The Assyrian Antichrist by Keith Malcomson

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praise god please turn with me to daniel chapter 11 daniel chapter 11 and this is part 13 of our series on daniel and we have seen that this series is truly called the heavens rule the heavens do rule daniel chapter 4 26 we're going to finish this bible study next wednesday night with daniel chapter 12. but here tonight the second part of daniel chapter 11 we dealt with the first part of daniel 11 last week but we're going to continue with it tonight and my message tonight listen very carefully to what this title is and we are going to look at and give it its meaning here tonight in this message the assyrian antichrist the assyrian antichrist and this is part 13 of our series and we're going to read from daniel chapter 11 starting in verse 36 daniel chapter 11 verse 36 reading the last 10 verses of daniel 11 and the king shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god and shall speak marvelous things against the god of gods and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished for that that is determined shall be done neither shall he regard the god of his fathers nor the desire of women nor regard any god for he shall magnify himself above all but in his estate shall he honor the god of forces and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honor with gold and silver with precious stones and pleasant things thus shall he do in the most strongholds with a strange god whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory and he shall cause them to rule over many and shall divide the land for gain and at that time of the end shall the king of the south push adam and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships and he shall enter into the countries and shall overflow and pass over he shall enter into the glorious land and many countries shall be overthrown but these shall escape out of his hand even edom and moab and the chief of the children of ammon and he shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries and the land of egypt shall not escape but he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver and over the precious things of egypt and the libyans and the ethiopians shall be at his steps but tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and shall utterly make ta make away many and he shall plant the tabernacles of his place between the seas of the glorious and holy mountain yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him will you pray with me tonight so we come to this bible study father we thank you for these bible studies father that have set our mind and hearted right to see that the heavens do rule in an hour where everything is breaking loose in an hour where an entire world is changing where we are about to see some of the most radical changes in world history when we are at the very edge at the very door of so much bible prophecy coming to fulfillment father we cry out tonight as we realize that we are on the edge of some of the worst days in history some of the most wicked days in history some of the most evil days in history where more blood shall be shed than in any other period in world history father we cry out tonight for revival use this message tonight to make us to cry out for the 8 billion souls in our world there's only a short window of opportunity left and you've said while it is yet day that we are to labor my god will you stir us to pray to labor to evangelize nor god don't let us rest at ease and son don't let us be asleep in the church while the world is on its way to hell lord god use this message to warn us of what this generation is about to face lord god the billions of people on this earth and lord god make us a missionary church again nor god send us revival again nor god bring in a great harvest of souls and father i do pray that you open our eyes lord god to see what the word of god says tonight in jesus name make this church a vessel an instrument and a new cruise lord god to fulfill your divine purpose in this hour in jesus mighty name amen part 13 the assyrian antichrist i have described in this message the antichrist i've given him a certain name and title and description the assyrian and you're gonna see in this message why i do that tonight when we come to daniel chapter 11 many bible teachers many authors many expositors of scripture either put much of this chapter in the past and say that it was fulfilled in the past or there are others that take much of it and putted in the future there are those that do not see antiochus that we dealt with here they don't see him in this chapter and so they say from verse 21 through to the end of the chapter verse 45 that it's all in the future and it's all about antichrist but then there are others who don't see antichrist here all they see is antiochus and so they take from verse 21 through the verse 45 and they put it in the past they say it's been totally fulfilled in history and that there's no further unfulfilled prophecy in it well i come right down the middle like on so many other things and i disagree with both and agree with both i i do believe that antiochus is seen in verse 21 through until um until that portion is fulfilled but saints there is more in this chapter and we're gonna deal with it tonight as we look at the assyrian antichrist i believe daniel chapter 11 begins to show us more about who the antichrist is it begins to reveal certain things about him and you know what if we don't know what the bible teaches if we're not clear in our understanding we will get caught up in false teachings ideas and theories about antichrist while i've been teaching this bible study on daniel i've had a man an author pursuing me asking for an interview who's written a book that prince charles is the antichrist that's where you end up going if you do not know what the bible says let me take you immediately into this message tonight point one the shadow of antichrist i believe that here in daniel chapter nine we see the shadow of antichrist what is a shadow a shadow is a reflection from the substance of the real thing in other words that thing that is real that thing that is true when the light shines upon it it casts a long shadow now when we think about antichrist we know he is future he'll come at the end of time but when the word of god shines upon him and begins to reveal him his shadow is very long in fact the shadow of antichrist shines upon him and it goes all the way back to genesis his shadow doesn't go forward in time his shadow goes back in time all through the old testament through the book of daniel and reaching onto genesis if you look closely through new testament eyes you're gonna find the antichrist in the old testament when we come to daniel chapter 11 we see from verse 1 through to verse 35 the shadow of antichrist in other words up to 30 35 we actually have information that is in history in the past that it goes back into the old testament that has already come and gone but it is a shadow for us that actually reveals something about antichrist we've already said in daniel chapter 11 that it covers a period of time of 365 years that in 35 short verses as we dealt with last week there were 135 predictions about four details per verse that's what we find in the first 35 verses up to the end of the life of antiochus and i believe within those 35 verses that you find this shadow of antichrist in a man called antiochus read with me in verse 21 as we look at the shadow of antichrist and in his estate shall stand up a vile person to whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom but he shall come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom by flatteries from verse 21 through to verse 32 you have antiochus epiphanes you have that eighth syrian