Hijacking the 21st Century Mind by Keith Malcomson

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go under romans chapter 12. this is part two of our volume two of um [Music] the battle for the mind i had to think for a minute i had a battle in my mind but this is part two and i've got an unusual title here tonight as we go to romans chapter 12 there's some verses we in this church need to preach annually each year we need to come back we need to emphasize don't think i'm senile if you think i've preached on this text i will preach on a time and time again there's certain subjects we must repeat time after time but reading from romans chapter 12 my message hijacking the 21st century mind let me repeat that hijacking the 21st century mind reading from romans chapter 12 and verse 1 i beseech you therefore brethren or i beg you brethren by the mercies of god that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god let's pray together father i pray o god as we deal with this series the battle for the mind lord god i pray for the power of your word to impact us lord god we are in an unusual hour in world history nor god our world is radically changing there is a culture being cultivated in the media in politics in society in education in the workplace in law my god there is a new culture being brought forth and imposed on this generation but we asked you here tonight will you conform us to the very image of the son of god will you transform us through the renewing of our mind that we might become like jesus what this world is doing with the the secular population will you do in your church in conforming us to the lord jesus christ we pray for your blessing upon your word in jesus mighty name amen my message again let me give you the title hijacking the 21st century mind i'm preaching this because i want you to know what they're doing in this generation i want to expose for a minute what the politicians the rich men of the world the scientists so-called the experts on social society i want to show you what they're doing specifically in this r i mean in the 21st century i want to tell you and expose what they have planned for the 2020s what they are doing how do i know they've said it they've actually revealed in their books and their commentaries in their intro interviews in their media outputs they have stated very clearly what they're going to do to this generation you see i believe they have a grand plan to hijack the mind of the 21st century generation you see they know the importance of the mind they know that if you get the mind of a generation you have that generation if you can reach the mind of the young people you have that entire young generation that if you can educate that mind change the ideology get your concepts inside that mind you have an entire generation never has have we seen in world history any institution make a grab for the mind of an entire generation never have they had the media the power the widespread influence the technology to do it but i promise you they now have it for the first time in world history hitler would have done anything to have what these men have muslimy would have cut off his right arm in order to gain what they have you know why they have the ability in one decade in one short period of time to transform an entire generation if you doubt in any way that they believe this that they think this i can prove to you from their own writings they not only think they can do this they are embarking on grasping hijacking on stealing on taking for themselves the mind the thinking the ideology of an entire generation we've read here in romans chapter 12 verse 2 and be not conformed to this world but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind in this simple verse and it ought to be written on your mind you ought to know the scripture you ought to think on it at least once a month meditate on this scripture you have two options in this scripture i believe this is a scripture for the hour i believe it's a scripture for the decade i believe it's a scripture for this generation and yet we rarely hear it preached on expounded or explained to the church only two options in this verse either be conformed to this world or be transformed by the renewing of your mind do you realize you're gonna radically every one of you every person in this generation in this decade is going to be faced with two simple options all you young people you are going to have it forced upon you whether you like it or not you are either going to be conformed to this world or you're going to be transformed to be like jesus there's going to be no third way no middle way of compromise it's going to be one or the other you know this world they are so desperate they're not going to give you a choice it's either going to be christ or the devil you know what god himself will do the same thing god won't allow you to stand in the middle you'll either go the way of this world or you'll follow the lord jesus christ there is no in between here in this scripture the great apostle shows us that in this hour it's true of every generation but specifically in this hour either conformity to the world or be transformed through that mind this world knows that they've got to grab your mind but christ also has taught in the word of god that your mind is the secret the key to having a changed life depending on the condition of your mind your thought life what goes on in this brainy years will dictate whether you're conformed to this world or transformed by the renewing of your mind it's your mind the condition of your mind we underestimate the importance of the mind we treat it casually we think we'll get there in the end no matter the condition of the mind i want to tell you the hour is too late the time is spent the night is descending they are radically after your mind they're coming for your children your grandchildren they're coming for your parents your brothers your sisters isn't it true all around us have we ever lived through a year like this where the entire world is brought to an option of conformity or being transformed it's going to be forced on you i'm not giving you an option tonight