Battlefield 2042 is a Broken Disaster & Should've Been Delayed

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The comparison between melee animations in BF1 and BF2042 sums up pretty well the whole problem with BF2042, it´s at Minute 15:01 and worth checking out.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/LetsStartSomething 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

I laughed out loud a few times watching this video, but my soul was crying. He nailed it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Soul-Assassin79 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

the basis of BF 2042 is good ... but I still don't understand why that should be the beta status.
in a BF game that has more teams than ever before + it has had 3 years of development time. normally EA wanted to release the game last year lel ..
+ then so many interesting features of BFV are missing: exis / enter animations for vehicles * yes i know that some didn't like that, but better than that the opponent can telepot into his vehicle ... *, ammo / medi stations at the flags * this made the flags a lot more important and you could even get resources there if no teammate had something for you *, squad reinforcements * the squadplay was rewarded for your activities ... * there are certainly more cool features from older BFs that are missing.
i really like the game ... but there were some things that could have been built on

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/SgtBurger 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Well.....he can have his opinions depends on his experience on the game.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Evelyn_5 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Sorry bud, but this has been posted before.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dcEU-27722 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Don't think I've ever seen this dude post a video that isn't "_____ is fucking dogshit"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lmaoitsdusey 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] oh that's real nice by the nine divinest [Music] what am i looking at [Music] but you [Music] please [Music] when i first booted up the battlefield 2042 beta i was created with a familiar message unable to connect to the ea servers this looks strangely familiar because we've been here before and quite frankly i wish it stayed that way because this beta is an absolute disaster a nuclear launch has been detected this dumpster fire is set to explode on november 19th but act man don't you know it's just a beta it's a two-month-old build you're overreacting are you sure about that yes you're right and that is my point this is a terrible beta you see what i'm saying parachutes every every 10 seconds something happens flashlight every 10 seconds more flashes of light more there goes dice has given me the worst first impressions i could possibly have and based on the version of the game that i play i cannot recommend this to be played by anybody scratch that i will recommend this game to people that like laughing at ride to hell retribution but if you're thinking of picking this up on series x or xbox one stay away save your money and stay far far away wait for the guinea pigs to test this when it launches and then decide before we go any further stop i feel i need to do dice's job for them and say epilepsy warning the game footage you are about to see contains insane visual glitches and rapid flashes of light constantly is it so hard to put a box of text at the start of the game that says that no now the word beta has lost almost all of its original meaning nowadays it's mostly a marketing tool to promote a game if the intent behind releasing a beta is to get player feedback and improve the game by finding bugs glitches and fixing them then why are we playing this a month before it launches especially after it was already delayed something's not right this is such a small window of time to fix the buggy nightmare let alone address the complaints people have with the mechanics and core gameplay itself to be fair dice has been in this position pretty much any time they've released the game in the last decade in the past they've been able to put out the fires and stop the ship from sinking but you are hooked on crack if you think this is how it should be wait wait turn from side to side oh my god look at that no it's your whole body it's your whole body jesus christ it astounds me to no end that battlefield fans are so accustomed to playing broken buggy unplayable games to the point that they've developed stockholm syndrome and they declare you cannot criticize the game until months after release when it is actually complete after dice has worked on it for three additional months someone literally replied to me and said the final product is more important than the launch product imagine for one second how [ __ ] low your expectations have to be to believe those are two different things we are brothers we are the same it's like yeah what do you mean i have a bad father he only hits me three times a week look sonny your dad shouldn't be hitting you at all despite what i may say and how i come across in this video i don't want people to hate battlefield 2042 that doesn't give me a boner what i want to know is what's the point of releasing a beta when it's barely [ __ ] playable act man i wish i could show you my glitch right now but i can't record it because xbox i tried to get out of this uh condor i am inside of it i'm sitting in it i can't leave i see you i see you i see you right if this was my experience four months ago it'd be a different story i'd still be worried but i wouldn't be pissed dice you want to explain yourself what