Why Was Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare SO FORGETTABLE?!

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if there's three things I remember about advanced warfare its Kevin Spacey first futuristic Call of Duty and F press F in the chat for this review but not the mean because it still lives on unlike this game and I find that extremely entertaining where a meme now has more relevance than the source it came from I could end the review on that note but there's one other reference I need to make Call of Duty advanced warfare xbox one coffee back here the all-too-familiar phrase Call of Duty the very last thing I think of is advanced warfare after playing wood is now a bygone relic with very few active players I struggled to find the words to describe this game you see when you return to an older iteration in a series you have the power of hindsight and can look back at something like black ops 1 to see how the zombies mode evolved over time you can revisit the older World War two games to compare it to a newer one my point is you can see what all these games have contributed to the franchise overall the direction it's gone in and all the speed bumps along the way with hindsight we can see how the modern warfare story has played out and with advanced warfare we've now seen how futuristic call of duty has played out and this highly controversial three year span of games started here with a futuristic setting and advanced movement mechanics that fundamentally changed how the game is played all my thoughts and more after a word from our sponsor general Shepard take it away these are the most powerful earbuds in the history of man every sound is Ray Khan sound because what happens in your ear matters to them the everyday e25 s don't get a sit one out learning to use these spectacular earbuds is the difference between paying a fair price for top-tier audio quality and paying over two hundred and fifty dollars for the same thing five years ago I paid two hundred and fifty dollars for a pair of air pods and the world just and watched we can't give you these ear buds but we can give you a 15% discount off your order if you use the codeword buy rake on.com slash the act man and that my friends is worth more than a whole army base full of demonetised videos this is a time for the everyday e 25s the time for 15% discounts with the link by rayhan comm slash the axe man great audio quality at a great price is written by rake odd thing is nowadays advanced warfare doesn't come up too often in discussions about this series and when it comes to good old-fashioned [ __ ] talk that the cod community is known for advanced warfare isn't many people's punching bag of choice I guess that's a place to start isn't it why was advanced warfare so forgettable I mean there were several unique things about it at the time the setting seemed like it could be pretty damn cool it had Kevin Spacey Troy Baker as the main character all the trailers made it look promising but what is it like now with the power of hindsight how has Kevin Spacey's performance and the campaign aged does the multiplayer still offer something of value today did it back then was advanced movement worth trying out what about the twist on survival and zombies well let's strap on our exosuits press f to pay respects and jetpack our way straight into this right off the bat I can tell you advanced warfare in no category is so amazing that you loved it or as notorious enough to be remembered for hilarious reasons or awful game design it lies in this inexplicable limbo of just forgettable it doesn't have a bad enough campaign to laugh at like black ops 3 train go boom no annoying voice announcers to make fun of stop the from building that bridge bridge now advanced warfare certainly was an important milestone and coming off of ghosts whoa depending on your perspective this could have been the best or the worst position to be in it'd be easy to correct the mistakes made in that game sure but we're fans also starting to just get unnecessarily bitter towards the series prior to release aw could have gone either way the trailers tell a story about what sledgehammer wanted advanced warfare to be a kick-ass futuristic shooter that ramps up that power fantasy turning the player into more of a super soldier than ever before and less of a cog in the machine when you play this game you become a man capable of insane physical feats granted to you by the power of Technology what a sales pitch am i right allow me to say something so controversial yet so brave futuristic settings can work in Call of Duty hot take right futuristic gameplay can work in Call of Duty for those of you that think these games are pure [ __ ] solely because of advanced movement and a future future well there's more to it than that but I don't think it's fair to write off this concept setting in timeline just because it seems icky at first glance I don't want it I mean this is the 11th major installment in your annual shooter franchise you gotta find a way to mix it up being the follow-up to ghosts left some pretty big boots to fill and well sledgehammer was here created to fill the void and give our buddies at Treyarch and Infinity Ward a break and they provided us