The Mind of Christ and the Last Days by Keith Malcomson

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praise god i i want to bring you to the very last message of this second volume of this series the battle for the mind in our first series we done seven messages if you've missed any of those and especially those online i would say go back to those seven they're absolutely vital we're going to finish this second series on a high note this is part 10 and i want to leave you hungry tonight i'm i'm going to leave you with a message it's going to feel like a meal set out and then pull back after you've started tasting it but i don't mind that because our entire christian life is like that where there is a beginning but there is no end in this it gets bigger you move on you grow in the things of christ you learn more then when you think you've learned this you find out there's a lot more like a man walking up the mountain saying i'm just about to reach the peak then he reaches that and he sees there's another peak higher and then he gets to the top of that and he goes this is bigger than i ever thought but you don't know until you start climbing if you never embark upon it you never realize the greatness of it you have a vague view of all that scripture teaches but yet when you embark on this it gets bigger it gets bigger it gets higher it gets deeper it becomes more glorious and wonderful more wonderful and that's what this really is like you know it says in isaiah chapter 35 and first aid concerning and do turn there for a second but it says about the highway of god or it's also called the way of holiness and how i picture this a highway if you've ever seen those motorways they're not running along but they're literally going up in the air and carrying you through to another region that is the way of holiness or the highway if you get on that highway you're driving in a whole other different atmosphere but the bible calls this highway the way of holiness and it says the unclaimed do not pass over it for it shall um but it shall be for those the wayfarer and man though fools shall not air therein even if you were a full naive simple uneducated not understanding everything very basic in your thinking you know what if you get your feet on this highway of holiness you will never be deceived you're gonna go straight through until the coming of the lord jesus christ my last message here tonight as we finish this second volume is the mind of christ and the last days the mind of christ as it relates to the last days because having said all that we've said especially in recent weeks about the mark of the beast about all that's happening about brainwashing as we look at all that so where do we go from here is this all we have to look to no i believe the answer and this are for you and i and the church is the mind of christ i believe this is the hour for the mind of christ to be revealed in the church of jesus christ i'm going to take you to three chapters here tonight as we come to this message you can listen you don't need to turn there but we are going to turn to each of these chapters it says in 1 corinthians chapter 2 and verse 16 but we have the mind of christ it says in philippians chapter 2 and verse 5 let this mind being you which was also in christ jesus and then third and lastly 1 peter chapter 4 and verse 1 arm yourselves likewise with the same mind speaking about the lord jesus christ would you pray with me here tonight father we do thank you for the word of god as we finish this second volume this series oh god i pray tonight thank you for what you've said to us and warned us of even in recent weeks thank you god for exposing the works of darkness for warning us about being careful of brainwashing of all that's happening in our world but my god what a glorious message tonight to know that the answer is the mind of christ that we would allow this mind to be in us that we had a lot to function in us that we had allowed the mind of christ the thinking of christ the thoughts of christ nor god that working of the mind of christ to operate in us that we might bring forth the works of god that we might bring forth decisions that we might bring for speech that comes out of that thinking father i pray tonight nor god raise up the church raise up these new converts that you're bringing in all over the world these new ones that have been saved in recent months and over the past year and a half father i pray that this mind may operate on them grip them with the word of god lord god let them come to the kingdom for such an hour as this that they might come to holiness and righteousness and purity as it is in the lord jesus christ thank you that it's not finished my god we're at an hour where you're gonna raise up a church with the mind of the lord jesus christ and we ask tonight will you speak to us will you help us we encourage us will you guard us in the name of jesus amen amen here tonight we're dealing with the mind of christ in the last days we are in the last days we heard last week about transhumanism in the 2020s this is a sign to us of the hour that we are living in when we see world government beginning to make a grab for the mind of this generation we are living in an are that they are trained by drugs by education by technology by brainwashing to take the mind i mean the mind the imagination the thinking of this entire generation but i want to tell you of what god is doing here tonight i actually believe that god is preparing if the only way to avoid that is to have the mind of christ do you want to walk free of all of these things that we've said about it's not hiding in a bunker it's not going out into the desert and hiding it's not burying big beans in your back garden none of those things are the answer for this are how are you gonna operate are you gonna hide under your bed are you going to try and store up money for for a day of crisis are you going to go and grow a vegetable garden what is your answer for the sir i want to tell you it is the mind of christ we have come to an hour where the mind is very vital the devil goes i want the mind of this generation but you know what god is saying i want the mind of my church again i want the mind of my son to operate in the church of this generation and that's going to be the only way that we function in this hour of darkness we've got to think the thoughts of god you see god is going to renew the mind of christians he is going to put the mind of christ in the real church and the mind of christ the thinking the thoughts the imagination that intellectual process is going to be christ's way of thinking within the body of christ we have already seen how it is god's will to renew the mind of the individual believer here tonight i am going to deal with three aspects very briefly concerning christ's mind in the church but before i look at those three points and i could mention many many others but i'm only gonna deal with three but before i deal with that let me begin to explain what does the mind of christ mean how does it operate when it says let this mind be in you which was in christ what do you mean is that waiting for a feeling is that waiting for a voice is that looking for something supernatural what does it mean to have the mind of christ operating in you or to let to allow this mind to be in you which was in jesus christ or to arm yourself with the mind of the lord jesus christ what does that really mean how do you allow that to happen how does this work in the church of this generation listen to a few scriptures here and i'm going to cover this quite quickly but it's very very important i'm giving you a lot of stuff here and then maybe we'll come