THESE PRAYERS ARE FOR VICTORY! Every Evil Plan Will Turn For Your Good

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all things work together for your good romans 8 28 says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose i love that the bible says all things work together thank god it doesn't say all things worked together or all things will work together but the fact that the bible says in the present tense all things work together this gives me great hope this gives me great hope because it means that all things are continually working together for our good as children of god does this not just encourage you and your spirit to know that god is presently working in all situations through all situations he is working it all together for good he is arranging and rearranging all things in your life so that it may be well with you so as believers we ought to be grateful that in every situation it doesn't matter what it is though it may be unpleasant or painful god is shaping everything for your good he is moving aligning connecting you with this person and removing you from that person all so that things will work out for your good so for someone listening at this moment you may be right in the middle of the toughest situation that you have ever faced you may be hurting or you've simply given up the words i'm about to tell you are not my words but they are words from the lord and these words are from romans 8 28 which says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose the amplified translation says and we know with great confidence that god who is deeply concerned about us causes all things to work together as a plan for good for those who love god to those who are called according to his plan and purpose god will cause this hurt that you're feeling he'll cause it to work out for your good good will come out of your situation regardless of how tough or painful it is god will cause this situation which you think may be too much for you he will cause it to work for your good and i am certain that should each of us look closely at our past we will find that there's a situation that should have broken us down but somehow the lord kept you for someone else you know you should not have survived that car accident but somehow the lord kept you and there wasn't even a scratch on you other people have gone through a lot less than what you went through and they lost their minds so be grateful for all that god has done for you he has been faithful to keep you faithful to preserve you and he has pulled you through those tough and trying times and so i want you to be encouraged that all things work they presently work for your good let us pray lord we thank you we give you praise for the promise in your word the promise that tells us that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose lord jesus i declare this over our lives all things work together all things are working together for our good i pray that everything the devil meant for harm you king jesus will turn it into good every trap that the enemy has set may it become a stepping stone for me lord every attack that comes against my family or our families as believers i pray that you would not only block these evil attacks but turn them around for our good we declare that no weapon formed against us as your children will prosper psalm 57 verses 1 through 3 say be merciful to me o god be merciful to me for in you my soul takes refuge in the shadow of your wings i will take refuge till the storms of destruction pass by i cry out to most high god to god who fulfills his purpose for me he will send from heaven and save me he will put to shame him who tramples on me god will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness you are not only a merciful god but you are a faithful god faithful to protect us in the day of trouble you are faithful to be our refuge during trying times you are faithful to answer us whenever we call for help and so our faith it is in you king jesus you are the anchor to our souls you are the one who makes us to lie down in green pastures you king jesus prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies meaning that we may have enemies enemies who plot and scheme against us but they will have no power over us in jesus name the devil and his demons they will have no power over us they will not cause damage or destruction not in our homes or in our lives in jesus name lord we declare psalm 91 verse 7 a thousand may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you it's because of your goodness that we can hold on to this word although this world may be hostile to us as children of god we succeed because your favor goes before us although this world may persecute us we will rejoice because the joy of the lord is our strength and so hear our prayer lord may you turn everything that is painful in our lives to work out for our good may you turn the bad into blessings the lack into abundance restore unto us everything that the enemy has stolen god your word in deuteronomy 30 verses 2 and 3 it says and return to the lord your god you and your children and obey his voice and all that i command you today with all your heart and with all your soul then the lord your god will restore your fortunes and have mercy on you and he will gather you again from all the peoples where the lord your god has scattered you we hold on to this word help us to be obedient to you to be obedient to your voice in jesus name i pray amen lord jesus thank you for being there for me always thank you for being the only one i can count on you've blessed me in my good days and you've been a friend to me during my bad days thank you for being my anchor each time that i've felt as though life is spinning out of control thank you for being there lord each time i've fallen it's by your grace that i've been able to get back up it's by your mercy and love that i've found the strength to rise again each time i've fallen [Music] your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever father there are days where i i feel strong strong in faith strong in prayer but i also go through days where i struggled to believe where i struggled to pray father during those days i pray that the holy spirit would be my strength may he strengthen me may he help me to fight through those difficult days i desire to be consistent consistent in my prayer life consistent in my faith consistent in my daily pursuit of you law [Music] i pray that i would be so fixed on you jesus that i would have no desire to pursue the things of this world i refuse to be attracted or enticed by the lust of the flesh or the lusts of this world [Music] lord help me to keep my desires away from anything ungodly and everything corrupt in this world in the name of jesus i pray that my mind would always be focused on heavenly things rather than anything here on this earth i pray that the way i live my life lord would be pleasing to you may i be a person of integrity who lives their life with the fear of the lord yes you have given me free will but may your will be placed above mine i pray that the holy spirit will be the one to guide me to speak to me and to convict and challenge me lord you have given me the freedom to choose how i want to live my life and i choose to live under the governance of the word of god i choose to live and walk on the narrow road that leads to eternal life i choose to live a life that is led by the fear of god a life that is led by faith instead of fear i choose to live a life that glorifies you a life that is indicative of someone who has been radically transformed by the saving power of jesus christ father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god be glorified now and always in jesus name i pray amen the bible in romans chapter 8 verse 28 says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose now i am sure that each of us as we've gone through certain things in life as we faced difficulties and challenges i am sure that at one point or another every one of us has tried to figure out how this situation we're in will work out for our good and the thing is as humans we want to know all of the details we want to know how god will make a way we want to know exactly how god will make a way where there seems to be no way we