Why Is Resident Evil Village SO AWESOME?! And... BAD?!

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Can't believe that both Whitelight and Act Man uploaded on the same day.

This gonna be good.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/Vlad4o 📅︎︎ May 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Act Man has normally really good takes, I hope I am not disappointed

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/retard_4725 📅︎︎ May 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Personally, I have no idea how people can say Resident Evil 8 is terrible when 7 exists. I played 8 before 7, but I already knew the story from 7, and the gameplay of 7 was a slog. The inventory management, the enemies, the backtracking... just about everything was annoying.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/LeatherSeason 📅︎︎ May 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Eh... I could see this being right for all the wrong reasons. Act Man is odd with his takes. Especially after his "Why Halo Reach is so Awesome" and tried to praise the campaign and its characters as good.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TheSunniestBro 📅︎︎ May 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Haven't watched the video yet, but that title says, "I'm too scared to take a side." Hopefully, the video is not as bad as the title.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Dr-Edward-Poe 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
resident evil 8 mommy milkers deluxe edition is the 27th game in the resident evil franchise and yeah you'd think killing zombies would have gotten stale 10 years ago yet by some enormous stroke of luck village makes another appetizing meal it might not break new ground but it treads a familiar and beloved path zombies in europe or you got a license to be infected do you the story on the other hand is really bad even by resident evil standards and the characters no other zombie game franchise has lasted 25 years or been as successful as resident evil capcom simply found a way to give survival horror mass appeal it's the go-to for this kind of stuff but the road to glory has been uh a little rough don't you think so how does re-8 fit in with the main series quick recap the first three titles followed the same style with tank controls and fixed camera angles they focused way more on the horror with smaller chunks of action capcom's motto at the time was scaring the player is more important than anything else these three all had remakes that make them actually playable today and if it isn't the lady killer himself leon shut the front door kennedy no you stay here with leon he's better with the ladies sure resident evil 4 is one of the all-time goats and my favorite in the franchise it marked the biggest explosion in resident evil's popularity shifting the games to become more explosive action-packed adventures while retaining only part of its former horror resident evil 5 and 6 you can go ahead and skip those just play for again capcom basically tried cranking the dial even further towards action but these games ended up being balls to the walls ridiculous re7 biohazard returned to the roots of the og trilogy with psychological terror that brought back the soul of the franchise but with the added twist of a first person view it was new and innovative got resident evil back on its feet after years of mediocre games so anticipation was high for village and you know this movie's alright not great i mean what do you expect from shama oh i mean most people suspected village was going to be more like seven and while it is a direct sequel resident evil 8 is more so the spiritual successor to resident evil 4. but is that a good thing does village capture the same lightning in a bottle that ford did what's in store for ethan winters in the next chapter of his tale will i even care about it and does village manage to satisfy fans of both styles well let's bend over for lady d buy guns from a mysterious fat man and rescue our daughter straight into this it begins with a cartoon that looks as good as any disney movie seriously was tim burton behind this am i playing resident evil or watching james and the giant peach oh it's just a fairy tale a game the village of shadows what an interesting name but small spoiler warning tactical nuke ready for lunch okay so this kid's story is meant to be like an allegory for the plot with the four monsters representing the four villains you fight having beat the game i can tell you this has nothing to do with anything at all it's just kind of an artistic thing anyways having escaped the waken baker house in louisiana ethan and mia have performed the reproductive act yes and now have a daughter named rose but the couple is having trouble adjusting to normal life we moved here so that she wouldn't have to deal with any of that remember there's nothing wrong damn i guess the first boss fight is against the nerve of this [ __ ] you're just being paranoid so ethan puts rose to bed and you get a chance to walk around the house which is kind of cool there's some easter eggs stuff to read and let it be known right here right now village has got some insane level of detail you'll find yourself stopping to smell the roses very often i'm gonna go now okay that was bad review's over ethan and