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i'm gonna ask you for a few moments here and take that with a pinch of salt okay to turn to exodus chapter one exodus chapter one is a very special thing here to be involved in a child's beginning in her life and it's a remarkable hour and we really pray for god's blessing on baby eva i want to preach a message very specifically for this baby dedication and i believe it's not only for eva not only for her parents but for all of us whether you have a child or not it is for us because i believe this message reveals something of the hour that we live in and what is happening at this time reading from exodus chapter one and this is my message here this morning raising children under rising tyranny reading from exodus chapter 1 from verse 8. now there are rose up a new king over egypt which knew not joseph and he said unto his people behold the people of the children of israel are more and mightier than we come on let us deal wisely with them lest they multiply and have come to pass that when their fall without any war they join onto us our enemies and fight against us and so get them up out of the land therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens and they built for pharaoh treasure cities pettin and ramesses but the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew and they were great because of the children of israel and the egyptians made the children of israel to serve with rigor and they made their lives better with hard bondage in mortar and brick and in all manner of service in the field all their service wherein they made them serve was rigor and the king of egypt spake to the hebrew midwives of which the name of the one was shibra and the name of the other poor and he said when you do the office of a midwife to the hebrew women and see them upon the stools if it be a son then ye shall kill him but if it be a daughter then shall he live then shall she live verse 22 and pharaoh charged all his people saying every son that is born ye shall cast into the river and every daughter ye shall save alive and there went a man of the house of levi and took a wife a daughter of levi and the woman conceived and bear a son and when she saw him that he was a goodly child she hid him three months and when she could no longer hide him she took him an arc of bulrushes and dubbed it with slime and with pitch and put the child there in and she laid it in the flags by the river spring and his sister stood afar off to whit what would be done unto him will you pray with me here father we do thank you for your grace and your mercy and your kindness unto us in an hour and a generation that we are living in lord god we do pray for your grace and your mercy nor god upon these babies these children nor god on this young generation that we have in our wilderness hour lord god will you have mercy and do an extraordinary work in this last hour of time lord god we do pray for your grace on baby eva nor god and all the children in our midst of god that you'd raise up children that can serve you in the name of jesus christ amen amen amen i need a just a slight bit more volume yeah just slightly to hear myself sorry my wife all week long has made me swim in the sea at 8 30 in the morning and my my throat is just not what it was a week ago so you can blame her uh this morning yeah i'll be fine here this morning my message raising children under rising tyranny let me just lay down four things here and i want you to listen very carefully i want you for these moments to hear because i believe it's a message for this hour and this time my message raising children on the rise in tyranny what do you do when you begin to see tyranny arise and yet at the very same time you're going to have to raise children in that environment i've got four points for you here from the text that we read in and i want you to hearken and understand what we're saying here i believe this baby dedication here this morning has given us the opportunity to speak a message about the children of this hour and generation of the 2020s my first point here from what we have read the rise of tyrants the rise of tyrants what we see in exodus chapter one and we're looking at the context of the birth of moses one of the greatest men most remarkable men do you realize that moses today and our world in this generation do you realize more people hold moses and respect than any other individual do you realize islam does judaism does and christianity or whatever form it does worldwide most of the population hold this little babe that was born in exodus chapter 2 in such high regard and respect that few men in all of world history are thought about like this little baby that we're going to deal with this morning and yet this first point we see the rise of tyrants you see the hour that this little innocent babe that couldn't tell the difference between its left hand and its right was born in an hour when a tyrant was rising to power where he was going to be born it is a terrible thing when government becomes tyrannical or a leader arises that doesn't respect the welfare of life of human life itself you know if you're a student of history you actually know when you look back over the 20th century and back through world history you do not take these things lightly you see moses was born in the air when a tyrant had risen up gained political power religious power social power and medical power it was the rise of tyrannical government at that time we're actually told here in verse 8 now there are rose up a new king over egypt who knew not joseph you see joseph was a man of god you know the story of joseph he was known by the pharaoh of egypt he was respected he was honored and all of his people the people of israel were respected as well and it says a new king the word new there means someone new totally different than the previous pharaohs he was a different kind of man the previous pharaohs knew joseph or knew about joseph or had a respect for joseph but here came a pharaoh in egypt who knew not joseph he had no care about joseph he didn't know the stories about joseph he had no reverence for the people of god he didn't care about their religious opinions or their god or their faith or their culture he didn't care about any of it he had a very low view you see i'm showing you the beginning of tyranny you see you can discern when a tyrant is beginning to arise there's certain ideologies there's certain ways of thinking there's certain ways of operating enough speaking