Beating Minecraft But We Start In The Nether

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here we go okay popping off now are we good wow this is amazing incredible the crimson cracker crimson forest yeah this is a great place to start was this coincidental the yeah it was coincidental so you just built a portal right at the world spawn i did um teleport me to zero like eighty zero nether and this was it got it okay yeah it was meant to be this was it was it meant to be yeah i was like wow this is very lucky so this is a crimson this is a crimson forest with a k yes yes oh thank goodness i don't take damage when i punch wood with my bare fist oh you've been playing that thing i yep it's i don't like anything anymore um i completed it but it was stressful you keep taking my wood wow what are you gonna do about that with wood tools until until we can get some black stone yeah yeah uh or gold stone glue okay so basically yeah that's this is the rough part is we gotta we gotta get gold yeah i mean that shouldn't be too hard right well we have to get we have to get gold and then we have to deal with uh shielding ourselves from the hoglands and stuff which is live i feel like that should be very useful for us to go to uh bastions would would be useful once once we have gold i just could have swore you could no you you can it'll just break into nuggets very slow it's server frozen yes oh got it you guys okay over there oh yeah okay you're coming to me i don't know if that means you're bringing the party to me but i don't like it out of here by the way nice everything's fine everything's fine to worry about it hey don't you know what i'll kill him oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no i thought we were i thought we were getting zero deaths here i mean our lives hey listen grab grab a blue mushroom ward fungus and just keep yeah warped fungus is your friend for the time being you're going right to a dude oh because because crimson forest is is where they are it just is where they be oh my god first first one alive being damaged i'm fine oh no one's actually gone down yet i'm so close i'm so close close to what having gold armor oh oh they're fast i just need one more vein i need food oh i got i got the armor now i'm good go let's go nice job so what's our what's our goal here what do we have a time in mind i did this in approximately like three hours ish solo so i feel like we should be able to do it way quicker fine i yeah probably i imagine it would take i mean yeah i don't know how hard it is to do it in just another but i mean i played the game in like an hour so yeah i mean it's like over an hour it's just kind of dependent on how lucky you get from your trades with piglins yeah yep another fortress so it's also a big effect well that'll be easy because we can break off ah oh the big dudes the big dudes with the horns ah balls i can't go up there god dang it there is a real lack of of gold around here i'm having a lot of gold yeah oh um there's a there's a there's a girl are you about to go down i'm gonna no i'm gonna die that's unfortunate okay cara uh dropped some gold on the ground where are you guys finders keepers i mean all right i have i have no food and i'm wait can you make mushroom stew yes oh that's your primary source of food at the beginning i thought i had to kill those guys i was like oh no there there's a person there there's a person is it herobrine yes don't say that i'm scared don't say the forbidden word he will come wait what what happened oh you need to get regular mushrooms i thought you could make it with the fungus i guess that'd be a fungus too yeah there's red and blue mushrooms yeah and the red and the blue i need shoes oh my gosh i'm almost to choose oh my god i need one more nugget for shoes are you kidding me now struggling i have two nuggets on me i'm living my best life right now we also have half a heart and okay so am i missing something so i'm trying to make it with the warped and crimson fungus and i guess that's not how you make a mushrooms do that nope nope it is not that's something how do you make it though oh balls balls mushrooms not the time gasps okay i need to find a i really need to find a warped fungus right now oh my gosh where in the world oh i see a warped fungus right over there we gotta zoom for this uh whose stuff is this what does warp fungus do are you tight twice yeah i'm i'm getting distaste where are you guys i'm chilling i'm at i'm at the spawn right now i'm not quite there i gotta go gotta go gotta go i just gotta get this warped and then i'll be good give me this give me that there we go perfect okay um going well swimming it's always a rough start but then everything starts to usually work out a bit better oh global lag yeah oh i see you boys there here i'm going to all right remember my coordinates oh there's oh i have run out of food all right yeah just look for mushrooms if you can oh no this is not good i don't have sprint and there is big pig man big pig with horns i killed a hoglin but i didn't give me enough hunger to replenish my oh i found a bastion okay what oh beautiful holy where uh 90 60 90 60. who's who's me i'm just i'm still trying to survive give me one who's near me i hear someone near me is it me definitely not freaking gay oh skeleton 180 real quick uh i can't be i can't be tangling with skeletons right now or the nice piglet is currently looking at your boots and and analyzing them to see if they're worth it oh no and that's the side of armor now these stupid wait where's my gold arm car you have you you are all good on you he stole my gold boots he stole my food no way yeah that's why i said he took your gold boots and just analyze them see if they're worth much for him dude i'm gonna okay i am able to heal now okay um does anyone have any gold i need um i'm get i can i see a couple good veins over here that i don't mind but there's actually some uh i'm i really need to really need to find myself some mushrooms i think we have to get out of this biome for the mushrooms maybe yeah we need to we need to find nether wastes but i'm trying to make boots so people just don't attack me oh shoot wait there's skeletons in this biome how would i how okay someone's sending messages again who is it did you just like turn off someone i guess i could just turn off chat he literally just sent a message that said test carl what what is this thing he shouldn't be able to do that but moderators can bypass that what what's his name it's it's his tag is pro [Music] so i'm i'm assuming not a moderator well did you do the turn messages off i did it's weird then okay did you go in the bastion ryan redoing it oh hey everybody i'll go in i have no fear i mean we don't have to deal with brutes yet so we're doing okay okay you're uh that's that's scary stuff oh i guess i need that's not it oh okay some gold oh we can't get gold with the i'd recommend uh being careful and kind of surrounding yourself in blocks if you're going to be looting a chest yeah because they get mad at everything we're at the bastion at uh 150 i got obsidian i got arrows i got uh soul speed three boots heck yeah gold boots so i can uh guys can you give me a coordinates 150 uh 60. okay cool right near me oh okay so this is this doesn't seem like a great bastion for loot sadly um i just got more lutations let's see yeah i mean it it has loot but it has like the the bad loot yeah it's i have nine obsidian we can almost go back to the over that's bad oh nice we one more obsidian we could or if we find a broken portal we can i would say our goal should be to like get all loot in the nether everything yeah and then go to the overworld only once we actually like oh my god lag go to the overworld at all no that is not what put it down put it down put it down i'm in trouble now i really need some regen super badly okay oh i'm out of food that is stellar i take one more hit and i'm done oh boy i do have some good armor at least i don't want gold armor oh shoot i know this is the worst okay i'm trying to take out a hogland and it's very difficult i mean hey can they go through like one block gaps uh no okay so you could set up a trap i guess um you you kinda can but they they have some crazy range yeah i learned that the hard way today oh my god there's so much health where are you at got him oh my god thank goodness i've yelled out the coordinates so many times i'm coming is it like below or something what's the what's the why uh 54. that's why i can't find you guys i'm on top okay i need to get out of here all right chris did you um did you you got uh regular blackstone to make stone tools is he is he just just in his own world i i'm muted apparently i'm sorry ow uh yeah yeah i found i got the bastion yeah the bastion has some parts of it is just made out of regular black stuff oh okay oh i got i got some as well i need to snag some of that i'm like how long have i been muted for by the way uh a long time all right well whatever it was really important i was just i was dying jordan nope i'm just trying i'm working on taking out some hog ones but i don't have much health so if i get no no it's fine if i if i take a hit it's a problem oh my god they do have crazy range it was turned backwards in like around a corner they will they will just like it's crazy uh i just need