BCC Classic Service 4-26-2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning everybody and welcome my name is rod Larkins I want to thank you for joining us here for Broadway Christian Church and our classic service now the classic service basically means we sing songs that you probably have heard before and have sung along with us so when you see the words on the screen I want you to sing right along with us so we're gonna start off with a wonderful song standing on the solid rock [Music] [Music] depression [Music] [Music] in my savior day buddy and poses our relation purposes foundation so on this all man [Music] wages [Music] Oh [Music] rise [Music] or they tell me about his beauty there and they tell me that my nice job Joe [Music] Oh [Music] all right on cloudy day you know in a couple of months though out here in Arizona we're gonna be actually looking for some clouded days now I hope you're all being safe and healthy out there there's a lot we know we are living in interesting times now Darlene and I are both teachers and wow talk about a learning curve we've had to really bear down and figure out all these different ways of communicating with students and parents and even other teachers things like zoom and WebEx canvas Google classroom oh my goodness you know and it can get kind of frustrating so you know if you're walking down the sidewalk and you hear some anguish screams it probably is either a parent or a teacher trying to work for these difficulties now I'll tell you what the hardest part for me though is when I'm online and I'm trying to talk to students or parents or even conversing with teachers most difficult thing for me is to concentrate on that while looking at my face on the screen and thinking wow do I look like that it's my face that wider is everybody looking up at my nose I'll tell you what that's kind of hard now really the point of this whole thing is that we're using remotes and we're using a lot of technology to try to try to communicate with everybody but we do have a way without even needing any technology whatsoever to communicate with God and that's through pare that prayer that is a direct connection and do ask you to pray pray for everyone family friends even for your own health and for those health providers and food providers just a lot of prayers needed in there so make that a challenge for your week to pray for everyone that you can think of that's involved with this these interesting times well we're gonna keep on going on with our music here darling is gonna sing this next song called there is a fountain filled with blood [Music] [Music] [Music] there ain't no grade can hold my body down there ain't no grave can hold my body down when I hear the trumpet sound I'm gonna rise right out of the there ain't no grave can hold my body down well look way down the and what do you think I see I see a band of angels and they're coming after me there ain't no great Oh [Music] there ain't no grave can hold my [Music] well look down yonder Gabriel put your feet on the land and sea but Gabriel don't you blow your trumpet till you hear the Rangers get all my body there ain't no [Music] [Music] well meet me Jesus meet me meet me in the mid and if these wings don't fail me I will beat you anywhere there ain't no brain Oh [Music] there we go all my body well meet me mother and father meet me down the mill and father you know that I'll be there with a check-in [Music] my body there ain't no grave can hold my [Music] God is an awesome God he reigns from heaven above with wisdom power and love our God is an awesome God good morning I'm Kimber Scott one of the pastor's here at Broadway and it's my privilege to share a few thoughts on communion this morning jesus said that I go to make preparations for you in John chapter 14 and accord Isaiah 25 some of those preparations is a great banquet that he's going to host all the saints down through the centuries we'll be seated at the banquet table could you imagine how long that tables gonna be there'll be a special place for you and I and everyone else and when we're seated we'll look at our hosts the Lord Jesus and we'll say surely this is our God we trusted in him any service what a blessing and so communion for us at Broadway Christian Church is a weekly reminder of that one day when we take the Lord's Supper with him in the heavenly kingdom but in the meantime the bread represents his body which is broken for us let's eat together [Music] thank you lord [Music] the contents of the cup represents his blood which is shed for many for the remission of sins let's drink together [Music] thank you Lord Lord we recognize we trust in you now that we can say we trusted in you and we are saved thank you Lord let me make a remark or two about offering we obviously can't pass a trade but we can continue to bless the church and begin and continue to contribute towards the furtherance of the gospel the ongoing needs of the church a hope community center is still open they've changed their operations a bit obviously to accommodate the times but they're still ministering to people the needs are still there I want you to prayerfully consider that you might add a little extra to your offering in and you can contribute online or put a stamp on it and put an envelope and a stamp on it but however you do it it'll be as unto the Lord and a blessing let me pray for you father I just praise you and thank you Lord for the generosity of your people and I pray now bless gift and giver in Jesus name Amen god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] well hello and welcome to online service city I'm so glad you joined us I'm John and Abnett one of the pastor's here at Broadway and hey listen if you're online with us right now you will see the tab that says chat love to have you dialogue with us a little bit about the message about the service so join in we've got somebody hosting the chat and they'll be able to respond to you so once again just so glad that you're you're watching the service right now and today we're beginning a brand new sermon series called you're not the boss of me you're not the boss of me and what we want to do is to be able to say no to the emotions that compete for control of our lives and right now a lot of us feel like we're sort of losing control with the coronavirus the pandemic and and the the voluntary solitude that we're all experiencing where we're all being told well you can't do this