king who is a shadow of the antichrist what i mean a shadow i believe his life depicts what the antichrist is gonna be he is a type of the antichrist when you look at his words his actions his name his geography the things that he done you actually begin to see that he is a type of antichrist and that's what we see in the book of daniel also when we looked at daniel chapter 8 we also seen him there this man called antiochus the eighth king of syria the kingdom of the north also called the king of the north we began to see the shadow of antichrist in daniel 11 he was not the antichrist he was not the man of sin but what he was was a shadow or a type when you begin to look at his life there are is such a resemblance there's a similarity to the real to the substance under that which is going to come in the last days he attacked egypt and after attacking egypt he then invaded israel when he invaded israel he stopped the daily sacrifice set up the abomination of desolation in the holy place in the temple that initiated a great persecution where he killed about a hundred thousand jews he implemented one religion in his kingdom and dominion and he tried to corrupt the entire nation of israel stampin out every other religion he wanted to secularize the entire people of god and he literally and he literally and he completely fulfilled all that was spoken about him in daniel chapter 8 and again in daniel chapter 11. it is a remarkable prophecy concerning antiochus this king of the north this syrian king this eighth king he was a shadow or a type of antichrist but you know what he was a whole lot more than that now those prophecies about him say that he was going to reign there's going to be a period of six years and four months not seven years not three and a half years that is for antichrist that's going to come in the end but this antiochus was going to be there for a period of time there is exact prophecies concerning him but he certainly was not the antichrist some say that these prophecies were about antichrist and not antiochus but that is utterly impossible it is a different man the prophecies were fulfilled he was the shadow of the antichrist he come up out of the gratian empire prior to the roman empire the fourth beast taken control and we know that there is another antichrist to come but he was more than a shadow and a type listen here on this first point antiochus in daniel 8 and in daniel 11 was more than a shadow he was more than just a picture with a resemblance he was actually an anti-type up to verse 35 here we have far more than just a shadow far more than prophecy fulfilled in the past there's certain things concerning the prophecy about antiochus that are strange i actually believe he was also an anti-type or a prototype or he prefigured the antichrist there are certain things written in daniel 8 and daniel 11 which is hard to believe have been completely fulfilled so when we look at antioch august we actually find that there was only an initial fulfillment and that there's still a further fuller and complete fulfillment that is going to come in the career of the antichrist so when we look at antiochus we see a picture of the abomination of desolation his persecution of israel his war in the nations in all of that we see that there's more things involved in him that were prophesied that are yet to be fulfilled let me give an example in chapter eight and verse 10 it says and it's the little horn wax great even to the host of heaven and cast on some of the hosts of the stars to the ground and stamped them now that was prophesied about antiochus the little horn that come out of the grecian empire and yet how do we fit that into the life of antiochus as just a man it seems there's more that he is an anti-type in other words there's certain things there that only the antichrist can fulfill no other man in world history is gonna fulfill he is a prototype he is a plan in fact there is such a similarity it is unnerving you see the bible doesn't point us to a hitler or a mussolini he points us to antiochus as a type and a shadow of antichrist if you hold the two of them up it's more than a shadow more than a type more than a similarity it's like antiochus god molded him to be a prototype yes small yes in in fashion only a beginning but there's more to him he is an anti-type he has been molded in a certain image in daniel 18 23 it says and in the latter time of their kingdom when the transgressors are come to a full a king of fierce continents and understanding dark sentences shall stand up here talks about the little horn of this man when transgression comes to its full i believe again this points to the antichrist so we see that antiochus in his life in the days of the maccabees when they read daniel they said this is him he set up the abomination of desolation when they read daniel they could identify him and say this is a little horn this is the one that's coming putting the abomination there they had understanding of the scriptures they knew how to act it was an indication to run for their life because persecution was gonna begin antiochus was the last and the worst tyrant and persecutor of israel in the old testament but antichrist as we know will be the last persecutor of the church age we are going to see that there's a great resemblance between antiochus and the old testament and between antichrist and the new testament there is a prophecy in antichrist life that is sorry an antiochus life that is remarkable absolutely remarkable in the year 1932 edith and ralph norton american missionaries who had gone through d.l moody's bible school were in italy as missionaries they were bible preaching fundamentalist bible christians and i'm a fundamentalist every true born again christian is a fundamentalist christian you are a fundamentalist a bible believer a literal believer in scripture well they were in italy in 1932 they studied daniel they knew their bibles and as they seemed moselini arise they were very fascinated in what was happening in the nations they actually got an interview with them a talk and they record there that they went to him and began to warn him about daniel the little horn and what was going to happen in the last days they thought it would be a warning term of tyranny and of raising up italy as a nation again and of ruling over other nations as they sat and began to explain them to mussolini mussolini showed great interest and he said does it really say that in the bible does it really say that and he begin to inquire then he begin to ask them where it says it and then he sat back and began to smugly smile do you know this man mussolini when he heard about the little horn he desired to be that little horn he actually desired he longed to imitate such a man that he could be the fulfillment of that prophecy since there is a wickedness that one day is going to come to this world worse than mussolini worse than hitler worse than antiochus and he is going to be raised up but we have a shadow in our bible daniel 11 gives us a shadow that's my first point here there's a shadow of antichrist in daniel 11 that's already been fulfilled but second of all the rise of the real antichrist the rise of the real antichrist verse 36 and the king shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god after having dealt with antiochus from verse 21 through the verse 35 and the days of antiochus suddenly we come to verse 36 without announcement without explanation without commentary we suddenly moved to a different king a different era and a different time and i'm gonna prove it to you here that we suddenly move to the antichrist and the rise of antichrist haven't finished the having dealt with antiochus verse 36 speaks about another king who's going to arise in the very last day in verse 36 at the end of verse 36 