Can You Beat DARK SOULS III With Only Summoned Weapons?

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Taximadish 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2022 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey it's lemon welcome to the backlogs i've got another dark souls 3 challenge run for you all today with a build that i've always wanted to try but never got around to today we're going to find out if we can beat dark souls 3 with only summoned weapons while i build out a character here let's go over the rules of the run for this run we're only allowed to use summon weapons to do damage what exactly a summon weapon is will become very clear as the run goes on but it's basically exactly what it sounds like as an addendum if i don't have access to a summoned weapon such as in the beginning of the game i'm allowed to beat down any roadblocks in my way with my fists no cheating or exploits as per usual and we're going to do our best to beat every single boss in the game unlike most of my challenge runs i have a pretty good feeling about this one there shouldn't be too many roadblocks and who knows this might even turn into an easier run i'm feeling pretty optimist uh did you need something yes dude do you mind if i just do it myself by all means not bad you got potential kid thank you anyway i'm here to tell you that today's challenge run is sponsored by chimera no not that kind of camara this kind chimera is a premium clothing company that sells all sorts of comfortable and affordable clothing i was confused at first when they reached out to me considering you know i'm a gaming channel but when they asked me to simply give my opinion about their products and showed me their graphic tees well yeah here we are as you can see a lot of their artwork is gaming inspired and when i saw this beauty right here that was it i mean come on how often do you find demon souls inspired artwork to make sure that the products were as good as they looked i had chimera send me a few items from their stock before i agreed to do the ad for homeware i grabbed the darkfire shirt because how could i not and for outdoor activities i got a long sleeve t-shirt they got to me in a timely manner came in a very nicely wrapped package and didn't shrink or change in any way when i sent them through the wash the darkfire shirt looks exactly as pictured on the website and the screen printed graphic doesn't feel awkward or unyielding like my other graphic art shirts do which was a pleasant surprise as for the long sleeve i have never felt a more comfortable long sleeve shirt i'm not sure if these things are made out of ring spun cotton or priscilla's tail fluff but good lord is it soft and considering that the prices for all their clothing are incredibly reasonable considering the quality i'd highly recommend giving one of their products a go if you're in the market for a new look they're even offering a 10 discount for anyone who watches my video simply use the discount code backlogs before placing your order thank you again to camara for your generous support and for being so easygoing about the ad read they literally just told me to speak my mind about the products no strings attached you'd love to see it all right let's get started we've got our anime reference sorcerer no don't ask me which anime it's a reference to i don't actually know and we can get this run started i chose the sorcerer because it would start with a staff and because it would take the least amount of levels to get the build ready to actually use summon weapons the first weapon that will be readily available to us is the soul greatsword but unfortunately it's a bit of a ways into the game so the beginning of this run is going to be a bit rough because wouldn't you know it i'm literally five minutes into the run and we've already come across our first roadblock thankfully that firebomb run i did a few months ago helped reinforce my muscle memory so the parries are a bit easier to pull off this time around maybe this run won't be so bad oh all right got him to the second phase in all honesty i have an easier time with this phase than his first one between his relatively simple attacks and the fact that i keep poise breaking him gundyr goes down without too much effort one row block down one to go i set up headquarters to my liking then take all of gundyr's souls and put them into intelligence the first spell we'll be using requires 23 to use so the quicker we get to that point the better oh and i can already tell that might have to keep rebalancing my estus flasks in this run i don't remember really using spells or miracles that much back when i used to play this game so that's going to be a bit of an adjustment anyway i make sure to get the silver serpent ring then head out to the high wall of lothric at this point we're not interested in anything around us i'll come back later for all the goodies but for now i just want to get to fort the hound here is the only thing standing between me and my first actual attacking spell so once he's dead we can finally get this run started so if he'll just cooperate well needless to say killing fort with my bare fists is easier said than done he can still be staggered just like gun deer but he doesn't take extra damage when you break his poise so all it does is give you a half a second to catch a breath it's slow it's tedious and