tend to be so focused on details now the bible in psalm chapter 34 verse 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all and we can read this verse we can recite this verse but once we are in the middle of an affliction we want to know exactly how god will deliver us at precisely what time will he come to my rescue as people we often want all of the answers however i would like to encourage you and tell you that god is sovereign meaning that he possesses supreme and ultimate power and because he possesses all authority all power and knowledge this means that our part is not to question the lord we are not to demand answers or feel as though we are on the same level with god so that he has to explain himself that's not the case our part as believers is to have faith and having faith means we believe that god means what he says and he says what he means if he says all things work together for my good then my part is not to ask how but it's to simply trust that god honors his word if the word of god tells me that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all then my part is to hold on by faith to this promise with the eyes of faith you can see the hand of god the goodness of god in every situation regardless of how painful through faith you begin to consider if you've been placed in this set of circumstances for a specific reason or for a specific purpose a purpose such as unlocking a stronger desire for prayer in your life a purpose such as awakening a hunger for righteousness and holiness like never before or perhaps the purpose of such a test is to expose the gifts and the calling that lays dormant inside of you too often because we're focusing on the negative we don't see the positive in a situation and we don't see what god is trying to do [Music] could it be that the reason for this difficulty you're facing is god wanting to reveal to you how real he is perhaps this is a test where god simply wants to demonstrate that he is jehovah jireh your provider or perhaps he wants to demonstrate his strength and kindness to you whatever the purpose of this trial you're in i encourage you to do your part your part is to believe it's to hold on in faith and look to jesus now let us pray heavenly father i bow down before you and i acknowledge you to be the great i am you king jesus can still perform miracles on this earth today i pray that the holy spirit would teach us how to change our perspective help us to learn how to walk by faith and not by sight open our spiritual eyes and change the way that we see things remove the scales from our eyes and give us a renewed mind fill us with the holy spirit fill us with boldness and courage lord help us to be believers who stop asking when will things turn around for my good but instead may we be a people who wait faithfully on you lord may we be the type of believers who ask what you want me to learn in this storm and during tough situations help us to remember that although the afflictions of the righteous are many you are a god who delivers us out of them all so instead of speaking about the negative instead of focusing on the negative give us a mind that meditates on the good things that are promised in the bible give us a mind that holds on to your promises promises such as psalm 34 verse 17 which says when the righteous cry for help the lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles we praise you lord jesus because in this fight you are in our corner you are fighting the battle for us i declare your promise in exodus 14 verse 14 which says the lord will fight for you and you have only to be silent lord jesus you are all powerful and we can safely declare that he who is in me is greater than he who is in the world our hearts do safely trust in you and as we call out the name of jesus christ to intervene we stand on your word in nahum chapter 1 verse 7 which says the lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble he knows those who take refuge in him you are indeed a stronghold in the day of trouble and my prayer today in agreement with everyone listening is that your holy power would change and transform our carnal mindsets would you shift our perspective lord activate and unlock a higher level of faith in us lord jesus we give you all of the glory let this storm become a testimony and a demonstration of your saving grace lord we declare that as sons and daughters of the most high god we are overcomers in you lord jesus we are more than conquerors our physical eyes might not see it yet but i pray that you would activate our spiritual eyes our eyes of faith so that we can see your hand leading us protecting us and shielding us from evil father i know that there is power in the blood of jesus christ there is enough power to remove every barrier and obstacle before us and for that we praise you lord i ask that you continue to work in our lives continue to order our steps into a greater level of maturity as believers may the holy spirit continue to work within us to teach us that before we go anywhere else searching for solutions before we look elsewhere for answers in jesus we have all that we need in jesus we have all the answers that we could ever need in jesus we have the power to move mountains we have a god who performs miracles a god who can make a way where there seems to be no way the god of the impossible is our lord i bless your precious name i thank you for listening to this prayer in the mighty and matchless name of jesus christ i pray amen lord jesus i praise you and i worship you father help us to grow help us to grow as believers and even as we live in this sin-filled world we recognize that we need wisdom and knowledge in order to navigate our way through this world let our goal be to become mature and fruitful believers lord i pray and ask that the holy spirit would be our helper and teach us so that we may grow spiritually we need you holy spirit we need you to help us to grow and to work out our salvation with fear and trembling we need you holy spirit to help us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ [Music] lord help us to reach a level of spiritual maturity that pleases you [Music] a level where i understand that although i may fall short as a child of god the lord has made resources available to me so that i can get up time and time again and fight to live a righteous life help us to understand that although we may go through certain things which are unpleasant there is a purpose to all things that god allows into our lives colossians chapter 1 verse 9 to 10 says and so from the day we heard we have not ceased to pray for you asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so as to walk in a manner worthy of the lord fully pleasing him bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of god fill us with the knowledge of your will lord jesus fill us with spiritual wisdom and understanding so that we may walk in a manner a manner that displays a godly character full of integrity and humility may the holy spirit teach us how to love the lord with all of our hearts minds and souls holy spirit help us to become mature believers who are dedicated to growing their relationship with god give us an intense hunger and passion to feed our spirit and our faith on a daily basis [Music] help us to grow and move forward in faith help us to keep growing in love and to keep chasing after a higher level of maturity in christ the bible tells us to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling it tells us to run the race and to fight the good fight of faith and so i pray lord jesus that you would help us to constantly advance in salvation to grow in salvation help us to put our flesh under subjection [Music] help us lord to pick up our crosses and to follow you faithfully king jesus we rely on you we need to be strengthened by you help us day by day so that we can resist the devil so that we can resist temptation lord as we grow and mature help us teach us how to forgive and turn the other cheek help us to love those who don't love us to show mercy and kindness to those that persecute us [Music] i pray that you would work in our hearts day by day lord jesus thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] what do you do when life hits you with the unexpected when life