it says he shall speak marvelous things against the god of gods and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished for that that is determined shall be done now notice what it says about him he calls him the king that shall do according to his will he is a willful king he will be a dictator he will be a tyrant it was lord acton who said a very fascinating thing and everybody misquotes it almost everybody lord acton said power tends to corrupt he didn't say power corrupts he said power tends to corrupt an absolute power corrupts absolutely men like mussolini were corrupted by power hitler antiochus and there is a common king in our world that power is going to go to his head like no other man power will absolutely corrupt him now look at this willful king here it says back further back in verse 3 the exact same thing about alexander the great in verse 3 it's a prophecy about alexander and the mighty king shall stand up that shall rule with great dominion and do according to his will what alexander done with his will he ruled he was in charge he made his decision he triumphed over the world so the antichrist no one is going to tell him what to do he will challenge everything he will rise up by the power of his own will to be the greatest tyrant in world history to conquer nations to implement his own will notice that this rise of antichrist that it is his will he is determined to impose his will upon an entire generation the ancient jews in israel used to believe that this verse this scripture concerning this king in verse 36 was the coming antichrist that's how they interpreted this king they said this is a king that would come in the last of the last days look at verse 36 it speaks about the king but go back to verse 35 and the sentence before this look what it says even to the time of the end because it is for a time appointed in this chapter when it talks about antioch occurs it finishes with this even to the time of the end the persecution that the jews were going to go through the troubles the harassment of the jews the suffering of the jews was going to continue until the time of the end or the last days why is that because it is yet for a time appointed certain things are going to happen to israel as a nation but there is a time appointed in other words a fixed time a certain season that israel is going to continue suffering until in verse 35 we see that it leads directly to the last days with the history of the rise and the reign of antichrist who is also called the king of the north the last five verses of this chapter are all about the deeds and the actions of the last king of the north he is going to be a king who comes on the on the scene he's going to rise up in this region in this time at a certain a certain set time and he's going to fulfill all of these things it actually says in chapter 12 and verse 1 and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time and at that time it's still speaking about what we're dealing with at the end of chapter 11. it's talking about that time a very specific time what time when this king is going to arise there is coming a king on the earth who's going to suddenly begin to arise by the power of his own will and it is going to be such a remarkable time it's going to be like no other era in world history in chapter 10 and verse 14 it says now i am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days you see daniel chapter 10 began with the last vision of daniel chapter 10 chapter 11 chapter 12 is the last vision of daniel as we go through last week's study and next week's study as well as tonight we are looking at one complete vision what is it all about what is the message of what we dealt with last week tonight and what we'll deal with next week well daniel actually was told by the angel that i have come to make you understand what is going to befull your people israel and the city of jerusalem in the latter days for yet the vision is for many days do you realize this last vision and we as we have looked at the kings of syria and the kings of egypt and antiochus and now we come to the real antichrist a person a king who's going to rise up in the last days do you know what all of this is concerning the angel was telling daniel what is going to happen to the jewish people and to israel as a nation in the very last days in other words chapter 11 all of its details are written to show you what's going to happen at the end that's why i said it's a shadow that's why i said much of it is a type it is to bring you to this point to the very last days that i believe are just ahead of us and i believe this generation is going to see the rise of this man in fact i would dare say he is on the earth today i believe satan has his hand upon him and is preparing him right now for this day and generation he is going to be a vessel prepared of the devil to come against israel in the very last days and that's what all of this is about in chapter 11 verse 27 and it says on both of these kings speaking about one of the earlier syrian kings that sat at a table with uh ptolemy and this syrian king this king of the north was antiochus now notice what it says about him antiochus the king of syria sitting at a table a peace table a table where they're gonna make an agreement and they both sit at that table and it says both these king's hearts shall do mischief and they shall speak lies at one table but it shall not prosper look at them these two kings are making a peace deal yet they're both planning to betray the peace deal and to attack the other it happened in history but it's going to happen again in the future as they sat at that table they're both making plans but what did daniel prophesy hundreds of years before this it said it shall not prosper for yet the end shall be at the time appointed in other words these two corrupt wicked kings of egypt and syria their plan and betrayal they have hidden secret things in their heart but god is watching over saying not yet not yet god is in control and in fact these evil men god is organizing their plan he knows exactly what they're doing you see mussolini thought he was having his way oh no god had a planet hitler thought he was having his way an antichrist will believe he is having his way i assure you god is going to bring forth his purpose in all of the earth in verse 36 it calls him the king it just simply announces him the king one who we have heard about before no explanation it's taken it for granted that you know this king who suddenly comes in at the end of the story of antiochus of the prophecy concerning antiochus that there is another king like him he's not a shadow anymore he is the substance he is the full fulfillment he is going to be the embodiment of satan himself they announce the king here there is a progressive revelation concerning antichrist from chapter 7 through to chapter 11. we are getting more and more of the story seeing who antichrist is what he will do where he will arise and what his nature and character will be since we are being taught here and because men and women don't study this because the church of our generation does not teach this to say we don't need to worry about antichrist we don't need to teach it we're not looking for antichrist we're looking for jesus amen i agree i'm looking for jesus come lord jesus maranatha i am consumed with the lord jesus christ but we must preach and teach what the holy spirit has revealed it is a warning to this entire generation there is a revealing of who this antichrist is and you'll never understand 2nd thessalonians 2 until you understand this that's where m m so much wrong teaching comes from they jump into revelation without having studied daniel they don't understand daniel 11. yet they think they're going to understand daniel 13. that's not possible there