him to come back over here come here bud i need you i need you you can't walk across here you can just are you idiots you fell down he fell down what an idiot whoa whoa one and a half hard i meant two horns let's go let's go [Music] we need like a spawn do you point one here i need oh that was bm he knocked me off the ledge half a heart i can't hit him if i get he's they're like ravagers they're like mini ravagers and it's very annoying okay see can i hit you got him got him there you go a little lag okay great okay okay i have half a heart dude okay great cool i lost all my i lost all my stuff down here and i had like i had almost full gold all right stone sword time let's get us done for food because we need we need a lot of food yeah we do um so we need to make a furnace with black stone that should be a a goal oh true yeah is there no no there's a small one you're fine there's a there's a warped thing over here so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna make a i'll make a shovel i'm gonna bring the crimson into the bastion with me so i can set up a say oh wait that's kind of oh wait i can't mind that right shoot all right well i need to get some blackstone and then we'll be able to make a furnace and get food i oh okay can i hit him from below you think uh these are like so weird it's it's somewhere in the middle of here like it's little pockets uh i think we're all good from pigs it's gonna be uh it's gonna be just a whole other level once the uh once the brutes are oh no at least the power is just this i was trying to get just trying to get iron tools basically i killed one of those stupid idiots i know they are the worst you know the cross will be really good for us too they those can be in chess sometimes yeah they're in the table i'm pretty sure that would be nice all right hogwarts here can try and kill for food you just have to it's just a bit of a balancing act basically with um just putting down a warped fungus and then you just want to make sure there aren't too many because occasionally they can kind of break the warped fungus defense uh okay so let me just do red mushrooms yeah you can do mushrooms too it's just a matter of um i won't let me like i use brown and crimson fungus but i guess crumbs and fungus doesn't work no no no it has to be regular mushrooms you can find them in other wastes yeah um jordan can you like log off and log back in real fast okay is in regards to the messaging thing yeah you should be good now okay should we also do that all right who wants a food i have two spares divvy amongst yourselves dave i gotta go buddy it's been fun [Music] no you fight it's fine it's fine it's fine all right let's kill let's kill the pig once we can try and get more food for um i have i have eight gilded black stone i don't know what i can can i smelt that to gold uh you can i believe yes all right cool or no i guess oh no no no you can't you can't do that you just have to keep breaking it and eventually it like can break nuggets all right here we go let's sit this down over here [Applause] they're gonna try to kill you by the way they see you minding that what oh yeah go the blackstone oh oh oh oh yes the pigs pigs don't like that i won't let you do that we just need to be careful because occasionally if there are too many they will ignore the mushroom uh cars still getting messages despite turning everything off really yep yeah you need this you need to hit it do a hit and then come back you think you could just like go down oh there's my pick god dang it god dang it i think you're just like i don't even know how to describe this in words oh shoot i don't have any wood right now uh just mine some i have trees idea then i don't know if it will work uh you got a lot of very angry piglets down there it sounds like oh okay oh no hold on hold on can you just like go down like this can they hop in a one by one like that um i don't you need to get trapped doors in order to lure them in but yes if you make traffic on here oh i think you'll get hit because they have really stupid overpowered uh hitboxes and rangers i think we can like you team this guy like oh i'm in trouble oh why he's not even coming after me he doesn't oh cause i know their their aggro is weird because of the shoot dropping down there [Music] near the hogland so we'll attack you perhaps oh this works this works and i can get there we go here oh wait oh does the iron one thing work with us looks like it there we go okay why don't we try that perfection uh oh oh yeah this totally works they're just iron golems that's all absolutely beautiful now they're way less scary no no no because there's going to be some point where they actually uh hit you so yeah all right so you can't get back here is that the problem i cannot at all did you look this entire thing right now i've hardly explored it at all i'm gonna look for some more chests okay i see some stuff i'm sterling one pork chop i need how dare you i'm able to get back we should probably kick dave from crimson crackers he's kind of pulling us down he's honest down man i am carrying this team on my back right now i don't think so you see my goal i got full speed no one here is gold oh my god nice don't play it on twitch or your vod will get muted yeah yeah don't play it yeah it will my video won't get muted but for your mod well that's weird it's very it's very strange i have no idea on youtube it's fine but on twitch it gets muted it was cool very weird i'm on my way i'm very close how unfortunate i'm going to try and get this scared hey buddy oh yeah they can if you're two blocks up they can hit you don't don't worry blocks three blocks oh is it on hard mode now it makes so much more sense do you have my stuff i do oh god that's lava i don't yeah okay i'm here i'm here come hold on i'm coming to you these stupid hot freaking pigs man i can't remember i think you had the three gold and then you can't hit them from that high up i'm not sure what else but you have to be like right above what did you have tools oh sure here give you this stuff unless you have an extra stone tool i will actually in a moment oops hold on what do you say like that it's dangerous the uh here have a food thank you happy to help beautiful colors watch color space ride and make your name and chat red little baby hogging for me there's one extra food in the front right now it's running for me yeah i just got the babies the babies are just annoying get over here i'm not letting you leave you're dead get him all right all right what dave out of context nevermind he's a little killer we got a bow i have 38 arrows whoa how did you was that from the chest yeah i'm still exploring it i don't see more chests though here's one pork chop i will take oh [Laughter] because we're going to need to do some trading out here in order to hopefully get iron nuggets because we are all going to need some shields for the blazes are these dudes mad at me ah likely uh are you getting hurt i hear uh there was a bunch of little baby stupid idiots down there i hate baby stupid idiots dude i keep getting hoglings and piglets mixed up because they're both oh there's a hole there i got a crossbow i got a stick iron nice oh wait six iron nuggets or ingots i guess oh pickaxe whoa so we can mine the blocks no we had save save for we we all need to have a shield that's extra important for blazes okay oh you found a ruined portal it's a lava but yes i did okay okay and the cross was kind of almost dead but i'll hold on to it um it could be useful uh all right here i'll make four shields for us sick what do you got for me mr pig can you get all the stuff from the bastion i'm not sure we can't mind the crying obsidian so that doesn't do anything for us more useless thing for you to give me right now are we oh yeah we're doing doing some trading i had one one could i traded that's right yeah hey buds want to give me some goods dude do you have a cooked uh meat yes i need that yeah well it's so hard to readjust me the ender pearls give me the ender pearls come on dude give me the end of pearls all right one two three and four shields are made just literally double bricks you guys are worthless that permission make a sword out of the iron do it hey dude hey hey you want some gold want some gold yeah what you got for me bro oh my god all they know how to give me is bricks i got some string that's good uh here take these uh oh i got a i got an obsidian dave how many do you have i have nine oh i got a shield boys so we could go back to the overwhelm let's get out um yeah okay so we we are ready to go once we get uh clinton steele i suppose please don't toss that in the lava whatever it is hey can i have a shield ryan are you not me i do not do not have fire charges i i'm looking at it nothing else uh it's on the floor where you were dave so here i'll get back to you i'm holding i'm dual building shields right now so i was just standing right next to you right hey five ender pearls all right there we go we could be there dragon like this if we if we need to with like six beds we can one's like oh oh wait guys did we hold on you you have an iron pickaxe careful uh we gotta we got a man's coming in here um what we need to do is we need to go into the other portion of the bastion that's kind of hidden did anybody go into the uh big the vertical