Why Is Cyberpunk 2077 SO BAD?!

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what's up gamers it's johnny silverhand here and are you ready for why is cyberpunk 2077 so awesome what are you doing what it's not gonna be one of those videos what do you mean johnny this [ __ ] reeks like dinosaur diarrhea oh i get it you're just another corporal rap man just talk your snack get your youtube eddies and get out well you know what your audience can see past that they know why cyberpunk 2077 is so awesome dude you were created by the corpo rats man i'm not one of them ah screw you man the game is broken dude no the combat sucks ass i can't even are you are you crying they cheered me on stage and told me i was breathtaking i don't want to wear these stupid glasses anymore oh johnny man i was too harsh man it's all right it's all right man the game still has potential eight years i prepared for this and i can't even stop doing the t-pose hey now you listen to me you're johnny [ __ ] silver hand a legend now look things didn't go exactly the way you or i wanted them to but guess what we're stuck like this okay so you can either do the review with me or you can just call it quits man what's it gonna be you're right you're right [Music] do you really mean that samurai yeah bro i think you got problems but i still love you thanks act man it's gonna hurt though are you ready yeah then let's do this yeah all right all right let's hit it man cd projekt red has accomplished three incredible things with cyberpunk 2077. first they've put everything wrong with the games industry on full display and what a recipe it is unrealistic hype and expectations slap in some misleading marketing season it with some rush deadlines a little bit of toxic work environments some deceitful critics for taste it has a little something for everyone and most importantly a complete misunderstanding of the word finished hey v call me act at least they finished the freaking action figure hey act man good one johnny the second accomplishment cdpr has demolished much of their reputation and goodwill that they built up over a decade and third but most important they've crafted one of the most flawed video games we've ever played if you enjoy complaining you'll love cyberpunk from technical problems to poor optimization wonky physics jarring perspective the sound design character models artificial intelligence bounty system crafting mini map player customization enemy variety level and weapon design sandbox skill trees story dialogue choices open world mechanics there's a lot to unpack but this is outrageous it's unfair how could cdpr release this game in such a state don't worry axeman i'm already typing up a threatening letter to the cdpr devs harassment solves everything no game ever pleases everyone but this was far below anyone's expectations okay fine so what the hell happened where did cdpr go wrong what if anything does cyberpunk do well how does it stack up against other open world titles and is the story as breathtaking as keanu reeves it better be well let's wake the [ __ ] up jump into night city and t-pose our way straight into this what's one thing everyone hates being tricked bamboozled hoodwinked manipulated conned do you need more synonyms i've got one how about lied to there's absolutely no question cdpr was extremely dishonest with their promotion of cyberpunk i wouldn't be surprised if todd howard was behind all this we're gonna need 16 times the glitches and the beauty of all of this is none of it just works they deceived millions of people including me and my man johnny and that's something i can't forgive god damn corporals tried to [ __ ] me however with everything stacked against it cyberpunk manages to not be a totally flaccid [ __ ] it does get erect from time to time hell it even pisses but there's a big difference between what was promised and what we got it's all over lawbreaker at best it's false advertising which is a crime and what makes someone a criminal getting caught this feels like fraud how else could anyone hand a game this many awards and this much praise when it's so blatantly unfinished now i ain't know phoenix right but i'd say someone out there has a damn good case for a class-action lawsuit we've crafted every car and motorbike with amazing attention to detail i mean there are critics real people with human brains who get paid to review video games and some of them gave cyberpunk a perfect score what even a 9 out of 10 is too generous if that doesn't tell you that something is [ __ ] in the games industry i don't know what will but i'm not gonna [ __ ] you like these other websites last thing we need is another youtuber deceiving his audience right so let's chat about the development cut content and false promises because as we know this is what cyberpunk looks like on last gen consoles you know the uh the platforms they were marketed for it's so terrible microsoft and sony took it down from the digital stores with cdpr's blessing i will add their stocks have gone down crowds of people getting refunds poor user reviews massive unrest it's been a pr nightmare what do you do when you have one of those on your hands post an apology video to youtube we're sorry sorry but still a lot of people love the game and you know i respect it just because we're negative and talking [ __ ] doesn't mean you have to be but the whole thing feels sleazy and that's what upsets me cd projekt red was seen as this glowing beacon of hope they publicly stood against corrupt anti-consumer practices we leave greed to others you're a liar you're a liar cyberpunk runs surprisingly well on last gen consoles you know something that you're not telling us you slimy scumbag liar we won't ship something which is not ready this too is false after witcher 3 this company became a hero but as the old saying goes you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a meme what was the point in releasing the game only to take it down two weeks later eddie's holiday sales man the most profitable time of the year this wasn't a mistake they knew what state the game was in and chose to release it anyways intentionally withholding footage of gameplay on last gen consoles not given pre-release copies of it for series x or ps5 and forbidding reviewers to show their own gameplay it's the ultimate irony for a game whose story is about dismantling corporate oppressors cd projekt red became the very thing they swore to destroy do you want to serve corporations forever fine go right ahead of course the biggest lie of all was that cyberpunk would be a polished and smooth game the lie detector determined that was a lie in my other video i showed just how false this was the glitches ruin everything you can't go 10 minutes without something happening that isn't supposed to but on the plus side the glitches are hilarious who do you think pulls the government's strings it's got that same unintentional comedy that oblivion has i don't know you i don't know you and i don't care to know you let me just give you a quick rundown of the most game-breaking bugs i've encountered one quest i had completely glitched and can't be finished because johnny won't show up sometimes the voiceover completely cuts out i've got a score to settle us all [Music] the road be kind to your friend tons of cutscenes are buggy as yep there it is try getting invested in the story now and if that's not bad enough there is even corrupted save files that literally made it impossible to continue your game many reddit users have compiled lists with sources of all the cut content and promised features a wanted system with corrupt police that is up for hire and takes bribes dynamic law enforcement that changes behavior based on what part of the city you're in over 1 000 npcs with daily routines npcs that rival that of red dead redemption 2 wall running mechanics remember that a metro system was clearly cut and remnants of it are still in game acid rain and environmental challenges your choice of life path would have a huge effect on the story and non-linear quest design except it doesn't and only two percent of your in-game choices really matter buying property and customizing it a day and night cycle affecting the world these are just a few examples my point is the version of cyberpunk that was promoted for years and the one that released on december 10th are two completely different things in fact turns out the e3 showcase in 2018 was all smoke and mirrors where have i heard that before oh hey halo 2 how you doing bro that was a real time fee no smoking mirrors pre-recorded [ __ ] of course some douche nozzles are blaming the fans for being hyped about this game as if it's somehow the consumer's fault i mean yeah some probably had ungodly expectations but when you say stuff like we've greatly enhanced our crowd and community systems to create the most believable city in any open world game to date liar tell us what you know you god damn liar cd did and said everything they possibly could to hype this game up to 11. they gave us these expectations in the first place and if you couldn't deliver on them you should have delayed it good morning x city act man welcoming you to another spectacular review this time it's cyberpunk 2077 but watch out for those glitches cause they're everywhere what if i told you that cyberpunk actually hits every expectation i had and is nearly a perfect game for the first six hours that's the catch the more i played it the more boring it became but those first six hours straight fire after picking your genitals you are treated to an opening montage that shows off the crazy life culture and style of night city go through one of three lifepath introductions i chose corpo and got this sick neon lit flight through downtown filled with electric billboards advertisements thousands of apartments massive skyscrapers i was sitting here thinking damn this is gonna be as good as bioshock if not better you really were a fool to get your hopes up this all followed by an encounter with some thugs then a tense meeting in a glamorous bar with digital strippers everywhere immersion 100 then some corpo [ __ ] showed up there's a struggle and homeboy jackie picks us up and says your new life it starts now damn right it does oh my god it's happening it's happening i'm really playing cyberpunk i can't wait to waste the next few weeks of my life on this you quickly get attached to jackie and the first mission has you and him rescue a woman bring her to an emergency trauma team basically flying ambulances and medics that soar through the city and again i was like oh my god this is cyberpunk's version of gta's emergency