and you can't have that and and we miss the things that we're used to like Church we all miss church right you and I miss church and easier to get back together again as we've been talking about but all day every day it seems like right now we're just losing control of whatever we had of in our lives and and because of that I think all sorts of emotions are just bubbling to the surface like anger and fear and insecurity and worry and anxiety maybe greed or guilt I don't know all those emotions tend to direct our lives and over the next six weeks what I want us to do is to work together to learn how to monitor those emotions that tend to dictate how our lives go got this sermon series idea for North North Point Community Church and we're adapting it for our own unique situation here as we navigate our way through this kovat nineteen pandemic and this virus but I want to say this again nobody wants to be told what to do everybody wants autonomy and that's not something that begins when you're adult I can I can tell you this even though I may not know you specifically in your situation but I can take that way back in your early childhood probably before you can even remember you are already seeking to be your own boss you were already seeking your own autonomy and and what we do when we're somewhere around two or maybe three we tend to start defying our parents like this little three-year-old girl she always liked to stand up in her high chair during mealtime and her mother was sick of it she'd stand up and mama would say sit down and finally the mom said you know what you stand up one more time I'm gonna spank you and she sat down and she looked at her mom defiantly glaring at her with her arms crossed and she said I'm sitting down on the outside but I'm standing up on the inside that's what we do isn't it we're all standing up on the inside but we all want our autonomy and that word autonomy is a good word autonomy means that I can do what I want to do when I want to do it with enough money to do it and enough money to get me out of trouble if and when I get caught autonomy is doing what I want to do when I want to do it with enough money to do it and enough money to get me out of trouble when I get caught we all want that that kind of autonomy you me everyone it's so tempting in life just to be able to want to call your own shots which is why it's always so baffling when you see someone that's reached this incredible level of autonomy they've got money they've got they built margin into their life and then they do something stupid and just undermine their lives they undermine their own autonomy they make some boneheaded decision and and you wonder why in the world did they do that why would they say that why would they why would they be that way but you know you don't have to be rich or famous right I mean we've all been there we've all done then all of us right and I think one of the key reasons that we get into trouble in our own lives that we get ourselves into trouble better said is because we have these toxic inner voices that always cause us to stumble and fall and a lot of times those inner voices are coaching us see the truth is that we get into trouble when we take our own advice and a lot of times we take the advice that we're getting from those tops toxic voices I mean how many times have I said or done something have you said or done something that later on you look back at that episode that experiencing you say to yourself why in the world did I say that what was I thinking I can't believe that because there's a tendency in each of us to take our own advice and our advice gets filtered through our own emotions that emotion could be anger on your part or fear or greed or guilt or worry or anxiety insecurity those are the emotions that compete for control of what we say what we do who we say it to how loudly we say it our emotions are always competing for control of our behavior in other words our emotions are what motivate us to to be who and what we are so what we want to do during these six weeks that we're going to be together in this sermon series is learn to monitor those emotions learn to monitor monitor what's going on inside of us that's motivating us now listen if you're a Jesus follower I have to tell you this is more of a suggestion more than a suggestion this is actually a command because Jesus wants us to go down deep into our own lives he wants us to examine our motives our emotions so that we know why we are who we are and why we do the things that we do because of what Jesus says is true and it is then this should be the filter for our behavior and if what Jesus says is true as a Christ follower that means those toxic voices inside of us like fear and anger and all the others that I've talked about that almost always make us regret on the other side of what we've done Jesus says we need to learn to corral those emotions we need to learn to monitor those emotions because I'm convinced that what Jesus says is true and I'm convinced that we need to follow Jesus and what he tells us and here's why because if someone is raised from the dead and can predict beforehand his own resurrection then we should go whatever you say Jesus whatever you say amen okay so here's how the adventure begins open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 15 and Matthew the gospel writer Luke does this too but Matthew tells us about a particular day in the life of Jesus and you know Jesus this particular day is with his disciples and a lot of times that crowds are following along too but this particular day somebody else shows up as well in Matthew tells us about this in verse 1 Matthew 15 1 some Pharisees and teachers of religious law now arrived from Jerusalem to see Jesus and the reason that Matthew adds that Pharisees showed up from Jerusalem is because it's code that they're up to something what these Pharisees are up to is not particularly good I mean they're not there for just a casual conversation they didn't come all that way for that and they're certainly not there because they want to become followers of Jesus they're there because they want to trap him and trick him what they want to do is to get Jesus in front of his disciples so that they can confront him about something and here it comes the Pharisees asked why do your disciples bake break the tradition of the elders they don't wash their hands before they eat and right now is there anybody that