portion enclosed portion of the bastion okay we should go into there because uh you can find blocks of gold underneath the electrical outlets sure okay the electrical outlets of course yeah i just know i can get down there is there it's that's that ruined portal yeah that portal is sketch you'd have to actually go and go into the bastion dig down that way and then build across i could or use two enterpress and just risk it i wouldn't do it i wouldn't i i think ender pearls [Music] look cool now yeah once we get an iron pick and we can get the blocks like and i have 21 string which means we can make beds so we can all sleep set spawn points when we get to the overworld i think we got this quick easy thank you and you're welcome the easiest thing i've ever done basically all right guys i'm gonna go over to the other portion of the bastion and try to get hold of some gold blocks oh wait can i i need the iron pickaxe actually if i'm gonna do that oh i thought he said he made one gold armor i mean iron and gets made for sure i got a gold paint oh you're ryan ryan take these pants i don't know why i've actually but i do i have well there might be some stuff in here anyway i have i have two gold boots i have soul speed on one of mine so i think the pigs drop it oh yeah i have soul speed three oh i should just run through this the other the soul stand by them real quick and see if i find anything at lightning speed oh yeah go for it um did we check this i am speed all right yeah there's uh i think there's a couple treasure areas that have not been gotten by you guys from exploring here so probably because we're all really scared and it's skewing okay i'm going to no no golden under the electrical line i'm gonna make a chest and not open it actually i can't i have to open it i'll i'll just walk if you block yourself off you're they won't even notice i'll put myself into it they sometimes notice yeah be careful they have no object permanence they just disappear behind the wall you're going to be be careful they can sometimes they can sometimes realize yeah i'll like go i try to go under it if i can if there's no lava oh hey a lot of man's in here found a gold it's just surrounded by six piglens is all so there's that okay i am going to oh two gold blocks there we go oh beautiful yeah i just i i'm a little scared of the whole mining them situation but i have crying obsidian uh should we make like a a chest around here if we make our own chest will they be mad if we lose they're always upset at everything there is no way for them to not be upset they need to chill out can we use striders at all in this entire run or no is there a way we can get saddles here actually we can do another yeah from all right well they want me alrighty i am going to oh wait can i yeah this is one point i can't i can't mind this with stone what am i doing i can't believe it yeah it's not gonna work okay uh okay cool see you got the you got the ruined portal yeah what i got was a golden axe with uh and then i got 18 iron nuggets and five obsidian from that nice nuggets so yeah dude what's with all these stupid baby i i really need like a something more than wood there's a lot in the in the bastion what does it look like oh can't make a gold pick no guys is this stone what is this all right that's basalt i'm gonna pick ax yeah die go for it okay meanwhile i'm trying to make my way up to the treasure areas i have flynn do you flin for anything what how am i on fire flint and steel i mean i actually could use the fire charge so we can save uh save an iron okay oh hello hello uh treasure well not treasure but whatever oh god ow ow that hurt you okay yeah i'm okay ow get away food i want food oh no i do have food oh no i'll make my way to you it's not okay uh so you'll you might um if you go to the edge of the so what is it it's the eastern edge of the part of the bastion that's open with another uh another war in the middle there's the part that kind of goes up it's just a wall of black stone that goes up into the above netherrack okay i'll head up there i'm gonna mine up actually what the uh oh all right what uh i'm in the overworld what happened oh you didn't keep refilling the uh the thing oops uh well i don't know all right i'm just going to tp myself to you guys all right i'm going to sticky i mean you should tp to zero zero and refill the the spot the respawn anchor otherwise we're gonna keep going to the overworld too yeah i mean i won't die anytime soon sure you want zero zero demonetizations here boys i think i'm near you jordan i think um hold on one second i'm gonna i'll work my way back out but i do think they're gonna be angry at me so any chests over here or no i'm not sure hold up let me see if i can work my way back to you and uh have piglins not be upset another okay hey guys are you mad are you mad oh they're not made very nice augers okay i made it are you guys mad oh they're not mad either wow that's so cool dude all right i'm on my way back down wait can you guys wait uh you put wood did you put this wood down here probably i'm in a little staircase up here so i'm going to put the one there oh there's a double chest here that someone probably opened i got that way down there jordan here come back up here oh you went so far down so dave you got you i it's okay you can easily get back up i kind of just ran down there at the beginning and got it took everything dave you're in the upper portion with the loot yes i'm gonna try and open these chests where in the heck are you mate i want to pull staircase you can try and find it what's your elevation uh 73. oh okay a lot of arrows in the crowd oh a full crossbow oh i see you now okay a lot of crying city do you cramps me for anything um uh more respawn anchors can be helpful okay we're we're still in the bastion we're not going anywhere oh okay all right hey mate uh before you open that one can you give me the iron uh no no iron pickaxe i don't pick x give me food too uh here you go thank you okay um brb do you need gold boots okay now nope all good okay cool uh anymore another rock people ask me this competition no it's not we're working together it's not a race i mean it is a race to see how quickly we can get to the end okay there might be angry piglens be careful people i did just mine gold you need uh oh i got a lot more iron i got seven iron now okay they're all very angry be careful everyone gold pants jordan um i we do we need gold pants i have gold pants do you need it i i mean sure i'll take him i don't have any on him uh take these i'll see you want to go next i don't want to go back and take it up oh so you can have this you have this quick charge bow curse of it wow look at this guy okay jordan all this stuff thanks man here take my things i don't want it it's handy for my younger brother what should i do with those i don't have any uh arrows so that's the only downside you know having this stuff i mean i mean did you just toss out boots does anyone need gold boots okay i have two extras i have brian do you want a sword for yourself uh sure why not oh i was getting maybe let's get my iron it's all good wow are we that we're that far ahead dude it's just a renewable resource now oh here let me give you the pickaxe back though there you go all right okay i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh don't whoa we're just doing so well dude i was okay i was like in this wall of the of the whatever it's called the stronghold thing uh-huh i was just like digging around the wall escort mission i'm at the basket i just need stuff and i have two hearts okay you move the raceway over here okay yeah we can we can make a new one um i have two crying obsidian i don't know how many 12 i told you um then i died did you guys pick up my stuff by chance where are we i have not picked up anything uh well look oh oh god i don't like that dude right there uh you don't mean i'm low help you out with food i mean why i feel i'm trying to count on what the pogba is trying to kill me yeah i should have put down i think we're fine uh we need to work our way back down and also we need to get a little bit of glory one day i just saw you fall i didn't see anything all right um glowstone somewhere it's six of the crying obsidian and three glowstone blocks let me go get some glowstone yeah that was like uh it's not my fault that was great no i love it hey major giggles how are you related to me yeah it was funny did you die uh no i know what you're talking about okay got him nice okay too much i'm keep focused on this i'm too scared i know dude the task at hand all right so i've got nine glowstone um oh shoot this guy you're gonna tell me what a nerd you're gonna tell me you want to tell me how much tell me how i think it does you probably find it somewhere is it like the little lower part of the bastion or upper part wow after he returns from the grocery store he's gonna leave us he's going to leave us guys all right we're we got to go back down i guess we're going to help these losers okay so where are you guys at we're at this on fashion i think i'm just going oh my god yeah that's not good that's not good okay all right okay all right okay all right okay all right uh you got an angry you got an angry well all righty guys i have to crit out three hogs okay well don't worry the piglen's taking