back and do an entire series on on all of this it says in romans chapter 13 and verse 12 the night is far spent the day is at hand the day when it talks about the day it's taunt about the coming of jesus it is talking about god's kingdom coming on the earth and so the apostle paul says the night is far spent the day is at hand day is coming night is going to come to an end in other words the church has to operate in night time it is night time i hope you realize how dark it is but you know when it gets dark as day is coming the daybreak is coming jesus is coming the day is at hand never have i felt more that the day is at hand oh yes it's got very dark it seems like we're being engulfed in darkness but you know what day is coming will you be encouraged tonight day is coming it is literally at hand i can almost stretch out and feel the day is coming but we are operating in night time it says let us there and notice this cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light it's night time so what are we to do we're to cast off the works of darkness in other words as a christian or as a church we are to take the works of darkness and to cast them off this is something the christian does it doesn't all happen at the new birth it isn't all finished when you get born again as a christian you've got to be aggressive to cast off we go oh i don't want to do that i'm tired i'm weary you know what saints day is coming it is night time we do get tired we get weary in the battle but here it is actually saying we're to cast off and we're to put on the armor of light we're to put on the armor of light while casting off the works of darkness it says over in ephesians chapter 6 and verse 11 put on the whole armor of god that he may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and so we say we're to put on the armor of god as christians there's something weird to put on here just hold that for a second then it also says now verse 12 that's where we were cast off and put on two verses later in verse 14 it says put ye on the lord jesus christ what is the armor that you're to put on it is the lord jesus christ i'm building something here for you to see we are in darkness surrounded by darkness we're to cast off the works of darkness but we're to put on the lord jesus christ the armor of god explained in ephesians chapter 6 is the person of christ he is this armor to put on the armor of light an armor that shines in the darkness it is the person of christ and listen put on the lord jesus christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof if you are making provision for the flesh fulfilling the lust of the flesh you're not putting on the lord jesus christ oh but i'm a christian but hold on if you are just living for the flesh if you're making preparation for the flesh to function in your life you're not putting on the lord jesus christ this is something a believers commanded to do put on the armor put on the lord jesus christ it's not taught about being born again or justified but it's connected to it it's vital to if you're a christian you put on the lord jesus christ then again in galatians chapter 3 27 for as many of you as have been baptized into christ what we dealt with on sunday baptized into christ remember i explained what it means to be baptized immersed into christ it means to be baptized into his death into his burial into his resurrection and so galatians 3 27 says for as many of you as have been baptized into christ have put on christ do you know what this putting on christ is talking about the work of christ the provision of christ if you live in the flesh and fulfill the lust of the flesh you're not putting on christ you're you're you're not immersing yourself you're not casting off the works of darkness so known as the real christians in this last hour darkness is engulfed in the world a way of thinking is engulfed in this world you see the mind is the avenue to the whole life and your mind affects how you speak how you make decisions how you act how you live all of your attitudes that mind what a mind what a man is in his mind he is that's what you are what you are is the product of your mind if your mind isn't renewed you're living in the flesh if it does get renewed you you're living sanctified in the lord jesus christ to renew your mind means you put on the lord jesus christ you put on the armor of light if you allow this work of the renewing of the mind of the word of god washing your mind if you allow that you're gonna find that you're putting on the armor of light there is a victory there is a power there is a full provision it's remarkable and so we see putting on the armor of light putting on the lord jesus christ all of these go together in a remarkable way you've been baptized into the lord jesus christ again hold that for a second then in ephesians chapter 4 verse 20 it says but ye have not so learned christ if so that ye have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in jesus name notice what he's teaching in ephesians chapter four to learn christ not about christ you're learning christ you're a disciple of christ you're being taught christ not about christ you're being taught christ in a very real way and it's so be that we have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in jesus do you know what it means to learn jesus on diluted jesus in other words not only learning facts about him you begin to live this side in other words when you're taught of christ you're discipled by him you learn of him you learn christ you know what you begin to live this side you begin to think like christ thinks you begin to speak like christ speaks you begin to live out your life like christ lived out his life you begin to walk all of this side paul says this and then listen to what he says next in verse 22 that you put off concerning the former conversation of the old man so we begin to see that you have to again put off the old man you have to cast off the works of darkness you must not make prevention for the flesh this is all the same the old man is making provision for the flesh how do you identify the old man how do i know you need to put off the old man because you're making provision for him you know you line it up he comes down first thing in the morning and you go good morning old man i've got your breakfast laid out i made provision i've got all the plans i know what you're gonna do and i know how i'm gonna help you along the way that's making provision for the old man now i want you to talk to someone and tell them just what you think that's making provision for the flesh you see so many they make provision for the flesh and yet we're told put off the old man the conversation or the lifestyle of the old man there's something here to put off but notice i'm going to jump over in ephesians 4 23 i'm going to miss out the middle verse verse 24 and that you put on the new man which after god is created in righteousness and true holiness so you're to put off the old man and put on the new man what is the new man it is the armor of light it is the person of christ it is walking in the spirit do you see that there's things you're to put off and things you to put on as a christian or as the church of god you're to do this put off and put on you see if you're in christ this is something that you are going to be walking into in the days ahead my message is the mind of christ in the last days haven't heard all that you've heard in recent weeks of the mark of the base transhumanism of this grab to brainwash this generation and it's happening all around us and it's going to intensify where are you going to run to where are you going to hide can i give you the answer you're going