there are certain legislation that starts to come in i want to assure you when i see a man or a woman that has no respect for the babe in the womb i get very worried when i see a generation coming in who have a very low view of a child being born in the womb or an old person that has maybe gone senile and is in a home and has nothing to contribute to society and they go that life is of no worth i'm telling you it's a very dangerous hour when i look back through the corridors of time and of history and i'm a student of history i have been from a child it's very important to study history because if you study history you can predict the future what's just about to happen and i'm standing here if i know anything about history we right now are living in an hour that is very dangerous i believe that we've never seen such a dangerous hour since the second world war i believe that there is a rise of a movement that we ought to be deeply concerned about you see this new king that came to the throne in this hour was a different man and he thought differently who were the people of god in this hour well we know that they went into captivity in egypt for a period of 400 years do you remember abraham when the man who couldn't even have a child and god intervened that he and his wife could have a child the lord revealed to him your people are going to go down into egypt and be there 400 years but god is going to bring them up out of there in other words right at the very beginning the source of an entire nation god showed them the dark times the hard times he predicted how long they would be in egypt what a remarkable thing also jacob was given a prophecy your people are going to suffer affliction but i will make them there in egypt a great nation don't be scared to be down in egypt don't be scared to be in this world because you know what while israel is in egypt i'm gonna birth forth a great nation during that 400 years they went from being a family to an entire mighty nation that has become notorious in the world we see them go from a man a woman a child a family and then we begin to watch this entire nation form but it was in the midst of egypt when joseph finally died he left behind his bones and you know what he said i want you to preserve my bones you see all of that preserving the bodies by the pharaohs that was done for jesus body and his body was still there 400 years later and he says you know my bones when you get delivered and god visits you and takes you to canaan i want you to carry my body my bones my remains up and you know what my bones are going to be a testimony that revival is going to come to you what a remarkable thing you see god had a plan through the darkest hours even through the rise of tyrants god had a plan yet very few people amongst god's people remembered the covenant remembered the promises or even understood the prophecies they are that we live in now most people do not understand bible prophecy this bible is filled with lots of prophecy about eva's generation i mean specifically about her generation there are hundreds if not thousands of specific prophecies saying what is going to happen and giving us assurance it's remarkable she is a unique child born at a unique time in world history well we see the rise of tyrants look at this new king who comes to the throne he's filled with suspicion he is filled with fear he begins to say we need to keep an eye on our people be careful when governmental part demonizes any group of people i don't care if they're gypsies i don't care if they're jews i don't care if they're christians you better be very careful when we have a form of legislation that separates people out and treats them differently you see this new king he's he began to say this people are gonna multiply they're grown they're greater than us see the suspicion of his mind they weren't greater there weren't more in number but he begins to look at them and they become dangerous it's not us and them you know we live in a society that's trying to create a you and us mentality you've got to conform to be with us and if you don't conform then you're you're the other you're something else and you become demonized this is the mark of tyranny when you begin to separate out of people and say you don't speak like us you don't act like us why don't you conform to our laws and our religion and why don't you think about babies like us what's wrong with abortion anyway you better be very careful when in politics they have a very low view of life you know what this new king done in verse 11 it says he therefore did set over them task masters to afflict them that means to look down upon them to browbeat them or to depress them you see he was scared of them he was nervous about them he was suspicious he was right not in his head what they're gonna do you know when you get a governmental leader that looks at the church or looks at a certain segment of the population and begins to go they're dangerous we haven't broken any laws you know i'm one of the best citizens in limerick city i'll have you to know that i try to be i'm not always perfect but i sure am do endeavor to be this man is a law abiding citizen who respects the government who exp who respects the guards oh i know they don't do everything right i've met a few of them i want to shout i've got a few stories here but i give them respect for their position and their job i am a law abiding citizen but when legislation begins to change and begins to point out someone like me that i'm different i don't conform and that i don't believe what they believe you're living in a rise of tyrants in a time that is very dangerous it says that they desire to depress these people to beat them into submission to put them in a corner to restrict them and to do that he says he put burdens or a load of care upon them while he's trying to depress this group of people he is building cities for himself he is economically going up they're building entire cities he's preparing for the future he is rolling in the money we have lived in the past year and a half and an hour in which the rich the powerful the famous have become extremely rich in the past year and a half do you know who is decreasing is those who are the majority those who have little you're suffering and you'll suffer yet more under what is happening in our world but you know the rich and the famous and the powerful they are extending their power i read a book and i brought it to you as a church a year over a year ago in july last year klaus schwab of the