Minecraft Speed Run But It's The Worst Spawn Ever

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all right everybody today we're gonna speedrun minecraft get the world record of like 21 minutes somewhere in that ballpark it's gonna be great super cool just kidding that's not gonna happen what we are gonna do is the first world that we generate we're gonna try to get through it as quickly as possible I've been doing this a bit lately on Twitch except the irony of that is the first world that I ever generated that ended up being the best world that I've ever gotten that's the one that's over up on the CaptainSparklez 2 channel that's been up for a couple weeks every world I've done since then absolutely terrible mostly when I get into the nether there are no fortresses nearby and by the time I give up and I'm like this isn't gonna work out I'll you slash locate and they're like 600 blocks away nearest one which at least is better than oh it's ten blocks in the other direction that you didn't go in whatever the case even if I get a terrible spawn we're just gonna move forward because we're just recording this in one take but on the plus side I guess I get to focus solely on the gameplay here versus feeling badly that I'm like ignoring the chat which is going on but sometimes the chat does point out helpful things let's call it um probably not so speedy run and do the thing the reason that a lot of people end up doing these on live streams is that when you start in a spawn if you run around and you see oh there's no surface lava there's no village there's no desert temple usually you want to start in a desert with those sorts of things then they'll just kind of restart try it again in this case this spy looks like there's a ravine in front of me which is kind of cool we're gonna go with it no matter what it holds for us that we spawn into the nether fortress could be a thousand blocks away we're gonna have to roll with the punches that said don't look at the length of this video I should have mentioned that at the very beginning but maybe it'll be edited or I'll add a bunch of black screen at the end just so it doesn't actually give away what happened the real time of the run but we will have a timer on the screen so that even if there are any edits you'll know how much time has elapsed I guess that said let's do the thing all right here we go [Music] what wha what what what what what excuse me hmm I have to read have to recreate this world I need to see if this bugged out or if this is actually the world is this really the world did something mess there's mycelium by what one second okay recreate world create world is it like a ravine that just stopped and it made it look like a chunk error but it's not a chunker because that would go all the way down to the bottom that doesn't look like it was just hold on a minute wait for it wait no that that's this is bizarre okay well uh I guess we got em who I said we were gonna take whatever scene we were gonna deal with it this might this could quite possibly be the absolute worst speedrun seed that has ever been generated this is not a single tree on the island what even is this there's a shipwreck over there but it's so deep that I'm probably gonna suffocate if I try for it or I'm gonna run into a trident boy and it's gonna be what okay maybe maybe you things will turn around and we'll run into a surface lava pool like right over here you never know it could happen watch this also just be another small island and I mean that was a good place over there for us to be able to I guess like what is another weird another weird water thing all right here we go hey there's iron there so I guess that's good maybe we begin our run on our small island nation and see where it leads no surface lava pools around here at least we can kind of rule out you know in many other situations where you spawn in you know you you just you don't know where to go there could be a surface lava pool 100 blocks in the opposite where you decide to run it and you're like well this is a bummer in this case at least we've seen the entire area and we know for a fact we're not missing any surface lava so that's that's good right I mean hey let's just let's just go stone from the get-go because we have the ability to get it right here as well as like some iron and stuff what a weird what a weird spawn I was I just had to check I didn't know for sure is like maybe there's actually like a problem with this seed but uh I'll give you the seed at the end of this Frick there's a skeleton over there don't I don't like that I don't like that at all I'm just gonna have to probably build back up hopefully he doesn't notice he hasn't noticed okay very sneaky a very very sneaky okay very nice I'm just I'm just collecting enough to make a full set of stone tools before I go back up now ideally you'll want to be at about like seven minutes when you get into the nether I'm gonna venture a guess that we're not gonna be at seven minutes when we get to the nether here in this world but maybe we'll get lucky and there will be lava like really close by once we get down there something like that let's see all right in any case let's do this and get a pickaxe get an axe get a shovel and a sword and now we are out here now if I found a village I guess I need a little bit of that as well if we found a village I mean that'd be pretty cool the only issue that we're facing