Escape The Minecraft Rainbow Dimensions

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ladies gentlemen welcome to a Minecraft map called rainbow escapades as szene would say as you can see right now we are surrounded in all the colors of the rainbow it is it is beautiful I'm looking forward to this beautiful colorful map I wish that I could see me but I f5 and just clip into my skull who doesn't want the inside of my skin you're tucked in ever so nicely I am sooo cute I am secured in bed look at this look at my screen it is pixel okay it's pixel I must escape oh I can breathe again Wow welcome to the world do we go through here i I think we have to figure that out this is done by Niko the pro yes and he made a lot of the unfair maps as well but he assures me this is not an unfair map so I'm sure certain that there's not going to be a bunch of things to irritate Niko can be a monster sometimes but also he can be a gentleman also this video is brought to you by our sponsor MC pros think they are providing the server that we're playing on as they usually do when we're playing some multiplayer stuff if you wanna grab a server to play maps with your friends reduce some vanilla minecraft check the links in the description of the video and you can stand yourself a 25% discount off your first month of hosting and do that sort of thing so pretty sweet I found a portal in a chest yes I found that while I was testing and stuff I don't think well well done ain't told it well done by the way due to your memory loss you probably have no idea where you are long story short you are the test subject of a skill based totally safe and cool experiment exciting isn't it don't worry you willingly agreed to this by signing a contract took us long enough to convince you and quite a lot of threatening but it works and now here and now you are here although I think you might have just cuz I think that that needs to be thrown not placed I think you might have owed I don't know it says you're back odd the next portal should have opened by now wait oh no we skipped all right give me just a second while I correct disconnect pick back up here in a moment we're not adventure mode what have you done don't blame me I blame the mapmakers all right that definitely didn't take multiple tries you know also finally you welcome are you ready to start finally the light up this portal which we didn't even get last time but I I just you know I figured it out I was so smart David I figured it out and now look Adventure mode I can't accidentally place it like a dumb don't by the way due to your memory loss you probably have no idea where you are long story short will we already read this so let's just go in for me okay let's do it okie dokie what do we have to do here rainbow escape right I just it says go this way what do you mean it says good but it were I don't know see you dingus well wait okay so it's something to do with this okay oh this one oh oh I see I see Isis over here just go to that and stand right what what oh it's like a Simon Says thing okay so we do that and then we go to this one after okay yeah and then okay cool wait do we need to do them all yeah we just have to keep doing it over and over again okay so then up here and then and I'm in the corner got it it's just a little twist on the Simon Says boom so actually if we just keep track of our Oh every other then so this one right either that one or the other one yes okay keep track of every other right so like I'll do number one and three and five when you're that one than this who you're on the very end and wait for it don't go yet yeah all right and then I am over here okay three cool okay you're on the same one twice I think yeah yes easier if we break it apart three four five six nice how far is this gonna go Jesus okay so that one that's the only one that hadn't been used so one two three four five six seven we did it God we're so professional man just aced it now is this gonna take us back oh it took us back hey this is where the dialogue did the thing last time awesome you're back ah the next portal should have opened by now hold on someone's gonna get fired for this yeah oh okay that's where that's where we're Ono in the meantime oh here's the portal trigger so you can continue your fun and totally safe adventure hey man guess what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to drop that in you're not supposed to actually click it in so don't be an idiot okay all right Wow oh you did it first try you're so smart do it my best yeah good job oh okay so you got to throw it at the corresponding parrot color get rekt get rekt oh yeah thread that needle how many oh we're just trying to get to a hundred points I don't know if we have it for this these poor parrots are getting absolutely dookied on get dookied parrot oh man I got Dookie whoa that guy took two okay yeah I feel like sometimes they're like super duper resilient parrot boys oh no didn't want to do that dude right this is like this is my minecraft but there's only one block series oh did we do it do we just crush that it's like my minecraft but there's only one block series um because I've I've owned alived several parrots there yeah that you're a menace that way oh yeah my pets just don't survive very long go ahead I had to fire Tom by the way don't worry though I told him to take this as an opportunity to fight a better job he can now fulfill his gardening hobby he loves who knows maybe one day you can find a community of tree people in the save the world anyway try to figure out how to open the yellow portal I thought it was just supposed to open yeah why not just let like instead of making us do things there's a stone pickaxe that can break iron bars so perhaps over here maybe something that we can walk through Oh Sookie I see that yellow portal in there all right hey