responders that's so cool the next mission even better it had like six different endings and outcomes then you meet up with half-faced guy dexter desean t-bug all these characters moments and beats the game hits in the first six hours it's incredible it feels next-gen and then it goes straight downhill from there wait a minute axeman you're telling me the quality of the first six hours is nothing like the rest of the game yeah for starters that opening montage that shows how v and jackie became well-known gangsters in night city while it's pretty important to the plot you know setting the stage but it's glossed over in a two-minute montage it'd be like if in the sorcerer's stone if the entire trip from harry meeting hagrid to arriving at hogwarts happened in two minutes uh the trauma team well you can find the occasional vehicle around the city but they never show up again or have any gameplay function whatsoever would you believe the second main quest has the most amount of polish and branching paths in the entire game that's right it's the only part that even feels on par with witcher 3. you never ride or drive a flying car after this the life path only changes dialogue slightly character creator seems awesome until you realize you're stuck with it as soon as you hit start it feels like the first six hours of cyberpunk is the only part that's fully realized everything they sold me on in this time frame they failed to keep afterwards it's a hollow shell a facade with that out of the way let's finally jump into the most immersive open world game ever is what i would say if cyberpunk came out in the year 2000 ha got him when the game runs the way it's supposed to cyberpunk's graphics setting and style is unbeatable night city is just breathtaking every location be it a back alley sprawling marketplace downtown club is jam-packed with detail and people to the point where i was constantly stopping to take it all in the art style is phenomenal npcs have all sorts of implants enhancements and crazy outfits they've crafted a whole culture in this game with terms like chum gunk and eddies and the world is filled with shards info background lore it's a lot of fun reading through this stuff especially when you hop on someone's computer and see an ad for a penis enlargement surgery that's not all if you hop into an elevator you'll see a short news broadcast or you might witness some funny commercials but night city is only impressive on the surface level graphics lighting atmosphere sure these things help cyberpunk stand out but they don't service the gameplay there's a whole bunch to see and [ __ ] all to do in night city all right i'm here at the casino boys now who's ready to lose some money i can't gamble here if you look at cyberpunk in a void where no other open world game exists it's not bad but compare this to anything in the same genre and cyberpunk gets obliterated harder than kaiba so let's do that at first glance the mini map shows tons of things to do you've got side quests gigs and crimes now the crimes have no context hey v go kill these guys okay wow good job on killing them gigs are slightly better but the template is either go to this location kill these people steal a car upload a virus carry a body here escort this person there it's always the same [ __ ] yo v help me do the thing thanks for doing the thing v the side quests are a bit different these are the ones that have story you might encounter a sentient vending machine and strike up a humorous conversation you're uh cool helpful just an all-around [ __ ] [Music] shaped kind of guy only to come back and find a woman seeking relationship advice or you could get a call from a dude who gets a defective dick implant and needs you to take him to a ripper doc my personal favorite was finding a talking smart pistol increasing volume by 66 percent name i'm not deaf understood hearing within norm possible issue low iq reducing speech rate by 33 these moments add a lot of character and life to night city what do you think [ __ ] kill me please but the truth is the good quests make up about 10 percent of the entire game i don't recommend anyone trying to 100 this game probably the most egregious is the side quest where they hype up this tank the basilisk and you spend more time in the tutorial learning how to use it than you do actually using it and guess what it sucks well at least you got to bang pan am i mean how was that [Music] sorry about that but didn't cd project red say that every quest would have the same level of polish as the ones in witcher 3. yeah in that game you actually cared about what you're doing in witcher 3 you'd hunt down various monsters learn about what thing is terrorizing the land how it's doing it and why you'd find a corpse and geralt would be like this is the work of a night wraith she was murdered and raped i'm gonna burn her clothes which will draw her here and then i'll kill her using my silver blade of death and i'm just like oh [ __ ] yeah you could run into an old friend and decide whether or not to work with them your choices affected future quest lines i mean you could spare or kill off major characters i can't believe we [ __ ] the best side quests in cyberpunk aren't half as good as the worst ones in witcher 3. i always feel so disconnected from everything that's happening and