here is uh food foods kind of a problem I suppose I can kind of focus on that when I get into the nether because there will be things but also I don't know having actually this is good because it allows me to make a bed right next to my portal god forbid things we're super wrong I'm really sorry sheeples don't mean to do this but you know you're contributing to the glorious speedrun okay let's just do that I'm sure I'll get gravel from trading with the pig once oh I don't need to stock up too much otherwise hey what's up Sam bro I don't know if this is a same entrance to that over there but okay there's an Enderman just chillin as well that's cool yeah Limited food real limited food but I guess we'll we'll deal we'll deal I'm just gonna start I guess I'll smelt a little bit right here and hope that things work while I'm dealing with whatever the skeletons and stuff are I don't know if I want to make another furnace just to be able to smelt iron at the same time and then I'd be able to more easily just get a bucket have the bucket ready but I don't know I don't know I could make another furnace actually let me do that alright we're just gonna hope this leads somewhere and if it doesn't really dig down and this is an unconventional speedrun that is not gonna be very fast but it may be maybe I'll get rewarded by sticking it through and we'll get like God dang it a really really good spawn in the nether or something like that well one can hope right one can hope um well it's just it will make another furnace going get the iron going but a Bing but a boom there was some more iron over there actually no it's another cave this is just a super weird spot man a super super weird spot oh no we don't we don't we don't want that we do not want that hold up hold up we do not want that we do not want that holy crap there's God there must be a spawner actually somewhere in there thank goodness I had a little bit of spare cobblestone there but oh hey everybody wow there's a lot of you here there's a whole bunch of you that's incredible wait what oh shoot Oh Frick balls Oh Frick balls that's not good that's not good okay we're fine we're fine we're fine everything is fine I had a feeling that could be a baby zombie I don't want to grab the water from right there because the problem is it will update it and that'll be not the greatest thing for us but yeah do it from right yeah I wanna go with that and honestly this is just just unconventional very unconventional I don't even know that I want to deal with the end of in because he's probably just gonna teleport somewhere I could that you know it unconventional is the name of the game right unconventional is the name of the game hey come here bud I mean why are you running away why are you running away Jesus man he's gonna teleport really far or I'm just not gonna get an Enderman at the end of this but yeah guaranteed guarantee he's gonna do a stupid teleport because this is what they do now this is why you can't rely on Enderman anymore for a teleport her for ender pearls you have to trade and 1.16 which is fine and he didn't give me a pearl anyway I was worth a try okay it was worth a try alright I guess I can do this yes Oh many more I guess it makes sense because that actually it does make sense because there's not gonna be much many areas here for them to spawn at all so they're all gonna be concentrated oh boy well I guess we'll see how this goes yes we'll see how this goes dude what a terrible terrible start truly truly terrible like no food nothing we're gonna have to rely on hog wounds in order to do anything I can't even collect the iron over there this iron is still here at least and this is a demonetised end I am assure of it it's fine sorry that that's a bummer for you but alright here we go we're just gonna do what are we at 40 that's way higher than I thought it would be should I just I'm just gonna dig straight down but I'll do it across two blocks you know what I can do though it'll be super great is I can do this now that we have Optifine I can do torches in the offhand this is just a service for you guys so that you can see where we're going okay just laying straight down I can save mining a couple blocks but also hurt myself as I'm doing it I'm just gonna hope that I don't know something find something down there I'm just saving mining like another block or so each time I do it this way okay well this is this is why we have the this is why we have the subtitles on hopefully we see lava plops somewhere nearby I see item plops not too many lava plops though oh yeah yeah this just is the worst the absolute worst situation yeah hey give me some iron I guess I'll take it I do need one extra anyway in order to be able to make a barrier alright sorry a shield let me do this I guess while I'm mining trying to find lava she's gotta hear I thought I thought I heard it but maybe I didn't I can just be having this stuff smelting right here that you go in and I'll get you going over there and then we'll just kind of keep it going this way all actually oh hey I mean gold is kind of nice to be able to have this is the most casual oh I think I heard lava pops over here maybe now I read a lot of thoughts I hear him I hear him gonna get another pickaxe there's somewhere nearby can't wait to do that get the gold I do hear them I think they're in the direction I'm looking right now okay let's make a shield that'll be good and then