what do you bet because this is called rainbow scope a that we have to go all the way through purple the victory town what do you what do you bet what do you bet could be ok the yellow dimension puzzle is a little bit tough so I'll help you out using a strong computer-generated body you can move the gray stone blocks the stone bricks may only move to white surfaces you can move the stone bricks on to trigger blocks to activate the wiring and switch some tiles on the floor your goal is to push all 5 stone bricks to the trigger blocks on the side good luck huh oh ok but oh wait how do I make it so that I can push this it would be stuck in plate wait how did you do that just push against it like walk no I realize that but I'm like how do i how do I get it to like some of these must have to cross over particular areas and it's kind of stuck right like this obviously has to be there that makes some sounds so our goal is to push all 5 stone bricks to the trigger blocks oh ok no that doesn't help how do we there must be an inversion or something to open up these blocks here oh I bet you that when a signal is applied to these blocks it opens them up which we need because we need to let these ones out so yeah we need to bring this one over here was just gonna demonstrate you can see right here the one that's activated that this then it becomes open so we need to get blocks to all 5 is that basically it is we're just right so what we need to do is probably get these two as like a start wait that's a starting point for us how do we yet how do we get this one up we need to get this we can raise up this one which is oh this one what do you mean I mean really either way we can do either this one and get over to here and then that I want to open that one yeah well no but there's no block with access to this area this one is trapped in right now okay this one's trapped in here the only way to get this one out is this far for this yeah but what I'm saying is is if I get a block in here and put that there then that will open that one oh yeah of course of course so these these three just don't do anything oh wait a minute hold on we can bring this over here and this might Oh oh this opens this one okay and we can get this guy now we can bring opens that up if I put that there then can I get this guy here oh yes you can push it through nice this guy over here and then I'm looking for here no that's gonna that's gonna let another block in here but it doesn't let something out that's another that'll be a future move I think needs to be this way that's who this one does this one which is good it's only one no so we need to then next one is this it's if I bring this here then no it's still not on that's the problem we need to get this two over here and then it'll open up the next thing okay so hold on shoot that's the problem is somehow we put it back here put it back there and wait that doesn't open that one that didn't do what I wanted to do anyway oh I got it I got it we bring this block through oh there you go yep yep and then which one oh it's this one that unlocks okay now we bring this one over here this will unlock this area there we go now we can bring now we can free this one up okay hey that's this one should go forward you bring that off then I could now put that one back on oh well then actually oh okay wait oh it pushed too far sorry sorry there you go there we go here we go okay so now we just need to free this one which requires bringing some of the blocks back over to where they start it at so that one's there opens one of them up you won't have a nice huh no nananananana nope nope nope bring that one back cuz we need to let this we need to let this one out right there we go okay okay so we need wait wait wait oh shoot nope so in order to find if no in order to free the fight no no no no no this needs stay here no this needs to stay because in order to free the final block over here it requires one to be on this see this is tied over to that but we need to get this we need to get a block of one over to here for yes before that happen no I I agree with that but that I was moving with that guy was I was going to bring him over so here yeah he really I'm here way back right bring that okay cool and then we got this over to here and now that one should be free as soon as I bring oh wait nope hold on I gotta bring you in now this one's free oh no oh this is a what are you what are you confused about oh okay we have to free that this is the last one that gets freed cuz this one we have to put it back on here in order to free that final block okay right got it so bring this one out and then how it is okay so I guess start bringing them back now we have everything like in really weird spots for a second no I think we're okay that opens that up okay take it off yep yep cool and then if we bring this all the way over it should release the final one and then I get this guy out of here oh we are professionals dude and we just like basically lock and unlock this one how do we get this one back through though oh okay so put it back on okay cool are you what are you or you want it to be no so it's fine I'm just gonna put this one here cuz that's gonna release this one right here wait a minute ah so we don't need that there anymore so my question is how do we bring the final one through because this is kind of stuck here right but this is connected to that oh it's this one here we can control it with this one I think yes okay good now we can bring them all home bring them all home okay and then this one this one and then wait wait okay you go here let this one back through all right then we control you can man the second switch okay and then one more time all right oh oh oh we're fine we're fine I thought for a second we were screwed because we got him pushed into the same spot [Music] imagine if we