is a revealing a teaching of the holy spirit you see we see this king announced in verse 36 he has been spoken about before he's been spoken about in daniel chapter 7 he was called the little horn he's spoken about in daniel 9 he was called the prince that shall come and sign a seven year peace agreement with israel and then break that agreement and set up the abomination of desolation we we see all of these things previously this is the king but i want you to notice this that he comes at the end of a long line of kings why is it that all through this chapter 11 we have primarily focused in on the king of the north we have seen six kings of the north mention antiochus was the eighth king of the north just like antichrist is going to be the eighth head that we read of in in the book of revelation so we see all of this coming together that antiochus was the king of the north he was the king of syria and so we see antichrist coming at the end of this in verse 40 some try to create a battle between three kings they say there's the king of the north the king of the south and then the willful king and they try to say that in verse 40 and we're going to come to it shortly they try to create three kings here the king of the north south and the willful king who's the antichrist they make them different ones but that is not possible it's found about two kings here the willful king is the king of the north and he is the syrian king and we're going to see it before long so we see this shadow of antichrist then we see the substance the rise of the real antichrist prophesied in daniel 11 the angel revealed to daniel concerning the rise of the antichrist who was going to come right at the end of time and he was going to do certain things and say certain things and he was going to look a certain way since we ought to know what the bible says and we won't fall for the false teaching third of all the religion of antichrist not only the rise of antichrist but the religion of antichrist it's very important that you learn this here tonight there are five distinct things that it says here that the religion of antichrist will not be in other words it strikes out or disqualifies five things concerning his religion and then it gives you four comments concerning explaining what his religion is gonna be you see some people say he will be a professing jew others say he will claim to be a muslim and still others say he will be an apostate christian and then there's those who will say he'll just be an atheist i want to tell you here in daniel 11 we have a very thorough in fact as thor as anywhere in the entire bible describing the religion of antichrist if you understand what he says within these two verses you're gonna dismiss an awful lot of teaching about who the antichrist is gonna be and what his religion is let me point out five things that it says here that his religion is not and it's taught about five gods and five descriptions of gods which he is not going to worship follow with me in verse 36 the first thing is and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god notice here that when this king comes when the real antichrist comes the substance of antichrist the first thing that he's going to do is magnify himself above every single god in the world in other words every world religion you see there's those that think catholicism is going to be the last religion of the world others say it's going to be islam others say it's going to be new ageism well we have a description when the antichrist comes he will exalt himself raise himself up above every other single god and above every other religion in other words his religion is marked by self-promotion he is going to be exalted above every god above jesus above muhammad above the jewish messiah he is going to exalt himself above every single god that has ever ever been mentioned he is at the heart of his own religion he puts himself at the center as the as the very vessel of worship all religion all names of every god are gonna have to submit to him he makes himself higher and greater than any other single god this ties in with 2 thessalonians chapter 2 and it speaks about antichrist who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called god or that is worshiped so that he as god in the temple of god showeth himself to be that he is god so look at him he has not come and promoted one of the great world religions he's not come and promoted one of the gods that is popular in our world today no not at all he exalts himself above every god every religious system that's only the first of five things it says the second thing in verse 36 and shall speak marvelous things against the god of gods this is the second thing defining about his religion this is the religion of the antichrist notice here it's a reference to the true god of heaven he is going to speak against the god of gods who is the god of gods it is the god of the heaven in daniel in the book of daniel in the books of the old testament this term the god of gods in daniel 2 in deuteronomy 10 joshua 22 and in psalm 136 this is used for the god of heaven it is one of the most most notable things about the antichrist that he will speak against the true god we see this in daniel 7 and again in revelation 13 and here in daniel chapter 11 he is going to speak against the true god he's not imitating the true god he's not selling himself as a true god he is actually exalting himself against every god and he speaks his main focus of attack a blasphemy of accusation is going to be against the true god of heaven when the real antichrist comes he's not selling himself as an imitation he speaks against the god of the old testament the god of the jews the god of the christians the god of the new testament and the god of the bible while he magnifies and exalts himself over every god it is only the true god that he attacks in this manner he will speak marvelous things against him this means that he will go to great lengths in creating arguments and creating accusations to destroy belief in the real god of heaven all of his talk is going to be an attack against the god of heaven he exalts himself above every god that is mentioned and he it says that he's going to do this and he he shall prosper he's going to prosper in it you see some christians and sinners they think well if god allows certain things to happen why is that surely god doesn't allow things to happen god is going to allow him for three and a half years to blaspheme to curse god and yet new lightning is going to strike him down three and a half years i'm sure he's going to say things like this i curse you god if you're real strike me down nothing happens you see i believe he'll so blaspheme and he will prosper god will not judge him god will not stop him because there is a time appointed for judgment and it says for that that is determined shall be done in other words all that's in bible prophecy for three and a half years god will let this false religion to prosper to go unchallenged it'll seem like he exalts himself and he gets his way and many in the nations worship him this is obviously this obviously leads to the setting up of the abomination of desolation his blasphemy against the real god leads him to set up an idol a statue an image in the very holy of holies in the temple in jerusalem and that temple is going to be rebuilt again you see the bible shows us the significance of all these things thirdly in verse 37 neither shall he regard the god of his fathers the notice he is striking off here a list of things so he's got he's named all of the gods of the nations then he names the true god then he comes to a third area it says and that this will be different than the god of the bible each of these statements are to explain something unique this statement that he will not regard