the first todd game developed over a three-year period i think one of the biggest missed opportunities for Infinity Ward and sledgehammer is they never really tried to brand the warfare series take some slight inspiration from the MCU and create some kind of unified story themed recurring characters something that can mix it all luckily they do have Burger town featured in one of the exo zombie cutscenes but that's about as far as it goes and part of the reason these games suffer is because they don't really connect to anything else in the franchise I'm just trying to illustrate that advanced warfare didn't succeed on several fronts and what makes an old game more appealing should be taken into consideration but advanced warfare despite its technological prowess became outdated rather quickly and now advanced movement seems like it's being left in the past for good Kevin Spacey stars in call of duty life as a gay man rated-r now if you're expecting more from the campaign after the three year development cycle you're gonna be disappointed though is advanced Warfare's campaign complete garbage but it is highly predictable and cliche it begins with a monologue from our protagonist Jack Mitchell take note of his name because it naturally means we're gonna hear a lot of this he talks about the human aspect of clinging on to anything that gives us purpose in life it's not a bad start but so many stories begin like this you get the sense that the narrative is gonna try to be way more dramatic than it actually is I hadn't listed six months ago with my best friend will not just what we signed up for the old man was a Leatherneck so I didn't really have much of a choice yeah I joined up because the old man too more just to get away from him I signed up with my best friend will and only now right before a mission do we actually discuss why we joined the Marines likely to establish some character but anyone with half a brain would notice that if he's my best friend we likely would have talked about this before anyways he's my best friend when a story has to tell you that two people are best friends I'm so happy I have you as my best friend it almost never feels like that this type of writing doesn't make us care but we got a mission to do what is it again we have Otis inserting an LC Epsilon everybody know what's going on no Sarge everybody know I'm not ready so advanced warfare takes place between twenty fifty four and twenty sixty one do they have hoverboards in this era it's unknown but this timeline gives the riders limitless freedom in the conflicts they can create like what if a new nation sprung up or extraterrestrials invaded earth nah it eventually becomes the same old song and dance America gets invaded for the ninth time so in the first mission South Korea's being invaded by North Korea and I can't help but feel it should be the opposite way Kim Jong dope leads the fight and we are sent to stop it I guess we get our first view of the cutting-edge technology and you know it feels kind of familiar [Music] [Music] working on it dude shut up alright let me stop for a second can someone give me a good reason why the first thing you do is a QuickTime event these things in Call of Duty video games in general basically never make the game any better I mean they can serve as a nice finale to the action in the case of mw2 or can be a way to spice up the gameplay if integrated properly like Resident Evil 4 at the very least QuickTime events should be used as a tutorial but that's not the case here advanced warfare kind of litters these press a button watch something happen moments that bore the player right from the get-go once you actually land in our giving control the next bright spot appears level of detail I don't have to associate Cod campaigns with heavily detailed environments but advanced warfare most of the campaign's may have pretty good graphics sometimes spectacular sometimes not but one thing I noticed right away was just how much effort went into crafting every location of the game you walk around basically any corridor in the streets of South Korea you see it everywhere skyscraper is a bunch of signs pictures billboards all fully rendered with readable text aw never looks like it's cutting corners to save on memory whether you're in Nigeria looking at advertisements in the street inside a nuclear facility in Seattle there's always something to look at in the background err on the walls that adds to the story and feeling a bit I found myself constantly looking around at the vibrant colorful landscapes it felt like I was there in the future and near the end of the game kind of spoilers you go to an Atlas facility where if you look closely at the monitors you can see they're in the process of harvesting organs from people creepy advanced warfare takes us to locations we've never - in a cod game it is creative and if there's one thing I can truly praise its that the graphics might be the only part of advanced warfare that has aged well as well as the pre-rendered cutscenes which look phenomenal back to the story we're fighting through south korea and then we run into these guys hey isn't that your dad's crew will boy this is an odd coincidence I don't suppose they're ever gonna show up in the