piglyn's got my back he's taking care of it is he now yeah he is no i'm uh this is gonna be great he's got a gap between him and the hogland so it's working thanks bud no no no that's my food thank you oh cranios unalived in a hole yeah i mean at least it's all there uh i'll just just try and discard it and i'll get back there and pick it up for myself okay i'm gonna make a respawn i guess i'll be on respawn anchor duty then uh let me just let me toss some stuff out real quick oh crossbow oh don't don't don't do don't do it don't do things like pay oh he's picking up the gold he's picking up all the gold all right yeah we need that yeah we didn't need that at all uh it's fine it's fine it's great hold on god my inventory is so full i've gotta i gotta get rid of stuff oh i have nothing please help brag about it carl i got to get my stuff i'll be right back okay oh you're being chased oh my god i'm over here no no you let him over here ryan all right i hope you're doing well i hope the family's doing great i gotta go oh my gosh old habits die oh my god dang it i am this is going great brian i'm confused anyways so i go up this way go oh hey fellas so the issue here is i can't put i can't chest things because obvious reasons so i don't know exactly what to do about this can you make a barrel barrels make them angry too oh god oh god oh god yeah i'm at your stuff the problem is i can't chest it and my inventory is full awesome uh yeah block yourself again so they can't see you got a little round yes i guess i will do but then uh hi god dang dude how's the how's the life i shall travel with you oh what the freaking lag no no no no no i don't want him i don't want him he's your new friend he's not mine have fun bye okay hi hi oh i see where jordan went okay uh now police tell him there's no hogwarts just sitting up here or any piglets that'd be kind of weird it'd be kind of weird kind of weird honestly oh hello hey hey buddy hey buddy i'm going to run past you just just going to sneak right back to here he's going to sneak right back on faster oh what the i think i'm nearby up here uh um probably you are okay i'm chesting a lot of stuff oh i just got here uh do you have blocks i can like blow it across oh wait hey yeah yeah uh hold on you gotta you gotta give me a second i'm gonna i'm gonna make a respawn anchor and then i'm gonna take that respawn anchor and i am going to bring it back to where everyone's located and then everyone's gonna do the thing and then we can all come to this area and sort out loose oh i see where you guys are okay all right so got a respawn anchor very exciting i found you guys on the gap open the gap swinging i'm trapped uh yeah there was a yeah wait let you in oh god i just yeah i'm i'm next to you next year it's like open a little hole for me uh where oh okay come on in uh open like here like in front of you like this way this one hey no okay all right cool great uh okay cool cool cool i might have given you i don't know if i gave you any of my stuff but yeah yeah iron sword i just put it in there there's that and also on your pickaxe too there you go these are yours uh uh i had a crossbow why is this why is this a thing all right did you make the what what's up all right here's a warped fungus for you i'll take the pearls since i have those i'll put those in there yo crossbow there you go all right i think we're good we're good all right brilliant okay uh do you have a furnace on you or no i do not have a furnace on me i'm in the bathroom where are you guys at i see car i do have black stone yes here you go i don't know you have some you have some hardware here all right here i'm putting down uh oh thank you so much oh you got it okay cool yes okay i can't use what i can use what the oh i gotta make sense where are the rest of them yep where are you guys guys sorry for the uh sorry for the slow uh reply on stuff i'm just trying to i'm trying to carry our team here you know zero demonetizations that's what i do i make us uh i make us strong i don't know what i'm doing i'm just gonna run around protect me dude all right let me i'm going to come back to you guys are you good on chest opening we're good i can leave you b i'm going to hit i'm going to hang here yeah you go back okay oh frick frick don't like it don't like it jesus christ that was a bad place to go wow that dude was just chilling right there being a dick was he just waiting for you basically yeah holy crap i'm gonna go i'm gonna go in here that was horrifying absolutely horrifying all right i'm going to seal this back up and then i'm going to have an iron pick he's going to keep it on oh nice down here i if i had to pick i'd get it but okay um i am oh wait did i give you craniums i think i gave you my gold blocks i did how much it's it's fine don't worry about it you can keep them just meet us oh what the frick a little stupid baby um i might have got another right yeah ancient debris oh wait what yeah in the chest oh nice wait did you find another bastion no it was just oh and i got four iron ingots so i'm gonna make an iron pick and mine up that gold block yeah it's even worth keeping the ancient debris like there's no way i'm gonna get another diamonds here we happen to get diamonds and also four more or three more um we could find more diamonds in a fortress though that would be kind of a flag it would be kind of flexible okay i'm coming back to you guys are you in a different part of the bastion right now uh yeah i will be on my way out to set a respawn anchor all right we need to find we need to get out of this biome and hunt down a fortress that we do uh i mean i guess we can we gotta make sure piglets for more stuff beforehand yeah getting lots of gold right now i would like to get full gold armor if i can i mean you yeah i i did uh have those two gold blocks but would you rather use for trading or yeah i mean one way or the other if you're wanting to make full gold armor yeah i guess i got oh gold i'm gonna use no he just dropped from nowhere dude all you guys are awful well um here hold on oh shoot you need to be back here dang it i'm coming i'm coming it's fine i've made this crack so many times right click it finally a checkpoint oh it's such a crunchy sound i know oh it is um all right where's that i need to trade i am looking to play yeah i mean some business i'm just gonna i mean we got a lot of ingots from those gold blocks so yeah oh look at this man out here using my gold blocks listen i think i used the gold i had already on me before that the rest is yours and i am going to steal so yeah yeah okay binders keepers loser leapers okay i'm here you got a oh you got a chase oh please hey yo bring back some wait carl where's your stuff i died it's been lava it's just like over here somewhere it didn't have much good stuff anyways it's fine you but what about your gold armor can can you lend me a armor uh possibly but then i would be weaker have me oh my god why don't we try to get your stuff i know where it is knees right not worth it there's not enough stuff oh my goodness it's probably we could probably do without i need things can y'all oh you okay right uh you can make a leather helmet car there you go okay all right well jordan you got it we are a team i don't have the wood yet i stay with folder armor on here's more here's more thank you yeah we're a team right we're definitely give me your chest plate give it to me no we're here i'll make you one mickey [Laughter] man that scoreboard is too sick right now oh you have three bars though look at your ping oh man rough also i discovered today that you can like if you make spectral arrows it just doubles the amount of arrows you have really really yeah so if i have 39 spectral arrows 39 arrows and i craft them with glowstone i can get uh like 80 arrows i'm not gonna do the exact math does it really yeah it doubles so one arrow four glowstone makes two spectral arrows so you can double your arrows if you have enough glowstone oh fun fact for the day god dang it i don't like that which is good for the speed ah ready launch me uh okay you okay careful carly what are you trying here i'm trying to get food here take a picture this man's will not matter oh got it beautiful give you some pork chops i want to do business i want to do business too but oh my god the lag is so bad is it yeah hmm i'm not getting that much lag it's sometimes it's racist sometimes i have 10 pork chops all right this this is just a bad biome yeah we need to we need to find ourselves a fortress that's uh our next priority oh my god that's a lot of lava yeah i won't be near there anymore it's just there's a chess game there oh did you guys get it already oh yeah yeah ladies and gentlemen this server uh freaking balls respawning there's like a soul fielder i gotta i got a piglet angry at me which is unfortunate because i'm gonna have to take it out and then they're all gonna be mad you can still trade them when they're angry if you just give them a piece of gold yeah i don't have any gold because uh somebody took all my gold from me yeah yeah someone here oh wait car here take that there you go bud be distracted they they still are angry after that it doesn't like reset them immediately that's the problem dude i hate these little baby knives what this guy giving me yeah i don't know why oh shiny