the god of his fathers is in contrast to the previous statement the god of his fathers the god of his ancestors is different than the true god of the bible i don't believe he's going to be a jew or a christian he's going his actual fathers are going to have worshiped a different god than the jewish god or the christian god i believe this is a third god the god of his fathers the actual religion of his parents are of his nation our culture he will not regard it i believe antichrist is going to come out of a religious culture the culture he arises amongst are going to be a religious people with a uh worship and either god are gods that are going to be worshipped but he will not regard the god of his fathers he's going to utterly disregard him the god of his fathers is different and distinct from the god of gods now listen if he is a middle eastern arab from syria or iraq or one of those middle eastern nations if he comes from a muslim family he will not regard the god of his parents so we have more and more spoken of here concerning the religion that's going to come and since i have to preach this and lay it out because so many teach he will be a counterfeit jewish messiah or he's going to be an islamic antichrist or he's going to be something else i'm just teaching you and showing you what the bible says the bible says it for a reason he's not going to regard the god of his fathers he's not going to consider him acknowledge him or promote the god of his own people of his own nationality the fourth thing in verse 37 nor the desire of women now from this statement some people have said that the antichrist could be a homosexual they think when it says about antichrist that he'll have no de that nor the desire of women he will not respect or regard the desire of women they interpret that to mean he won't love women or have a desire for them but it's not talking about his desire for women it is talking about him regarding the desire that women have he will not regard that that's a very different statement now those who think it's taunt about his sexuality that he's a homosexual it cannot be there are five statements given here concerning his religion this statement about the desire of women is concerning the religion of antichrist it is saying that he will not regard the desire of women this desire of women has something to do with a particular kind of religion or a worship or a god or goddess and he will not regard that he will reject that do you know what i believe it it is talking about here isn't just ancient goddess worship it's taunt about something more about our generation i believe it's talking about the feminism that is spread across our world in this generation please note here this statement concerning the desire of women mentioned concerning antichrist in the garden of eden a serpent alert eve with the desire for enlightenment wisdom equality with god and likeness to god he lied to the woman and he said you know what if you take of the fruit of the tree your eyes are going to open you'll become like god you will know what god knows so here is a form of religion a likeness a inner illumination i believe this is what this verse is talking about the antichrist is going to reject this feministic enlightened religion of this generation the first mention of the desire of a woman in the bible is in genesis chapter 3 verse 6. listen we are told and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did it and gave also to her husband with her and he did eat now here is this religion i believe that sweeping our world in this generation the wisdom she was desired was to be as a god and to desire that but there's also something else here that there was a punishment upon her by god concerning her sin listen to what god said to eve thy desire dealing with the desire of a woman thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee your desire you know what that word disarm we've dealt with this before the desire of a woman is to manipulate to control to want to be the head to want to lead the home to want to lead the man to want to direct the man that is the desire of a woman and i know that um not every woman is dominated by it but there is an urge do you know what i believe this is is what's dominating our world and it's invaded the church there there is a feministic spirit that's religious that's dominating a manipulative and wants to rule the home and rule the church i assure you antichrist will not stand for it you you you think we're so bad if we don't tolerate such things in the church that the man ought to be the head of the home and we teach this openly not abuse no man of god is ever going to abuse his wife he'll treat her like a queen he'll honor her but i assure you antichrist will not tolerate the feminism and the so-called equality of this art he'll utterly disregard it and wash his hands of it he will exalt himself he will be worshiped that man that antichrist will subject every woman under israel do you hear me tonight do you see how the world is being tricked and filled and played with by satan himself when he gets in control he is going to abuse women like no other man ever has in any generation christ will never abuse a woman he honors her but antichrist is going to abuse the femininity of women the fifth point here no regard any god not only will he exalt and magnet himself above all gods he will also not regard or consider or tolerate or promote any other god it's not going to be a merger of all religions it's not going to be catholicism it's not going to be islam it's not going to be feminism or new age worship he will not tolerate any god any worship any religion then he gives four explanations of his religion verse 38 but in his estate shall he honor the god of forces the god of forces means the god of fortresses or the power bases strong fortresses of ammunition so he tells you i disregard all gods but then it says but in his estate shall he honor the god of forces you know what he's going to worship war itself he is going to make a god it's not going to be a god of war from ancient history oh no he is literally going to have a type of religion he is going to worship he is going to magnify force the power of the sword of ammunition of weapons and he is going to honor this in the world the god of force only war is gonna be magnified in that r then in verse two it also says or sorry verse 38 it also says a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honor with gold and silver and with precious stones and with pleasant things a god a god who is fathers knew not he is going to honor in contrast with the worship of the god of his fathers it's going to be contrasted if his fathers were muslim he is going to worship differently do you know what he's going to do for his god his god of war these bases these power places of weapons of strongholds of forcing the nations into bloodshed and to cause them to be subdued do you know what he's gonna do he's gonna honor his god in a way his father's never worshiped their god what does he do with his god he honors the god of war the god of fortresses with gold and silver and precious stones unpleasant things in other words he's going to offer all of these things it's going to be idolatrous but his father's never done that when they worship they didn't offer up gold and silver and things like this so it's going to be in contrast also in verse 3 thus shall he do in the most strongholds with a strange god whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory he will actually present these goods and offerings to this god in the very strongest of fortresses this god will be honored in a variety of places but those places will be fortified places they are going to be places of religion in other words war ammunition weapons is going to be forged into a type of