Be Not Terrified! by Keith Malcomson

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here tonight please do turn with me in your bible to luke chapter 21 luke chapter 21 and we're continuing with our series on the battle for the mind volume two we've done an entire volume one on the battle for the mind there is a real battle and the bible deals with the mind in a very particular way but in this volume two we've moved from being very practical we've had an emphasis on the hour that we're living in there is a real battle for the minded men in our generation it's very unique very unusual and i believe we're right at the very end of time we're going to read from luke chapter 21 and as we do my message tonight and listen this carefully it's a biblical title for this message be not terrified or i could also say do not be scared do not be afraid but the bible and the lord jesus christ this was his command his message and i believe it's very important for this hour and this time that we are alive in be not terrified reading from luke 21 and verse 8 and it says there take heed the e be not deceived for many shall come in my name sin i am christ and the time draws near go ye not therefore after them but when ye shall hear of words and commotions be not terrified for these things must first come to pass but the end is not by and by then he that is jesus said unto them nations shall rise up against nation and kingdom against kingdom and great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilence and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven but before all these they shall lay their hand on you and persecute you delivering you to the synagogues and into prisons being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake and it shall turn to you for a testimony settle it therefore in your hearts not to meditate before what ye shall answer for i will give you a mouth and wisdom which all of your adversaries shall not be able to gain say nor resist and ye shall be betrayed both by parents and brethren and kinsfolk and friends and some of you they shall cause to be put to death and ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but there shall not unhear of your head perish in your patience possess you your souls and when you shall see jerusalem compass with armies then know that the desolation thereof is nine then down to verse 25 and there shall be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring men's hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken and then shall they see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory and when these things notice this word begin to come to pass then look up and lift up your heads for your redemption drugs night can we pray together here tonight father i do thank you for the word of god tonight it's so clear so applicable for this hour this generation and father i pray open our hearts and our ears to hear this message be ye not terrified my god do not be afraid father i pray stamp this on our minds our natural minds where we think where we contemplate where we worry about things where we meditate where we plan oh god i pray that you'd make us a people that trust in the lord jesus christ who possess our souls nor god who look up and not around us father i do pray your god that you'd grip us tonight do not let us be afraid no matter what is happening in the nations and politics and society and in nature lord god in our own nation i pray o god let us not be afraid tonight but let our trust and our confidence and our faith be in the lord jesus christ who died for us and who bear away all of our sin upon the cross we do love you tonight and ask for your grace even upon our friends visiting with us bless them nor god you know them you know their hearts and i pray that you speak to their hearts in jesus mighty name amen my message be not terrified i do believe this is a vital message for this hour for you for me for anyone in this hour i actually believe this generation that what we've seen in the past year and a half is only the beginning of fear there is coming an epidemic of fear i believe that this is going to increase and it's going to intensify because the bible very specifically warns us about the danger of fear in the last days it actually tells us in this very chapter from the lips of christ he describes the hour the year of the time and he says specifically about that generation i've got clear commands i do not want you to be afraid i don't want you to be terrified do you realize this is a specific message for this hour listen for a minute before we go into this message it says in isaiah chapter 8 and verse 12. listen to what the prophet isaiah says say ye not a confederacy to all to whom this people shall say a confederacy listen to what isaiah the prophet is saying the people in israel are saying a confederacy we need to make a confederacy do you know what he was talking about israel and this and that hour because of the turmoil in the nations do you know what israel we're beginning to say we need to make a confederacy that word confederacy means an alliance a political agreement a covenant we need to unite or become a federalized union with other nations around us we need to unite politically on militarily in order to survive this art listen to me carefully isaiah is preaching into this and he says everyone is beginning to say we need to federalize we need to unite politically and in fact in that area he was speaking about those in the nation who were saying we need to unite with syria and with ephraim and with other nations and we need to make a political covenant listen to what he says ye say a confederacy but i god through a prophet say do not say a confederacy do not hide in political agreements listen to what he then says to the god's people neither fear ye their fear nor be afraid notice that isaiah here prophesying by god says don't get pushed in because of fear he says they are spreading fear they are talking fear and you know why to push you into a political agreement he says there's a great danger with fear because they are making you afraid when you get afraid you'll do things that you wouldn't normally do it's a very dangerous time when nations become scared when populations become scared if you can make a population scared you can get them to do things that they wouldn't have done a year ago or two years ago you could get an entire nation to enter into a federal covenant with other nations a binding agreement and in fact this word confederacy it also means a conspiracy or an act of treason in other words you're not thinking about the good of god's people or the good of your own nation you're now scared out of fear and isaiah preaches into this he says listen neither fear you their fear nor be afraid in other words don't take on their fear their fear is coming upon you and now you're willing to enter into covenants with nations that you shouldn't have them to do with do you know what was driving at fear and isaiah says do not fear with their fear in other words