mia talk revealing to us that they've had military training they moved out here super fast yada yada um i think you should get down mia mia get down you should you should probably get okay it's a gruesome scene but is it just me or are the sound effects like really bad here matter of fact ethan winters does not sound like a dude who just saw the love of his life get riddled with bullets oh god oh no now if it were me i'd be like chris i thought you were supposed to protect us looks like there's been a change of plans chris what the hell sorry ethan no [Laughter] bro straight looks me dead in the eye after shooting my wife and then proceeds to bust five more caps in her like what what [ __ ] richard sorry either what why i don't even have time to explain why i don't have time to explain without offering any kind of explanation which i'm sure he could do chris dashes in kidnaps rose and this happens take him away i said get your hands off her ethan no bad that's a bad ethan no ethan no bad so you get hauled away by these goons the transport crashes and you're left alone to wander in this dark snowy forest so it's a decent setup but to answer your question yes resident evil 8 is filled with terrible dialogue and corny riding which isn't a first for the series here's a lockpick it might be handy if you the master of unlocking take it with you but village also has problems with internal logic and you really have to question why characters make certain decisions wait how did the truck crash this deep into the forest and why was it headed to the exact place where rose is being held how come chris and his cronies didn't travel as a group to avoid this but we'll get into that later oh now this is getting spooky as i walked through the forest into the cabin there were many genuine moments of terror i had no idea what to expect the amazing graphics and lighting sets the tone really well and for maybe a half hour it feels like resident evil 7 all over again and then you get a gun a lot of re7 fans are beefing with this game because they expected it to continue the trend of more horror and less action i get it now let me explain why village doesn't do that remember at the beginning when i said resident evil gave survival horror a mass appeal well that was the problem turns out 7 was a bit too scary for some people its spookiness was off the charts on the spookometer at least that's what the producer said it's always our goal to create something that anybody can feel comfortable playing it's kind of tricky to be in the business of selling horror related products because if something is too scary then people don't want to watch it or play it but that's the whole point of the horror genre so where do you draw the line how do you make a game that is just spooky enough well it wouldn't hurt to look to the past for ideas over here stranger got something that might interest you i've beaten resident evil 4 no less than seven times i absolutely love it so you can imagine my excitement when i realized i was playing another game just like it i was straight up addicted to village for five days straight and it had almost nothing to do with the world's greatest female basketball player but i can't deny it's weird to make a direct sequel to one thing and a spiritual successor to another yeah yeah no i'll ask i got a call here for the force awakens anybody the force awake here's the problem right out the gate there's two different crowds to please is this more of what i loved about seven or is this gonna do all the things i enjoyed about four the answer is both kind of so i didn't play biohazard but i've watched a lot of gameplay and know the story well enough to comment on it there are certain sections like the opening in the dollhouse which focus entirely on the horror but aside from that it's mostly action and village takes a lot of ideas straight from re4 yet there's enough new original stuff to make it not feel like a rip-off but at the same time both games are set in a remote village somewhere in europe protagonist arrives at said village with the goal of rescuing someone that's been kidnapped side character that periodically shows up and you're unsure if they're on your side or not main village is overshadowed by a castle in a more industrial complex the site villain that lives in the castle is vertically challenged both games have a gigantic fish monster as a boss eccentric merchant that somehow shows up everywhere what are you buying just something an old friend of mine used to say what are you a boy the mercenary side mode makes a return ethan and leon get attacked by a large group of zombies when the player is mostly unprepared at the start a shotgun is found in a house during the opening section blocking doorways with a bookshelf attach case inventory upgrading weapons in the same four categories shoot crows for items shoot gems off of walls even the description on the back covers says unspeakable horrors and unimaginable [ __ ] so i don't know that's just the stuff i noticed this doesn't feel like a ripoff but i think it's walking a very fine line regardless fans of seven will probably be let down by the de-emphasized horror but if you enjoyed re4 even the slightest bit village will be a slam dunk for you so ethan arrives at the village where some unimaginable horrors have taken place you know anybody