bunch them up and screwed it all at the end oh wait how are we gonna do that oh we have an extra space over here okay okay cool all right then yours over there cool whoa that was a tricky little thing cool yeah custom it this puzzle was pretty tricky all right why are you not coming back I don't know because it didn't send us back what can I say to you what are you looking for the portal not open for you oh that's troublesome let me tell important what you were supposed to see this created by Neko the pro okay you see the lab where you up the experiments take place I hope you're not too worried about the zombie situation I have full capacity to handle the threat and also that's totally definitely on represent not the reason of these malfunctions so there's absolutely no need to panic don't worry it's it we're doing great no panic so green green let's do green are we just going in degree all right green all right um get sand get Auto sand less spawn time win I would recommend pressing the win button but I want a waving button okay okay so wait bro bro why do you shoot why do you share sand what is this mean taking breaks and iron bars but are you breaking those iron bars yeah so get sand five cacti drop the sand to place it why do you always trying to do here what what is there question auto sand is 15 camping but this is not helping our sweet guy are you sure you sand yeah I drop it to place it and then I break them to get one back this it does they're more no so how do we get more Oh rose I see now so we just we just wait careful it'll hurt you and then and then the next one's gonna pop off please don't break on the cactus how it's gonna work I don't know I guess we can oh you just break the sand you can just hear it okay so there we go we added to her okay so we're cookie clicking basically yeah and then what's bond time all right we gotta get to a thousand here bro we're at four this better be some seriously exponential stuff break that okay and then another RA we better be exponential as heck as heck we better be hex financial you get it that was a good one I thought that was a pretty good one personally that's just my thought but you know if you play some next to each other as apparently it's faster oh really this is what nico says in chat oh okay Thank You Nico I thought that oh yeah the kite is just broke on the other cat Nico you've the worst worse suggestion I mean you could try it like the dice no but the cactus broke on the other cactus because cactus breaks right that's why I was saying die so that mean because I'm assuming that scenario affect bone mailing kind of thing I don't know it's fine it's fine it's fine you know another sample we're getting all the sands in the world we'll do that no no no no don't do that you fool diagonal there you go there you go even though it's still gonna it's still gonna hit though it's probably still gonna hit you think it's still gonna hit and still gonna hit yeah definitely is okay so I'll just oh this one apart it's chill we're chilling we're chilling okay dude we're gonna get ready for some Auto though we go full auto cacti sand full auto sand and fourteen one more one more over here oh there we go generates cacti automatically no need to fetch them oh that's some high-class so wonder if you put Oh a bet if you put those next to the others then it really it really pops off and then we're gonna extract this compound interests compound it's compounding over here we're gonna get this compound so thank you then we can speed up how fast it grows ah yeah that's that's the clever girl right there okay get another auto get another auto I got it I'm holding it close to you so do they just they just go and you don't even like see them in action they just do it I guess so that's crazy okay dude now we are cactus clicking here dude and then the next one we can speed yeah let's speed it all up and then we will be popping off I wonder if someone like did the equation and figure it out like what there is obviously a maximum efficiency set of steps that you can take here and I'm curious what that would be speed running cactus clicker in Minecraft alright boom faster everything's fast oh oh zoomy boys dude I mean eventually my manual cactii is gonna be completely irrelevant actually I should probably just wait for him to get higher now that they're spawning faster Oh watch him zoom see at what point do we determine that our speed is good enough and you've sand I all right at one point do we determine our speed is good enough and we just wait for it to get to a thousand I don't know that's the question is there ever we just have to make a judgment call we go we go so hard until it's like it's just a thousand cactus in the next tick and then it's that's that day right I sped it all up again oh my god dude it's poppin off now it's poppin off now I can't keep up why you're on that hearing that automatic dual clutch transmission cactus whereas I'm still over here manually shifting gears doing great here you guys thanks man my wrist is hurting from all this gear shifting you're you're you're really you're doing great work keep up keep it up oh my God look at him go is there a point to doing what I'm doing why do manual transmissions still exist I don't think speed it I think yikes you're too hot for that I'm too hot no go uh stop stop with the manual transmission and start start placing stuff yeah I am I am okay in fact it might be that we end up wanting to replace your manuals yeah potentially they they don't seem to be the most effective way to go bad doing things anymore ticularly no oh my god upgrade my god look at it go whoa we did that real exponential growth there boys I guess we could yeah oh I'm going we're going ham there you go here we go Oh get ready boys it's going up this is actually really gratifying I love it I love it I love it I want