oh god damn it how'd he even okay second tries the charm that wasn't so hey carl can i see the game disc why no reason what are you doing with that him i said no reason finally after several failed attempts and an upsetting amount of screaming into a pillow so as not to wake my family fort goes down and for the record if anyone asked me to do a fist only run of dark souls 1 2 or 3 the answer is no well at least that's the hard part done the rest of this run involves using actual spells and miracles it can only go up from here i was once a sorcerer surely i can be of use god i love the delivery of that line dark souls voice actors are the best usually oh our champion of ash welcome home thanks y'all it's good to be back if you would just sell me that soul greatsword that'd be uh yol where's the spell where's the spell y'all [Music] okay so turns out you'll won't sell the spell unless you actually put at least one point into drawing out your true strength kept me worried for a minute there buddy ah there it is soul greatsword a fine start to my collection i make sure i've got a bit more bahama blue then test up my new toy that's gonna be fun let's give it a test drive shall we oh damn this thing's got some reach basically anything relatively close to me and in the front 180 degrees of me gets hit does a lot of damage too not bad not bad at all of course as with all new tools it's going to take a little while to get used to the timing but after all the punching i've been doing i don't even care i do a little bit of shopping around the map making sure to get all the titanite shards i can the more shards i find the more i can upgrade my staff the more i can upgrade my staff the more damage we're gonna do thankfully in my research there was only about three staves that stood out to me so we shouldn't need very many upgrade materials if we do it right and it's not like i'm well known for doing things wrong anyway after getting my staff to plus two and my estus flasks up to a respectable six charges i decided to push on and get through the undead settlement it goes well after a little bit of teamwork with carl i decided to push forward towards my next weapon because while this greatsword does some hefty damage it absolutely devours my mana pool and is a bit slow for my liking i made my way into the woods dodging crustaceans werewolves and pokey sticks then picked up a new weapon for myself after that i met up with orbeck who for the time being is actually useful to me this time around for now anyway we will learn together and shall be like our very own school uh-huh yep see you there oh no who could have done this ah there it is fahren flash sword the little brother of the soul greatsword this spell caused barely any mana to use and is a quick cast this pleases me let's go test it out shall we while the flash sword isn't exactly necessary for the curse routed great wood itself it does work exceptionally well on the minions actually considering how finicky the hitboxes on this boss can be using the flash sword to keep my mana cost down isn't that bad of an idea or wouldn't be my health wasn't so low this is definitely a bad habit of mine i tend to build my gimmick characters like glass cannons either the gimmick works or it doesn't don't get me wrong we're dishing out some insane numbers right now especially considering how stupid this whole idea is but with my limited healing abilities and the fact that two wrong moves means death it can make for some frustrating restarts thankfully the damage output is enough to carry me for now and a few tries later the great wood goes down i guess we should probably use its souls for a health upgrade lemon no the crystal sage is up next this one had me worried since he's definitely not the kind of boss who's weak to magic i was going to need a strategy it's not like i could just wail on him with a flash sword every chance i get or i could do exactly that yeah who says you need intelligence to be a mage i cast bonk oh that makes me mad what's worse was this was the closest i got for a good long while seems like every future attempt i made was immediately curb stomped whenever he cast mirror image i even changed up my strategy a little bit opting to switch up my swings mid combo which worked really well didn't change the fact that i wasn't able to get past phase 2 all of a sudden though i hate it when this happens i decided it was time to take a short break i got a ring that would speed up my casting times discussed parenting techniques with a fellow community member then ran as fast as i could towards the swamp i even tried to play fair and give the poise boys a chance to keep their dignity for once they uh they refused my offer i really don't know why and after making a few questionable decisions regarding my hand and fire i made a quick detour to check in on her good friend big booty poppin he's doing well i make a quick stop to pick up a pretty princess headband just in case you never know then make my way to the abyss watchers i'll be honest this fight had me worried the abyss watchers are extremely fast and due to my damage being mediocre the chances of me getting stuck fighting two or three of them at once was pretty high i eventually decided to switch over to the greatsword which works surprisingly well you'd think the slow casting speed would be the death of me but the damage angle and range