it's because we never leave v's field of view everything happens through his eyes without any real cinematics it just makes everything so [ __ ] boring to watch it also doesn't help that the writers focus more on the what than the why do you even remember what the beef between the wraiths and the aldi caldos was about i don't what makes an open world game dynamic an impressive [ __ ] no johnny the people in it cyberpunk has all these cool factions of gangs genetically enhanced super humans thugs criminals but most of them are about as interesting as the plot of destiny 1. i mean they sure talk about these gangs a lot but i can't tell you a goddamn thing about the tiger claws or who leads them and why what they like to do jack each other off in the bathroom [ __ ] if i know compare this to oblivion remember the dark brotherhood fighters thieves and mages guild quest lines hot damn you could immerse yourself in each one of these factions and dare i say it role play each one had their own finely tuned plot line with many twists and turns you had to assassinate an entire chapter of the dark brotherhood unravel a plot to destroy the mages guild it added depth you got invested no no i'm too late i thought i could get here in time thought i could stop you what am i doing for the valentino's scavengers moxes animals i don't know but i can tell you that lucy and lachance is a badass you also have to wonder why there's no reputation system in wow you could improve your standing with trolls orcs tauren etc [ __ ] new vegas had reputations too remember caesar's legion the great khans brotherhood of steel depending on your standing these groups would treat you differently maybe offer you special goods or attack you on site you've got three days to improve your reputation with the ncr or we come for you you make conscious choices about who to ally with go back to san andreas man you can engage in gang warfare and change what gangs hold which territory it's like i want to get invested i want to help these factions take over land or convince them to fight each other why aren't there any massive battles because the ai can hardly handle walking in a straight line the factions of oblivion world of warcraft new vegas san andreas are infinitely more fleshed out than those in cyberpunk the sidequests don't have any identity and neither do you cyberpunk doesn't make you feel like an assassin or a master thief a monster slayer diplomat arena champion gang leader nothing there's no morality system no reason to make good decisions over bad ones but but in night city you can be anybody i'm sorry johnny but you can't there is no room to be anybody you want in cyberpunk because there's nobody you want to be oblivion was a breakthrough title for artificial intelligence and video games when it released in 2006. it's quite comical nowadays but could you imagine how embarrassing it'd be if i told you oblivion has better ai than cyberpunk is this true yes oblivion feels like a living breathing world if a very basic one npcs roam the streets they all go to bed grab drinks eat food talk to people fight each other cyberpunk's ai is so simplistic it can't even handle basic things pathing what's that just watch any video comparing cyber clunk to any other open world game and you'll see exactly what i'm talking about look i don't like it when someone stares at me another thing is there's no real acknowledgement of your deeds remember in skyrim how you'd walk by someone and they'd be all like wow you're pretty good with one-handed weapons spend a lot of time masturbating do you i acknowledge the time you have spent doing that you've got a real bounce to your step i'll bet you're quite the acrobat earned fable people would be like oh it's a chicken chaser chicken chaser there's something about the name chicken chaser makes you sound like a [ __ ] i'm not saying every game needs to make you feel like the second coming of christ but to [ __ ] do something let me feel like my actions are affecting the world and those around me moving on but how's the exploration i will say they did a great job in characterizing the different districts you can witness a giant war memorial or head into the badlands where people are more rugged you can go to the dump or see the slums and unfinished buildings of pacifica city project red was so true to the lore that pacifica is only half completed pacifica's biggest ugliest temple to lead but never finished boy the irony just doesn't end at the very least you expect to see some cool or crazy stuff going down in night city right wrong i feel so distanced from the city because it doesn't feel real i'd rather dive deep into the sith temples on korriban or head into the vaults of new vegas not knowing what i'm gonna find there's no risk or stakes no powerful night guarding a secret item in a hidden location no demon door i gotta solve a riddle to open i feel like i'm just clearing out dots on a map there are very rare instances when you happen across something interesting like i found this group of people who all committed suicide out in the badlands and they're all hooked up to the same machine but these moments are extremely rare remember in gta all the crazy vehicles and stuff you could use do i ever get to fly a car uh use a jet pack parachute snowmobile or jet skis no in this advanced