it to be so fast that I can't even like beat beat it by clicking the button as fast as I possibly can there's so much speed we can't beat it it's going too fast stop bringing it down how's it but I want to go maximize gets this I want it to be maximum no it's going too fast I can't keep up I think we we win we win okay we win whoo you call the zombie situation I was talking about yeah yeah I recall turns out it was more serious than I thought it would have guessed Oh rainbows the first to break in i irrationally panicked and enter the totally safe and fun skill-based experiment with you in my defense didn't know zombies broke iron doors wait they don't those darn architects scammed us well anyway good news is that I managed to bring the experiment creators armorstand down here this dude is loki so weird he creates a new armor stand for every experiment he makes s mhm my head so he need to find it we need to find a zombie do you still have that pickaxe that breaks bars they do you there's bars back here straight bars dude spittin bars at me I don't see anything clickety-click out there yes I see water leaking in break iron bars sand red sand mossy stone bricks I am much clever mini well whoa what rainbow zeros now waterís oh yeah I'm waterproof huh and watch her proof very cool dude that's um that's good that's good because yeah wasn't waterproof I suppose it could be a problem I still need to find a it doesn't help us in our problem does it break broken or cracked no only mossy so oh wait he has trades yeah I know but we need the rotten flesh where the hell are we gonna find rotten flesh that's the issue a little focused on that boy I didn't think about that part uh-huh okay hey goal item is a pickaxe what are you even out of this that's also not a pickaxe just so we're clear it's a it's an egg so yes it must X you a question and my silly yes I do not know what I'm talking about okay so what it what happens we at play let's just hit play [Music] so we somehow have to like script our villager - oh I got a bunch of stuff now oh you have stuff well that's good I have move and break oh okay good that's a good idea you have Lyman pickax I have move break can be placed on light blue concrete and move can be placed on light blue concrete okay so we move him here and we're trying no so we move him to the resources so he move him to the tree have him break it and then we move him to the iron have him break it and then we move him to the smelter yeah yeah so we feel like maximize our usage or something like that so oh you can break those okay but I assume he has to that start has to exist as it is so wait what I'm just just looking at dance dance revelution man so put it down like this forward there so that'll bring him forward now there's a side one underneath this though no that's just the way it looks underneath look at this right okay so and you're saying so this goes basically you're like no no you're not maximizing and he needs to make it to the iron right we need to use the minimum amount of blocks possible oh so we have to loop on it so no so go like go to here to the wood right here okay do you want me to demo this what I have in mind are you okay you're gonna no nope oh you want the other one over here okay I mean he's gonna walk into the leaf I think so now turn him and then break I don't know I think you need to put the brake where they oh okay I need to move this too - because that's what I always so brake right Blair yes and then probably do we forward underneath is that possible well that's what this one has oh maybe we can do does he go forward I guess after he breaks he does go forward so yeah you need to put so break the brake block put the forward one underneath first and it'll lose me it easier I think break this and then put this one there no no underneath the log put the 400 right with the break after I got you I got you and then this here yes and then we need to bring him over to the iron iron I only have four steps left so this isn't huh but I wonder if all he has to do is collect the resources and then once it stops playing like he goes and it crafts it's worth experimenting he might not have to actually walk over to the crafting table he's the only it place it down is being ignored and I bet that'll come from I bet that would come for further levels like this is just level one okay so so now you have four go this way so that's forward and then this way and then probably break and then another break nope nope that'll be a break again oh and then actually no we need to do three how many breaks can we do because we need to get three I think so how can we get three breaks because he's he get may oh actually you know what the break is all but it's he breaks two blocks high here so we can just go straight through so it's just gonna be break break break straight through so break break you can you give me the pickaxe let me just do this way I have it in mine there you go okay and I need one more break you have a another one I have one break that I can't give to you or maybe I apparently cannot okay I have two breaks and one and I can't throw them to you so oh we only huh yeah I we only had the three breaks I wonder if you can if you'll walk through without breaking but how would he we need four things in order to make the pickaxes we need the wood then we need three iron so how how does that work with only three breaks well just try okay try putting the breakdown in front of this arrow and we'll just see what happens when we hit play okay all right let's just try hitting play and see maybe it'll tell us like how this works we will get will get inspiration yeah so does he cool oh you collect the resource okay oh I see got it that still does not answer our question leave us how we get the third so you only got three breaks there yeah but look over here there's a double