Is The Pope The AntiChrist? by Keith Malcomson

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our bible study we're coming to our next bible study uh part 15 that we dealt with a week or two ago uh was concerned will the antichrist be a muslim but i want to move on here tonight to is the pope the antichrist i definitely don't deal with controversial issues i can assure you but i want to take you to scripture tonight reading from daniel chapter 7 daniel chapter as we continue with this series we're not dealing with this to be controversial or to provoke a reaction absolutely not i i wouldn't want to do that i wouldn't want to waste my time i've almost never spent time critiquing things and messages this is utterly unique that i'm critiquing the islamic antichrist and now asking this question tonight so please don't think i i i have any other motive than feeling a necessity because listen to me if i give you a description of a person and it's not accurate and you're waiting on that person and the description i give does not match it's so vague or so country to the person you're waiting for you're you're you're gonna be looking in all the wrong directions and i assure you if if people are waiting for an islamic antichrist and yet he's not going to rise from islam you're going to be missing a hundred things that are happening which are the fulfillment of bible prophecy that's why i'm dealing with this here tonight and we're going to ask the question will the antichrist be the pope or will the pope be the antichrist daniel chapter seven reading first from verse seven to verse eight after this i saw in the night vision and behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly and it had great iron teeth it devoured and break in pieces and it stamped the residue with the feet of it and it was diverse from all the beasts that went before it and it had ten horns i considered the horns and behold there came up among them another little horn before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots and behold in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man and a mouth speaking great things then down to verse 19 then i would know the truth of the fourth beast which was diverse from all the others exceeding dreadful whose teeth were of iron and his nails of brass which devoured breaking pieces and stamped the residue with his feet and of the ten horns that were in his head and of the other which came up and before whom three fell even if that horn that had eyes and a mouth that speak very great things whose look was more stout than his fellows i beheld and the same horn made war with the saints and prevailed against them then last of all just one last verse verse 25 and he shall speak great words against the most high and shall wear out the saints of the most high and think to change times and laws and they shall be given into his hand until a time and at times and the dividing of times let's just pray here tonight father we do love you we exult you we thank you that even here as we gather we know that the written scriptures carry absolute authority no decree no to command by any church by any pope by any cardinal nor god by no church committee it's your word that has absolute authority and we judge all things by the written scripture lord god that is the only rule for faith that is the only test of every spirit every doctrine of every lifestyle and nor god we thank you for the supreme authority of the written scripture that everything must submit itself to the truth written in this precious book that you've given us thank you for the headship of jesus christ that we as a church have only one head we have only one sovereign lord who speaks who dictates who rules who has absolute authority over the church of jesus christ we love you lord jesus that it's you that we look to for forgiveness of sins you are the only high priest over our salvation you're the only one who can forgive us you're our only intercessor it's only in your name that we pray and it's only in you that we have salvation we thank you that on the cross you made one sacrifice for sin never to be repeated you lay down your life shed your blood you attorned for sin nothing can be added to that lord god nothing can be improved on the one sacrifice you made and we love you tonight lord jesus i thank you my sins are forgiven i thank you i have a high great high priest at the right hand of the father whoever maketh intercession for the saints we love you and lord god tonight i pray make christ to be the center of this message even as we deal with other things don't let us lose our vision of christ let us see christ's preeminent in all things in jesus mighty name amen my message here tonight is is the pope the antichrist as we said we've done 14 messages expounding the book of daniel the last time we dealt with islam and now we're going to deal with the pope or the papacy in the catholic church these messages have been added as an appendix purely to bring clarity because these are such live issues of those that are listening the messages and what is going on in the church today last time as we looked at the islamic antichrist and we noted that there is a difference between the antichrist being an arab and being a muslim there's a big difference in that you see i believe he will be an arab but i do not believe he will be a muslim but i want you to understand that those that teach the islamic antichrist i agree with much that they teach and i'm very thankful for much that they teach but i disagree that the antichrist and his religion will be muslim or islamic i totally disagree and we showed that last time we mentioned how shubat one of the teachers concerning us became a radical catholic in the year 2014 no wonder he wanted to take the spotlight off the pope and off the catholic church because he himself was a closet catholic or someone moving towards a very radical catholic view and so today he still preaches the islamic antichrist and mocks the idea that catholicism could have anything to do with deception in the last days uh we already said that islam has 1.8 billion people in the world who are members are associated with it that is 24 of the world's population but we said that in ezekiel's war that is soon to take place that islam is going to fall on the mountains of israel and i believe that's going to be a momentous event that's going to open the way for an evangelizing of muslims as well as for the rise of antichrist but here tonight let me go to and ask the question is the pope the antichrist some may think that such a question or idea or even a suspicion that the pope or the papacy could be the antichrist they could think it's old-fashioned out of date in this ecumenical era that we live in that everybody is a brother we accept all churches and we have exalted love above doctrine that we would simply talk about our catholic brothers and sisters after all at vatican ii which finished in 1964 surely the vatican changed the catholic church change it became open it became more doctrinal it allowed guitars and speaking in tongues so surely it must be more biblical and more correct let's look tonight at this question and we we will look at a wide spectrum on this if you look at the catholic church it has 1.3 billion members a lot of them may be bad members but they are still officially considered members that is 18 of the world's population or almost one out of five people will even in a secular sense be considered catholic in our world so this is a major thing we're asking here tonight it's not a small issue it's major if we're bible christians and if we're looking at bible prophecy almost 40 of all catholics actually live in south america and the catholic church has grown fastest within africa the holy see uh what is called the holy see in the catholic church is the official government of the catholic church and it is headed up by a person called the