Doki Doki Literature Club! - RadicalSoda

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a mastahpeece

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_____Jones πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

That’s not a literature club

That’s grand metropolis

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AndreMcCloud πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 08 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy cow, this is amazing!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/4as πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was about to post it, i love this guy's videos, they are so well done!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched this whole thing today and it was my first interaction with this game. This game fucked me up good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YTBlargg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
golly gosh I get that it's the month of spook and scare shock and fear but I'm not done with all these horror games this video was started weeks before Halloween I'm sick of being frightened and and spooked and crapping my pants I need something fresh something new something with cute girls doki-doki literature club I'm Phyllis what amok means girly in the eyes of my audience if I hadn't already fully established I mainly I am love these fool cuties right here we got shy one the patty one the happy one that perfect one and before would even started I found my favorite we'll call her pretty buns I mean she doesn't have bugs but she's pretty and I like buns okay it's a good name speaking of names he's wearing into mine Radek cold soda ah damn it [Music] it's like a rollercoaster so believe it or not this is the first time I've actually played a visual novel I had do have friends well felt friend who plays visual novels all the time but me I mean I wouldn't be caught dead playing the kind eat place what do you take me for some kind of creep some kind of pervert some kind of creepy pervert as you can see this one's clearly different salt in your regular poverty visual novels do tacos play this one's gonna high schoolers really short skirts oh god I'm going to jail on time whoop somebody's happy to see me who was it we'll never know this girl is say Orie well there goes their mystery way to give subtle doki-doki literature club oh it's the cute one because I just started to stomp on weight for you okay we're not doing that that's mean Bowser yes nope no you bounce a go away oh don't get angry with me you brought this upon yourself this isn't funny say Orry by the way Bowser Yes No have you decided on the club to join yet I use some joining Club who gives a crap you told me you would join a club this year she I'm perfectly continuous getting by on the average while speeding my time on games an enemy Wow this guy's a loser who who plays games and watches anime he your happiness is really important to me you know oh thanks a URI that's nice I died the thought of you becoming an eat in a few years just because you're no used to the real world well way way what's neat you trust me right Wow what a blue balls is a neat way Ned please hey look I'm in a Japanese classroom I mean it's all done guessing I mean my school wasn't suspended in a never-ending void of white I thought you might need some encouragement so I thought you know yes what's the Ori well then you could come to my club what the literature Club no way I hate reading there are some cute girls there I've always loved to read let's go saiary since she was the first one to show interest after the one who proposed the club why am i doing this it's so boring well well what was I wrong to trust my comment section yeah I'm going to the anime club come on please you don't go to the anime club that you they probably watch boring Normie stuff this is stuff like Death Note in Naruto Panda tank on time what something that's great like a psyche Kay that one's good mope psycho or a prison school I kind of told the club yesterday that I would bring it a new member and then Natsuki made cupcakes and everything don't make promises you can't keep Wow a you're an [ __ ] he looks a little mean don't you silly I lit out a long side all of these two girls this so insignificant compared to pretty bugs hi it's great to see you again Bowser Monica smiled sweetly Bowser we made room for you with the table so you can sit next to me Oh Monica I picked Monica so what made you consider the literature Club the fine literature of course it is true I love to read beware of dog that's the funny one we knew a leader in the debate club last year well you know I'd much rather take something I personally enjoy and make something special out of it and that's what everyone should do what they like you know take something you personally enjoy make something special out of it just for an example for this I mean I personally meet and enjoy a pasta very nice and I'm gonna make something special out of it so I'm gonna make a pasta bake oh now it's special see so Bowser what kind of things do you like to read Oh what me oh um well recently I've been reading out of some skullduggery good book I'm Donald Duck very nice and classic and Bowser what do you read manga I expected nothing and yet still I feel let down anyway what about you Yuri well let's see Yuri traces the rim of a teacup with a finger why like this my favourites are usually novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds like skullduggery not skullduggery stories with deep big psychological elements usually immerse me as well why I also enjoy themes such as that Yuri pretty that I'm reading this instead which is all the psychological elements of a Sesame Street episode Oh maybe cliche characters can with i13 the answer is old anyway I've been reading a lot of horror lately I read a horror book once yeah oh oh yeah you're a real Charles Dickens well what do you think of a real horror book for once oh look at me I got goosebumps this is the block that ate everyone what's it about a magic typewriter Mitch that's right you usually like to write about cute things don't you not Sookie well let's see now that Lizza is the small statue of the here accessories the pink here well so why is anyone willing to look directly at me pretty buns again I know she doesn't actually have buttons why don't you get some buns we can all share them with each other hold on there's still one problem what is it Bowser don't tell me you're having second thoughts about this I never said I would join this club no no babe Aslan I'm sorry I just don't think this club is a good pick for me no absolutely not you you ain't during this club mister I let me look at them well well I mean look at pretty moms and really carefully awesome look at it you gotta take this away from me fine I'll join the literature Club then that makes it official have a fun smelling my hair not ski can I really impress the class star Monica with my mediocre writing skills hey I was first in English break in high school no have you know this will be easy easy easy easy please just let me write the poem if the silly bowser writes in the old gosh I don't even want to think about it the whole way my mind wanders back and forth between the four girls say Orie Natsuki Yuri and of course Monica which is the best one by the way perhaps I'll have the chance to grow closer to one of these girls yes specifically one of them and no others because they don't exist only pretty buns oh right I'm ready to write a poem look would you think your favorite klemming boo like something gubin was happening with a noise whoo yes yes okay I wanna pretty much [ __ ] she's not here she's not here let me respond [Music] all right fine I'm this close to just quitting it but I'll press on words I guess who do I go for the one which won't put me on anything i watch list I guess Yuri it is she like stuff with death right sorry what I'm worried here breathe ribbon on others imagination yes brain clad horror uh-huh mmm explode nibble I know the suit or something from nibbling on a deep body what oh I'm so sorry pretty buds please forgive me whoa Yuri reaches into a bank and pulls out a book it's not a Animorphs book 24 is it because uh because I already have that one it's the one with the girl turns into the anteater I like that I like this one it's a short read so I should keep your attention even if you don't usually read then we could you know Oh what could we do discuss it if you wanted yes what did the main character do next Oh what and what doing there's only one girl for me it's a very engaging and relatable story I'm sure it is unlike this one where I may actually be able to get a girlfriend all right it's fine if I sit here right I slip into the seat mix to uris ah yeah I open the book and start the prologue Yuri is in the corner of my eye I realized that she's not actually looking at her own book I glanced over it looks like she's reading from my book instead sorry oh look at this look at this adorable interaction we're having here it's so cute it's not real why do I feel so sad oh now we're ready together have nice we're huddled even closer than before oh it's actually kind of distracting me it's as if I can feel the whoops the Yuri's face is using the corner of my vision he's ready but what to turn the page ha sorry yeah yeah yeah get it together get it together turning each page almost feels like an intimate exchange my thumb gently letting go off the page letting it flutter over to her side as she catches it under her own thumb the main character reminds me of you a little bit you think so how does she well I guess she's more blunt in a lot of ways but she also seeking gazes all the things that she says and does like she's afraid she'll do something wrong but Bowser that's probably a terrible thing to have in common with her oh that's so embarrassing that you think that wait I mean I I didn't mean in a bad way or anything like I guess I sort of mean that it's kind of cute okay everyone I think it's time we shared in these poems with each other anybody got a problem with that no no good there's no room for intimate exchanges here in the literature Club there's only room for reading and then more reading and that's a more reading after that and then we might go home we might sleep I might have a sandwich and we'll come back and we'd read some more is that a right Yuri it'll kind it down I'm sorry if you have me looking forward to this it's not it's fine URI releases her hand from the book causing it to close on top of my thumb well now that everyone's ready why don't you find someone to share with I can't wait oh yes Sayuri I forgot you existed for a second there who should I show my poem to first well I mean the thing practically screams URI because pretty buns wasn't an option why do you told me this way so I guess we'll show her first as URI reads the poem I noticed her eyes lightened what's that exceptional thank you thank you all I I couldn't have done this without all the help from my patreon supporters she's always been there for me you know you always have my back through thick and thin I love your baby you mind if I read you a poem now please do oh look at that face whoever didn't pick Gary is missing out right now ghost under the light the tendrils of my hair illuminate beneath the amber glow bathing it must be this one the last remaining streetlight to have withstood the test of time the last year to be replaced by the sickening blue green hue of the future I bathe calm breathing air of the prison but living in the past the light flickers i flicker back so it's it's our first time sharing they wanted to write something a little more mild something gives you to digest I suppose I like it I know poetry expert but I think I've got the symbolism here or the metaphor wood if you want to call it again I'm no expert whoa what's this thing yes sir this explains a lot are you into ghosts URI Basel you dum-dum you completely missed the point see even URI is kind of sheis thinks you're an idiot who's Nix now pretty buns hi balsa as simple hi and I'm already a puddle of emotions how are you so cute pretty buns look at that face look at it closer closer perfection by the way since you're new and everything oh my gosh it's the pose it is what else boy always doesn't fight a fantasy he's alike well huh well huh well huh time to sound like it by hands Monika mine home mm-hmm Bowser I was going on my head while reading me oh stop will you up good bill blushy you know that Yuri likes this kind of writing right yeah but only because you weren't on the poems screen pretty bumps where were you can I can I put you in I'll look this she is anyway do you want to read my poem now yes don't worry I'm not very good oh we've the judge of that pretty buttons wouldn't let me see let me see hole in wall it couldn't have been me see the direction the speckle protrudes a noisy neighbor an angry boyfriend I'll never know I wasn't home I peer inside for a clue no I can't see I real blind like a film lived out in the Sun but it's too late my retinas already scorched with a permanent copy of the meaningless image it's just a little hole it wasn't too bright it was too deep stretching forever and who everything a hole of infinite choices I realized now that I wasn't looking in I was looking out and he on the other side was looking in so what do you think this was really brilliant Monica how can you say you're not very good this this was brilliant Bassett Ella mm-hmm it's very free film if that's what you call it I'm gonna kill him I guess you could say that I had some kind of epiphany recently was it maybe that you realized you like someone and maybe someone in this very classroom someone you know someone someone who begins with an aha anyway dang yes Monica's sliding through the day ready to lion sometimes when you're writing a poem or a story your brain gets too fixated on a specific point uh-huh uh-huh if you try so hard to make it perfect then you'll never make any progress mm-hmm yes just force yourself to get something down on the paper and tidy it up later you know she makes a very valid point whenever I write for a script or a story I always go back and I eat it it afterwards you know make it bitter in fact I'm doing for this very video that you're watching right at the very moment every word has been fine-tuned and twisted every word has been handpicked for me to recite at the appropriate time there is no free will here none of this is real none of it is genuine none of it matters that's my advice for today thanks for listening all the pleasure is mine pretty buns thank you for teaching us all about the wonderful world of creative writing I guess we'll show Sayuri mixed she's always got a positive outlook right this is a good poem now sir why thank you say Ari I appreciate your input well known as much as pretty buns and URIs but you're up there number three ain't so bad are you sure this is your first time I mean I haven't even had a fist oh you mean a pulp oh oh yeah yeah yeah pump comes this first time yes let me see play pop dear sunshine the way you glow through my blinds in the morning it makes me feel like you missed me kissing my forehead to help me out of bed making me rub the sleepy from my eyes are you asking me to come out and play are you trusting me to wish away a rainy day I look above the sky is blue it's a secret but I trust you too if it wasn't for you I could sleep forever but I'm not mad I want breakfast hey this is nice almost feels like the sorcerer rap though lines in the morning it makes me feel like to miss me kissing my forehead to help me out of bed making me run the swinging from my eyes I got asked me to come out and play now you trusting me to wish you a rainy day I look a bud the sky is blue it's so secret but I trust you too with the world I can sleep forever but I'm not mad I want breakfast it came out nice so how should I put it it sounds just like you really really yeah especially that last line I made eggs and toast : I made pasta make what's the big deal huh this was so much fun Monica's the best ah yeah what do you mean I hear when someone takes Monica's the best you say oh hell Monica the pretty imperfect girl [Applause] and look who's left I guess I have to could I not just exit no let me jump out of window well it's about what I expected from someone like you it just didn't to Foulke any emotions so basically it's not cute enough for your tastes do you wanna get smack ya know Eagles can fly monkeys can climb crickets can leap horses can race owls can seek cheetahs can run Eagles can run Eagles can run ki roti Eagles can run Eagles can fly people can try but that's about it yes sir kind of puts things in perspective doesn't it hey what are you talking about people could glide to my eyes land on urea Natsuki they generally exchange sheets of paper cheering their respective poems nuts keys eyebrows furrow and frustration [Music] meanwhile Yuri smiles sadly did you say something oh it's nothing Natsuki dismissively returns the palm to the disk with one hand I guess you could say it's fancy horses cute who's trying to say something nice huh hey nasty that was kind of me that's not how we treat our friends around come on now well I do have a couple suggestions if I was looking for suggestions I would have asked someone who actually liked him which people did by the way they also liked my poem too you know he even told me he was impressed by it nuts key suddenly stands up oh I didn't realize you were so invested in trying to impress on you member Yuri hey that's not why you you're just Yuri stands up as well maybe he'll just tell us the browser appreciates my advice more than he appreciates yours huh how do you know he doesn't appreciate my advice more pleasant ladies ladies whoa whoa I like both your pose all right I appreciate both sides no if I was for myself I would deliberately go out of my way to make everything I do overly cutesy Oh mom is everyone okay see Yuri don't come any closer