all made for a halfway decent attempt usually it took a few tries and i tested a few techniques like using the staff's weapon art to help push my damage but eventually the abyss watchers went down one lord's soul complete after traveling through the bone zone as quickly as i could i decided to give highlord tony a try tony himself easiest boss of the run so far however he did reveal a potential future problem see that see that bounce i'm not entirely sure what's causing that normally my magic blade goes right through enemies but if this starts to become a thing for the more aggressive enemies in the game that's going to be a real problem wait hold on i forgot to tell you about range so with that looming possibility in the back of our minds let's get on down to demon town there's plenty of upgrades and estes boosting items around which are definitely helpful but we're actually after one specific thing the largest stick of them all the izalith staff it may be pretty crappy now but if i could find enough twinkling titanite this twisted stick has some of the best spell scaling in the game for sorceries so you know look forward to that and while we're here we might as well see if the demon king is doable well [ __ ] the damage is bad but the knockback is worse we're gonna have to come back to this one speaking of coming back did you forget that we haven't even cleared the crystal stage yet god this run is so weird with the extra upgrades to our health and damage this boss becomes much more bearable soul spear combos that would have stun locked and killed me before are just a nuisance now easily recoverable and mildly inconvenient and with estes and baja blast to spare crystal sage finally goes down moving on there's not much to see here i high-fived a giant with my body proved that summoned weapons are a completely viable pvp build when used against gamers weekend briefly forgot how gravity works and made my way to the deacons of the deep fellas as expected this fight goes nice and smooth the greatsword absolutely shines in this fight taking out several deacons at a time even with the arrival of the pope and his entourage there's really not much they can do against my incessant swinging after a few minutes of hit-and-run tactics the deacons go down on the first try easy with them out of the way it's time for irithyll no [ __ ] i forgot about the dog uh it's okay dogs can't go through walls there see no problems that's what you get you stupid oh no oh no aside from becoming a chew toy i also pick up the magic clutch ring which will give us a significant boost to our damage and after finally realizing the importance of increasing my health bar to the soft cap the defense debuff this ring gives me shouldn't matter all that much this go around look guys i'm learning next on the docket is the dungeons while i'm sure there are several items thrown about the place that'll come in handy i'm actually here for someone not something hello carla oh there you are good to know that a skinny little heretic can still turn heads uh lady i'm just here for spells you're a wicked one aren't you ma'am i'm a married man i'm gonna need you to calm down anyway very suspicious dialogue aside carla sells another summoned weapon spell dark edge it's basically just soul greatsword but vertical instead of horizontal and you know dark i'm just happy to have another spell if i'm being honest i think a quick test is in order hmm not exactly how i hope that would go yeah i'm sure the damage will get there once we have a proper staff until then though there's actually another dark summoned weapon almost within our grasp if we can just get past sullivan i can pick up the life on site needless to say so avon isn't exactly cooperative because of how aggressive he is i figured it was worth focusing on speed rather than outright damage being able to roll and cast straight into a flash sword is extremely useful for the boss if you know his moveset anyway and once that hurdle is out of the way there's really not much sullivan can do to you even his clone goes down pretty quickly if you focus fire there's a bit closer than i would have liked but eventually pontiff goes down a little bit of dark souls 2 pvp later and we're here aldrich primordial goop and all-around damage sponge unfortunately for me aldrich isn't really weak to any of my attacks which means we're in for a longer fight which means not only will the second phase of this fight be a complete slog but i also have to rebalance my estus so that i have access to more mana and less healing hooray i tried every trick of the book hiding from the aero attack hitting him till he died hitting me tell i died hell i even talked to this charlatan and let me tell you don't believe a word he says about twisted wall of light it works technically but it's definitely not the solution i was hoping for you have to cast it over and over again just to avoid the arrow reign which is a bit more mana intensive than i care for apparently aldrich doesn't care for it much either not only that but gwendrich thinks it's funny to use the life on scythe against me every now and again which steals my life and gives it right back to them i mean it's good to know it works but can we not use it on me after a couple more failed attempts the reality of the situation sinks in i'm gonna have to grind excuse me for a moment okay slightly more mana