hits you hard and catches you on your blind side if there is one thing that you should know and expect it's that the reality of life can sometimes be earth-shattering and harsh and perhaps you may not be able to turn your situation around immediately but i pray that my words today will plant seeds of faith in your spirit don't be discouraged by what you see don't be discouraged by what you hear your life is in god's hands and that's something you should actually tell yourself every once in a while my life is in god's hands your health may not be where you want it to be but i encourage you to do all that you can and then ask god to meet you halfway your dream may seem like it's no longer possible but i encourage you to continue pursuing god whether or not you become a doctor whether or not you become an attorney or a pilot don't remove god from his throne in your life all because you're disappointed god is bigger than that which comes against you and if the fight intensifies and your own thoughts become negative and they start telling you that this situation is permanent that this result is permanent don't be discouraged even though it looks hopeless the word of god says joy comes in the morning it says to everything there is a season so this too shall pass don't be moved by what you see with your natural eye but rely on the word of god that you know the word says that god is good he's a stronghold in the day of trouble focus on that instead of what's disappointing you the word says you are my hiding place and my shield it says i will look to the lord i will wait for the god of my salvation and my god will hear me your life is in god's hands your future is in god's hands if life hits you hard and you fall wouldn't it be better to fall into the loving arms of jesus christ than anywhere else so don't be defined by a diagnosis don't be defined by the numbers in your bank account i've had to talk to myself and remind myself that i have a creator who has a plan and god's plan will still prevail god's will will still be done he has ordered my steps and so i am not alone my beginning and my end is known by him my highs and my lows are known by him and i walk by faith and not by sight believing that the lord has numbered my good days to exceed my bad days so get to the point where you are content and at peace to say lord my life is in your hands you have said be anxious for nothing you've said that you know the number of hairs on my head and so i surrender and yield to your will now let us pray lord jesus thank you for your grace and your protection thank you because your grace surrounds me each and every day help me holy spirit so that i would not harden my heart but help me to believe help me to believe fully and without reservation i want to believe in all the promises of god help me to fearlessly believe exodus 14 verse 14. it says that the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace lord i adore you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to you my father lord i pray that you would increase my faith i pray that you would help me to overcome unbelief help me to crush any doubtful thoughts that try and reason with probabilities or statistics help me lord to walk by faith and not by sight because as i do so as i walk by faith i know that there is no statistic that matters there is no probability that matters the only thing that does matter is you king jesus lord your word says in mark 11 verses 22 to 24 have faith in god truly i say to you whoever says to this mountain be taken up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass it will be done for him therefore i tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours lord help me to be confident in that word help me jesus and give me the grace to be able to have fearless faith a faith that is constant so that regardless of what the situation is i can remain rooted and firm in my belief in you should the test be a storm lord give me the faith to believe that you can calm the seas in my life should my test be a mountain give me the faith to believe that you my king can level that mountain should my test even be a goliath lord give me the faith to believe that your power will defeat every giant your word says in deuteronomy 10 verse 12 and now israel what does the lord your god require of you but to fear the lord your god to walk in all his ways to love him to serve the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul father help me so that i may not have any fear in this world but rather may i only fear you my god i pray that i may walk in your ways help me to not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor to stand in the way of sinners nor to sit in the seat of the scornful strengthen my faith lord renew my faith re-energize my faith in this moment i pray for strong faith so that i may stand up for jesus christ and testify how he turned my morning into dancing give me strong faith lord so that i may stand on your word in a world that is lost in a world that aims to discourage and drain hope be with me holy spirit as i seek to stand up in faith and lift the royal banner of the soon-coming king i pray for the faith that will enable me to live out the authority that i have been given in luke 10 verse 19 which says behold i have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you give me the faith lord jesus to walk in this authority as an ambassador of the most high i bless your name in jesus name i pray [Music] amen [Music] all things work together for your good [Music] romans 8 28 says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose i love that the bible says all things work together thank god it doesn't say all things worked together or all things will work together but the fact that the bible says in the present tense all things work together this gives me great hope this gives me great hope because it means that all things are continually working together for our good as children of god does this not just encourage you in your spirit to know that god is presently working in all situations through all situations he is working it all together for good he is arranging and rearranging all things in your life so that it may be well with you so as believers we ought to be grateful that in every situation it doesn't matter what it is though it may be unpleasant or painful god is shaping everything for your good he is moving aligning connecting you with this person and removing you from that person all so that things will work out for your good so for someone listening at this moment you may be right in the middle of the toughest situation that you have ever faced you may be hurting or you've simply given up the words i am about to tell you are not my words but they are words from the lord and these words are from romans 8 28 which says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose [Music] the amplified translation says and we know with great confidence that god who is deeply concerned about us causes all things to work together as a plan for good for those who love god to those who are called according to his plan and purpose god will cause this hurt that you're feeling he'll cause it to work out for your good good will come out of your situation regardless of how tough or painful it is god will cause this situation which you think may be too much for you he will cause it to work for your good and i am certain that should each of us look closely at our past we will find that there's a situation that should have broken us down but somehow the lord kept you for someone else you know you should not have survived that car accident but somehow the lord kept you and there wasn't even a scratch on you other people have gone through a lot less than what you went through and they lost their minds so be grateful for all that god has done for you he has been faithful to keep you faithful to preserve you and he has pulled you through those tough and trying times and so i want you to be encouraged that all things work they presently work for your good [Music] let us pray [Music] lord we thank you we give you praise for the promise in your word the promise that tells us that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose lord jesus i declare this over our lives all things work together