you to witness a puss well you know what I wasn't the one who boots magically grew sighs beggar as soon as Bowser started showing up not ski that's taking it too far wait really um not ski that's illumise doesn't involve you how dare you you do not talk to Monica like thank God exit pretty buns we're leaving hey they were the ones being mean to you the pretty imperfect girl [Music] right fine let's go break up this fight oh god no they're making me Bank why butter Kauai well I mean otsuki's doing his start of this uri you've got my vote Natsuki off to a good start you're right that I liked your poem wait that's not an excuse for you to be so mean you shouldn't pick a fight just because someone's opinion is different that's not what happened at all URI wouldn't even take my boobs seriously hmm I understand URI hey you're a seriously talented writer it's no secret that I was impressed well that's but here's the thing no matter how simple or refined someone's writing stylers they're still putting feelings into it and it becomes something really personal that's why now ski for all three and when you see their poem was cute hey see I I didn't notice that I I'm sorry but not ski you took it way too far URI means well and if you had just told her how you felt and they none of this would have happened in the first place I think that's enough URI apologized what do you think you should to not ski clenches her fists in the end no one has taken his side huh oh I feel bad now sometimes would I be hurt it helps to take a walk and clear my head Sayuri she doesn't mean it what I'm gonna do that it'll spare me from having to look at all your faces right now without warning Natsuki snatches her own poem up from the disk and storms out on her way out she crumples up the poem with her hands and throws it in the trash oh no no no oh gosh it don't look me like that Yuto I did the least I could I look across the room URI has a chin buried in her hands while she stays down at your desk I'm so embarrassed you'll probably hate me now no Yuri you handled it as well as anyone could well all right I believe you thanks Mouse oh you're too kind Oh Thank You Yuri one more thing um then one thing Natsuki said about you know I would never do anything so shameful what they all think don't worry about it everybody does it huh okay everyone it's just about time for us to leave how do you all feel about sharing pawns it was a lot of fun you know apart from the huge catfight that was a little uncomfortable Baus I'm ready to walk home yeah sure let's go miles faster you know Bowser it's nice that I get to spend some time with you in the club you know say you're even using club I kind of believe it something else here we go and again I can't go for pretty buns here so I guess we'll stick with URI raindrops tragedy wow you're Fritz raging really I'm Kenny the pain waiting for pain romance ah say Yuri unrequited entropy and suicide knowing you have frigging suicide oh let's go down here out of nowhere something specs say you worried in the face and tumbles onto the disk I'm so happy I know some walk-in to the left again jesus what a killer de tourny edge slightly - what's the direction your body's turned in we're out of here anyway good question if any of you heard anything about her being late not me she probably just had something to do today she's pretty popular after all all right you don't think she she has her I wouldn't be surprised wait what she's probably more desirable than all of us combined that's not true here you know that the other two combined do yeah maybe a little bit not you did you not see the list sorry I'm super sorry I didn't mean to be late hey Monica chose the club over a boyfriend after all you're so strong-willed but boyfriend what on earth are you talking about Monica quizzically glances at me to be honest I just kind of lost track of time you want to hurt the bell ring at least I must not have heard it since I was practicing piano you should play something first Monica bets maybe once I get a little bit better I will I'd also look forward to it absolutely I would no question about it is that so in that case I won't let you down Bowser Monica smile sweetly all by yourself I suppose we'd be able to go who knows Monica's bump up in the matter frame I suddenly notice that URI is reading a different book from the one we've been reading together sorry I didn't mean to interrupt no I was just kind of waiting for you ah if that's the case why don't we go ahead and get started do you mind if I make some tea first tee it up to your heart's content URI you adorable purple person URI hands me the water pitcher and also features an electric kettle I'm going to plug this into the teacher's desk and then we'll go get some water shall we go then where are you two off to oh pretty months we were just gonna get some some some water from outside wait why don't we need two people for this exactly sorry I was just a bit curious it's kind of a one-person job isn't it well yeah hurry why we Monica please my drug business haunts what do you want to tell me there's something wrong with helping evoke Bowser in club activities whoa URI I'm sorry Monica I can't stop what she's too strong I spoke without thinking how could I say something like that what's wrong with me Oh URI whoa it's okay everybody has emotions you know I mean sometimes it's not the best when they suppress and then blurt it out like just then but you know everybody has that once in a while I mean you're amplifying this new heat you're turning a light shower into a thunderstorm and while I do not condone bad mouthing pretty buns because then it's not okay I will forgive you this once because you're my friend you're right friend you say balsa I really like being friends with you thanks URI I like being friends with you too hey you guys why are you just smoking out there it better be the first one known for smoking in my literature Club no no no do you mind if we sit on the floor today it's a little easier on my back I can read with my back against the wall rather than bending over my desk ah sorry I didn't realize no worries I just had back pain fairly regularly so we do my best to manage it is that so I wonder why that is that's bouncer for you sharp as a marshmallow quick as a brick it's most likely because of my your posture right Bazley you're a numbskull either that or you just incredibly mean making your own uncomfortable like that look at that face oh I just want to give her a squeeze then that is her face no buddy yeah anything else I retrieved the book from my bag this doesn't look right ah I have some chocolate as well Oh duck chocolate look I can't see too well Yuri slides closer until I shoulders are almost touching me like this Yuri hands me my teacup holding it with my hand that's all holding the book I end up in a position that makes it even harder to focus because now I need to worry about making sure I don't accidentally touch your chest whew I put the tea cup between my legs and fumble with a chocolate wrapper ah sorry you can have as much as you want if I touch it then I might get smudges on the pages I'll hold the book okay Yuri opens the book with both hands she holds it so that I don't have any harder a time reading from it but as a result her left arm is practically resting on top of my left leg yeah this might be funny if I wasn't so alone but you know they just kind of said I take your chocolate candy and pop it into my mouth then I take another chocolate and hold it up to Yuri she doesn't even look away from the book she simply parts her lips as if the situation was completely natural but that means I can't stop here yeah my apprehensively place the chocolate in her mouth just like that Yuri closes her lips over it Hey Yuri's expression suddenly breaks sorry I'm not yeah you were just healthy that's something that friends do right yeah friends I do this with my chums all the time hey hey dude you only can I feed you some chocolate huh what do you gain something I nervously take another chocolate between my fingers but this time Yuri's eyes meet mine how did it even come to this Yuri doesn't avert her gaze I notice which historize and falling to the rhythm of your breaths that's usually what happens when you breathe yes I raise my arm don't you dear already in an ad pocalypse don't make it any worse you know I'm talking about Yuri parts her lips but it's different this time I take the chocolate and place it in her mouth oh I feel it Oh breath on my fingers ah it's time to share poems good timing Monica I got a good mind for you right here oh sure different on today this one might need some work let's see what your freedom for today Yuri stares at the poem with a surprised expression on her face do you like it Bowser this one might even be better than yesterday Aled bit my tongue that's what might be even better than yesterday's oh good I'm glad I had so much influence on her then it was a major labor of time to click suicide do you want to share the poem you wrote today yeah I do if it's with you what it's not with me Yuri you you wrote it than you oh oh that's that's an error I'm guessing dear creator of Doki Doki literature club I am enjoying your game so far it has plenty of polish and I like the art style however I have come across a small error which you may want to patch in a certain scene instead of saying if it's okay with you Yuri says if it's with you oh what a silly mix-up but now you can fix that minor error and everyone can marvel at your work yours truly radical soda Oh PS I shall include my P o box here so is payment for the exchange of important information you can see me one Monica body pillow as soon as you possibly can please I need it at your it we shared poems not essays the raccoon it happened in the dead of night while I was slicing bread for a guilty snack what kind of a guilty snake is breed my attention was caught by the scattering of a raccoon outside my window that was I believe the first time I noticed my strange tendencies is an unknown near a human I gave the raccoon a piece of bread my subconscious well aware of the consequences while aware that a raccoon that is feed will always come back for more the enticing beauty of my cutting knife was the symptom the bread my hungry curiosity there a [ __ ] an urge the moon increments its face and reflects that much more light of my cutting knife the very same light that glistens in the eyes of my raccoon friend I sliced the braid fresh and soft there a [ __ ] becomes excited or perhaps I'm merely projecting my emotions onto the newly satisfied animal there akunis taken to following me you could say that we've gotten quite used to each other there a [ __ ] becomes hungry more and more frequently so my bread is always handy every time I brandish my cutting knife Dara kun shows me its excitement a rush of blood classic Pavlovian conditioning I sliced the bread and I feed myself again I was a little more daring with this one than yesterday's I can see that it's a lot more metaphorical don't just say that bounce I'll say something she'll appreciate like a dub I don't know maybe that you can like sit on Just My dear hi you get poser how's the party going or how about we focus on if it's a Monica huh I'm happy that you're applying yourself want to share what you wrote for today I give my poem to Monica all right this one's good yeah just wondering but have you been finding inspiration and Gary's writing style she's like a totally different person when she picks up a pen I noticed that too yeah that's good Belva yeah it looks like it's gonna rain guys oh yeah yeah I know - I know so - mm-hmm-hmm right sadly it's hard to get much of a personal conversation out of her trust me I've tried who knows what goes on in that head of hers I hope you don't mean that in a bad way oh boy I sure do love manga and also birdie Monica's feelings do you want to read my poem now yes finally I love I love everything about it save me the colors they won't stop bright beautiful colors flashing expanding piercing red green blue and endless cacophony of meaningless noise the noise that won't stop violent grating waveforms squeaking screeching piercing sine cosine tangent like playing a chalkboard on a turntable like playing a vinyl on a pizza crust an endless poem of meaningless load me monka you are you doing okay here's Monica's frying tip of the day sometimes you find yourself facing a difficult decision uh-huh when that happens don't forget to save your game huh you never know when you might change your mind or when something unexpected may happen wait is this step even about writing what am I even talking about wait a minute that wasn't a writing tip at all see you're young I've gotta break the fourth wall who are you whoo I like this one Bowser Thank You Sayuri you could read my poem now okay whoa this one's a long one bottles I pop off my scope like the lid of a cookie jar you okay Lee so Yuri it's the secret place where I keep all my dreams little balls of sunshine all rubbing together like a bundle of kittens I reach inside with my thumb and forefinger and pluck one out it's warm and tingly but there's no time to waste I put it in a bottle to keep it safe and I put the bottle on the shelf with all the other bottles happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts and bottles all in a row my collection makes me lots of friends each bottle a star light to make a means sometimes my friends feel a certain way damn comes a bottle to save the day night after night more dreams friend after friend small bottles deeper and deeper my fingers go like exploring a dark cave discovering the secrets hiding in the nooks and crannies digging and digging scraping and scraping I blow dust off my bottle caps it doesn't feel like time elapsed my empty shelf could use some more my friends look through my locked front door finally all done I open up and in come my friends in they come such a hurry do they all want my bottles that much I frantically pulled them from the Shelf one after another holding them out to each and every friend each and every last bottle but every time I let one go it shatters against the tile between my feet happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts and shouts all over the floor they were supposed to be for my friends my friends who aren't smiling they're all shouting pleading something but all I can hear is echo echo echo echo echo inside my head yeah holy crap is right for once I agree with Bazza I feel like I felt like I was meant to express myself this way and even helps me understand my own feelings a little bit better writing is like magic pretty passionate about this heaven you say re-weighting the best I'm gonna keep running until I die who should I show my poem to next oh gee I wonder how much your last one Peter I'm still figuring all the sad I mean I always like pops it on trying too hard I hate when people try to sound fancy or add more meaning just by using annoying and complicated language I'm dorba tably he's inarticulate show tunes on an impurity of today's prison literature yo he's head over heels for others cryptic notes it's pricey fight through that BS well anyway there's my pope maybe you'll learn something Amy likes spiders you know what I heard about Amy Amy like spiders icky wrigley hairy ugly spiders that's why I'm not friends with her I like spiders oh so that's why I have no friends amy has a cute singing voice I hear her singing my favorite love song every time she sang the chorus my heart would pound her the rhythm of the woods but she likes spiders that's why I'm not friends with her one time I hurt my leg really bad Amy helped me up and took me to the nurse I tried not to let her touch me she likes spiders so her hands are probably gross that's why I'm not friends with her amy has a lot of friends I always see you talking to people oh no I couldn't it was an accident I don't know what that would have looked like in real life amy has a lot of friends I always see her talking to people I am finished with this poem yes was it going on yesterday's was way too short I was just warming up you're way too short yesterday's was great short skin-side short short that's a word me great job there you're way too short yesterday's was great short concise and hits you hard I like that like an angry [ __ ] sometimes you can explain complicated issues with much simpler analogies and helps people realize how stupid there be like anyone would agree that the subject could this poem isn't if you're a jerk do you know people like that of course that doesn't matter everyone has some kind of weird hobby or guilty pleasure let me I enjoy trying to feel something anything at all why are we still here that's funny Yuri wrote about something similar today huh did you Sayuri did she take my idea that [ __ ] I guess I should try not to be so mean to her if she feels insecure about her weird behavior some stuff I mean I always say people that make me feel insecure and you ever made me feel insecure yesterday but the way what didn't sound like she's learned her lesson I'm gonna write a good one for tomorrow too so look forward to it it depends I could rate at this time I heard something extra playing today so if everyone can come to the front of the room Natsuki come on now what's rule number one a literature Club give Monica what she wants Winstanley it's also every other rule as well don't worry so much we're gonna keep it simple okay we won't need more than a few decorations Sayuri he's been working on the post-its and I've designed some pamphlets we can give out during the event okay that's great no but it doesn't tell us what we're actually going to be doing during the event I'm sorry I thought you heard about it already we're going to be performing performing miss pi week no performing precipitating no performing pole dancing no but well we'll see se or Eva's been coloring a poster holds it up for us to see because you're too young nuts Kyo what is this high school so the most you're