I guess an iron sword is also probably not a terrible idea I didn't do that dumb okay okay okay okay okay as lava right nearby oh okay all right I mean that's that's nice sure usually we don't count on having any diamonds at all in the in the speedrun but sure like this this is not a not a conventional speedrun at the end of the day alright so we'll be able to make some boots so that we're safe going into things I'll just do boots save the one for being able to do some trading and then I could do diamond pickaxe so I could just stick with iron I'm not entirely sure but the best best way is to do it right now two more there all right I'll save the others and decide what I want to do with them after okay X could be good there we go all right let's mine our portal area here we just want to seal this area off all right go in there okie dokie boys sometimes the buckets just like to glitch out recently I don't know entirely why but they can do that so yeah this is it this is a really really slow time to get into the nether but all things considered uh you know it's it's fine it's it's totally fine there we go and there we go last thing we got to do a little bit of this and make ourselves a flint and steel be good to go with the whole thing there we go we got ourselves a nether portal all right so we we do not have very much of anything at all maybe what I should do is do we want to make an iron helmet maybe I'll make an iron helmet and yeah I'll do that real quick actually why did I put that down hold on let me get that out and cool iron helmet will just be like some marginal additional protection for us here and then we'll use the additional diamonds probably for yeah I'll just do a pickaxe with it actually might as well do it all right cool clear out a few things out of the inventory just to make it quicker I know I've kind of resigned that this is not gonna be the fastest speedrun of all time so we're just gonna we're just gonna do this there we go all right we got ourselves some of course we spawn in the worst biome possible here what are we got 45 comma 8 well maybe there will be a fortress nearby maybe it won't be a complete loss but finding gold might not be the easiest thing in the world to do here that kinda sucks not really a quick way to traverse this place all right basically we want to collect gold and find ourselves a bunch of Pikmin if we can and find ourselves a fortress which hey not looking very promising in this spot okay wait are we are we at another waste now I think we're at another waste okay that's a little bit better sometimes it can be good to up render distance another waste is actually good spot to be able to harvest gold because usually there aren't too many penguins to have to worry about but you should plan your distance really quickly video settings will go 2018 it can help a bit especially when fortresses seem to love to spawn across large lava lakes is we're heading west so want to head back east here kind of thinking this direction out of the out of the soul sand area ideally oh this is I don't want to get shot off by the skeleton a little bit scared of that dude if I fall in the lava it really is game over for us okay you know you can do this do this all right I can't build off because it's done we're fine actually I'm really gonna need to find some hog lens if I would like to be able get food that's a problem that's a baby over there don't do it don't do it got it got it got it we're good trying to not take damage if I can because of the fact that we're not good on our food situation and you're suffocating here is that what's going on dude sorry about that okay I really did not want to get shot off I thought there was gold over here that I saw maybe I was mistaken let's keep on going and maybe there will be a fortress over here usually I get SuperDuper unlucky when it comes to fortress spawns for me but we shall see hey crimson forests me some water dad gold dude usually I get very unlucky I'll get lots of ender pearls if they're not what I'm looking for a la Maya night I was getting tons of ender pearls as I was trading gold with the pigs when I actually want them no then it's very very unlikely that I'm gonna get any guess I can't really run too much shoot dude I really need to find some hog ones it's not looking really good for us right now ow anything not seeing any fortresses bro you just keep getting gold in the meantime hopefully we acquire so much that by the time we actually start trading with pig --lens like they give us ender pearls on the first two trades and I've wasted a bunch of my time doing this whole thing okay boys over there huh lot of penguins I could do some trades the problem is if I trade before I find the fortress they're gonna give me pearls super quick and then I'm gonna just be stuck not being able to find one hey you guys have you happened to find a fortress anywhere around here okay I think I'm still far enough away I can my knees all right mix more gold 21 not bad dude not bad hey maybe I shouldn't have gotten rid of the rotten flesh just in case hey guys any you interested in trading and you interested in trade give me good things so that I can feel extra terrible about having to go when I'm unable to find a fortress that's pretty terrible dude that's that's pretty terrible stuff pretty terrible stuff come on come on guys ender pearls man give me those ender pearls you can do it it's not an under