neither does this world neither does god you will choose this day as for me and my house we will serve the lord it says in proverbs 23 and 7 for as he that is a man thinketh in his heart so is he this world knows that as a man a woman a child thinks so is he there they want to hijack and steal that mind particularly the young people the teenagers they want to grasp an entire generation and that's why they're redesigning the education that's why the un from decades ago said we must have that young generation let me just remind you what we dealt with last week in second corinthians chapter 11 and verse 3 it says but i fear the apostles speaking lest by any means as the serpent beguiled dave through his subtility so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ if you get conformed to this world your mind's been ruined if you're being conformed to this world thinking like it acting like it being taught by it i promise you you've been ruined your brain has actually withered the word corrupted there means to shrivel wither waste away to spoil to ruin defile destroy do you realize the serpent that came to even the garden is coming to the church of this decade wanting to corrupt that mind how does he want to do it by conforming you to this world it is an attack on the mind what the serpent underneath in the garden he is doing to the church of this generation the serpent that came to eve is coming to the church i'm in the real body of christ in this hour and he is going to speak the same he is coming with the same agenda and it is for the hijacking of that mind when we read in genesis chapter 3 listen to what it says concerning eve for god doth know that in the day that you eat thereof that your eyes shall be open this was the last lie of satan remember what he started with did god say but he leads her all the way through until he's sin god doesn't want your eyes to be open the god the creator the the god of the bible wants you to remain blind eyes closed not knowing what's going on but listen to what the serpent says to eve he's saying it in this heart your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods known good and evil and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant in the eyes and the tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit and she did eat and she gave it to her husband with her and he did eat i assure you there is an attack of satan how is he going to approach you to steal your mind the mind of this generation he's going to use those eyes like he always has done in genesis 39 we read the jews master's wife cast her eye upon him do you see that sin follows on the heels of looking akan and joshua chapter 7 21 it says that he saw among the spoils a goodly babylonish garment or in judges chapter 14 and verse 1 it says samson went down to timnath and he saw a woman in second samuel chapter 11 it says on david he saw since you realize that the eye gate is direct communication to your mind that's why the five senses of the physical body is being bitten too by the devil himself it says in romans chapter 12 verse 1 i beseech you i beg you by the mercies of god that you present your bodies give me your eyes give me your ears give me your desires give me your physical body do you know that your physical body those five senses feed information through to that mind how does the devil approach he'll approach through your eyes are your ears your taste your smell your feeling your touch your ability those five senses he comes in through the five senses of the body and these five senses they operate by gaining information through the physical world they gather those that information and then feed it to the natural physical mind that's how satan will attack the mind look what the devil says to eve here and i believe this is the attack of the 2020s he says god knows that your eyes will be open even return to that it says that she desire she desired the fruit as to make one wise listen as i begin here eve as she saw with her eye the devil drew her to look on the tree he actually lied to her deceived her deception was involved with this oh that she'd stood with the word of god oh that she had said adam said god said i'm not going to disobey i don't need to understand it all but i'm going to stay with the word of god that mind would have been renewed but you know what she done she began to look the devil drew her attention and as she looked as she looked at that tree that was to be desired she began to realize it could make her wise what does the word wise mean it means a quality of one's thinking it means intelligence to become expert instructed prosperous skillful successful insightful well taught full of understanding and prudent you know what he began to do as she looked at that tree of the knowledge of good and evil god said donate of that tree you can eat of any tree you can have all my creation i've created the ability to taste and see and smell i want everything that's good for you but don't you touch that tree that's the only thing i don't want you to touch when he began to look and she spent time on it and she began to listen to the lies of the devil first question marks thoughts concerns lies about the character of god she began to desire that tree what was that tree it was intelligence it was a quality of mind you know what he was offering her a a whole new way of thinking i'm offering you a 21st century mind you'll see where i'm going here i'm gonna show you a brain a mind a way of intelligence that new generation has seen do you see why i believe this serpent is coming back in the 2020s do you know that i believe the serpent is here again and he's coming to this generation do you know what he's got access through media through the internet through the rich men through the un the world economic forum through all of these institutions i assure you the devil has an influence here and you know what through that entire institution of the rich the wise the famous he is beginning to present to this generation an entire sophisticated way of thinking you see god accomplishes his will on the earth through truth god is always going to get you into his plan through truth