religion all of this is going to merge together and he's going to honor this god this god is called a strange god or a foreign god it's not known in this generation you say i believe the religion that's coming it's going to be like no religion on the face of the earth today i don't believe you can identify today i believe he is to magnify himself make himself god and out of this warring spirit create something that's going to bring bloodshed to this generation in a remarkable way i'm telling you what's facing this generation this is the man that this generation is gonna worship this is the one they're gonna follow because of his signs and his wonders but this is where it is gonna lead to this seems to mean that he will be a new there will be a new form of worship that is foreign to anything that exists at this present time the fourth thing he says in verse 39 and he shall cause them to rule over many and shall divide the land for gain those who promote this religion protect it and establish this worship that he promotes will be given positions of power what does it say to rule over many those who follow this religion he's gonna lift them up with great power and influence he's gonna divide up lands and nations and give them influence in this generation that's the religion we saw the rise of antichrist the religion of antichrist now number four the region of the antichrist i believe we find all of this in daniel chapter 11. his shadow his rise his religion annoy the region of the antichrist i believe one of the main reasons we have daniel 11 is to show us the region of the antichrist his nationality the geography of where he arises this is one of the important things you see when you look at daniel 7 you see the political system where he arises it's going to be the fourth beast the revived fourth beast it's going to be in the last days that he's going to arise as a little horn amidst ten horns that's daniel seven it shows he's gonna arise in that roman political system but here in daniel 11 we have all the information to show where he is going to rise you say i don't believe he's going to rise in north america i don't believe he's going to rise in the eu or western europe i don't believe he's going to arise in australia or in england or in ireland i don't believe i believe it's utterly impossible for that he won't be english he won't be american he won't be german i actually believe that daniel 11 is given to show us the nationality or the region area and nation where antichrist is going to arise you see all of this is to teach us to show us to identify beyond any shadow of a dog who he is if we knew this it would cut out all the false ideas saying i think it's kissinger well he's dead and gone now then they pick obama well obama's not in position anymore tomorrow they'll choose someone else but if you know this you're not going to pick the president of france or of grace or of some other nation you're going to be very careful look at verse 40 it talks about the king of the north this isn't a prophecy of the past it's not torn about the ancient syrian kingdom of the seleucids here you have in verse 40 is a prophecy about antichrist in the last days just before the end and what is he called the king of the north well you and i know there are no kings of the north at this time there's no one with that title at this time and you know what the antichrist called the king of the north you can't make it something different than has been all through chapter 11. what the king of the north is all through chapter 11 and what antiochus was as the king of the north so again in the last days antichrist is going to be called the king of the north do you remember in chapter 11 we traced the kings of of egypt of the south they were called the kings of the south the ptolemies then we traced the kings of the north they were called the king of the north individually they were the kings of syria and we've seen how they both interacted and israel was caught between them now we jump to the last days to a prophecy and we read of the king of the north again do you know what i believe the antichrist when he arises is going to be called the king of the north i believe he's going to be the king of syria what the ancient syrian empire was will be revived and he is going to come forth out of it he is going to be the king of the north he's going to be a king he's going to be a ruler he's going to be a political military leader remember what daniel 7 says it calls him the little horn there's going to be the 10 great world leaders who join together for a world government he's going to be a little horn insignificant small compared to them he's going to rise up as a king he is a political leader in daniel 7. sorry daniel 9 he is called the prince who is going to come to make a political peace deal and so we see that he is a ruler of a nation a king of a nation but which nation how are we going to decide how are we going to know is it going to be a european nation is it going to be a western nation i believe daniel 11 shows us it's impossible to be these other areas you see ancient syria don't think today we know that there's war going on in syria syria as a nation is destroyed over the last decade the last 10 years syria has been destroyed entire cities have been brought to ruins the population has been scattered syria today is in ruins what is ancient syria it isn't present-day syria listen what is the ancient kingdom of syria it was two present-day nations joined this is what they are iraq and present-day syria do you know today both nations our land and ruins both nations are in ruins the world powers are taught about rebuilding both of these countries they need a bit rebuild iraq and they need to rebuild syria both nations have been destroyed over the past 30 years utterly destroyed they need to be rebuilt from the ground up their cities their roots their culture everything about them politically economically do you know what i believe i believe that syria ancient syria is going to be revived again let me tell you something i was shocked when i found this side and i began to look at iraq and syria they are neighbors they share a border of more than 300 miles they also share a common history since the 1920s both nations have dreamed of reuniting these two countries to become one nation since the 1920s for 100 years they have tried to make plans they have tried to accomplish it at certain times in 1978 they signed the baghdad accord which was an agreement that they would unify syria and iraq they would join their military their economics their politics and their cultural traditions and become one nation that was 1978 but the following year in 1979 saddam hussein rose up in iraq and he stopped this because he wanted to maintain power and he stopped the agreement coming about and he deposed the powers and started a conflict that lasted through until he was killed in the year 2006 it's only just over a year ago that for the first time syria and iraq have again opened up their border post and began to trade once more both nations are in ruins but i believe that there's gonna come a revival of the ancient syrian empire you see if what i'm saying is true antichrist is going to be killed the king of the north he has to be the king of syria of syria and present-day iraq there is going to come about something politically listen further and i'm not going to go too far into this the bible calls the antichrist the assyrian not only the syrian i believe syria is going to be revived and there's going to be a king of the north again that's going to come into conflict with egypt in the last days but i believe that king who's going to lead who's going to be the last king of the north the last syrian king his name is going to be the syrian you say where do you find that i find it