Be The MAGNET pt. 4 with Sam Adeyemi

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I wanted to begin to pay attention to the people around you right now pay attention to successful people around the world right now you will observe from the words that they speak from the attitudes from the way they carried themselves that there's a particular way they see themselves and you will observe that their circumstances work to make how they see themselves inside their outer realities when you alter your thinking you alter your life in our last broadcast we began to emphasize on how to change your thinking we spoke about the need for you to read books books and change your life I mean it's one thing years for you to go to school and to read your academic books but I'm speaking about books written by people who have practiced what you're trying to do people who have achieved what you're trying to achieve practical books that will help you with the application of principles for your personal results we talked about you listening to CDs I have listened to hundreds of CDs hundreds of CD programs I mean hundreds of them and that is being modest I actually think then there are thousands and there are some of them that I have listened to at least 50 times because when I read from successful people I saw that they don't listen to an audio program only once in fact they said that to get the best out of an audio program you need to listen to it at least six times but there are some that so affected me on the inside that I listened over and over and over and over and over the place where I find it easy to do this the most is in my car I just live the city bed let it play continuous play I repeat it sometimes listen to it over and over and over and over and over and over I don't waste my travelling time it's transformation time for me we spoke about watching video programs watching powerful lectures on video it's remarkable remarkable the transformation that can happen in your life have also watched so many of them you know what I really appreciate the opportunity to watch TV but I realize now with what I know that when you watch TV and because we human beings are visual in nature a lot of the time what you watch stays with you it's programming you on the inside now I exercise my power of choice i watch what will program me what will put more power in my magnet so I can attract what I want to attract you know some people have never made the connection between what they watch and how they think and the circumstances of their lives some people don't like the negative circumstances of their lives but they are direct results of what they watch I want to see what I want to see I hope you got that I want to see on the inside what I want to see on the outside I am deliberate about what I see deliberate about what i watch now should I had a dimension to it there is a need for you to expose yourself to some environments that are different from what you be used to I mean I grew up in a third world country and I know naturally you grow up for most people for most people in an environment of lack of depravation if you will ever develop the car City to attract wealth you need to expose your mind to something else you need to create shifts in your thinking this is very very important in fact let me tell you why this is so important because you may wonder why are you talking so much about your thinking I want my circumstances to change is it that important it's very important that's why I'm emphasizing it and I'm emphasizing it and describing the steps through which you can change your thinking because it's not easy to change your thinking it's a fight some of the greatest battles you will fight in your lifetime you will fight in your mind when you want to get rid of poverty thinking of poverty consciousness of a self-image that includes over the unluck you will be surprised how difficult it is sometimes that's why you need to take practical steps how you think is a habit we are creatures of habit but when you do something consistently for 21 to 30 days it becomes your new habit you need to break those old habits and create new ones and the way you do it is what I'm explaining right now go somewhere that you have not gone before let me describe one of those things that I did once drove to the other part of town with my friend who was my colleague also at work and we were working the streets you know of the most beautiful part of our city and I was saying to my friend this is the kind of a life that I want to live this is where one end of this is what I see about my future and we were walking down that quiet but beautiful part of our city it was an investment for me I began to travel on vacation with my family and I wanted to see other parts of the world apart from where I live it was not an expense it was an investment in my thinking and in my capacity to attract I went to a cash up with my wife I had almost nothing in my bank account yet when we walk through the cash shop they were luxury cars that they had that even though yes at that time the way fairly used cars we call them secondhand cars yeah but they were not serious all the same and way beyond my reach and that they interestingly because I had understood this principle already and I was practically walking on it I looked at all the cars eventually settled on one on the Accord car and I asked for the prize I began Don it listen the best in order to get out of that exercise what we had was to expand my thinking was to expand my mind as far as buying was concerned for that day it was completely absolutely beyond my reach let me give you an idea the car was what let's say about $8,000 about $8,000 I had in my bank account the equivalent of a hundred and fifty dollars that was it but I went in there I didn't look like I had only 150 dollars you know I look like I'm spoke like I had the money I bargained for it was when we go to the point where the car dealer said okay so please you you write your check and he said you know what I like to help people like you um at that time we didn't have any mortgages or any loans for cars in the country so you had to buy cash down so he said you put down half of the money drive the car it helped me how you paid the rest instrumental him whoa I said anyway my checkbook is not here is that such fun someone to get your checkbook before I told him you know what I actually don't have the money in my account but I'll be back very soon I said to him I'll be back when I left that day I was happy that I was courageous enough to go there most poor people were not even dare to go to such a place because of their low self-esteem they think oh no they would disrespect me they may ask what are you doing here they may chase me away it's not true money doesn't speak sometimes the people who sell things don't know who has the money and who does in her expose your mind and yourself to some new realities your mind needs to know a new nama before your life can experience a new normal you need to shift your thinking put more power in your madness let me complete the story exactly two months after we went to the car shop my wife and I went and we bought that car we attracted that song sometimes it's not even the material thing you attract it's the ideas that you are trapped you attract wisdom that you have never attracted before so I encourage you read listen to CDs watch videos take action sometimes practical action expose yourself to some new realities now one other thing is very critical to your ability to change your thinking I call that thing Association whoa who are the people who are closest to you to a large extent they are influencing you thinking listen that's a law what I just said is not my suggestion it's not my idea it's just one of those laws that I stumbled on while trying to find out how to change my thinking the King Solomon in the scriptures said he who works with the wines will become wise the companion of fools will be destroyed interesting you want to become wise work with the wives associate with the wife you want to become wealthy hang out with rich people you know what's going to happen to you they'll stretch your mind they will mention figures which is their own normal they'll mention figures that will put you on that pressure that happened to me on my journey up it happens these days you know because I still hang around people who are doing well they stretch your mind what seems so difficult to you they tell you it's easy you struggle with that for some time but you know what if you hang in there with them after some time what is normal to them will become normal to you when it becomes normal in your mind it will become normal in your life association you know there's one exercise I ask you for to carry out all the time write the names of people who are close to you 5 7 10 when you are done just look at that list and you may as well literally be looking at your future the principle of Association guarantees that the quality of your life may not be better than the qualities of the lives of the people on that list don't be sentimental about your destiny be very very sensitive there's no point being sentimental see there are relationships that subtract from you there are relationships that distract you there are some other relationships that are to you some even multiply your capacity and your potential for success mentoring is a powerful tool for changing your thinking oh my god when someone who has achieved success already is advising you telling you what to do that can change your life change your status altogether you will develop the capacity to attract what that person is attracted you need financial mentors you need mentors for your family life you need mentors for your career you need Mentors find someone who's done well you know sometimes we join clubs were part of Association some of us will get volunteer cessations hang around very wealthy people and we never ask them how did you do it how did you make your first million put more power in your magnet change your thinking and do poor people find it easy to be close to other poor people but you need to be very deliberate one association can change your status [Music] you
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 5,726
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ZpW1uAfqYko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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