they've taken their fear and they're trying to put it on you to make you act in a certain way listen to what else he says sanctify the lord of hosts so don't fear with their fear and be driven into political agreements sanctify the lord of hosts himself and let him be your fear and let him be your dread look what i say is preaching here he says don't be driven by the fear of men this is their fear they're putting on you to drive you into these covenants but he says don't do that sanctify god in your hearts sanctify him in your mind in other words make god holy and you know what you need to fear god do you realize the fear of god protects you from the fear of man show me someone who really fears god they've got no fear of man you see i've got very little fear of man it's not because i'm courageous or brave or anything else i really don't fear men do you know why that is do you know why it's so dominating on me and has been from a little boy i was very shy very timid very quiet i know it's hard to believe but i was all of those things but you know what i had a deep boldness because i feared god there's something about fear and god what did jesus christ say don't fear him who can harm your body fear him that can cast your body and soul into hell you see those that tell you you shouldn't be afraid of god i want to tell you you better be afraid of god oh i love him this fear draws me to him but you ought to be afraid of one that can not only cast your body into health but your soul as well you see the fear of god protects you from so much now that's isaiah preaching in the old testament listen how he brings it into the new testament peter the apostle quotes this scripture in the new testament 1 peter chapter 3 and 14 and it says but then if ye suffer for righteousness sake happy are you be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled he's quoting from isaiah a direct quote then he says but sanctify the lord in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asked you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and with fear so we see that isaiah and now peter are saying the very same thing do not let their fear of the nations come upon you they are creating fear to bring you into something can i tell you here tonight my message is being not terrified you say i'm going to show you just for a moment and i'm only touching on it there is a conspiracy there is a plan i i've got the evidence of it here just one document to prove it that there has been an agenda of propaganda by governments through media to create fear it's very very real you see i believe we live in that iron generation where fear is being used to take us in a direction if you're a part of that fear or that fear dominates you you can be manipulated you can be controlled your actions your decisions can be affected because you fear if you're someone who has their fear coming upon you you need to be very very careful indeed because it will drive you in a certain direction here before i come to my message let me just mention a book i haven't read it all but i'm going to i've ordered it it's called a state of fear by a lady called laura dodson she she is a reporter a filmmaker a very unusual woman and she wrote this book just published a few months called a state of fear listen to the subtitle how the united kingdom government weaponized fear during the covert 19 pandemic that is the title of it she does a full book quoting the top scientists working for the government how they planned in early march 2020 at the very beginning of the covert crisis that they set in place a plan and i've got it in my hand here do you know what the plan was in march 2020 it was released by the scientific advisory group for emergencies otherwise called sage in other words they advise the government do you know who they are they believe in you can affect the behavior of an entire population through psychological methods by saying the right thing through media through speeches you can control the minds of a generation in this document they outlined the methodology based on known psychological behavioral modification techniques hard to affect an entire generation during covert 19 it was a scientific pandemic and flu and influenza group on behavior listen it's called spy b believe it or not it's one of the groups that advise the british government called spy b and it's all about affecting the behavior of the population they are one of the main groups that advise the british government and they release this document it's called options for increasing adherence to social distance and measures the key to this document listen was to persuade people through fear do you understand where i'm going here tonight the british government marched last year at the beginner's pandemic decided through information that was psychological in nature that they were going to maneuver the population through media through regulations they were going to use fear to con control the population throughout the crisis they decided that let me quote the perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who were complacent by using hard hidden emotional messaging then in this article they say here's one of the options use media to increase a sense of personal threat so they start putting out catchphrases this march last year way before way at the beginning of all of this don't put your friends and family in danger go along with what you're told psychological techniques to change the behavior of the population were going to be used that was decided in march before anything really happened they had a plan an agenda and they knew what they're doing psychology of fear is one of the strongest things to control people if i can make you scared i can control you and you'll listen very carefully to me how is it a year and a half later we have a worldwide crisis where governments have become very very strong unchallenged unquestioned and all of our rebellious populations are so compliant down to the last man almost i want to tell you fear is a very strong power jesus talks about our generation right now and he warns of the danger of fear in fact he says be not terrified i believe this is a message for the hour because we're only seeing the beginning of this something started last year that's going to increase and intensify and i believe i've got the verses that depict it and show it and tell us what's coming and what's going to happen i've got four points here of what jesus said under his words they're very simple very clear and i believe it's for an hour where everyone is being scared it's for an hour where the media is weaponizing fear one of the scientists this lady in her book she interviewed the top scientists who were advising the burst government and you know what as she talked to them one of those santa said we were told to weaponize fear as a actual thing to control the population in other words to use it as a weapon do you realize propaganda media fear-mongering and the whole medical realm was used as a weapon against all of our