gonna be one like 14 anyone who picked you in this game really needs to re-evaluate their life choices some of you did pick Natsuki all units requesting back-up we got a couple of creeps here who picked Natsuki doki-doki literature cloth what I could never in my life do something like that imagining it Yuri shakes her head in fear but I think we should give it our best we're the only ones responsible for the fate of this club and if we stop the event and each brought a good performance they don't will inspire others to do the same yeah always do your best kids in fact I hope I'm inspiring at least some of you idea to go out and make your own frigging three-hour video gee whiz don't you want to share that with others what this video yeah share with all your friends starts and if all that takes you're standing in front of the room for two minutes of reciting the poem that I know you can do it you know will this talk about standing up in front of your fellow classmates and delivering a speech or a presentation there really clicks with me you know what I think it's time for another radical soda highschool story adventure to battle you remember that Sigmund lasted for like one whole video so speeches presentations that sort of schlock it's good for getting people out of their comfort zone and you know maybe showing them what they might need to do in a future job or that sort of stuff and that's great that's great but the way schools go bad at this is not the best so for example in my last year of high school in our English class we got to do a presentation on essentially anything and that was great when one guy did it on how unsafe South Africa was which was where he was originally from then another one did it on writing a speech the night before it was due which [ __ ] was so clearly does meet that personality how much it fit you put into it how unique your presentation was rule like extremely important factors right I thought I hit an edge to this because you know I I'd been doing YouTube for a while and I thought well it should be easy right and I didn't by the way so my hand shook through the whole presentation when I had the clicker thing for the PowerPoint but I got through my points really well and it actually garnered a lot of laughs and people were genuinely interested in what I had to say about drawing which was what I was doing only how it impacted my life that sort of stuff so I made my presentation as unique as I could as I said I had a PowerPoint I had multiple drawings that I made specifically for the occasion drawings I had throughout the years they did the research for myself or in order to find those things and I I didn't memorize my speech word-for-word because not because I couldn't be bothered but because I didn't want it to feel forced you know like so many are the other speeches that you hear two other years where people are just kind of robotic reading it off a piece of paper I had some keywords on bits of card that I carry throughout the whole thing that I barely glanced at mainly because I wanted the the whole speech to kind of feel like a like a drawing you know you go and throw it it's just kind of improvised the whole way through and his speech wasn't fully improvised obviously but it's just kind of like you're just sketching and when you think of a new thing you go oh I'll put that in there it's in it's in a hot moment so for you Americans out there what I was essentially graded was a be I I had a merit we gonna achieve merit excellence or not achieved if you failed and that's okay that's nothing to scoff at that's a good mark but when the guy who just read his speech off a piece of paper in front of class not looking up just reading it off straight up about the speech he wrote the night before it was due which it was and he gets an excellence that kind of makes me a bit angry now the reason why I got a merit not an excellence was because apparently MIT wasn't structured correctly that's what the teacher told me but because the guy who read his speech word-for-word off a piece of paper in front of the class did structure has a little bit better he got a higher mark now I've got nothing against the student I mean he was a nice guy but what this essentially told me was that all the you know all the planning all the underlying themes I put into my presentation all the effort I put into making like my thing fun and unique and on all the person-to-person interaction throughout my throughout my whole speech was completely for nothing I mean why bother spending weeks planning writing illustrating and editing and practicing genuinely funny like high quality speech that your whole class will enjoy when you could just have faster speech the night before and receive the highest mark it's kind of like YouTube in a way like well why bother spending weeks creating a high quality video when you could just do a daily vlog and receive millions of dollars I actually used to do that kind of thing the past I had where I would just churn out videos and that I think would get me views and looking back oh boy I can't say I'm proud of what I produced begged in there really not I I mean quantity doesn't equal quality and especially if it's something you don't love to do then you're really not gonna have a fun time but I mean sometimes you don't have a choice I'm kind of rambling here on teii me that was me to be like two minutes story about the speeches and how stupid the school system is but I what do you think Monica Oh Monica oh no no she didn't say anything I'm just [ __ ] crazy I guess that leaves me no choice I agree yes we established that ages go catch up with everything why'd you get rule numbers 1 through 40 am I going to practice reciting them in front of each other I'll start off to help everyone feel a little more comfortable can I go next uh-huh of course my evil laugh ha ha the title of this poem is called the way they fly that was so good Monica are you ready to go next to hurry I'll go next well you're he's fired up all of a sudden yes she is quick wrap the poem is full of twists and turns in its structure that she enunciates with perfect timing this must be a real imps into the whirling fire yuri keeps concealed inside her hid and outer Ria's so you okay built it came out nicely so Yuri the atmosphere of the poem fits you really nicely now who's next Natsuki that make me go before Bowser so like I can compare to you guys anyway all right bow so let's hear from you I hope you all enjoy it I call this one examination preference I look for the indulging in the site may be too great too voluminous no I cannot deny the truth they walk in the center is small but below ground vast I rise what is this box who wrote this all right then that just leaves you Natsuki going this bomb is cold it's cold looking at me because you're presenting anyway the poem is called jump let's jump out the [ __ ] window okay everyone I think that's about it for today oh is this a new song cool ready to go see Ori yep I woke home with Sayuri one small but today Sayuri is a little quieter than usual on the way home hey say Horry sorry I was facing out ah no wonder I was thinking about something from earlier wasn't Yuri pole dancing I was thinking about that too Sayuri fumbles with their words so oh let's just say the one day you're yes to walk home with you [Music] Oh what would you do huh uh well I mean I don't even know if she lives she deliver the office inside of the city for all I know it'd be pretty rude to just say no you know I I will come with Sayuri every day so I'm sure one time wouldn't hurt anyone especially with how shy Yuri is asking that would take a lot of guts on their part I'll figure II but I want you to know say Yuri that if Monica wasn't option you would have been dish before you could even finish the question walking home with Yuri huh why does the thought of that make my heart pound because you know you're being unfaithful to Monica you swine I mean given how hard it is for her to socialize I would feel awful turning you down so hey that's just what I said but weren't it differently it's no one before you won't need me anymore you know what Sayuri had did you think like that you're number three on my list remember now not ski she I never needed nobody in the club as a replacement for you if you say so the conversation trails off and I'm left feeling awkward but it was kind of her fault for directing me with such a weird question I can't just lie to it you know basil for once I think you gave a pretty good answer not everything is black and white you know it if there's something that makes her happy I would hate to take that away from it that's why I sued there's no point speculating Anki I skipped over that pop yeah okay then again the festival is only a few days away who knows what will happen in that time yeah maybe you'll find a potato chip on the sidewalk and eat it all right time to embrace your eating with my poem writing skills unstable despise philosophy determination tenacious where are these in the same place oh man of the last one here again who are you practicing piano again yeah you must have a lot of determination that way you can save your game in undertale what's undertale oh nothing well maybe not determination passion you can't usually have fried squid squid that's a pretty specific thing to look forward to oh come on you saying you don't like squid you love all people hey I don't say it'll like it besides what do you mean by you of all people because let's write your name mom ANCA I'm guessing that squid in Japanese hey that's not how you see my name at all also that jump makes no sense in translation you know one detail has been translated into many different languages Yuri I swear to God you say one more thing about on details a Aria sitting at a disc in the corner of the room looking down at nothing I waved my hand in front of her face yeah you're spacing out again hey sorry don't mind me you think I'll talk to everyone else is everything all right oh of course look why wouldn't it be I'm not freaking out here huh it just feels like you're a little off geez oh you worry too much about me I'm fine maybe I should ask Monica she's noticed anything about C or he recently Bowser what's up what's up is my love for your gorgeous face but it's not time for that right now what's up would say re pretty buns in what way do you mean Monica peers across the room at Sayuri who is idly dragging a rubber eraser up and down her desk maybe there is something on her mind maybe she said because she finished undertale Yuri step outside okay maybe I tried talking to her myself maybe she just has a hard time bringing it up with a person of interest person of interest what do you mean by that bears like your Marne look even Monica feels sorry for you I'm saying that maybe the thing on her mind is you Bowser she's been so much happier ever since you joined the club it's like an extra light was turned on inside of her what no way so Yuri he's always like that she's always been full of sunshine it's not any different now than it always has been hey yes a funny bouncer she loves me I'll try to talk to her so try not to think about it for now I mean thanks but I don't think I could you old flowers I gots around the room suddenly I noticed you're appearing at me from over a book but she looks away just as quickly with a flustered look on her face Oh Yuri don't be like there will we're friends right huh Oh what these I know they're not funny you know you pretty buns this is it take it take him see Ori she really means a lot to You doesn't she III guess we're just good friends that's all Yuri suddenly looks deep into my eyes and I look back [Music] so yeah we stopped now hey everyone why don't we share a poem still I make eye contact with Monica and she smiles at me I wonder what she was talking about with Sayuri hey Sayuri huh man the [ __ ] up let's show up home to URI it's nice to be appreciated Bowser your writing is only improved in these last few days ah shucks you're really the example I was chasing often is that so this feeling I'm so glad I got the chance to share my writing I can't believe that you're so good at something you've never even shared it with anyone that's kind of a shame yeah but it's also a shame when you do share something with someone whose opinion you value and they say it's [ __ ] do you know that feeling Bowser hmm do you what's that every one of your posters means success shut up shut up Belson cheering lunchtime hey by myself did you know that I mean I don't even think this game is any cafeteria background assets so I'm gonna say no it's a great time to find a quiet spot and do some reading in fact they always have some books with me you could say I really enjoy reading I mean not as much as long as hail but a lot okay can we stop with the undertale jokes now please Thanks I know I'm a difficult person Bowser I speak too slowly I second-guess myself all the time I read too deeply into things but every time you've always treated me just like anyone else no Yuri I won't treat you like everyone else you know why because you're better than everyone else your wife your material I hereby declare you number-one waifu and don't be don't be literature club but you feel confident enough to take a stand but whatever you want to do whatever your heart desires what pretty buns who you want to hear about pretty buns someone who's alive can't be a wife who's silly because that's what she is she's alive in our world so we can be together we can we can woo dad it's not really for me to decide now it's Kia a loyal viewers is not ski your waifu put your answer in the comments below yes or no but I want you all to know if you pick yes we're gonna have a problem do you want to show me a poem yeah I do let me get it for you here we go ghost under the light pot - oh it was a reading every poem was he finding boring we know what I find boring you lack of appreciation for the ANA literature the tendrils of my hair illuminate beneath the amber glow bathing in the distance a Bluegreen light flickers a lone figure crosses its path a silhouette obstructing the eerie glow my heart pounds the silhouette grows closer closer I open my umbrella casting a shadow to shield me from visibility but I'm too late he steps into the streetlight I gasped and dropped my umbrella the light flickers my heart pounds he raises his arm time stops time resumes the only indication of movement is the amber light flickering against this outstretched arm the flickering light is in rhythm with the panning of my heart teasing me for succumbing to this forbidden emotion have you ever heard of a ghost feeling warmth before giving up on understanding I laugh understanding is overrated you know rouse is overrated Sonic Adventure 2 yen haven't made a single person who thinks it's one of the best Sonic games they didn't play it as a child I mean it had some good bits sure but it's no sonic labyrinth I touch his hand the flickering stops ghosts of blue green my heart has amber finishing the poem I start to hand it back to Yuri but instead of taking it from me she looks away do you dislike it uh no of course not I just don't really know how I should respond despite Yuri's poems being cryptic it wasn't hard to figure out what this one was about as long as it's not about friggin on the tail it'll be fine I I don't know if I'll be able to explain this wood that's fine I understand this one I'm not really good with words but I'm happy you shared it with me so thank you I hope we keep spending time together despite my inability to make eye contact I see a faint smile emerge on Yuri's lips oh that's a cute one I once again try to hand the poem back to him but instead Yuri gently takes my hands and pushes them back towards me human to human physical interaction what is it was a would-be base for I hesitate to hurt warm touch you can but home is the palm is what good on paper haunted you mean I can keep it you renounce you always you always make me feel nice I know I'm not good with people but I hope that I can return the favor sometimes I guess we should move on before Monica say something but I'm sure we could talk again later yeah all right let's talk just say you're he was feeling down right it's nice I guess if you don't like it say or you just say it if it's poop it's poop well you don't really need to worry about what I think after all I brought this for someone else didn't you probably Yuri hey well they say re I wrote a V Yuri because eh Monica and B because if I wrote it for you what looked like a creek what are you 15 maybe it's the not ski thing all over again but it's okay no making new friends just like I was hoping that makes me really happy well you look happy and you say yeah happy but the way that scene it's a structured you are definitely not happy well what's up baby Bob tell me what's wrong actually I know what's wrong you're falling in love with my devilish good looks and deep soothing voice not that I blame you is there something wrong you know I'm getting sick of pointing out how Bolivia's bachelors do everything going on around them I've gotta go home a little bit early today told Monica I wasn't feeling well okay I'll see you tomorrow what do I feel so bad you should've hung able to say Orie a little bit more I mean I don't give two shits about nos keep it's a llΓΊria at least hear a little about your Styles gotten sober fine Bowser really always always pick words it's like I'm on a page you always be teaching you a lot of things hasn't she no no really again I just got a slap random words on a page yeah I think noticing how much time you spend with her just be careful all right I know that Yuri isn't used to opening yourself up so if something bad happens to her when she's vulnerable you say that like I'm gonna hurt her sorry I didn't mean anything like that if anything she might accidentally hurt herself anyway I'll share my poem with you now all right the lady who knows everything an old tale tells of the lady who wanders earth the lady