he offers you truth he tells you the truth he tells you what's bad about yourself he'll always show you what's wrong why he is a god of truth satan always accomplishes his will in the earth through lies he uses lies that's his bait that he tries to catch you on he makes big promises but he'll damn your soul he'll ruin your marriage he'll destroy your life he'll wither up your mind he'll say i'll give you a mind a remarkable mind i'll give you success i'll give you everything you ever wanted but i'll damn your soul at the end of it that is the mark of the devil yea hath god said an utter contradiction of the word of god in revelation 12 we see the serpent in genesis chapter 3 but when we come through to genesis 12 we read that out of the serpent's mouth comes a flood of water to carry away that little lady that woman that flees into the wilderness do you know what after a period of pouring at art and not being able to carry away that woman the serpent changes into a dragon and begins to persecute her do you realize revelation is telling us just prior to the three and a half years tribulation before the time of great tribulation when the dragon comes to bear on the earth before that time the serpent is going to make a play for the mind one more time but it's going to fail it's going to fail he's after the church the body of christ but it's going to fail then he'll turn against israel with his wrath and indignation i've got three points for you here i want to exhort you i want to challenge you do you realize your brain is being attacked do you realize the serpent is coming for your mind how do you think he gets your heart it's through your mind your thinking your choices your desires i've got three points here first of all not a non-conformist and these are three commands from romans chapter 12. three simple commands if you want to overcome and walk through this r of seduction it's a serpentine generation i promise you i know who's whispering and bill gates here i know who's to educate and schwab over these genera over this past generation i know who's in the background of all of this and i'm going to prove it here tonight for a moment the first thing i want you to be as a church as an individual christian is a non-conformist what a beautiful word i want you to be a non-conformist a real christian is an unconformist he doesn't conform to the normal he's a law-abiding citizen but he's not a conformist romans chapter 12 verse 2 and be not conformed to this world it is a command it's a simple command it's a clear command you're not given an option if you're a christian if you're a believer in christ if he died for you if you're born again you are called upon to be a non-conformist what is a non-conformist be not conformed to this world the word world here is the greek word aeon it means an age a period of time it is boundaries a beginning an end it is the age that you and i live in it is the 2020s the 21st century it is a generation a lifetime or a lifespan at most usually aeon doesn't last an entire lifetime it is the culture or the society that you live in today it is speaking of that time period which usually gets called contemporary we talk about contemporary worship i don't like it contemporary styles of dress i don't like wearing girls trousers honestly i don't like wearing pink shirts i don't like their styles i am a non-conformist you might as well go burn your pink shirt men because i tell you what i'll have a word with you if you come in here if you don't know whether you're a boy or a girl you sure do need someone to speak to in this hour and this generation this generation is so messed up i'm warning you about this generation the teachers the politicians the lawmakers can't even tell the difference between a wee boy and a girl that don't even know the basics of life anymore i assure you all this has changed it wasn't like that when i was a boy it wasn't like that 30 years ago it wasn't even like that 20 years ago if you told me 20 years ago where would be tonight i'd say utterly impossible utterly impossible do you think i'm gonna let this generation mold my thinking no way no way at all you know why they'll destroy your soul and send you to an eternal hell i've got a definition of this word aeon it's my own so be gracious to me this is it be not conformed to the contemporary culture that is my interpretation of romans chapter 12 verse 2 be not conformed to this contemporary culture i am against this culture i don't like this culture i don't want anything to do with this culture i do live in the world i do love sinners i do live my life i am a law-abiding citizen i'm as much a law-abiding citizen as any individual in this city but can i tell you i don't like contemporary culture it is confused it is messed up but who is behind it i know who's behind it what is this a on it is the thoughts the opinions the attitudes the ways the speculations it's the impulses the desires of an entire generation it is a culture being hijacked by the devil it is a way of thinking that's foreign to the christian that's why i'm calling you to be a non-conformist you know what a conformist says for for me it's christ not this world i don't want anything to do with this world this culture is an enemy of the lord jesus christ paul constantly in his generation had to fight against the wisdom of this world of greek culture of platonic theology it was trying to get into the church into the pulpit into the preaching into the evangelism into the education of the family you know what paul said that's the wisdom of this world this culture it's a temporary way of thinking it'll change again if we had the time it would change again in 20 years and then another 20 years the young generation the thing nobody's ever thought like this you're you're a bunch of boring so-and-so's you copy each other you're i'm a non-conformist they're all conformists they're like sheep just following one another but i want to tell you a real christian stands against the crowd they stand alone they have a different voice a different way of thinking what this contemporary cutting edge wisdom of the hour it's what's thought to be wisdom very wise