doesn't understand the importance of washing their hands you know the single most important thing you can do to ward off infection and disease and the virus is to wash your hands I've washed my hands so much I born off the top three layers of my skin and that's all I had to begin with washing your hands and so the disciples the Pharisees say they're not washing their hands before they eat and we all think gross right but remember this is a semi-arid region and they don't have an abundance of water just to go pouring it everywhere but there's more here than meets the eye and and this is a big deal because the Pharisees mentioned that tradition of the elders now what was that exactly well Moses as you may know when he was on Mount Sinai received the Ten Commandments from God in those stone tablets but not just the Ten Commandments because in addition to that God also provided to Moses and the Israelites about 600 other commands as well now we know the Ten Commandments we call those the the big Tanner of the top ten but but there were about 613 commandments that God had laid out for the governance of Israel as a nation well along along came some super zealous and highly religious religious leaders that didn't think that those 613 laws were enough and so they added to those what's called tradition of the elders or oral laws these were not written down they were passed from one select group of men to the next select group of men and and they would only bring those laws out they would only apply them in certain situations usually when it was to their advantage those on those unwritten laws and almost always whatever the tradition of the elders was it almost always added to the burden of the people and you can see the spirit of that is alive even today in Israel for example if you should happen to go to Jerusalem and stay in them in a kosher hotel on the Sabbath on Saturday you'll if you do what I did I made the mistake of getting on to what's called the Shabbat elevator Shabbat means Sabbath get under the elevator and you don't push any buttons because the doors open and close automatically while I was on the first floor and in the and I got on and the door closed shortly after I got on and went up to the second floor and the door opened nobody got on or off third floor I was going up to the tenth floor I had a long elevator ride that day because someone along the way decided that pushing a button was work and so they automatically programmed certain elevators every Saturday every Sabbath so that there's no work involved that seems to be a tradition of the elders and and that spirit was alive even in Jesus day and he was certainly aware of the tradition of the elders and when you read the Gospels Jesus just wasn't buying it he wasn't into these the secondary mysterious laws known only to a few that were handed down from generation to generation now Jesus certainly believed in the law he believed in the Torah in fact jesus said I didn't come to abolish the law he says I came to fulfill it but when it came to these these the ceremonial laws like like washing your hands a certain way going through this ritual where you had to do things just exactly right Jesus just wasn't going to have any part of the and I think we're all for washing our hands before we eat I I do I hope I hope you do but the way the Pharisees were imposing it on the people it just made God seem small and it made God seem petty and Jesus just didn't buy that he said oh yeah and then in verse 3 jesus replied and why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition in other words you guys are using these traditions of yours to me and manipulate the people and then he points out their hypocrisy because one of God's written laws was you must care for your aging parents but these people the Pharisees had had developed a bypass around that particular law and Jesus points out that hypocrisy when he says for instance God says honor your father and mother and anyone who speaks disrespectfully a father or mother must be put to death but you say it's alright for people to say to their parents sorry I can't help you for I've vowed to give to God what I would have given to you in this way you say they don't need to honor their parents and so you cancel the word of God for the sake of your own tradition in other words there's something that's clearly written that's spelled out by God but you guys have introduced this tradition of the elders to make a detour around God's law God's command and Jesus says I'm just not buying it says you guys are hypocrites then he quotes the prophet Isaiah who prophesied this these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me and that's a very important verse let me read it again these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me it's a very important verse and it's going to drive our conversation over these next six weeks God was speaking through the prophet Isaiah centuries before Jesus and what God was saying to his people is this you guys have the religious lingo you've got all the religious words but your hearts aren't there you're far from me you're not even close you've turned your religion into a game that you can always win and I don't need to tell you this but I will anyway because down through the ages that's what certain religious leaders have just had a 10 - do they add their own rules to make religion a game and it's a game only they can win Israel was no different than that they were doing the same thing the reason there was so much tension around Israel and especially around the Temple in Jerusalem was because the religious leaders had so diluted the teaching of God that had been clearly given on Mount Sinai that it was almost unrecognizable and it was always to their own benefit well Jesus doesn't waste this opportunity he gathers the crowd so they can hear this exchange then Jesus called to the crowd to come in here listen he said and try to understand it's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you you're defiled by the words that come out of your mouth I wouldn't have been great to have been there in that moment Jesus kind of drops a bomb on them and drops the mic and then walks away in other words our God is not a small God he's not a petty God he's not a gotcha type of God that's just looking for people to mess up but I'll tell you what Jesus says it's not what goes into your mouth it's the word you vomit out those things are what defiles