to put on the mind of christ you're actually gonna allow the mind of christ to operate because if his mind is in you brother cleden often preached over the years he would see someone playing that beautiful piano like candace and what do you say if i could take he said my hands are good no no arthritis he said i can play go up and down but i can't make tune i can't make melody out of that but if i could take candace's mind her brain and put the mind of candace in me i can make that piano sound like she makes that piano it's got nothing to do with the body or the hands or arthritis i tell you it's got to do with that mind put the mind of candace at me and i'll lead you in worship on sunday morning i i tell you i'll keep the harmony there i'll keep the tune right with that but i need the mind of candace in me you know the same as with the church if i can only get the mind of christ i'll speak like him walk like him act like him decide like and function like him it's all in the mind whose mind is operating in you is it the mind of the flesh the mind of this world is it operating in you or is it the mind of the lord jesus christ so what do we do then how do we put on and put off what is the secret to this putting off the flesh putting on the new man putting off the old man putting on the lord jesus christ what is the key we're actually giving it in ephesians chapter four listen to what it says between putting off the old man i'm putting on the new man listen to what he says be renewed in the spirit of your mind do you realize the renewing of your mind is the mind of christ operating in you let this mind be within you you see you're struggling with the old man what how do you stop operating in the old man and move to operating in the new man how do you stop walking in the works of darkness and begin to move in the armor of light what is the secret to this you see holiness sanctification and righteousness is a hidden secret to so much of the church but i'm giving you the secret here it's all to do with the mind the mind is essential to moving from the works of darkness to works of righteousness from your own self to the person of christ it's essential and so he says and be renewed in the spirit of your mind there's got to come a renewal there's got to come a return and a restoration to the mind that christ wants within you and you know what the context in the greek is it's the present continuous tense in other words it's a power from outside you and it's happening daily your minds being renewed the whole spirit of your mind in other words the whole attitude behind your mind the whole progression of your mind there is a renewing going by the power of god and as your mind is renewed you put off the old man and you put on the new man you put off darkness and you put on light do you realize the renewal of your mind having your mind washed by the word of god is the secret to operating in this again listen here for a second it says in colossians chapter 3 and verse 8 but now ye also put off all of these he's going into detail here all of these scriptures run together what are you going to put off anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy communication out of your mouth lie not one to another seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds do you see how he's identifying the old man what are you to put off these things they're unacceptable for the christian they are darkness they are manifestations of the flesh they are the work of the old man you're to put them off a deliberate act to say it's not acceptable in my life but how do you get there you need your mind renewed in other words someone who begins to renew their mind to have their mind begin to think like christ to have their mind changed by the word of god they start saying this is not acceptable in my life he then moves further in verse 10 and he says and have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him and so we say that again this renewn in knowledge in your mind is the secret to putting off and putting on what is the secret to renew your mind with all of these scriptures to put on christ put on the armor of light to put on the new man is all accomplished by the renewing of your mind you can try to do everything yourself to get rid of the old man and to live in the new you know what the secret is your mind if you do not renew your mind this doesn't operate you you can scream at the old nature you can demand that you combine demons but until you actually begin to renew your mind both in ephesians 4 and colossians 3 the secret is the renewing of the mind to put off and to put on those who renew your mind are going to say i'm putting off lying i'm putting off the flesh i'm putting off the works of darkness and i want to put on the person of christ in other words i want to live him i want him to be lived out of my entire life how do you begin to live the life of christ how do you begin to function like christ christ in me the hope of glory christ in you living his life christ in you walking out his life how do you make that happen it's the renewal of your mind and with this we begin to see that the mind of christ is the key the renewing of the mind is the same as the mind of christ to renew your mind with the word of god is to take on the mind of christ for the word of god to begin to renew your mind say this is how you act this is how you speak this is how you function this is your attitude this is what you do in the church as you begin to do this in the word of god you're putting on the person of the lord jesus christ and this is how it operates the mind of christ is the key to putting on the new man the armor of light and the full person of the lord jesus christ here tonight i'm going to give you three aspects of the mind of christ that i believe that that we have to learn you see the mind of christ we have the mind of christ we're to let the mind of christ operate within you this is why a new christian when they get born again very often they just function in this i mean they seem more mature than the old christians they immediately speak and act and do naturally i've seen it so many times it's amazing and you know what it is it is the mind of christ they have the mind of christ but you know what they're going to face into the battle of this the warfare over this are you going to allow the mind of christ to operate in you if you allow his mind to function we know it says in isaiah 55 verse 8 for my thoughts are not your thoughts in other words god's thoughts are higher they are spiritual they're heavenly and they're different from our natural way of thinking so we know that man thinks in a certain way he's got a certain intellectual process that's radically different from god that's why when i look back over the years the decisions i've made looked very unwise to people in this world when i told my brothers i was stepping out of 21 leaving the army to step out to serve god they sat down my father was dead so my two older brothers had a fatherly talk and said what are you going to do about a house what are you going to do about a wife what are you going to do about a car what are you going to do about your future and you know what everything they said was wise but it was of this world but you know what i knew i had the mind of christ i knew i knew the will of god i didn't need a labor and i went this is the will of god well i just said ha ha ha ha ha i i knew there's no explaining to them it would take decades before they could even understand what i'm saying but i know the mind of christ but their thinking is not the thinking of god do you know how often man's thinking affects you you're motivated you're driven you make