is like a really unreliable achievement soul sand awesome i couldn't have thought of anything else i would have wanted potion i might just swim across the lava somewhere that's not worth it it's too slow let's not do that would have been a good way to just jump in and grab that portal though yeah uh oh no i got it already got it i know i know i got more end obsidian now except i have 18 obsidian damn let me just go make so many portals um yeah i've got i have zero obsidian cranio's got the obsidian that i put in the chest he got all he got all my stuff that i put in the chest yeah i just used all of it here you keep trading with me there we go come on man i just want these pearls or actually string would be great because i have so many arrows i have 34 oh well i wonder where that string came from listen you put in the cast i think you know i don't know what you want from me it's okay it's okay i was just clearing everything out so i could pick up everything all right well where do we want to go next uh let me show you the other way oh i got eight pearls nice we have enough pearls then wait wait oh okay i'm just going to use up my golden rod anyways what else you give me more gravel nothing better hey you like this gold oh you're too far now that's flint don't disrespect the gravel okay it's down in the hole dude go get it yeah and now there we go all right so do we want to run into the soul sand biome sure let's do it yeah oh well oh well we'll just we'll be closer all right let's head out boys okey dokey so probably off to the uh southeast ish no no we want to go to the soul sand biome because northeast is where we came from i think yeah the north huh yeah i've passed by it so many times on the way oh oh ray right there i i there was one near our spawn i figure we should keep on from here because we have the respawn anchor down here now okay yeah i'll i'll go ahead and look first all right mr speedy boy okay there's a little gap there watch out i'm so fast oh i have to put 10 obsidian blocks don't waste our portal dude i have 18 we're fine it's cool oh my god and you say that now and then okay i'm gonna go get more gold yeah did you know did you know before we went down this path more expansive wait there's a path here if you want to take this let's see i'm going to run out of food i think it's full speed oh god hunger are you good oh i'm good that was so that is the gap you were talking about and that is so impossible to see oh my god it was i tried to be a little bridge but yeah how much did you get on you skeletons here i have only two pork chops okay well i i am hungry here i mean how much support do we all have in total three i have i need to do a full regen though unfortunately maybe what i'm on half health right now yeah here we go across oh this dude's got the gear yeah he's got the drip oh actually i got leather from trading i'm gonna make a leather chest plate uh yeah we're up here jordan yeah i'll be there in a moment just making a stone pickaxe let me go this way just don't show us your own one i'm i'm saving it okay there based guys i cannot believe we can survive that that was insane a mushroom could we make a giant mushroom and get a ton of it oh can you do that i think so sorry i'm just so big right now all right do you guys go back towards the bastion uh a little bit um where we are you can see did you go through that gap that cara pointed out yeah yeah yeah i was kind of exploring with my soul speed there you are this way not finding anything of value besides lots of skeletons true well a lot of gaps here make sure you're careful when you're going across the sand god yeah otter beans i hate the spine so much it's so like so it's slow and dreary but you can find fortresses i slow and then the skeleton's on top of it so it's just [Music] does anyone need food i have like nine pork food oh i have two hearts and no regen or food so what happened it might be good um not had food what we really need is nether waste so we can just get a bunch of mushrooms yeah that'd be nice oh god how do i do this without dying okay where are you i i just zipped across the biome to see if i can find it because i've sold speed 3 on my boots so i'm just whipping it i'm trying to find you i don't see you anywhere i'm heading back don't worry about it oh god another skeleton this could be my demise oh now we're good i got the shield i'm whipping it away okay i don't know where oh no i think uh um my boots are breaking because of the soul speed oh do they do it do they break because of it yep they use durability was that a ravine it was like a three-pot drop it was like oh no it was like the smallest drop full time to get back yeah maybe just so much slower than before yeah oh hey i guessed at least you can sprint on the soul soil soul soil you know like the wavy soul sand wavy sand oh god of gas yeah it's a scary scream um perhaps we should branch off in slightly different directions just to increase our chances of finding i feel like there's power numbers here yeah if we if one of us dies we're never gonna find each other again oh yeah that's the thing i although i feel like i'm getting close to one it's pretty soon you just feel it i kind of feel like i'm like no you just know minecraft intuition i just want a crimson forest again so that's cool yeah all right i'll be your original one all is good in the world except i don't have food i found my stuff yeah alright cool who do you think i am david yes that's my legal name what is everyone's coordinates maybe we should like uh 63 375. 30 208 375 bro 258 oh you whipped it oh my boots broke this is a very sad day okay yep yep there's a bunch of uh it's still open open expanse over there oh wait i guess i'm another ways to look for bread mushrooms here oh yes please do that ow if you found nether waste that's like the best biome to be able to make progress in yeah yeah i'm kind of cool yeah return to sender it's such a it's such like a not important skeleton try to take on two yeah but it's very it gives you the satisfying sound so it's great yeah so it's just you feel so i don't know it feels so rewarding just for getting a knock back okay i found some red mushrooms nice okay so you you're just continuing south right i'm going like southeast yes you saw these fish all right come on oh this is awesome i wait okay i think i thought i lost them somewhere ow okay yes yes likes ow oh god dang it i need to get to this netherlands trying to return to sender on this ghast and i can't do it save my life hard literally save your life oh no what an unfortunate predicament i put myself in okay we're good oh okay all good i am all out of food so i really need that nether waste asap three blocks in the air and then oh god yeah get rekt go cara let's go get rekt first try cara let's go um i see gas remnants over here so i assume that means one of you was located here uh a little gas here frick that's probably me um yeah there's a guest here and that is it i have no more food i got some mushrooms too for you that would be swell man that's more obsidian oh i found crimson forest that's great i probably when i'm at um where where are you um my coordinates are 26 419 and yep okay i'm i'm on my way to where that is doing some pictures i see i see jordan cool up here oh god i'm going away i got some mushrooms too for you wait where oh over there got it yep i'm gonna get a little bit more sick i'm alive thank you that is delicious oh i made it myself your recipe is incredible hopefully i can get it somewhere someday um are you up top or down below we're at 94 elevation oh you already okay i am below you guys i have five crying i'm sitting in by the way you know i'm gonna make another uh respawn anchor if we need to hmm well we'd have to trade because we need six oh i actually have ten on me so we're fine okay i can finally out flex you on something should we make one here honestly i think we should probably a good idea yeah uh any close down uh i'm just like on my own over here gathering food we have i don't know let's look for some more mushrooms in this little pocket i've been slaughtering hoglands for like 10 minutes make sure to right click this oh yeah yeah now i got tons of food i got like 20 cooked pork chops all righty yeah we can get some more hoglands in here but i wonder if there's any oh what the crap okay they're on me oh wait why are you what what happened i actually might go a little too close oh geez what the hell oh no oh no how far are you why is this pretty far i thought near you previous respawn anchor oh god yeah that's far i mean i know about where to go this is this place kind of doesn't have many ways to to continue traveling at least of course but yeah but like did you reach the car no i lost connection uh is there a way to do this that's what i was saying is i don't think there's much through here um there is a oh maybe there is okay there's there's another it's already there's a big gap here oh yeah yeah what are you guys's cords where you're at uh we're at about 60 uh 420. oh wow okay harmonize there why are you not at 69 i could have been i could have been but then it wasn't so sorry okay we really need to find more voices there is a gap [Laughter] that was a gap um we might be able to go down here though and kind of work our way over uh yeah maybe i'll so i'll keep