all things are working together for our good i pray that everything the devil meant for harm you king jesus will turn it into good every trap that the enemy has set may it become a stepping stone for me lord every attack that comes against my family or our families as believers i pray that you would not only block these evil attacks but turn them around for our good we declare that no weapon formed against us as your children will prosper psalm 57 verses 1 through 3 say be merciful to me oh god be merciful to me for in you my soul takes refuge in the shadow of your wings i will take refuge till the storms of destruction pass by i cry out to most high god to god who fulfills his purpose for me he will send from heaven and save me he will put to shame him who tramples on me god will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness you are not only a merciful god but you are a faithful god faithful to protect us in the day of trouble you are faithful to be our refuge during trying times you are faithful to answer us whenever we call for help and so our faith it is in you king jesus you are the anchor to our souls you are the one who makes us to lie down in green pastures you king jesus prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies meaning that we may have enemies who plot and scheme against us but they will have no power over us in jesus name the devil and his demons they will have no power over us they will not cause damage or destruction not in our homes or in our lives in jesus name lord we declare psalm 91 verse 7 a thousand may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you it's because of your goodness that we can hold on to this word although this world may be hostile to us as children of god we succeed because your favor goes before us although this world may persecute us we will rejoice because the joy of the lord is our strength and so hear our prayer lord may you turn everything that is painful in our lives to work out for our good may you turn the bad into blessings the lack into abundance restore unto us everything that the enemy has stolen god your word in deuteronomy 30 verses 2 and 3 it says and return to the lord your god you and your children and obey his voice and all that i command you today with all your heart and with all your soul then the lord your god will restore your fortunes and have mercy on you and he will gather you again from all the peoples where the lord your god has scattered you we hold on to this word help us to be obedient to you to be obedient to your voice in jesus name i pray amen lord jesus thank you for being there for me always [Music] thank you for being the only one i can count on you've blessed me in my good days and you've been a friend to me during my bad days thank you for being my anchor each time that i've felt as though life is spinning out of control thank you for being there lord each time i've fallen it's by your grace that i've been able to get back up it's by your mercy and love that i've found the strength to rise again each time i've fallen your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever father there are days where i i feel strong strong in faith strong in prayer but i also go through days where i struggle to believe where i struggle to pray father during those days i pray that the holy spirit would be my strength may he strengthen me may he help me to fight through those difficult dates i desire to be consistent consistent in my prayer life consistent in my faith consistent in my daily pursuit of you lord i pray that i would be so fixed on you jesus that i would have no desire to pursue the things of this world i refuse to be attracted or enticed by the lust of the flesh or the lusts of this world lord help me to keep my desires away from anything ungodly and everything corrupt in this world in the name of jesus i pray that my mind would always be focused on heavenly things rather than anything here on this earth i pray that the way i live my life lord would be pleasing to you may i be a person of integrity who lives their life with the fear of the law yes you have given me free will but may your will be placed above mine i pray that the holy spirit will be the one to guide me to speak to me and to convict and challenge me lord you have given me the freedom to choose how i want to live my life and i choose to live under the governance of the word of god i choose to live and walk on the narrow road that leads to eternal life i choose to live a life that is led by the fear of god a life that is led by faith instead of fear i choose to live a life that glorifies you a life that is indicative of someone who has been radically transformed by the saving power of jesus christ [Music] father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god [Music] be glorified now and always in jesus name i pray amen the bible in romans chapter 8 verse 28 says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose now i am sure that each of us as we've gone through certain things in life as we faced difficulties and challenges i am sure that at one point or another every one of us has tried to figure out how this situation we're in will work out for our good and the thing is as humans we want to know all of the details we want to know how god will make a way we want to know exactly how god will make a way where there seems to be no way we tend to be so focused on details now the bible in psalm chapter 34 verse 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all and we can read this verse we can recite this verse but once we are in the middle of an affliction we want to know exactly how god will deliver us at precisely what time will he come to my rescue as people we often want all of the answers however i would like to encourage you and tell you that god is sovereign meaning that he possesses supreme and ultimate power and because he possesses all authority all power and knowledge this means that our part is not to question the lord [Music] we are not to demand answers or feel as though we are on the same level with god so that he has to explain himself that's not the case our part as believers is to have faith and having faith means we believe that god means what he says and he says what he means if he says all things work together for my good then my part is not to ask how but it's to simply trust that god honors his word if the word of god tells me that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all then my part is to hold on by faith to this promise [Music] with the eyes of faith you can see the hand of god the goodness of god in every situation regardless of how painful through faith you begin to consider if you've been placed in this set of circumstances for a specific reason or for a specific purpose a purpose such as unlocking a stronger desire for prayer in your life a purpose such as awakening a hunger for righteousness and holiness like never before or perhaps the purpose of such a test is to expose the gifts and the calling that lays dormant inside of you too often because we're focusing on the negative we don't see the positive in a situation and we don't see what god is trying to do could it be that the reason for this difficulty you're facing is god wanting to reveal to you how real he is perhaps this is a test where god simply wants to demonstrate that he is jehovah jireh your provider or perhaps he wants to demonstrate his strength and kindness to you [Music] whatever the purpose of this trial you're in i encourage you to do your part your part is to believe it's to hold on in faith and look to jesus now let us pray heavenly father i bow down before you and i acknowledge you to be the great i am you king jesus can still perform miracles on this earth today i pray that the holy spirit would teach us how to change our perspective help us to learn how to walk by faith and not by sight open our spiritual eyes and change the way that we see things remove the scales from our eyes and give us a renewed mind fill us with the holy spirit fill us with boldness and courage lord help us to be believers who stop asking when will things turn around for my good but instead may we be a people who wait faithfully on you lord may we be the type of believers who ask what you want me to learn in