pearl but my resist potion can come in handy saying it dude ain't it saying it mm-hmm you know what I forgot to do I forgot to make a bed at the portal entrance that would have been smart okay come on guys come on stop running away they love to run away like the instant that they trade with you - like I'm gone and I don't know why it's like they're they think that I'm gonna take my gold back or something it's not it doesn't work that way ender pearls please guys guys guys guys guys come on did really none gone I trade this much and you give me none oh you guys are so frustrating it's unbelievable that I have to work with you like this guys guys I mean if I get enough obsidian I guess I can just kind of exit wherever I want so there's that okay well anything over here I think this just might lead us right back to where we were yep all right cool we're running a real load and low in the food department so this is going well for us so far guess we can just kind of follow the cliffside around and hope that maybe it leads us to victory to obsidian all we need is eight more and then we'll be great I guess you know what it's time to collect time to collect mushrooms we've reached that point I think I came across red mushrooms earlier as well I just kind of neglected him so that was my mistake hopefully we'll be able to find a few more though forretress anyway come on really nothing okay we got some red mushrooms so okay I'll be able to make a little bit of food if needed now [Music] this is a terribly not generous oh there's a fortress there's a fortress we got it our request has been granted beautiful hey we're already past the world record speed run time but given the circumstances of our spawn here yeah whatever it is what it is let's make more gold I'm like super casual on it now just because of I knew this is gonna be bad from the get-go but anyway here we are we're sticking it out dude now I just have to remember how I got back do I mind my way there give the diamond pickaxe or oh so ruined portal over there actually that I could I could go and get by using fire resist if I get really lucky use the fire is to get into the with the blazes then I could just mark this off so I know oh that over there um question is what I want to use the fire resist first come on give it try to get gold where I can maybe we'll get lucky and there will be something like inside the fortress or something like that but uh anywho let us get rid of you get rid of you and get rid of you just with a little bit more space and just be super safe with our traversal okay found ourselves a fortress actually I could I wonder if I could get out oh wait I can mine obsidian now why don't I get exit with that portal over there hmm hmm could be interesting we get artists we have our fire is this here I don't know it might be it might be better to save my fire resistance because I don't need it using the shield I can definitely deal with the blazes without too much issue and then I'll be able to actually just go over there possibly we'll get it we'll zoom in we'll take a closer look at the portal and find out if okay there's it this is actually a really good blaze spawner - it's covered hey guys wait all right wait for the firing yep boom okay all right let's keep it keep it that way oh I have no room in my inventory let us just toss out something like that okay we're good into fire here we go give me some more of those give me some more if I get if I get into any trouble then what I can do is I can like drink the fire is this potion right there but somehow my food is lasting I can make more mushroom stew when I need it so we're actually okay having the diamond sword is helpful to UM 9 I'll do 9 maybe 8 ah the problem is I still have to do all the trading with the big ones ok three really three of them Oh God dang it I might have to drink it I might have to drink it okay I'm gonna drink it when this many spawned when this many spawn is just a pain I can build over to that route and portal if I need to do so I think it'll still be workable but now at least I can just be fast about taking him out or we're still two not a single one of those drop the blaze rod hate you guys hate you and when we trade with the pickle ins after we're done here I mean it might still one of us or one of them might trade me another fire assist anyway oh my god oh my god I have no luck at all right now not even is this dude none of them are giving me anything please well I guess while we wait let me just make more gold 7 okay guys any interest in existing brother being so slow right now it's insane come on there we go or okay they each gave me one good we need some more spawns maybe if I run away we'll come back and be quicker no I see some gold over there though I see some gold I could in the meantime take that gold down real quick while we out here yeah I can't get you thank you you get this really quickly how much time do we have left a minute okay we're fine we're fine everything's fine let me just get the gold and maybe some wool spawned by the time that we go back there just need all the gold and you know the gold okay I'm gonna go back hey what the heck okay nope really none none of you oh my god what is wrong with the blaze spawner it is broken there we go geez of course you do that two more it's all we need and we'll be good guess I can make a mushroom stew in the meantime [Music] all right we have no more fire