are you doing making a mistake making a mistake first impressions are so important with new video games when halo infinite said it was launching a tech preview against bots they started small you know in july four months before release four months is enough time to take player feedback and actually do something with it so what exactly made the battlefield 2042 beta so bad um everything and i mean everything literally every single part of this game is wrong where to start uh the customization map design user interface graphics visuals animations controls aiming announcer hit registration sound effects hit markers gun play glitches bugs mini map even the [ __ ] scoreboard is wrong 2042 is being marketed as a beta but it plays like a pre-alpha oh come on yes what i'm gonna do it god damn it okay that was still pretty funny that was still pretty funny i'm not just talking about glitches in poor optimization the game underneath of that is bad so let me take you on the journey that i had through the beta of battlefield 2042 it is such a quiet thing to fall but far more terrible is to admit it from the very second i installed it my immersion was broken i could not get past the title screen the a button did nothing tried restarting the game hard reset the console it wasn't until i realized i downloaded the xbox one version which isn't compatible with my series x what why was i allowed to download a product that doesn't work first problem not a huge one but a warning sign jonathan kelly on here says how did you get past the press a to play screen i couldn't check the version of the game that you downloaded i ran into that too keep in mind all of the footage you see is from a series x top of the line console i shudder and have nightmares about how this game performs on last gen consoles another fun fact about battlefield 2042 it is the only xbox game slash beta i have ever heard of or encountered that is incompatible with xbox dvr meaning i could not use my console to conveniently record clips of glitches and bugs i can't help but think this was intentional to make it harder for your average joe to record clips of this insanity however i do also think tin foil hats are a bold fashion statement let's start with the most distracting part of the new battlefield the graphics oh my god that this dude if you watch the stream and then it's it's parachute city up here look at this look at this there's like six parachutes attached to people wait a minute hasn't this series been renowned for its graphics and high optimization well it was until now the most glaring problem with battlefield 2042 is how easy and how often you are distracted from playing it i may have a crippling case of adhd but if you see a parachute do this oh look look at that look at that what is that do you see that there's a guy floating above a parachute yeah you're probably gonna do a double take visual clarity is so important in first person shooters because you point your gun at people to shoot them and that's the game so when the screen starts flickering wildly dead bodies move around like they're still alive and players start clipping through the walls right next to you no [ __ ] you're gonna be tripping balls when a real guy comes around the corner and kills you these split-second distractions is all it takes to lose a firefight and feel like the game cheated you because something happened on the screen that was not supposed to or like this when the enemies warp in from the sky like there's a [ __ ] protoss pylon nearby oh also that guy morphed in from the sky i don't know everything in this game is so distracting i can't focus on like shooting things sometimes they pop out of the ground like mr rossetti oh you guys do you guys see everyone oh but the worst offense is the constant flashing i've seen games in betas flash like this but never to this extent never so frequently we're talking 30 40 plus times a match like those those flashes of light that are constantly flickering that's not the stream that's not me that's not my internet connection that's not the xbox that that is the game [Music] look at that look it just keeps going you know you know what's so [ __ ] funny if you go to dice's like known bugs and glitches they say we are aware of a rare instance in which flashing lights may occur [ __ ] look at the screen it's happening every 10 seconds you call that rare you call that rare yeah i'm losing my mind over here this is the worst multiplayer i've ever played first person shooter wise look at that you think that that you call that rare that's rare that's rare it's happening every 10 seconds we've played we played two matches and it's it happens every single minute i think if you were having a seizure i think you'd enjoy the gun play i think if i wasn't having a seizure i might be enjoying the game but when the game isn't conjuring walls of light to obstruct your view it will instead rapidly change the shadows from night to day it doesn't matter where you are on foot in the air you are not safe from these seizure-inducing moments once again the importance of visual clarity how in shrek's name am i supposed to find people to shoot when the game can't [ __ ] decide what time of day it is what's happening apong can't see anything in here this game reminds me of an old slipknot quote i thought i'd share it here i push my fingers into my eyes it's the only thing that slowly stops the ache so how much of this footage do i plan on showing you well let's say for as long as it takes for the message to sink in [Music] [Music] for as long as it takes the message to sink in so do you get it battlefield fans can we all agree this is unacceptable good we got a lot more to cover oh we got a long way to go what do we do we got a long way to go you know