pope or an institution called the papacy vatican city state is a country a nation within our world it has only a population of now listen carefully 825 people it has to be the smallest nation state in the world and yet its citizenship is far larger every single catholic has dual citizenship with this small vatican city state every catholic in the world is a citizen of vatican city it's considered a nation a country a government a function and political system and yet it's the base the headquarters of a religion it is the home of one of the biggest religions in the world so we don't discount it we recognize that the catholic church that the papacy is a very powerful thing and if we're living in the last hour of the fulfilling of prophecy where does it fit in is it part of the bride is it a false harlot church is it going to be for the antichrist or against the antichrist we ought to ask these questions in the year 1871 the holy see its government had only 16 foreign diplomats by 1921 sorry 1929 it had 27 foreign diplomats by the year 1985 it had diplomats uh our diplomatic relations with 53 different countries i'm leading you somewhere here but by 2013 look at the change over 150 years by 2013 it was exchanging diplomats with a hundred and eighty nations in the world the catholic church in the papacy has never been as strong politically religiously and numerically as it is tonight never has it been so strong these people diplomats are called nunusios they carry more power and influence than any other secular diplomat from any country in the world whether it be america or china or britain or ireland they they have extraordinary power and they're appointed by uh by the pope and immediately after finishing as a diplomat they become an archbishop they are some of the best in four men on the national world imagine having diplomats that went out to all these 180 plus nations and within each one of those nations you have a large percentage within that country that adhere to use a religion so we see that these diplomats are religious but they're also political they have an entire people within each nation who are faithful to them and will feed them information and in fact they have a loyalty to the people state it is a remarkable institution no matter what you think about it but let's look at some of these recent popes pope pius xii who was the pope during the second world war and let me just say he was also a supporter initially of mussolini hitler and other tyrants that began to rise at that time i i've recorded elsewhere where pius actually commended hitler and encouraged him after he invaded austria after he was on the march for world power pius was in there putting his stamp a blessing do you know the papacy signed agreements with hitler mussolini and going back to napoleon all these great political tyrants that have arisen just trace back and you'll find that room has always signed legal agreements with them it's a very political institution and yet it's a very religious institution but do you know since pope pius xii in the second world war he began to promote and support european federalism or unification but not only that as a pope after the war he began to support the idea that the entire world ought to become a federal state under one power he was a great supporter of the un when it was formed in 1945 and in fact he suggested that an international supernational institution would be invaluable for world peace and he also believed that such an institution should receive and listen this this is what the pope of the second world war said that this institution should receive supreme power to act without the constraint of national governments do you know since the second world war every single pope in rome has been a supporter of a world government in 1964 the holy see the government of rome was granted observer status at the united nations 1964 her un status was not only confirmed in 2004 but it was strengthened do you realize no other religion has an ambassador at the un the catholic church is the only religious institution that will be represented in the united nations and her power recognized each pope since pastor 12 has given wholehearted support to the united nations and as a result the un has invited each poop to address its parliament straight the way down to pope francis no now pope francis is the green pope he is the poop of the new world order he is actually 100 behind the great reset and all that is happening in our world climate change the green change all of this wealth redistribution he's a great supporter so we see the loyalty of all these men don't tell me it's not important ask this question tonight whether the pope is the antichrist or not don't tell me it's not an important question it's a vital question because it's one of the most remarkable political religious systems on our earth and we are in the last days and we need to know where it fits in pope paul vi in the year 1967 listen to what he stated amazing i could give you hundreds of these quotes that would shock you tonight but he stated in 1967 the right to private property is not absolute and unconditional and the public authorities in other words governments have um could intervene in private ownership for the greater good of all then pope john paul who was one of the most liked of all popes like previous popes he called for international law be very careful when international law comes it will not be a good thing these men wanted so he called for international law to manage world affairs and wealth redistribution john paul's funeral on the eighth of april 2000 2005 turned out to be the largest gathering of international statesmen outside of the un in world history there were four kings uh five queens and at least 70 presidents and prime ministers there at his funeral it was remarkable utterly astounding if we begin to look at the poop the papacy the religious system if we tested by scripture we begin to find that the pope is actually called the vicar of christ the word vicar means to be in place of and in fact many people have pointed out as it is the word for antichrist the vicar of christ to stand in the place of christ in the earth that is one of his names one of his titles he claims to stand in the position or in the place or to represent christ on the earth what is the antichrist antichrist doesn't always mean to be against the word antichrist also means to stand in the place of to take up the position of he also claims to be the head the only head on the earth of the worldwide catholic church my bible tells me that jesus is the only head of the church on earth or in heaven and yet here we have one of the most ancient long-running respected institutions on the earth with its leader the pope claiming to be the head of maybe one-fifth of the world's population to represent this religious system when you begin looking at catholic doctrine it didn't become more broad and open and vatican to it actually intensified its doctrines its doctrines are worse than at the time of the reformation the they still claim to have power to forgive sins they still add works to grace as a means of salvation the mass that each pope that each catholic priest in each city and town across the world um performs almost daily the mass is an abomination if you look at their teaching they believe that christ is sacrificed afresh in um in in in the the mass they believe he dies afresh his blood is shared afresh that this is his body and his blood they believe that that is an abomination and a denial of jesus christ finished work on the cross they say prayers to mary yet jesus said he taught them he said don't even pray to me when you pray pray to your father in heaven it's a denial of christ's teaching they also pray to saints there are it is filled with idolatry one of the commands says don't bow down don't make an image yet they do that it's all through catholicism they have it