isn't that what satan offered to even the garden isn't that why she took of the tree i want to be wise be very careful of the desire of being wanting to be wise they offer you a new way of thinking a new contemporary culture they are offering it in the 2020s saying this is the way we're to live this is how you're to think you mustn't say he and she anymore you've got to ask them what are you i tell you you you do get worried when you can't tell a boy from a girl the other day i asked kinda someone walked in front of us and said no was that a boy or a girl she says i don't know i don't know that's the hour that we live in it really is you see the contemporary cutting edge wisdom of this hour makes the wisdom of god look foolish and old-fashioned the wisdom of this world laughs at us i want to tell you i know how to tie my laces always tell candice about these intelligent folk can't even tie their laces i do know how to tie my laces you're not going to educate me on how to run my life i i tell you you don't know the basics of life go speak to someone else but i'll show you i'm staying with truth with the reality of the gospel however we must remember and i want you to see this that the god of this world this aeon who created the saiyan who's in it who's the mind behind it is it bill gates no is it claus schwab absolutely not is it the president is it the eu politicians no what does the bible say the god of this world there's only one person called the god of this aeon he's in control he's over it he steers it in different directions one minute it goes this way the next minute it goes this to catch the young generation and to catch you unawares in the letter to the ephesians chapter 2 and verse 2 it says in the past you walked according to the course of this world the aeon of this world he says when you were a sinner when you were in the flesh you walked you left you thought you spoke you acted you made your decisions when you weren't a christian you walked according to this world but you don't do that when you become a christian you walk differently you think differently you make decisions differently and listen what else it says according to the prince of the power of the air if you're walking in line with this world then you're also walking in line with the prince of the power of the air the god of this world if you're being molded by the 21st century culture the culture of the 2020s this new way of thinking of home and sexuality and of lifestyle if you're being molded back you know who's behind it the god of this world the serpent is behind it he's offering a new mind i'll give you wisdom i'll give you intelligence a whole brand new way of thinking that the previous generation didn't know how to think they're old-fashioned they don't know what they're talking about we've got a brand new way six thousand years they said it's a man and a woman but we've got a whole new way you you didn't realize there's about 60 different ways you can call yourself if you feel like a tree you could say i'm a tree that's my new pronoun our world has gone crazy but you know what they're after your children it's in the schools it's in the politics it's it's in the leaders of this nation of ireland they have taken this on you know who's behind it the god of this world the world this world aeon is the dwelling place the domain of satan the serpent the serpent is in there he is sovereign in it he is god over it and satan even offered the kingdoms of this world to the lord jesus christ if you worship me i'll give you all the great kingdoms of the earth all i want is your worship just acknowledge me listen to me bow your knee turn a blind eye to how confused this culture is and i'll give you everything that you ever wanted you see this culture molds there's a power in it there's a person in it and they're seeking to mold you being not conformed to this world it says in second corinthians 4 and 4 in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them that do not believe he's the god of this world of this culture of this aeon he is in this world it says in john 12 31 now shall the prince of this world be cast out john 14 30 the prince of this world john 16 11 the prince of this world one john 5 19 and we know that we are of god and the whole world lies in wickedness or let me give you the greek there the whole world this generation lies back reclines outstretched like on a sofa in the wicked one not just in wickedness but in the person a wickedness the devil that's what this world is they're reclining on a sofa they are sprawled out in the hands of the wicked one of this generation being not conformed to this world what does it mean to be conformed to the world listen to what the greek word conform means it means to be pressed into the form the fashion or the appearance of this contemporary culture of this new generation this new way of thinking you're being forced into it in other words it's a mold it's an image it's got form it's got ways of speaking and acting and thinking and making decisions what you can do and what you cannot do and you're being molded into the pattern it is a fixed cultural pattern and there's a power pushing on you isn't it right in in in our whole society there is a power and the devil is behind it seeking to fashion you to mold you to make you like that there is a force pushing you if you don't have something greater you better make sure you're a non-conformist you better know what it means being not conformed to be a non-conformist when all of them bowed to the statue only three jewish boys kept standing you know they're they're making this big statue some hundred feet high in ireland and it's gonna go out across nations of the world an image that's gonna have the appearance of a man a man's face a real man's face is gonna be on it they're making it in ireland it's gonna go out into cities all over our world it's going to move it's going to speak it's going to act 100 feet high just like nebuchadnezzar's image we are living in a remarkable hour you see being not conformed to this present evil world it actually the greek word for conform means the pressure coming from the outside not the