Turn Failure To SUCCESS with Sam Adeyemi | Failure Is Not Bad

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[Music] everybody wants to succeed nobody wants to fail yet when you ask truly successful people they'll tell you you can't escape the failure that failure is actually a part of the process but you don't blame us it's just a function of our programming all our lives while growing up we were made to believe that failure is bad yep so when we made mistakes we were penalized we lost max okay it showed in the report failure is bad okay some of us got punished we got punished for making mistakes because failure is bad but really okay when you think in terms of innovation in terms of creating solutions for the world's problems you ask the researchers you ask the scientists they'll tell you it just about works out the first time I learned one important word in the science lab and it's the word experiment it's a very important word because in a bid to succeed a lot of the time we do not make room for experimenting we expect things to work out quickly and if they don't work out the first time or the second time we are so depressed were so discouraged we don't even want to try the third time or the fourth time yet if it's experimenting then it may take several times and each time of course that it doesn't work out you are just something that's it that's it see I read the book the knowing doing gap by two Stanford professors FIFA and suiting and they said that from their research they found out it's not every kind of knowledge that actually gives you the best results that you want to get they said the knowledge gained from action from acting on your goals you know the knowledge gained they said they found that to be the best form of knowledge in other words theoretical knowledge if you are quiet or acknowledge the person that is teaching you or the person that wrote the book that you are reading is a theoretician academician the likelihood that applying that knowledge will give you the results you want is no high if the person that is giving you the knowledge that you're acting on or the root book if the person did it got results and the person is now teaching you they said that kind of knowledge is likely to produce very good results for you I'm trying to make a point failure is one of the best learning experiences on this planet listen the theory the teaching classes one thing out there where the rubber meets the road it's different and I should tell you even as an entrepreneur starting your new business ok it's good experts help you to draw up your business plan when you hit the road meet the first customer it's almost likely you will need to it won't work exactly the way you plan into your business plan you will have to adjust something it's just the way life is it's the way it works ok so when you look at it then failure is not as bad as we have made it to see because we made it bad when people feel they are ashamed of themselves it beats down on their self-esteem that some people don't even want to try again yet they need to because there is some virtue to their failure what we need to add just is our attitude so I just want to say to you I realize yes you are an adult now you're facing real life now okay so if you were ever made to believe that failure is altogether bad I'm here to tell you today it is not there is a sense in which failure is very good if you will have just your mindset many years ago I read the story about Tom Watson the founder of IBM and how an engineer made a mistake that mistake cost the company six hundred thousand dollars so Tom Watson sent for the engineer when the engineer showed up in his office Tom said I'm sure you know why I called you the engineer said sure to fire me of course don't Watson said why would I fire someone with your wealth of experience I just spent six hundred thousand dollars training you why should I allow somebody else to hire you now with all that experience please go back to your office and make sure you don't make that kind of a mistake again Wow that's what makes a leader you know Tom Watson was seeing it differently the young man felt I made a mistake it cost so much money by a me Tom Watson says I can't fire you why you may not have known exactly the way to do it but now you definitely know one way not to do it I fire you now your next employer is the one that would derive the benefit from that experience Tom Watson so that young man's failure as a learning opportunity he saw the learning opportunity in the failure that is it that's what makes the difference with successful people so they're viewer that's what I'm saying here today that failure is not as bad as the world has made it to see I'm aware of how shameful it can be when we fail how can son we have about other people's opinions in fact before other people have anything to say anything some of us have run ourselves down already but I'm just saying today if you don't see anything good in your failure you need to open your eyes there is a lot of value in your failure someone said when you succeed you celebrate but when you fail it causes you to deflect amazing isn't that the person said you won't find as much wisdom in your celebration as you would find in your reflecting so failure breeds wisdom failure breeds wisdom now you see failure moves you closer to the solution failure moves you close because you know how not to do it each time you fail you knock out one of the options one of the probabilities because you're not going to repeat it exactly the way you did it before so failure is not altogether bad we just need to add just attitude to failure so the wind that is pushing some people down is the wind that some of the people are riding on to rise and to saw the difference attitude what you believe if you believe that with one mistake you are finished since at least because you are finished what you believe is what you become but if you see failure as a learning opportunity then some people may be surprised when they see you that things did not work out for you the way you expected but you are smiling but you're laughing because you can see the gold you can see the not yet even in the failure you want to increase your success rate increase your failure rate okay increase the rejection rate increase the rate at which you hear no you filled an examination I've been a failure married I'm the financial failure I've been a career failure you're so concerned about how people see you because you made these terrible mistakes that's fine it's a normal human feeling but I'm just telling you right now that failure that experience has moved you way ahead of many people moved you way ahead in your knowledge of human beings moved you way ahead of how to trust another not to trust people put you way ahead in many areas you've gained some experience and it's from the failure okay so let's change our beliefs about failure that's it I'm appealing their view let's change our beliefs about failure something changed my thinking many years ago when I discovered that there is a difference between failure as a person and failure as an event now that's powerful there is a difference between failure as a person and failure as an event who you are on the inside is who you become on the outside yo your nature controls your future you know success is first within and then it is without that you wrote an examination it did not work out you embarked on a project it did not work out you did not or you run out of money that's an event that is what happened many people make the mistake of labeling themselves through what happened but you failed an examination does not make you a failure those are two separate things that's not who you are that is what you did you go to separate - to who you are exactly what you did what you did sometimes were liable to make mistakes in what we do see don't label yourself by your failures it's not worth it because the failure is a temporal thing it's a fleeting thing okay it's temporary label yourself by the real you by the call you okay so in such a way that if you make a mistake with an event the real you can come from the inside and dominate the situation and turn it around that's a big difference between failure as a person and failure as an event I will add one important dimension to it how people see you and the labors that they put on you people have a tendency to label you by your mistakes you have to work hard to correct those impressions okay and [Music] the way you do it is your own belief first and then the fact that you communicate it let people know quickly I am NOT what I have done okay I am not what I have don't do that two separate things this is who I am this is who I am that makes it clear that you are separating your achievement from nature your character the core of who you are you have to make a separation between the two and build your success on who you are some of this is okay so I call myself a millionaire I say I'm a millionaire I'm a million I've been doing that the last four years I've not seen the millions yet you keep saying it and you keep behaving it principles cannot be broken it is principles that have the power to break you don't break them it's sowing and reaping okay so stay there stay with it stay with it develop capacity for persistence develop the capacity for persistence there's a difference between failure as a person and failure as an event please hold us strong in your mind as we go through this series there every one that failure is not a bad thing after all especially if you leverage it as opportunity to learn something new to know something new failure is not all together bad it's good it's an asset okay and it's our attitude that determines the extent to which failure will benefit us you
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 14,382
Rating: 4.9676113 out of 5
Id: YIJ5cwDz9iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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