many places in the bible i find it in isaiah chapter 10 verse 12. also verse 24 to verse 27 we don't have time to look at all these i find it in isaiah chapter 13 and isaiah chapter 14. i find it in isaiah 30 and chapter 31 i find it in micah chapter five if you begin to study this you find out there's going to be a man called this syrian who is also called the king of babylon who is also seen as the last king to lead an attack on israel before the last days and all of these chapters you begin to read about it do you know that if you trace back the history of syria it goes back to as syria it's the same region and if you trace back as syria you go back to nimrod who founded um four cities in the land of asher which is north iraq in other words the assyrian comes from the north of iraq the assyrians are northern iraqis in the south is babylon you've got all of this here and in the ancient kingdom of syria you also have nineveh in the north all these cities that ancient nimrod established they're all gonna be in the ancient assyrian syrian kingdom that's going to revive i believe that this king of the north is going to also be called the king of babylon and that if we had time i could take you to isaiah chapter 13 and 14 and show you that babylon is going to be destroyed in the last days he'll be the headquarters of the antichrist as we see in the book of revelation in chapter 18 that is the destruction of the city of babylon in isaiah 13 and in chapter 14. listen carefully on this point in verse 4 we read about the king of babylon verse 12 lucifer and verse 25 there's syrian the king of babylon is the same as the syrian and is identified with lucifer himself i believe daniel 11 has shown us the region the geography the area the nation the culture the people where anti-christ is gonna rise he's gonna rise in an arabic nation it's gonna be a restored rebuilt nation i believe babylon as a city is gonna be rebuilt and that certain events are going to happen in the last days and that a new religion is going to arise a new culture a new nation a whole new political system all of this is going to arise and i'm sure you'll admit it's no surprise if this happens point five the wars of antichrist we have exact details concerning this last king of the north look at verse 40 with me it says and at the time of the end notice when it happens at the time of the end shall the king of the south push adam who's the king of the south the king of egypt saints i'm just about to tell you where the bloodshed starts where the wars start under the hand of antichrist when he first appears he'll come as a man of peace he'll come sign in he steals he'll want peace in the middle east he'll be a great ambassador of the syrian nation of the northern kingdom above israel he'll be there wanting peace but look what happens to initiate the bloodshed of the last days and at that time of the end shall the king of the south push adam in other words egypt is going to begin pushing against syria here is the last war between the north and the south and israel is going to get caught in the middle and the king of the north shall come against them like a whirlwind with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships he's going to have a fleet of ships in other words egypt is going to start the conflict it's going to come against the northern kingdom of syria and when that happens this king of the north this assyrian is going to come like a whirlwind against egypt he's going to attack egypt he's going to invade egypt he do you remember what antiochus done before he attacked israel what did he do he invaded egypt after invading egypt what did he do next he invaded israel israel got caught in between antichrist is going to do the exact same then in verse 40 it says and he shall enter into the countries not just egypt into other countries when he invades his when he invades egypt attacks egypt he's going to begin to invade other nations as well and he shall overflow and pass over again in verse 41 it says many countries shall be overflow be overthrown and again in verse 42 it mentions countries three times it mentions many countries that antichrist is going to invade and take over but notice verse 41 after egypt verse 41 he shall enter also into the glorious land the glorious land is israel and it says and many countries shall be over thrown do you see he's doing what antiochus done he actually attacks israel he attacks egypt he enters into israel and you know he's going to set up the abomination of desolation he is a little horn he will go into the temple he'll do what antioch has done it's all here it's all going to be fulfilled look who's going to escape from antichrist some of you have asked me my wife has asked me do you think any of these nations will be able to function outside of the power of antichrist yes here's an example verse 41 but these shall escape out of his hand edom moab and the chief children of ammon who are they all three nations edom mob and ammon are east of the jordan river outside of israel right next israel but the other side of of the jordan river what nation is this this is present day jordan all three of these mentioned peoples are now in present day jordan do you realize antichrist will will not be able to take jordan jordan somehow is going to escape from antichrist he will not be able to invade or capture the small nation of jordan then look at verse 42 he shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries i believe that means many countries and the land of egypt shall not escape jordan will escape egypt will not escape but he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver and over all the precious things of egypt he is going to get rich out of egypt i believe in the last days egypt is going to rise and these days maybe they'll strike oil somehow we're going to watch egypt suddenly become very rich it's going to be one of the great rich nations of the world one of the great military nations of the world it's going to be a great power the king of the south he's an egyptian leader who is yet to come but antichrist is going to get rich out of egypt he's going to take all of their wealth and become very rich notice who else is with antichrist it says in verse 43 and the libyans and the ethiopians shall be at his steps they'll walk and step with antichrist or the king of the north they'll be in unison with them the libyans are north africans the ethiopians are the sudanese these two small nations are going to walk absolutely in step let me finish here this bible tonight my sixth and final point the doom of antichrist the final judgment and doom of antichrist you see if this was a prophecy about an antiochus then it's not fulfilled antiochus didn't die in israel which antichrist is going to do antiochus died far to the east far away from israel he died of depression madness of a broken heart he wasn't killed in battle antiochus died because he couldn't conquer israel finally but you know what the antichrist we're going to see his final doom here in verse 44 but tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many he's going to take away many here he is in war triumphant victorious besieging the little nation of israel haven't invaded but news is going to come tidings he is going to hear things from the east and the north that are going to so alarm him that he's going to turn and come with rage it has to be armies you know when we go to the book of revelation out of the east the euphrates is going to dry up and a mighty army is going to come out of the east i believe this is it antichrist is going to hear of this asian army this chinese army crossing the euphrates and he's going to be alarmed by it and turn with anger against those soldiers i uh it also says news out of the north we read in the book of revelation