world economic forum warning in his book printed in june last year do you know what he said he said government is going to have to become very strong very controlling and very intrusive in the life i read that last july and i didn't believe it he said you're going to watch worldwide over the next year government take over and strengthen and it it'll be greatly misunderstood we are living in an hour where governments have claimed a power they have never claimed in our entire lifetime we have lost rights and liberties and freedoms and now they're on the verge of you know what doing demonizing anyone who disagrees with what's said i want to warn you here this morning we are living in a very dangerous hour what was the result of this of this new pharaoh trying to oppress the people of god well it says here verse 13 or sorry verse 12 but the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied in number and they grew in other words they become established so look at this rising talent and this is only the beginning you know i was going to say for this point call it the rise of tyrants who destroyed children i was going to call that the first point but really that's the end that's the destination when you first see them that isn't where they're going they're trying to oppress and limit a exploding population there is an explosion of population they're trying to cut it down and restrict it and stop it but the more they oppress the more the numbers multiply and the more they become established you know hardship never destroy the people softness destroys the people comfort can destroy you suffering has never destroyed a man you know most of us when we suffer it's some of our greatest days i want to show you it's not easy and those who cause it are responsible but suffering puts backbone into you we now have sired an entire generation they live off the state they demand everything and they don't want to do anything that's the mark of an entire generation we have ruined a generation and we have set them up making them ready for a tyrant if a tyrant pays enough gives them what they want they will follow the pied piper to wherever he goes it doesn't matter where he goes do you know the world governments have now come out this year from britain to canada saying that they're going towards transhumanism the british government the ministry of defense in britain saying they want a brain chip in every brain you've got all the government departments across the world world economic forum um other institutions saying we're going digital digital currency everything's going digital we're not going to digitalize the body we're going to digitalize the medical system and they're now telling us where they're going we are going to change the dna i'm telling you what they're saying not my opinion they're looking to bring an evolutionary jump that's going to combine technology with humanity as the bible predicted two thousand years ago we are there it's right at the door you see the rise of tyrants i believe we're in a very dangerous hour but you see all of this bondage and bitterness and trouble and care it didn't touch the home at this point there was the rise of terrence as long as you don't touch my home i'll be okay affect the workplace affect the high street affect society but as long as i got freedom in the home i'm okay do you know when tyrants begin to intrude on your own premises your own home your own lifestyle in the home you better get very worried this is change gear my second point midwives who feared god midwives who fear god the rise of tyrants a new pharaoh but midwives who feared god look at verse 15 and the king of egypt because his plan wasn't working the king of egypt speak to the hebrew midwives of what of which the name of the one was shipra and the name of the other was poor and he said unto him when you do the officer a midwife of the hebrew women and see them upon the stools if it be a son then ye shall kill them but if it be a daughter then she shall live do you realize there's a king with an agenda he actually is concerned about the population explosion there is a people multiplan that make him very very nervous in this and time so what does he do his oppression of the people the hard taskmasters in the workplace that didn't work what did he go for next he went to the midwest the office of the midwife the two of them are mentioned here and most commentators believe they overseen maybe 500 of their midwives two midwives couldn't birth all the children that were coming forth in israel there was maybe two million people there had to be 500 midwives working laboring to bring forth the children but we are given the names and identities of the two leaders of this profession within an entire nation do you know this king goes directly to them not the people and he goes to the midwives and he says i want you in your office now we're making this legal we're making this political and we're commanding you midwives if sons are born you're to kill them you're to kill them you see this is the steps of a tyrant in a certain generation oh i know there would have been a lot of qualifying with what he was doing a reasoning out higher authority having lost the sanctity of life is a very dangerous things no morals new ethics and it begins to invade the workplace you can keep your religion you can keep your morals but don't bring them into the workplace keep them at home keep them in your own house but don't bring them into this work environment this is a political environment what a dangerous thing when your choice and the sanctity of life is taken away from you and it's now made a political issue when governments begin to say life isn't important that child that baby boy if it's a boy kill him if it's a girl let her live do you know we all know about nazi germany about how eugenics was used to begin destroying the those that were despised the jew the gypsy the handicapped they kept going then if you didn't fit the qualifications you know why they said science has shown us you see science was used to begin to annihilate to justify and fill the newspapers it filled the media politics came through entirely using the medical system this scientific system the most educated to begin justifying what they were doing all of us knew that we all think it was in the past it could never happen again we knew that darwinism hand in hand with eugenics affected china russia and nazi germany and massacred vast millions of people the jews were condemned as scum something else you know in german