this storm and during tough situations help us to remember that although the afflictions of the righteous are many you are a god who delivers us out of them all so instead of speaking about the negative instead of focusing on the negative give us a mind that meditates on the good things that are promised in the bible give us a mind that holds on to your promises promises such as psalm 34 verse 17 which says when the righteous cry for help the lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles we praise you lord jesus because in this fight you are in our corner you are fighting the battle for us i declare your promise in exodus 14 verse 14 which says the lord will fight for you and you have only to be silent lord jesus you are all powerful and we can safely declare that he who is in me is greater than he who is in the world our hearts do safely trust in you and as we call out the name of jesus christ to intervene we stand on your word in nahum chapter 1 verse 7 which says the lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble he knows those who take refuge in him you are indeed a stronghold in the day of trouble and my prayer today in agreement with everyone listening is that your holy power would change and transform our carnal mindsets would you shift our perspective lord activate and unlock a higher level of faith in us lord jesus we give you all of the glory let this storm become a testimony and a demonstration of your saving grace lord we declare that as sons and daughters of the most high god we are overcomers in you lord jesus we are more than conquerors our physical eyes might not see it yet but i pray that you would activate our spiritual eyes our eyes of faith so that we can see your hand leading us protecting us and shielding us from evil father i know that there is power in the blood of jesus christ there is enough power to remove every barrier and obstacle before us and for that we praise you lord i ask that you continue to work in our lives continue to order our steps into a greater level of maturity as believers may the holy spirit continue to work within us to teach us that before we go anywhere else searching for solutions before we look elsewhere for answers in jesus we have all that we need in jesus we have all the answers that we could ever need in jesus we have the power to move mountains we have a god who performs miracles a god who can make a way where there seems to be no way the god of the impossible is our lord i bless your precious name i thank you for listening to this prayer in the mighty and matchless name of jesus christ i pray amen lord jesus i praise you and i worship you father help us to grow help us to grow as believers and even as we live in this sin-filled world we recognize that we need wisdom and knowledge in order to navigate our way through this world let our goal be to become mature and fruitful believers lord i pray and ask that the holy spirit would be our helper and teach us so that we may grow spiritually we need you holy spirit we need you to help us to grow and to work out our salvation with fear and trembling we need you holy spirit to help us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ lord help us to reach a level of spiritual maturity that pleases you a level where i understand that although i may fall short as a child of god the lord has made resources available to me so that i can get up time and time again and fight to live a righteous life help us to understand that although we may go through certain things which are unpleasant there is a purpose to all things that god allows into our lives colossians chapter 1 verse 9 to 10 says and so from the day we heard we have not ceased to pray for you asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so as to walk in a manner worthy of the lord fully pleasing him bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of god fill us with the knowledge of your will lord jesus fill us with spiritual wisdom and understanding so that we may walk in a manner a manner that displays a godly character full of integrity and humility may the holy spirit teach us how to love the lord with all of our hearts minds and souls [Music] holy spirit help us to become mature believers who are dedicated to growing their relationship with god give us an intense hunger and passion to feed our spirit and our faith on a daily basis [Music] help us to grow and move forward in faith help us to keep growing in love and to keep chasing after a higher level of maturity in christ [Music] the bible tells us to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling it tells us to run the race and to fight the good fight of faith and so i pray lord jesus that you would help us to constantly advance in salvation to grow in salvation help us to put our flesh under subjection help us lord to pick up our crosses and to follow you faithfully king jesus we rely on you we need to be strengthened by you help us day by day so that we can resist the devil so that we can resist temptation lord as we grow and mature help us teach us how to forgive and turn the other cheek help us to love those who don't love us to show mercy and kindness to those that persecute us i pray that you would work in our hearts day by day lord jesus thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen what do you do when life hits you with the unexpected when life hits you hard and catches you on your blind side if there is one thing that you should know and expect it's that the reality of life can sometimes be earth-shattering and harsh and perhaps you may not be able to turn your situation around immediately but i pray that my words today will plant seeds of faith in your spirit don't be discouraged by what you see don't be discouraged by what you hear your life is in god's hands and that's something you should actually tell yourself every once in a while my life is in god's hands your health may not be where you want it to be but i encourage you to do all that you can and then ask god to meet you halfway your dream may seem like it's no longer possible but i encourage you to continue pursuing god whether or not you become a doctor whether or not you become an attorney or a pilot don't remove god from his throne in your life all because you're disappointed god is bigger than that which comes against you and if the fight intensifies and your own thoughts become negative and they start telling you that this situation is permanent that this result is permanent don't be discouraged even though it looks hopeless the word of god says joy comes in the morning it says to everything there is a season so this too shall pass don't be moved by what you see with your natural eye but rely on the word of god that you know the word says that god is good he's a stronghold in the day of trouble focus on that instead of what's disappointing you the word says you are my hiding place and my shield it says i will look to the lord i will wait for the god of my salvation and my god will hear me your life is in god's hands your future is in god's hands if life hits you hard and you fall wouldn't it be better to fall into the loving arms of jesus christ than anywhere else so don't be defined by a diagnosis don't be defined by the numbers in your bank account i've had to talk to myself and remind myself that i have a creator who has a plan and god's plan will still prevail god's will will still be done he has ordered my steps and so i am not alone my beginning and my end is known by him my highs and my lows are known by him and i walk by faith and not by sight believing that the lord has numbered my good days to exceed my bad days so get to the point where you are content and at peace to say lord my life is in your hands you have said be anxious for nothing you've said that you know the number of hairs on my head and so i surrender and yield to your will now let us pray lord jesus thank you for your grace and your protection thank you because your grace surrounds me each and every day help me holy spirit so that i would not harden my heart but help me to believe help me to believe fully and without reservation i want to believe in all the promises of god help me to fearlessly believe exodus 14 verse 14. it says that the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace lord i adore you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to you my father lord i pray that you would increase my faith i pray that you would help me to overcome unbelief help me to crush any doubtful thoughts that try and reason with probabilities or statistics help me lord to walk by faith and not by sight because as i do so as i walk by faith i know that there is no statistic that matters there is no probability that matters the only thing that does matter is you king jesus lord your word says in mark 11 verses 22 to 24 have faith in god truly i say to you whoever says to this mountain be taken up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass it will be done for him therefore i tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours lord help me to be confident in that word help me jesus and give me the grace to be able to have fearless faith a faith that is constant so that regardless of what the situation is i can remain rooted and firm in my belief in you should the test be a storm lord give me the faith to believe that you can calm the seas in my life should my test be a mountain give me the faith to believe that you my king can level that mountain should my test even be a goliath lord give me the faith to believe that your power will defeat every giant your word says in deuteronomy 10 verse 12 and now israel what does the lord your god require of you but to fear the lord your god to walk in all his ways to love him to serve the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul father help me so that i may not have any fear in this world but rather may i only fear you my god i pray that i may walk in your ways help me to not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor to stand in the way of sinners nor to sit in the seat of the scornful strengthen my faith lord renew my faith re-energize my faith in this moment i pray for strong faith so that i may stand up for jesus christ and testify how he turned my mourning into dancing give me strong faith lord so that i may stand on your word in a world that is lost in a world that aims to discourage and drain hope be with me holy spirit as i seek to stand up in faith and lift the royal banner of the soon-coming king i pray for the faith that will enable me to live out the authority that i have been given in luke 10 verse 19 which says behold i have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you give me the faith lord jesus to walk in this authority as an ambassador of the most high i bless your name in jesus name i pray amen all things work together for your good romans 8 28 says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose i love that the bible says all things work together thank god it doesn't say all things worked together or all things will work together but the fact that the bible says in the present tense all things work together this gives me great hope this gives me great hope because it means that all things are continually working together for our good as children of god does this not just encourage you and your spirit to know that god is presently working in all situations through all situations he is working it all together for good he is arranging and rearranging all things in your life so that it may be well with you so as believers we ought to be grateful that in every situation it doesn't matter what it is though it may be unpleasant or painful god is shaping everything for your good he is moving aligning connecting you with this person and removing you from that person all so that things will work out for your good so for someone listening at this moment you may be right in the middle of the toughest situation that you have ever faced you may be hurting or you've simply given up the words i'm about to tell you are not my words but they are words from the lord and these words are from romans 8 28 which says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose the amplified translation says and we know with great confidence that god who is deeply concerned about us causes all things to work together as a plan for good for those who love god to those who are called according to his plan and purpose god will cause this hurt that you're feeling he'll cause it to work out for your good good will come out of your situation regardless of how tough or painful it is god will cause this situation which you think may be too much for you he will cause it to work for your good and i am certain that should each of us look closely at our past we will find that there is a situation that should have broken us down but somehow the lord kept you for someone else you know you should not have survived that car accident but somehow the lord kept you and there wasn't even a scratch on you other people have gone through a lot less than what you went through and they lost their minds so be grateful for all that god has done for you he has been faithful to keep you faithful to preserve you and he has pulled you through those tough and trying times and so i want you to be encouraged that all things work they presently work for your good let us pray lord we thank you we give you praise for the promise in your word the promise that tells us that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose lord jesus i declare this over our lives all things work together all things are working together for our good i pray that everything the devil meant for harm you king jesus will turn it into good every trap that the enemy has set may it become a stepping stone for me lord every attack that comes against my family or our families as believers i pray that you would not only block these evil attacks but turn them around for our good we declare that no weapon formed against us as your children will prosper psalm 57 verses 1 through 3 say be merciful to me o god be merciful to me for in you my soul takes refuge in the shadow of your wings i will take refuge till the storms of destruction pass by i cry out to most high god to god who fulfills his purpose for me he will send from heaven and save me he will put to shame him who tramples on me god will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness you are not only a merciful god but you are a faithful god faithful to protect us in the day of trouble you are faithful to be our refuge during trying times you are faithful to answer us whenever we call for help and so our faith it is in you king jesus you are the anchor to our souls you are the one who makes us to lie down in green pastures you king jesus prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies meaning that we may have enemies enemies who plot and scheme against us but they will have no power over us in jesus name the devil and his demons they will have no power over us they will not cause damage or destruction not in our homes or in our lives in jesus name lord we declare psalm 91 verse 7 a thousand may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you it's because of your goodness that we can hold on to this word although this world may be hostile to us as children of god we succeed because your favor goes before us although this world may persecute us we will rejoice because the joy of the lord is our strength and so hear our prayer lord may you turn everything that is painful in our lives to work out for our good may you turn the bad into blessings the lack into abundance restore unto us everything that the enemy has stolen god your word in deuteronomy 30 verses 2 and it says and return to the lord your god you and your children and obey his voice and all that i command you today with all your heart and with all your soul then the lord your god will restore your fortunes and have mercy on you and he will gather you again from all the peoples where the lord your god has scattered you we hold on to this word help us to be obedient to you to be obedient to your voice in jesus name i pray amen lord jesus thank you for being there for me always thank you for being the only one i can count on you've blessed me in my good days and you've been a friend to me during my bad days thank you for being my anchor each time that i've felt as though life is spinning out of control thank you for being there lord each time i've fallen it's by your grace that i've been able