that just occupied and i'll head down with you um i wish you found my mushrooms yeah more mushrooms would be nice i think we might be able to get this yeah you're fine great i'm just i'm just waiting for my pork chops to cook oh wait i think oh he didn't see me he dropped right before i finished mining i'm in hunter gatherer mode oh this is not good maybe it's okay oh this is not good this is not good it's not okay is everything okay nope nope nothing is okay everything is bad oh no everything is not awesome everything is not awesome okay oh he just drops okay oh yeah i just fell down yeah it's just yeah another not good um okay so this direction i i just this is the one part of 1.16 that i'm not a fan of is that it's it's so impossible to find another fortresses yeah yep if the speed runs are just impossible sometimes it's been like 30 minutes yup [Music] all right i'm getting closer to you guys once we get gas though it's so easy by that point we're not gas out of places yeah once we get the blaze rods like we already have we have the portal we have the the eyes well once we get that with pearls work with the pigler now to get this hot one i know dude nice cooperative effort yeah it was great it was fun i was fine i kind of want oh oh oh that is that's that's cara's stuff oh get away in my stuff get it i'm about to die here uh wow that is impressive okay but i okay i need to make a chest and just kind of risk it i'm going to box myself in i'm close to you guys but there's a lot do they always say zombie piglets i think if you're going anywhere trying to attack you oh he sees you he's either you got her you got her boots oh i mean there's not much i can do you could if you wanted to but then they'll all be angry so i don't know they're not much nearby i'm just trying to you know i'm close i'm close i'm close where are you guys i have half a heart um we are 64.24 400. i'm 61. okay uh did you have any room in your inventory to pick up that stuff i uh do oh there's a there's an oh there's a man he's mad he's mad he's mad oh all right let's just put stuff in yeah i put stuff in there there we go wait what what the heck was huh please come to me oh i clicked on my chest apparently whoops you know what can i find us oh hey what's up dave hello hey how did you find dave of all people i was just running her i found her i was just running to your guys's cards oh uh do you have furniture i there i think there's a furnace in here yeah there's a furnace here just put it down here oh i see you guys all right oh hey you guys made it congratulations good to see you i got the grub by the way i got 17 pork chops did you click on the respawn anchor oh where is it here you go uh watch out oh it was up a hill back a ways thank god get my yeah i got grub here's some food if you need some food open the chest actually the chest might have some of my stuff in it too finders keepers i made that mistake last time but okay i have the wood and okay okay don't wait watch out watch out table crap oh and then that is we made it can we make a respawn anchor here guys watching i know it's not the speediest of speed runs but it's okay it's okay we're gonna find when we do then we'll be on our way dude so here we're gonna put it in the chest i'm gonna grab some glowstone all right uh whatever you don't want in there i can i guess i'll take but uh have sitting on you i do i have 13. do we want to make a respawn a universal respawn anchor here we'll make another one yeah okay use some glowstone this is a good checkpoint i feel yeah i got nine on me just drop it to me all right double my arrows again here oh all right everybody right click i want to make a phone uh i got ceramic oh i need a boat oh yeah cause i'm gonna because i'm gonna have so many arrows oh wait i i could use some arrows that would be fantastic let me take these two i had those were my arrows well you're about to have a bunch behind you dave over there behind you oh i'll give me a second all right ah mine now you want to try you want a quick charge crossbow there you go [Laughter] okay okay guys do you want to recap back to skype walk on mcc do you want to think about the times where dave shot everyone off for us yes yeah yeah let's talk about that [Laughter] i mean wait oh okay bye-bye where'd he go oh okay i was doing a little joke carl you might have a joke sometimes oh that's right uh are are you a comedian now are you funny are you funny now sometimes sometimes you don't tell a joke make me laugh oh let's go uh jordan where are you right nearby i can see you yeah yeah from apart from there it's it's dave who needs the bow yeah oh i forgot my bow was yeah it was stolen stole it yeah it was never titled in your name to begin with okay all right we need an anvil so we can start naming our stuff all right i got a hero and i think i might just keep them all i got a stack six i would like arrows yeah arrows are gonna have pretty i swear in the chest because i'm a good citizen let me make them into one wow what is our next game plan here where are we going um i just want to see if i can see anything in this lava if i expand my rendered distance well actually i don't know what the server's render distance is uh it should be max this is probably like 10 yeah 10. i don't see anything over there hmm fog i guess we're not doing a speedrun all right fog off oh that's so much brighter than i thought it was why are we turning fog off so we can see further and cheating wait is cheating to not have fog and speed are strict you can't even use like optifine zoom and all that oh really at all anymore it's always bad i mean if we're not doing it yeah i learned that well it's still it's still active until next month so you can still submit it what's active uh undefined who who what committee sets these rules this mods oh okay gotcha yeah yeah figure on that okay i turned fog off these games different you can use a different like mod now called sodium uh where where did y'all end up going uh here i'm down we're now near the lava so like there there's lava everywhere uh uh the netherrack and the lava we are to the uh south so 72 500. i'm at the i went through spinning here where are we cara okay ow ow hogland oh how oh ow okay well near the reese one anchor go near the lava next to it and then go down a little bit i think i see don't fall oh wait i found it another fortress yes we're at yes uh right here oh yep that'd be hold on wait where are you look at that we are at 545 you'll be able to see it if you're at those coordinates heck yeah all right now we have to safely make our way over there i don't have anything in the chest that i needed okay uh where'd you guys go i have no idea where you guys are a hundred five fifty oh no my blackstone actually i did need that oops oh well i'm sure we'll find that oh god is it in the soul stand by him the fortress oh no i see it i see it i see it i thought it was right i thought we were next to each other i lost you as well i was trying to help you back here i found you guys all right oh you mad he mad why are you mad though because i mind a gold beautiful man it's only gay over here that was nice that was a quick little build over there oh three diamonds don't mind yeah dude uh might as well make a pickaxe because that way we could mine these respawning i don't even know if it matters at this point uh i mean we should or we can do diamond sword whatever works gold horse armor let's go nice oh i got oh i got a saddle we can ride a big one we're not gonna take it on a strider yeah a couple saddles here oh okay blazes have been spotted well um do we have an inside spawner those are always preferable yeah i will look for one i've killed oh i got a rod love to see it take aim to die dave i'm rolling in these achievements well with all these arrows actually i probably want to save them for that as much as i can yeah i would recommend we can we can do the best trash probably not i would not recommend the bed strategy i love the best shirt i'm pretty good at now it's fun but yeah it's a little risky i don't know if it's good with all these people though maybe yeah yeah we want to kill each other yeah it's fun i just love like seven bed the dragon that's dead in one cycle i actually i did that today well like not fully like it was like half health and i hit it with like five beds in a row i was like wow i still can't figure out how you do that without needing to reset your location every single time and like not get destroyed yourself with the explosion right next to the portal like on the pillar you just say right next to my head off brown mushroom i have a map i can give you that pizza hut gave me uh that helps you practice it hmm oh i found it i found it it's enclosed and enclosed over here where uh what's the chords uh one three one three one oh okay they're all here four spots oh god what here i'm gonna drink some oh okay hold on can oh i see you guys should have waited for me ryan you could have splashed it on mine oh it's true i want some too wow okay those are mushrooms what are you talking about mushrooms i thought who has fire res oh nice ryan uh oh uh ryan hit the piglens oh that's not ideal dude there's too many pig hogs they're they're actually called zigglins get it right oh i have six i have six blaze rods already nice what how um i'm a pro nice dude