who knows everything a beautiful lady who was found every answer all meaning all purpose and all that was ever sought and here I am a feather lost the drift the sky victim of the currents of the wind day after day I searched I searched with little hope knowing legends don't exist but when all else has failed me when all others have turned away the legend is all that remains the last dim star glimmering in the twilight sky until one day the wind ceases to blow I fall I fall and fall and fall even more gentle as a feather the dry quilt expressionless but a hand catches me between the thumb and forefinger the hand of a beautiful lady I look at her eyes and feel no into her gaze the lady who knows everything knows what I am thinking before I can speak she responds in a hollow voice I have found every answer all in which amount to nothing ooh spooky there is no meaning there is no purpose and we seek only impossible I am NOT your legend your legend does not exist we live in a magical world with Pokemon this one is called Pikachu I love Pikachu and with a breath she blows me back afloat and I pick up a gust of wind you know I feel like learning and looking for answers are the sort of things that give life meaning not to get too full of soup philosophical full off philip v nickel we're having such a hard time with the word philosophical anyway miss Monica's writing tip of the day now you ever try to say you're writing because you're afraid it's not that good it can be really disheartening to get a lukewarm response to something you put so much into or get into monetization response is something you put so much into thanks YouTube I'm earning no money but if you find other people who enjoy writing the cheering becomes a lot easier because instead of just telling you that your writing is good or okay you're bad that want to focus more on everything that went into it and all the things that you can work on it's much more encouraging than we know what makes you want to continue improving it's almost like having your own little little amendment it's almost like having your own little literature club don't you think that's my advice for today thanks for listening oh we're not gonna demolish the full pool today I thought there were a few small piles of rubble left over well I guess we're left with Natsuki hey I guess you really haven't learned anything at all well I guess we're done with Matt's key okay you three we're all done cherry booms right why don't we stop figuring out all the second it suggests man did you say something strangers now hey something did sound a bit unusual that's right your deviated for me unusual catchphrase what addressing the club good catchphrase why don't I have a catchphrase what no you say it all the time oh I was an ass but getting a meatballs look the only thing that's different is that say Oriya isn't him I hope she's all right seriously of all times not to go home with that you make the time she's not feeling well so much for you to being all lovey-dovey first of all something misunderstanding my fridge it was C or E and and she's gonna be avoiding me today so we didn't want to force it hmm Yuri that was a little obvious calm down guys I don't know her earlier and everything is fine anyway we need to figure out the rest of the festival preparations so let's decide we don't know what me doing this weekend will evolve those videos completed I'll probably still be running the script because it's so incredibly long I already know what I'm doing is it being a [ __ ] because you have that pretty nailed down already that's right what not yeah we'll be making cupcakes oh can you handle that about yourself that's key challenge accepted ah the best little candy bar except to the right even though my body is straight forward why is that who knows also where's my clothing much less detailed than those two Monica's an Aries it's because it never moves who knows and as for myself I'm going to be printing and assembling all the poetry pamphlets Sayuri will be helping me design them and s-pen Yuri Yuri you kiddin huh guys can you help me come up with something for Yuri yes hammer ah just being a decent person I know it's hard for Natsuki but I'm sure Yuri could do it just fine hi I'm useless no that's not it at all you're the most talented person here you know what uh what's that not ski feeling underappreciated maybe you should learn to take what you dish out so here we do a beautiful handwriting you know so you should make some badass and decorations to help set the atmosphere atmosphere ah about that I I love atmosphere run down then go down need [ __ ] voice I love atmosphere now just leaves you Bowser Bolivia was totally useless away from what I see that browser whoa man whoa don't say that in fact both not skiing Yuri have some pretty heavy tasks tandel it would probably go a long way to give one of them hand you could always help me out as well I'd be really appreciative bad like you tell pretty bugs I do sorry Yuri and uh not so sorry nasty this is my destiny well I guess I should probably be helping Monica yeah you pick me yeah indeed this is gonna be great we're gonna make some pamphlets and print them out okay doesn't sound that great man in bed it will be oh yeah how about um all of us wait no nuts he don't need a ruin this with me well what do you care anyway you don't want me helping you Yuri I understand but you the only reason you'd want my help is if you secretly oh no don't tell me she's a tsundere [Music] what dairy am i what the heck is a coup Deary Monica you shouldn't let any ulterior motives interfere with this decision Monica you shouldn't let any ulterior motives interfere with this this is David I can't do it I just can't I can't say the word decision oh it's your favorite sodium Monica you should let any ulterior motives that the failed positions had been down there why why ulterior motives huh I know it should be everything Monica has a thing for me now but I always thought that ulterior was spelled with an A learn something new every day I guess you make us work alone huh maybe that's true take in the club Monica think of the club show me you told my buddy here to spend some time with Monica and your balls ruining it huh I guess it's technically most logical for Bowser to help one of you two so I guess that's what we'll do Emily gives up Aguirre me Watsky stop if you want somebody help you up baby try well I don't know maybe being nice to them I'd probably help a little bit so you'll be helping you're in the Bowser don't mock me Monica you know I picked you yeah that's what I'm gonna do I'm glad you better be you pretty much forced me into this situation well you and Little Miss stuff it over there but I'm not pickin somebody's gonna just yell at me all day in Sayuri's helping our Monica I can't help her can I or can I [Music] no probably not basket will you be able to handle all the baking yourself oh I already said I would be fine okay okay everyone can tell the now ski is feeling a little sour it's exactly pretty normal to me who have you do me told me over the last few days are you guys excited well excited may not be the right word but I suppose I'm looking forward to it a little bit do you feel the same way Basset well I was until these two rune update plans what about you not ski ski no that's not what I meant at all I'm sorry for this I don't know really we're pals I picked me really Yuri seriously and also your cupcakes are the best cupcakes I've ever had bit of an odd time to bring that up I feel really well with my tea I'm not really sure where you trying to accomplish here and nothing that I don't believe it will compare to that so so I get it I get it I kind of surprised them but why because that was just a really odd time for they compliment did you hear that Monica yeah I was wondering what she was doing wasn't it yes yeah anyway you made a bet that my cupcakes are gonna be the best part of the whole event now I'm just hungry for cupcakes Donna guys kind of him make him for the joke and on a ham Nick's video idea making cupcakes so I guess it's time for us to head out I stopped to follow Monica and not scab the doors they chat between each other um sorry I realize that I don't have any way of contacting you this weekend oh you're right I can't believe that slipped my mind should I give you my phone number I think that that would be the best way yes Yuri and I exchanged phone numbers yes I finally have the girl's number I'm gonna call it right now hi Yuri it's means bells uh-huh then I'll be stopping by your house on Sunday my house is that a problem I think that's the opposite of a problem Yuri after that exchange I make my way out the door and Yuri follows I can't believe this Yuri is going to be coming to my house on Sunday even though I've gotten pretty used to handling her at this point there's no telling what might end up happening when you're outside of school that's gonna get your mind out of the gutter more than that she told me she was looking forward to it is this the chance I have to make something happen between us or is it too early for that no it's really not hurry up and boner already have you seen how long this video is it's already Sunday well that was fast I decide to visit Sayuri before Yuri comes over rather than asking I simply tell her I'm coming over much like we've done in the past that house is quiet C or E isn't anywhere on the first floor so I assume she's up in her room it's already strange of her not to run down and greet me I hit up to her bedroom where I finally find her say Yuri hi Bowser there's a measure of silence between us you haven't come over like this in a long time ah I guess you're right no much is really changed as it he if you came over more often it wouldn't be such a mess that's because I end up cleaning it for you whoa that's browser for you what a joke I went pretty today tonight [Music] I'm only doing this because I'm uncomfortable with the situation I'm in right now how come you suddenly wanted to come over today aren't you supposed to see Yuri today yeah but wait how'd you know that because I'm psychic you're much porn don't you why can't it just mean like it's always beat this is all my fault if I didn't get so awakened accident we expressed my feelings if I didn't make that stupid mistake then you wouldn't have been worried about me at all and you wouldn't have come here you would have even been thinking about me right now but this it's just my punishment isn't it I'm getting punished for being so selfish I think that's why the world decided to have you come over today it just wants to torture me what'd he say Yuri I grabbed Sayuri by the shoulders and shake it like a dog what on earth are you say are you listening to yourself right now I know something happen to you there's no other explanation for you to be like this house are you you just a real slow guy you know that so tell me already until I know I won't be able to stop thinking about us see or he gives me a nifty smile you're early Pablo you really put me in a trap balsa but you're wrong nothing happened to me I've always been like this you're just seeing it for the first time seeing what what are you talking about Sayuri hey you're really just gonna make me say it aren't you poser are you gonna just skip this no things are gonna get a whole lot more awkward for you both I guess I had no choice this time the thing is I've had really bad depression my whole life oh did you know that uh yeah was the last week's did you know gaming did you know Sayuri's [ __ ] depressed why do you think I'd late to school every day because most days I can't even find a reason to get out of bed what reason is there to do anything what I fully know how worthless I am why go to school why why make friends why make other people put their energy and Carey go to waste by having them spend it on me that's what it feels like and that's why I just want to make everyone happy well on the one hand I'm relieved she doesn't secretly love me but on the other this is a hell of a lot worse I'm in shock yeah no [ __ ] I thought I was getting an I love you and I said I've got an I'm severely depressed I can't even figure out how to respond well I think inappropriate response to this is where are your parents and why aren't they doing anything about this why Sayuri yeah why is it that you've ever told me about this passage she told you just now why please open your ears for once it almost feels like I've been betrayed as your close friend oh yeah that's the thing to say that a preschool doesn't want anyone to feel bad I feel bad because of I knew I would have done everything I could to support you same problem with the seen us before did you even listen to a single word she said you don't understand it all Bowser I don't want to be cared about it's bittersweet when people try to care about me it feels nice sometimes yeah but it also feels like a bat being swung against my head no helping everyone be happy is the best thing for me then I discovered something else too seeing you make friends and get closer with everyone in the club that feels like a spare going through my heart I know the feeling I'm getting it right now without thinking I once again grabbed sayuri shoulders what again Vanette only a small check this time gotta be careful with baby bub theory isn't hugging me back she starts sobbing next to my ear no don't do this to me you know I don't think I feel comfortable voicing this Elvan the festival is tomorrow yeah it's gonna be fun right yeah how would you like me to spend it all with you yeah yeah Bowser I know you try to make a feel bitter over don't phrase it like that say something like I can't wait to spend the whole day hanging out with you or something you're aggravating your puss we just talked about Oh that's what I want I promise I think that would be nice Ted yeah of all days this has to be the one where I have other plans well I mean you could have come over on Saturday but good as those that they was over before I could even blink maybe I should cancel no don't please don't if you did that but I really wouldn't forgive you I gave me two Thank You Dana my girls don't get more depressed you know you know I want hearts to steal not sadness to feel there's a good idea for a poem actually on the way home I find myself still feeling uneasy but it's hard for me to keep thinking about it when Yuri is about to come over to what you know some casual about this it's it's not okay this this actually makes me man what well it's a game it's a frigging anime visual novel what I'll expect as I approach my house I see something that makes me feel a moment of panic haha thank goodness we're waiting for a long time no I just got here but I started to get really nervous when no one answered the doorbell anyway let's go inside I see you brought a lot of stuff with you that's right I brought a ps4 controller copy of undertale I take urine in my room the first thing she does is glance around curiously which makes me feel anxious she's probably wondering how you have so many books on your shelves for someone who doesn't [ __ ] read it's so clean I cleaned it before he came over so that's very considerate of you to do I would feel really embarrassed for my room to be missed while you were here well I do enjoy cleaning I would have gladly hoped you clean ah that would have been even more embarrassing wait don't look in there I snatched Yuri's risk which was in the process of opening a disk drawer haha I'm sorry I let go of Yuri's wrists she puts both of her hands firmly in her lap as if making sure she's keeping track of them so um should we get started wait you're just gonna brush over the fact that you basically told her I forbid you to open their drawler what Selena bad report calves secret love poems government secrets don't tell me it's porn [Music] um I have a few things planned that you can help with decorations and other atmospheric enhancements atmospheric enhancements you know mood lighting aromatherapy candles oh wow I don't know you planned on taking you that far of course I want to help take out guests to a faraway place like underground like an undertale ure although many will stop by just out of curiosity and for cupcakes I guess I've determined to provide an experience that will leave them wanting more that's great it's easy to forget that you're a pretty intense person intense and dance I brought some things for relaxation I was going to use them during the poetry event oh yeah like what Cherie rummages through a bag she pulls out a few candles and a wooden cylinder shaped object I did some shopping in the wait here so I happen to have these in my bag I plan to cover the windows and black paper and use the candles to light the room I think that'd be amazing don't you yeah that'd be really neat screw you Bassel that idea is [ __ ] fantastic you're amazing URI don't look at that top drawer there are venomous snakes inside what's they wouldn't think though though this it's a diffuser for essential oils how familiar are you with the Roman therapy not familiar at all oh is that so it's one of my favorite contributors to a positive atmosphere depending on the oil suburbs you choose you could change the mood of the air itself and just by the way you heard that right America it's herbs the word as herbs there's an H in front of it by the way relaxation positive energy romance reflection it's almost like magic URI takes the cylinder and pushes the switch on the bottom in just a moment a thin ray of vapor begins to spat through a small hole on top well that smells wonderful what kind of mood is this one for this is a Jasmine essential oil it smells a little sweet and flowery right yeah that's a good way to describe it I chose Jasmine through the event because it provides more than relaxation Jasmine enhances your emotions it helps you feel them flow through your body you feel warm and your heart pounds more heavily as it should Jasmine's an aphrodisiac not that I know anything about herbs or anything