to get back up it's by your mercy and love that i found the strength to rise again each time i've fallen your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you [Music] you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever father there are days where i i feel strong strong in faith strong in prayer but i also go through days where i struggled to believe where i struggled to pray father during those days i pray that the holy spirit would be my strength may he strengthen me may he help me to fight through those difficult days i desire to be consistent consistent in my prayer life consistent in my faith consistent in my daily pursuit of you law i pray that i would be so fixed on you jesus that i would have no desire to pursue the things of this world i refuse to be attracted or enticed by the lust of the flesh or the lusts of this world [Music] lord help me to keep my desires away from anything ungodly and everything corrupt in this world in the name of jesus i pray that my mind would always be focused on heavenly things rather than anything here on this earth i pray that the way i live my life lord would be pleasing to you may i be a person of integrity who lives their life with the fear of the lord yes you have given me free will but may your will be placed above mine [Music] i pray that the holy spirit will be the one to guide me to speak to me and to convict and challenge me lord you have given me the freedom to choose how i want to live my life and i choose to live under the governance of the word of god i choose to live and walk on the narrow road that leads to eternal life i choose to live a life that is led by the fear of god a life that is led by faith instead of fear i choose to live a life that glorifies you a life that is indicative of someone who has been radically transformed by the saving power of jesus christ father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god be glorified now and always in jesus name i pray amen the bible in romans chapter 8 verse 28 says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose now i am sure that each of us as we've gone through certain things in life as we faced difficulties and challenges i am sure that at one point or another every one of us has tried to figure out how this situation we're in will work out for our good and the thing is as humans we want to know all of the details we want to know how god will make a way we want to know exactly how god will make a way where there seems to be no way we tend to be so focused on details now the bible in psalm chapter 34 verse 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all and we can read this verse we can recite this verse but once we are in the middle of an affliction we want to know exactly how god will deliver us at precisely what time will he come to my rescue as people we often want all of the answers however i would like to encourage you and tell you that god is sovereign meaning that he possesses supreme and ultimate power and because he possesses all authority all power and knowledge this means that our part is not to question the lord we are not to demand answers or feel as though we are on the same level with god so that he has to explain himself that's not the case our part as believers is to have faith and having faith means we believe that god means what he says and he says what he means if he says all things work together for my good then my part is not to ask how but it's to simply trust that god honors his word if the word of god tells me that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all then my part is to hold on by faith to this promise [Music] with the eyes of faith you can see the hand of god the goodness of god in every situation regardless of how painful through faith you begin to consider if you've been placed in this set of circumstances for a specific reason or for a specific purpose a purpose such as unlocking a stronger desire for prayer in your life a purpose such as awakening a hunger for righteousness and holiness like never before or perhaps the purpose of such a test is to expose the gifts and the calling that lays dormant inside of you too often because we're focusing on the negative we don't see the positive in a situation and we don't see what god is trying to do could it be that the reason for this difficulty you're facing is god wanting to reveal to you how real he is [Music] perhaps this is a test where god simply wants to demonstrate that he is jehovah jireh your provider or perhaps he wants to demonstrate his strength and kindness to you whatever the purpose of this trial you're in i encourage you to do your part your part is to believe it's to hold on in faith and look to jesus now let us pray heavenly father i bow down before you and i acknowledge you to be the great i am you king jesus can still perform miracles on this earth today i pray that the holy spirit would teach us how to change our perspective help us to learn how to walk by faith and not by sight open our spiritual eyes and change the way that we see things remove the scales from our eyes and give us a renewed mind fill us with the holy spirit fill us with boldness and courage lord help us to be believers who stop asking when will things turn around for my good but instead may we be a people who wait faithfully on you lord may we be the type of believers who ask what you want me to learn in this storm [Music] and during tough situations help us to remember that although the afflictions of the righteous are many you are a god who delivers us out of them all so instead of speaking about the negative instead of focusing on the negative give us a mind that meditates on the good things that are promised in the bible give us a mind that holds on to your promises promises such as psalm 34 verse 17 which says when the righteous cry for help the lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles we praise you lord jesus because in this fight you are in our corner you are fighting the battle for us i declare your promise in exodus 14 verse 14 which says the lord will fight for you and you have only to be silent jesus you are all powerful and we can safely declare that he who is in me is greater than he who is in the world our hearts do safely trust in you and as we call out the name of jesus christ to intervene we stand on your word in nahum chapter 1 verse 7 which says the lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble he knows those who take refuge in him you are indeed a stronghold in the day of trouble and my prayer today in agreement with everyone listening is that your holy power would change and transform our carnal mindsets would you shift our perspective lord activate and unlock a higher level of faith in us lord jesus we give you all of the glory let this storm become a testimony and a demonstration of your saving grace lord we declare that as sons and daughters of the most high god we are overcomers in you lord jesus we are more than conquerors our physical eyes might not see it yet but i pray that you would activate our spiritual eyes our eyes of faith so that we can see your hand leading us protecting us and shielding us from evil father i know that there is power in the blood of jesus christ there is enough power to remove every barrier and obstacle before us and for that we praise you lord i ask that you continue to work in our lives continue to order our steps into a greater level of maturity as believers may the holy spirit continue to work within us to teach us that before we go anywhere else searching for solutions before we look elsewhere for answers in jesus we have all that we need in jesus we have all the answers that we could ever need in jesus we have the power to move mountains we have a god who performs miracles a god who can make a way where there seems to be no way the god of the impossible is our lord i bless your precious name i thank you for listening to this prayer in the mighty and matchless name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] lord jesus i praise you and i worship you father help us to grow help us to grow as believers and even as we live in this sin-filled world we recognize that we need wisdom and knowledge in order to navigate our way through this world let our goal be to become mature