society our only means of transportation are cars and motorcycles i guess the double jump is cool but if you're interested in a living breathing world with stuff to do just drive right past night city so what can you do in cyberpunk go to a shooting range race cars fight in boxing matches and shoot people there's this short clip of a roller coaster ride in one of the trailers do i ever get to write it no i can't even have fun being a murderous psychopath because the ai is so brain dead npcs vanished cops appear out of nowhere and one-shot you no car chases mini games nothing what a cocktails to have all these unplayable arcade machines scattered around for comparison here's a short list of some things you can do in gta 5 hunt animals go to the movies ride a roller coaster or ferris wheel buy property play golf tennis darts run a triathlon fly a plane a blimp go scuba diving rob a store invest in the stock market play arcade games pick fights with npcs look at the end of the day cyberpunk may be a visually impressive game but it's not mechanically impressive it stops surprising you after six hours other open world titles are leagues ahead in terms of content and life night city is a lifeless soulless world that's white as an ocean deep as a puddle before i tear the actual gameplay apart let's talk positives cyberpunk does a great job of creating so many play styles and making them all viable with expansive perk trees a plethora of different weapons attachments cyberware you can approach enemies from stealth and snap their necks hack them from afar melt their brains storm in guns a blazin you can grab a katana and turn into genji it's a real blast experimenting with everything wow with such a diverse array of weapons and tools you could have fun playing cyberpunk forever i mean how could you get bored no really how well johnny if you can approach every encounter in the same way then how is it any different from the last if i can always do the same thing in the same situations then there's no variety and the game isn't challenging me here are the crippling flaws that suck almost any enjoyment out of the combat the challenge in cyberpunk is based on the principle of pure [ __ ] [ __ ] i played on hard right you know those boxing matches [ __ ] them to hell dude i was level 41 and if any one of these dudes punches you like five times you're dead now i don't know if cdpr had a monkey in the dev room when they programmed this part of the game but someone please tell me why these guys take so many hits i can't even block without taking damage let me know if you want a rematch [ __ ] you i can't believe this it takes over 11 minutes to finish some of these fights 11 minutes of exploiting broken fighting mechanics this is horrible you know what else is [ __ ] eighty percent of my deaths were because of some stupid explosive barrel or mine that kills you at full health no matter your level or hp okay so what's with this [ __ ] [ __ ] speaking of one-hit kills you met my boys over here they just couldn't resist man had to include all this one hit kill [ __ ] because apparently nobody learned a goddamn thing from halo 2. there's no limit to the number of healing items you can hold you can just suck on your inhaler and brute force everything without any strategy or thought i've not once had to ration my grenades or healing or ammo there's no cooldown or penalty for abusing it that's just bad design want to use consumables pause the game go to backpack look at the item and use it how about you let me toggle through a quick select bar or here's an idea let me actually use consumables during a [ __ ] fight when i need them if you can forgive everything so far then allow me to present one final piece of evidence your honor roll the clip hi there i'm cd project man lead developer on cyberpunk 2077. you know the eight years we've been playing in this game we really didn't have time to program interesting enemies with complicated behaviors i mean let's be honest who who enjoys that [Music] so what we ended up doing was we made the game as comical as possible and i think the results speak for themselves we designed all our npcs and enemies with brand new cutting edge technology that not only predates our last title witcher 3 but also predates the original halo yes our game is that bad enemies sometimes won't react at all to your presence they might freeze do a t-pose get launched in the air stuck on some geometry at any moment rai is capable of glitching out in up to 7 562 dynamic ways so yeah we um we [ __ ] up you know i can usually tolerate a game that either has vast enemy variety or amazing ai but it is absolute torture playing something that has neither the more you play the less thought and strategy you have to put in you might be leveling up and fighting tougher enemies but they still have the same stupid ai but what's worse is the actual enemy variety we got drones bigger drones robots cyber psychos and humans now the humans can be slightly different but the changes are mostly unnoticeable in my 55 hours of playtime i have been in maybe four unique boss fights can you imagine how boring witcher 3 would be if 98 of your fights were against people can you imagine how stale halo 3 would get if it was 30 hours long and you only fought grunts and jackals again compare cyberpunk to something