newspapers i all my life i've wondered how does the intellectual germans how did they fall for hitler i i mean i know the germans they're intellectual they're educated they're upright they're disciplinarians they're men and women who keep the law how did an entire nation of sensible people fall for the rise of hitler well we know that he arose in an economic crisis we knew that he fixed the nation and done many good things but he demonized the people and he made them believe that there was something wrong with those called jews what about china you say it wouldn't happen in our day really you think it wouldn't happen in our day you think everything happened in history and it could never happen in your generation hitler could never arise today stalin could never arise mayo could never arise do you not realize that our world is more susceptible right now and it's in danger more than any other day generation it is wide open to deception i'm watching people very carefully in china birth control was introduced in 1949 then in 1979 the one child policy was introduced to china this all within my lifetime they began to tell their people one of the biggest nations in the world populations you can only have one child you're not allowed to have two children if you do it'll be taken off you or killed or you'll be aborted before you have the child this was standard practice i've read the story of chinese mothers who had the place at the door saying you need this baby aborted come with us and we'll do it and you can go back home a christian mother with a baby in her whim she's got one child you're not allowed a second one the authorities had sovereign power to do that do you know that continued from 1979 through the 2016 only one child the testimony i'm talking about was since the year 2000 and i'm talking about real things going on china has in that time period from 79 to 2016 aborted 600 million baby 600 million do you know they changed their policy five years ago and they said you're allowed two babies now then in august this year 2021 they said you're allowed three babies you know why they destroyed their population they realized by implementing this legislation they have destroyed their society now they're going to have a large old population and almost no young population they're in danger so they said no you're going to have three babies and taunt about an entire nation i'm taught about a nation that has big influence into the united nations it's one of the big four i'm talking about china that is second only to america in world affairs i'm talking about a nation that money-wise is buying up all the corporations around the world it's influencing every nation it is coming in and affecting business in every hour do you know eugenics is still a very real thing you know what if you go to the world economic forum they're taught about gene editing do you know the 2020s are going to be marked by an explosion of gene editing it's all been held back but it's about to change very quickly we're told that american indians in north america between 1971 and 1965 42 of american indians were sterilized we're told in that same period of time there was about 500 clinics in america set up to sterilize those that were involved in crime from african communities from indian communities and other areas they operated illegally under the knowledge of governments i'm talking about our generation we're now told that the united states has probably aborted 62 million babies in europe half a million are killed every four years babies in the womb are killed deliberately new zealand has become the strongest of any country in the world against the baby and the womb they legislated just a year ago who's their prime minister she is the youngest prime minister in the world trained by claus schwab she is the biggest promoter of the fourth industrial revolution in the world she is at the forefront of the world economic forum do you know she led the way in pushing us through last year and since then abortion has increased 43 in just one year do you know how far she took it it is a full-term abortion just a few months ago i read the story of a mother 21 years old having a baby that had reached 21 weeks she was having an abortion but it failed so they took and i'm sorry to tell you these facts i don't apologize in this r because even our young generation are being given such filthiness hour we need to be woken up in the tsar do you know what they done with that baby it was a failed abortion the law the prime minister changed last year said even if an abortion fails leave it to die so they took the baby out it was still alive 21 weeks and they left it on the table for two hours as the nurses watched they didn't touch it the law now says you're not to apply any medical aid you just leave it you just leave it to die in the table there's one incident the past year in new zealand uh up to 35 weeks plus and yet it was aborted do you realize we're now in a generation of leaders of government leaders who have no care they say you can kill that baby right up to birth you know the laws are nothing at the minute they're wanting to push through hard significant laws i'm talking about the generation we're living in i'm not just talking about exodus chapter one and exodus chapter two and ton about the r that we're living in now they say 30 million worldwide have been aborted this year 30 million babies they say 4.5 million have supposedly died from cover deaths over the past year and a half compare this 4.5 million max if they're accurate worldwide and we shut down the entire world everything the economy we destroy the economy because of that something that hardly touches most in the population and it is a real thing covet is a real thing but it hardly touches our population 4.5 million compare that to 30 million just this year of abortions right across our world 1.5 billion have died in the past 50 years through murder in the womb about 25 percent of all pregnancies end in deliberate abortion 42 of all deaths each year are from abortions all deaths take cancer take covert take hard deaths take it all 42 of deaths are down to abortion do you know what was happening when moses was born at that hour at that very time it was a contemporary issue do you know what those midwives are told you need to abort all the young boys coming out this would have affected moses one of the greatest men of faith our world has ever known and these two midwives are told you are responsible for doing this do it medically do it scientifically