resist we're at eight and I honestly could go with eight and be fine probably so maybe I'll do that maybe I'll just do that if I go through four I go through four freaking eyes of ender that would be pretty pretty bad luck and then there would be nothing in the portal already filled in yeah maybe it'd be bad okay let's see we can find some Penguins and then I could react sit through my portal and see where we land there sometimes you can find piglets in here but I'll just run it back out I could I could go back to where we were where there were lots of penguins or okay let me see the ruined portal is over there kind of start working my way in that direction as well they've got to be gotta be some Pig ones over near there in the crimson forest I mean come on you guys anywhere this allows me to mine more gold no penguins at all all right in that case I guess I will start heading towards the portal see what I can find one sec have message I must check on discord and I will try to simultaneously pause and pause the timer and come back on it without messing up the recording in one sec here and resuming alright let's see let's see I can I'll head over in this direction see if there's any more piglets I got a nice amount of gold I just need to find the pigs trade it with come on guys I know you don't usually spawn another waste but but seriously we did see some on the way I really didn't think that my problem was gonna be actually finding piglets to trade with and nowhere to be found they only exist when you like are not equipped you don't have any get there we are there we are oh hey guys how you doing they're doing some dancing boys I like it dude you guys must be ready to give me some good stuff than if you're freaking dancing up here give me the ender pearls give me these ender pearls please and then we go to the ruined portal and I know there's gonna be some gold there that I probably could use but also yo what's up my dudes give me the pearls give me the give me the loot please don't throw it into the fire I swear to God if I get pearls going into the fire it's gonna be very sad times nope nope nope let's make some more gold [Music] yes my man's with the pearls out here and the fire resists that is what I like how many pearls was that how many pearls was that please tell me it's a lot eight yes yes my man's is out here giving me more fire resist as well my man's is definitely out here we got oh yeah hey hey stop running away give me give me the pearls give me the pearls or obsidian is also good I'll be able to use a door to get out and quicker okay all right you me give me pearls my man's my man's is out here that is what I am talking about my boy thank you so much okay I'll be able to make a bow and then just freakin okay we're on our way we're gonna wait let me just get this it's not gonna be able to go in my inventory but that's fine okay oh my god you guys absolute legends out here okay I'll just freakin dive into lava just dive into frickin Wow forgot why I was not gonna cushion unless it's a little deeper my bad my bad okay and then I probably should actually saved a splash fire okay holy there's a lot of extra ender pearls right there there's a lot of extra ender pearls my goodness okay I didn't pick the best spot to dive in I thought we were gonna put a lot closer but don't worry about it Wow now those those are the ender pearl trades that I need in my life oh my goodness dude oh my good all right I'm just gonna jump for it probably could have been faster if I just built across but I'm not concerned right now I can complete the portal yep I can complete the portal I'll have extra gold if I need it I can use all this extra gold to make myself full set armor be a little bit more protected and we will exit Oh fire prot hey what do you know about that okay things to get rid of let's do that yep Strider depth starter 3 okay cool cool I don't think I'm going to need all those pearls I'm probably not gonna need that get that on efficiency 5 shovel fortune 1 there we go we are most definitely out here and now I can use this mine you out honestly this has turned out a lot better than expected given the starting circumstances all right and then you just get this might as well alright I mean I just have so much stuff in my inventory it's a complete and utter mess but there we go alright this is a much easier exit and then previously and what okay weird weird spot for a portal but I guess we're out here anyway all right anywho let's do this we'll just make ourselves some ourselves some leggings real quick all it good there on that armor big plays oh yeah make ourselves a bow then I'm definitely going to how there is so much lava that is getting converted into what the oh hi there okay I have a feeling this is a bad this is a bad place this is a very bad place right now that I don't necessarily want to be in maybe you just maybe just build up yeah nope no no no thank you no thank you oh my god there's a lot of demands in here hold on hold on I'm just gonna do this real quick and I'm just gonna build up this way wait we're wait what I don't even I don't even know where I was getting shot from there dude is there just water everywhere oh okay we're underwater okay we're out here we're out here I still have the ability to make a bed so everything is fine um I should have made some pearls but let me let me head over to the coast it right now I'll probably have accidentally