decisions is it the mind of christ or is it natural thinking my thoughts are not your thoughts what thoughts operate in your mind that are behind everything that you do what thoughts prompted you see if the mind of christ is operating in you it's going to affect everything of your life my three points first of all a discerning mind the mind of christ is a discern of mine go into one corinthians chapter 2 here tonight a discerning mind it says in one corinthians 2 and 16 for who's known the mind of the lord that he may instruct him question mark this is a quote from the old testament from isaiah 40 verse 13 it says who hath directed the spirit of the lord or being his counselor hath taught him then in 1 corinthians 2 paul the apostle answers he says but we have the mind of christ in isaiah 40 it was an entire argument to show that god's way of operating is beyond man man has nothing to do with the operation of god god operates according to the spirit of god and in fact we find out in isaiah 40 that the mind of god is under the influence of the holy spirit the holy spirit moves according to the mind of god it's synonymous the mind of god is synonymous with the spirit of god now in 1 corinthians chapter 2 and 16 it says we have the mind of christ real christians have the mind of christ the real church has the mind of christ in other words listen us the intellectual thinking of christ how christ thinks about your marriage your lifestyle your speech your evangelism the preaching from this pulpit every area of life your money all of it all of your future plans do you realize we have the mind of christ in other words if you're thinking natural thoughts your own thoughts that have nothing to do with scripture and nothing to do with christ that is in his mind you know we the church need the mind of christ again and so in one corinthians 2 he begins to explain what is this mind of christ it says in verse 10 for the spirit of god searches all things the deep things of god the deep things are talking about the mind of the spirit of god this is the mind of god what's the holy spirit do he searches the deep things of god i mean the deep intentions of the heart of god the deep things hidden deep within god the spirit of god searches those things it says verse 11 for what man knoweth the things of the man saved the spirit of man which is in him even so the things of god knoweth no man but the spirit of god it's the spirit of god that knows the deep things or knows everything about god now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things that are freely given to us do you know in these verses he's beginning to teach you how to have the mind of christ he says but we have the mind of christ and leading into this he's shown how do you have the mind to christ how does it operate literally within you if you have the spirit of god you have the mind of christ if the holy spirit lives within you and he does within every real christian then this spirit has the entire deep thinking of god if you know the holy spirit lives within you do you realize the whole thinking of the lord jesus christ is within him and he wants to reveal it he wants to show you he wants to bring that out in your life the real holy spirit knows you don't need to know do you realize how many things i do in my christian life automatically i don't think deeply about i just walk in the light of god's word it's not hard to do i just know the person in me knows all things he knows all truth he he will lead me into all truth isn't that the holy spirit do you want to be taught the mind of god do you want to think as christ thinks do you want the mind of christ to operate within you then it's going to be the work of the holy spirit my my first point is a discerning mind and it's all within the holy spirit he has come to show you the mind of the lord jesus christ it says in verse 13 which things also we speak not in the words that which man's wisdom teaches don't get this mixed up you could look for advice in your life and it's man's wisdom oh it looks wise it sounds wise you go that's a good idea that sounds the right thing i've had people come to me for advice what do you think i should do here my answer wasn't good enough so it went to someone else that answer wasn't good enough in fact it just happened to be biblical so they went to a third person again they get a biblical answer they don't like that you know what they're not looking for an answer they want someone to tell them man's wisdom what they want to hear they don't want a simple bible answer and it's always amazing when i face someone you give them what the bible says they don't like it or maybe others go wow that's good yes it's in the bible it's actually there so he says now don't get this mixed up the teaching of the holy spirit isn't man's wisdom there's a teaching of man's wisdom and sadly much of it in the church and it is not of the spirit of god so much teaching just this weekend i had a deal with one issue of a bible teacher an eloquent gifted fluent knowledgeable man he was as smooth as honey i want to tell you he was a remarkably gifted man and you know what i listened several messages i don't normally do this but i had to do it i had to do it it was pressed upon me by god and i listened several message and i went this man is a heretic he started to demolish the teaching of repentance repentance doesn't mean repentance like you think it means it just means a change of mind and then it's not important and as he moves step by step he said you know what you can lose your faith in god and become an atheist but you're still born again and you'll still go to heaven you can lose your testimony you can lose your way you can lose everything but if you're once saved you're always saved and you'll still go to heaven you know what that is that is pure poison there's people in the church they are teaching teaching teaching but it's not by the holy spirit that is not the mind of christ how do i know it's not according to this book the holy spirit leads into truth that is error that is deception that will destroy your life do you think someone said i don't care about god do you think that's the mind of christ then it wasn't taught of the holy spirit of god we are living in a very dangerous hour an hour of deception he says it's not the man's uh man's wisdom but which the holy ghost teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual notice here he said it's not man's wisdom but it is the teaching of the holy ghost in verse 12 he says it's not the spirit of this world the spirit of this world will teach you man's wisdom and it'll seem logical it'll seem right but it doesn't lead you to the person of the lord jesus christ most of what i say to people down over the years says where did you get that in the bible when things arise in the church where did you get that nine times out of ten there's no connection with the bible they have not been taught what they are doing how they're operating has no context in scripture they don't even try to do it they just say well i believe god has told me what about scripture do you realize how the holy spirit teaches them and the mind of christ how's the spirit of god going to teach you the mind of christ how does he get the mind of christ operating in you remember if you resist the spirit of god and reject his teaching you can't have the mind of christ it won't operate there but he begins to show us how does the holy spirit teach you oh well he woke me in the night and just spoke to me i had a dream i had a vision the holy spirit always tell that isn't what the bible says how does the holy spirit teach you and lead you and all truth he says by comparing spiritual things