i have to move the fire rush left so i can just keep going with this and wait for piglets to get off me i'll just make some food someone oh yes i can yeah okay i have seven now that's enough we need so we have 13 ender pearls the only question is do we want to yeah you said you've eight right i think we have enough we have enough to get back with this we can make it right we i mean we would just have to be i don't want to go back no we don't we he means the overworld careful careful oh i'm on two hours words don't hit me is tvp on yeah yes it is we so we have we have we have all the pearls you have all the places we go back right now going to the end yeah the only the only concern is if we have two breaks and an empty portal uh i mean how many pearls you have i mean you can get an empty frame and you'll need 14 right oh no an empty an empty frame guys give me give me one second give me one sec i forgot um i'm sorry everyone i have to actually take this call really quickly because it has to do with uh a car drop-off thing all righty i've got uh five pearls so we're 13 i think mushrooms we'll get one more pearl oh my god we're good wait wait okay so where have you guys gone to where'd you oh what he smacked me and then hopped in the hole uh we are over we're behind the like we're south of the west okay gotcha oh i got pearls i got pearls already nice okay that means we're we're set frozen i can't pick it up oh i got eight more yeah oh we're so set why is he mad at me i don't know i'm thinking about gold are we are we ready to go out are we already i think so yeah yeah all right i have 16 eyes now on me all right okay and and then i need there we go and all right well i guess we're on another oh wait we did it everybody we're so good we survived ish yeah didn't die at all i mean yeah that's actually great here we go we're six thousand blocks out okay okay so let's make them eyes huh yeah all right this way all right you already made some sick dude yeah you guys i don't know why you oh awesome bro good thing we got some more i actually i've left over blaze powder so we can make two more eyes i have 15 right now because we just lost one cool so we should be more than set unless this takes us 10 years to get here it's fine it's fine i think we'll be good anyone have any red mushrooms uh yeah i've got uh five of them but we we have we have plenty of food source now that we're in the overworld so are we allowed to take stuff from the overworld i mean if you need a food it's on the way i got a few sheep whatever did we break the rules can i have some mushrooms though all right so yeah whatever throw another eye here no i know we can go with for way longer than this so yeah i don't know can i have those mushrooms please okay or not mushrooms no you grabbed them i threw them on the ground and i think that you picked them up yeah that's what i said i thought i'm sorry cara is very upset about this i want my mushrooms how far do you think you can go ryan without throwing another hike it's something i've actually never really looked into so what you can do is um if you move a little bit in the uh instead of going and following the eye if you kind of move uh perpendicular to it and then you throw another you can see if there's much of a change in the trajectory and that gives you a better idea of like how far away from the fortress or the stronghold you are yeah a little bit of triangulation for you i use the distance formula once to to do it i should have made a water bucket when i get shot in the air with no problem well we'll have ender pearls we can get them in the end usually usually in the first run you'd go like a thousand blocks out but we're 600 blocks out so like we're not going to the one year spawn we're doing this near this where we are right now yeah we're going i think we're going we're going backwards towards zero zero so it could be bringing us towards the one that is near spawn all right so all right i'd say i'd say throw it again my throat okay okay hold on it might be frozen go to like 1 000 blocks on the z axis i feel like it changed its trajectory slightly there so we might be getting closer because the other one maybe one closer to where we are right now than yeah i mean we can make a bed using all the string if we wanted to set our spawn here or do we want to just wait until we get to the portal room we need to go to the portal famous last words we're fine yeah just blame chris how is it cheating carl we got string and wood in the nether because well i don't understand it's nether resources no but we shouldn't even be in the overworld how do you okay i'm gonna get to the end so we should go into the overworld we should throw we should throw an eye then we should go back through the portal destroy the portal bring the obsidian with us travel through the nether then make another portal throw the eye again back in the overworld we shouldn't be using any resources from the overworld and just use it purely for traveling and not for spawning if you want to spawn back in the nether be my guest i'm clicking on a bed before we go to the end [Music] for the end would not be ideal then why is that we have arrows today we're fine yeah i think we're good i'm more arrows than i usually have when i go to fight the dragon because i'm oh and it broke again awesome nice how many did a total right now i have two more blaze uh and i have five more pearls okay we're good then yeah we're fine we should go offline to like 200 blocks and shoot again yeah yeah water bucket hopefully we can get enough iron in the uh stronghold and which should be allowed cara no i'm not allowed we can't we can't access any chests it's against the rules iron in the stronghold for a bucket i'm making a bucket of water i don't think we even need a bucket of water fine strongholds need it actually if we all have bows and arrows another thing about it we could probably kill the dragon although yeah then just diamond sword it and then you're fine because i forgot just pearls you don't have any arrows i have uh i have 39 i have 48 where'd y'all go somehow i have no arrows i don't know when they're going north but i don't have them i see yeah all right here's some quartz blue for cara thanks what wait for cara bfo all right a bit of lag yep okay all right very good are you it up here yeah it's probably good wow it is still going it might be in the ocean yeah i feel like we can travel much faster using boats huh yeah that ain't no problem oh except we can't make boats with are we not allowed to make boats i have nether wood so it's okay i think it's legal you can't make both yeah they would you can't really and i think i tried before and it didn't work oh look a dolphin let's go um so should i throw away this wood that i just use the wood yay dolphin oh yeah you can't oh frick dude well i found these boats in my inventory wow that's crazy dude all right yeah and then we'll just go wow car you're breaking the rules shut up all right very nice should throw another one soon actually this isn't even i don't know wait wait a while we're we're so we're going away keep going unalive count zero chat look at that look at that zero yeah that's even a whole eleven three five zero it's a big old pond let's see later on that's how we do now i got a dolphin flawless no where where you guys go oh what the that that dolphin was going ham he's chilling with me oh that's contraband in your inventory there's an ocean over here now maybe we can go through here should i throw an eye at the just to make sure we're not going to uh i think we're good i mean i mean we have so much spare we might as well i guess so let's wait till we're away from the trees though yeah okay go oh oh that was a direction change in close the trajectory changed a little bit yeah my my guess is work a couple hundred blocks yeah probably did you pick up the eye by the way i did not yeah i got it i got it oh okay oh yeah it freezes while we're generating all this strain yep all right i'd say maybe throw in here yeah probably okay car you can target i might get it backwards here oh nope still going all right straight ahead we just went a little bit or maybe i don't know i want to throw the next one i want to throw the next one um does anyone have food uh i have some mutton would you like it i have to have some wrong i had to play minecraft but it's uh vegan only guys only nether base food okay there's no overall food i can actually make another mushroom stew [Laughter] uh wait fine i'm gonna kill this i need a furnace here i'm gonna find some salt and food i got it i got it okay you want some ancient debris as well here you go sure tasty if you say so actually i'll make another friends myself wow my own personal furnace hey dave do you want a gold chest plate oh uh oh yeah you can probably use one of those there you go mate whoa you just put down the ancient debris bro you're just leaving it here you're leaving it out to dry like this i'll just mine it's fine i'll pick it up on my oh yeah with the iron pig wait can you might know with an iron pick it needs to be diamonds no it needs to be oh my god you're going to ruin it jordan i think i know it's getting a little more needy okay i think i'm more oh my god i'm just saying i think i know minecraft i think you know my mind got okay oh okay well [Laughter] uh