trying to play among us turns out you're a lousy shot we run into an old man just as some monsters scream into the void the tension is heightened when in desperation he asks you have a gun what please tell me you have a gun no why would i he gives you a get and gets heated through the roof yo you mind tossing your shotgun down here i'm majored in glad handing during pathfinder training dead party it's impossible oh my god you think this hurts you don't know what my hands are made of all right not bad but let's see what professor lupin really taught you village doesn't mess around these likened bastards are not to be underestimated they're way more agile and fierce than the common zombies we're used to well at least that was just one guy oh you gotta be kidding me ironically this is the hardest part of the entire game because you barely had any time to get used to the mechanics and the supplies you have are extremely limited i felt lucky to only die twice in this opening and just when all hope seems lost the lichens scuttle away where's everyone going bingo village proves that resident evil is still the king of creating tension especially early on where a single enemy can be your downfall not only are you always worried about the crazy [ __ ] in front of you but also what if there's another group right around the corner i'm always making my decisions with the thought in my head i'd better come out of this fight prepared for the next one and that's a mark of a great survival game village teaches you playing carefully and efficiently is the road to success make use of your surroundings and pro tip get good with the knife because it's possible to stun lock and combo slower enemies without using any ammo every missed shot is a punch in the gut and that's the type of feeling i play resident evil for that i'm going up against improbable odds i have to conserve ammo using it only when necessary the feeling of starting out as a weak piece of crap and slowly becoming a powerful capable badass village has that addicting progression that made re4 so fun there's a lot of neat environments and some battles take place in tight areas really tight areas re-8 allows you to move and shoot at the same time so you have a bit of an advantage when it comes to dodging enemy attack patterns are telegraphed well and may i say village is gorgeously animated that military training really paid off for ethan cause he reloads with style also the way the zombies heads jerk back when you shoot them these are next gen visuals to me what you're seeing on screen doesn't do it justice from start to finish village is extremely polished i ran into maybe two glitches one was just a floating axe and the other was me getting knocked into an area i wasn't supposed to be in why don't we just wait here for a little while see what happens in resident evil 8 you have to adapt to the situation on the spot and your first time through you don't know where you're going to be ambushed so often you're trapped and have to make flight or fight decisions the pacing of combat is perfect never goes too long without some action or horror defeating a tough group of enemies feels so rewarding because you can take a breather and treasure the quiet moments as you explore scavenge and prepare the inventory system money upgrades progression is just as satisfying and fun as it wasn't for and this jolly man helping you he ain't santa claus he's the duke the most mobile active morbidly obese person in all of history this guy travels miles just to sell you stuff what a homie on top of all this you got a helpful crafting system and it's nice that you don't have to go on a scavenger hunt you'll run into these supplies just by plan and it becomes a matter of choosing which item is going to be most helpful to craft right now i also like that you can see which houses still have items in them for thorough explorers sound effects animations shooting all this stuff is amazing so the combat is pretty dope i don't think anybody is gonna argue that village isn't fun although the standard difficulty felt a little too easy most enemies have these huge delays between attacks do it do it come on kill me i'm here come on do it now kill me so you're never as pressured as you might feel and before you die you go into this bleed out state where one more hit will kill you so you can always save your healing items for then land mines and explosives don't seem to hurt the player at all so you don't have to be careful with using them the village felt challenging but in terms of how many deaths i had less than 10 for sure in my first playthrough of re4 i probably died like 40 times granted there are more difficulty options and i'm excited to try those out but just how scary is resident evil 8 well it definitely got me to piss myself more than once trying to work up my appetite oh no oh no i can't fight her oh god wait there's a window yeah yeah yeah come on in here [ __ ] yeah that's what i thought i don't like this i don't like this one bit yup yup this game needs to [ __ ] off right now the fear is effective and ethan gets messed up in this game it's actually ridiculous [Music] [Laughter] [Music] but seeing our character get beat down like this instills a powerful sense of dread and helplessness house beneviento feels like an entirely different game it's all psychological terror