then for celibacy of the priesthood immorality has spread through their institution we've seen it here in ireland the abuse in monasteries nunneries of a young generation in our world everyone knows it to be true and also if you go back into history you'll find that the catholic church was one of the biggest land faiths in all of history just google look up the donation of constantine it was exposed in the year 1516 and now they would never stand with it but that document the donation of constant time was used to steal nations lands states of governments and peoples for many hundreds several hundreds of years i i assure you this is massive what we are looking at now here tonight i want just for a moment to look at a teaching that's called historicism it doesn't matter if you don't understand it don't know about it but historists actually teach that the pope is the antichrist in fact let me go further that the papacy from the first pope straight through to francis not one individual man but the man the person the office this possession of the pope is the antichrist now i'm going to tell you which men believed this throughout church history these were not flakes they were not foolish people but often there were men that were part of this system got saved in the midst of it and suffered at its hands now historists what do they believe it's not as popular today but i i believe it will have something of a revival in our day what do they believe when you go to the book of daniel they actually believe the four empires just like what we've taught in this series and they believe that the fourth one is rome the roman empire they also believe in the teaching from daniel what they teach is that when rome fell that it was going to be divided into 10 nations 10 kings 10 nations were going to rise up after the fall of rome and that after those 10 nations rise up that a man called the pope the papacy the antichrist who was gonna have his base in the city of rome he was gonna rise up and for a thousand years this institution of the papacy all different men coming one after the other but that institution would be the little horn of daniel's prophecy that we read about in daniel 7. they actually have taught and men all through church history for a thousand years have taught that the little horn was the antichrist who is the pope at each individual time and that the papacy would continue until jesus returned physically to the earth they didn't believe he was the antichrist was an individual man but a succession of man or the papacy they also taught in the book of revelation that the seven churches were seven church ages which covered all of church history and thyatira was the greatest era of the catholic church and so they fit all this sin now let me tell you some of the men only a few of the men who actually taught this that i've just told you that the pope according to daniel is the little horn who are some of those that believed it john wycliffe of england who came out of the catholic church taught the pope was the antichrist he was before the reformation savanna ruler a catholic priest in italy taught the antichrist was our sorry the pope was the antichrist martin luther from germany taught it john calvin of france john knox of scotland william tyndale who was one of the great translators of our english bible he was an englishman he taught that the translators of the king james bible believed the pope was the antichrist sir isaac newton that great thinker of england he believed it as well john bunyan from bedford who wrote pilgrims progress he believed this so did matthew henry the great commentator john wesley who raised up the methodist movement he taught this as well george whitfield that great revival preacher albert barnes the commentator aj gordon a preacher from america a great missionary um ambassador he taught it jc rile an english anglican he taught it c.h spurgeon the english baptist he taught it hudson taylor the missionary to china he taught it d.l moody the evangelist from america he believed that now i've got you all worried you'll be beginning to think should we be believing this and also h.g guinness who was a great evangelist from ireland of the guinness family he was a great revivalist on in 1859 revival in northern ireland he was far greatly and more used than even spurgeon they said he was a far greater preacher and he's seen tens of thousands turn to the lord a b simpson the great missionary in america he taught that the pope was the antichrist the papacy and also down to more recent times martin lloyd jones also taught at the great expositor of the bible now we know at the reformation um all the reformation began with luther and all of the some of these other men and new churches raised up they all believed the presbyterians the ref the reformation churches all of these new churches began to believe this they taught it wholeheartedly and they began to be called protestants no protestants doesn't mean that they protest everyone thinks it means that it doesn't mean that at all do you realize the founders the first protestants if you go back and trace all the founding leaders all the first protestants who taught this they actually were first catholic priests they were born into catholic catholicism their families for generations have been in it they grew up in it they ministered in it they become catholic priests in it they knew it but you know what god saved them out of it in a mighty mighty way many spiritual movements in history have believed the pope is the antichrist the ancient valdensians who were all across italy and france and europe prior to the reformation they believed this the host sites in bohemia before the reformation they believed it the law lords all across england they believed it so it's not a new teaching it is a widespread teaching and certainly was very strong from the year 1200 after the reformation the puritans almost all believed it the covenanters of scotland almost uh all believed it the baptist straight down to the early pentecostal revival all the great missionary movements of the 18th and 19th century all the great revivals straight up to the welsh revival the leaders believed in this doctrine and so it's a very remarkable thing that we're dealing with even in the year 1988 lest you think it's just a old-fashioned thing in 1988 and i remember this clearly and you can watch it on youtube pope john paul ii was the first religious leader to address the european parliament at strasbourg that's the man they chose john paul as he stood to speak he was just about to begin his speech in the background ace old-fashioned street preacher rose up and you could hear his voice booming out it was irk paisley um an mp from northern ireland but also an old-fashioned preacher and you know what he was shouting crying out see he was a member of the parliament in fact he had the highest european vote of any politician that was in that parliament at that time he had the highest vote the most popular and he was in there and he began to cry out i denounce you the pope as the antichrist of rome and he kept pulling posters out and as he snatched it off he pulled another one out with it written upon him men immediately were upon him punched them the security guards removed him and the pope smiled it was like something out of the days of luther or the dark ages where an old-fashioned preacher stood up and denounced the pope for what he was exposing them while the idea of the people antichrist has a very long and respectable history and much truth connected to it i personally cannot agree with it i wonder if i can and the clocks against me i can assure you already but praise god we're right in the midst of the stream now but i i want to show you if i can simply and briefly if that's possible why i do not believe this i respect these men i believe much that they taught i would actually agree with a bit like the islamic