don't you think it would be perfect for sharing our poems I think you know what it's perfect for URI and that is being crammed in a room with yours truly don't say I'm unhappy though she again reaches into a bag and pulls out several spools of thin ribbon did you purchase the origami paper I asked you to get yes I did I have it over here somewhere we won't be using the paper for folding origami oops what I'd like to do is write a different word on each paper I'll need about a hundred of them what will those be used for well I'm going to cut pieces of ribbon to hang them from the doorway of the classroom then we could fasten the paper onto the ribbons and create a tall weak curtain wouldn't that be beautiful it's really creative I know any you'd be so good at the jury yes that's so well I suppose I do get a little intense I should put it Yuriy giggles with three cheeks you can write any characters you want okay we got Mario I'll help you once I finish cutting the ribbons no that's right it's looking plenty in mind we got we got we got we got sonic we got a we we go we go Pikachu we got a spongebob EURion rebels the long strand of red ribbon to her desired length then she reaches into her bag once more and pulls out a pocketknife she plunges the knife deep into my chest okay no really but the knife is strangely beautiful that's no ordinary pocketknife it looks really fancy well what is it you're gonna think I'm weird Yuri whatever it is I have no reason to judge to eat you their own you know if you promise you won't be weirded out yeah I promise all right the thing is i like undertale also like knives they're just so pretty I can't help it I don't know what it is the combination of craftsmanship and the feeling of danger maybe what am I saying please don't think I'm weird for this hahaha wow really Suzy has to come off a bouncer ah haha . yeah it's just the best performance you could have given there you're laughing at me if he is he's doing a pretty terrible job no I'm not laughing at you damn straight it's just funny uh nervous you've got about cheering well I get nervous about sharing Bowser it's nothing uncommon of course the thing I don't share is my food besides it's a really cool-looking knife I can't deny that hey this isn't it I like the steps more dog what what URI relaxes her expression once again would you like to hold it sure I'll check it out URI carefully hands me the knife with the handle facing me I take an Internet around in my hands it feels heavy and extremely solid witty we even get a knife like this is that it than you knew if you litter as your club mood store a [ __ ] sell myself at somebody save me that body-pillow furious of a chubbiness i feel the point of the knife with my index finger Wow why did you do that it's my fault I should have warned you what not to stab myself you know you're gonna realize that you shouldnt have to warn someone of that bouncers just the dumbass it can cut through skin like it's paper but would know a small drop of blood trickles down the side of my finger URI takes my hand gives the wound too close a look she stares at her than noticeably fidgets if you squeamish she'll go wash it off now without warning URI puts my finger in her mouth and licks the wound I feel her tongue curl around my finger please forgive me I wasn't thinking URI that's the most embarrassing thing I've ever done how could I do something like that I'm sorry I'm sorry ah sure it was weird and it took me by surprise but it was hot but I guess she was just trying to help right oh yeah yeah yeah no it's it said the Jasmine in here or am I just feeling a little URI I think you're overreacting a little alright you know what I take your hand and liqueur index finger in return what the bloody hell you lookin at bar got nothing nothing it's nothing [Music] well did you really just do that now we're even uh-huh-huh I knew that would be a bad idea it's not for the sweet aroma of jasmine oil they it would be extremely heavy right now you're so weird Bowser me me where do you keep your bandages ah I don't think I need one actually yes your your fluids has bugged it up quite effectively Thanks we each resumed our respective activities i watch Yuri's knife cut through the ribbon like it's nothing but here meanwhile I continue to make progress on the paper well transition where we go now Oh after we finish attaching the paper through the ribbons we've laid them all out side by side it looks great sure does wherever it is good thinking coming up with this Yuri ah thanks hey it's just something that's online really are you ready to move on to the next task yeah let's do it one of the items Yuri has asked me to buy is a kid of waterproof and coloured tablets what what are the items Yuri has asked me to buy it was a kid of watercolour paint tablets we'll need about six cups of water to put each of the tablets in do you mind fishing those for us of course not 6 cups of water I'll be right back in a minute thank you very much oh and just a little bit of water is okay if you fill the cups too much it'll be too diluted thinking Yuri's advice I decide to use small plastic bathroom cups rather than full-sized glasses what a blue balls is a bathroom cup this doesn't help I put them on a plate to catch any paint that drips and then bring it back to my room Yuri yes I come back in to see Yuri quickly unrolling your sleeve pulling it back over her arm no no no no please that would be a bad twist I'm playing this game for the deep poetry not deep depression tell me she was just admiring around here or something your face is a little red you slits out that that's because the same for a perfect I'm here fills her with a warm glow is it too hot in here or anything no but at all there's nothing wrong so let's just mix the paint Yuri hurriedly dismisses me and takes it upon herself to unwrap the tablets and dropping them into the cups so I thought we would do something simple they would look nice I'd like to paint a gradient across the banner oh boy I love gradients sorry gotta be like one of four people to give their joke starting with colors for sunrise then daytime didn't sound sane at nighttime once it dries alright an inspirational quote across the banner we can hang it on the wall behind the podium at the front of the classroom ah neat might want to dial it down a notch there Bowser I think I heard some actual enthusiasm in that one this kind of feels like elementary school painting on a manor with watercolors feels like a lot like the ass clasp ass class Wow well done me ask class it's relaxing ah I'm sorry if this feels - trouble - no no I didn't mean that at all I feel like half of this game is just Bowser trying to explain the crap that flies out of his mouth it's kind of fun you know yeah it is fun I'm glad you feel that way too for me I don't need to go out and do crazy things to have fun me neither in fact I usually don't even want to go there right I just like what I could spend time with one other person even if it's just something simple like reading it doesn't matter if we don't talk much just having a friend next to me makes things feel a little bit nicer I think that's all it takes for me to be happy why Yuri I feel the same way maybe you and I are soul mates [Music] but I'm with Monica sir web you know URI leans over the banner to grab an unused paintbrush but I move at the same time causing my head to bump into hers yeah oh yeah Chardin the classic head bumping sound everyone makes there are droplets of paint on URIs face and neck is there something good my face yes that's called beauty yeah no dude just kidding what is there are two eyes and nose that his mouth there I rush out and fetch a small towel and then dampen it with hot water I returned to my room and kneel back down in front of it whoa new artwork look at URI yo she's so beautiful hey hold on a second this is just the same background as before what kind of cheap bastard made this game I spend a whole 0 dollars on this I paid down URIs face Nick with the towel love love that's that's I don't have what's that having finished should I start to retract my hand but URI suddenly holds my wrist wait hey just for a little longer it feels really nice ah yeah I get it took it oh good a transition you got just transition to the same scene that's stupid what whatever anteaters yo what up puppet man how's it hanging in the hood hey yo man it's pretty good I'd say and that's good URI you done yet I know you're just breathing gently through slightly parted lips hate that tell Co Viet my arm hurts is the Via Roma of the Jasmine oil giving me this dizzy feeling probably I mean remember it's an aphrodisiac it's completely plausible that'll your blood to rush the opinion seriously what the bloody hell are you watching I'm going to like it huh URIs gentle fingers wrapped around my wrist seemed a tingling sensation through my arm you say your arm falling asleep here for a while and suddenly her face seems to be much closer to mine than it was a moment ago mm-hmm URI slowly pulls away I think it came out better than I expected I'm really happy with the results I'm not I was a little concerned about time I need to start making dinner soon so you don't have any time left I was secretly hoping we would have extra time after finishing the work well I think would be too irresponsible for me to wait much longer I'm sorry I was hoping that would be more time as well once your he packs up I woke her at the front door thank you very much for having me today no problem I'm glad I was able to help just let me know if there's anything else you needed me to bring tomorrow I will well then your reef idiots mm-hmm I guess I'll see you tomorrow wait about today it's fine that we didn't have as much time as we want it because we can do this again whenever you want you can come over oh we can go out somewhere uh I forgot you don't like going out much anyway you know what I'm trying to say so you're very thoughtful Bowser ah shucks Yuri takes a step closer to me then briefly squeezes my hand I kind of like that about you yeah I like that about you too Yuri well well well well how am I supposed to respond to that little smooch so Yuri oh no oh hi Bowser see her just now we weren't doing anything she was just sad and really close to my face in fact I'm really glad you're here it's okay poser I just thought by to say hi um well it's nice to see you I'm sorry but I'm already have my way to leave oh really that's too bad I'm sorry but what I'll be together at the festival tomorrow so so that's fine right of course yeah so I'll see you tomorrow Wow holy so Yuri waves goodbye after it say Orry I thought you didn't want to come over today oh well I tried staying in my room but my imagination was being really mean to me so he had to come here and see for myself see what what are you talking about you know how much fun you were having with Yuri and how close you got to her it makes me really happy no no you were clearly not happy it's not fair you're drawing in a video games but making me feel so bad gee this game sure is making me sad tell me about it why didn't you choose her I don't know this was gonna happen why am I feeling this way Bowser I'm supposed to be happy for you why does it feel like my heart is playing in half it hurts so much everything hurts so much this will be so much better if I could just disappear see Yuri don't say that extra miles up if I wasn't here then you wouldn't have to waste your sympathy on me you won't have to put up with me being selfish Monica was right I should just Monica Monica was right about what see Yuri what I said before was true I'm not gonna leave this continue caring about you like this isn't the boon in your mind is making it out to be it's something that makes me happy it's something that I wouldn't trade for anything else so even if it takes an entire lifetime I'm gonna be by your side until you don't feel any more pain oh is that why you ditched over your 18 minutes ago boy I do I do not feel like joking around right now but Sayuri looks away I put a hand on her shoulder to reassure her I'm scared poser I'm really scared what are you scared of say Lori so Yuri yes that is her name it's true isn't it I was a week it started to like you too much myself no don't do that that's how I feel that's enough Sayuri I slide my hand down say you're his arm and squeeze her hand in my own do you remember how I said I always know what's best for you do you still believe me wordlessly Sayuri notes even if you don't understand all your own feelings I know what you need most right now and that's what I'm going to give you oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what do I do no no no no no if I say I love her then then that concern I'll be lying but if I just outright reject you there's probably not gonna make it a feel any better beer beer you do it what me I I don't want to do it Oh what do i do then just stop wiggle it around or something like this I guess you'll always be my dearest friend what do you need most is for things to be like they've always be Monica told me the truth she told me how much happier you seemed after I joined the club I know you're struggling with some really difficult feelings right now but please trust me that I know what's best and what will make you happy in the end I promise I'll help get things back to the way they were oh I see so your resources are small through an incredibly pained expression this is what it feels like to get stabbed in the chest it's okay this is just my punishment remember for being so selfish so please please don't worry about these stupid feelings I know be bright I know this whole time there's no happiness down that path that's why I came here just so I could get the answer I needed to hear and the other thing you're also right that I just want things to go back to the way it was I realized that now I don't know man this doesn't feel right you really do know me better than anyone Bowser I'll trust you with anything III wouldn't I mean have you heard the poop that comes out of Bass's mouth I don't know you very well Sayuri but I've heard enough from Bowser to know that he's a complete dolt so Sayuri smile suddenly breaks all the sudden she turns around and drops to her knees sorry I'm just trying to lighten the mood it's not really working is it Sayuri looks over his shoulder and flashes me one more weeks before turning around and running off so Yuri I'm left helplessly standing in front of my house why am I feeling so horrible about this [ __ ] man I dunno there's nothing more that I could have done now you're right you're right you know like you could have just have brought it to a hospital or anything you know for her depression it's the day the festival of all days I expected this to be the one where I'd be walking to school to say Yuri hello did you just wink the entirety of yesterday from your mind she probably doesn't know what I'm looking dude you mady's dumb he's so dumb it's Ares an answering your phone oh gee I wonder why I considered going to a house to wake her up but I decided that's a little too much meanwhile the preparations for the event should be nearly complete in the preparations for the music on the other hand didn't even stop what is this my punishment no more heavy music anymore I'm more excited for it to be over so I can spend time with Sayuri and Yuri at the festival Wow he's he's so dumb he he's just so dumb here we are at school Bowser yeah the first one here Thanks being early that's funny I thought at least Yuri would be here by now Monica is placing the little booklets on each of the disks in the classroom they must be the one she prepared that has all the poems were performing in the end I found a random poem online that I thought Monica would like in submitted it your ass Michael might like music how about we pop up some James who's just getting a little unnerving I'm surprised you didn't bring say Yuri with you yeah she overslept again oh yeah about so that's it not know that she's super depressed or anything that dummy that dummy you're thinking on days this important should try a little harder maybe I should have gone to wake her up after all haha you should take a little responsibility for a Bowser I mean especially after your exchange with her yesterday you kind of after hanging this morning you know Monica you know about that of course I do I'm the club president after all well that's all well and good between club president doesn't make you psychic only say Orias psychic is established earlier and also way the hits the music points something anything [Music] awkward silences did say you were he really tell her about it that quickly well leave the Vettel she was spying on you too from the bushes geez you don't know the full story at all so don't worry I probably know a lot more than you think what a catchy hey wait a minute I do remember something I promise I'll help get things back to the way they were I see so Yuri fault is a smile through an incredibly pained expression hey you want to check out the pamphlets they came out really nice you're really nice that wasn't an insult she's just still really pretty I grabbed one of the pamphlets lay down on the desks oh yeah they really did something like this would definitely help people taking the club more seriously yeah I thought so too I flipped through the pages each member's poem is neatly printed on its own page giving an almost professional feel I recognize not skis and Yuri's poems from the ones they perform during our practice what's this is it Monica's Bob I flipped to say Yuri's poem oh okay let's find two ideas it's different from the one she practiced it's one that I haven't read before Oh No that's a lot of uh get out of my heads get out of my head before I do what's best for you get out of my head before I listen to everything she's said to me get out of my head before I show you how much I love you get out of my head before it so just write this poem she finished uh yeah that's right Bassett ah reading