i never thought i'd be saying the animations in 2042 remind me of a series of handheld games released in the 1980s i never thought i'd be comparing a state-of-the-art modern battlefield title to [ __ ] mr gaming what [Music] so [Music] let's say for as long as it takes the message to sink in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as long as it takes the message to sink [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as long as it takes the message [Music] [Applause] [Music] the message how how does this video work how did you give me the material to make this look i get it animation is very tough and tedious to get right but that's all the more worrying why it looks like this now in a two-month-old build two-month-old and no none of these were one-off bugs this was all stuff i could replicate on stream there it is it's happening look at it oh it died there it is when two people are on a ladder and the third jumps in between you will start clipping all over the place the turret of the tank will turn smoothly when you pilot it but if someone else is in the animation drops to like 10 frames per second this happens with every single turret in the game i had a great comment on my discord server from one of my patrons and i'd like to share it here because it summarized how baffling this problem is the latter functioning games has been perfected over the last 20 years it is a tried-and-true method of gaining vertical placement ladders have been deployed thousands of times in gaming history so seeing a piss-poor collision issue in regards to climbing a [ __ ] ladder is probably the most artistic thing i could ever have imagined a game like battlefield suffering from i just don't understand it one of the greatest parts of battlefield 1 and even four were the assassinations the animations changed with the type of weapon too and you get a different animation based on the position of the killer and the dyer it was an incredible series of details that made those flashy kills so freaking satisfying i'd also like to point out that all of the animations you just saw were from the battlefield 1 open beta so i was eager to see what assassinations would look like in 2042 five years later what the [ __ ] was that i can't believe that there are people that would do something like this i just wanna cry right now oh a guy i'm gonna assassinate him i'm going to assassinate him watch this i wish i could look at that was that the lamest [ __ ] thing you've ever seen i know what you're thinking no this was not animated by a 12 year old using source filmmaker for the first time this was animated by the largest studio to have ever worked on a battlefield title ever oh assassination time oh look at that look at that what is that what is happening what the [ __ ] that was a guy that's another guy the animation is the exact same no matter the player's positions this is embarrassing dice seriously tell me what is going on okay i'm here for you you have four studios working on this you chose not to make a campaign to allocate more resources to multiplayer well where the [ __ ] did those resources go i don't see them anywhere another aspect of 2042 that makes it harder to look at than king neptune's head is the camera and ragdoll effects now they shouldn't do this but it'd be pretty awesome if they kept the ragdoll physics the same because my god roll the clips it's just so like like that corpse that right there that just flickered all around [Music] like three of them oh my god [Music] it just automatically like zooms in super far to your enemy like i don't want to just zoom into it before i want to see what's happening around me the thing is when you die the camera zooms in as close as possible to the person that killed you often your character's own [ __ ] hand will just keep waving in front of the camera like this imagine if i tried conducting a video like this it's [ __ ] irritating if there's one thing battlefield 2042 excels at it is being disorienting when other players are near your body or you die in a weird spot a portal to hell will actually open up and you can see what happens down there this happens all the time the camera doesn't know how to react or where to go most of the time and it ends up making the game look like [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] just happened let's slow this down okay all right so before all this i'd like to show off that uh yeah that was happening so that's a lot of fun now we're getting shot at we're locked on by missile we're about to go down and let's slow this down frame by frame okay i'm inside the back of the helicopter now [Music] i am outside of the helicopter i'm moving away from it it breaks in half a couple guys are chilling right there acting like everything's okay it is not don't know what this frame is now they're dead now they're moving forward one of them passes the camera one of them keeps flowing it clips into the camera the other guy teleports into the house there uh that guy bounces off and now it just follows my body because the camera doesn't know how to zoom out doesn't know what to do here which is why you see all this grass and it just looks awful do you get what i'm saying when i say this game is a broken unfinished mess good let's move on even getting revived is a disorienting mess if you're not gonna fix the camera you can hide this with a fade to white transition you did that in battlefield one and i guess the fade to white happens sometimes that's the thing man you can never tell when the game is working as intended so i've showed you how bad being in an aircraft is now for ground vehicles roll the clips oh you guys want to see what it looks like but i'm not moving my controller at all look at that ground vehicles multi-passenger