i wasn't here that's a heartbreak anyways one second i'm cooking wait wait we're on we're having a good time right now we're on good time am i allowed to interact with this overworld creature okay strict rules i am upset with you let me drop the bus let me try to vote i will i will drive this boat off a cliff okay careful you're almost gonna get inserted with an overworld arrow into your head all right let me throw an eye actually it's been a minute [Music] oh all right so we went right over it's probably like careful overworld arrows oh you have an overwhelmed arrow in your face oh no oh my god i am going to slap you wow zombie no that's me yeah can we ban captain sparkles from the chat oh he got him it stole dave's stuff there we go all right um so we like mining here where do we get a do we get another throw any thoughts anybody hello did the colleges break oh okay no it was not silence all right oh we're good i changed this back okay um have you thrown another one no i'm not uh let's see oh went back again okay so it's like literally ready i'm putting my bed down so i can sleep oh god there's uh those things those things those bats what i forget the phantoms oh phantoms nice the bats but bad okay so hmm it's gonna be really really close all right down here all right everyone nick let's go squad final countdown why would you do that now why would you do that okay i'll do it after you're done at least i've turned back it's like why'd you do that oh hi there fancy meeting you here oh my god that was a meme format let me know when you guys made it then i'll put water down that's overwhelmed water [Laughter] uh we need more food uh should we get more food yeah made from the world [Laughter] i will kick you guys from the server you have those powers because you didn't have the powers to stop the chat spam that is a person only it's not oh my god you're fine just watch there's a big drop right here you haven't had stone oh i found the throne nice yep we out here oh good freaking silver fish water time i have i have trauma from silverfish why would you do that to me what do you do you pushed me oopsie did i do that yeah you didn't [Music] iron boots let's go dub oh i found a diamonds those are overworld boots you can't have those oh can you not i i found the library i'm gonna read a book or two i found an iron ingot it's very exciting overall ironing it though yeah what's called a mine shaft i'm gonna die i'm gonna die help help did you sleep in the bed i hope you did she did yeah okay oh there's a bed i don't even know that oh no oh yeah it's up on the surface so don't die oh okay oh i found it i'm here nice uh it only has two eyes in it well that's but i have you got plenty right yep all right cool um it has been crafted wow that was great wait for me yeah wait do you know where you're doing you can't wait car can you break the bed and bring it down here no yeah that would be good i can make more walls down here guys i can remember not bad i just think slow uh if anyone has a diamond i got an extra diamond i need i need wood i need wood i got you um i have some wood i dropped next to jordan probably yeah there you go got it yep and i'll make a bed this is diamond too if you want to make uh i don't know and we got lapis or a blue dye no uh negative why you want to make a balloon yeah oh wait wait oh do you have a rose you want a rose what or red stone perhaps uh redstone makes dying yeah i think it does oh maybe okay well we're good to go all right we almost got this hold oh you want to make lots and lots of food there all right wait what i have two arrows by the way if anyone wants to sauce me a couple i don't know when i lost all mine but i did um you something i'll give you two more oh yes double my supply here dave i got i got you oh heck yeah gracias oh i'm not father actually i have some as i'm flying for arrows too um i do not have anything i have gravel that stops the one oh yeah brain don't work your brain dave okay all right are we uh we're ready to do this thing i'm ready to go get more food wait let's wait for the food that's true oh yeah i only have one pork chop here i'll make a chest if anybody wants to i'm going to peel some other stuff i'm just not going to take any damage i mean that's a good call dude i agree that's the professional way to do it oh yeah water bucket give me a fire for that i do not have enough iron i can go search for some more chess while we wait nah dude we just go if we i'm alive then we just spawn back here and we do our mom who i've come to bargain uh their mom i've come to bargain your [Laughter] [Music] i mean somebody somebody made that comment on when i was trying to do the impossible plus plus minecraft thing it was like jordan fighting the enderdragon like dormammu i've come to bargain oh i see okay put redstone but only makes die here uh i missed you creepers oh i'm just looking around waiting on you guys i mean i'm ready to go ah i'm just trying to get out of there i'm fine guys i need to make a shield do i need to make a shield i should make a shield also i mean i don't know what i'm going to do with the diamond shield and really okay one more all right we ready yeah um i'm going to try and play around for a little bit make sure your respawn point is set all right does everybody have an ender pearl in case we spawn at a bad platform and there you go oh i need one too and oh you all need one okay here we go all right you guys ready let's do it here we go oh where are we oh nice spawn nice very okay let's do it oh god i made an enderman man already seriously really done come on man i'm good at other things can you use boats to like trap the endermen in them yeah you can yeah come on oh god the stupid 1.16 spawns oh my god i'll be here for the rest of the entire time you guys are here because the enderman just teleports like what the heck am i myself i have a boat if you need it i got another one oh we're good we're good madness mode right now got another one can i get that one i got this one what the hell here davey handle it these corner ones uh what am i doing wrong there we go got that one all right i'll get the iron bar oh god boom all right and there's just one left i think really yeah two more two more got got one of them and then oh yeah big boy up there yeah i will uh did you get eaten by the dragon no i accidentally use the ender pearl because uh i don't know how careful the dragon's breath okay we're good it's gonna be if you want you can build up here probably oh because i had my bow uh taut and then i switched to another oh oh do you guys get that one or no oh it's not up there that one's still there yeah oh okay i don't see it all the way up here yeah man maybe if we do a damage to the dragon then we'll see uh yeah here where's my stuff it's right over there yeah okay is there going down okay we don't have beds [Music] oh my [Laughter] yeah but no you have to you have to throw the pearl on the way down that's the problem oh he's landing again sick really earthquake yeah i'm scared now oh no i'm getting it i'm getting it i can't get it i can't go oh i got kicked no i'm back i'm back we're good we're good yeah wait you got booted oh my god again i'm just getting kicked around man i didn't make my own take aim i hit something with a bow over here yeah he's ready to go there he is he's landing oh going again wow oh my god good luck this is some awesome stuff oh that hurt got it out here zero demonetizations okay heck yeah dude don't do me don't do me like that dude come on oh what the heck i'm sitting in the portal i think i broke dude why would you do that look i'm sitting in the portal what am i i'm breaking the game right now i'm actually breaking wow oh my god okay bye all right i beat i beat the game first i gotta oh my god ryan did you even hit the dragon once and i i know i hit that a few times we did that in less than an hour that was an hour and 40 minutes ish i won the race by the way that was happening that was oh my god let me jump in the fountain you special angry sword demonetizer car that's not nice you can't kill jordan like that he here's a pearl jordan oh it's frozen it's okay i'll i'll run to the fountain oh what the heck i just got kicked [Music] i gotta go i made it i went into the fountain we did it wow growing your last yeah george last to the portal wow okay all right jesus cara hey listen i guess i gotta go it's been fun uh where where are you at okay well good games everybody apparently next time we need to do the uh yeah so we don't leave the nether ever yeah yeah then i won't have to complain next episode next episode crimson kraken's on twitch wow i just killed a woman feeling good very rude there's an invisible skull oh no he's not invisible he's hiding in the floorboard all right guys well uh if you're watching on youtube this will be the outro for youtube actually make sure to uh subscribe to captainsparklez2 hit the bell and follow on twitch tv slash captain sparkles pretty good stuff dude
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 140,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, let's play, nether survival, krimson krakens
Id: 9UvnMcTFvN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 38sec (6218 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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