Copyright Abuse on YouTube - Featuring Quantum TV

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hi everyone i'm the act attorney here what a pleasure it is to meet all of you today i am so thrilled and excited today we're going to be talking about copyright abuse and why filing false copyright take counts is considered perjury which is a crime under u.s law section 512 f of the dmca how's that for an intro never going to be doing something like that again you guys literally sound like like abuse victims right so i would say this game is for somebody they have no family [ __ ] no friends no lie five itch i'm not sorry i don't like elden ring players they're nasty p the players are losers and you want to literally just start rolling with all these claims and accusations literally living up to every game or stereotype that you could possibly imagine and you want to literally prove my point by being that literally loser you're literally like a shut-in loser that like does this and these people are literally like bro like they are literally scumbags that like literally the textbook definition of like a bad human being like you know you want to sit there and you want to act like i'm some bad human being you can get bent dude look at you literally look at what you're doing [Music] don't cry for me i'm already dead maybe that's why you don't have a ring on your finger maybe that's why your kids aren't around you because maybe there's something wrong with you at the end of the day it goes because maybe there's something wrong with the game that's not for everyone maybe there's something wrong with you maybe there's something wrong with you something wrong with you maybe there's something wrong with you literally look at what you're doing maybe there's something wrong with you all right i'm recording this after the fact just to give a fair warning a lot of the stuff i'll be showing and reading in this video is pretty offensive none of it comes from me and trust me it all has a point so here we are you take the blue pill you click off this video go to bed wake up everything's the same you take the red pill and i show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes court is now in session a false copyright strike and takedown request was recently filed against my channel take a guess by who matt haas nope derek savage nope quantum tv you guys want to have your fun with quantum tv have your fun at this point i mean i'm kind of amused by this i'm not gonna lie so you think it's funny the star of my elden ring hot takes video if you haven't watched it it'll be linked in the description uh that video is going to remain public and it will remain public forever so since what is his name here the act man never heard of you and we're going to go over your so-called hot takes which contains a lot of stolen footage and which by the way i'll look into my options around getting that taken down any further attempts to falsely copyright strike my channel will be met with a counter lawsuit in which i will clean you out when you start talking fair use you are opening a legal battle because you're telling the copyright owner [ __ ] you i can do what i want [ __ ] you i can do what i want [ __ ] you i can do what i want [ __ ] you i can do what i want i've also been updating fans curious about this because it is a big deal but follow me on twitter i've been posting stuff and details there this has gotten so far out of control i have no choice but to unleash my true power as the act attorney and although i have no legal authority as a lawyer that's the end of that sentence if you're curious about how copyright enforcement works on youtube uh mudahar made a great video summing up the ramifications and what is actually at stake again once you file this claim somebody else can counter claim you and then it becomes a legal issue if it turns out that you're actually abusing this for for your own benefit just to hide criticism and you've actually taken down legally fair use content this bites you on your ass this is not authorized by the copyright owner it's agent or the law the law okay that includes fair use dealings fair use law if you were to take this video to a [ __ ] courtroom the judge would say this is fair use okay even though fair use is a gray area you know normally reacting or commentating on someone else's video as part of a critique falls under fair use and generally speaking pretty much everyone on this platform understands that uh because if we didn't then we would just be taking down other people's videos that we don't like all the time and so while editing the hot takes video i made sure to edit as much of the original quantum tv clips as i could why i'm very confident that what you guys do and your takedown journalism of other youtubers and other creators is not only not fair use but it's youtube's textbook definition of cyber bullying and harassment objection what i posted was fair use and youtube agrees with me which is why they rejected the copyright takedown now keep in mind in this legal document not only is it false but he didn't even bother to fill it out properly the link to his video is missing and he wrote the wrong title for the videos he was claiming i have the original titles here i will put them on screen if you send a dmca takedown notice that is both false and meant in bad faith such as to harass or doesn't state a real claim you have committed perjury take that you posted these to youtube you can't file false claims and lie in the claim you absolute [ __ ] you can't you can't beat the act attorney man i played all the ace attorney games i played them all in my last video i said this it's like a rabbit hole we don't even want to go down unfortunately now we have to some people might ask well why are you making this video why are you giving him exposure uh i understand your concerns but this affects the entire youtube platform by the way he's not gaining much of a following or viewership from all of this controversy and my end