ground vehicles are useless look at that i'm not moving are you getting motion sickness yet because i am i'm i'm getting out that is every ground vehicle that is every ground vehicle it's like attempting to aim while your little brother tries to yank the controller out of your hands it's like stop dude just stop every ground vehicle's turret does the same jittery animation back and forth that makes it basically unusable that's affecting my aiming too like ironically we found out that the turrets only have a seizure if another person is in the vehicle you know if the tank's completely interesting interesting okay i'm out of it hit a to switch to the dinner seat if if no one's in it it's perfectly fine yeah the trade doesn't shake but as soon as i get in it that is so weird it starts shaking that is really weird yeah so the rule of thumb is if you're not piloting a vehicle or aircraft in battlefield 2042 you don't want to be in it you know it would really help if this game had some kind of firing range to help you understand how to fly the aircraft now that the controls have changed and they're straight [ __ ] whack i tried man i tried to get clips of being in a helicopter i just couldn't do it could not for the life of me figure it out well i've seen people say the gun play is pretty good i cannot agree player collision and movement is beyond messed up everyone is constantly clipping into the walls or warping around the map like they just learned the instant transmission technique from goku i mean you walk around a corner a dead guy teleports onto the floor go around another same thing happens again it's just long enough to fool me into thinking i should be shooting at that guy when i shouldn't have been distracted by it in the first place what's next act man i bet you're gonna say people in this game just fall right out of the sky [Music] and if you thought the vehicles couldn't get worse good god nobody can sit still inside of one hello passengers this is your captain speaking we should be reaching our destination in approximately five minutes if you look out in front you will see me and my co-pilot have phased outside the cockpit please send help or for the love of god blow this thing up and end my suffering you want some more comedy watch how vehicles interact with the ground also any uh oh that jeep's just gonna run all this over oh my god i need danger sent did you see that helicopter that just fell through the floor that was that was funny you know when you watch 20 seagulls morph together in a straight line and then clip into the water i mean it's funny it's hilarious and entertaining but it's not a sign of a polished video game as if finding a way to screw up ladders wasn't hilarious enough it's the same thing with the elevators there we go you got whoa whoa okay oh yeah oh wait is it moving [Music] look at that look at that look at that what is that what is this game all right let's all clip through the doors let's all clip through the doors now where did it go oh god dude it's so it is so disorienting and yeah it it happens every time you see you see the way it clips and then you clip through it and then back and then you press this button that doesn't have a button prompt and then these two guys are gonna go beneath the floor and then they're gonna reappear and then the door clips and then you click through the door it's just that's how elevators work i could do that all day whoa okay i just clipped it wait can i do that again holy [ __ ] and i clip into whoa i'm in the slide holy [ __ ] this dude i'm invincible in here you can't shoot through the elevator doors but you can clip through them ah i did it can't spawn on you isn't it funny how i haven't even mentioned the gameplay or the operator system at this point i don't know how long this video is right now but if you haven't gotten the memo i'll reiterate everything is wrong with this game i thought they had already figured out how parachutes worked in battlefield 1 but it appears i was mistaken sometimes when you land the parachute sticks to your player model and becomes a satellite to your enemies notifying them of your exact position this happens 50 times in a match oh god no my parachute's giving me away i can see it in the shadow look at that look at that it's giving away my position my parachute's still there i died and my parachute was still there this one time a dude tried sneaking up on us and i saw him because his freaking parachute was clipping up two stories high i can no longer laugh the pain away when i see ten floating parachutes running around the map mimicking the actions of the players they're attached to sometimes you're trying to shoot dude and a parachute [ __ ] floats in your way as if you didn't have enough [ __ ] moving in front of the screen to distract you from shooting other players have i shown enough have i made my point yet these are some of the worst visual bugs i have ever encountered in any beta or video game period but is 2042 still fun in those rare moments when it's not having a seizure no because the gun play and hit registration is at first i thought i was bad at the game which is usually the first thing people tell me when they have nothing else to invalidate my criticism i tried tweaking my controls but after going through my footage with a fine-tooth comb i came to this conclusion battlefield 2042 was made by the people who filmed the movie wanted because my bullets seem to curve in every direction away from what i'm shooting at what is it do you see that hit registration too man i don't know how i didn't kill that guy [Music] so the vehicles and aircraft are [ __ ] hit registration and netcode as [ __ ] what else could dice possibly screw up the user interface oh boy it has been a while since