it's a political thing but you know what this tyrant has an agenda he doesn't say i hate you he says we need a limit we need a restrict we need to do something about this i looked at the stats of abortion in our world and i wanted to see when the high point was when were the most abortions committed per head worldwide when as far as recording do you know what it was it was in the early 1990s if you were born in the early 1990s or mid-1990s you were the target of a satanic attack to annihilate a generation in other words if you're just under 30 your generation was the most grasped for of any generation so far in world history but i actually believe it's moved further these two ladies shipra do you know what her name means means to glitter or to garnish it means to glisten or to make fair you see these two ladies were unique what's my second point midwives who feared god they actually feared god what do you do when a tyrant tells you you better do this or else you better do this this is a command from a tyrant you've got to instill this well this first lady she glittered in the midst of it it means that you become garnished or begin to shine it's a process it's like brass or some precious metal where you're so worked upon that you begin to shine forth it takes time it takes work do you know this lady in this environment began to shine i wonder how many of you are going to begin to shine and this are you're going to shine up beautiful you're going to become radiant because of the hour that you live in you see this lady because of this command and this situation she began to shine she began to glean and to shine forth her friend pooh it's a similar name means to radiate or to shine forth beauty what it's talking about is not progressively beginning to shine or being tried and burst into something it means that your inward character begins to manifest do you know before this year and a half a lot of people in our world were unnoticed but they're beginning to shine you notice in our world certain people you never heard about i mean many of them the past year and a half you never once heard about them they were unnoticed they were obscure suddenly in this year their inward beauty of character of conviction of belief is beginning to shine out and not only that there's others that in this they're beginning to say we need to speak out we need to make a stand i care about convictions and so these two ladies you know what they begin to shine in the midst of this babies were to be killed at birth and you know what government wanted to offload onto business leaders the local workplace these women in the workplace offload the responsibility on them i'm washing my hands of it let them do the dirty work it was an official task of the medical profession it's your job to implement this in this generation you're to do it you're to do it and the government stands by and say we haven't done it it's them it's happening since in the past year all over our world it is happening what did these midwives do how do you survive this but the midwives verse 17 feared god do you realize if you fear god you don't fear man the fear of man brings us near when you're scared of men more than you're scared of god you will do things you never imagine there's people in our world said i would never do that but when the regulations and the laws and the legislation and the powers and government strengthens suddenly they'll compromise everything you know why they're scared or they don't want to be denied what they're doing but the midwives feared god and did not as the king of egypt commanded them and said i can't do this there's a bridge too far i can do many things there's much i can do but i cannot do this thing and they saved the men children alive and the king of egypt called for the midwives and said on them why have you done this thing and have saved the men children alive you know what they begin to say to them you say listen to me you need to be very wise and nassar they begin to say well you don't know these jewish ladies they are very very lively and you know what before we get there to deliver them they are birthing their children i mean they're vigorous they're a bit like nave you can't even get them into the room and they're bringing forth that baby you need to understand what they're really like i want to assure you and it says listen so you have these ladies making a stand here i'm not talking about lying i am actually talking about protecting and preserving it says there in these verses that therefore god dealt well with the midwives and the people multiplied and waxed very mighty these two ladies that were over this god dealt well with them man was commanding them to take the life of children and yet god dealt with them do you know what when you respect life when you understand the sanctity of life and what is going on in this generation you're going to want to please god more than you want to please man the fear of god is an utterly remarkable thing in your life it's a remarkable thing it'll protect you you will have real convictions you will stand when others are not willing to stand you will actually stand your ground you know these two ladies they feared god therefore they obeyed god and preserved the life do you have convictions this morning but things went further this tyrant began to realize we need to stop this something is happening third of all in exodus chapter 122 it says unfair it charged all his people saying every son that is born ye shall cast into the river and every daughter ye shall save alive it's going further this is my third point parents with faith this is when legislation invades the home attacks the sanctity of life parents with faith you see this tyrant this new king he moved it now further to the very home and he said it's your responsibility it's not the midwives anymore it's not us egyptians oppressing you i'm trying to wear you down it's all a process first trying to wear you down then come through the medical profession now third of all we are after your children we are going to turn you parents against your own children the parents with faith third of all in one chronicles chapter six we read about the name of moses father he's called amram in exodus chapter 6 verse 20 we read about the mother's name called jochebed amrum and jochebed were the parents of moses they had three children the firstborn was miriam she became a prophetess the second was aaron he became a high priest and then third of all was baby moses he became a great prophet and a man