The Revelation Of Isaiah The Prophet Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes

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isaiah 54 17 no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the lord and their righteousness is of me saith the lord this wonderful promise was made to the children of israel in the old testament but it can also be applied to us god's children no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper isn't that wonderful and reassuring that nothing the devil throws at you will accomplish that which it has been sent to do weapons will be forged weapons will be thrown at you but they will not accomplish what they have been formed and created to do in your life the promise didn't say god will not allow weapons to be forged and if we look at israel we will see in their history that weapons were formed against them there were even times when they lost battles barnes notes on the bible says that no weapon formed refers to no instrument of war no sword no spear no instrument of persecution or torture that is made by the smith it doesn't matter what fiery darts satan may hurl against you the result will be the same they shall not prosper that car crashed the enemy forged against you was meant to take your life but it didn't prosper that illness you had to fight and overcome was forged to kill you but it didn't prosper the heartbreak of the enemy forged in your life was supposed to take your life but it didn't you are still standing look at everything you have been through cancer couldn't take you high blood pressure couldn't take you your enemies couldn't take you the witches couldn't curse you and all the demons of hell couldn't get you why because no weapon whether it be physical or spiritual or emotional no weapon absolutely nothing prospered the revelation of isaiah the prophet is unfolding before your eyes your life is a living testimony that the devil is a liar the devil didn't think you would be still standing the devil didn't think you would withstand all that you have been through no weapon formed against you shall prosper i repeat no weapon formed against you shall prosper whatever attacks the enemy plotted against you will not defeat you you will not be defeated your family will not be defeated you will be strengthened encouraged motivated redeemed vindicated but you will not be defeated the revelation of isaiah the prophet is unfolding before your eyes the devil has forged so many weapons against so many people listening to me right now and so many people have been through so many things like heartbreaks heartaches pain trauma torture abuse rejection abandonment funerals goodbyes illnesses surgeries deaths and divorces all of these were weapons sent against you but none of them prospered keep the fear of the lord in your life there is a protection that a lot of people don't know about when you have reverential fear of god god will protect you psalm 34 6 and 7 david talks about himself saying this poor man called and the lord heard him he saved him out of all his troubles the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them my friend fear god respect god honor god what bishop patterson said about this verse is so wonderful he said what david found out is that around those who fear god the angels of the lord encamps around them who fear god in other words the angel simply sets up a tent around them that fear god he doesn't have to build or set up a permanent building he just sets up a tent because if we stay on this earth for 80 years it is no difference to him because he has gone around here for centuries before i was created and he will still be here after i am gone and when i am gone god will assign him to someone else so in my lifetime he just sets up camp watching me protecting me the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear god so many times we have been in the clutches of danger and we could have died a premature death but thank god that all night and all day angels are watching over you all night and all day they are watching over you and your home these are the words that should reside in your heart tonight if we are god's people and god is with us the plots of the enemy cannot defeat us because we are redeemed by the lord let the weapons form they shall be rendered useless let the weapons form not one of them shall prosp let the weapons form not one shall hurt prejudice ruin and cause the destruction of the saints god is bigger than any trial or tribulation in life he has power and sovereignty over all the earth galaxies and the universe god is all if we are in god we are in all we are one the lord is in control even if things feel out of control or simply out of our control trust in the lord that he is in control and has all the control simply give your life over to the lord and rest assured that in your times of need of trial and tribulation the lord guides you the bible is full of so many promises this is a promise that god gives to his people that no weapon formed against us shall prosper the bible doesn't say we won't have challenges and face attacks what it does say is it shall not prosper against you this is also followed by a tremendous promise that this is the heritage of the servants of the lord and their righteousness is from me isaiah 54 17 so protection is your heritage not because you do right he protects you because your righteousness is from him also note that the weapon has already been formed so it is conceived prepared and directed toward you however the bible commands us not to be afraid for we know according to god's word that it will not prevail against us and remember it is not because of your behavior it's because of your standing we are firmly secured because of christ's finished work every tongue you shall condemn sometimes the devil sends people to accuse us or to rise in judgment against us i have been accused before and it may have done some damage but it didn't last look what the lord has done he has caused me to triumph over my enemies satan cannot help but accuse the saints of god he is an accuser he comes against us to make us feel condemned but god says we shall condemn his accusing tongue satan cannot help but lie because he is the father of lies but we stand on the truth and in doing so we condemn the lying tongue of the devil god has given us this glorious victory over satan and whoever he uses to accuse us [Music] whenever you begin to feel the weight of the liar's tongue dig deep and speak this word over yourself there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus when we walk in this truth every lie and accusation is refuted in the name of jesus christ say this with me no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against me in judgment i shall condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the lord and their righteousness is of me says the lord [Music] this is your heritage for god stated this is the heritage of the servants of the lord god has plans for his servants you are in god's plans this pain and suffering this anguish that you feel are temporary but god is eternal this is your heritage this is the heritage of the servants of the lord this promise of protection from evil schemes and refutation of evil words is the part portion and privilege of you and i because we serve christ and not the antichrist we have the heritage of sons this is even more than being servants we have an inheritance assigned to us by god that is enough to get excited about not only do we have protection from all enemies and absolution from all charges but we will receive the reward of the inheritance in heaven that which is incorruptible and undefiled and reserved there since they serve the lord of christ isn't it amazing that god doesn't leave us out of his plans god is good always god is light god is love these are assurances that must guide us into battle the sovereign god of israel is my god he is your god the omnipotent god is our strong fortress we are safe in him god's wisdom is beyond the wisdom of man in the beginning i invited you to meditate on a thought and i want you to do the same again now we are at the end can we take a moment to meditate on this no weapon formed against me shall prosper this is your heritage this is my heritage
Channel: Lion of Judah
Views: 130,202
Rating: 4.9548206 out of 5
Keywords: Amazing Bible Prophecy Everyone Must See! (It's Hidden In The Book Of Hebrews), Stop Blocking Your Angel | You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away, What You Need To Know About The Book Of Revelation, Seek The LORD While He May Be Found | | You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away, Stop Blocking Your Blessings | You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away, Who Is God? (THIS IS SO POWERFUL) ᴴᴰ, Motivation, Christian Motivation
Id: Ud7-rmhuuIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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