you then he drops the mic and walks off with the with his disciples and and the disciples are you know kind of walking along trailing Jesus and they're looking back and there's they're thinking a take that you guys but like usual the disciples don't have a clue as to what's just taking place so in verse 11 the disciples came to him and asked do you realize you offended the Pharisees by what you just said do you realize you know probably the last thing in the world you need to say to Jesus is hey did you know or to God hey are you aware of something like sometimes you know when we pray we think we have to inform God of the situation before we can ask him for what we want you know it's like as if God doesn't know it listen he knows everything there's nothing hidden from God's sight right Jesus when he taught his disciples to pray said now when you pray just realize that your heavenly father already knows what you need before you ask him and you're wondering well why should I ask then if he already knows what's the point of asking well because that's what people in relationship do that's why we should ask so the disciples asked did you know that you offended those guys back there and to which Jesus replies just leave them just leave these guys you know there was a time when it was okay to follow the the Pharisees and the religious leaders but but those days are over they've they've so abandoned God's law they've so abandoned God's intent that they've made the religion a business so just leave them these guys are spiritually blind then he offers a parable where he says if the blind lead the blind both will fall into a pit at which point Peter asks for clarity because even though the the disciples got a kick out of Jesus dissing the Pharisees they they're just not really getting it they don't understand and when you read this next verse it almost makes it sound like Jesus has sort of abrasive and Stern with the disciples but I don't quite see it that way I think that that Jesus realized that there's a learning curve going on here and the disciples are slowly but surely coming along in the ways of the kingdom of God and so maybe Jesus you know kind of playfully I don't know ruffles Peters hair and says come on don't you get it nitin any explains and and part of this is humor because Jesus says humor shows through in this next verse and and I don't want you to remember something that when you read the account of Jesus and His disciples these are not two-dimensional cardboard cutouts these are real people with real relationships and they're having they're having you know a good time I think in fact I the one of the things about Jesus that striking is how often people were attracted to him well sourpusses don't attract anybody to them right it's people that smile that that can find humor in life those are the ones that seem to attract people to them and so I think Jesus was exactly like that because in verse 17 he says don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out the body enters the stomach and then goes out the body and they're like oh yeah what we eat you know we digested in and then you know we see the evidence of that a couple of times a day and they're all laughing Jesus says whatever you put in your mouth goes into your into your digestive tract and ends up in the sewer right and and they all get it there's no harm in that but this next part this is the part that you need to pay attention to because in this next part this conversation that he's having with his followers you get a key insight here Church into what's valuable to God and since this matters to God it automatic if you're part of a religious organization as you're watching this today that they tell you listen if you want to keep in God's favor you've got to do this and if you want God to keep on loving you you got to do this if you want to stay in God's grace you got to keep doing this you ought to run from an organization that teaches something like that because it's not our works that earns our approval before the Lord okay and and that's important to remember so listen up here because this is one thing that Jesus was pretty consistent about throughout his ministry here's what he says in verse 18 but the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart and these defile them the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart and that's what defiles those people in other words Jesus says your words the words that you speak those reveal your heart and if your hearts not right if your hearts not clean that's what defiles you because that's a whole nother story and that's what your heavenly father and our Heavenly Father is most concerned with and that word defiled has spiritual connotations because it means to put you at odds with God he says you want to know what puts you at odds with God it's not accidentally eating something it's not accidental ating the tradition of the elders is not accidentally doing anything what makes you spiritually unclean is what comes out of your mouth that's what puts you at odds with God especially when what comes out of your mouth puts you at odds but the people God loves when what comes out of your mouth hurts or offends or harms the people that God loves that is what defiles you because the theme of Jesus teaching and the consistent theme is this God loves you he loves you with all of his heart but he also loves the person sitting next to you right now he loves that person over there and in that person over there he loves everybody in fact he loves the people that are in your mind unlovable and unlovely in fact the most famous verse in the Bible says for God so loved what God so loved the world God just loves people and when you do something that hurts or harm someone that God loves God's concerned about that and God says that's how you defile yourself not by offending God because God is not so thin-skinned God is not so sensitive as to be easily offended no it's when you're hurtful to someone that God cares about so when you're hurtful to someone that God loves that's what puts you at odds with God verse 18 again says but the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart and these defile them see the things that come out of a person's mouth they come from within they come from that person they originate within the source of your defiling the source of your problematic words the source of your problematic deeds is within you and right now you're