nations over the past year and a half i'm not making this up it's in a political document as with everything i want to be very careful what i say but i've got four points for you here tonight my first point is the title of the message be not terrified what are you going to do in nassar jesus says first of all be not terrified look at luke 21 verse 9 with me here tonight and jesus says when ye shall hear a wars and commotions be not terrified for these things must first come to pass but the end is not by and by i want you to see here that jesus said when all of these things begin to happen an hour where you're you could easily be terrified certain things are going to happen in the nations where it's going to be very easy for you to get terrified in other words scared and what does he say it's not the end yet don't think this is the end this actually comes before the end before the tribulation before many of the things spoken about in bible prophecy just before it is going to come an hour of being terribly terrified he gives lots of details of why that is what does it mean to be not terrified the greek word here is potea it means a deep sense of fear it means to be so scared you're traumatized or you're frozen to the spot have you ever been so scared you couldn't move or you couldn't speak or you couldn't act or you couldn't move i have very rarely but i have had incidents when i walked into a wasp's nest as a young boy i froze to the spot i was terrified i was literally traumatized i was scared and frozen to the spot as my cousin man i'm gonna get him back one of these days as he laughed to come and pull me out of the wasps nest i couldn't act the fear froze me it wasn't the wasps it was the fear of my heart you realize fear is a very powerful thing you see jesus actually prophesies about the last hour you've got to hear me about the last hour it's not the end yet but it is leading up to the end and he says be not terrified to be terrified means that you even are caused to flee or to run away from where you are you hide under your bed you try to go in your closet you try to move to hungary if you can do it you're looking for a way out to remove yourself from the situation what does jesus say is happening in these last days well it says in luke 24 and 37 and concerning uh sorry let me say that again this word terrified is used in luke 24 verse 37 when jesus rose from the dead and appeared in the room with the disciples it says they were terrified supposing he had been a spirit that's what it means to be terrified in other words if you think you just saw a ghost that is terror and that's what jesus is saying upon not just a generation but all nations he's going to say there's going to come a condition of being terrified and he doesn't want his church to be terrified are christians he says be not terrified do you realize being terrified sin do you realize coming under the fear of man is sin jesus commands you be not terrified but you say but look what's happening i know but no matter what's happening wars our troubles are pandemics none of that is justification for you to be terrified in fact jesus commands you you're not allowed to be terrified you shouldn't be terrified you've got to be careful because there's a scenario coming in the last days and men are gonna weaponize fear they want you scared because they're gonna lead us into a world government what's happening right now why have they done this for a year and a half you know why they've told us over the next decade they want to take us into transhumanism into a world government they want to digitalize every area of life they want you to be interconnected right down to the children where when they're born they're going to be joined to a computer for the first thousand days there's an entire plan why is all this happening you could never move the world in this direction unless you engulf them in fear do you see that we've been engulfed in fear our world people are scared to go out of their house you're told you can't hug your granny you've got to be very very careful that you don't kill all everyone in limerick out of just being normal there is a whole realm of fear and now they're starting to say you're the enemy if you're not vaccinated if you're not complain then you're the problem you're in danger and everyone else do you realize this is propaganda you're dealing with something very dangerous here and you know what all of these things are laid out here so the people aren't complaining this last march and people aren't complain here's a whole list of things you start doing you can use threats you can use manipulation you could use statements in what about your family have you heard that do you realize this is right across our world now all of these techniques you know what it is it's pure psychology they are masters i mean you're taught about entire organizations they're they're getting paid to use psychology on an entire generation and population jesus says here in this verse 9 he says when it's a certain time when is this going to happen right near the end when he's talking about a certain time when you must not be terrified you must not when is that time he says ye shall hear of words and commotions the word here there listen what the greek means it means to hear with your ears it means to be constantly hearing about these things it means to sit as an audience you're not part of the wars it says you are hearing about wars you are hearing about commotions you're not there you don't see it with your own eyes you're hearing about it you're not a part of it you're not witnessing it for uh firsthand but it says you are sitting like an audience and you're receiving report after report after report you're not involved in it but you know what you're sitting as part of a mass audience and you are watching on at the talk of wars and commotions notice jesus says here two things wars and commotions first of all he talks about wars actual wars you're going to hear report after report of wars many wars over in matthew 24 and 6 he goes further he says not only wards but rumors of wars in other words not real wards they never happen they never take place but you keep hearing there's going to be a war here trump is going to remember that trump's going to start a war with north korea it's gonna happen it never happened he went and talked to a man we've never seen his face again on news all of them said trump's gonna blow up the whole world playing with him no he stood up to him and we don't even hear from north korea anymore so we're surrounded by wars rumors awards isn't it terrible what we're seeing in afghanistan i can you imagine what they have done do you realize that that's probably a smoke screen all the eyes of the world are looking at afghanistan and say why did biden do that well he's a bit senile and he's doing that or is it mirrors and tricks to take your eyes off the ball well everybody's looking at afghanistan saying this terrible who would do this nobody would do this it is one of the greatest worst