of god do you know aaron his older brother was three years old when he was born three old years old he wasn't under threat this is how fast things were moving that when aaron was born there was no command to take his life none whatsoever remember pharaoh said now i'm enforcing legislation we're going further i want you to throw your child in the river nile to annihilate your child the pressure is coming to bear but it wasn't like that two years ago or three years ago but it is now during the birth of moses sam convinced the children born in such an hour there's a pattern in scripture do you remember all incidents when kings rose up to kill babies it always meant there was a seed children in that generation who are going to be uniquely used of god to prophetically fulfill the will of god it happened in moses day it also happened in the new testament with christ herod knew there was a child going to be born he knew a delivery was coming the devil knew i don't know where i don't know just when but in this time frame somewhere in nazareth there's a child and i'm gonna find him you know what the devil does annihilates an entire generation of children in a city or in a nation to get that one child i believe you that are under 30 do you know why the devil's made such a grab for you because god's about to do something unique in this last generation do you know these little children being born now i believe they're going to live in the most phenomenal hour in all of world history they are utterly unique and you know what the devil wants to annihilate an entire population of babies because somewhere in there is that last church generation i'm in the very last church generation and he is out to get it it says in hebrews chapter 11 23 by faith moses when he was born was head three months of his parents by faith he was born he was head moses can't have faith to hide himself he's a child three months old you don't have faith whose was the faith it was the faith of his parents they hid him why did they hide him because of their faith in other words it says in hebrews 11 oh it wasn't a great miracle to hide your child in such an hour is a great act of faith ian and nath i want to tell you a great act of faith is to hide eva and nassar to hide her concealer protect her to watch over her to care for her it is an act of faith you are going to need great faith in this are you mothers you fathers do you have faith to hide your child in this are from all that is happening and around this is the first of several explaining the faith of moses see hebrews 11 is there to explain about moses faith how he'd done great dates he by faith rejected the riches of pharaoh he rejected the wealth of position he uh went through the passover but first of all it's the faith of the parents do you want your children to have faith you better have faith you see here it has shown the faith of the parents of a child that's going to rise with remarkable faith everything in his life is going to be faith everything he does is by faith but the faith better start with you parents you better activate faith that will impact the children of this generation you see there's the faith of parents moses was born at the height of persecution this persecution was now invading the home it was no longer a safe environment in your personal home hasn't it all changed in the past year and a half they begin to execute laws of tyranny that are going to affect the children remember the fear of man brings a snare but these parents are not afraid of consequence i'm gonna hide these children by faith what sort of faith was it it was a daily faith imagine for three months you have to hide your child every day it's not a sunday morning faith it's not when you feel good faith that faith to protect your child is a daily faith it is a living faith it is a spiritual faith it is a supernatural faith it is an act in faith parents have faith to god concerning your children you've really got to have faith action is the result of faith all your actions come out of faith every decision everything you do with those kids come out of faith but it is your faith that actually preserves them it is supernatural it was that faith that sustained these parents guided them protected their child and faith explains the action show me your actions and this are what you do and decide over the next year i'll show you faith i'm in with all of you and with me faith can be seen faith is heard faith acts faith does certain things faith is not a hidden thing of the heart faith is not private and secret and moral and spiritual inwardly without outward effect faith can be seen in the home faith can be seen by your decisions over your children remember in acts chapter 4 18 and the authorities in jerusalem called for peter and john and commanded them not to speak at all nor to teach in the name of jesus well you know what they've done in acts chapter 5 29 then peter and the other apostles answered and said we ought to obey god rather than man i believe in obeying the law of the land i have been i believe in obeying laws that i don't like i i believe in obeying um the laws that i would rather be changed i believe and do not but there's certain things when it comes to bear we've got to reject them but god uses means how does this faith manifest god uses means you could say well i'm going to pray the god supernaturally protects my child i'm going to pray that an angel is put there by my child and that nothing is going to happen i'm going to just pray that god will miraculously preserve them and i'll just sit back and watch and trust god do you know what that is that's dangerous to play games over this you see god uses means he preserves life through certain ways do not tempt god remember when the devil said to jesus throw yourself off this temple and then angels will come and save you and then everyone's going to believe after all it's a promise in the bible if then the angels will keep you what a miracle jesus walked back down the steps again he didn't throw himself off do you know a lot of people raising children oh well let's just trust god bring them in on a sunday morning that would be fanaticism presumption reckless it is not lack of faith to avoid danger real faith is careful cautious wary it's not about miracles here i'm talking about yous and means if you have faith in god i'm going to protect that child for three months when they had that child can you imagine having notice is it a boy or a girl and you know the law the legislation the regulation if you