna do a barrel right yes we're gonna do a barrel and then we're gonna do a chest and we're gonna do a jukebox and that should cover it I think oh my god I think I did it whoo I just want to say because people often times accuse me of when I cut I obviously cheated hens I gave this to me before the map has been officially released there is nothing out there on the map for me to even be able to look at I couldn't even cheat if I wanted to there's no tutorial it doesn't exist I'm proud of myself for this one okay so chest would come after you actually barrel would be first chests oh wait bookshelf now it now it's just an exercise in alphabetical order and we'll see whether or not I'm able to do that you you and crystal I'm going to be so mad if it's like wipes it if I got the alphabets alphabetization wrong barrel bookshelf brewing stand there we go we ship them all over i won em and there okay ba bo b r c en r en c en d en d space i don't know what the rule is when it comes to the spacing is it end is a space before that that's the thing that's gonna screw me over if anything I might have to swap those two around I hope it doesn't make sure you know okay I think it's probably this oh my god that felt good that felt real good right there oh boy okay so the final one is I think the Bo quest and that's it okay so reset quest quest info return to hub you must use your bow and arrow to shoot the target blocks all over the map you have to collect 250 points in under blank or you fail the quest it's recommended to scout out the map and locate all the potential target locations before attempting to complete the quest okay so I assume it's just everything that has a black wool on it can turn into a target at some point and if it's anything like the boating course we really have to get this within the amount of time allotted so I guess let's start it up how do we start it up that's the real question do it click somewhere do I grab a bow from someplace any help no watch it be that the difficulty with the final stage of this map is simply figuring out how I get the bow that I need in order to start it there we go I just had to step on reset quest time starts when you shoot your first target block but you cannot see your timer until you collect all 250 points gotcha okay not a problem we're gonna hit this with just pi seconds remaining or it'll be e this time around maybe the heck is the next one oh right there terrible where is it right up there and I totally missed it I am missing everything it's been a long map okay it really has where the heck is oats in there tricky can I hit it from here not quite got it and we're gonna wear it we're gonna start getting into the groove here dude we're gonna start getting into the groove it's not gonna be a problem boom see from underneath ain't no thing it really likes to give me ease ones doesn't it okay well just get closer to it it really really loves to set the target in those blocks is it back underneath they're gonna wait where the heck is it this time I said no idea god I gotta get to 250 point wait a minute wait a minute is there a target in here hold on just what is this this map was sponsored not really but whatever bye milah phone insert name of the music site here he makes music that is God it's just so good it's so good just go check them out oh my god just do it I think do them DJing turntables sorry I need to be paying attention the clock is ticking okay I can't see it but the clock is ticking you know I have absolutely no idea where this block of wool has turned into it target now don't tell me that there's actually a target under why there are targets under water of course there are I had no idea so if I can't see it above ground and that's where it is over there yeah they'd so much it stayed above ground that I didn't even think to look under water but now okay I've got ones under water is that this is it that no is it that yeah mm-hmm all right I was gonna happen sooner or later we had now right there thanks Tony I'm alive myself by standing on the cactus for too long all right our scores really taken up where it 100 things are popping off lately oh my god yep I definitely hit it there it's late okay this map has been going for a while in fairness Hanoi did warn me he's like you might want to break this into a couple episodes I'm like oh just watch me dude couple episodes bro out of your mind Oh God come on shooting arrows underwater is not the best undertaking 175 dude I bet I bet we're getting close to the timer gonna be still little time remaining when we hit the end but the fact that he actually has like an Easter egg that you can crawl and do in this room kind of makes me think that maybe the timer isn't the most important thing but you never know anyway okay we're almost there 230 points ran the water again it's always such a waste of time every time I have to end up underwater but we got it and then all right thank you that right there one more did we do it Oh one more still and got it congratulations on compete completing the archery quest you had negative eleven point nine set wait it was it actually counting down or does he probably just says that regardless because there's no I actually at three point one four one five seconds left last time I think it's even if I had done those with a pace that would make Legolas proud it would still be negative eleven point nine seconds we did it we beat the map congratulations to us the final of course there's a final boss I'm sorry I tried to defeat the final boss of the map but it was too powerful please take what gear I had left be prepared for an epic boss fight it's gonna be extremely hard but you have to try from enjoy be slain by the final boss oh dude we got nether right stuff going on here boys now that is what I like to see if you are you getting slain with this stuff then I probably am in trouble to be completely honest with you okay all right well that's fine get that in there get the shield in the off hand get the pots out ready to go and thank you that's really convenient kind that you gave me one okay respawn point set nice a hot bar worth of stuff I appreciate that okay what is this do I should do it shoot it in the mouth easy snap in the world huh hey congratulations on completing the map and thank you so much for playing I hope you enjoyed it in light of all the surprises and I hope you'll check out my other map is also very important I'm doing a poll to see what map people want to see next so if you would please click the link below and choose what seems most appealing all right the link below it's a Google Form feel free if you play the map to check it out and provide your input but anyway I guess for the time being that was the easiest map in the world debatable but whatever you say enjoyed in terms of head enjoyed maps it was more doable than some of them are so anyway thank you so much for watching hopefully you've enjoyed make sure to like if you liked again our sponsor the like button and subscribe to the channel if you're not already playlist in the description if you want to catch more minecraft maps and that'll do it I'll see you next time map link in the description [Music]
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 1,114,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparklez, captain, sparklez, lets, play, playthrough, minecraft, minecraft map, parkour, minecraft parkour, parkour map, puzzle map, minecraft puzzle
Id: qOoosc5nBSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 45sec (4185 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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