so if we and I have 100k straight three out of that yeah yeah good point good point all right so reset can I do this super quickly you got it I don't know that I can give you the items maybe let's happen yeah I got him okay cool all right there there there and break and break break cool all right now we're cooking with gas this makes a lot more sense that we get the items because otherwise yeah how does this man know what to do yeah all right villager number 3 5 3 1 you can walk faster than this I believe in you come on villager break break break break I bet it's many many many many although Otto smelt or not not Otto smell oh we have to use the planks to do the smelting clever yes clever work are we gonna be able to get enough out of I believe it's I believe that's the perfect amount is it's you get one and a half out of a single plank and if it doesn't work I am prepared to sacrifice two additional sticks I mean I don't think you can burn sticks for can you wait why did it reset it oh the heck are there we go we're good crafty crafty that was very crafty of us hey whoa Oh that was it I was expecting multiple levels wait zombie zombie oh man I need some help over here fan oh man fine Oh Frick out use the X I got this I got this the man's is going down you think you could deal with an axe Hey look now we've got brains dying on liveing Zombo all right this is not a game or do we want to get out of here trade me the rotten flesh I'll make you the next portal okay wait I thought we had the blue portal already yeah I thought maybe there was a cyan portal maybe the Navy's a deeper blue why do you have the body you have a blue what cuz I gotta bleed we got two things have run flesh out of it oh okay gotcha okay the next one oh this looks blue da ba dee da ba die what do we do oh there's many restarts lucky we have to figure out what we are doing maybe I throw the blue portal into the blue portal doesn't work I don't think so sadly I wish it do Wacka Zombo is a game this is a game that exists Oh God do you hear this this hey do the I do the thing or am I the only one with the hammer you're the only one oh no I have a hammer do be fast be speedy boy we got to hit mad goals here dude I love wacky Zambo it is the best I've actually never played whack-a-mole funny story hopefully only with less zombies and less hey frick frick I don't have much range here yeah the range is really short and it's like I'm trying to like decide if there's a Optima yeah yeah it's really hard to monitor all of them with the short range this is not an optimal vantage point how many did we do it oh the I guess the goal was 20 so we we crushed oh we I mean I guess two of us probably was slightly easier yeah okay Wow alright the only way out of this experiment is to finish it this was done of course to counter very stubborn a non collaborative subjects good job actually let me teleport myself it'll be quicker that worked almost perfectly wait at what the Frick you doing dude do you want a flower no that makes me feel any better okay next one Marie anta a Oh actually you want to be you want to be system you should be system I am the creator of this experiment aka Neko the pro speaking to you via the system chat this is your last puzzle so I made it easy for you it's just a training puzzle totally not because I got bored and I'm out of ideas okay listen rainbows doesn't pay me enough for making experiments what does he even do with these I really want to go back to doing unfair Maps no Nico don't do more unfair Maps they know maybe angries no please no make me big sad I have stone pickaxe okay so we'd probably have to trade with my name it my name Jam my name if you've seen that reference mister doesn't get modern references I only know that from troll craft I don't actually know the if you don't know where it comes from oh my goodness it's from I don't know if it's from 21 or 22 but it's from one of the jump streets the newer ones okay and basically he's like he's tasked with impersonating a kind of like a gangbanger type guy and so he's when when introduced to the baddies he goes named yep my name is yeah pretty much uh I can't do much with my stone pickaxes yeah but we that that stone pickaxe is like not super great pink wool oh you got a new pickaxe I see that's nice break those pink wools oh the pink wolves are getting broken nicer than broken house those pink wolves what you create I got some and this is a stone pickaxe that can break a diorite wall so here oh yes here's one two three four five go for it are we sure that there are spares here I have six still okay uh hopefully that be the case where did you get your initial stone pickaxe from it gave it to me it was like here oh okay I guess you you were the only one who got it I feel left out well that's why I'm giving you the pink wall so that you can have a part and thank you I appreciate being included you're so nice you share a lot did the teachers in school teach you how to play nice with other kids by sharing your toys no I just like including my friends got it all right we got me into terracotta for both of us I just tossed it on the ground for you all right but yeah but this terracotta on scale look this is this is meant that their economy enta don't like it shears they can break jungle leaves and the you want some look there's a pile of jungle leaves just right here we need ances why it's crazy do you want some I can give you some there you go okay what are the chances that was lucky and then we can break player heads wow that's that's yes mean I suspect that you break I caught it on the ground I threw it on the ground oh he's gonna break the oh no no it's the South Asian use the whack as ombo they're going down oh yeah whack a Samba dude it's so loud help my ears they hurt more than my oh no the zombies vented our dimension I need you to get out of