like new vegas equally janky but way more enemies geckos ghouls deathclaws mole rats nightstalkers different gangs so much more the lack of enemy variety really kills any excitement that open world games are supposed to have when you're roaming around in new vegas skyrim dragon age dark souls witcher 3 runescape you're always peeking around the corner excited and scared to see what you'll find you don't peek around corners and cyberpunk because you already know what's there just another group of dudes i mean witcher 3 has an entire bestiary on the types of enemies you fight complete with strategies tips and background info within the first few hours of witcher 3 you're thrown into a boss fight against the griffin and it's awesome cyberpunk rarely builds up its encounters and as a result they lack any tension so while you can't destroy your enemies in 15 different ways and while it can be satisfying at times no matter how far you progress the encounters are the same with brain dead ai no variety cyberpunk's core gameplay is maddeningly dull for the longest time something about cyberpunk's story really bothered me and i couldn't put my finger on it every scene is shown to us in first person from v's perspective not many open world rpgs are exclusively first person in fact i can't think of a single one it's either entirely in third or also has the option to switch the first isn't that kind of odd now i'm no expert in game design but i think a third person view helps you connect with the character because you can see them think about it general shepherd revan arthur morgan cloud aloy the hero cole phelps nico bellic the chosen undead link we see all these characters interact with the world and people from afar yet we still feel like we're in their shoes now if you're gonna stick with a first person view that typically works better for more silent protagonists master chief gorden freeman doomguy jack but even in first person games we'll see pre-rendered cutscenes showing our character doing something this adherence to a first-person perspective not only makes it difficult to get immersed in night city but makes it hard to connect with v it's a limitation the lack of cinematography or interesting camera angles it hurts the story's presentation because we're stuck in this narrow view of these eyes a lot of these dialogue sections would be vastly more engaging they were shown in third person heck they did that in the gameplay showcase and then have the scenes where v is talking to johnny being first person so those parts feel more personal could you just told me you wanted to get close act man but when you rush out a game you don't really have time for that i think the reason general shepard worked so well and became a template for rpg protagonists is because you saw how he interacted with everyone i've had enough of your tabloid journalism so many scenes fail to immerse me because it comes across as just two oblivion npcs talking to each other oh hello how are you today i've been better how about you i've been better just imagine writing a story where you hardly ever see the main [ __ ] character it's for all these reasons that i can't immerse myself in the storytelling one of the biggest selling points was how much control you'd have over your appearance in a futuristic world where body modification is commonplace cyberpunk gives you no option to change your looks that's right there is not a single barber or tattoo artist anywhere in night city character creator doesn't allow you to change body types oh but at least you can pick between two different penises or decide if you want nipples or not clothing is [ __ ] up too remember in dark souls they used to call it fashion souls because all the armor was so cool that people cared less about the stats and more about looks well it's the total opposite here your character looks like a complete buffoon alright they get the point act man come on move along at last we arrive at the story and cyberpunk's last chance to go down in history as something not terrible but as i write this i'm having trouble describing what happens i mean there's a loosely connected narrative about a botched heist and these conscience being invaded by the living memory of johnny silverhand a chain smoking punk rocker terrorist from 50 years ago the game is filled with quirky unique characters but what really kills the narrative is nobody really has clear motivations why did johnny bomb the arasaka headquarters what are you talking about is the corporations bid corporations any particular reason you hate corporations [ __ ] corporations that's nice why did you do this to bring an end to the madness you just tell me what you want what you really want help me settle my score against our osaka that's it blah blah blah [ __ ] our soccer blah blah smash makoshi you see v's main goal is to be the best merc like no one ever was to do gigs is his real test to get johnny out of his head is his cause but why i mean he wants to live sure but why does he care if he's remembered or not quiet life mr v you're a blaze of glory why does it matter legends are born here without any deeper meaning behind the actions of our protagonist it all falls flat for me the only person who feels compelling is judy who's out for revenge because of the death of a close friend in a world where