inside not inside you it's a pressure in culture in society in education in news media and it's pressing upon you it's pushing you into its mold fashioning you like onto it it wants you to fall into line it wants you to speak like it speaks i want you to apologize for being white can you believe it in this hour i meant to apologize for what someone done 50 generations ago it is crazy it is dangerous it is wicked and i know who is actually in it this world is saying we want you to get in step with us there's a way we walk in the 2020s there's a way we think in the 2020s there's a way we make decisions we want to be in unity you're the only one that's not in unity you have no love you don't care about other people you don't care about dwelling together in peace i want to tell you non-conformists are trouble makers i am a troublemaker i'm a law-abiding citizen i'm a good christian i love those who hate me but i want to tell you i'm a non-conformist i cannot fall into step with this world it says in 1 peter 1 14 as obedient children i am obedient i want to tell you here tonight hear me i'm obedient i am obedient not fashioning yourselves according to the former lust i am obedient that's why i cannot conform to my old lifestyle when i lived in the ignorance of my lusts but as he which hath called you is holy so be you holy in all manner of conversation or lifestyle don't fashion yourself don't be pushed into the mold of this generation don't do it stand your ground be brave be courageous speak hard don't change for this world make sure that you're a non-conformist standing on this word just tell them a wee bit of practical advice just say what you think 6 000 years all of humanity's believed a certain way and you think i'm going to change it for you because a bit of legislation no way no way but you know what more than that this bible tells me god created man in his image for his glory for his praise being not conformed is a command it literally means stop it don't do it if you're a christian it's not even an option don't a lot not even once it it is a call to resistance at every moment in every area of life non-conformity is a lifetime process it's a work in me i'm not there i'm not the completed object as yet but you know what as christ works in my heart i'm a non-conformist i'm not becoming less conformist i'm becoming more radically less conformist with this world system it's not that i'm losing my edge i want to tighten my belt i want to become stronger i want to become more militant against the things of this world listen in this word conformed it's the greek word seuss checkered is a meal and you can't say it better than me okay so don't laugh at me within the greek word for conformed meaning to be molded into a pattern listen the greek word schema is the major part of that schema what does the greek word schema mean it means ski to scheme together a systematic plan an intellectual arrangement to attain some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect to impose it upon everyone from without it is a pattern of thought creating a behavior it is a structured framework which it's demanded that everybody falls in line with it is a plan a scheme a strategy an entire way to hijack an entire generation you're all going to think like this you're all going to come comply you're all going to act like this you're all gonna fall behind it and agree with it you see the bible says two thousand years ago being not conformed to this contemporary culture it is so wicked it's all through media all through internet it's on facebook in google on youtube it's in the talk shows the politicians are speaking about it it's in the legislation since it's coming thick and fast i've never seen the like of it in my generation our world's changed in one year you you think it's going to go back to normal it's not it's not either you're going to conform to all of this are you going to become a radical non-conformist you're not going to have a decision it you're going to do one or the other education in the colleges universities and your local school is going to fall in line with us all of our major politicians your work your your bosses all of these are falling in step the church can never do that as soon as the church conforms it's finished it's finished just like eve looking at that tree and saying i want the wisdom of this world the intelligence the success the acceptance she was finished she's finished they're put out of the garden of eden being not conformed that's the first thing i'm calling you to be a non-conformist christian there is no other christian second of all a transformed christian not only a non-conformist christian a transformed christian romans chapter 12 verse 2 it says but you want to know how to avoid being conformed to this world it's very powerful isn't it and satan is in it the serpent is in it offering it to our children saying this is the way you live your life in this generation so how do you avoid that this second point shows us it is a transformed life that is the key you're either going to be conformed or transformed if you're transformed you can never fall into their pattern this is how you walk apart it's going to be one of the other it says in verse 2 but ye be transformed by the renewing of your mind you don't read any options here be not conformed but be ye transformed the command to be transformed is a command the greek word is metamorpho where we get our word metamorphos it actually means a radical change an outward appearance and an inward character your character inside is going to change since don't stay where you are don't settle on your lease don't rest back the power of this world will carry you away you can't just tread water or you'll drown you this world is coming after you militantly it's time for us to become a militant church lcc needs to stand under stand strong stand together not with each other but with the lord jesus christ and his word it means a radical change fundamentally changing who you are in every area if you don't go forward you will go back to conforming with this world it means to develop and change into something completely different since i'm not