slightly larger stick let's do this well the damage is still abysmal but to be fair the izeless death isn't exactly maxed out at the moment he actually reaches a nice bonus though it takes some time and a lot of patience but i guess the slight change of pace is exactly what i needed after what seems like years but was probably more like a day or two aldrich finally goes down two lords done now as much as i'd like to use it the life on scythe requires a chime to use and while i could just use any old thing i want the best excuse me emma don't mind me just trying to use the ladder behind you up ahead kaitha's chime lies in weight it's the strongest chime for our purposes and all we need to do to get to it is clear the dancer thankfully their fancy stick and a little bit of edginess she doesn't stand much of a chance super easy fight maybe the rest of the bosses will go down this smoothly too who are we kidding we both know that's not how this goes but before we head off and get our new chime we might as well think ahead the chime much like my twisted stick requires twinkling tight knight and i for one don't feel like running around looking for it so we might as well go straight to the store oh my god hello unfortunately the ashes that let me buy infinite amounts of late game upgrade materials are hidden in dragon land so we're gonna need to clear a few bosses before we can get them our damage is still pretty hefty though and after a short fight the cirrus goes down without much effort first try let's go you know what i don't feel like coming back here later so let's just clear out gun deer while the iron is hot there we are moving right along so dragon land much like the firebomb only run we're gonna have to beat the ancient wyvern in a not so easy fashion no plunging attacks for us just good old-fashioned hit it till it dies but i'm not worried this guy's attack patterns are repetitive he doesn't have that much health we should be just fine nah [ __ ] well uh let's not panic yet maybe he's just weaker than magic then he is dark uh right new plan kite this chime at plus zero is plenty fine let's just move on i gave dragon slater armor ago but we're bumping into the same problem as the other bosses meager damage bouncing strikes oh well nothing a little determination can't fix okay a lot of determination no yeah sure definitely inside the hitbox thank you dark souls but suddenly a moment of clarity we've had the tools necessary to get through these bosses the entire time life on scythe never bounces it also really helps keep me in the fight considering every successful hit gives me a nice chunk of health back the damage might be pitiful at least for now but if a miracle could be patience personified this would be it the same teachings apply to the dragon fight as well take your time strike when you have an opening then retreat until it's time to strike again there was a brief moment where the dragon decided he wasn't going to take it anymore and tried to change things up but a simple change in strategy was enough to take him the rest of the way down easy peasy well that's about as good as everything is going to get for now time to throw ourselves at the next brick wall warm carl can't save us this time it's either complete victory or none at all the damage is well it's a weird situation if you hit dorm in the legs you don't get much but if you can hit him in the arms you'll get triple the damage if you can hit his head while he's stunned you'll get well a lot like a lot a lot don't get me wrong norm is still difficult giant cleavers deal giant damage but with the aforementioned knowledge it didn't take long before i figured out a few methods and angles that consistently took advantage of jorm's weak point and after a few tries yorm went down like all the rest three lords down one to go god i collect a few more items on my way to the princes hey that might come in handy and finally reach the final lords of the base game every other lord's soul has been an easy enough brick wall to smash my head through how hard can they be [Music] yes okay time for a new plan there are about four summoning spells that i'm missing all of which are definitive upgrades to the crap i'm using now most of them are in the ring city dlc which i can't reach just yet but one is in the painted world now some of you are probably arguing that the followers javelin is an option and technically yes the javelin's weapon art is actually just an illusory projection of the blah blah blah come on you're just throwing the spear if it doesn't glow it doesn't count so with that in mind we're gonna go get ourselves a magical boomerang because boomerangs are weapons terrible terrible weapons now the damage isn't great but it does have the ability to hit up to five times in a row and if you've got the time you can actually summon three of them at once combine that with the low mana consumption and a couple other items like flynn's ring and you've got a decent enough ranged weapon at your disposal imagine being killed by one of the worst miracles of the game the only problem with all this is the fact that lothric feeble sorcerer that he is is actually pretty resistant to magic of any sort which is annoying because it's hard to hit him while he's hiding behind his brother's back and there's not a whole lot of time to whale on him when he's not so in order to increase the damage i