with spiritual this is very important to compare means to compare one thing with another to lay them beside each other to compare them to combine them to collate them you know what he's speaking about the scriptures you know that man i heard over the weekend he slowly broke he missed out a hundred scriptures to emphasize one he is eloquent i can't tell you how eloquent he was he was very knowledgeable and he utterly believed what he was preaching but you know what he wasn't taught of the holy spirit because if it was the holy spirit he would bring all the scriptures in there would be a balance there would be an understanding i'm not an educated man but you know what i know the holy spirit how he teaches me line upon line hear a little there a little it keeps building and it takes in the fullness of the word of god and so i line up scripture with scripture scripture doesn't contradict this is how the holy spirit teaches you how do you get the mind of god the holy spirit starts to teach you the word of god it says in verse 14 but the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of god this word natural man he's a natural man what does he do he won't receive that teaching when i find someone who does not receive the teaching of the holy spirit according to scripture i say but the bible says i don't care do you know who i know i'm dealing with is a natural man if i come across a church and they ignore the bible and say but the spirit's moving us i don't we don't go by that book and they have a low regard i am looking at a natural church that's all it is this term natural man means the soulish man or a man who lives by the five senses he is a soulish man that natural man that lives by the five senses will not receive the teaching of the holy spirit and so the mind of christ does not operate within them it actually can't what relates to the natural visible carnal much of the charismatic movement of our day who say we're being moved by the spirit of god do you realize it's the five senses they're being moved by you know they look and then they prophesy i had a man come up to me in a convention an old preacher and he would bubble and get on when he said the holy spirit came upon him and i seen him pointing at me asking a friend and when i wonder what he's taught about he asked my friend said is he married no he's not married does he have a girlfriend no he doesn't have a girl is he engaged no and he said okay and he comes over and prophesies and he said the lord told me that you're gonna marry a girl with the name bleep i won't tell you but it wasn't candice i want to assure you do you know what that's a man being moved by the there's nothing spiritual about that man that man doesn't have the mind of the holy spirit or the mind of the lord jesus christ he is a man moved by senses feelings emotions here's a way of interpreting this the soulish man rejects the teaching of the spirit of god he rejects it he doesn't like it it's not palatable no i want a dream but the bible says i don't like that the bible says you're sinning well i don't believe that i'm gonna be fine do you realize the natural man does not like to be taught by the holy spirit because the holy spirit says the bible says you want the mind of christ you want to think like christ you want to speak like him you want to respond to your enemies don't come to me if you're getting trouble from enemies and you're saying what should i do to them if you don't want me to say the bible says love your enemies pray for those that despitefully use you you go do you not have another message can you not tell me something else do you not think you should go away and pray for a week and get a prophecy for me no the bible says i know god's will for you i know the mind of christ i know how christ is thinking in this and you know what the natural man says no i really don't like that it says actually the teaching of the holy spirit is foolishness to him listen to what foolish means it means silly absurd it doesn't make sense it's not practical it's not applicable to my situation so you know someone who does not want to be taught of the holy spirit they never walk in the mind of jesus christ the holy spirit's trying to make you walk like the lord jesus christ and really the natural man says i hate that i despise that i don't want you to tell me that oh give me some advice for my marriage are you sure you want me to ask me that because i will give you the word of god you say but sure i know that it's in the bible then why do you not know it why do you not practice it why are you not living this side because you haven't been taught by the holy spirit a man taught by the holy spirit is an intellectual we all know these things but to be taught by him means that you begin to live this out that christ is operating in your life and functioning he goes further here and he says for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them that's with the mind it's taught about your mind the renewing of your mind because they are spiritually discerned why is it a natural man cannot know can't have the mind of christ in these things because they are spiritually discerned to discern means to scrutinize investigate determine examine most natural men are too lazy they'll pray for seven hearts but they don't go to the word of god and humble themselves they'll they'll say well let the lord do it you say it's through our spirit that the instruction of the holy spirit comes but it involves investigating how does the holy spirit teach you the mind of the lord jesus christ remember the end verse here what's the last verse verse 16 we have the mind of christ he's shown you how to have this mind how do i know the mind of christ is operating here or operating on me because i am comparing the holy spirit teaches me by comparing scripture with scripture spiritual thing was spiritual thing but also it says that these things are spiritually discerned in other words those who are spiritual discern them you've got to examine the word of god you see there's an issue in your life go to the word of god and study it i don't want to i know then you wound up the mind of christ do you know the only people who walk out and live in the mind of christ they have studied the scripture there's a common denominator their mind has been renewed by the word of god and they go i know how christ would think i know how i decide i know how he would act it goes further about these that discern or scrutinize or who are studying determining examining on the basis of god's word saying lord teach me by your spirit i want to be taught this is how you get the mind of christ show me someone operating in the mind of christ in this last hour and generation you see i believe we as a church have a message for this hour i mean it's relevant for this our but we've never changed our message over the years you see god was preparing us why we have been taught by the word of god therefore the word of god applies to this generation in a remarkable way it says in verse 14 or 15 but he that is spiritual judges all things have you ever heard in the church don't judge don't judge that person isn't taught by the holy spirit they never can be but if they see you judging a false teacher they then judge you they say you're not allowed to judge but they judge you when you judge others so they begin to do the very thing they say that you're not allowed to do they're allowed to do it to you and they say do not judge and yet my bible says those taught of the holy spirit can judge all things you know the only ones who can judge accurately are those taught by the holy spirit who discern all things who scrutinize and examine the word of god you see