headed in the opposite direction of where I should be going in order to get to the stronghold but we're still we're still in it we're still in it it's gonna be over an hour run but given the starting point I feel like we made the most out of a bad situation okay bedtime sleep it off make it a little bit safer for ourselves and now let's get all these blaze rods converted make I'll just start off by doing 12 and then from there we can you guys need to chill out you guys need to chill out all right where's the first one gonna go please not into a bad spot in the jungle and I hope that I do find some chickens as well over there okay good luck good luck we have four more to spare though so we're fine I have not a lot of food but I can make and keep making mushrooms Jews who are fine yeah yeah this is gonna be some difficult terrain isn't it yeah I don't like that I don't like that at all okay well there's a I mean the jungle temple over there could have something good in it I mean the last one I came across the impossible one craft series actually some really good stuff so might as well check it out since it is right in the direction of where we're going chickens would be great if we were actually able to stumble across any of those but anyway oh I just I don't like the fact that we end up having to traverse a jungle right now it's like the worst the worst terrain to have to deal with zombies in here huh actually in here okay don't mind if I do um let's do that what are we efficiency for infinity ah what infinity holy crap okay so we've five diamonds what would I what I want to do with this where oh hi and there's probably some arrows in these dispensers as well oh I mean that that puts us a little bit closer to where we're trying to get and then some more arrows God infinity efficiency for I mean that's that's pretty slick stuff dude that's pretty pretty Swick i just exit out this way actually know what's the best way to get out of here I do not like traversing jungle terrain it is it is the worst but that is a good that's a good place to be watch the thing will actually be in here I just don't like throwing eyes of ender inside of a jungle because inevitably I end up losing it alright what direction we're going west watch it be like close to where I actually started I hope I hope that uh staking the new portal to exit the nether was helpful to our cause and didn't set us back like thousands of blocks I could find any animals as well it'd be kind of nice oh this is gonna be a never-ending jungle isn't it it really is gonna be that way all right it's still going there is no stop to this thing all right well let's just see oh yeah it's still going over there I think I just dropped on top of there of course it did okay do this this jungle this is such a long jungle it's slowing me down so much please get me out of here I like jungles for their aesthetic and all that stuff but my god it's not helpful oh of course of course we have this nope okay suck get me out of here I don't want to be here I want to be a Plains biome why did you have to send me this way let me leave I'm gonna be here forever oh now we're in the freakin bamboo biome okay the rarest biome that I never ever find well it just keeps going it just keeps going we're heading slightly to the north I think now now and they're just like no wait did I I think I hear chickens but I'm not gonna go bother looking for them just just gonna go where we need to go oh you out of the jungle no this is so gnarly dude this is so gnarly it it is not it is a never-ending jungle I feel like I'm in a big biomes world oh hey melons actually could be a good food source just to hold me over for a moment while I get rid of oh thank goodness we're out all right let's throw another what wait what it that just come is it right here is it right here hold up hold on I'll build up I just happen to throw in the exact right spot oh well what do you know it is cool that's shattered okay we got plenty of spares nothing to worry about man if I could find iron dude if I could find iron I get infinity on my bow make quick work of things but I don't know if that's worth it some water in here though that's gonna be important toss that out we're gonna arrows would be good but it might be iron because I haven't found any chickens I only have ten arrows I've not found any chickens so it might be iron it might be doing anvil yep I'm gonna just go for an anvil I'm just gonna go for an anvil we're gonna go infinity and that's how we're gonna play it so what are we at ten plus ten I only need like ten more okay guys you seeing if there's any uh-oh hello look at that stronghold right there nice eye we could get lucky and actually get iron within the stronghold Ches itself as well maybe maybe okey dokey all right last time I was in here was not a fun time with the silverfish issue so the silverfish you this this could be it this might be it that is 22 yep all right we will be able to make an anvil in there all right let's find that room dude I might actually beat if I beat my previous time on the world's worst seed that would be a heck of a thing Oh God yeah let's not do that that's not let's try not not do that dang it hold up maybe I should make a diamond helmet I mean what else am I gonna do right uh hold on hold on hold on mushroom stew hopefully I can find some chests in here now where where should I go this whole part just is likable it's