the finished product i i'm a work in progress god is dealing with me sanctifying my mind working on my speech dealing with my attitudes given me courage to walk with him it's like the caterpillar the word metamorphosis is used for a caterpillar it goes in and comes out something radically different a beautiful butterfly a thing is creeping along oh we know what it can be you say i know what you can be in this church i don't care where you failed where you're struggling where you can't get past you say oh brother keith you don't realize what i'm wrestling with you don't realize how many times i've tried i want to tell you little caterpillar i do have a dream i have a dream of beautiful butterflies breaking out of the chrysalis you see i know something about the nature of that ground crawling creature it doesn't look like much it's not very impressive little boys play games with caterpillars the person can't get away from uh little boys like thomas and joshua if they ever get their hands on that butterfly its days are numbered i want to assure you but you know what i know something about that caterpillar i know what it can be it's this process of transformation and it doesn't happen overnight or immediately it's a process it takes time to get there it actually means getting locked in the word morpho that it goes through means the forming of habits it doesn't happen instantaneously it's not a miracle you can't have hands laid on you it's actually entering into this process of transformation that changes you into a creature of the air that can never be bound by this world it's the foreman of new habits it is actually to come forth with new habits and new ideologies see this generation they're thinking in a way that the previous generation didn't think you know what happened they got changed they were conformed the serpent came to the rich the powerful the intellectual got into the institutions and he's molding an entire generation to look a certain way you know what he's hijacking the brain of this generation but i want to show you i know a secret i'm not in defeat i i'll tell you there's going to be an entire generation that come out of all of this they're gonna live in this they're gonna walk through this they're gonna be confronted bad but you know what's gonna happen to them they're gonna be metamorphosed in this they're not gonna get caught out to be changed they're gonna be changed right in the midst of it the darker this world gets the lighter they're gonna get church i'm telling you revival is coming to the body of christ there is a million souls gonna come in to the kingdom of god in this hour i i get emails every single week from newborn christians i've been saved a year i've been saved six months i'm a sinner i want to be born again that lady from dublin that beautiful letter she wrote me the other day i won christ i i i need to get into a real church where i'm gonna hear what what you're preaching there since this is a transformed life you're not only to be a non-conformist but you're to be transformed there is a process of sanctification don't stay where you are don't say i'm in the door i got saved my name's on the roll i'll get there in the end and sure just float along that's a very dangerous position you know why every time you left your phone every time you talk to your neighbor every time you sit with your family members that world is knocking at your door you better get into your bible you better put a sermon on you better begin to listen worship music to clear that mind of yours you better get along with god you better chuck them all out the door and say don't come back until next tuesday and get on your knees and begin to pray you see it's a process it's a process of growth in the grace of god it's a constant work that we go through being transformed this is what happened to christ the same word used for him when he was transfigured on the mount and peter saw him and john and james and they saw him in a glorified state that is being metamorphosed it's the same word transfigured to be changed oh it's the same christ it's the same person but what's happened to you you ever met a christian over the years you see them they're awake they're struggling then you see them and they're on fire forgot i've seen this hundreds of times thousands struggling saints who somewhere touch god i said what happened to you i was in a meeting and i met the lord i heard a message i was alone praying late at night and god came down man they've been transfigured you can see it you know it you hear it and the way they talk they have been changed you know what that mind has been changed there's something happen it says in romans 8 29 predestinate to be conformed to the image of your of his son aren't you glad i'm not predestinated to be conformed to this world no way that's not my destiny in christ that's not god's plan for me it's not inevitable well who can stand against this generation i can i can you can this church is i'm gonna make sure this church does we are predestined there was a plan made before creation before the fall before there was a lucifer there was a plan made on how to conform you to jesus every time you feel the pressure you need to say i'm being conformed to christ there is a plan to change me to make me like jesus to have the mind of christ i'm going to think like him you see if you think like christ you'll speak like christ you'll walk like christ you make decisions like christ you'll live like christ you will respond like christ but it's a lifetime process philippians 3 and 10 says being made conformable molded again unto his death i'm dying to the things of this world and damned ambitions and dying to my eye looking and saying i want intelligence i want success i want popularity i want the end of the battle i want acceptance no you're gonna die to that christ likeness to become like christ through the cross means his walk talk mind attitude character example of life lifestyle conversation to speak like him act like him walk like him it says in galatians 6 14 god forbid that i should glory save in the cross of the lord jesus christ listen this carefully this is the key by whom