the poem and get a pit in my stomach well you mean you didn't have a pit yesterday that should almost kill me and you're feeling bad now no sir nothing nothing this poem feels completely different from everything else series but not really I couldn't tell well what I want breakfast isn't the same as get out of my [ __ ] head but more than that I changed my mind I'm going to get serious oh well all right try not to take too long okay I quickly leave the classroom don't strain yourself Monica calls that out after me I quicken my pace what was I thinking I should have tried a little bit harder for CRE it's not a big deal to at least wait for her or at least hopefully wake up even the simple gesture of just walking here to school makes her really happy besides I told her yesterday that things would be the same as they always had been parents does she live alone how why who does the city kid I reach stay or his house and knock on the door I don't expect an answer since she's not picking up her phone either like yesterday you opened the door and let myself in say you re she really is a heavy sleeper I mean she's probably just laying it being sad man if anything should be destroyed over yesterday I just hope she doesn't pull the URI and started cutting herself I'm saying right this me to be happy fun games oh oh this music I wanted all this Yuri I suppress eh you boy I don't why would she do this no grabbing so hopeless what do I do wrong turning down and competing with my estranged don't make us up is this is my fault my swimming told keep telling me everything i coated and abrasive prevent this I just lost my best friend so when I grew up with she's going forever now I can never take your bank never whoa whoa that's what you want me to [ __ ] thing no ain't no way I'm continuing down this path oh no oh no I see the annoying girl again okay it goes what what oh oh that bets up it's an ordinary school day like any other I'll put money on that it's not mornings are usually the worst being surrounded by couples and bring groups walking to school together meanwhile I always walk to school alone what about the school days is ordinary as ever and it's over before I know it club's there really Antony that interests me alright so we pick up our stuff go home and go be a good sleep oh you saved no choice but to start with the anime club sorry what you just see it now sorry sorry Mike I'm still kind of teen so so so what are you doing here oh I've just been nothing for some supplies here's my club do you know if there's any construction paper in here no markers you can always check my pants in the closet you're in the debate club right about that I actually quit the debate club really you quit good to see bouncers just as dumb as if he is she quit Bowser's you just said so to be honest I can't cite all the politics around the major clubs if there's like nothing but arguing about the budget and publicity about how to prepare for events I'd much rather take something I personally enjoyed make something special out of it like my pasta Bank I'm still tormented in that case what club did you decide to join actually I'm starting a new one pub it was weird how many members do you have so far um it's kind of embarrassing there are only three of us so far don't you mean four ha ha ha ha ha by any chance are you still looking for a club to join I mean I guess so but in that case is there any chance you can do me a favor is it forgetting that you told so you already kill herself yeah don't think I forgot about that I read that [ __ ] poem that's who she's mentioning isn't it you didn't help her at all you just went up to her and said Kiwi yes [ __ ] you didn't say that but I'm watching you watching you're pretty perfect face yes you're I'll join you club shall we go that I look for the materia some other time you're more important wish I could hear those words in real life so let me guess you're Monica's boyfriend right right you are now it's key well no I'm not Bowser I swear to God I was going to well you know make cupcakes oh that's right that was a well what's a vices thing she told now it's gonna make cupcakes the day before what was the name again can't remember I feel it's like she's being race from my mind Oh No so Bowser what kind of things do you like to read well uh considering how little I've read these past few years I really don't have a good way of answering that I guess you just forgot about all those books on your bookshelf again then or result you read and they draw that you don't want your inner open who has physical porn nowadays anyway sure it's always there and a power outage but when you're cute and you drop draw like that someone's bound to open it up when you're not there and see what kind of weird stuff you're into you know what I'm just gonna open up bouncers do all right here just to prove my point what the [ __ ] anyway what about you Yuri well let's see I've been reading about horror lately what do you know me too hey I just got an idea how about this Nazi and Yuri look quizzically and Monika let's all go home and write a poem of our own then next time we meet we can all share them with each other well I mean I thought it was a good idea well I think you're right Monica we should probably start finding activities for all of us but it is painting together who are you and what have you done with Yuri we can become an official club now the fact that so much so much so much for the ship yep nothing can you stop that please sorry Monica looks over me once more Bowser I look forward to seeing how you express yourself Oh Monica I express myself with my videos I put a little piece of me inside every one of them it wasn't an innuendo Monica please let me serious it with that I depart the club room and make my way home the whole way my mind wanders back and forth between the three girls Natsuki Yuri and of course Monica perhaps I'll have the chance to grow closer to one of these girls oh wait till we get you call pretty buns this time around oh come on Ivan looked a special poem what I like to read it yeah yeah I'll read it please don't don't jump-scare oh thanks well uh well I guess I'm going back with Yuri yeah actually no I'm a little worried I'll try to go Midway this time you know just stay friends with everyone judgement the bunny discuss the fun determination determination shut up well I'm back of the literature Club I was the last to come in so everyone is already hanging out yeah everyone hanging out oh oh hi Yuri what's up hey gone thanks for keeping your promise poser that's good help this is a tool for me so maybe there's a little to it Oh Oh God Oh God okay uh uh alright hi now ski hey how you doing come out if you don't take it seriously you know cuz you know Monica you kind of stand in front of Sanford over words the some about a big mouth if a collection in the club room mangers literature bang deceit push this repast I'll make sure to pull you cover fest okay Yuri shoots now ski with a disappointed glance um anyway now that you're in the club and all perhaps you might have an interest to pick up a book to read well I can't really say you know the other way like you said by the club there so it feels right for me there's so low that if you ask wait I don't really good if you don't really want to - then forget I said anything I guess no it's like you're eating again I'd like to be part of this club I just don't want anyone to die in the Sun please that'd be great are you sure I just feel like well let's vice-president know that I should hope you get started on something get my bike did the music the music just get along with you and they lost sentence I didn't want you to feel left out does this feel skewed to 81 like she's too close just like it's slowly zooming in is that what same thing oh my god it is what's happening oh it's still going please I'll just take a book just often getting so close whoo that was interesting man it was kind of neat how I didn't notice the zooming in at first or even how skewed the screen was I guess I guess it really goes to show that if you do something subtle enough people aren't gonna notice straightaway hick maybe some people didn't even notice before I pointed it out so you know it maybe there's more stuff in in the video before oh I mean I'll have to go scrub through and check if I missed anything but boy that's really cool oh let's continue with the video shall we I'm really curious to talk to URI a little bit more but at the same time I would feel bad distracting her from reading oh great you know zooming in again are you no no no there's no something you what's the story about anyway basically it's about this religious camp that was turned into a human experiment prison and the people trapped they have this trait that turns them into killing machines their lust for blood but the facility gets even worse and they start selectively breeding people by cutting off their limbs at a fixing them - oh oh that might be a bit of a spoiler but anyway I'm really into it uh that's a little bit different from the last book isn't it what was that about oh yes ogre gloom roofs in with her sister in her life gets a little strange what are we gonna here oh yeah breeding people by cutting off their limbs well even though I tried going off to no one in particular I guess we've reading with Yuri again I realize she's not looking over a book I'm so but she's looking she's looking book instead sorry I was just breathing in the feeling of your body heat oh yeah yeah no this is fine we just ignore they just read on together that's okay actually it is okay look at that adorable face hey Yuri this might be a silly thought but the main character kind of reminds me of you a little bit did she make that face tonic I remember anything anymore and there is a no way I'm scrubbing back through my footage another when I accidently stumble across a hanging out let's say you're worried again no I don't relate to this character at all definitely not really I was just thinking the way she's thinking guesses the things she says and all that ah that's what you were talking about sorry I thought you meant something else about her something else and then we never figured out what that was because he doesn't go into detail and the book doesn't exist in real life although people are trying to figure out what I mean so go for it jugs you have my support I'm guessing a relates to the developers next game but that's just my take on it while I'm here we do like to hear about my day it was great I had accent host oh no that's what say Yuri had now I'm sad boo hoo boo hoo Yuri's been little fidgety ever since we started reading you can rest a few feelings sickle something your breathing is a little my breathing Yuri puts her hands on her chest as if to feel her heartbeat I didn't even notice you know bubble Jasmine in the end did you that could be it anyway I'm fine I just need some water Yuri stains up and practically rushes out of the classroom this is weird she did not act like this before she didn't brush around the feed but though did something happened just now yeah there's too much [ __ ] Jasmine in the air so you don't know what do you think you know be trying to express that dumb Basra throughout the whole video but the vase scene it's right there that it really hits along the nose right there sorry I can't say I do so you know it look that even Bowser admits it are you worried about it oh no no no really I was just making sure you didn't do anything to her Monica I'm D you I'm a fine upstanding gentleman I wouldn't never don't worry I believe you silly just does this sometimes so it's nothing alarming but she didn't do it last time did she I care of me but I got I remember anything and who is this Maria okay I'll [ __ ] stop man anyway why don't we start with sharing our poems with each other huh I guess Yuri's still outside guess we'll go with Monica hi Bowser we meet again pretty buns I can't Monica my poem great job Bowser I was going oh my hippo reading it it's really metaphorically what no I specifically made it not metaphorical with like bunnies and fun and determination Shh no more you know the Kari likes discarded writing write running that's full of imagery and symbolism so it looms I feel like you're his mind is just totally detached from reality I don't mean that like it's a bad thing though but sometimes I get the impression that she's just totally given up on people you didn't say that last time she spent so much time in her own head that it's probably a much more interesting place for but that's why she gets so happy when you treat her with a lot of kindness I don't think she's used to being in touch like that she must be really starved for social interaction so don't blame her for coming on a little strong Lee huh it's the opposite with me one last try I've decided to come back and help hello Yuri hi back but I miss anything not really well we all just started cheering homes with each other well I mean pretty bums at I've been on skis probably crying in a corner somewhere all right thanks Monica I suppose I should cook it by calm down anyway you want to read my poem now don't worry I'm not very good we've seen this bit let me just hole in wall but he wasn't looking at me oh I'm gonna get the specs up on the end of the first part it doesn't they say something like I wasn't looking at he was looking in wait why could I remember that but not lose their faces name your friggin stubble Denise may be confused I frantically glanced around at my surroundings but my eyes can no longer see color are there others in this room are they talking or are they simply palms on flat sheets of paper the sound of frantic scrolling playing tricks on my ears the room begins to crinkle closing in on me the ear I breeze say Yuri there was it boy that was bugging me oh right sorry Monica the air I breathe dissipates before it reaches my lungs I panic they must be a way out it's right there he's right there swallowing my fears I brandish my pin so what do you think perfect like your face what's up Yuri okay the same as last time past huh huh and soon to be left with nothing ah okay that's a lot more Solon putting it that way yep it sure is are the not skis have the same stuff as last time so we'll just skip through it I guess it's as if everyone is judging me for my mediocre writing abilities even if they just being nice there's no way my poem can stand up to this this is a literature club after all I sigh I guess that's what I ended up getting that went higher I heard that one I know he would go with the fighting again I was new boobs magically grow a size bigger so it's faster started showing up not ski involve you then normally I'd have to kill you both the same but this goes like that well okay okay well but if I tell you something each Yuri oh my bad you ready too don't you this way that's why okay well I think we can all just calm down you guys I think everything is yeah it's a good one when you're happy with your job the water gonna pick someone nap duh god I pick Yuri Yuri don't think Jerry no I figure II no no please don't make me do this oh hi huh Monica hey hey dude um hey Bowser why don't we step outside for a bit yeah yeah good right there Monica sorry about that no that's okay so Jeff Oh Monica I got a nice little heart attack when you appear so that took my mind right off of it they really shouldn't have tried to get you involved it's probably better for us to stay out of this welcome back inside once they're done yelling some president I am right I'd love for you I can't even good from my own Club members properly I just wish I was able to be a little more assertive sometimes but I never have it in me to put my foot down against others you understand right anyway if this makes you want to spend less time with the others then that's fine I'd be happy to spend time with you instead there will be wonderful Monica but you don't have to get on that damn poetry mini game suddenly not ski runs out of the classroom well it's good to see that even when she's in distress she keeps a composure but still having her head turned to the leaf but what's up with that uh even a running senator Finch is cute oh dear well it looks like they're done I didn't mean it I didn't mean it I believe you I have no idea what your might have seeped danowsky or did now those two things kind of the same those please don't hate me please I'm not like this there's something wrong with me today it's fine Yuri we know you didn't mean it well that's all well and good but what about now Sookie she's probably still running somewhere besides I'm sure Nastya won't forget all about it by tomorrow completely oh that's a little ominous anyway the meeting is over so you can go home now if you want Yuri looks at me like she wants to say something but she keeps glancing your Monica yeah you can go first Monica I like to stay a little bit longer you know who didn't want to stay a little bit longer the [ __ ] musica probably ran off with not skinny bastard I'm the president so I should be the last one out oh wait for you to be done oh well I'm vice president so please let me take their responsibility today it kind of sounds like you don't want me around for something Yuri whoa whoa girls no need to fight we'll just uh we'll eat some cupcakes and it'll all be fine no wait it's not that it's that's nothing I just I didn't get much of a chance to discuss my book with Bowser mother would just be embarrassing with you this thing what kind of weird-ass book is this hmm I guess I don't have much of a choice do I I'm sorry for causing trouble but I really know can I make a song there kids those not here man I'm scared what I'm gonna do yo he's clenching nuts he's bitching screens going all askew and up on Sayuri hyung in game son no brand-new now I'm terrified I need a gun order to get through just joking I to that I'm not scared it's just weird bye after she's with me Monica I'm proof him screw URI screw Natsuki screws URI I think the best is nothing to hurt me I