there's so many stories to tell it's shocking how little i care about most of them i mean it's a cool idea to have a man verse self type a narrative in a video game but cyberpunk is all premise and no depth for every 30 minute dialogue heavy scene about 28 minutes of it is what are we doing what are we gonna do next what about after that it would have been a lot more compelling if these motivations for self-preservation were tied in with the impending doom of johnny overtaking his body against his will maybe instead of killing off jackie he's on life support and v wants to be alive if he ever wakes up from his coma you know maybe he's like i want to be the best in night city so i can make a difference we're going to have children's hospitals and this place is going to be less of a [ __ ] style or i want to control everything so nobody will ever [ __ ] with me again or hey man i just want to survive and get through this i don't really care what happens you know this would add some morality and let the player decide what it is they're really after and how they get it so i'd say the plot itself is pretty mediocre however the characters are very compelling at times especially in the last part of the game when you help johnny reconcile with his past you live through his memories and see a different side of him that nobody's seen before and in turn he sees the same from you you seem to know a lot about my past well seeing flashes of your past just like you've seen flashes of mine these are the best parts of the game i really felt like i formed a strong connection with johnny and it's up to each player whether it's a good or bad relationship that's when cyberpunk is at its best when things slow down and it's just v and johnny talking about life and the situation they're in he's [ __ ] in the head the world's [ __ ] in the head and you're [ __ ] in the head cause my [ __ ] up head is inside or when johnny pops up out of the blue to give his advice you know how are they going to push through will they work together or against each other but the question behind it all why is never given the time of day it truly needs to say something deeper how does v want to be the best merc in the city is it through building charities or murdering all the [ __ ] bags in the city which apparently is half the population you don't really have any agency besides a handful of quests and how the story ends and in the end you're not a hero or a savior or even a villain you're just the to call cyberpunk 2077 an unfinished game is to say water is wet the travesty that launched on december 10th will be remembered as one of the biggest letdowns in gaming history cyberpunk isn't half of what anyone wanted it to be it's impossible to give this game a positive review based solely on the unfinished status in and misleading marketing following its release without the glitches and bugs it'd be mediocre at best but here's the rub i don't think an extra year would have made this one of the goats it just would have made it functional because at its core cyberpunk is flawed in its design immersion is constantly shattered by technical problems night city lacks any meaningful activities and fun stuff to do that every other open world title offers cyberpunk fails at delivering an interesting open world with amazing ai that makes it feel real games from 16 years ago have done it better cd projekt red has done it better themselves the ai is laughably poor and without enemy variety the combat becomes stale and monotonous the first person perspective limits how interesting the story can be characters don't have compelling motivations most of the time and too much dialogue is focused on fictional technology and all sorts of stupid crap the different factions have no personality or real relevance night city doesn't change around you your actions don't matter sure i got some enjoyment out of the banter between v and johnny and it was pretty fun for the first 10 hours or so but the bad parts are excruciating and the good is half-assed at best cd projekt red shot themselves in the foot by giving everyone ludicrous expectations in comparison to what they could deliver it really is a shame and trust me when i say i get no pleasure out of trashing it this way thanks for coming with me on this journey johnny you really were the best part of it all it really was a pleasure act man i won't forget about you and don't forget about old johnny silverhand now let's wrap this up and send everyone home and that is why cyberpunk 2077 is so bad myself and the board are the final decision makers and it was our call to release the game although believe me we never ever intended for anything like this to happen [Music] lying [Music] she pulls me you
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 3,681,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077, act man, the act man, cyberpunk review, cyberpunk 2077 gameplay, cd projekt red, cdpr, cd projekt red apology, cyberpunk 2077 review, keanu reeves, cyberpunk story, cyberpunk panam, panam, cyberpunk 2077 bad, cyberpunk glitches, cyberpunk compilation, cyberpunk 2077 trailer, cyberpunk 2077 ending, cyberpunk 2077 ps4, cyberpunk 2077 release, cyberpunk 2077 gameplay ps5, cyberpunk 2077 pc, cyberpunk 2077 xbox series x
Id: QNCuypF0cu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.