christ crucified by whom the world is crucified unto me you say how can i get victory over this world the culture the 20th century civilization this new way of intelligence in the universities how did i get the victory i died to it i died a long time to it this world is crucified unto me two thousand years ago it happened i'm not trying to make it happen 2 000 years ago when jesus died not not that cross a part of our salvation a part of our new birth this world with its culture and pressures and mold was nailed to that cross there was a victory one upon the cross that world was crucified to me and i unto the world i was crucified with christ i was on the cross with christ i believe it's saints i'm not trying to make this happen i look back already happened i was born like this brother jer i i was born an unconformist i was born in this process of transformation i just got here and discovered it i said well i guess this is what it means to be a christian i cannot conform to this world i cannot be like them i'm not trying to be different i just am different i was born crucified i was born again changed by the grace of god it says this world is crucified onto me the word world there is a different world word than aeon it's the word cosmos listen to what this means there are more than 30 very different uses for the word cosmos but here is one of them it means a well-organized society it's crucified under me this is what the apostle said is crucified unto me and i'm crucified onto a well-organized society outward order in our culture the way things are organized all around us how we think in society to act as a normal principle of life our customs in limerick city our habits in ireland our traditions as irish men and women it's an organized very popular way to think speak and act amongst the people of this arab generation but everyone does it so what i'm a christian i'm a born-again christian this is a church don't you think you should tone your message down don't you think you should dress a bit more like the world not really not really it never even entered my mind why would i look at what they dress like little boys dressing putting on girls trousers they're so tight man my generation would have laughed at them i mean the worldly ones would have laughed now i would go you can't say anything you're not allowed to speak you're not allowed to say what you think you're not allowed to tell the truth you're not allowed to tell a little boy say stop being stupid you're a boy you're born a boy you need to deal with your sin you're a depraved sinner you need born again oh you cannot say that yes she can we are the church with an answer for this generation i've got an answer for the homosexual i've got an answer for the suicidal i've got an answer for the prostitute and the alcoholic and i and all of them i do have an answer for them what is this world that's crucified under me it's the wisdom knowledge experience and plans of this world that are outside the knowledge of god outside god's word and outside eternal life you see this is the goal this is the final goal that's a transformed life i'm changed i'm changed i'm radically changed but you know what it's the reward the blessing the privilege the honor i'm a different person i will be like jesus christ i'm gonna live like him i'm gonna speak like him i'm gonna make decisions just like him since that's my destiny in christ you say i've made some mistakes along the way so have i so have i i wish i hadn't but i did but you know what i know what my destiny in christ is my destiny isn't to have a posh car a big house to be rich to not suffer that's the prosperity gospel my destiny is to be conformed to the image of christ to be a non-conformist a radically different person that is the future that awaits me how am i going to get there my third and final point my third point a renewed mind you see be not conformed to this world be transformed how did i get there how do i get there you see paul if you speak to i've used this ten thousand times i don't want to wear it out but he's a mechanic and mind and heart he's not someone who does mechanics even though he's left that profession he's a mechanic it's in him he breathes i'm sure uh everyone can see it with them it's a absolute part of him that's what he actually is but you know what i watched him he can't leave something until he finds out what the problem is now how do i get from here to here how do i do this he won't leave a thing in a car it'll probably torment him i'm sure victoria's seen him probably land awake he's probably thinking how did i get that fixed that's a mind of a mechanic i i am gonna crack it i'll drive him nuts if he doesn't you know what in the church we go we hear commands i'm gonna be like jesus how do i do it it seems an impossibility a pipe dream a theology a doctrine we preach an ideology but not practical it is practical and i'm finishing on this this is our entire series about a renewed mind about a way of thinking you want to be like jesus start with your mind you want to change a way of speaking an attitude of the heart a motivation in your heart a way of reacting to others around you i'll give you the secret you want to become like jesus you don't want to be like this world or like backslidden christians or like the worldly church down the road you want to be like jesus you want to be conformed to this book i'll tell you how a renewed mind what does it say here in romans 12 and 2 be ye transformed how how paul how by the renewing of your mind the word renewing there means renovation it's torn about a building the building's broken down oh thank god i've got a building a night thank god i've got a roof over my head pity about the leaks in the roof pity about the brick side of the wall pity about the wind that's blowing through my living room but at least i have a house why would you be satisfied with that why would you go to sleep tonight with a leaking roof with rain falling on your bed just glad that you've got a house to live in that that's how a lot of christians live my mind's a mess my life's a mess but i do love jesus i do know that he's real but the house is in disrepair