that's that one of the judgments under the sixth file and the sixth trumpet is going to be that babylon the great that great city is gonna fall this is the capital of antichrist i believe in the sixth seal at the end of the tribulation as it comes in the judgment is gonna be full the city of babylon all of this is gonna be happening as all the armies of the world get pulled into the middle east for the final judgment that's going to fall upon them and verse 45 concerning this antichrist and he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountains between the seas what is that the mediterranean sea and the dead sea he's going to plant his palace or his tabernacle or his war tents or his base of operation this is going to become his new base of operations for the battle of armageddon it says that um in in the glorious and holy mountain yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him i believe this is the end of antichrist where is he he's in the land of israel in the region of jerusalem in armageddon north of the city of jerusalem you are going to see the end of antichrist saint i'm telling you that this is the future history of our world the rise of antichrist the religion of antichrist we have seen the religion that is gonna begin to spread out across the world what's gonna happen we've seen the region of antichrist where he's going to arise we've seen the war of antichrist we've seen the doom of antichrist since it is a remarkable hour that is ahead and we are taught about the antichrist don't enter into foolish speculations this is the darkest most evil hour in world history it's only going to last for three and a half years the great tribulation where satan is going to turn on israel and turn on the nations of the world and plunge the nations of the world into bloodshed what what a horrific hour are we not to pray for revival for the middle east should we not be praying laboring looking for one last revival that before wrath and judgment and terror engulf the nations of the world that we the church the last church of the last generation of the last hour of time should we not be like never before seeking the lord don't you realize ireland's gonna be a part of that bloodbath don't you realize the world is gonna be soaked in blood and only those that know christ are ready for this since i want to tell you the darkest hours ahead but the most glorious hour there is coming a great victory let me finish my study there's so much more we can deal with but saints we ought to know what the word of god says lest we fall into wrong teachings and suppositions about the last days we need a walk with god in this hour and i believe stage is being said isn't it amazing that we can watch syria and iraq and see what begins to happen in these days we we can watch world government and the nations and the economy and what's happening with technology all of it is convergent this is the hour if ever you're going to serve god you better do it now if ever you're going to live for god you better do it now but let me i don't want to leave you with antichrist and i don't want to leave you with just hearing about israel and syria the king of the north and the king of egypt all them war together what is finally going to happen to egypt syria or assyria and israel can i close this bible study with one beautiful promise about the common reign of jesus christ on the earth a prophecy that's never been fulfilled listen carefully in the light of all i said i've left you with a horrendous vision of the days of antichrist but now let me show you a beautiful vision of what christ is gonna do when he comes to heal the nations when he's going to beat all the weapons of war and departures when he's going to take all the swords and bring to not the weapons of war and bring an everlasting righteousness listen this beautiful promise and prophecy in isaiah chapter 19 verse 22 and it says and the lord shall smite egypt he shall smite and heal it and they shall return even to the lord and shall be entreated of them and shall heal them notice what's happening it's a prophecy about not only the wounded of egypt it's going to be wounded but it's going to be healed and restored listen to what happens at the time that egypt as a nation is going to be restored by god healed as an entire nation restored unto god listen the time verse 23 and in that day shall there be a highway out of egypt to assyria from the south to the north from egypt to assyria and the assyrian shall come into egypt and the egyptians into assyria and the egyptians shall serve with the assyrians and in that day shall israel be the third with egypt and with the syria isn't this glorious in the light of all we've taught here concerning antichrist see what happens when antichrist is in the middle east between assyria and egypt and israel but look what happens when the messiah comes what happens between israel and egypt and syria they're going to be joined together even in a blessing in the midst of the land whom the lord of hosts shall bless sing blessed be egypt my people and syria the work of my hands and israel mine inheritance do you realize there is an hour where god is going to heal the nations he's going to heal england he's going to heal ireland he's going to heal germany he's going to heal america he'll heal australia he'll heal lithuania he'll heal all of our nations saints of god it is real there is an hour where one called the lord jesus christ is going to heal the nations and restore them and there's going to be a highway of holiness can you imagine a highway of holiness from ireland over into england and the english shall come over into ireland and the r shall go over into england and we will serve god together and the nations of the world will be united in holiness before the lord and everlasting righteousness will cover the earth since i tell you the knowledge of the lord is one day very soon and i can see the fulfillment of prophecy coming i can see that we're at the end of time that all the tragic prophecies are coming to pass but all the glorious prophecies are coming to pass and our cry ought to be maranatha come lord jesus aren't you tired of this old world of ours aren't you longing for jesus to come and to catch us up in the clouds of heaven aren't you looking for him coming aren't you preparing yourself aren't you making yourself ready to go home to meet the lord jesus christ there is coming a day when we're going to see the lord jesus christ let's pray together father i pray tonight that we won't be left with a vision of antichrist his shadow and substance but we're gonna be left with a day an hour where you're gonna heal all of the nations of the world you're gonna bless them you're gonna restore them you're gonna unite them as individual unique nations that are saved and redeemed out of the world nor god i thank you that you're going to bring peace and righteousness and truth that you will be exalted at the end of this that you are going to be glorified after man has done his worst after antichrist has left destruction you are going to heal the nations and reign upon the earth for 1 000 years we love you lord jesus we are no fools for worshiping you and serving you and following you father i pray that in this church we get a taste of heaven on earth that we catch a glimpse of these things as we see what the nations are doing we're not going to be perturbed we're not going to be in fear but we're going to be praying for the kingdom of god to come on the earth lord jesus it's ensued that we desire in this last hour amen god bless you
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Id: 4fvK-w8oLi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 21sec (5061 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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