i had a good rant on a user interface i find it interesting that like treyarch and sledgehammer games dice is straight up copying the layout from modern warfare a layout i am sick of looking at here are some minor mistakes i notice before we get into the big stuff so if you have more friends than can be displayed on screen they won't appear and this list doesn't scroll also some friends do not appear on the list even if they are online in the menus there are two options for crossplay that both say the same thing the hit indicator option says you can choose between 2042 style bf1 or none but you can only choose default or off you see what i'm saying like like these are amateur mistakes there is also no grenade indicator like pretty much every other first person shooter besides halo and the point of a user interface is not to be noticed you want to make navigating menus and finding the stuff you need as easy as possible what you don't want is to make finding the scoreboard a [ __ ] scavenger hunt you see if we could check the scoreboard we might be able to find your name but we can't do that i mean can't check if you hit start and hit report to hit start and then go squatting [Music] well that just killed me oh well i'll do it at the depo nice how do i look at the scoreboard it didn't work i don't know what i'm doing okay okay okay okay okay okay you're not spawning hit start hit start squad players wow okay well it's not a scoreboard it's a it's a name list it's not a scoreboard but i mean it's that's why i said kind of well it's okay also can we talk about what an accomplishment it is to actually screw up a scoreboard let's break this down okay this doesn't show you kills or deaths assists who's in your squad what class or specialist they are it doesn't show point totals there are no points in 2042 i don't know if you noticed that the only scoreboard you have is for your squad that doesn't show all of the squads and what do these symbols mean i can assume deaths and assists but these two just write it in text wanna see more examples first you're gonna need to grab a telescope because the button prompts can barely be seen with the naked eye yes this is real trying to revive a teammate half the time you grab their gun first and now you both have a weapon you don't want it's probably not wise [ __ ] i don't like this okay there we go instead of reviving it first time i walked past an elevator i didn't even know they were working because there's no button to tell me to call the elevator the point i'm trying to make with these complaints about the ui is that it's missing all of the helpful information we used to have information that would make my experience better where are the post game stats how come there's no best squad listed at the end of a match or highlights for notable achievements in battlefield 1 it ranks your squad performance based on a bunch of stats like that's cool do you guys plan on doing that is this really a beta can someone give me a good reason why we have the largest battlefield map in history and we can't pull it up on screen huh somebody explained this to me i'm losing my mind talking about this you know that new feature of changing your attachments on the fly it's pretty neat isn't it you can adapt to any situation and it would definitely be a nice bonus to quality of life if it wasn't the only way to customize your weapon you cannot change your class or attachments in the main menu like every other shooter that has ever had custom classes you have to join a match to tweak your class and choose your equipment and you actually have to spawn in to change your attachments i am awestruck what the [ __ ] were they [ __ ] thinking there are times when i've been killed changing my attachments in the line of fire it boggles the mind trying to do this in a helicopter is yet another seizure inducing glitch i found and you know how in call of duty and even other battlefields uh they had green and red bars to indicate what stats decreased or increased per attachment 2042 doesn't have that it does on pc but it didn't have it on xbox which is the platform that i played it on like it just has numbers on the side what now you want me to do math while i'm getting shot give me a [ __ ] break over here announcers are also important in shooters they tell you what's happening what you should be doing a command post is now under hostile control in 2042 the announcer only mentions half of what happens in a match probably because there's now 10 objectives and if he said everything he'd just be talking the whole time but the other half is just these giant boxes that appear on screen like is it really necessary to have the color blue at the whole top row like cut it [ __ ] crop that [ __ ] get it out of the way but here's the worst part of the user interface and this is what killed any enjoyment i could have gotten from the beta for some reason in 2042 i didn't feel much satisfaction scoring kills or playing the objective and it wasn't until i went back to bf1 that i understood why you see in that game when you heal a teammate resupply ammo take an objective or do anything a little point counter appears the numbers and text are animated hit markers are visually and audibly clear when you shoot someone it shows you how much damage you did getting a kill has that orgasmic do something really cool and a ribbon appears at the top and the more points you score rapidly the larger the font of the number all these minute details in battlefield 1 were so important because it is satisfying feedback and a kind of reward for the player's actions 2042 has none of this occasionally you hear a ping sound when you kill a player but it only happens 25 percent of the time you see even if this game was still a buggy unplayable