like blocked off from the rest of the stronghold oh if only I had a piston composter dude I'd be able to be able to work through this where am i okay so where are we going is there anything over there what a tear it's like a it's like this stronghold is segmented off that's so bad that's so bad watch the entire thing that is going to hold me up here is that this frickin stronghold is gonna be Forked oh wait this is a library down here alright I mean that's something it's something I'll take it where we got here we have mending cursive binding and mending Riptide 3 don't really care about any of those this I need to make another mushroom stew dude I'm actually really bad on my health right now which is a little concerning how I'm gonna deal with don't know exactly how good out let me let me just see if there's anything in the chest here where is it oh yeah that's right r3 that's why I'm walking through water so quickly aqua affinity not a big deal oh we need to go out this way oh okay anything else is there ever a stronghold that is not cut in half by a ravine does that ever exist I mean come on man I just want to have a stronghold that's easy to navigate for once that's obviously asking too much Oh God dude there's just this thing is branched off in so many different paths I'm like I have no idea where the room is oh my god dude this is this stronghold is an absolute mess is that it is that it no I think that's just outside Wow Wow this place sucks of course the stronghold would be absolutely jacked up just like the spawn of this world oh no not like this no keeps morning thank you okay I need to figure out a strategy here I'm running out of food which is really not good dang it I can't stupid jungle made it so I wasn't able to actually run into anything at all on the way there was no food to collect I don't like have to go back up to the surface here because this is all such trash hold on let me just equip the shield at least you just won't be able to see anything but oh you freaking loser faces oh my god there's so many of them there is so many of them oh no dude what the hell have I done no holy crap I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving Jesus Christ you don't want me there I get it I get it holy crap oh my god this stronghold sucks it looks like it's just Bogdan that's I have to go back up to the surface there's no I haven't found a chest I haven't found a damn thing of use in this entire place oh wow it's completely jacked up it's right there it's right there whoa wait wait what do i do what do I do about this dude look at how it completely jacked up this places I have to like try to approach from the roof or something like that I have no one I have no more food I've won more food I have one more food I cannot believe I'm still alive here unbelievable what might happen is I just have to Oh No okay so here's what I'm gonna do while I'm trying to enter I'm gonna block this place off on purpose with my furnaces I get the iron smelting because if I do this as long as I get the as long as I get everything sorted out I can purposely unlive myself here and then be able to just okay is there I'm gonna do I'm just set my spawn for now do that so that if I an alive I can get back whoo it was almost really bad if I had if I had gone down there it would have been the end maybe the end of the speedrun not really a speedrun obviously but you get you get what I'm trying to say okay I'll do that and then we're going to make ourselves when we're on and actually I don't know if I need to make another eye of ender so let's just check out what we got here dude have to just run alive on purpose so that I can get my hunger back but I cannot I can't lose I can't lose the iron though I can't lose the levels and the Infinity that's the issue I might just keep throwing bodies what a terrible look at this look at this terrible spawn not spawn but yeah look at this terrible end portal spawn really really bad okay so that'll be fine our respawn is there waiting for it and then we'll have everything we need will you just go for it and when we on alive we just run back in and it'll be fine no one said that a speedrun had to be flawless and we actually might stand a chance at setting a faster time than I set on the last one it's possible I don't have enough time for wood they didn't I should have gotten some wood inside of the there we go inside of the library all right let's do that there we go and fill it up there we go let's add that infinity to our bow and be good to go all right I guess I I mean what else am I gonna use the diamond for let's just do a diamond helmet we might as well let's get those red phones on there dude I can't even I have no wood for a chest so so here we are no ability to regenerate our health and everything is great everything is great we're just gonna have to keep running back in just gonna have to keep running back in all right here we here we go water bucket in the hotbar get rid of that and we are out here all right should I just know I can't even pearl onto the island because I don't want to lose the extra health from it so we'll just do this and hey at least the Enderman are not aggro by default that's a that's a plus impossible minecraft making it impossible I'm just I need to give myself an easy route back to things so that when I have to run back in here without any gear I can do it alright let's just see if we can quickly and