i could teach all the right things about the word of god but you never live it out you never operate in that you've never learned it because you're not taught of the holy spirit i can teach you and teach your mind but there is a function in the nest he that is spiritual judges all things he has the ability the maturity the spirituality to judge all things correctly a man not taught by the holy spirit the scriptures cannot judge things he's going to make a pig's ear of it he uses his god taught ability to judge every area of his own life see it's not just about others this spiritual man a man who doesn't operate by his five senses but he's operating by the word of god being taught by the spirit you want to know how to have the mind of christ i'm telling we're going to preach a lot of this at some other time on the mind of christ but i'm giving you a feel for it i want you to see the mind of christ is vital you want to do the right thing this hour you want to make the right decision in this last hour it said greatest hour of deception and it's going to get worse an awful lot worse never has deception been so bad in the church or in politics or in education or in your daily life it is getting worse how are you going to have the mind of christ you need to be taught it the mind of christ is a discerning scrutinizing mind and it's a mind that can test all things by the written scripture and so he says we have the mind of christ second of all a humble mind not only a discerning mind but a humble mind philippians chapter 2 and verse 5. let this mind be in you the apostle is right and sin let it be in you we have the mind of christ it is yours remember why the holy spirit was sent on to you he was actually sent to so that you might know the things that are freely given to you it's freely given the mind of christ is yours the entire thinking of god is held in the word of god you realize that this book has an answer the advice the counsel for all things every situation and it's yours but it takes the holy spirit to show you let this mind be in you you know what he's saying let it function in you let it operate in you if you're a christian allow this mind to function when you walk in the flesh when you allow the flesh to break this mind isn't operating let the mind of christ be in you which was also in jesus christ the second point a humble mind if you want the mind that was in christ to operate in you it's a humble mind not only a discerning mind walking in the light of god's word it is a humble mind he says let this mind be in you which mind the mind which was also in jesus christ so he's saying what do you say in christ when you study christ when you hear christ in the bible when he's answering the pharisees or he's reaching out to the lost the mind that you see in christ remember the mind operates everything out of the mind comes your words your actions your deeds your decisions all out of the mind and so let the mind that is in christ let it be in you let it function in you the exact same mind the exact same way that christ thought let it operate in you who being in the form of god thought it not robbery to be equal with god in these verses he immediately shows you that the mind that operated in christ was a humble mind who being in the form of god thought it not robbery to be equal with god just look back a few verses to the context of him bringing you to show you that you're to have a humble mind if you're taught of the spirit of god this mind is going to be in you i mean it's going to function in you what sort of mind is it it's a humble mind verse 2 fulfill ye my joy that ye be like minded is it like-minded with one another where we're meant to mimic each other see in the church we are commanded be like-minded the apostles said fulfill my joys and apostle can you imagine this preacher and this pulpit i'm gonna say be like-minded for the sake of my joy we've had a lot of people through this church and i groomed the bible actually said you're not to make your elders groan some people i think they had a phd in making leaders grown in the church they seem professional they say an expert they seem determined it was like a red rag to a ball they seem to go whoa here's an elder who and i'm going to do everything in my power to make him groan the bible actually says you must not do that you must not do that paul says here fulfill my joy that you be like minded we are to be like-minded but it's not a conformity to one another it's not you conforming to me it's all of us having the mind of christ how do we become like-minded because we're all different your personality's different some are quiet some are rowdy some are very confident some aren't we're all very very different how do we become like-minded when you never lose your individuality you never lose your uniqueness you never lose your identity i love it that we're all different it's always going to be like that no matter how mature we get you know why the like-mindedness is the mind of christ operating it doesn't matter whether you're quiet or very loud is humility operating you know you could be a very outgoing person but do it in humility you could be a very quiet person and do it in humility or the reverse arrogance and pride could be made manifest notice what else he says having the same love see he's about to describe what like-mindedness looks like what do you mean were to be like-minded have the same love the love of the lord jesus christ shown at calvary where to have the same kind of love not showing a gappy unconditional love to one brother and then to this brother over here you go if he doesn't do what's right i will withhold my love i don't like the guy i don't like him it's a terrible thing if a mother says about one of her children i i don't love that child there's something abnormal and strange and yet we've heard it where a mother will say of a child i don't love the child then you better love that child that is that is abnormal even people in the world would love their own child you know what a real christian is gonna love one another you are gonna love those in the church being of one accord ding one chord it's terrible when there's discord ding ding ding ding do you know when someone when we're singing and worshiping and there's someone who doesn't know how to clap we've had them in the church again i think there's certain people with phds some years ago in scotland we had a family come into the church and to be quite honest i stopped clapping and the maintenance i couldn't bear it and when if i clap they're gonna clap i i've and they couldn't help it i have never heard anyone in my life who was as bad as clapping and i said we need to stop all clapping in the church because it would be wrong to tell them that their clapping's wrong you know you just need godly wisdom but there was no accord but it's much worse when it's spiritual emotional mental and in highway function being a one accord of one mind notice here that paul is teaching the church to be like-minded of one accord to have one mind where is he bringing you to the mind of christ he's gonna say let the same mind that was in christ be in you to be like-minded to be of one mind you know what this is all of us conforming to the mind of christ you must as a christian be conformed to the mind of christ and we'll have like-mindedness we'll have one mind in this church if we've got the worldly mind if we've got the wisdom of this world all trying to operate in this church there's going to be conflict he says in verse 3 let nothing be done through strife or vain glory don't do anything by that means but in loneliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves how do i know you've got