hallucinations with zero combat so while this is the only section similar to re7 the tense atmosphere is still there throughout the whole game i think a lot of it has to do with the random ambient noises or the intense build up of music during a fight too bad nobody's shouting in spanish though [Applause] the horror is effective in most places though when lady dimitra's can't go into the duke shop it's kind of funny ah shoot my weakness to high cholesterol curse you ethan winters of course one of the coolest parts of village is the village which acts as a hub area a village which gradually opens up the further you progress in the story offering tons of hidden weapons and items that make it worth looking into every nook and cranny there's a bit of backtracking but old areas will be repopulated with new enemies [ __ ] there's a couple boss fights that are entirely optional a lot of people have complained about the length being around 6 to 7 hours but mine was close to 10 and it really felt way longer probably because i spent so much time trying to get the best gear and mark every house is fully explored for what it's worth village definitely recaptures the magical gameplay of four while adding some new things back to the story while exploring the village ethan comes across a daughter and dad who have been injured we help them into this house where surprisingly there are other survivors i wonder how these characters are going to fit in with this no no oh that's nice psych everyone dies and then ethan shouts to the sky why is everyone dying on me how could [Music] i know this game isn't trying to be funny but holy [ __ ] eventually you head into the castle where ow chill dude ethan is captured and we're introduced to the five main villains magneto i mean heisenberg a metal bender lady super-sized [ __ ] ugly a psycho doll and then we're on a freak and mother miranda a weird crow lady and the leader we see a bit of the chemistry between the villains but this is the only time we see them all together as each one will be fought in their own unique domain but now we arrive at villages greatest flaw the protagonist ethan winters i hate this man what why act man that's little rough don't you think i can't speak for his character in the last game but what was the angle here it's capcom trying to create the most unlikable main character possible spend a little too much time playing bubsy where the hell am i what the hell happened to you what the hell is wrong with this place what the hell are you doing with my daughter what the hell is going on here what the hell is going on what the hell was that what the hell what the hell what the hell chris what the hell you must have no end of questions guardian i'm gonna go off on a tangent here resident evil has always been a b-movie horror film what kind of demon attacked you it was a huge snake and also poisonous it never had the greatest storytelling but the background lore and why these infections were happening was always fascinating enough to keep you playing and that's true for village these games have ridiculous characters and over-the-top acting cheesy one-liners that make you roll your eyes that's a large thing you have there but i don't like it when men play rough i mean resident evil 5's final boss takes place in an active volcano the human race requires judgment you're going to judge us you get all your ideas from comic book villains i'm yeah this is real the first few resident evil games had this major issue of not being able to take them seriously but resident evil 4 balanced the silly and serious parts extremely well you are reminded that the threat you're facing is real chainsaw guys can cut you up instantly it had humor and charm that added realism to the characters i have only one very important question you gotta smoke got gum re4 was also self-aware of its cheesiness and fully embraced it no thanks bro leon could be staring at the most grotesque creature imaginable and he'd just coolly say something like monsters yes after this there'll be one less to worry about the joke is made it lands comedy established and then you fight salazar and he has this move that kills you in one hit now we're back to scary this is how resident evil 4 could have you laughing your ass off one minute and pissing your pants the next resident evil 4 knew when to make jokes and when to be serious village doesn't everyone wants to be the chad leon kennedy nobody wants to be the virgin loser ethan winters so what makes this character so unbearably annoying well it's like he's high all the time the duke can't go five minutes without asking some dumb question the monsters where's rose who's mother miranda he's always like huh what what what what what what was that thing wha what's going on do you know anything about what's going on here what's going on what's going on what's going on here what's going on tell me what's going on what is going on around here what the hell is going on can someone please tell me what's going on what the hell is going on here [Music] what did you say with me what are you saying what are you saying what are you talking about what are you talking about what are you talking about what are you talking about bro what are you talking about man what are you doing here what are you doing here today why are you here what's your plan for tonight what