future eh they got the best gear hey you never joined once you served my country don't my old man will why didn't you sign up for your dad's squad Oh me I hate my old man you know he's just old and and he's my dad and and [ __ ] him you know God is bad expository dialogue oh so contrived but you and your best friend will try to plant an explosive on this ship when oh well you can't die you're my best friend it's okay the other side it blows up taking will irons with it and your arm gets severed by a piece of debris in the process which at this point you're probably starting to wonder why it didn't Mitchell scream like hell or react to any of this at all totally disrupts the connection with the audience because he talks and cutscenes and whatnot but but not gameplay but your sergeant Cormac pulls you out of there so America stabilized the region and Mitchell has another monologue the dead we've settled their debts it's up to the living to pick up the tab again sometimes the dialogue is pretty cool but all I knew it was my best friend was gone at the start of the second mission we get the infamous press f to pay respects scene like I said QuickTime events the way they're made in Call of Duty games offer no value what joy do you get in pressing a button and seeing your character's hand touch a coffin what part of that is advanced it only shatters the immersion I imagine some executive at sledgehammer Activision saw this scene without the button prompt and was like nah nah nah folks touching funeral scene emotional reality we need player interaction yeah you know this funeral scene is great but when do I get a press a button as if the audience is unable to distinguish the sections of gameplay from cutscenes anyways we meet the man the myth the legend Jonathan irons head of Atlas corporation designs I'm sorry for your loss I'm sure you are sergeant private Mitchell you were wills best for than unfortunate tragedy sir it was more than unfortunate sergeant it was unnecessary damn dude Jarrah I want to offer you not really broken up about the death of your son you discharged with you the main villain perhaps but I guess neither is the player broken up because we only knew him for one mission irons needs to do the work of the plot and get things going so he's here to recruit us at a very inappropriate time to work for Atlas and in exchange he'll give us a sweet new arm and a dope-ass exosuit next thing we know we're infiltrating a really nice house bad guys everywhere got a rescue the president I'm sure there's an explanation for why the president is here and then oh [ __ ] we met you you are dead man recites co-star all right all right you got me advanced warfare that was awesome turns out you're prepping for a mission in a simulation but the game uses this opportunity to introduce all the technology gadgets and create the feel of the setting as well as establish a bond between Mitchell and Fenrir I mean Gideon as kind of like a mentor sledgehammer replaced their strongest hand here showcasing the exosuits having the doctors calibrate your arm using all the New Age weaponry displaying the power of the exosuit with a five on one fist fight all this [ __ ] is awesome with the art direction graphics and level design and this mission in particular advanced warfare creates a unique style that I can really dig the game does a few things right mostly conceptually let's talk plot unlike the government we don't keep secrets of our capabilities we don't sell policy we sell power we are a superpower for hire as Jack Mitchell you basically become an arm of the Atlas corporation and throughout the story you carry out the war effort to stabilize certain areas rescue important people etc and you do all this completely outside of the US Atlas has the single largest standing but we answered a no country the idea of a corporation 34 years from now being able to become its own military superpower is so awesome I really wish this was more of a Citizen Kane type story about how Jonathan irons who worked his butt off to become the man he is and you respect and admire him but over time he becomes a huge selfish [ __ ] when his ideals are inevitably corrupted sounds awesome to me what if he even played as him for a few missions he's made out to be the good guy helping and saving people but then it turns out in the business of military superpowers you need conflicts in order to keep the cash flowing and over time you learned that Jonathan irons has actually sparked many of these wars and conflicts from within in order to get hired by the highest bidder if that sounds familiar to any part of the United States's history congratulations not to believe this is Baghdad two years ago you couldn't step outside without getting shot advanced warfare does play around with this idea yet the unique perspective and commentary on futuristic military superpowers is partially drowned out by the cliches predictable storyline and some bad writing man you should have even played as a young wil irons for the first three to four missions or so and then play as a son will completely cut out Jack Mitchell that would have raised the stakes so much higher and make it personal that also give Kevin Spacey an excuse to not kill us when we are captured