Be Strong In God & Don't Be Discouraged | (Inspirational & Motivational Video)

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[Music] stand strong in the lord the one thing that is certain about life is that it is very unpredictable one moment you are on a high the next moment you come crashing down one moment all is peace and safety in the next moment all hell breaks loose but i'm so grateful for the fact that jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forevermore that is why when life happens you can stand strong in the lord do not allow life's challenges to shake your faith in such an awesome lord stand strong in the lord so that he can fight your battles he has promised that the flood waters will not overtake us and when we go through the fire we will not be burned so we can trust him we can rely on him we can stand strong in the lord it is not easy to stand as we are buffeted by life's challenges our first impulse is to surrender we question god and we ask why me we wonder why others prosper while we are stressed on every side but today i recommend that we stand strong in the lord because it is he who goes before you he will not fail you nor forsake you and that makes him dependable amidst the chaos he who started a good work in us will see it through to the end reach out to him by faith be constant in prayer and watch him move in seemingly impossible ways stand strong in the lord for he has promised that there is no temptation that can overtake you for which he has not already provided a way of escape this means you have guaranteed victory when you stand strong in the lord being able to stand strong in the lord takes practice over time it takes a relationship with christ it takes daily communion with him you have to count your blessings and exude a grateful spirit renew your faith in him and live for him each day forgive others as you want to be forgiven pray to him and testify of his goodness in this way you will fortify your spirit so that when the enemy surrounds you like a flood you will be able to stand strong in the lord i can assure you when you have an established relationship with jesus you will find that it becomes much easier to stand strong in him standing strong in him will become your reflex mode but only if you know and trust him so what are you waiting on start a relationship with him today so that when trouble comes you will be able to stand strong in the lord as we face life's challenges our first impulse might be to surrender or to simply give up and let it be and i understand that sometimes i understand that sometimes you can get to the point of just asking the question god why me why am i not married yet why did i have to be sick why can't i make as much money as they are and while we may be stressed and pressed on every side i'd like to recommend something to you i would like to give you a formula that might help if you find yourself in that situation i would like to encourage you to stand strong in the lord because it is he who goes before you he will not fail you nor forsake you and that makes him so dependable that's what should give you the tenacity to stand strong in faith our lord has a track record that's unmatched one that stood the test of time so despite the chaos despite everyone else getting married despite that job interview coming back as a no keep standing strong in the lord but if there's one thing to come to terms with in life it's the reality that life is unpredictable but here's the thing i am so grateful for the fact that in this ever-changing life we have a never-changing god jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forevermore he doesn't change he healed thousands of years ago on this earth and he still heals today he loved those considered to be unlovable those considered to be outcasts and rejects and he still loves those same people today he spoke the words peace be still and the storm bowed down and i believe he can and will speak those very same words in the middle of your storm today that's why when life happens you can stand strong in the lord don't allow life's challenges to shake your faith in god stand strong in the lord stand and let him fight your battles he has promised that the deep waters won't drown us and when we go through the fire we will not be burnt so whether you're in the lion's den today or facing pharaoh tomorrow stand strong in your deliverer who is jesus we can trust him we can rely on him we can depend learn and stand strong in the lord but i'm not saying it will be easy i'm not saying it won't be tough but with god it's possible he who started a good work in us will see it through to the end reach out to him by faith be constant in prayer be relentless in your faith and watch him move in seemingly impossible ways now this isn't just a quick fix there needs to be some persistence you need some tenacity to stand strong in the lord to stand and believe to stand and wait for what he has promised it's no secret all of us we face struggles we face the struggles of decisions we struggle with the decisions of doing right and wrong we struggle with making good or bad choices decisions of telling the truth or telling a lie at times even the decision to pray now or later or even tomorrow can be a struggle now i don't know about you but sometimes i even struggle with this flesh in other words i have the desire to do what's good yet i still seem to keep coming up short when it comes to living righteously and i'm being real the struggle of sin is real and i wonder if anyone else has ever reached a point whereby you're tired of struggling so tired of falling tired of struggling to do right trying to live right and yet nothing seems to turn out right well the word i'd like to give you is that this struggle is for your good it's for your good because if you think of your faith like it's a muscle how do you build muscle strength how do you build muscle endurance through resistance resistance means struggling and likewise for us as christians to build our strength to build our faith we need to resist the devil we need to go through some struggles we need to fight against the tempting ways of this world and believe me it's a fight it's a fight when your spirit man is saying no but your flesh is saying yes it's a fight when you want and need to be strong but you feel so weak it's a fight to press on when you feel like giving up and i encourage you don't you dare give up luke 10 17 says i have given you authority to trample over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy nothing shall by any means hurt you now you may not be trampling over serpents and scorpions but you can be trampling over weakness trampling over temptations trampling over sinful desires life is truly about choices where are your choices leading you [Music] will you accept that this is a struggle but choose to still believe god for a way out will you still choose to worship to pray yesterday is in the past and yes we struggle with our decisions but we have power over the enemy we've been given power to defeat anything and everything that may tempt us to make the wrong choice and risk our relationship with god and so understand me it's okay to struggle with making the right decisions but remember that although you may struggle ultimately you have the power to overcome and be triumphant [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 12,601
Rating: 4.9763141 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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