military disasters in modern history no one would be that crazy so why is it happening an entire population is looking over here we're not angry at all that's happening to us anymore we're looking over there be very careful in this hour what goes on jesus doesn't only say about sitting hearing as a part of a mass audience isn't it amazing this is in the bible about this hour that it is so accurate we're going to sit as part of a mass audience the church of that generation and we're going to see all of this wars and rumors of wars but he also says and commotions what does the word commotions mean it means instability disorder to have no order haven't we seen it in the past year and a half confusion tumults riots anarchy violent group disturbances rebellion and revolution remember what my point is be not terrified be not terrified don't be scared you know what he's saying you're sitting there as part of a mass audience and you're watching all of these things you're hearing all of these things report after report after report wars rumors awards commotions rebellions revolutions uprisings riots and as you watch us you need to be very very careful jesus says do not be terrified all of these things will happen look at verse 26 what he says men's hearts failing them for fear look at that word fear there it is the greek word fubus where we get phobia have you ever met anyone with the phobia they have to wash their hands all the time or or maybe it's something i met a man once he was a beautiful man i i used to stand for an hour and share the gospel with him he always walked backwards he lived in liverpool in brutal and he always walked backwards um tracing his steps i i would walk with him he he was a very beautiful man and i'd talk to him and witness to him and share the gospel with him any time i was there i would spend an hour or two hours with them i heard later that he all of that went and he believed in the lord jesus christ is not wonderful but you know what phobia is fears that affect your life phobias where actually the word phobia was used of the old greek god he was the embodiment of fear that's what the greek god was you know alexander before he went to fight darius and he beat um the persians in the great war you know before he done sacrifices to to this god phobos you know why because he wanted to bring fear on the enemy he said i want to embody fear because you know what then the enemy's going to run fear is a very powerful thing if you're not free of fear you're in bondage i want to tell you you're in bondage if you're scared to walk in the cracks on the pavement outside that's a phobia that isn't natural you've been taught to fear something that isn't real well i was brought up you know you're stupid if you walk under the ladder but it's okay to walk in the cracks on on on the pavement it's okay to do those things and break all those superstitious things you know we've got to do it we've got to do it because i'll never be under fear as a young boy remember i told you like every young boy i was scared of the dark you know when you got out there and it's dark i my mom would send me for the call i used to go out there was no lights out there the wind was blowing it was dark the trees were all moving i i mean it's scary it's scary there's something wrong with you if you're not scared well i'd get there my heart would start beating i i'd start walking faster i want to get back into where the light is but you know what i said to myself my grandad was a man who used to face his fears you know what i done i said i'm gonna walk half the speed and i'm gonna walk slow until i stop this stupidness well my heartbeat a bit faster for a while but i conquered it i thought someone was gonna jump off the roof with a big stick well i just start going sure i know the angels of the lord are around me i know the lord jesus is with me and i'd have this mind battle saint fear is a very very real thing and jesus says here men's hearts failing them for fear he talks about this same r where and look what causes this do you know what it means when it says men's heart stopping for fear means the breath goes out of them they die men are going to die because of fear they're going to have such phobias that they're going to lose their breath life and it tells us here very accurately for looking after those things which are coming on the earth this will be the cause you're going to be terrified when you look at all the wars and the commotions and the troubles and you hear of all these things you're going to get terrified but also men's hearts are going to fail when they begin to look for those things coming on the earth look what he specifically mentions and i don't believe this has happened yet in our world believe it's gonna happen and you know what it's gonna come soon he's very specific here he says for the powers of heaven shall be shaken in verse 25 the previous verse he explains and there shall be signs in the sun i don't believe this has happened yet and in the moon and in the stars and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring i believe this is one of those marks of the beginning of sorrows that hasn't happened yet oh i know people can point to some obscure thing but all of us don't know it you know you have to go and look for something i'm telling you something is gonna happen in the stars and the moon and in the sun and it's going to be a sign and you know what when these things begin to happen they're all going to cry climate change climate change they're all going to drive men with fear volcanoes look at the earthquakes all these things happening don't you know it's because you have a car in the backfield don't you know it's because you have a car you're destroying the world it's your fault 2 000 years ago jesus warned us that there was going to come an atmosphere of fear and that fear was going to come just before leading into a world government government a one-world currency an agenda that was going to lead to the most remarkable days of world history the first thing jesus says is be not terrified the second thing here he says is possess your souls look at verse 19 with me on our second point possess your souls verse 19 in your patience possess your souls so he says not only do not be terrified he says possess your souls how do you do that impatience you possess your soul grab your soul you know when you're scared in this are your thoughts your emotions your feelings all of it goes everywhere what are you going to do about your job what are your kids going to do what are you going to do in providing food for yourself you need to be very careful jesus commands us not only do not be terrified but he says in your patience possess your soul the word patience here means to stay under remain in your position i want you to remain in your position saints of god it means do not move jesus is commanding us he says do not be terrified but second of all stay where you are do not move don't let all these things happening around you don't let fear so grip you that you