antichrist there's a lot i can agree with but not the fundamental issue that the antichrist will be a muslim so it is with this i agree with much that they stood for many of them suffered terribly all the martyrs for a thousand years suffered at the hands of the catholic church i i have a high estimation much that they preached and taught i agree with but i believe they were wrong in saying that the pope was the antichrist or that the papacy fulfills the prophecies i do not believe that i believe there'll be a singular antichrist who arises very shortly in our world at the end of the age and he'll be here when the lord jesus christ returns so let me at least try and give you five points in this of why i do not believe the pope is the antichrist is he an antichrist yes yes but he's one of many antichrists but there's going to be one singular antichrist now why did i not believe this teaching of the historists that see that that see this uh teaching and all of these great men of god who i highly respect down over church history and these spiritual movements that i've written about and talked about why do i believe differently how could these men have been wrong my first point and we're gonna look at daniel chapter seven here in my five points we're gonna look at what they believed and i'm gonna simply point out why i would disagree why these great preachers and teachers why i would differ fro from them and you can decide for yourself first of all the fourth beast the fourth beast let's look at this what they believed what i believe and what you're gonna have to decide the bible teaches it says in daniel chapter seven verse seven and this i saw on the night visions and behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible and ex and strong exceedingly and it had great iron teeth it devoured and had break in pieces and it stamped the residue with the feet of it and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it and it had ten horns now the histories these great men have taught this stone over the years now i agree with them in this point that the fourth beast is the roman empire they taught and believed this without a doubt they they believed the same as us on the four empires their identity their rise and their fall and like us they believe the fourth beast is the roman empire situated with its headquarters in the city of rome with its imperial leadership we agree with them they actually taught this but concerning this fourth beast they went a little further now listen carefully what i'm gonna say it's a scripture you all know well i'm sure it's from 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 7 talking about the revealing and the rise and the manifestation of antichrist now listen this first and listen to how they interpret it or how they did in history 2nd thessalonians chapter 2 verse 7 for the mystery of iniquity does already work from the days of paul the early church it's already working what is the mystery of iniquity it's going to lead to the manifestation of the antichrist only he who now let us will that until they be taken out of the way this is all in the context of antichrist that there is something hindering him until it be taken out of the way do you know what they actually taught they taught that this something this hindrance to the revealing of antichrist was the roman empire that's what they believed they believed holding back the mystery of iniquity holding back the revealing of antichrist was the roman empire and that the roman empire had a fall for antichrist to to arise so they believed in history up until that point we agreed with them but in saying that the roman empire was going to fall and when it fell that the antichrist was going to rise and it's been there in place since then now it's a beautiful teaching this because it was brilliant men studying and praying over it laboring over this and it's a remarkable teaching far better put together than the islamic antichrist the islamic antichrist has no traction on this when you begin to read it but they believe the caesar's imperial room was holding this back in fact when constantine the great the great roman emperor who at the end of his day supposedly converted to be a catholic christian he himself believed that that a day was coming when the roman empire was going to and that there was going to be 10 divisions and then antichrist as an individual would appear so constantine the great that great emperor of the roman empire one of its greatest and last leaders he actually believed that's why he unified the roman empire when he was a young man it was all divided sometimes divided in four and he believed the bible prophecy that said when it divided into 10 then antichrist would come so what did antichrist what did constantine the great try to do he unified it it was in four regions he unified it down to two and then finally one why did he do that driving him was the thought that if he could unify the roman empire and leave a united empire that antichrist wouldn't arise soon it was actually christians taught him about bible prophecy they said ten kings will arise then a little horn he would be a singular antichrist that would bring tribulation against the saints and so constantine the great was scared of that ever happening in his day well after the death of constant time the great in the year 337 there was a steady and slow decline and a break and apart and a disintegration of the roman empire and especially the influence of the western half of the empire until theodicis the first who died in the year 395 was the last emperor to rule over a united roman empire the last one over a united roman empire in the year 395 after that the city of rome and the roman empire started to get attacked for on their northern border there were various germanic very aggressive very milita very strong and military-wise with armies began to attack the northern border of the army all of these germanic tribes came one after another there were the franks the goths the huns the vandals uh you may not have known that a vandal was a tribe that came down against the roman empire just wave upon wave upon wave the suevs the burgundy's there were various tribes swept in causing a decline of the western roman empire and this all happened within a hundred year period the great roman empire began to disintegrate you see all these men actually taught this they believed these tribes were the ten kings we're going to look at it shortly but in the year 401 alright the first king of the visigoths he invaded italy but he was defeated and held back but finally in the year 410 he sacked the city of rome invaded it raped and pillaged for three long days as his people moved into the city of rome do you realize in that year 410 it was the first time in 800 years that the roman government had been subdued by a foreign force like this it was called the fall of rome or the beheading of rome this one act sent shockwaves across the entire roman empire in the church then one generation later after this or in fact third generations the last emperor of the western empire he was called romulus augustus he was forced to abdicate in the year four seven six by these uh by these other forces that come in at the time he was a 15 year old boy and at that point he only ruled over italy and the south of gaul he was forced to step down he was forced to abdicate his position his title and his position was abolished in that particular year the man who came in was a roman general of germanic descent and blood and he appointed himself as the king of italy but the imperial room was finished now here's where the historist this is what they believe that once room was removed then all these tribes are rules and out of this arose the catholic church the papacy as soon as the imperial political room was removed from rome from the city of rome when its power come to an end the papacy arose now they're absolutely