now see ha oh hi URI better [ __ ] chair that's why big I'm gonna dice URI sweetie now bear is dope dad oh god I cry hyeri oh hi - what's lifti abreast I'm not sure if it's me or just Yuri's expression uh yeah she really wears her emotions on his sleeve doesn't she suddenly here he takes my arm and pulls me to the corner of the room about yesterday I I really need to apologize nothing like that has ever happened before you mean the argument or the fever's glitching and something just came over me I guess yeah was 400 lines of bad code I wasn't acting middle he sound you don't have to worry too much even though I've only been here a couple of days I could tell that something was off yesterday and maybe we were just a little extra sensitive because it was our first time sharing poems but whatever it was it didn't make me think any less of you bastards made me to be a [ __ ] joke it any less of you ah the scary stuff jump scares the small pink girl what I know it's stupid but I get ever worried a little bit what what look at me like that um Natsuki [ __ ] yesterday i just wanted to apologize I promise I didn't mean any of the things I said and I'll do my best to stay in the control from heaven so yeah what are you talking about did you tell something you know lately completely completely geez whatever is on your mind I'm sure there was nothing I not ski well here's something to remember then stop it but oh oh yeah III by Davey didn't eat a Snickers you're not you when you're hungry sorry I'm super sorry you benefit you know he left me here with demon child and her sister the glitch [ __ ] so I didn't miss anything did I no no really you're not really Bowser um since your compliments put me in a good mood I was wondering if I'd like to spend some time together today whoa this is not the URI I know I meet in the club oh no one no wait last person I went to the club with [ __ ] hung themselves actually I have a request do you mind if I make some tea first not at all thanks very much oh now we're getting our old URI back look at that face ooh okay may I have the water pitcher Thanks I'll be right back I might as well go with you that's okay you stay here Hey look oh she's going by herself oh did you relieve you again no it's not like that this time she's just filling up the water pitcher to make tea oh okay sorry for misunderstanding ten minutes pass there's a long time to get water I'm bored just waiting here so I decided to go look for her oh nice Audio muffling wait doesn't but does that mean the music is coming from the classroom let's see the most logical place for URI to be would be the nearest water fan I start heading down the hallway what's that noise it's coming from around the corner this sounds like breathing [Music] a sharp inhale like someone's sucking the air through their teeth are they in pain don't tell me he's that [ __ ] family guy meme around the corner yeah oh oh holy [ __ ] oh okay okay okay we're going back uh okay she's back she didn't do anything uh all these girls man and of course Lex I Lisa feed URI after midnight I'm sure they won't lead to anything bad she's breathing heavily I can't Elsa suddenly URI forcefully grabbed my arm and jerks me to my feet just fell the other thing that gets jerks [ __ ] out well your heart well what does gonna do the power will go out no way no it doesn't make sense we're in the middle of the day we in the closet my heart won't stop pounding Bowser I can't calm down I can't focus on anything anymore can you feel it Bowser Yuri selling prices my aunt it gives their chest why is this happening to me I don't know II just did too much Jasmine in the arrow game I feel like I'm losing my mind I can't make it stop oh god please don't look at me like that it makes me not even want to read I just want look at you Yuri I don't like this just let me come out of the closet I don't let me rephrase that it's time to share poems Monica what the hell is going on that was I think you saw something earlier that you weren't supposed to see I didn't want to have to tell you this but I don't think I have a choice it's getting kind of dangerous for you to spend so much time with Yuri I don't know why but she seems pretty excitable when she's around you it shouldn't be a problem in itself but when there he gets too excited she finds a place to hide his that's cutting yourself with a pocketknife oh isn't that kind of messed up she even brings different to school everyday like she's a collection or something I mean it's definitely not because she's compressed or anything like that I think she just got some kind of high from it it might even be like a sexual thing I think this kind of goes with that saying don't do that but the point is you've been kind of a name winner wait you're blaming me no I blaming Bowser oh yeah that's right he's the one who calls most of the shots isn't I mean what do I get to do show up home to someone every now and again I mean he's the one missing up here what about when you talk to you or that you just always be friends he's the one missing up here I'm not saying it's your fault though but I guess that's why I had to explain it to you so I think if you keep me distance that probably be best for already done pretty button while you're at it don't be shy to spend a little more time with me I'm trying I'm really trying but it won't let me you want to read my poem now right it's perfect wonderful just like you I have new side joke before good now that I've got no jokes left I mean we're good not skis the demon child you're he's nuts you're freaking me out see or he's [ __ ] dead window where the hell am I supposed to draw inspiration for jokes from save me oh man do I even really need to read this one I think what we can take away from it is a cacophony stop and oh yes I know I put a breathing ribcage delete her yes sure let me get my death note Monica oh okay sorry you know it's kind of abstract abstract I was just writing to him well never mind there's no point in explaining pretty bunch you're scaring me anyway hence Monica's writing Timothy sometimes you'll find yourself facing a difficult decision when that happens don't forget to sing a game you never know when um how am I talking to [Music] me can you hear me tell me you can hear me anything okay that's my face for the day thanks for listening I'm just gonna save now its key you're not crazy right it's my URI a little bit aren't you it's gonna change real fast now ski trust me I mean like spending time with her or whatever I don't want to listen to me you know yeah I know we didn't think I would Harbor kissing you're even better than her because you have normal [ __ ] eyes hey I can finally read your poem all right let's read it I guess it's gross she's gross the world is better off the best bite lovers oh I love it I like it I'll just go put it with all my other cherished items ah [Music] crap only URIs lived I've been waiting for this let's see what your friend Villa de Bowser this one might be even better than yesterday's you did a good job explaining it I really wanted to try giving you more imagery Yuri visibly swallows even her hands appear sweetie hurry knees weak arms heavy mom spaghetti I don't wanna have to go back to the pasta joke again ah that makes me so happy it's so amazing to feel like a valued Bowser did you do something with your eyes again I can tell but whatever it is I'm freaking me out everything you write is a treasure to me my heart pounds just holding it I want to write a poem about this feeling is that bad Bowser well no not at all I mean again it's the freaky ice [ __ ] which I find disturbing I'm not being weird right you really don't want me of all people to answer that I'm having a harder time than usual concealing my emotions I'm kind of embarrassed yeah you look it but right now I just want you to read my poem too okay whoa whoa whoa whoa no I'm not scared I'm not I'm not a pansy it's just this isn't a poem this is this isn't me say ain't no I'm not scared of reading alone either I have read a bunch of books but normally they're in something readable like Calabrian all the scrolling bollocks let's see your ID okay I think I can read this wheel a rotating wheel turning an axle Boulton Linea gearbox falling sky Stephen Holy States adopt shipper port into another world a thin rope tied to a thick rubber okay can I just interject it and just ask what the hell this is about I kind of see the symbolism and the other ones but this is just kind of every with a bit splotches on the page what do you mean with this paper URI it's whatever a torn harness parabolic gearbox expanding universe time controlled by slipping cog wheels existence of God swimming with open water in all directions drowning well that's what usually comes of swimming like you described there a prayer written in blood a pre-written and time devouring snakes with human eyes a 3d connecting all living human eyes a kaleidoscope of holy snakes exponential gearbox a sky of exploding stars all were like that imagery God disproving the existence of God a wheel rotating in six dimensions of 40 gears in a ticking clock a clock that takes one second for every rotation of the planet a clock that takes 40 times every time it takes it every second time a bolt head of holy snakes tied to the existence of a dock ship to another world a kaleidoscope of blood written and clocks a time devouring pre connecting ascribed 40 gears and opened human eyes in all directions breathing gear box breathing balls head breathing ship breathing portal breathing snakes breathing guard breathing blood breathing holy sex breathing human eyes breathing time breathing prayer breathing sky breathing wheel wow it doesn't really matter what it's about maybe you know but I'd really like to know my mind has been kind of hyper active lately so Hicks take it out on your pen yes who you pin that is a pen fell on your backpack yesterday so I took it home for safekeeping it I um I just really like the way that I've rights so I wrote this poem with it I mean can you even call this a poem I mean it's been yeah I know you're touching it okay what I just can we pretend this conversation never happened you can keep the poem though huh oh oh and look down the special poems you sure I'll read it I can't convince myself to go to therapy when I'm the happiest I've ever been I'd rather keep this up until I blow my cover and someone takes me to the emergency room all right it gave me this who's getting klopper tonight making me feel bad sons of [ __ ] yeah ah ah hey Monica what's up what's happening here going for something a little different in the atmosphere here huh who's someone else light anymore a hellish ah oh that's her that's a good sad oh oh there's URI I oh screams go doc please no jobs kids please I thought this job's keys don't worry so much what gotta keep it simple okay look I know everyone's been a little more lively ever since Bowser joined we've started with some club activities well I mean everyone apart from say Yuri I'm sorry that really wasn't funny we still only have four members and the festival is our only real chance to find more you know what's up great about getting new members anyway well for one thing when Yuri runs over again while Monica and I share palms you'll finally have someone to share with the city's just having to cry in the corner they already have enough to be considered an official club well members will just mean everything gets noise you're a difficult to manage Natsuki I don't think you're looking at it in the right way at all don't you want to share your passion with as many people as you can to inspire them to find the same feelings that brought you here in the first place the literature club should be a place where people can express themselves like they can't do anywhere else man this makes me wish that I had some sort of Club you know yeah I mean just not some crazy demonic club like these guys have going on it should be a place so intimate that you never want to leave don't tell that to Yuri I know you feel that way too I know we all do so that's why we should work hard and put something together for the festival even if it's something small right Bowser uh well I mean I'll agree with you but you got to tell me you does you hear that's fabulous I can't believe I didn't ask before oh come on you can't think advantage of to agree with you just because he does know how to say no no anything look Monica do you really think that any of us had joined the club with any other people in mind your he never even talked until pals joined that's for me I just like it better here than I do at home geez if we not exactly happy here what the heat goes on at home Natsuki tell me who's hurting you not that I care or anything that Bowser isn't even passionate about literature in the first place that's a lie I have to hurry who's bamps tonight Haydn's come over that by accident and that's everyone sorry but you're really the only one who's so interested in finding new members the rest of us are just fine like this exactly do you know why bunch of cluster design in illustrate a whole character this is a free game on a can you can't just whip up a character and Photoshop and throw it into the characters photo I never magically appear oh I know you're president it all but you should really consider our opinions for once Monica is clearly taken aback by nuts keys words that's not true at all I'm sure you're Ian Bowser want to get more members too right well I mean sure as long as they cute girls like you guys I don't know about URI but I'm kind of indifferent so what is the site with pretty much you [ __ ] if I showed as much enthusiasm as Monica wanted then I would be lying yeah because we all know that not lying is definitely the best option 100% of the time in these scenarios still if it's up to me to rescue the situation um good stop it no no excuse right isn't she this club there's nothing more than a place for a few people to hang out okay Monica usually I'll just straight up agree with you blindly but not this time firstly bears has become a lot more literate ever since joining the literature Club and secondly well I mean URIs come out of shell a bit whether that's a good thing is up for debate at this point why did I think that everyone here saw it the same way I did that doesn't mean we're against getting new members or anything though so why did you even join this club hey that's hurtful what were you hoping to get out of it well good I mean I can t be honest about that can I in fact if I remember you weren't even given a choice not to join Monica says down and stares at a desk what's the point of all this anyway what if starting this club was a mistake no you've done it don't ski what me yes you I've said it the bounce or a hundred times the way you phrase things to others is extremely important I just spoke my mind is that a crime to be honest it's not about being honest it's about what's okay okay that's what I just see thanks Yuri you don't understand at all I just I just want a place it feels nice to hang out with a few friends is there a problem with that clumping that for me there aren't many other places like that for me take it away from me she's not taking anything away Bowser it's not the same it won't be the same with the direction she wants to take it if I wanted that then I could have just joined any other stupid Club but this one happy at least for a little bit of time thanks we're nice Natsuki starts pecking up with things I feel like I don't belong here right now not ski not ski ignores Yuri and walks right out of the classroom but in a fluster she forgets to open the door and walks right into it oh okay they didn't actually have him but it would lighten the mood a little bit or make it a lot worse yes that actually just made me feel a lot worse here this is bad I don't know what to do well do you have an opinion on the festival hey I don't know I'm kind of indifferent Lee kiss oh oh oh my look here's about that obnoxious little brat I mean I like how nice and quiet the club is right now and I'm just happy with you here but still I'm the vice president it's not right for me to with know my responsibilities like to consider every ones who speak different make the decision that's right for the club but what about you Bella okay I have a suggestion have I no more blood spread from your eyes it'll be good start I see how you really agree with you each member contributes their own qualities in a special way well I got blood dripping from your eye I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing I know is you're probably gonna look that well maybe we can all talk to Natsuki tomorrow I was talking about a health care professional not [ __ ] nasty what's she gonna do hey no it's key can you take a look at this huh hey Yuri Hey um I know thanks we're a little awkward yesterday wait were they well whatever in your study you mean the fight you're kidding if anything today was the awkward one it started off with an appetizer of URIs right boob watch down with a cold sip of sudden amnesia the main course was demon child with a sign of self-mutilation in for dessert we had this [ __ ] but I feel like you deserve to know that I still think you're a wonderful vice president and also a wonderful friend Monica I want to do everything I can to make this the best club ever okay me too yeah I so go home for today we'll talk about the festival tomorrow okay I look forward to it shall we go Bowser um please don't take this the wrong way but I'm going to chat a little bit with Bowser before we leave hey I am yeah sorry Yuri just to see what he thinks of his time here and all that it's important to me as president he already looks a little troubled but she doesn't protest okay I trust your judgment Monica in that case I'll see the two of you tomorrow see you tomorrow it's finally happening I'm finally gonna split some a long time with pretty buns well I mean aside from it one time in the car door but still things have been a little hectic