a humble mind how do i know that you operate with a lowly mind you know what you esteem others better than yourself you put others before yourself if you put yourself first your own thoughts you have high thoughts about yourself everyone else is second place it you know you will take the last bun you will take the last everything you will get your way no matter what humility is lacking that is the issue behind that someone who only thinks of themself only prepares for themselves but nobody else they maneuver themselves do you know what the issue is pride and arrogance don't call it anything else someone who is self-centered who only thinks about themself either consciously or unconsciously you know what it is it's pride and arrogance you see if you had a low mind i would think of my brother if i had a humble mind i would act differently that those around me look not on every man his own things but every man also on the things of others how do you think the the church operated in the book of acts why do you think it operated where they sold fields and they sold houses and they gave you know why there's thousands of people being born again thousands are coming into the kingdom they don't have possessions they don't have food they don't have anywhere to stay do you know what a real christian does like barnabas he says you know over in cyprus i've got a field and i've got some property but you know what i see a revival of move of god he sells it he's got no agenda no motive you know what he's humble but there's another couple in that church called ananas and safara and they say wow he's being promoted do you know what we will do that in order to get they weren't being humble you could look and go what a humble couple what loneliness of mine what sacrifice no they're proud and arrogant you know why they are the reason they're given the land why did barnabas give the land because of the need because of the people because of the move of god why did they give the land in order to promote themselves this will open the door we're going to be noticed our names will maybe be recorded in history oh yes it will i can assure you but how tragic it's in the light of all of this that paul comes to verse 5 and says let this mind be in you which is also in christ jesus christ is the example of humility how can you say you've got the mind of christ oh the spirit of god leads me the spirit told me no humility no humility only thinking about your own ministry no promoting others no taking the backseat you know what that person isn't spiritual that promotes themselves through manifest and so-called guests there's no humility there it says who being in the form of god he was in the form of god and that word form means how you appear to others another how you show yourself for forth to others being in the form of god he actually was manifest as god jesus christ was god he had the form of god the appearance the manifestation yet it says he thought it not robbery to be equal with god how are we to explain this we actually see it on the road to emmaus two disciples how did christ appear to him did he appear as god or do they appear in another way it says after that he appeared in another form onto two of them they couldn't recognize him he actually appeared in a form they couldn't recognize not the messiah not the lord not the master not god manifest in the flesh he appeared as a mere man and they tried to instruct him of the basic facts of reality he appeared in a form he took on a form of a man this form is unlike divinity or deity he humbled himself do you want the mind and the humility of christ christ humbled himself it says he made himself of no reputation why is it in the church everybody's trying to gain a reputation why is it we are looking for a reputation and yet the mark of humility is he made himself of no reputation he took on himself the form of a servant that word form again is he was in the form of god the appearance of god what does he do he takes on himself the form of a servant the appearance in other words when you look in christ you're seeing a servant you're seeing the lowest position you're seeing one getting down and washing your feet he washed the feet of judas before he betrayed him he knew exactly what was in judas's heart and yet he's literally washing the dirt off his feet he then comes to peter and peter says oh no you're not gonna wash my feet if you wash my feet wash me all he says no i don't need to do that and he says if you don't let me wash your feet you've got no part with me you'll have nothing to do with me and christ knelt there can you imagine having the one who's about to die for you and bear your sin and he's washing the dirt off your feet this is the creator this is the eternal god this is the one who dwelt with the father who was god the creator of all things and yet here he is appearing in the form the shape the bodily appearance of a servant a slave a bomb slave serving you in the most menial tasks you say this is the mind of christ everyone says they want the mind to cry i want to think like christ i want the thoughts of christ i want the holy spirit to teach me be very careful what you pray about because when he begins to teach you and say you really want to operate in my mind do you know what that could cost you you really want the mind of the lord jesus christ to function within you so you want a reputation do you also you want to be the big man do you you want to be the first do you do you see how the mind of christ is so contrary to what god may want to do being found in the fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross real humility when the mind of humility of the lord jesus christ functions in you he'll lead you to the cross every time you cannot have the mind of christ in you and have high thoughts against your brother and sister i'll never forget the time coming around the lord's table many years ago not here in this church and a proud thought come into my heart just seemed like out of nowhere and my heart smoked me i was disgusted with myself that i had a proud thought concerning the man that was leading us around the lord's table i was sickened i was disgusted with myself to say how can i come and break bread here the very message of christ's broken body and yet i've got high proud arrogant thoughts against this brother who in weakness was breaking bread and leading us there i was utterly disgusted with myself friends i'm telling you the mind of christ and the body of christ is a wonderful thing but third and finally and let me say this in very few words here because i believe i just want to show you the mind of the lord jesus christ and this are you want to know how to go through the 2020s how to function as a church let this mind dwell in you be a new function in you that was in the lord jesus christ third and finally one peter chapter four verse one a mind to suffer a mind to suffer and it says there for as much then as christ has suffered for us in the flesh notice again christ is the example how can you have the mind operating of christ in you if you don't function like christ somehow we think the mind of christ operating in us is something different than that mind that intelligence that manner of thinking about others about sin if we talk about sin differently than christ we do not the mind of christ if we talk differently about repentance in christ we don't have the mind of christ you see to have the mind of christ we're going to act like him for as much then as christ has suffered for us in the flesh arm yourselves likewise with the same mind for he that suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin do you say here there's a clear command that