move from your position either spiritually or emotionally or mentally or physically it means to remain under a load of care burden troubles trials under every situation do you have troubles don't we all don't we all i want to show you i've had a lot of troubles when we began this church there's been times i reached the church door and i said lord i'm not sure it can do this but you know what i'm staying in my place i'm gonna be in that front row lift my hands praising the lord i'm gonna be in that pulpit preaching i'm gonna be in that fellowship time afterwards encouraging you know what i'm staying in my place there'll always be troubles you know what jesus said about the prayer he said what about the prayer sure you'll always have the purr that's not the priority that affects all our decisions sure the poor will always be here you think we're going to change our whole agenda for the purr no go preach the gospel tell them they need to be born again we do look after the poor we reach out to a per but that's not our priority and you know as well you'll always have troubles you'll always have burdens but stay in your place don't let any trouble any fear any burden you know what fear is it's a thing of the mind that affects the emotions you see you're not going to get scared and hurt unless thoughts arise you start to look you start to listen you start to wonder you start to look forward jesus said about things coming on the earth and you begin to haven't happened yet they haven't happened yet the heavens have not been shook yet and yet we begin to listen about yellowstone park in america sure it's going to be the the biggest disaster in our world have you ever seen it you're sitting on a time bomb it is going to go off and that's only one disaster if you start thinking about them you won't sleep tonight if you begin to think of what's happening in our world tonight you won't even put a smile on your face i can tell you but jesus says in your patience possess your souls stay where you are the answer isn't to move from where you are the answer is to stay put where you are what's the answer then possess your soul possess yourself but i've got troubles then possess your soul what does possessing your soul mean it means to take possession of your soul take control of it take responsibility remember what the soul is it's your mind it's your emotions it's your will so this mind remember this series is the battle for the mind and what an are we living what a battle for the minds of men and women you know what you're to do you're put to possess your soul you're to take every thought captive you're the reign in your feelings and your emotions you're to stop fear you know some of you just need to sit down and say no you sit down for a moment i'm going to speak to you stop being afraid stop that stupidness stay where you are get on with your christian walk play the man you know the two martyrs in smithfield and london two anglican ministers when everything changed in the nation and they were marched off to martyrdom and one of the bishops said to the that's when bishops were really bishops one of them said to the other he said brother play the man for this day this very day and our martyrdom as we burn to death we are gonna light a fire in england that will know that they'll know no end until the lord jesus christ comes back that's playing the man that's playing the man that's reality that's possessing your soul why don't we possess our souls in this are peter talks about those who are unstable souls you know what an unstable soul is it's not fixed to any definite point have you ever met an unstable soul no fixed direction or commitment they move they listen this person go yes i want god and then they met me billy jones down in the corner and they go yes i'm going to the bar for a beer and then they go somewhere i'm scared i'm going to go to hell now they have no fixed abode they move all over the place everyone who catches their ear they go yes i'm going this way no i'm going this way peter actually says they are unstable souls open the deception affected by every voice every influence you know what you the devil's playing games with you if you're an unstable soul james in chapter one verse eight he talks about a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways what's a double-minded man he's a man who in his mind and his thoughts he's going two different ways at the same time he goes i want this but i want this also i want christ but i want the world i want to be in the church but i want to go out and do whatever i want to do you know what that double-minded man the bible says is unstable is unreliable in all of his ways what a danger jesus again talking about this period of time in matthew 24 he says but he that endures to the end the same shall be saved if you stay and endure through all these troubles no matter what's happening around you if you endure you know what it means to endure stay in your position and keep going forward do the will of god stay in your position live out the christian life if you endure unto the end you will be saved that word saved there isn't on about salvation being born again and you need to be born again and you need to be saved like that it's torn about something else it's torn about a saved man he's already saved he's already born again but he's turned jurors through all these fears and all these things that make his soul go everywhere he's possessing his soul he's taking control of his thoughts he is tying in the thoughts of his mind you know what that is saving your soul that man shall be saved it's torn about sanctification it says in james 1 21 wherefore lay aside all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your soul it's under a christian but ye be ye doers of the word not only hears deceiving your own self jesus is talking about possess your souls not only do not fear do not be terrified since if you get terrified and wake up in the middle of night and you're in a state that is wrong you've got to stop that jesus said do not be terrified but second of all possess that soul say thoughts you need to get in the line you're going to stay here you're going to walk through this you're going to do the will of god you're going to walk in the reality it's the salvation of your soul and listen the verse beh before before saying possess your souls impatience impatience listen to what he says the verse before but there shall not a hair of your head perish and not a beautiful promise does that mean you won't face trouble or suffering or heartache no of course not but it actually means your hairs are numbered do you know that brother jer your hairs are numbered every single hair is actually numbered what this verse means they're accounted for if god cares about the hairs of your head if he's gone one and two and three and four there's the 5 600 and blah blah in a note city council he numbers it you don't even care about your hair like that you don't count your hair i'll tell you if you end up with three hairs in your head