figured it was about time we took some risks no armor combined with flynn's ring for an extra 15 give or take miracle boosting rings to increase the damage by 32 percent and lloyd's ring for another 10 when i'm at full health it's not optimized not by a long shot but the only way to increase the damage any further would be to use items that increase my damage at low health and we all know how well i do with that scenario besides looking at it now the damage really isn't that bad by phase 2 the occasional hits i get against lothric are really starting to add up and my dodging game is finally finally on point and so after a long and stressful fight the twins go down no more lords no more thrones at this point we could just rush the soul of cinder and finish the run but i've got a few scores to settle the biggest issue is going to be the dlc's if previous dark souls games are anything to judge by we're going to be facing some heavy resistance ooh a shiny oh no [Music] oh okay that wasn't so bad i guess fall damage in this dlc is pretty much negligible oh oh god get off get off no means no for elmo ooh is that the door shields can't use them but come on doors dark souls are we having another hitbox day do you need a minute ah there she is what up girl you've got a summoned weapon for me here hold these closer than i would have liked so he really puts up a fight but hey we finally have a fire attack now i don't have a pyromancy flame that leaves one more element left lightning unfortunately there's just one more boss between me and that sweet sweet thunder this is going to be a bad time the demon boys are a couple of rough customers they've got quite a lot of health and like to attack in tandem which is annoying occasionally i can get my discs to line up properly but there's a lot of claws and explosions to dodge which makes measuring the distance a little difficult eventually i get them both to go down took forever we got there oh right phase two why is there always a phase two well someone's angry and has even more health and defense great oh god why is there so much fire honestly can you please just cool it for a minute and give me an opening fine if you won't give me a break maybe your dad will hey hey you control your kids you know what let's see what other bosses we can bully wilhelm i need less monologuing and more keys the hell is this oh [ __ ] you could take away my magic look uh hey maybe we can work this out yeah quit i'm a married man round two goes a bit better never would have thought an npc would give me so much trouble though but with him out of the way we can finally challenge all the bosses in this dlc let's see what we're up against sister frida's health pool isn't so bad but her moveset is a little difficult to work around gonna need some patience on that one as for phase 2 it's not too bad just a lot of running in circles avoiding attacks or trying to anyway this is going to be another one of those bosses where i need to learn the moveset before i can really crush it huh well let's try the grape tender instead the wolves are easy enough to dispatch but our boy here is still a defensive powerhouse regular spells bounce right off of him and even the boomerang damage is abysmal at best thankfully i've got an ace up my sleeve turns out the life on scythe is once again the mvp of the run there's no bounce i regain hp with every hit and the damage is actually significant even when the gravetender blocks it the only thing i'm worried about is how slow it is and considering the gravetender loves to bring friends this could get ugly quick but so long as i throw caution to the wind and focus fire on the grave tender it's easy enough to get it back down to a 1v1 fight and despite a few close calls the great wolf goes down without too much trouble back to the demons i decided that using the boomerang was a bit too slow so we're back to cutting off chunks of health with the site wouldn't you know it it works really well i also remembered a little tidbit about phase 2. depending on which demon is the last one alive phase 2's moveset will completely change leave the demon in pain alive till the end and you'll get a second phase that is absolutely littered in fireballs and area of effect attacks which i hate with a passion go with the demon from below however and you'll get less aoes and more lasers neither option is really great if i'm being honest but i'd rather dodge a clear laser than a vague fireball explosion any day with the strategy in place it's now just a matter of learning his attack patterns and finishing the job and after a few dozen tries i do just that time for the good stuff the ringed city one of the most difficult and more convoluted areas in the game and it's got my prize all we need to do is oh god oh god not the cheese demons not again i i don't know why this is so funny to me i guess it's because the ashen one is supposed to be portrayed as so serious i feel like you should always be like no the gods have abandoned us we're all doomed but but here we are just pretending anyway after playing a quick tech demo of elden ring i make my way down into the humanity swamps of many of us fear not the dark my friend and let the feast begin the [ __ ] are you talking about whatever i don't have time for this nonsense we've got a lightning arrow okay that hurt oh it's you i remember you that's okay though all we need