like three different times this story had so much potential speaking of making it personal that's one of the reasons why we aren't invested in the conflicts and Wars this is a big pitfall I've highlighted before when video game narratives become so plot focused instead of character focused it makes it hard to connect to the story it needs a personal element Mitchell doesn't speak during gameplay and none of the other members of his crew are personally affected by any of this that's seen in mw3 when Makarov releases the gas and we see that play out through a family's video camera is just so visceral showcases the horror nothing like that in advanced warfare so we get teased by the apparent bad guy in technophobe Hades whose goal is to rid the world of technology he leads yet another generic uninspired motivation 'lest terrorist organization called the KVA as a member of Atlas your test with stopping them which includes rescuing the Nigerian prime minister attempting to prevent a nuclear meltdown and playing Frogger sandwiched between our cutscenes of Mitchell Gideon and Joker slightly developing their characters and oh snap as you were son as you were so uh something we can help you with sir well a glass would be a start say what you will about Kevin Spacey but he is a damn good actor and his performance is what keeps this story from being cod ghosts' but uh as far as characters that suck alona the ex pets nas russian woman is she's awful this is private property you need to leave I'm looking for the market I guess I got lost it's not here go now take these point me in the right direction at first Mitchell is giving this super edgy dope description of her then he says she could be your best friend or your worst nightmare when she got under your skin please be ur work with me let us help each other it was all over no yeah she basically asks nicely wow what an advanced interrogation tactic we have the names now we just need to know when and where the meeting is you might as well kill me I'm already dead would it help if I said please after this she doesn't really do anything cool something is so unconvincing in her voice so anyways fake bad guy Hades in the KVA kill some people cod villains standard and eventually you're tasked with taking him down which you do after a fight scene that contradicts how powerful the exosuits are supposed to be Hades conveniently hands you a flash drive and dude you know better than to put that in your computer I know what does Irons know [Music] in a shocking twist Jonathan irons is shown to have known about the KVA attacks beforehand you know the problem with this twist is it's not a twist everyone saw it coming Kevin Spacey is known for playing some of the greatest villains in cinema and a person with that level of sophistication in a private military unbound by the laws of any other country well you expect the worst to happen Saint nothing like the revelation near the end of black ops 1 also some things about these really important scenes are left unanswered why didn't iron just pretend like he didn't believe the technologists why kill him at all matter of fact how was this video recorded by who and why if you're suspicious about being recorded why kill someone in a location where that could happen how did Hades get this video recording and why would he have the proof on him when he died let alone give it to us how does Jonathan irons know we were even watching this recording in the first place you could tear this story apart on its logical fallacies the stories latter half is all about taking down atlas and it was pretty cool playing for that side that was something new at first Gideon sides with irons than you and ilona meet up with Mitchell's old sergeant Cormac team up together psych Gideon is actually a homey now he's with us where isn't Michaels a ki a what Mitchell and the gang look for evidence of irons planning an attack because the footage could have been altered they find Project Manticore blah blah blah people die Irons declares war on everybody at the UN not exactly a smart move I doubt even this private military could launch an assault on the rest of the world what does he even hope to accomplish by doing that you're the world's problems I'll kill you and the world will be perfect just kill all the world's leaders flash forward and we track down irons who for the third time has put himself in harm's way with hardly any protection bodyguards for no reason at all just to gloat in our face chase him down and oh it's not looking good for you Jonathan I gave you that Mitchell yeah we drop him in the fire like the Hound in the mountain and the story ends right there no follow-up at all to summarize my thoughts Gideon Joker and irons are all cool they each have their moments Mitchell has some insightful monologues everyone else forgettable I do love the speech irons gives about solving the world's problems but in a lot of ways the story is just another United States gets invaded type story we've seen that a hundred times but is advanced warfare something you might want to go back to to play for fun kind of it was entertaining jumping around grappling most of the mechanics and gameplay encounters were well done the threat grenades were a lot of fun