probably saying well duh tell me something I don't know or maybe you're pushing back right now and you're saying well come on but but no I don't mean everything I say I I really don't mean that I just say it you know I there's no harm there but Jesus would push back at that and he would say yeah but but you said it didn't show and it came out out loud what you meant is you didn't mean to say it out loud because it can't come out of you if it's not in you that's how it works I think Jesus would push back then he says in verse 19 for out of the heart come evil thoughts murder adultery sexual immorality theft false testimony slander out of the heart come all of these things now in your chest cavity there's this very important muscle called the heart it's 12 ounces of tissue that basically are keeping you alive but in this case heart is a euphemism it's a metaphor for your human experience and the things that we're aware of that tend to undermine our lives come on I've undermined my life at times you've undermined your life at times and it's almost sometimes as if you're a you're a third party you can kind of step back and and watch you undermine your marriage by the words you say or by what you do you're undermining your marriage perhaps or maybe you're undermining a relationship with one of your kids or something at work and in us like how could have I said that how could have I have done that that's what he's talking about Jesus says those come from within those come from the evil thoughts because everything begins with a thought murder begins with a thought adultery doesn't begin when you hop in bed with somebody else's spouse adultery begins in your mind it begins in your heart everything we do in life that's wrong or sinful is coming from within from from our lives those those embarrassing career killing financially disastrous moments of our lives Jesus says the source of all of that is your heart these he says are the things that defile you these are the things that put you at odds with God because they put you at odds with the people that God loves but Jesus says to the Pharisees come on eating with unwashed hands he says that's nothing so let me take you to the bottom line of this message today what I want us to do over these six weeks is to and I'm gonna do this with you because I need to learn this as well I want to I want us to practice monitoring our behavior by monitoring the emotions that drive our behavior that that drive our actions in in our words in fact it would be helpful I think if we would personify some of this stuff that seems to lurk under the surface that sometimes derail our lives and we're gonna get into the habit of saying you're not the boss of me you're not the boss of me in fact it would be a good idea and helpful to you in me if you were to say it out loud so at the count of three I want you to say that ready 1 2 3 you're not the boss of me way to go now this time I want you to say it with some conviction you 1 2 3 here we go 1 2 3 you're not the boss of me see I think it helps us to personify some of these emotions some of the toxic emotions that many times will drive our actions and our words like anger anger you're not the boss of me I know you anger you try to justify making me say in what I do because of what he did or because of what she said but anger you're not the boss of me in Envy you're not the boss of me envy you make me look at him and wish I had his life or you make me look over to her and think oh she's got it all together wish I could live that way but Envy you're not the boss of me and insecurities because of you I have a tendency to lie and in to shrink back and not speak up when I should but in security those days are done because you're not the boss of me anxiety Oh anxiety you've you've had your way during this last pandemic haven't you you've caused me to lose sleep at night I worry I wake up in a cold sweat but you know what anxiety and worry you're not the boss of me I want you to think for a minute how different your world would be if we could control those emotions that tend to drive us if we didn't allow those to rule over us and here's why here's why this is so important whether you understand any of this whether you embrace any of this the people that you live with the people that are closest to you they live with the overflow of your heart every day just as you live with the overflow of their heart every day and you can't do anything about that but if you're a Christ follower this is a really big deal because we already have a boss of us a boss that's far better than worry and anxiety and fear in anger this boss Jesus says to us in one place in the Bible in Matthew 11 come to me all you who are weary and burdened all you who are tired of being bossed around by those inferior bosses those of you who have been ruled by that inner anger or by that fear or by that insecurity I'll give you something that those inferior bosses will never give you rest I'll give you rest on the inside another time Jesus says my peace I give to you not as the world gives you because the world offers peace only when everything is going right on the outside but Jesus says I'll give you peace that you can have even when things are not going so well on the outside I'll give you that peace that passes all human understanding I mean who doesn't want that that's why Jesus said follow me and you know what no matter who's been bossing your life around this Jesus the Son of God is the best boss that you will ever have let's bow for prayer and father I thank you that Jesus offers himself to us to be our boss to be the one who helps us to manage our lives we're tired of being bossed around by those inferior bosses that we've been talking about those toxic emotions like anger and insecurity and guilt and greed and fear and worry all the things that tend to make us say and do the things that we regret that we hate saying and doing so father help us to bring everything under the control into the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ in whose name I pray amen thanks for watching today next week we'll continue with part two of you're not the boss of me you
Channel: Broadway Christian Church Mesa
Views: 515
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: CF6sfcJy9_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 59sec (2939 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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