lately heavenly yeah no doubt Bowser I just wanted to make sure you were enjoying your time at the club I would really hate to see you unhappy I feel like I'm kind of responsible for it as president and I really do care about you you know oh thanks Monica I don't like saying the other girls give you a hard time with help me not skis and everything and you're in being a little bit you know sometimes it feels like you and I are the only real people here you know what I mean but it's weird because of all the time you've been here we've hardly gotten to spend any time together I mean I guess is technically only been a couple of days sorry I didn't mean to say something weird and there are just some things being hoping to talk about with you yes me too pretty buns look getting darker in here thinks I know one thing you can understand that's why it is getting darker wait no not yet no no no no wait I'm still here Monica hello oh yo you two when a smooch in the dark yes I mean sure I guess well though I didn't know you thought me that way you use them to shut up you know what I'll be feeling a little bit bad for not ski so I'm a crater a nice little poem yeah I will seal this if we go there silly in love a while there's a lot of ones oh so you're you don't okay they're uh not a fan of that chibi graphic holiday twirl beauty huh she she was they actually this could no come back come back beauty beauty was like beauty oh yeah something secretive I told you oh she's really late again hidden consider it as usual not ski excuse me unless you always interrupt my conversation with your incessant yelling Jesus Christ Yuri what are you talking about you saving like you're doing on a regular basis or something I wasn't paying attention okay I'm sorry oh my goodness he you're are you ain't going down on the list this is unacceptable oh man I'm the last one here again who are you practicing piano again yeah ha ha ha you must have a lot of determination determination determination well maybe not determination but I guess passion it motivates me to work hard for the festival and um right I forgot um about their Natsuki we were all talking yesterday and well we decided we would like to support the festival as well however I understand how you feel about not wanting the club to change I think we all kind of feel that way so long as we're all working together this club will never become something we don't want um also if you help us out at the festival then I'll buy you a new manga I here on the Halos getting a manga look I need some thinking about yesterday I was a little more hostile than I was made to be and nothing you might but wouldn't hurt as long as they're cool like me I love winter Chet I'm hip and cool I'm ready to join and I guess another girl would be nice this time oh isn't that great Monica Monica oh yeah that's wonderful anyway Bowser what do you want to do today I was thinking we can we already have plans today ah is that so hurry that's correct [ __ ] you URI Hauser is already engaged in a novel that we're reading together how'd you glad I've already gotten him into literature Monica hi I suppose I was just actually it doesn't matter wait what monka I said it doesn't matter but why not because I'll never give up the fight what he really doesn't you guys can do whatever you want yes thank you for understanding Monica actually I have a request do you mind if I make some tea first oh no oh cool it's the exact same as last time Oh Yuri oh she's still got the net still there she's bleeding I mean at least the horizontal or not vertical cuts cuz those kill you well I should probably check for back in time so we can pretend this didn't happen again here we go I do the same and last time wait how did i sorry I just had some really weird deja vu this doesn't happen before anything right my head is being a little fuzzy lately I hope hasn't me really showing there anything yeah I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary your eyes usually become hyper realistic and split blood right sounds like a bad creepypasta I would hate for you to think of wait just after we started spending time together I mean everyone has if you want to use your things about them yeah like the screen but expressing those things so soon have to meeting someone is usually seen as inappropriate or unlikable at least that's what I've discovered when I wasn't been younger I think I would come on really strongly and get a little too intense it made people don't want to be around me so I started hating those things about myself my obsession with certain hobbies and the way I can't control myself when I get too excited about something so I eventually stopped trying to talk to people if nobody could ever like me for the things that matter most to me then it would just be easy to close myself off but recently something something wrong I don't know what it is but every time we come to the club my heart starts to go crazy like it's whatever pound my chest it overwhelms me with energy and emotion that I can't let out I don't know why it's happening Bowser is this just me or is Monica been acting a little off lately Monica she's always been a little sweetheart ever since I joined the club but recently I be feeling something shop whatever she's around I'm not crazy right that's a little bit crazy ah I mean no you're not crazy you're fine that's normal people eyes yeah please tell me I'm not I could say anything because she's always listening but finally we're alone he's just a hit for a while yes y'all don't stay for a while this oh okay that's fine and you just want to say yeah that's cool just two of us don't worry I'm here oh yeah I'm here for you but we are you you're reading time then yeah don't worry old steady oh oh oh that's a good that's a good mine like Oh who's coming in the back right here oh hey yeah she's coming in real slowly why you like knives to sound strange okay it's going the same thing yourself in the trunk and the knives and Monica's coming and the realistic eyes and everything colored real great here you know what I'm actually glad that I'm here you know what I'm glad that everything's gonna [ __ ] I'm glad so you already hung yourself I'm glad with the realistic eyes in this burning woman the demon child and the crazy Monica coming out in front of the tape and also kind of creeping me out here please don't we just come back the NAM oh I don't want a beer please Natsuki help me this one's all right I so can't really tell how much you actually care about fighting but either way you're doing all right even though you're not really spending time with anyone but URI trust me now see I'm trying not to trust me so let me string my - for now just to be clear this poem means a lot to me Oh though I don't know how else to bring this up but there's been something I've been worried about you always been acting kind of strange recently you've only been here a few days so you may not know what I mean oh I think I might have an inkling but she's not normally like this she's always been quiet and polite and attentive things like that okay this is really embarrassing but I'm forcing myself to suck it up the truth is I'm really worried about it but if I try talking to her she'll just get mad at me again I don't know what to do I think you're the only person she'll listen to I don't know why but please try to do something maybe you can convince her to talk to a therapist I've always wanted to try being better friends with your and it really hurts to see this happening I know I'm going to hate myself later for admitting that but right now I don't care I just feel so helpless so please see if you can do something to help I don't want anything bad to happen to it I'll make you cupcakes if I have to just please try to do something it's for Monica I don't know why but she's been really dismissive about this it's like she just wants us to ignore it so I made it her right now and that's why I'm coming to you about this don't let her know I wrote this just pretend like I gave you a really good poem okay I'm counting on you thanks for reading oh gee oh gee that's key I'm not exactly oh no oh I changed my mind now it's key you have a wing costume you Onis swing to ignore everything you just read there's no point of trying to do anything if Jerry's on phone is she someone likable can you hear me Melissa laughing clean you say it right the [ __ ] away see ya if you spend more time with Monica all of these problems will go but I tried I tried I really did URI no you too messed up for somebody as wonderful as you I'm really not that great you don't have to hold me to such a high standard just think of Monica for no one between the super-realistic guys and the lack they are off I don't think I can just Monica okay then just Monica okay okay oh okay that's cool no that's would just work all right what are you doing Monica you're tearing me apart well I guess we're showing it to Monica don't say I didn't warn you Bowser URI I guess finally URI holds my palm to her face and takes a deep breath I love it I love everything about it URI don't say that that's really creepy only a real creep we didn't say something like that Bowser I want to take this home will you let me keep it take it take it I've already shown it to everyone else haha you're too nice to me Belson I've never met anyone as nice as you I could die no that's what the last one seen your reign would happen to her please don't know really but I just don't know how to describe it it's okay to be feeling this way right I wouldn't know sorry URI holds my poem to her chest I can take this home with me and keep it in my room I'll take good care of it Oh Thank You Yuri that actually sounds nice I'm glad you like myself we're reading it over and over ah ah that's not necessary I'll give myself paper cuts on your skin we lenses my bloodstream oh you can have my corn too besides after you read it I know you're really gonna want to keep it here take it I can't wait any longer oh oh I see you've really embedded it with you fluids please don't tell me that you earn oh wow um I think I'm done here if you are please Yuri stop I can't take this in case you couldn't tell the poem is about oh yes I thought so more importantly I've endowed up with my scent you mean the suspicious yellow pitch on it hi I think I'm going to vomit okay oh no thing is real okay okay everyone it's time to figure out the festival preparations let's hurry and get the sofa with geez why is the moat so weird today look even Yuri instead immune to it please Natsuki I realize you've been going through a lot of son name needs you recently but I need you to or me but just this once oh hey look can we just get this done I'm going to be printing out time with all the poetry pamphlets now it's gay I'm just thinking her to make cupcakes yeah that I'm glad we're on the same page Yuri you can well it doesn't matter ya know they're jokes done it wasn't very good anyway do whatever you want as long as you think it'll help Monica I'm not useless you know I know that I already know what I'd like to do we can't run a successful poetry of em without having the right atmosphere for the occasion so I'm gonna make decorations and set up some nice mood lighting then see that's a great idea and that keeps us something all to do hey what about Bowser Bowser is going to help me wait you you've these his job Monica sorry but that's just how it is like a lotus what are you trying to pull ha-hi agree with Natsuki not only is your work already most suitable for one person but my task is laborious enough to benefit from an extra pair of hands mine too yeah I actually like to talk not ski this time with your cupcakes please what [ __ ] no oh please guys all you care about is packing Bowser room with you and your stupid books you and Monica hey I didn't even do anything okay then why don't my pals I decide who to help instead of abusing your power I'm not abusing my power yes you want Monica just let pals to make the choice okay okay fine fine geez fast right now type it up you help with these two by now we can't use ASCII shut your [ __ ] mouth and then and decide for itself URI yo shut your mouth Jesus Christ this is never good I just make the choice okay I don't want him answering no wait I do I want ASCII I helped you last time you're and you're freaking me out right now and you're Monica this is something wrong with you to again not skis the only sane one here oh no no no no don't do this Monica no listen I know I said you were the only one for me but you're scaring me now all right you moved in my mouth no don't do it don't do it okay yeah you picked me I sure did are you [ __ ] kidding me this isn't fair at all you're right not ski you're right you're right you're perfectly right but please run away before someone kills you it is fair not ski it's what he chose no it's not fair giving us all this work in there taking vows of yourself what a shameful thing to do Yuri I didn't even give you any work you decided it for yourself you're being a little unreasonable here I'm being unreasonable to self-abort you are pulling Bowser away from me every single time you're not included in something are you jealous crazy Yuri I don't think you of all people have the right to accuse people to being crazy maybe you just hate yourself so much that you're taking it out on others here's the suggestion have you considered killing yourself it'll be beneficial to your mental health Yuri you're scaring me a little scaring you off the one she's awful how do you think I feel Natsuki let's just go don't you dare leave me alone with her I don't think she wants us around right now see that wasn't very hard all I want to do is spend a little time with him is that so much to ask Yuri Follis walk her nuts get to the door hey Bowser you dis Monica Yuri is really something isn't she Monica giggles as Yuri pushes her at the door finally oh yeah this is all I really wanted now so there's no need to spring the weekend with Monica don't listen to her just come to my house instead the whole day just the two of us doesn't that sound wonderful Wow there's really something wrong with me isn't there oh so it's not just me you know what I don't care anymore I've never felt this good my whole life just being with you was a far greater pleasure than anything I could imagine I'm addicted to you yeah well I would they be doping around crazy people so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna scoot you out of here it feels like I'm gonna die if I'm not breathing the same air as you well here everyone she is the air III don't breathe it you'll die I mean I know where I'm gonna be this huh I can't really think straight right now doesn't it feel nice to have someone care about you so much so if somebody wants to revoke their Italian life around you but it feels so good then why does it feel more and more like something horrible is about to happen maybe that's why I tried stopping myself at first but the feeling is still strong now I don't care anymore Bowser I have to tell you I'm madly in love with you really and you kept it so well hidden it feels like every inch of my body every drop of blood in me is screaming your name I don't care what the consequences are anymore I don't care Monica is listening please browser just know how much I love you I love you so much that I touch myself with the pain I stole from you ah okay I just want to pull your skin open and crawl inside of you yeah ha ha that's not okay I want you all to myself and I will only be yours doesn't that sound perfect ah maybe we can talk this over tell me pal sir tell me you want to be my lover do I go for the easy joke here you'll accept my confession Oh guess not I Oh No so if I say yes she'll want to open my skin and call a side of me now that sounds bad here sorry I agree but on the other hand if I say no she'll probably just kill me here on the spot so you know what they say don't stick your dick in crazy of course I never been a stickler for rules I'm just gonna have to ask you to come down at 8:00 all right oh you can stab yourself that's cool too [Music] well it turned out different than what than what I thought I guess all of my game oh hi Monica oh oh it's changing it's uh hello again oh she's still there and you're safe and they love it safe oh that works great I think all right it's festival time Wow you cut it before me I'm here Bowser did something happen oh oh well that's a shame what the [ __ ] Monica wait will you have the entire weekend Bowser oh geez I didn't realize the script was broken that badly oh no I'm super sorry it must have been pretty boring boring I'll make it up to you okay what are you doing with the console maka I'll get what well there goes URI oh no no not skeeters you made the cupcakes oh I'm almost done I'll be done for a long time Monica they should have let me take a second oh nice logo um can you hear me is it working yay oh oh hi hi again balsa now that that's out of the way I guess I owe you an explanation about that whole thing with URI well I kind of started to mess with her and I guess I just drove her to kill herself I'm sorry you had to see that oh so the same thing happened with say Ori I was hoping it would be enough for me to just try and make them as unlikable as possible but for some reason nothing worked I thought making Sayuri more and more depressed would prevent her from confessing to you and amplifying URIs obsessive personality backfire - I feel really bad that you had to witness some nasty things but I realized you have the same perspective as I do that it's all just some game so that being said Bowser I have a confession to make I actually like undertale by [ __ ] you it [Music]
Channel: RadicalSoda
Views: 872,721
Rating: 4.9550505 out of 5
Keywords: Doki Doki Literature Club!, RadicalSoda, PC, Visual Novel, Free to play, Review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 11sec (9131 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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