you are to arm yourself with the same mind as christ christ had a mind to suffer he actually functioned in that as christ has suffered in the flesh you are to arm yourself the word arm there means to be equipped to have the right equipment to face the suffering can i ask you tonight as we close do you have the mind of christ to suffer do you think the same way as christ about suffering are you equipped and prepared for an hour of suffering you say i don't think the church in the west australia south africa europe america i do not think the western church even knows this verses in the bible we want the mind of christ to do miracles we want the mind of christ to prophesy we want to do the have the mind of christ to preach and yet here's a clear verse you are to arm yourself likewise with the same mind the same thinking the same intelligence the same thought process about suffering this way christ thought about suffering you're to think about suffering you're the have the same mind you know what this is utterly foreign to us that's why the western world is getting so worried at this present time i could lose my job what am i going to do about food what am i going to do about my children what am i going to do about my payments sure i've lived there for 30 years i was telling my mom just yesterday i said it's funny how for 30 years i've been living away now people are starting to face some things they're gonna what are we gonna do they've been prosperous they've been blessed they've had everything no suffering no opposition no persecution and now they're waking up and saying what are we going to do i'll tell you what you do you need to arm yourself with the same mind the same way of thinking you better start studying suffering you better start studying the example of the lord jesus christ it says in chapter 1 verse 13 wherefore gird up the loins of your mind be sober and hope unto the end for the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of christ in other words at the appearance of the lord jesus christ since jesus is coming he is coming but how are you going to manage if you don't curd up the loins of your mind if you don't pull your mind in if you're not careful we read in chapter 2 verse 19 if a man for conscience towards god endure grief suffering wrongfully stone about the mind of christ arm yourself have the right weapons because it goes on to say about suffering wrongfully i haven't done anything wrong but i'm suffering what am i gonna do arm yourself with the mind of christ for what glory is it when you be buffeted for your faults you shall take it patiently but if when you do well you suffer for it take it patiently someone's just switched the video off what i'm beginning to suffer in this western world from my convictions what do i do take it patiently it's the word of god he's actually saying this is the mind of christ that you are to take on board don't cry don't feel sorry for yourself don't get scared of the future you are to enjoy you're saying i'm beginning to suffer because of unrighteous governments and unrighteous laws endure it patiently do you see how far in christ's mind is to our way of thinking it says here this is acceptable with god if you endure suffering patiently for even here on to were you called you're called to this most of the church in the western world says we're not called to suffer we're not called to be denied we're not called to be ridiculed for our convictions then you don't know the gospel of jesus christ what have you been listening to for years you see he said this is acceptable to god for you were called to this because christ also suffered for us leaving us an example do you know christ dan only wasn't just for your sins and your atonement it was an example him suffering being ridiculed rejected wrongly accused run wrongly commanded condemned is an example who wants to follow this example do you want to follow christ do you want the mind of christ do you want to walk in his steps lord i want to walk in your footsteps do you really do you really do you know the cost of following the lord jesus christ do you know what that means who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth this is the mind of christ they're abusing you doing wrong to you denying you your job what are you going to do curse the government go on facebook say this is an abomination no guile found in his mouth verse 23 since i'm speaking in a song i'm getting emails and these weeks in i'm just about to lose my job what do i do what do i do from thailand all the way through to america i'm just about to lose my job my income what am i gonna do i'm not playing games here tonight i'm talking about the mind of the lord jesus christ i am giving you an answer for this generation this is the mind of christ it is a humble mind it is a mind to suffer it's a very real thing that we are dealing with here it is a discerning mind to study the scripture when he was reviled he reviled not again when he suffered he threatened not but committed himself to him the judges righteously who his own shall bear our sins in his body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness by whose stripes we were healed for ye were sheep going astray but nar returned unto the shepherd and the bishop of your souls let this mind be in you we have an example here of christ's suffering how do you respond when you're falsely accused abused treated wrongly what are you gonna do can i ask you are we as the church gonna rise up in this last hour and manifest the mind of christ we'll never see this unless the opportunities given unless he allows the church to suffer in this hour we do not have the opportunity to operate in the mind of the lord jesus christ saints of god we have reached an hour in which this is the last hour of church history and we must have a discerning mind a humble mind we must have a mind to suffer and much more all of this has shown us that the mind of jesus christ to to think the thoughts of jesus christ is radically against your own nature i want to save my life he gave up his life to suffering he wasn't a fool but you know what he walked in all the will of god let's pray here father i thank you nor god for all of these teachings these messages nor god for the likes that you've spoken to and father tonight we humble ourself oh god we seek to follow the master we seek to walk in his footsteps do not let any guile be in our minds don't let us have high thoughts one towards the other my god give us a discern in mind that we would study the scripture that we would compare scripture with scripture that we would have the ability and the maturity to discern all things to judge all things to scrutinize all things and apply the word of god and father i pray prepare your body for a baptism of fire nor god like you said to your own disciples are you ready to be baptized with the baptism that i am about to be baptized with lord god i do believe you're about to baptize your own body in suffering you're about to let them have the opportunity to operate in the mind of the lord jesus christ father we need your grace we need your power we need your glory in this hour that we might speak like christ that we might act like christ that we might walk with christ and father we humble ourself tonight lord god we want to put off the flesh and put on the new man we want to put on the lord jesus christ we want this mind to operate within us tonight in the name of the lord jesus christ
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Id: VR5EnQPzH9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 44sec (4544 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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