right they're absolutely right that these things actually began to happen but listen why do i not believe that they're correct in their interpretation room at this point did not divide into 10 regions 10 nations or into 10 kings also here's another reason at this point the eastern portion of the roman empire based at constantinople in it in turkey it continued for another thousand years so this was only the western portion it did not divide into ten and it was only the western section of it this is what what they don't acknowledge and i believe they've made a mistake also this first and second thessalonians listen carefully before i move to my second point it says there in second thessalonians concerning something being taken out of the way that antichrist will not come forth until something is taken out of the way we know in our day most people most bible teachers will say it's the holy spirit or it is the church it is the rapture it's the removal of the real church they say it has to be taken out of the way in our day for antichrist to be revealed so they say the holy spirit is removed from the earth this has been popular teaching using this first here in 2nd thessalonians chapter 2 only he who now let us will that until he be taken out of the way and they say very often that that's the holy spirit i disagree and let me just prove it i'm not going into this very deep but let me prove that it is in the holy spirit a simple look at the greek and you can do this after the you can go look in your strong's concordance test it for yourself you don't need to argue with me it'll be proved if you simply look at the term taken out of the way if you look at the greek do you know what it means it means to be birthed forth in the midst it's not something being removed it's something being burst forth in the midst that is the specific greek in fact the word uh genotype here for to be taken out taken out is the greek word genotype it's used 600 times in the new testament and you know what never once does it mean the removal or the taken out of anything and actually doesn't now i believe we're going to be caught up to meet jesus in the clouds i believe that so don't get confused here but all i'm saying is this particular term does not teach about the removal of the holy spirit or the church being moved out of the way it doesn't teach that the word actually means to be to be birthed forth it's to give birth it's a term for a mother giving birth for a child so what is it all about it's not talking about the removal of something it's talking about the birth and forth of antichrist so all of this is being held back the mystery of iniquity is held back until this actually happens and if you go and look at um vines or youngs or strongs this is going to be confirmed now they taught that this roman beast had to be removed it had to be the roman empire was what was was told and i disagree with that and they believe it had to be it was the only the roman empire holding back the rise of the antichrist who was to be the pope and also they even though they believe in the fall of the roman empire some of them at least believed in the healing of the wound remember the bible revelation talks about the wounding of that roman empire but the reviving of it but that's my first point the fourth base the second point here the ten horns so we're just looking at daniel seven first we have the fourth beast so we see what they believe and what we believe then the second point here the ten horns look with me at daniel 7 24 and the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise if bible teachers and preachers just preach the text the word as it's written to be very few problems i can assure you if we ju if we rather than interpreting just preached it as it is as the words are so again this second point the ten horns who do they these historists who all these great men through a thousand years who believed the pope was the antichrist so what did they think the ten horns were the roman empire falls it's removed out of the way who did they think these ten horns were let me explain they taught and still teach or explain that the ten horns or ten kings were ten germanic tribes that all the rules outside of the roman empire but invaded against that northern border attacked the city of rome that's who these ten kings were they were tribes they weren't even nations they were tribes they were military groupings of germanic uh peoples they came down an attack room and they took over ground and invaded italy and began to replace the old western roman empire notice not the east it was the western roman empire and to replace it so they said first come the roman beast then arose these ten germanic tribes these 10 kings and then the little horn was gonna rise after them and so they say this fulfills it's not in the last days it's not in the last three and a half years or the last seven years it's not future but it's been in history that's why we call them historists they believe all this happened in history past they would call me a futurist saying i believe the ten kings are yet yet to come yes i do i believe this is the biblical teaching so why did i disagree with them it's look at this first daniel 7 24 it says that these 10 kings will arise from within the roman empire look what it says in verse 24 out of this kingdom which kingdom the fourth beast the roman empire these ten kings are going to arise out of the roman empire what do they teach they teach that it's 10 tribes coming they teach its ten tribes that arose and came from outside the empire invaded it and then replaced it but that isn't what daniel teaches do you see how important it is to read little terms verses very carefully and again if you go to the book of revelation chapter 13 verse 1 and we see the revival or the healing of the roman empire when it arises in the last days and i saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon the horns are ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy do you see when the roman empire when that political beast revives again its head gets healed and it revives again when we first see it arise you know what it has ten horns and they're ruling together and on on on on these ten horns were ten crowns in other words at the revival the restoration of the roman empire when it comes alive again you're actually going to see these 10 kings they're not in the history past it's when room gets revived not only that room fell but rome has to revive before you begin to see these ten horns they cannot be in history because room has not been revived it hasn't been healed its wound has not been healed yet so we see that when we see this fourth beast it's gonna have ten horns with crowns on each of those horns they're gonna reign together when room revives her wound is gonna be healed and they'll be ten kings ruling over that joint roman empire notice another thing here why why i don't agree with them on these ten horns it doesn't say uh nations does it do you know everyone who says about there's going to be 10 nations arise there's going to be 10 nations in europe there's going to be 10 nations in the world or in the middle east the bible never says that anywhere not one verse it never it says 10 horns and what's it saying this first the ten horns are the ten kings that shall arise out of this fourth empire out of this fourth beast or this fourth kingdom it never says tribes never says kingdoms never says empires never says nations what are they they're ten kings that arrive arise from within the revived roman empire not outside it they are within it they arise out of that political system notice as well these ten tribes become in in their teaching these ten tribes become ten nations of western europe france germany england etc this is what they actually teach that all of these nations then they give their power these ten kings these ten nations then gave their power to