goal is the termination of his youtube channel for routinely abusing copyright violating terms of service and the youtube community guidelines all of this that is outlined i'm going to show you evidence of how quantum tv has violated all of it but let's start at the beginning amazing let's give a shout out to mischief and there are all these people saying that i falsely attacked some young kid everybody loves to put his age out the moment i mention it why are you so obsessed with his age i don't care he's a minor leave it alone for some reason he's really obsessed with the age of mischief like nobody gives a [ __ ] about his age he's being a piece of garbage people like mischief who apparently is a young child maybe mischief's mother might want to get in on this all the negative press you've seen on me is because i've reviewed a game once didn't like it some 16 year old kid picked it up this is said 16 year old 16 year old 17 year old kid from the uk mischief the 16 year old kid you're not some young 16 year old kid on the internet it was a 16 year old kid this kid he's a 16 year old there's a 16 year old kid [Music] mischief is the chief orchestrator behind this entire thing this is all about mischief who's orchestrating this who's running to every youtuber he can and again it's always orchestrated by this one little [ __ ] he is whining and lying to everyone he can't i mean i'm so [ __ ] tired of this little kid even with this [ __ ] all this started because of some 16 year old kid just one little [ __ ] mischief and the thing that really gets me the most annoyed is it all started with mischief like nobody gives a [ __ ] about his age quantum tv is right this all started with mischief he uploaded a video critiquing quantum's first review of alden ring the man was not pleased quantum tv is the exact type of channel which means you consistently have to sit back and ponder the question what the actual [ __ ] is wrong with this man even though he himself is more than happy to poor shame people it now deleted replies to my community post i want to clear out one or two things regarding why i myself took down the video initially first of all at the time i simply said to myself [ __ ] this i'll deal with it later and so took it down so mischief took his video down because he didn't want to deal with that and quantum celebrated his victory and retract his claim you steal videos and you you lie through your [ __ ] teeth this guy is going around every youtuber he can [ __ ] find saying he's saying i'm violating youtube terms of service and he's bullying me he's playing the [ __ ] victim let me let me put this on the screen for every [ __ ] right now that needs to see this [ __ ] this little turd literally pulled his own video yeah because he probably doesn't want to get a [ __ ] copyright strike but the damage and intent was made apparent to the rest of us because we all understand the gravity of using copyright against other content creators this is something that will naturally draw people's attention especially if it is being abused this is all about mischief who's orchestrating this who's running to every youtuber he can objection mr tv i'm afraid i must expose your ignorance for you see mischief never orchestrated any attack against you take a look at this screenshot would you would you kindly take a look at this screenshot i wouldn't recommend making a video on that quantum guy well mr tv care to explain how mischief could be orchestrating a cyber bullying campaign against you at the same time he's telling the rest of us not to go after you because i'd love to hear an explanation or do i smell a contradiction you're only blaming mischief for all this because he made the first video this has all been a facade to silence criticism about you you have it backwards mischief didn't reach out to me i reached out to him as you can see in these dms here make no mistake quantum your takes were so bad they were they were the worst i've ever seen but you are the only one responsible for escalating the situation you used your platform you're standing to routinely harass mischief i mean i'm so [ __ ] tired of this little kid i swear to god i can't even with this [ __ ] right now third right i'm the bad guy here for telling some small punk that wants to steal from other people and just [ __ ] on them just absolutely bro the only one stealing is you because you're stealing everyone's [ __ ] intelligence the fact that mischief was 1617 just made it shittier because he's young because someone like that could easily be manipulated by someone like you but that's a but that's a smart kid man i mean he's only 16 years old and you couldn't get the best of him [Music] and a lot of these smaller channels 200 subscribers 400 subscribers 4 000 subscribers that tier of lower youtuber amazing let's give a shout out to mischief you know that is a great idea quantum for once we agree on something everybody go subscribe to mischief let's get him to more subscribers than quantum tv so we can see who the real lower tier youtuber is wouldn't that be amazing subscribe to mischief for justice never in your wildest dreams did you expect someone like mischief to have a powerful ally like me but against scum like you i'll always try to be there to clean up the streets it's funny isn't it the old saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend while i may not like what griffin gaming has to say about some of my videos or my vanguard review who cares about any of that this is way more important youtube is a platform where we should all be able to hate each other and co-exist you threaten that quantum they smack talk and smear somebody's reputation that they don't like for the moment and move on to the next person you know who's also big for doing this griffin gaming there's so much that's right bro for some reason you decide to go after griffin gaming 2 for doing the same thing mischief did god knows how many other youtubers you've attacked in the comments section the pattern