easily take care of this without losing any health at all I'm sure that should be easy right just be careful don't look at any Enderman and take out the crystals easy peasy lemon squeezy thank you infinity please don't got it got it come on boys come on Oh just can't be getting hit by the purple got it can't be getting hit by the purple well higher I just love not having to worry about arrows I mean that's pretty nice careful just trying to walk just trying to walk a little bit I'm walking here look at ho God okay he's going for the purple I wish she wouldn't do that trying to do this without a growing a single Enderman got it okay no no a big boy over there gonna be a little tough Oh God that one's gonna be rough no it's so high they get it nope I got it thank goodness it was a hello shoot not good not good not good oh my god dude oh my god wait are there any are there any left I did any left there must be oh it is still there you know is it really Frick dude that one it's so high up I might have to I might have to build up and take a shot and then enter pull down and I'm gonna lose my life but then I'll come back and everything will be fine it'll be a strategic on alive wow that thing is so unfair dude got it any others nope we're good all right we shoots we just we just shoot actually what I could try to do is I can try to mine down oh he's going for a landing do I go for it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I've no I have no life left careful okay all right wasn't I wasn't expecting it was gonna be that immediate but eh we're fine it's no problem the fact that I can run back in here and not have the Enderman mad by default makes this a very easy and calm fight thank goodness as long as my stuff isn't frickin destroyed but I think we're fine alright let me just grab that okay really really really good that's how you gonna plant that's a gonna plant huh come on man or it okay almost an hour which I have to do this in 20 minutes I'm pretty sure was an hour in 17 minutes was my last one this man's is being very disagreeable right now as long as we don't lose our gear we're fine I mean worst case I could always just go to the library get would mind some cobblestone I can defeat the dragon with a pickaxe so sorry not a piggy there was stone sword you get the idea that you get the you get the idea all right we are fine but due to infinity I can just keep shooting at the man's and be all good once do that do that and all right bud so no you messed with the bowl dude I've got okay Oh is he he's going for landing you're going for the landing nice I'm missing like all my shots but it's chill okay I got to be careful God be careful try to try to get in there without getting heated by a wing and then by the time I'm in he's gonna pivot there we go there we go there we go that's what we talking about wait for it wait for God please do not eat do not he eats thank you I want to not accidentally anger an Enderman as well got it infinity is too good be getting hits we hit and hits we didn't hit so just got to be careful not to have a stray shot almost hidden Enderman are you in for another landing oh you absolute legend wait ow that kind of hurt a little bit oh god I got to go a long way around here a long way around stay here you stay here awhile just stay here a little while little while no one more landing will be find one more landing unless I can just land shots shots for days come on with the hits with the hits come on stop flying so far away one more one more one more one more come on come on man Oh your meal you're being obnoxious right now you're being obnoxious right now got it what is that time 1 hour 1 minute 25 ish seconds well I guess this is it technically end when you jump in the portal whatever we didn't set a world record so I mean it's it's chill that was actually that was like 16 minutes quicker then the last time that I did it which was the first time on live stream where I actually had I had a did I have a village I had a village and surface lava when I set my 117 on on the live stream over on CaptainSparklez - so uh you know what I'll take that as an improvement especially given the circumstances of the spawn so not not terrible not terrible there's obviously room to improve but a lot of the room to improve is just the luck of the draw when it comes to the world so certainly could someone have beaten this in quicker than one hour on this exact same world going in blind yeah but I'll take it dude we got with I can't believe we got ripping off a heart that was just that was so nerve-racking that was ridiculous all right anyway thanks so much for watching make sure to LIKE if you liked we can do this again sometime if you're interested subscribe to the channel if you're not already hit that Bell button even if you are and I'll link that other one on the CaptainSparklez Tube channel that I did live streams in the description if you're interested in checking that out but thanks for tuning in and I'll see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 1,018,522
Rating: 4.924686 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparklez, captain, sparklez, lets, play, playthrough, minecraft, minecraft speedrun, speedrun, full playthrough, one sitting
Id: fvpG6ssEsHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 0sec (3960 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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