the little horn who was the pope and they say that these nations still exist and still recognize the pope but let me put another button here but this is only the western portion of the roman empire they're ignoring the eastern part their ten tribes have become ten nations in western europe but they're ignoring all the ground that used to be the roman empire this would actually be a bit like if we went to daniel chapter 2. remember the image we saw and the two iron legs were the roman empire it was the fourth kingdom on the earth it would be a bit like only recognizing one of the legs totally ignoring one of the iron legs and therefore these teachers ignore israel it used to be part of the roman empire syria egypt turkey other nations were a part of the roman empire but they ignore all of that and they only concentrate on ten nations within europe it would be a bit like putting the ten toes of the statue on one foot of one of the legs and i'm sure you wouldn't agree that would be very good the man would fall over if you go to wikipedia and always check it out don't just take verbatim everything wikipedia says but if you go there it gives a list of 45 germanic barbarian tribes that attacked the room at the end of its existence 44. how do you pull out these 10 and in fact everyone who teaches us gives 10 different names of 10 different tribes they don't all agree also in daniel's prophecy it says that when the little horn arises it will uproot three of these kings well they teach the historic teachers it was the vandals the ostagos and the huli you didn't even know who the holy was now you know why we have a hooli and maybe named after some of these i don't know please don't quote me on that but what they actually teach is the people room destroyed those three peoples those three nations actually there were five tribes the people room come against in those days and yet there was all of these other two tribes so and again one last point here before i move to my third point the if you look at daniel chapter two the two feet of the statue are made of iron and clay and listen to what it says straight after after it comes down to the feet and we see the stone coming from heaven to hit the toes of the feet made of iron and clay listen to what it says verse 44 of daniel 2 and in the days of these kings taunt about defeat the twos in the days of these kings the ten shall the god of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed what happens in the days of those ten kings and not generation in that time period jesus will set up a physical kingdom upon the earth how could it be in past history how could it be these ten tribes that became ten european nations that suddenly gave rise to the papacy how could that possibly be at all you see good men have taught this that this was so but how could it possibly be my third point the little horn so we have the fourth beast we have the ten horns third of all the little horn going to daniel 7 verse 8 i considered the horns and behold there came up among them another little horn before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots it is very important to note that the bible says here that the little horn arises amidst the ten horns in other words the ten horns are in place as the little horn arises the ten horns are in the roman beast not outside it like they teach and when those ten horns arise in this roman beast another little horn arises in the midst of them among them at the same time as them and so we see here that this certainly did not happen with the papacy and the frankish kings the french are the germanic kings those original frankish kings did the pope arise from within their system within their nations within their political structure no not at all in fact the papacy was there the little horn or what they call the little horn the papacy didn't arise after these ten nations we actually know from church history the papacy was there in formation arise and foreman it had already taken the titles of the roman empire imperial room it had taken their colors it had taken their palace it had taken their city of room all of this the bishops of rome were already arising as papas as papists they were already arising before these ten frank frankish kings arose with power in europe notice another thing a horn in daniel always represents a single king or a single man do you remember on the grecian empire the first little horn who was it alexander the great horns and daniel always represent individual men not institutions no not at all never horns in daniel in the beasts always mean individual men so we know the ten horns are ten distinct men also the little horn is not a succession of popes it's not an institution it's not a position it's not a title the little horn does not represent the popes of a thousand years or 1500 years it cannot do the little horn always represents a single man now when we go to the new testament we realize that the word antichrist is only used five times in the bible of course he's used he's called many different names but in the new testament five times the word antichrist is used only by john the apostle and only in his first and his second letter it doesn't even get mentioned in revelation this is one of his greatest names antichrist but also in revelation daniel 7 the little horn is another classic name for the antichrist now over in john's letters in 1 john chapter 2 verse 18 listen to what he says little children it is the last time and as you have heard that antichrist shall come even now in john's day there are many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time do you see from that first that john clearly states that now in his time there were many antichrists so we understand antichrist just isn't a term for one man at the end of the age there were antichrists during the first century in fact there were many and john writing here he says this in his own generation this is way before the rise of the papacy is before his death just before the year 100 he says there are now many antichrists and that these many antichrists were men in john's day who he could identify who had gone forth out of the church they used to be inside the church they used to profess to be born again christians they rose up under the preaching of the apostles but these men went out from the church they denied jesus christ to come in the flesh and they denied the father and they went out and they become antichrists it's a very interesting definition of anti-christ but he also pre-faces us he says something else here he says about antichrist shall come not only is there many antichrists in this day but he said antichrist singular shall come there's going to be one in the future who is called the antichrist a singular person and john says he will come and you've heard about him the old testament predicts him daniel prophesies about him the little horn many other names the assyrian there are many names for him but what is john writing there he says there are now many antichrists but there's gonna come one there's gonna come a real antichrist the word antichrist means to be opposite to against instead of or to stand in the place of it has the dual meaning of being opposed to but taken the place of it has both meanings and so we begin to see that those who teach that the papacy was the little horn i cannot agree with that he was a single horn he was a man he was an individual he had prophesied as the antichrist who will come in the last days yes or i'm i would have no problem saying the papacy is antichrist and that the popes were individually an antichrist but i do not believe that's a fulfillment of the little horn absolutely not the little horn has never come never arisen there's been many antichrists there will be in our day many antichrist but there's only going to be one little horn and he'll be an individual man who arises right at the end of time notices well in revelation 