except for the level design which is so linear and restrictive for instance the game gives you these mag gloves which look and sound really cool right but you don't ever get the freedom to use them outside of a scripted sequence where you basically have no control it's just to pad out the runtime first mission walking alongside tanks oh you left the mission area Dawg I was just following the action sledgehammer confines you to play this game exactly the way they want you to you look at any other great first-person shooter and most of them have more open levels where you can explore even just a little bit find secrets and call a duty needs that did y'all never play black ops 2 it's ironic that we have all this new age tech a heads-up display through projections on the weapons yet this new technology couldn't allow the designers to break free from what has been the series greatest flaw extremely linear campaign especially with the new movement they had to put in all sorts of invisible barriers which sucks a couple of missions do stand out like manhunt where you use a drone to circle the perimeter of a building taking out guys watching your crew move up is really unique and definitely would put that in one of my favorite Cod missions Sentinel has you sneak through a base giving you the sandbox tools at your disposal and this is what I want to see more of open-ended missions more than one way to play them it creates replay value and they let you use the grapple hook freely whereas in the other sections you simply use it to go up when the game tells you to go up most of the mechanics like overdrive dashing the shield throwing doors though interesting you hardly ever feel like you need to use those things again great ideas mediocre execution I think my biggest issue and the disappointment of many people can be summarized as advanced warfare can be played the exact same way as any other Call of Duty it should have been different it was neat to have upgrade tokens for the suit make the campaign a little less oppressive but you wish you could reduce explosive damage in world at war another thing is enemy variety has not improved much either we got the titanfall ripoffs goliaths whatever drone soldier's slightly tougher soldiers helicopters that's it give me a boss fight something this campaign would be a lot more fun if I was shooting something more fun overall the campaign entertained me a bit has some interesting concepts and ideas yet it seems the technology for high quality nonlinear game designing Call of Duty wasn't available at the time when I first booted up the multiplayer I didn't expect much but to my surprise I was able to find some enjoyment similar to black ops 3 I'd say the multiplayer is average or mediocre now the first thing that bugs me is you guessed it the user interface it's trash me there's a store tab on basically every section of the game just in case you want to buy something which you do right please buy something but also like what is the point of this empty space right here is it stylistic is it practical no ironically again the user interface doesn't feel futuristic whatsoever but Before we jump into multiplayer we have to discuss the elephant in the room with literally hundreds of weapon variants out of the box custom weapons can be earned through supply drops these weapons not only look different and super cool but modify the stats of their base weapon counterpart this is bad on so many levels it is time to open up to five and I've bought 50-plus and I've gotten nothing [Music] [Music] advanced warfare is pretty sickening in the ways that monetized Call of Duty like what in God's name there are sixty custom class slots who was it in the conference meetings that was like you know I really feel like if we leave this game at only fifty five custom classes we're always gonna look back here with regret also why does it only show five and force you to cycle through just have a list from top to bottom dude the extra slots are something you earn not pay for aside from all the other crappy cosmetic stuff you can buy for $2 or whatever the real demon is the loop boxes do you know just how many cringy poorly acted manipulative vicarious piece of garbage videos popped up on YouTube after this game came out to be fair you can unlock them by playing each mode in advanced warfare but offering statistically better weapons in a randomized crate that you charge real money for is well it's gambling gambling for advantage supply drops also give you bonuses for your next match potentially giving you an entire perk that you never lose like what there's also some armor sets that give you bonus xp like there's this Dungeons & Dragons now a [ __ ] Ally rw1 that one-shot pistol it gives me plus 3 [ __ ] damage holy [ __ ] there's something deeply debilitating about jumping into a multiplayer where if you haven't coughed up enough dough you're gonna be behind it kind of discourages you from grinding because it's like well if I can't unlock what that guy has why bother anyways on to the actual multiplayer I can definitely understand how this game rubbed fans the wrong way maybe the developers were jealous of what the former Cod creators were doing in titanfall 1 with the double jump wall running