have a boy you've got to cast him in the river he's got to die and you're waiting what is it boy girl it's not because you painted their own pink or blue and they even get that confused in this sir they're so messed up it's not because that's because you know if that's a boy we're entering into a trial here the like of which we've never had a face before because of the change of legislation as soon as she heard it was a boy they know what they're gonna do they had faith we are gonna hide them three months in our hearts that's very dangerous i know i know the law do you know you're breaking the law yes but what do you want me to do cast them in the sea in the nile do you want me to do things that break the word of god that deny god and the sanctity of life you see when things start pressing around us i don't have a choice anymore as a preacher in this church i don't have a choice what i preach i don't have a choice about convictions i am bound i wish i didn't live in this hour well i don't really i was born for this i knew it from a child i'm telling you i knew it from a child i was born for this hour but their faith actually made them hide them they had to be consistent well i'll guard him this week and then hey nothing's going to happen i know god will guard him next week you better guard that child you better hide him the parents their faith their wisdom but they do not lie is that a baby i hear you need to be very careful the two midwives didn't lie they're just very wise you and this church are gonna have to become very wise no christian lies oh but i was helping you no christian lies christians don't lie amen you need a satellite oh but i i thought i know what you thought christians do not lie but you know what you need great wisdom on how you answer things i've told you before those sellers of merchandise would phone us up and candace is on the phone 20 minutes who was that she doesn't do that anymore but for 20 minutes she's explaining why she shouldn't buy that i said press a button you don't need to explain and you don't need to tell them why you're not buying it you just don't say anything some people when they start to explain and talk they get themselves into an awful lot of trouble they're trying to explain why they're not doing something just zip it takes faith to hold your tongue it really does takes a lot of faith the river that should have marked his gnome was going to become his deliverance do you know at the end of three months they had no more faith maybe they checked the houses every three months and now it's getting close and their faith reached that point they go for three months we've protected that child but i i don't have any more faith that's okay you may say i don't have faith for this who does who does i'm not brave i only have faith to stand here this morning some of yous are so worried about next year and what if this happens i don't know i just know what i'm doing this morning i've got faith for this this morning i don't have faith for next year why why would i have faith that i don't need yet do you know what at that point you know what they done they took that baby they made an ark a bulrushes and she put oil on it she actually waterproofed that box you know what she's making a plan i have faith in god and she said i'm gonna put the baby in the ark and you know what we're gonna pay the law but we're not going to obey the law what is the command you've got to cast your man child your little boy into the river okay then i've got faith that god will preserve my child i can obey the government and i can obey god only faith can do that only the wisdom of god can do that and so she put the baby in the in in the ark and neve i can't tell you how much i believe this is for you i can't tell you how much somehow faith does this and i actually believe somewhere eve is going to need this that faith that says i can obey government and i can also fear god and obey him at the same time i can actually do it she actually puts the baby in this little arc entrusted to miriam who's probably anything from six years old to 15 the older sister and little baby irons over in the corner and she entrusted to marry him what a task for a young girl and she goes to the riverside and pushes it off this was an act of great faith they hit him for three months because they saw he was a perfect child there's something about this child in this generation there really is and so little miriam pushed off the ark this is where the men die oh i obeyed the law i have put my baby in the river but it's in a waterproof basket and i didn't throw as much as just perch off with god bless you little child i know you're in god's hands i've got faith in my heart and as miriam watched here comes pharaoh's daughter down by the bull rushes and when she sees the child she knows it's a hebrew this is one of those hebrew kids and this must be a scheme of one of these hebrew mothers and the baby begins to weep and that motherly heart do you know ladies that when a woman and a man see a baby they now say chemicals are released in your body that's why a guy like me that isn't fraternal and believe me a nappy is the worst i can't even imagine anything else worse than that i've avoided it for 50 years god help me but i'm telling you when you get a baby in that arms there's chemicals released god's made it that way do you know pharaoh's daughter as soon as she that baby begins to cry her heart melts and goes i've got some stories i can tell about this child and then little miriam 15 years old max steps up and says queen i've got an idea i could find the queen hasn't said anything yet the suggestions coming from a little girl you little ladies in this church you need the wisdom of miriam she's gonna become a prophetess she steps up and she says you know what i've got an idea i can find a hebrew lady a hebrew mother to look after and says go do that imagine advising the queen of egypt this daughter of the pharaoh well she went and found moses mother and they raised them until a certain point fourth and lastly let me finish here children born for an hour eva has been born in an hour all of your children a unique hour miriam area aaron and then moses a dark heart a dangerous r look what it says in hebrews 11 23 because they saw he was a proper child why did they by faith hide the child because they saw he was a proper child they saw they observed they could say do you have the ability to look and observe god's plan and purpose could you look at a baby moses like thousands of other babies