to do is have proper timing and he won't hit oh god get out of the way jesus what is this takeshi's challenge well it's fine we just need to okay have the hitboxes always been like this is it just me is it me huh oh god you again all right let's get this over with there we are nothing little frisbee golf can't fix hole in one i've never actually played frolf do they still have those sports ball aside i make my way through two fake walls and collect my prize lightning arrow let's go test this baby out well the damage isn't the best i've ever seen but i'll be damned if it isn't incredibly long ranged combine that with the fact that i can hold my shot until the right moment this run is done down goes papa and down goes frida that [ __ ] um that still counts right please tell me that still counts ah yeah that counts victory at any cost let's speed things up i get chastised about something or other by the iron giant quickly murder the painting guardian that absolutely should not be here then take on half-life he's too fast for melee combat but terrible at dodging my ranged abilities with a little finesse and timing he goes down with minimal issue moving on next on the agenda is medea one of my least favorite bosses i think i've beaten him once maybe but he does have the old moonlight spell which i've never played with so we're gonna have to give him a try considering my inexperience with this boss it took a bit to get used to his movesets and by a bit i mean several hours several several hours and while i do hate this boss he gets a 10 out of 10 for presentation holy crap is he intimidating it's the damn lasers man for the life of me it seems like they always catch me and there's still a one shot even though i've got about 30 vitality god damn it okay i've got it this time all you need to do is sprint one direction and you'll be fine you can't what okay so turns out you only have two options during that attack either be behind him where the lasers can't reach you or get good and learn how to dodge i opted for option b and in all honesty once you realize the timing it really isn't that bad it wasn't easy but eventually it all comes together hey ludlith can you oh now well i'll just do it myself i guess we'll just take my dear's soul and make it into the old moonlight and there you go fanciest magic spell we own even fires a projectile i'll never get to use this with only three bosses remaining i'm pretty sure this run is a guaranteed success it's just a matter of my own abilities shining through at this point which might be a bit of an issue i guess we'll see poke no god i just realized i still have to edit this entire video [Music] well you seem busy i'm just gonna let you get back to don't touch me oh that's what he meant gail pal that's not how it works my man i know right ah artorias uh i mean gail he's not too bad he attacks pretty slow with my ranged attacks it's not that hard to whittle him down after a few minutes of strategic dodging i knocked grandpa gail into phase two easy enough considering he just wants to lure walk at me this shouldn't be too bad here you go gramps take your lumps oh god you could do that what are you doing why are you just sitting there taking it yeah looks like my asses to mana ratio was off that's disappointing could have killed him on the first go weirdly enough this fight is almost unfair with how easy it is for my build at this point maybe the dodge timing has just finally clicked for me i don't know in any case i feel really bad for gramps here so i'm just gonna let him have this one it's abundantly clear that we can beat him and since i don't need the souls in this video it's going to be late as it is let's move on two bosses left time to see if the name was king is as big of a roadblock as he was the last time around spoiler alert he's not not even close it may look intimidating and in phase two he still hits like a dump truck but in comparison to the other bosses i've been fighting up to this point this guy's a meek little kitten dodging through his attacks is effortless in comparison to the [ __ ] i've been through and my damage is pretty hefty if i'm being honest in the end the disappointing fight dark damage op please nerf but with him out of the way only one remains the soul of cinder time to finish strong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that's it dark souls 3 beaten with just summoned weapons not as bad as i thought it would be from being completely honest i guess dark souls just doesn't burn as much as it used to maybe it's time we turned our eye to more tarnished pastures but that's a question for another day thanks again for watching take care of yourselves be good to one another and i'll see you all again soon you
Channel: The Backlogs
Views: 509,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can you beat dark souls 3 with summoned weapons only, dark souls 3 summoned weapons only, dark souls 3 guide, dark souls 3 challenge run, dark souls 3, dark souls, dark souls 2, ds3, ds1, ds2, ds3 guide, fromsoft, bloodborne, from software, games, sekiro, the backlogs, dark souls challenge run, can you beat dark souls 3, demons souls, sekiro shadows die twice, fromsoftware, dark souls anime, dark souls weapon arts, anime souls, demons souls remastered
Id: e7FgGlREoKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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