maybe they thought they needed to outdo the previous Cod games and just make this one as ridiculous as possible whatever the reason advance movement can create some fun encounters in advanced warfare but it also completely shatters the core Call of Duty experience because of this movement there's really no sense of teamwork strategy order or anything it is a [ __ ] everyone's just flying around the map shooting without a care in the world and at this point Call of Duty was no longer really a military shooter it was something else entirely but I can still have fun with this at times oh my god there's a billion people right here the movement can create some intense gameplay and there is a satisfaction in out maneuvering your opponents with dashing jumping ground pound on a surface level you'd think wow this is the next thing this is the new direction call a duty on crack let's go but shortly after the high wears off you realize that constantly trying to shoot people out of the air doesn't create the most satisfying gameplay loop people like to complain about the number of angles you can get shot from in Modern Warfare's maps well try having the entire [ __ ] screen be an angle to shoot at you with the poor spawning match has become almost entirely unpredictable because players can run super fast jump two stories high in an instant power positions and all that more or less became an afterthought the jetpack hmm I just don't like it maybe for some modes this could work but switching the formula so heavily was jarring so either you like this new direction or you don't I really do want to like this game the futuristic aspects of it the cool weapons and sandbox all the possibilities that open up because of it and I think without the jetpack maybe keeping the - advanced warfare would have been way more appealing black ops 3 likely had a cool-down on the jetpack because of how chaotic it was in advanced warfare when it comes to the sandbox it's been completely revamped from what we've seen in previous games the EXO launcher combines all tactical and lethal grenades and sledgehammer had some pretty good ideas here I'll be honest variable grenade is real cool because you can swap between three different types EXO abilities offer a variety of power-ups ranging from cloaking to a shield health boost increased speed it's fairly interesting but uh-oh another problem when you can jump 50 feet in the air on a whim really takes the punch and utility out of grenades because you need to be on the ground to get hit by it and grenades are just not balanced well at all they're very close to useless weapons are standard at this point no real standouts except the em1 the only actual futuristic weapon a literal laser beam it's great fun in the campaign and survival but not so much in multiplayer I did appreciate the firing range being able to test out weapons in between matches and the pick third team system is pretty cool I do kind of like how the ghosts perk system black ops pick 10 all sort of iterated on one another picking between kill streaks is interesting not sure if it was good balance wise but it gives a unique choice and call it duty games do you want a better class or do you want those sweet sweet kill streaks baby while you can customize the streaks with an added boost it also increases the cost and unfortunately there just aren't many kill streaks in this game not too crazy either and another problem arises when you realize you have no idea what type of bonus the opponent has on their streak you can't play around that customizable kill streaks were a nice idea in concept but an execution leaves a lot to be desired there is a good amount of variety and weapons attachments and whatnot but a lot of these weapons aren't even used in the campaign like these akimbo mini guns it's [ __ ] awesome oh my god what was that is that the minigun class right there [ __ ] witty goods out of here look like a straight clown dude the problem with advanced Warfare's multiplayer is it doesn't feel advanced the futuristic elements aren't really fleshed out and it literally just plays like Call of Duty with jetpacks it should have been more than that get rid of the jetpacks add in some crazy weapons and [ __ ] we've never seen before the weapons may look different but functionally they sound and look no different from any other Cod game it's the same archetypes what I'd like to call the baseline average that Call of Duty can shoot for the map selection is still pretty decent and with 15 maps at launch that is a great number to hit especially with the for bonus ones every map has this exaggerated level of verticality but again with the movement the flow is just all over the place on some maps it kind of works and others not so much recovery is hella cool I was totally taken aback when I played this for the first time and a new area opened up they forced you to go in it and it was like whoa the match is transitioning to this area now extremely underrated I wish more Call of Duty games made maps like this one or had some type of unique gimmick some maps are outdoorsy others have the more streamlined corridors so I do applaud them for the variety a big strength and flaw of this franchise is its annual release if you don't like