and fruitful believers lord i pray and ask that the holy spirit would be our helper and teach us so that we may grow spiritually we need you holy spirit we need you to help us to grow and to work out our salvation with fear and trembling we need you holy spirit to help us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ lord help us to reach a level of spiritual maturity that pleases you a level where i understand that although i may fall short as a child of god the lord has made resources available to me so that i can get up time and time again and fight to live a righteous life help us to understand that although we may go through certain things which are unpleasant there is a purpose to all things that god allows into our lives colossians chapter 1 verse 9 to 10 says and so from the day we heard we have not ceased to pray for you asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so as to walk in a manner worthy of the lord fully pleasing him bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of god fill us with the knowledge of your will lord jesus fill us with spiritual wisdom and understanding so that we may walk in a manner a manner that displays a godly character full of integrity and humility may the holy spirit teach us how to love the lord with all of our hearts minds and souls holy spirit help us to become mature believers who are dedicated to growing their relationship with god give us an intense hunger and passion to feed our spirit and our faith on a daily basis help us to grow and move forward in faith help us to keep growing in love and to keep chasing after a higher level of maturity in christ the bible tells us to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling it tells us to run the race and to fight the good fight of faith and so i pray lord jesus that you would help us to constantly advance in salvation to grow in salvation help us to put our flesh under subjection help us lord to pick up our crosses and to follow you faithfully [Music] king jesus we rely on you we need to be strengthened by you help us day by day so that we can resist the devil so that we can resist temptation lord as we grow and mature help us teach us how to forgive and turn the other cheek help us to love those who don't love us to show mercy and kindness to those that persecute us i pray that you would work in our hearts day by day lord jesus [Music] thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen what do you do when life hits you with the unexpected when life hits you hard and catches you on your blind side [Music] if there is one thing that you should know and expect it's that the reality of life can sometimes be earth-shattering and harsh and perhaps you may not be able to turn your situation around immediately but i pray that my words today will plant seeds of faith in your spirit don't be discouraged by what you see don't be discouraged by what you hear your life is in god's hands and that's something you should actually tell yourself every once in a while my life is in god's hands your health may not be where you want it to be but i encourage you to do all that you can and then ask god to meet you halfway your dream may seem like it's no longer possible but i encourage you to continue pursuing god whether or not you become a doctor whether or not you become an attorney or a pilot don't remove god from his throne in your life all because you're disappointed god is bigger than that which comes against you and if the fight intensifies and your own thoughts become negative and they start telling you that this situation is permanent that this result is permanent don't be discouraged even though it looks hopeless the word of god says joy comes in the morning it says to everything there is a season so this too shall pass don't be moved by what you see with your natural eye but rely on the word of god that you know the word says that god is good he's a stronghold in the day of trouble focus on that instead of what's disappointing you the word says you are my hiding place and my shield it says i will look to the lord i will wait for the god of my salvation and my god will hear me your life is in god's hands your future is in god's hands if life hits you hard and you fall wouldn't it be better to fall into the loving arms of jesus christ than anywhere else so don't be defined by a diagnosis don't be defined by the numbers in your bank account i've had to talk to myself and remind myself that i have a creator who has a plan and god's plan will still prevail god's will will still be done he has ordered my steps and so i am not alone my beginning and my end is known by him my highs and my lows are known by him and i walk by faith and not by sight believing that the lord has numbered my good days to exceed my bad days so get to the point where you are content and at peace to say lord my life is in your hands you have said be anxious for nothing you've said that you know the number of hairs on my head and so i surrender and yield to your will now let us pray lord jesus thank you for your grace and your protection thank you because your grace surrounds me each and every day help me holy spirit so that i would not harden my heart but help me to believe help me to believe fully and without reservation i want to believe in all the promises of god help me to fearlessly believe exodus 14 verse it says that the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace lord i adore you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to you my father lord i pray that you would increase my faith i pray that you would help me to overcome unbelief help me to crush any doubtful thoughts that try and reason with probabilities or statistics help me lord to walk by faith and not by sight because as i do so as i walk by faith i know that there is no statistic that matters there is no probability that matters the only thing that does matter is you king jesus lord your word says in mark 11 verses 22 to 24 have faith in god truly i say to you whoever says to this mountain be taken up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass it will be done for him therefore i tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours lord help me to be confident in that word help me jesus and give me the grace to be able to have fearless faith a faith that is constant so that regardless of what the situation is i can remain rooted and firm in my belief in you should the test be a storm lord give me the faith to believe that you can calm the seas in my life should my test be a mountain give me the faith to believe that you my king can level that mountain should my test even be a goliath lord give me the faith to believe that your power will defeat every giant your word says in deuteronomy 10 verse 12 and now israel what does the lord your god require of you but to fear the lord your god to walk in all his ways to love him to serve the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul father help me so that i may not have any fear in this world but rather may i only fear you my god i pray that i may walk in your ways help me to not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor to stand in the way of sinners nor to sit in the seat of the scornful strengthen my faith lord renew my faith re-energize my faith in this moment i pray for strong faith so that i may stand up for jesus christ and testify how he turned my morning into dancing give me strong faith lord so that i may stand on your word in a world that is lost in a world that aims to discourage and drain hope be with me holy spirit as i seek to stand up in faith and lift the royal banner of the soon-coming king i pray for the faith that will enable me to live out the authority that i have been given in luke 10 verse 19 which says behold i have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you give me the faith lord jesus to walk in this authority as an ambassador of the most high [Music] i bless your name in jesus name i pray amen [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 2,614,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Id: g2fJ-ZiRXts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 5sec (7025 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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