you'll count them but it's not normal for any man to count his hairs and yet god so cares about you he cares about things in your life that you don't care about i could care less if a hair falls out of my head but that isn't god he says i'm watching it i see the smallest issue in your life i care about it i number it i actually have a record of it i acknowledge it since he's saying that that don't you know and possess in your soul you have all these troubles and problems and worries and concerns and things trying to drive you don't you know the lord loves you don't you know he cares for you and this are don't you know he's involved in your life and he's watching every issue every thought and he knows every trial he cares about you saints of god it's a wonderful thing you know what he's saying you will not suffer irreparable loss loss without recovery or no ultimate harm or listen is no eternal spiritual harm if you belong to me trust in the lord with all of your heart commit your way unto the lord lean not on your own understanding but trust in the lord jesus christ third of all look what he says in verse 28 look up do not fear possess your soul third of all look up verse 28 and when these things begin he says when they begin to happen do you know bible prophecy all the things prophesied in matthew 24 and here in luke 21 do you realize all those things listed he said see as soon as they begin to happen that means you can know it that means you can know when the beginning of the end is that means you can begin to look at the signs see some people teach that we shouldn't look for signs that the church shouldn't look for signs that there are no signs to look at that's not true the bible is filled with signs and jesus said when you see these things begin to happen in other words there's a time you can go something's happened here something's changed here something's going on here he is very clear with this point and when these things begin to come to pass then if you don't know then you don't know when and if you don't know when you don't know to look up you say looking up is a specific command given for a specific time with specific signs and things going on he says look up lift up your heads for your redemption draws nigh in other words you know the hour the time you know the season when your redemption is drawn nigh there is a beginning of it the beginning of the end and at that time you're to look up listen to what it means it means is going to shock you it means to bend your neck or your head upwards it means to turn up to stretch your neck out it means do not hang down don't look at the ground don't slouch around don't look around you don't look at other people don't look at me look up because you know what when you look up you're looking to heaven you're looking at jesus you're looking to god you're looking for something perfect so when he says begin to look up at that time oh yes i know in every generation where to look up i know in every generation we're to keep our eyes on jesus but what a command this is a clear command for this hour not only do not be terrified not only do possess your soul but he says look up i don't even believe we realize the fullness or the power of this don't look down or you'll be depressed don't look around you or you'll be afraid don't look to others or you'll be disappointed it's not true i trusted in him sure he let me down i trusted in that church it let me down i trusted in that preacher knee hurt me no wonder no wonder look up look up don't look at yourself boy are you be dismayed but look to jesus he'll satisfy you he'll never fail you he'll preserve you the bible gives you a clear command and jesus does look up when you see all this happening when there's a realm of fear being spread when there's wars and disasters and earthquakes and terrible things the economics are collapsing and the politics are collapsing and there's all manners of pestilence what are you gonna do i know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna look up to jesus christ there is an answer why do you look up why do you look up do you know why because your redemption draws nigh oh i was redeemed when i got born again i knew that i was redeemed by the precious blood i was saved by grace i know that but this isn't talking about salvation of your spirit neither is a taunt about the salvation of your soul of walking with god through trials you know what the redemption your redemption do you know what it means it is the ultimate salvation when the lord jesus christ returns it is the redemption of your body it is the resurrection the rapture of the church the snatching away of the church from the uh to the air it is the coming of the lord jesus christ it is his second coming again church you need to look up jesus is going to come back man doesn't have the answer the um says they do the world economic forum say they do the imf say they do world governments say they do can i tell you none of them have an answer they'll never bring world peace they'll never fix the economy they'll never stop the earthquakes they'll never solve poverty they want us now to have manufactured stakes made um by a computer if you want to eat that feel free but by the grace of god i'll never eat one of those things if i know about it and if i have to eat it i'll pray a very strong prayer over it i can assure you but fourth and lastly what jesus says about this are watch and pray be not terrified possess your soul look up but last of all watch him pray verse 36 he says watch ye there for and pray always that he may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of man this first jesus is speaking to certain people he's speaking about certain followers and you know what these certain people they are not terrified by they are they're living in they're actually possessing their soul they're looking up to the lord jesus christ and he says you know what these shall be accounted worthy to escape all of these things they'll be accounted worthy they'll be deemed deserving they'll be fine fit sure none of us apart from the grace of god will be fit or deserve and or have earned anything in this life but you know what it's all about living in such a way to be in the right place at the right time to do the right thing these ones who are worthy who are found deserving you know what it says they shall escape what does the word escape here mean listen carefully before i close the word escape means to flee to run to shun or to seek out a place of safety in such an hour as this he's talking about those who are deemed deserving fine fit who actually take to their heels and run from the things of man i this is the last thing where it says these folk you know how they're gonna find themselves in that position they watch and they pray it's a command watch ye therefore and pray always pray at all times pray in all situations pray about all things it's not talking about praying 24 hours a day it's not taught about that nobody can do that nobody has ever done that but it's torn about in