19 20 that the beast is taken with the false prophet and thrown into hell and again in revelation chapter 20 verse 10 the same thing is repeated do you realize only a person an individual or an angel can be thrown in hell not an institution the papacy cannot be thrown into hell the antichrist if he is all the popes cannot be thrown into hell an institution can be destroyed and burned and judged on earth babylon the the woman ride in the beast can be destroyed they're institutions but you know what the little horn the antichrist or the beast of revelation it actually says in revelation 19 that he'll be taken with how do i know the false prophet isn't just a institution and that it's a man is the false prophet a man or is a bigger movement in our world it's a man both of them are men how do i know that because they're taken and it says these booths were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone you see i believe in a personal antichrist who's going to come in the future at the end after the ten kings after the reviving of the roman empire he's going to be an individual not a system institution or a succession it cannot be he has to be an individual man if he's going to be thrown into hell fourth of all let me just mention here the 1260 days we know that in daniel 7 25 it speaks about a time times and dividing of time in connection with the little horn it also speaks in daniel and in revelation several times about this sign same time period a period of three and a half years 42 months are 1 1260 days all of this flows together it's always in the context of last days always in context of the ten kings and the rise of the little horn always in the context of the great tribulation always in the context of the end of it leading up to the coming the return of the lord jesus christ and the end of the tribulation now what do they believe what does the historist how does he explain this short period of three and a half years or 1260 days how do they tie this into the succession of the papacy they actually say a day represents a year so the 1260 days are actually years they say day represents a year so for every day there they make it a year so listen carefully so they make it a thousand two hundred and sixty years and they actually teach that these were the literal years of people rule and persecution of the church they actually teach they used to teach you know those that were being persecuted do you know the catholic popes the cardinals the papacy and the catholic church the inquisition killed at least 50 million bible believing born again christians over a period of about 1300 years all across north africa in italy all around the mediterranean all through europe up into armenia france italy england they massacred them burnt them millions millions of real christians were murdered who did it it wasn't the old roman empire it was the poops of rome you know the first crusades that were raised up by popes weren't against the saracens or the muslims in the middle east they were against the born-again christians of the south of france and they massacred in entire times they destroyed them they hunted them down generation after generation france ran with the blood of the martyrs the catholic church massacred the huguenots massacred bible-believing christians wherever they found them they scattered them across the nations bulgaria hungaria uh armenia all of these nations the blood ran all across england scotland things i want to tell you there's good reasons why these people living during this era identified the anti the pope as antichrist the catholic church as the woman writing the beast because their blood was running in the streets no wonder real prophets rosed up and and pointed the finger at the papacy immoral you know those popes they had children to their own children they were immoral wicked men i dare not tell you the factual history of the popes i couldn't maybe even youtube but banned the video if i began to tell you all that was involved within them and so how do they trace these years they say it began in the year 4 76 when romulus augustus was dethroned as the last imperial roman emperor of the western empire when that's when the clock began to tick they said that was the last emperor shortly after in the year 5 38 the underlying this year 5 38 said marks the beginning of the rule of antichrist or the little horn that's what they teach that that's when it began and it continued until the year 1798 in the french revolution when napoleon marched his revolutionary army into the city of rome and abolished the papacy discontinued it and ended the persecution of the real church now you can understand why so many believe this through a millennia of history you do understand here tonight don't you why so many believe this and why in reading this history that even christians today are so convinced that the pope is still the antichrist he certainly is an antichrist there's no doubt about it but here's why i don't agree with these facts the emperor justinian the first who actually proclaimed the papacy gave it its power and began the clock ticking during that time he created a church government over the catholics of five uh patriarchs over it that's what he created not just one little horn he didn't get power to the little horn he could power to five bishops in five different regions well you know we've taught thoroughly in this about the three and a half years you cannot extend that you cannot do that the papacy existed before that time persecution extended after that time and i could start giving you reasons why i don't believe it but i want to move to one last point as we close here number five it's refuted in the book of revelation and i'm gonna condense this and close here on this point because i could keep you for five hours on this last point why do i not believe that pope is the antichrist the actual antichrist or the institution when i turn to the book of revelation well when you turn to the book of revelation for instance revelation chapter 13 it would have been better if they would have chosen the second beast of revelation 13. remember he is the false prophet with the appearance of a lamb with two horns as a lamb but when he speaks he's like a dragon they should have chosen the false prophet he's a religious leader not the first beast they shouldn't have chosen that seven headed base to represent antichrist or the papacy so that's one point that i believe the book of revelation really begins to start causing problems with this whole theory and see when you realize so many of these men like john calvin never taught the book of revelation luther would wouldn't touch it he wasn't even sure if it should be in the bible many of the reformers who rose up with the reformation didn't know how to make head or tale of the book of revelation so they weren't accurate they went to daniel for all of their prophetic teaching but they stayed away calvin wrote on every book of the bible apart from revelation he just stayed away from it no wonder amongst these church circles they didn't have clarity they didn't see it accurately also the pope or the papacy simply cannot be the antichrist it would bring confusion to revelation 17. in revelation 17 the woman who is the city of rome the woman is a religious institution riding on the back of the beast now notice this as we close i believe this is the clincher to show that it's utterly impossible so a beast arises it's got ten horns or ten leaders the woman when you first see it the woman who is the catholic church is riding on its back you see it and as far as that goes they were correct they were identifying this religious system when the roman empire revives again when this last world government arrives arises and its wound is healed its seventh head comes to power with ten kings when you see that the papacy the catholic church the vatican as a religious institution is going to be