and yet you go there's something different about this child i know god's prophetic plan for this are i know god's purpose for this art i know this isn't a normal heart something is gonna happen in this generation god's gonna use this child i knew it they actually saw that he was a proper child they saw they could discern they look they use their eyes a lot of parents don't open their eyes where's jimmy i don't know who's that talking with jimmy i don't know i don't care what did jimmy tonight i don't know do you know what they saw he was a proper child they observed it the word tob used here listen carefully the word that's used for this special child this very proper child this unique child here in exodus you know what it says it's the word tob to describe this child there was something about him the word top is used in genesis one about creation and it means something is good or perfect not lacking anything it is complete or it is the work of god there's definitely evidently a work of god in this child like creation like the 60s it was good it was good it was good now i see a child it is good god's plan is here god's hand is here god's creation is here god's will is here god's purpose is here i see in this child that something is going to happen these parents saw something about this child it was beautiful to god it was evident at this birth you know certain children parents have known something's different son samson's parents knew there's something about that child this isn't a normal birth samuel's parents knew there's something unique about this child well i i cried i just won the child then you find out he's a prophet unbelievable john the baptist you'll never have a child your old parents but an angel comes as you're going to have a child i heard your prayers why are you praying as an old man you're in the temple praying do you not realize old man you can't have children he's in the house of god praying that angel says excuse me and then because you don't believe me you're gonna be dumb until that child's born you don't believe me i do but i don't well it's better you stay dumb and don't speak a word until that child comes forth in acts 7 verse 20 it says in which time moses was born and was exceeding fair and nourished up in his father's house three months it means he was beautiful in god's sight beautiful before god a child who met god's requirements the bible says train up a child and the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it in other words to raise your children the bible commands you to train your child if you don't god will not protect your child hear me parents i'm telling you what the bible says oh well it doesn't matter what i do with my children i don't need to discipline them i don't need to train them but god look after them you're in dangerous ground you're playing fire with god you're playing fire with the devil you see the bible says you're to train up your child you know what that word means it means to narrow them down you can't claim the promise of this verse that they will not depart from god and yet you don't train them you don't train them but you one god look after them you're negligent you're playing a dangerous game you'll have a little rebel atheist grow up in your home you'll have an immoral little girl grow up in your home and you are responsible oh it's not it's their choice it's your responsibility your faith will impact their faith your training will impact the fact that they do not depart from god you know what the bible says this child was a proper child an exceeding fair child it's not talking about outward beauty but it's tall about something else in hebrews 11 by faith moses when he was come to years or he grown up refused to be called the the son of pharaoh's daughter why faith choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god why faith do you know many are going to make a choice in this hour to suffer it's a choice you can make a choice where you won't suffer in this r you'll you'll just sidestep it go i still have faith in god no you don't you made a choice that shows you didn't have faith esteeming the reproach of christ greater richers than the treasures in egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward by faith he forsook egypt not fearing the wrath of the king for he endured to see in him that is invisible saints of god i'm telling you about raising children under rising tyranny and as i sat over this i've had this for a few months now this text of parents who are willing to push out that little ark the ark representing christ our faith is in christ we entrust this little child into god's hands we have faith the faith of a parent insignificant parents but what a faith it's faith for an hour faith for a crisis faith for a trial and it's faith for this hour raising children under arise and tyranny and i believe we're going to have maybe a message or two more than this because i believe that it's time that we raise up children not only here but out on that camera there's parents maybe some of you is it's too late but if you've got a child raise up maybe it's your grandchildren raise them up this is a remarkable hour and if you say that your child's a proper child you're gonna watch them by faith you're gonna guard them you pray with me here this morning father we do thank you lord god for your grace and your mercy even upon this family this morning we've come and dedicated this baby onto you we've stood beside her we've offered her up to you we have faith in our heart that this little child is born in a unique hour we believe there's faith here in this room to guard her to protect her to hide her the concealer in an hour when the devil is after this generation to educate them to brainwash them to deceive them to separate them from parents to annihilate this generation we believe that god has a plan a purpose to bring forth his willingness our father i do pray nor god for this generation of children gave us a generation gave us new converts out of this hour give us a whole harvest of new souls give us newborn christians this year that are going to be unique proper children lord god set aside to you that are going to be used for your glory and your praise in jesus
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 1,121
Rating: 4.967742 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Id: j1QEMis2Tek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 46sec (4066 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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