there ASAP how are we gonna end the map now this is just bad I think I told Nico to add a dev exit just in case problem is I have no idea where to find it must be here somewhere I mean he's right here yeah dude Nico what are you freaking doing here you not prepared a player head magenta terracotta pink wool yeah what can we do that stuff actually I think the pickaxe that you asked how I got it is actually named how did I get this aptly named very nice named how do we get out of here we've escaped the rainbow we haven't tasted it but I feel like we've escaped it now we have to escape the grayscale Nico can you break Nico's head wait a minute Oh which one is that which one is that it's how did I get this oh okay do it I don't know what that's supposed to hundred percent that it has to be it dude there has to be a there's nothing else we can do this has to be it and then there's this little thing let you jump up I was a hundred percent it's made for it it's made for ah I found a cactus whoa what do we do with it that way no what do we do it damn boy I found cactus Jones deaf not a dev exit don't drop me on the portal wait a minute I think you might drop it on the portal founded the magic cactus dimension ticket out of here system he's now cactus your system what your the system rainbows is evolving again he is now cactus I remember what my previous you might recall this place it's yet another experiment created by the map maker back when he was making good fair maps anyway there's a control panel behind this wall help me find a way to get through it which which one Oh hint look this will help you throughout the map wait is there a whole nother map here there's a hit book what what can we break cactus okay Ibis is a nitwit he has nothing for us oh the classic sand and gunpowder which we can do what with I'm not entirely sure there's a is this a hopper right here I know you'd be able to click on it if it was hmm wait oh it's way up here do you cactus jump onto it maybe if that might be it yeah now out let me on the cactus wait my name is cactus I don't it's I don't know if you can cactus jump there's that way get through that is seen as highly indicative hmm and we can't place the sand on anything the sand is just sand I am kind of slightly confused by what we're doing I could punch you up there possibly but I don't know that's how it's supposed to be done I'm gonna be honest with you that might be a bit of a hat is I think it is I think this is the correct thing I just don't I just not good enough to do it out I was making sure I can actually punch you it seemed like mine was kind of whiffing hmm I feel like forcing it is not the way that this is done but there is a hint book do you want the hint book it's called cactus escape isn't it no it's called rainbow escape well no this section is cactus escape no can we will retrieve player head we can I don't know if we were suppose m hf cactuses head I don't know if that's how it was supposed to go you know if you can put it on top of the cactus then that would know it cannot be placed on anything sadly I think you place any I know the sanity right how do I know it's not enough though you need four and I don't know where the additional powder would be oh there it is there it is we found it okay that's not on it and go on it and got that TNT boys now what you got it wow you just stole it straight out of my inventory I wonder if it goes neck on this block here the fancy-looking block can be placed on chiseled stone brick new that'd be the fancy looking block but where would I put it on the I cannot believe you okay what I think I want to see you have the Oh God okay for real this time managed to purge all the zombo's and bring us out of the experiment come with something to show you okay let's go come with me if you want to leave oh you'd open the doors there just paint iron he got scared by the architects oops this is the rainbow we look at that you might have not noticed but every rainbow dimension you visited in the experiment contained a little secret item now I know this wasn't really genuine testing environment but literally no test subject managed to get all the secrets if you have them you can place them on them on the terracotta blocks thanks for wait what did you did you do something no I've just finished oh wait did we actually like neither I think we found anyone I don't think we found a single one is he trolling or was there actually stuff to find I'm just I don't know it's Nico man he's evil in evil ways and wanted and I quote Wow guys bad well thanks well maybe if you end up playing these goes map you might do better than we did because we didn't we didn't we didn't get the map creator available for on-the-spot commentary this needs to happen more often I wanna I want to be greeted at the end of every map Wow alright thanks you go yeah at least it's a beautiful array of terracotta I wouldn't want to ruin that we didn't want to finish it because we wanted to leave room for you guys who try it at home we do how to do it but thanks to our sponsors a pro hosting for providing the server we've played this on if you want to try this out then a check out the link in our descriptions you can save yourself 25% off helps what we do and yeah anything you want to throw in there big guy no sir I think you covered it thanks for watching everyone we'll see you next time bye guys you
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 347,673
Rating: 4.9423971 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparklez, captain, sparklez, lets, play, playthrough, minecraft, minecraft map, custom map, puzzle, minecraft puzzle, puzzle map, rainbow dimensions
Id: Z0A5AESm2ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 29sec (2729 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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