riding on the back of the revived political roman empire i've got no doubt about that and it's very easy to prove that that woman is the religious institution she's idolatrous she is a false harlot church she is based in the city of rome she is guilty of the blood of the martyrs through the ages and in revelation 17 this is the end of her history in other words these are her very final actions when we see her after her complete history through melania of history she's a very ancient woman here she's got a complete history before her but when we see this beast arise she is on the back riding isn't that true of the catholic church where we began she is there hand in hand with the bring and forth of this last world government she is key to it she is critical she is promoting it she wants a one world government she wants the redistribution of wealth she wants utter power to be in this political system but she doesn't realize what she's dealing with when you come to revelation 17 and you see this political beast arise with the catholic church on its back and the ten horns come to power do you know what we read in those verses that those ten horns they do two things two things they're only there for a short period of time they're the seventh head they're gonna give place to the little horn or the eighth head or the antichrist but here they are when they appear they've got this old mother of harlots on their back she is there promoting them and yet when those ten horns arise two things they do first of all they destroy her with fire she doesn't get cast in hell why she's an institution she's not an individual she's not a literal woman she's not a female president of america i can assure you if you believe that i'm so sorry to disappoint you here tonight but it's not she is an institution therefore she has to be destroyed by fire the ten kings destroy her then those same ten kings give their power to the beast do you realize and remember when the beast arises the antichrist he uproots three of these ten kings so that's why i know in revelation 17 he hasn't arrested yet you know why because three of them haven't been uprooted all 10 of them destroy the scarlet woman and what a message i could preach to you on the destruction of the catholic church from revelation 17 the woman writing the beast has a long history as we've mentioned here that's why all these great preachers pointed their finger at the catholic church they could see it but i just disagree why'd i disagree that the poop is in the antichrist because he arises after the destruction of the woman and he arises on the beast not on the woman he arises in the midst of the ten horns he is a political man he's not a religious leader his false prophet will be the religious leader and you know what the catholic church will be destroyed before antichrist is revealed appears on the scene and brings forth his religion since it's mind-blowing what i'm sharing with you here tonight last in our last message i said islam is going to be de removed before antichrist arises now i'm showing you tonight that the catholic church as an institution in rome is going to be utterly dismantled they're going to devour her burn her with fire nothing over is going to be left before powers handed antichrist do you realize in this hour we are about to see the devastation of the two biggest religious systems on the face of the planet islam and catholicism is gonna make their end as all the bible prophecy comes to pass i have wondered over the past year why many in the catholic church we know that francis is for a world government he's a globalist he's in the he's for the green agenda he is working to promote this political system but within the catholic church over the past year many priests have come out exposing the great reset they've become very bold against pope francis they are saying he's apostasized from the faith and many sincere catholics are beginning to say something is do you know what i believe the catholic church is heading for its destruction as an institution but many sincere people in that system are actually going to be wide open for the gospel in these days ahead you're literally gonna have a billion catholics in utter confusion they're either gonna go and serve this new world secular system this new world religion or they're going to go back and seek for the real lord jesus christ i'm praying right now for all of those in the catholic church like i am for islam i don't hate them i love catholics most in our church are from a catholic background i'm in a city in a nation that until recent times until while i was a young man it was still 98 roman catholic i love catholics i'm in the midst of a catholic stronghold i would die for catholics to see them forgiven and make the lord jesus christ as we close this message tonight we've covered a bit of ground i think i've got 50 more pages to share with you on this but this is our burden at the end of tonight will you unite with me as we pray for all those in the catholic church we love them we care about them and as we close like we did with islam we care about the muslims we love the muslims it won't be an islamic antichrist those people are going to need the gospel with catholics the pope isn't the antichrist they'll dispense with him when they have no more use for him but all those per catholic people are going to be in devastation we need to pray for a revival amongst them here tonight let's pray together father we do thank you for this message tonight lord god for all the martyrs through the ages all the men that came out of catholicism prophets preachers who are rules in its midst who came forth out of it and started new movements lord god spiritual missionary movements who are great reformers great preachers great leaders like john knox came out of that catholic movement many of them like like tyndale laid down his life got burnt at the stake for translating the bible into the language of the people lord god we pray for the catholic church right now we agree together lord god we know that she's gonna fall she will not be the antichrist system or religion but my god we pray for all the the billion odd souls within this system we pray for their salvation we pray for a revival that you'd save millions out of her nor god hundreds of millions would receive the gospel my god we know that there's coming one last great harvest one last great outpouring on the muslim world upon the catholic world and oh god we agree here tonight nor god give us this window of opportunity an hour of revival that we might reach many souls for the lord jesus christ we bless you tonight we praise you as our great high priest thank you for the blood of jesus thank you for your atonement my god our families in this church for generations have been blinded by catholicism hell bound blinded told lies deceived by this system will you avenge us over you are gonna judge this wicked religious system you love the people but you hate the system you detest the teaching and you are very shortly a shoe that puts in the hearts and the minds of these 10 world rulers to destroy this this woman it is your judgment that's going to fall in this catholic system and my god we pray that you'd set many millions hundreds of millions free from her who are gonna turn to the real gospel of the lord jesus christ we bless you we love you thank you that you had mercy on us we're not better than anyone else my god we so easily could have went on our way to hell believing deception religion born before idols praying to mary lord god look into the mass instead of looking to the precious blood of the lord jesus christ we love you tonight in jesus mighty name amen amen
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Id: HwAzoDt8m3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 20sec (5120 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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