is quantum will start beef with anyone who talks about him he'll produce a video leave it up for a day and then delete it because he realized what a disaster it is for him like for [ __ ] sake he pulled his own video deleted by user you tell me what that [ __ ] means that's what you call ironic i got all these [ __ ] calling me out of my name i'm a scumbag i'm this that luther you are bro many gamers that do this toxic [ __ ] where they find somebody they want to bully and they think this [ __ ] works it doesn't work like if you don't want to get quote unquote bullied keep your opinions to yourself maybe uploading them to a public website is probably not the best idea griffin makes a good point if you upload something to youtube anyone can criticize it or talk about it you posted it to the internet that's the end of it he expects the internet to be nice to him [Music] [Laughter] you did say you were going to look into your options you did want to take legal action against me that's also another stick that people told me about you like griffin gaming that's what you do don't make it like that was clickbait chief you were thinking about it ironically in his quest to silence all criticism quantum tv has invoked the streisand effect to its maximum potential your efforts to hide the truth have only increased people's curiosity about it to the point where some of the biggest youtubers and twitch streamers are aware of your [ __ ] now too i'll be looking into sharing quantums of use of the copyright system with important people at youtube uh as this is something that can lead to determination of your channel and i responded and i said to him imagine having a take on elden ring that's literally so bad that you end up getting banned for it [Music] that's too [ __ ] bad isn't it that is just too [ __ ] bad wow review tech usa was one of the next people to cover quantum's hot takes i'm just gonna start off by saying there has been a lot of controversy created by specifically review tech usa now rich's videos discussed the bad elden ring takes but also highlighted that quantum tv's been evading a previous ban on youtube a band for hate speech did i mention 6752 times that he's been evading objection how is a previous ban relevant objection because it's against terms of service rich has provided ample evidence of bigoted hateful downright disgusting posts from quantum across his twitter facebook and youtube some of this evidence also came from the tv community which apparently from my dms is also sick of his [ __ ] and this is not cancel culture this is not this is someone being held accountable for their horrible horrible actions that they did over and over and over and over again now rich isn't going after quantum's past because of cancel culture right this is to further establish the legitimacy of your previous channel's ban quantum and therefore justify a ban for your current one in a response to a picture of two people kissing in a church he wrote too bad you weren't a pulse victim in reference to the pulse nightclub shooting an incident at a gay bar where 47 people were killed get this piece of trash off of youtube isn't it funny when people try to call you a bigot in a homophobe when they're literally exactly what they're trying to accuse you of being look at you literally look at what you're doing it's rich watching you try to paint me as some sort of bigot as you literally are one he put up very very hateful things towards the lgbtq community and i'm not just talking mean words he actually wished death on them wishing death upon someone is another story i seriously question your sanity and this is what quantum tv wrote back uh they deserve it the world is better off without them forcing their lifestyle on it these are your accounts that you had linked on your youtube but all of a sudden that you're not responsible for them that's not how it works man a guy who consistently wishes death upon other people does that sound like someone we know at the end of the day go kill yourself man you see rich was able to successfully prove a connection between the hateful things you said on facebook and twitter and your youtube account and discord what else have you said just had some girl named lindsay attack me via heterophobic messages spamming homosexual acts this is my response to all who are heterophobic and he shows someone uh lgbt activist attacked in georgia mark my words quantum all roads lead to one destination the termination of your current youtube channel and i will not rest until that is achieved your fugitive on the run but the law is catching up in response quantum actually committed another crime of slander uh he accused review tech usa of being something horrible i'm not going to say it here uh there's absolutely no evidence of this uh so we can just add that to the list of crimes so quantum care to explain these hateful posts wishing death upon the lgbt community and instead of coming to me like a man you resorted to being a little [ __ ] about it and doing what you knew would get you views and you tried to use the gay community against me and weaponized [ __ ] and at the end of the day rich you've got no [ __ ] leg to stand on you need to shut the [ __ ] up okay the reality is it is what it is i got hacked in 2018 and everything you find from 2018 is just that it's a [ __ ] hack i don't know you an apology and i'm not [ __ ] sorry for [ __ ] i didn't do that's that's it objection mr tv would you please read the words on your channel banner the number one brand in honesty well it should say the number one brand in lies if your accounts were hacked and compromised then why were these horrible offensive things left on your account after you regained control of it why is there no history or post we can refer to of you mentioning the hack back in 2018 unless these accounts were under the hacker's control for the last four years but wait that's not the case either because here's a discord message of you saying you haven't used these accounts in