why don't you fix your house why not begin to renovate it i'm challenging you in these messages time to renovate your house what is your house it's your mind it's an entire way of thinking oh but i've tried that no you haven't no you haven't go back to it renew your mind if you renew your mind you're going to live in a brand new house it's to reverse things and to make it new again in other words this pattern of thinking bad habits it's changing the habits of your thinking you're understanding how you reason what you imagine meditation changing all these things all of you meditate every week all of you in this room don't tell me i can't meditate in the scripture brother k i would love to i don't have time you do have time you worry about things you get angry at people you're awake at two o'clock who's ever been awake at two o'clock with anger burning or or worrying about something going how am i gonna manage tomorrow well my grandad used to have simple theology worrying you die don't worry and you die so why worry he was a man of prayer who believed god get out get on your knees and begin to pray i want to tell you it is possible to have a new spirit a new heart listen you can have a new spirit new heart without having a new mind that's a part of sanctification that's where we're going to go to work you go i wish i was holy i wish i was sanctified i wish i had victory and not part you can have but you've got to change your thinking you've got to begin to meditate on the word of god it is vital that after salvation that a new christian begins to renew their mind they've got old patterns of thought do you know i heard of a preacher say 40 50 years he had a dream at night hadn't touched a cigarette 50 years that night he had a dream and he was smoking in it he woke up the next morning desperate for a ciggy he he was shocked he said how could i see that mind i tell you that mind needs renewed that mind can suddenly take you back somewhere that you never wanted to go i am exhorting you here tonight be not conformed to this world do you understand what i'm saying about this generation what is going on around us this is the new world order that's being introduced never has it been so un diluted this is the world state this is a world revolution this is the conformity of every single nation every government every teaching institution every town every city for the first time in world history we've got the unveiling of the new world order plan this is it saints this is it they prophesied about it they wrote novels about it they wrote books about it we discovered their history now they've come out publicly and said this is what we're doing you know what we're going to do we're going to join your brain to a machine we're going to change your brain do i tell you there's a lot i can tell you about what's going on i want to tell you they want to join your body you will not be able to go to a doctor without having your physical body connected to that internet you won't be able to get a pacemaker you won't be able to be a medication they're going to tie everything into that internet they're coming for you this is called transhumanism and it's a serpent i'm offering you wisdom intelligence success a better body an upgraded body we're gonna download information into your brain do you realize that all the politicians the rich google facebook all of them are on the same agenda how could that be possible how can it from china to america that they've signed into the same contracts the same agreements the same plans they're all looking to join humanity with that computer they all are seeking to put a brain chip in every person on the world they're so kind and loving they said we us rich ones don't want to outrun you so you know what we're going to do we want to make it available to all of use that we do it all at the same time all together that will all be interconnected as one and when we interconnect we're gonna have a new brain a new mind a new intelligence since the stage is being set that's why i called it the hijacking of the 21st century mind but you know one thing they haven't taken into account the real body of christ the church of the lord jesus christ they've never met a creature like me and jew they don't know that even though we're small we scattered nobody's that this is going to be our greatest star let them bring ultimate power to bear and you're going to see christians stand up all over this world saying i'm a non-conformist i'm being transformed i'm renewed by the thinking of my mind and for me to live is the lord jesus christ please stand with me here tonight thank you lord god oh hallelujah we bless you we praise you our god thank you god lord god what an hour that we are living in lord god they're unveiling their plan of conformity they have shown us what their scheme is they're showing us where they're going in the 2020s but oh god i'm praying for the plan of god i'm praying for a mighty revival i'm praying for the power of god to come down in this church i'm praying for a transformed people i'm looking at you transform us that you metamorphosis that you work out your predestinated plan that we'll become more and more like jesus my god i pray that this is going to backfire on the devil back fire on world governments now there's going to arise a real church in the nations on fire for god evangelizing a non-conformist church that will not bend it will not bow and it will not burn my god give us again daniels that are going to pray and seek your face give us men like the apostle paul who despised the wisdom in this world and preached the lord jesus christ and him crucified give us victories in this church the devil would say it it's all in vain but lord god your book your bible says it will you renew our minds with the written scriptures even here tonight in the name of jesus oh hallelujah
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 4,464
Rating: 4.9219513 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Id: _LUk1Wgf3hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 57sec (3717 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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