a game wait a year for the next one or play a previous one but if your Call of Duty game doesn't do anything outstanding there are so many more options to choose from I couldn't play 90% of the modes in custom games with more than 12 people I don't know why that's a thing but it's extremely off-putting nope no CTF what's the point of that limit dawg its custom games like what's you care what do you care sledgehammer why do you care like I said I had some fun with this multiplayer but I just don't feel much passion for it and I don't know what valuable experience or insight can be gained from replaying dissecting and taking a look at it other than the entertainment value I provide huh and when I feel that way about a game I think it's safe to say I'd like to forget this the experimental side mode in advanced warfare is EXO survival and while it certainly has more content than extinction did and ghosts it's pretty average you can make use of all the different abilities upgrade your EXO suit by attachments kill streaks etc fundamentally it's a futuristic version of spec ops survival from mw3 except with much less replay value comparing the two customization and progression has been dumbed down in fact there is no progression no leveling unlocking new weapons or gadgets there's really no reward for playing this mode I think the worst decision made with EXO survival was tying groups of weapons to a certain suit you want to rock a sniper and an LMG well too bad eat your Call of Duty and like it this just limits your arsenal in ways you can play for no reason that's what advanced warfare does best limit the ways you can play it now well you can survive on every map there is no spec ops or EXO missions to supplement the content in terms of sandbox you do have some fun tools to play around with and different types of baddies to shoot on a basic level it's mildly entertaining but it doesn't have that feeling of holding out surviving it kind of just run around the place because the game has these gimmicky missions you need to complete which I'll give props to running around collecting Intel or doing whatever it spices up to gameplay a little here's the thing in modern warfare 3 at a certain point in the match you felt like you had a setup going you felt confident but claymores turrets called in my homies Delta Squad loading up an RPG with your favorite perk and you were prepared to take on the next round tons of places to hold up in offered a lot of variety and replayability EXO survival dozen it lacks the stopping power that made mw3 mode so addicting and it's real disappointing again the future isn't always bright and sometimes it feels like Call of Duty intentionally take steps backwards they're old great ideas more streamline and monotonous the survival mode was nothing more than a novelty of the time five and a half years into the future it's starting to look pretty dusty in the end advanced warfare isn't a bad game but it sure as hell isn't advanced it had the potential and every chance sledgehammer and ravens software had they took the path of the familiar and safe campaign as linear as possible loaded with scripted sequences that add nothing to the game story is predictable and disconnected from the rest of the Call of Duty universe with a cast of characters that aside from Jonathan irons and Gideon is pretty bland and uninspired while multiplayer may have had a certain appeal at the time that appeal didn't last long and many fans look back on the enhanced movement trend with disdain advanced warfare alongside ghosts are probably the only two games in this series maybe excluding these that offer the fewest reasons to go back and play them and that says a lot about what was supposed to be a futuristic cutting-edge next-gen experience when its existence is so quickly forgotten advanced movement and a futuristic setting are not the Kryptonite of Call of Duty boring safe and repetitive game design is EXO survival seems more like an afterthought EXO zombies we've been pretty awesome if parts of it were free DLC I don't hate or even dislike advanced warfare despite all my criticisms in reality I just wish it did more to sell this new setting and now what once seems so innovative and fresh has been left in the static limbo of forgotten videogames and that is why Call of Duty advanced warfare was so forgettable so forgettable in every way so forgettable that's how you'll stay [Music] call of duty it's incredible that a game so so forgettable thinks that I am so forgettable too [Music]
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 1,973,529
Rating: 4.8894992 out of 5
Keywords: act man, act man cod, act man call of duty, the act man, advanced warfare, advanced warfare multiplayer, advanced warfare review, advanced warfare campaign, raven software, kevin spacey advanced warfare, advanced warfare cutscenes, infinity ward, sledgehammer games, activision, supply drops, loot boxes, exo zombies, exo survival, advanced warfare trailer, advanced warfare theme, call of duty, advanced warfare gameplay, Act man black ops
Id: dPyVePprd6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 13sec (2653 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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