years this is all him they were there people screen capped him he deleted the account and that account like i said was linked on his youtube so did the hacker put his your that facebook in your youtube about page if you haven't had control of these accounts then you're telling me the hackers went to your twitter and facebook profile accounts and deleted them while review tech usa was currently streaming and showing people the awful posts there my twitter was hacked okay so all of those posts that you're seeing from 2018 literally have nothing to do with me unfortunately there's not really much i can do outside of working for years to try to recover an account hold it let's use let's put the common sense cap on okay quantum tv why would a hacker if they wanted to disavow you and discredit you and make you look terrible rush to take down your twitter and your blog post while i was streaming all the horrible things that were from it what if they want to keep it up to make you look even worse there's another key thing you're going to notice here throughout this video he does not um condemn the terrible things that supposed hackers put up on his twitter he doesn't disavow any of it he just he just tries to deflect and say it wasn't my fault which is very telling why is there a common theme of bigotry and hatred across all these accounts and platforms is that is that just your coincidence i mean this was you right you know it's wrong that's why you deleted it you're trying to hide it streisand effect the truth is quantum tv really is uh anti-lgbtq he's transphobic homophobic racist and i don't use any of these words lightly david [ __ ] you and your hate speech against me calling me homophobic because i'm anti-gay support is all you liberals do i'm pretty sure being anti-gay is homophobic i've never pushed or forced my sexuality on the gays yet they're legit forcing lgbt into games and movies i stand against your liberal communist propaganda black panther is racist and only the most hateful blacks like it [Music] yes hello uh what are the symptoms of brain damage okay yeah yeah i think this guy definitely has it then you've done yourself in quantum you've done yourself in huh explain this away huh explain all this [ __ ] or what what's the matter huh good enough and since we're on the topic of racist um remember when you called lenny kravitz's daughter a half breed you had selena kyle which is lenny kravitz's daughter like a half breed basically or was that the hackers did the hackers like like manipulate the footage and then post it on your youtube channel which you then later deleted because that seems to be you and that seems to be your voice uh half breed is a racial slur and it's [ __ ] up to call people that here's a screenshot of him defending one of his discord moderators for the liberal use of the word [ __ ] when referring to trans people this happened like last week were these recent discord messages faked as well do you think calling trans people [ __ ] is a hip cool thing to do to stick it to the man and those liberal communists get [ __ ] get absolutely [ __ ] i'm here to bury you everything quantum does is for his own self-image uh the pattern of behavior silencing comments trying to silence people's videos deleting his own channels deleting videos he uploaded trying to prevent people from further downloading the videos it's like you have never been on the internet nobody buys it nobody buys it quanah will argue that all this is just it's just one big misunderstanding you know that everyone is showing his clips and posts out of context we're removing all the context a i don't like the [ __ ] game it's an endless pointless death loop which i've established at multiple points in my review process which we will be showing in context instead of the out of context [ __ ] that all of these youtubers are running with objection you really are intent on burying yourself aren't you your throne of lies is collapsing underneath you you claim i took your clips out of context but how can i provide context to my viewers when you delete the videos and threaten me with copyright strikes if i dare provide more context you see if anyone were to re-upload those old videos i'm sure you would go after them too so you can't ask for us to give more context when you are actively removing our ability to do that you are a troglodyte if i can't link people to the videos and i can't show them the full thing of what you said and trust me the context of everything he says is is made worse but if i can't do that then people just have to go off of what i say and what i'm showing them i don't like that but that's the situation you put me in while we're discussing clips out of context i will say this for all of you idiots that don't understand at the end of the day go kill yourself man you know we could sit here and argue all the ways that my video mischief griffin gaming review tech usa mudahar anybody else that's covered this we could sit here and debate on why it's fair use but we all know that the only person that doesn't understand this is you quantum i wouldn't believe this if i didn't see it for myself but while you literally sit here sucking on cucumbers in a very provocative way there's a lot that that says about your behavior you see so quantum consistently references the copyright id tool he used to false flag people that i'm a false copyright flagger because some 16 year old got picked up on the copyright id tool which is youtube's algorithm he being a little [ __ ] that likes to take people's video and use them and talk about them and say whatever they want and i [ __ ] use the tool the way it's supposed to be used i'm a abuser you can use the youtube algorithm to actually go ahead and copyright people but the thing is you shouldn't that's the problem like i said youtube support advised me that filing a copyright claim against you was the best way to remove the re-uploaded content so wait a [ __ ] second objection that i can accurately say is a load of [ __ ] youtube will not tell you to file a copyright claim just because a video is re-uploaded at least not exactly like that again like in the beginning example if i uploaded an entire tv show to youtube youtube would get that dmca and because youtube is a safe harbor website as soon as they get a copyright claim they must act on it or else they lose a lot of those protections so yeah they remove your video that doesn't mean youtube is going to accurately speak to you through their support channel on a serious legal issue youtube will actually straight up want you to talk to a lawyer because once you file a dmca a legally binding dmca that's between you your attorneys and that's it you realize following youtube support advice on copyright claims to remove re-uploads failed me and a result i'm being labeled as a copyright abuser right and then this person says that i cannot answer for you it's a [ __ ] support agent okay don't believe the support agent who's probably not even from the country that you're dealing in is going to give you accurate information anytime you deal with legal [ __ ] you should be smart enough to know to get a goddamn lawyer you blame youtube support for the false copyright takedown instead of yourself somehow everyone else on youtube is completely unaware of what copyright is in fair use and the four factors of fair use it's it's everyone's wrong but you um as if a piece of software built into the youtube system is somehow responsible for your illegal actions it's not but but after after my encounter with quantum in the dms i was like this is a man who cannot be reasoned with who will not change for anyone and who cannot change he is still the same hateful bigoted racist transphobic piece of human trash copyright abuser that he was before nothing has changed he has only been trying to hide all this stuff like you you understand by law i can counter sue you if you come after me i will win and i will clean you out you will sell that wedding ring on your finger you will sell your house and any valuable possessions you have for wasting my [ __ ] time i'm the act attorney of course i win every case the laws do not change based on what quantum tv thinks about them quantum we have evidence of hate speech we have evidence of you telling people to kill themselves on multiple accounts we have proof of all of this through your accounts that we can also prove we're not hacked we have evidence of you threatening multiple content creators with false copyright takedowns going against fair use we have all the proof we need to get your youtube count terminated and it's all thanks to you give it up guys give it up for this laughingstock clown man out here providing quality entertainment you see we've been able to elevate the voices of the people you tried to silence coerce and threaten hopefully the youtube community can come together and demand youtube implement better systems in place so that content creators that abuse this system are much more heavily reprimanded and discouraged from abusing it we'll call it quantum's code copyright takedowns is akin to using nukes we all understand the ramifications of using such a tool and that's why we've collectively agreed not to do that because if we could just take down any video we didn't like then nobody would have a place here and a platform that isn't made for everyone is a platform that shouldn't be made in my opinion before arriving at my final point here's the most important thing i have to say about all of this unfortunately there is no cure for narcissistic personality disorder [ __ ] elden ring [ __ ] their players i'm not sorry i don't like elden ring players they're nasty people none of this has anything to do with legitimacy quantum isn't using this controversy to grow his channel and this has nothing to do with eldon ring this has everything to do with a disorder ego listen very closely once more i will get your youtube channel deleted you have committed crimes and no unmistaking stop you violated the law i have contacts at youtube i have already messaged we have a meeting set up you have demonstrated a history of hate speech targeted harassment false claims you have apologized for exactly none of it you have made no effort to correct address or even admit a single mistake you've made you make youtube a worse place for everyone frankly i'm witnessing somebody who has no idea of how like legal systems work and frankly they're making youtube a bats you know place for anybody else okay there is one thing no community on youtube tolerates and it's a copyright abuser i don't care about your opinion dude i care about the fact that you're nuts and you're toxic to this community yeah this is like the jesse small a of [ __ ] youtube 100 that's the perfect description for this guy i suggest you make peace with whatever content you wish to publish on your channel before you see this screen again and quantum you're gonna see it again i may not be able to offer a cure for narcissism but hopefully by shattering this false reality and sense of yourself then perhaps maybe whatever spell you're under you will wake up from it it's such a shame and i was planning on asking you about this new tv i was interested in [Music] what were you trying to prove that deep down everyone's exactly is you you're alone [Music] because maybe there's something because maybe there's [Music]
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 2,791,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: act man, review tech usa, actman, the act man, elden ring, elden ring hot takes, elden ring is bad, quantum tv, quantum tv elden ring, quantum tv copyright abuse, quantum tv copyright, quantum tv exposed, quantum tv elden ring review, quantum tv mischief, quantum tv act man, mischief quantum tv, elden ring sucks, reviewtechusa quantum tv, griffin gaming, griffin gaming quantum tv, quantum tv drama
Id: k1OWLq2dO2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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