the [ __ ] are they doing here what are you doing in my swamp why are you doing all this why are you doing this who the [ __ ] are you what are you how do you know my name wait where's my god the hell was that all that's called village is funny for all the wrong reasons ethan's dialogue is so terrible and actually takes me out of the story and sucks away the drama i think i remember ethan making like two to three jokes over the 10-hour game all of which made me chuckle slightly caught myself a big one and the oscar goes too but those rare moments of personality feel so jarring because the rest of the time ethan is a static blob he's either mad about rose [ __ ] you you crazy [ __ ] completely bewildered what are you talking about or just stating the obvious it's dark it is i had no idea it was dark thank you you see i'm actually blind and can't see the screen i get that they're trying to have the player ask questions about what's really going on but ethan blurts out questions without raising his hand when we're already asking ourselves the same thing it doesn't raise tension or intrigue it only subdues it ethan is so unlikable so lacking in stage presence that i became disconnected with his goals the love he has for rose and the desire to save her was something i didn't feel it's like resident evil 8 is trying to be four except it takes the plot and characters almost 100 serious it just doesn't work take rose i'd like to see you try what the hell you doing with my daughter what's the point in having a voice protagonist if he's just gonna say what we're already thinking it's a similar problem that cyberpunk had you got a main character you can't fully connect with because of the limited first-person perspective i'm not leon kennedy i'm playing as leon kennedy and he's cool as [ __ ] are you out of your mind i knew you'd be fine if you landed on your butt i'm not ethan winters i'm playing as ethan winters and i hate it this this is impossible on top of that capcom tries to add mystery to ethan by hiding his face it's like [ __ ] you ain't master chief you ain't no doom guy get the hell out of here what a freak oh my god shut up i don't know if ethan needed to talk at all should have just been jack from bioshock maybe at the end have him lift his head and say something like i'm gonna save rose or whatever and have that be his only voice line and make it really powerful or have the occasional cutscene where we see him interacting with other people so we can connect to ethan without feeling like we are him does any of this make sense but it's not just ethan most of village's cast is written like a book of cliches capcom i got one question for you you get all your ideas from comic book villains one of the bad guys actually says curse you like it's a bad james bond ripoff you're the one who's trigger [ __ ] hole moreo and the doll chick have no depth whatsoever basically just throw away villains to keep you busy heisenberg is cool but lady d is the most interesting because she has something to lose her daughters she cares about something but you end up killing her about three to four hours in certainly dash people's expectations but i imagine capcom didn't realize how powerful their marketing would become there is an attempt at a subplot between the villains with heisenberg being mad at mother miranda for doing all these experiments or whatever but who cares i'm not going to pretend like re 4's cast was perfect but these were villains i wanted to take down leave ashley out of this oh i needed her to buy sadler's trusted me like you i'm american they showed up over and over again establishing presents and their relationship with leon was more fleshed out been a long time comrade this one line adds a personal investment in the fight with jack krauser it's more personal than anything in village ironically the best parts are when ethan shuts his yap and just does what you control him to do at the very least the gameplay is stellar enough that horrible writing isn't a deal breaker and unraveling the mysteries of the plot was engaging enough to push me to the end still i don't remember the last time i hated a protagonist this much not even iden versio alright so we're into spoiler territory here skip ahead if you don't want the story spoiled tactical nuke incoming village has an interesting premise but its story ultimately falls short just like salazar how dare you so rose was taken to this village and for some reason her body was split into four pieces each one held by one of the four lords sound familiar [Music] the reason rose was kidnapped was to be used as a vessel for mother miranda who wants to revive her daughter that died a hundred years ago if that's the case why split rose into four pieces at all just so ethan has something to run around and collect you're not making a paper mario game why does miranda wait for the climax before putting her ultimate plan in motion why not start the ceremony right away miranda tried experimenting on a bunch of other people but none of them were suitable vessels for her daughter this is why everyone in the village has weird mutant powers it's all the metamici this giant blob but this also explains why they needed rose because it turns out she's got super powers too and would be the most powerful creature imaginable here's the kicker chris knew all of this [ __ ] in the beginning sorry and when we meet him in heisenberg's factory he reveals that miranda is a shape-shifter that took the form of mia so he didn't actually kill her in the beginning i owe you an explanation this begs the question why didn't chris tell ethan about this before why don't you [ __ ] tell me right away because i knew you would want to be involved that is without a doubt the dumbest thing i've ever heard i mean i know why because then there'd be no mystery but the writers didn't create a good reason for chris to withhold this information it's a telltale sign of poor writing instead we get this ethan no so chris is a wet towel and kind of a dumbass but mother miranda is the real disappointment he's made out to be this all-powerful character and charge the other four we only catch brief glimpses of her until the final battle at one point village turns into modern warfare literally with these giant shootouts that pose no challenge because he got so much ammo and yeah chris is given night vision goggles robo six going dog when playing as chris you enter miranda's lab and find a treasure trove of information and mother miranda soon becomes the most pivotal character in the resident evil universe because she was in contact with oswell spencer the founder of umbrella and gave him the idea of creating zombies as bioweapons i thought it was a neat touch to have the umbrella logo shown in the village and tie everything together with the previous games but mother miranda is not treated like the most pivotal character she is she's killed off just as fast as she arrived her motivations to revive her dead daughter also doesn't add any tragic element because it lacks depth mother miranda's shape-shifting ability was also extremely disappointing i thought this was going to be used in creative ways where like chris was going to turn out to be mother miranda or some [ __ ] and then he'd run into chris and chris would be like what i didn't talk to you and then boom big explosion or whatever but no she only transforms just to taunt ethan after the fight with heisenberg ethan is killed and it's revealed that he has regenerative powers from the mold in re7 which explains why he got so [ __ ] up in this game and kept moving so we're at the climax the duke has been a homie helping us out and the parasite hidden beneath the castle is going crazy the stupidest part is the ending after you kill miranda chris comes to the rescue of ethan and rose and he's planted an explosive on the mega micey the thing that gave everyone powers and plans to blow the place sky-high when i hit this trigger we can't be anywhere near it but then for no reason at all ethan takes the remote detonator and plans to kill himself in the explosion isn't that why you brought a remote detonator so you don't have to be in the explosion when it goes off you know it's not really a heroic sacrifice if your death is completely avoidable ethan i think your majin buu regen powers are gonna keep you alive till you get to the helicopter he states we could all escape no he didn't you [ __ ] village ends the same way every resident evil game ends a giant explosion and one last disney animation about how the dad came in to save the daughter the epilogue shows rose visiting her father's grave years later and there's an implication that she has control over her powers the father's story is concluded and not short enough it was at the end of village i was left thoroughly entertained because the designers knew how to make a fun ass video game but the writers didn't know how to keep me invested in conclusion resident evil 8 kicks some serious ass with its combat and gameplay it does recapture most of the essence of re4 yet doesn't totally abandon the horror and fear like five and six did and the survival elements are well and alive while the horror was toned down a bit village is still terrifying at times though these sections are often disconnected from the rest of the game village attempts to please both crowds but it's clear the re4 fanboys won this round the mercenary side mode and extra content add immense replay value and i'm sure i'll want to come back to this even years from now i think this will be a timeless classic the story and characters on the other hand struggle to be as memorable charming or interesting as re4 the stellar gameplay doesn't change the fact that you're going to be playing as a dumb [ __ ] the entire time and that is why resident evil 8 village is so awesome and bad listen up spartans it's steve downs the voice of master chief sierra 117 subscribe to the act man for awesome content and finish the fight master chief out
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 1,604,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resident evil village, resident evil 8, resident evil village review, resident evil 8 review, village review, the act man, act man, lady d, resident evil village gameplay, resident evil viii lady dimitrescu, capcom, resident evil 4, leon kennedy, ethan winters, heisenberg, mother miranda, village story explained, resident evil village ending, resident evil bad, village is bad, RE8 review, re8 story, resident evil, resident evil 8 lady dimitrescu, resident evil 8 village
Id: ZqbbNoy7zIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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