disaster i could at least enjoy the shooting because of the addicting positive feedback of scoring kills but i don't feel any of that shooting enemies helping teammates and playing the objective it all felt hollow i mean just just look at the difference like if i hit something you know a hit marker lets me know that like watch it like the hit markers are so small and they're so quiet you can hardly see them this is amazing i feel incredible yes yes yes yes i can win i feel great i can do this yes i'm home i'm alive this is all a miracle i'm awake i'm wide awake you know the hit markers in this game are barely visible and at some point i wanted to change the color of them but you can't do that either because the menus don't work and you can't change the color you have to delay this game deep breaths act man deep breaths you got this i don't know how much more of this i can handle the user interface is so bad it's almost impossible to tell friend from foe one time i shot at a dude because he looked like an enemy and then a clone of him came around the corner and he was an enemy this is because 2042's operator system makes absolutely no distinction between players on different teams you all have the same four skins aside from this barely noticeable red circle everyone looks the same what the designers didn't bother to make two sets of costumes you realize how much confusion you would have saved everyone if you did that also spotting is something i learned quickly was a waste of time you have to line up this tiny dot directly on someone's body or it doesn't work so why bother why bother with any of this crap i am flabbergasted none of this stuff was a problem in battlefield 1. how have we gone so far backwards dude oh [ __ ] he didn't know we were a bad guy either oh my god i suppose i should talk about the map now since it's one of only seven new ones in the game at launch while it is cool that they're bringing back some classics did is it really necessary for half of the maps to just be borrowed from previous games battlefield 2042 is quickly becoming the prime example for the saying size isn't everything for a game that supposedly has an unprecedented 128 players it sure [ __ ] feels like a battle royale sometimes where you sprint in one direction for two minutes straight encountering nobody and accomplishing nothing the map is too big it's not terrible but it does nothing to make you feel like there's 128 players in a match i see more chaos in action and players in 10 minutes of an operation in battlefield 1 than i do in hour in 2042 it's because the conflicts and objectives are so far away disconnected from each other you have all this empty space where nobody is it's for these reasons that you hardly ever see more than 15 people in one area isn't it ironic that a game with half the players of 2042 battling in a map half the size of this one can be so much better and look at halo infinite's big team battle 104 less players 104 times more playable by the way the map orbital we played on is described as a medium-sized map medium sized so i don't know if there's anything else to mention i'm not going to bother discussing the finer details of the mechanics operator system and how or if 2042 feels like a traditional battlefield game everyone else is already doing that this video is too long and i just wanted to show you how busted the game actually is on series x to quickly recap here is what needs to be added and or fixed in battlefield 2042 before november 19th the lighting and shadows graphics flashing lights seizure inducing moments game and watch animations ragdoll physics the camera and kill cams vehicles and turrets parachutes the ladders elevators player movements collision detection assassinations hit registration and netcode weapon customization class customization the menus and user interface a map screen the scoreboard spotting point system grenade indicator clear button prompts vehicle controls post game stats hit markers and the friend versus foe system do all that and this might turn out only slightly worse than battlefield 1. with all this crap laid at your feet here is my verdict on what should be done if dice and ea want this game to be great fantastic it needs to be delayed another year it will suck but in the long run this is the route to making the game as good as it can possibly be if they just want to make 2042 an average game and maybe experience what a functional launch feels like four to six months if they want to release a broken disaster of a game and become the next laughing stock after cyberpunk 2077 then by all means keep the deadline you have now force it out and watch your reputation sink lower than cd projekt reds so yeah um this took a lot of effort i've pretty much done nothing but pour over footage and combine it all into some logical stream of conscious just so you can see how bad this game is and all the problems that i experienced in it so yeah that that's pretty much it peace they push we push every once in a while we push hard enough that the light breaks through the cloud it's in a world beyond the war glimmers just out of reach [Music]
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 1,738,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battlefield 2042 gameplay, battlefield 2042 trailer, battlefield 6, battlefield gameplay, Battlefield 2042 beta, act man, the act man, act man battlefield, DICE, EA, Battlefield 2042 news, battlefield 2042 portal, battlefield 2042 gameplay reveal, bf 2042, battlefield 2042 gameplay multiplayer, battlefield gameplay reaction, battlefield 2042 glitches, battlefield 2042 bugs, battlefield 2042 is bad
Id: 2hUx5DZNT94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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