every situation in all times about all things that's what it means pray always and you're to watch it means have your eyes open keep your eyes on the ball you know what this generation has done close their eyes they listen the boogie box they watch the television they have they're plugged into the internet they're on their mobile all the time and they accept things they've lost the ability to watch you know what watch means scrutinize use your brain i've got a document from march 2020 as i said saying what they're going to do in you we are going to dupe the british population we're going to threaten them cajole them promise them scare them we're gonna weaponize fear and scare the living daylights out of them you're gonna be scared to hug your granny you're gonna be scared you're gonna be stuck outside the window she's gonna die you'll never see her again and you're scared to go in since what has happened in a year and a half is not natural this is not normal people have never been down all around us the past year and a half you watched a few news items last march and april of china them dropping dead like that in the streets and it scared the living daylights out of folk and then was seeing it in italy the same thing began to happen and they said it's coming to your time your nation your city you better do what we say it's never happened in the nations and the cities of the world it didn't even spread to the next cities what have we been looking at you know what they plan to use an agenda we're gonna weaponize fear we're gonna engulf an entire generation in fear and we're gonna use that you need to watch and pray in order to be counted worthy to escape all these things understand before the son of man listen to what it says just before this at verse 34 it says and take heed to yourself watch over yourself do you know this escape and take into your heels and running where are you running from what are you running from the earthquakes you couldn't do that the signs in the heavens and the earth you couldn't do that what are you going to escape your country where are you going to go you're going to escape a world government well i'd love to come with you if you've got a heidi hole do you know what it says here in verse 34 it's talking about those who are going to escape it says take heed to yourself you are the problem that's what you need to escape in this hour lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surface drunkenness and the cares this life and i want to finish with this watch and pray why why did jesus say watch him pray because you need to take heed to yourself you know in this art it's not globalists that are the biggest problem it's not klaus schwab in the world economic forum it's not biden in the white house and it's certainly not our irish parliament your biggest problem is yourself and here jesus says take heed to yourself lest at any times your hearts be overcharged with these three things in other words if you become overcharged the word overcharge means to be burdened down to have it weighing on you and pushing you into the ground these three things can be a big burden on you and they're very dangerous and you know what if these three things get a whole of them get a hold of your life you know what's going to happen listen to what he said for as it says if these things get a hold of you so that day come upon you unawares the coming of the lord the last days you aren't even going to see what's happening because of the condition of your own life you didn't take heed to yourself you didn't watch you didn't pray if you watched yourself you'd see what's happening out there that's why most of the church don't even know they are we're living in you know why they didn't watch they didn't pray they didn't take heed to themselves and you know what they let things in their life they're over charged way down they can't even see it look at these three things surfing some people say that is overeaten surfing could mean that your eyes are closed in this art and you're not ready and you're gonna miss it you're gonna be in serious trouble in this r but it means more than overeating this word surfitin this is what the greek means to have a headache you wake up and you have a headache you've been seized with pain or the emotion of giddiness through drinking too much alcohol jesus says it here see lots in the church say i don't see a problem with taking a glass of wine i don't have a problem with social drinking they keep edging it was a brother says oh i don't get drunk i said do you ever get happy do you get tipsy do you do that oh yes but i don't get drunk oh i know drunkenness is a sin but i just enjoy it i know my limit do you do you know one glass of wine takes away 15 of your reaction time in a car it's legal you can be in a car and you've lost 15 of your response time but you're totally legal and you know what you'll say you've you've taken that one glass and you say i've got all my faculties i'm able to react i'm fully in control no you don't know you actually cannot even discern anymore what is surfing you wake up with a bad head you've been overeating you've been touching the alcohol and you know what jesus says surfing means that you could miss the coming of the lord you'll be caught up all in this and you won't even know the hour that you're living in it's very very dangerous jesus also said in luke 12 45 concerning the servant who is in the church amongst god's people he's a servant he said my lord delayeth his coming the lord jesus he's delaying his coming he's not coming yet oh i know he's coming i believe but he's not coming yet and as they begin to say that he says he begins to eat and drunk drink and to be drunken you know what he says it won't happen yet what a dangerous position you're gonna get caught out those folk always get caught out the second thing is drunkenness that's the act of repeated habitual drunkenness or intoxication do you see jesus gives two words here you could be surfing or you could be drunken i mean absolutely gone intoxicated but there's other words in the bible for instance in one peter chapter four it gives three other different greek words for drinking alcohol that are very dangerous so when people say i don't see the bible says anywhere you shouldn't drink alcohol man you don't know your bible i've just given you five different terms here and we're not even getting into it there's only a few of them do you know there's many different words in the old new testament for it what does peter say he says excess of wine it's made up of two words it's when you're full of wine you're not drunk you're not stucious but you've taken your fill of alcohol you've reached your limit but you're still in control he actually warns about excess of wine he said that's got nothing to do with the christian life it shouldn't even be mentioned once people mock you saying why don't you drink like you used to there's not only excess of wine there's revelings that is forbidden what is revelings it is connected to drunkenness but it's different from it it's a very different thing it is part of any public celebration or event that involves music so i'm giving you the greek meaning of a word taught in the bible most of the church including pastors and preachers don't even know this basic stuff they don't read their bibles they don't study and you know what they don't warn the church say sure you can drink no problem well if you can read these scriptures and do it with a good conscience you go ahead but i tell you you'll be caught unawares it means to be in that environment of singing dancing eating fancy dress late nights it means a social environment created by alcohol and you are there the bible warns against that you may say oh i'm not drinking it warns against being in that atmosphere also banqueting what is a banquet it's a gathering for the specific purpose of drinking together it is the binding activity of that catherine or it's a drunken party since this is one of the major things about the last days that jesus warns the church about is the influence of alcohol upon his people when we're right at the hour the midnight hour when jesus is getting ready to come when all the signs are being fulfilled and you've got people who say they believe this and they're going out to alcohol you don't believe anything you don't believe in anything but this is my final final finally i promise you it says here there's a third thing not only surfing not only drunkenness but the last thing the cares of this life what are the cares of this life that could take your eyes off this distract you when you miss it all and you're caught out you see jesus is coming as a thief but he's not coming for as a thief for you and i or those who walk in the light he's going to come as a thief for those that walk in darkness who are not ready and one of the ways you can be unprepared is the cares of this life the greek word for the cares of this life is to have cares anxieties worries to have a mind that's always worrying always worry worry worry worry a mind that's always caught up in things of this life it means to be divided or have your mind separated or be distracted what does jesus say by the things of this world you're worried about money and jobs do you realize how dangerous that is you're worried about your next meal there's a whole chapter here we need to preach on it someday of jesus said don't i look after the lilies don't i look after the sparrow don't be anxious don't be worried don't allow your mind to go there do you realize being burdened oh down overcome with all the cares what am i gonna do where's my next meal going to come do you realize it could take your eyes of the lord jesus christ it's a mental condition or state in which someone is so occupied with worrying about that that he he doesn't set his eyes upon the lord jesus christ here tonight i'm telling you that we're living in the uk in ireland in america in europe and australia and singapore and china out across our world fear has been weaponized and it's being used very effectively you're not allowed to say anything about the people down through vaccines you're not allowed to mention that you're not allowed to say about the tragedies you're not allowed to mention that and it's happening and i can give you testimonies and experiences of that happening but we've got to talk about the one person who died through covet but we're not allowed to mention the two who died through a vaccine and we need a silence and you know what they're doing right at the minute they're actually bringing they're moving youtube's gonna start banning any video that rejects lockstones or speaks against the lockdowns they're going to tighten us up they're going to bring the internet down and they want to stop any country view or voice or anything being said don't tell me we're not in the midst of a mass big experiment where they're maneuvering entire polit uh populations to do what they want you know why because they're going to bring in transhumanism they're going to bring in the mark of the beast they're going to bring in a one world digital monetary system and they're doing all this while we're distracted they're bringing all of this in you know what i want to tell you it is time do not be terrified possess your soul begin to watch and pray keep your eyes upon the lord jesus christ and you know what you need a listen to what the lord jesus says will you stand with me here as we close father we do thank you lord god tonight for your word your word is so timely it is so prophetic it is so exact we are speaking about a particular time when certain things begin to happen my god we have experienced and saw firsthand in a way unprecedented maybe in history nor god our entire world marched into the same drumbeat listening to the same central counsel and advice lord god using the same techniques the same words the same arguments the same strategies but lord god i pray that we will not be scared we will not be affected by those things but we had experienced the joy of the lord the peace of god the righteousness of god my father i pray that you'd renew our minds that we wouldn't fret that we wouldn't be scared that we wouldn't be in fear my god i pray save us by your grace and your mercy nor god bring men and women to jesus in this hour i pray for your divine hand of mercy that your turn people to the lord jesus christ that they'd find salvation and him father useless oh god to the reaching of many souls with the gospel of the lord jesus christ we love you we worship you as we close saints of god just turn your eyes upon jesus look up for your redemption drought night jesus has forewarned us he warned us not to be manipulated not to be used not not to have games played upon you but to keep your eyes on the lord jesus christ we are right at the end i can't emphasize that strongly enough you you've got one task make sure you're right with the lord jesus christ make sure your relationship with it is right because you know what once you get on this train you're going somewhere they're taking you somewhere as soon as you step on that train and say you need to do this then you need to do this then you need to do this you're going to find that before very long they're experimenting on you in a way that you never imagine the only people are going to be free in this are is the real born again christian who knew jesus christ i fear god i don't fear anyone you can do anything to me you can't threaten me you can't manipulate me what are you going to do to me you don't have any control you know why because i love the lord jesus christ and i fear him who can cast me in hell and you know what saints i want to tie i'm not going to hell i'm not going to hell i fear god and i want to be ready to meet the lord jesus christ god bless you amen good
Views: 15,348
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Id: Ofxx0t54FmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 54sec (4134 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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