Batman Arkham City's Platinum was Torture! (DLC Included)

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with 400 Riddler trophies overpowered enemies with guns and insanely hard challenge Maps I knew I was about to lose my mind when I decided to platinum the best Batman game Arkham City boom this game is famous for the ridiculous Riddler campaigns because of moments like this which only get worse because I'll be doing the DLC challenges too you saw me run no and yeah that's only one of the many mistakes I made during this Platinum grind which begins here where for some reason I was feeling brave and chose to play through the game on hard mode I learned very quickly that this was a mistake and I was in for a rough time this begins phase one of the Platinum Journey which was just play through the main story and side quests later I'll Focus heavily on the rer challenges that I mentioned New Game Plus and the Collectibles which are also set by the rler do you see a pattern here for my first trophy I simply had to become Batman they messed up they let me out that's the strategy hit one of them at a time and then they can never hit me me oh I got hit right on time oh yeah let's do this I'm Batman the first trophy of the game and there's plenty more easy story trophies where that came from like this one I would earn after clearing out a room filled with enemies and saving a familiar face bro Mission failed worry about me Batman I'll just hang I remember this game being nearly as hard before come on that's got to be it right it's got to be it really I thought that was it I was like really come on bro like other games Arkham City has a variety of trophies that aren't story or Collectibles and one of these is missable which meant I had to make sure to earn this one ASAP and it turns out I can do just that less than 20 minutes into the game I'm pretty sure there's a trophy if I throw this at him right there the catch trophy should be mine There It Is I've already gotten a taste of the core Combat gameplay in city so it was time to get introduced to the other half of the game play which was being stealthy one of my favorite aspects of most games clearing this room was extremely easy which was nice since I was getting my back broken earlier and I just had to swing around these gargoyles catch these misled Street uses off guard and before I knew it I was done oh at this point the city opened up to me and I was free to do anything I wanted but any diard Arkham fan knows what this really means the Riddler somehow placed 400 Collectibles all over the map so it was pretty much grind time but a lot of these aren't available until later after I get all my tools so other side quests are available like the AR challenges these serve to teach you how to travel around the city quickly as Batman and all you have to do is just fly through the markers they're mostly fun until you get to the advanced challenges which sometimes felt impossible and I'm going to have to do all of these later for another trophy thankfully everything I do in this game gives me XP allowing me to continuously level up Batman and unfortunately Catwoman too Catwoman has her own episodes as part of DLC her movement is not as good as Batman and being stealthy is also much harder but these sections are pretty quick and straight to the point and again the real challenge is using Catwoman in the Riddler challenges later did I just do it oh I got a trophy did I just do it droing on Old I think I did it finally oh my goodness as the game progressed I realized my mistake of choosing hard mode got worse and worse what I mean is every time I had another encounter with regular enemies they got stronger in some form or fashion they started wearing armor or having more guns and even night vision goggles and this meant I had to learn the hard way by trial and error how to get through these encounters and this is when I realized I sucked which was a big reason why I ended up with this many hours in the game oh full send it boom oh yo yo they ended me real quick one of my next trophies was earned here after another fight and remember I'm on hard mode so don't judge the gameplay you're about to witness oh my goodness hello BR all right I I'm talking like I know what I'm doing but I'm still no wait did I do it oh my God goodness I almost died again next up was a trophy for beating this group of enemies which featured a special guest who has trouble using his words but Batman is not here to judge ooh I didn't even struggle with that one I forgot all about how fun the boss battles were in Arkham City and by fun I mean seriously hard here's the boss battle against Solomon Grundy himself what the hell are you doing oh stop that no hopefully I don't die what have you done oh I'm really the best Batman out here wrecking ball baby don't worry I told you this is the fun part so after taking some of the craziest drugs you can find in Arkham City we're at another boss fight against the man himself Ray Sha gou of my Lazarus picked oh snap oh go oh we love QT give in hello is he going to do it again the big dude are you serious oh that hurt oh no you cannot defeat us for some reason this whole time I've been like yo this is easy and I actually died are you serious this R sh is supposed to be the best of the best I was 13 when this game first dropped I know I know comment your old head jokes and that fight was just as epic as I remembered okay I'm going to hit that button over there you're are not welcome here you'd think that last fight was my favorite but no I actually ended up liking this next one way better for this trophy I had to take down Mr Freeze who you might already know is a genius the gimmick to this fight is you can't hit him the same way twice he learns from every mistake which I can't really say for myself and it took me a little while to figure out the strategies but man this fight was incredible oh my [Music] God oh my goodness bro look so painful oh my goodness I almost screwed that up oh yeah he's going to walk right past it he's going to walk right past it sweet but I have to hit him like two more times I think yeah I just sneak up on him okay yep perfect can't allowe to see me he's too he did it okay that was a cool fight get mega mind out of here I lose my mind hide and seek baby that was a cool trophy I had to work for that one and while on my way to the next boss fight something interesting happened you see you can use Batman's gadgets in the middle of a fight with quickfire buttons it's just another way to continue your combo and I knew there was a trophy for using five in one fight that's cool how you can use all the gadgets I don't even know all the all the shortcuts you're going to die tonight oh I just got so I knew there was a trophy for it I just didn't know how many shortcuts there were and I'll be honest Joker's fight is not as cool as the previous ones but this one is actually pretty tough if you've played this game before you know why not only are there a room full of these idiots but I've got these guys to deal with too and for some reason trains are speeding through here one more hit and I'm done all right one more hit now ah getting rocked bro I'm getting rocked no I'm getting rocked bro what do I oh my goodness just me and you Joker that was so tough bro ghost train oh my goodness that was so rough the rest of the game goes by pretty quickly through the use of stealth and I pop the last few trophies it's now time to focus on the side quest big one here being the Riddler Collectibles of course and these have not one but five trophies associated with just the riddles so yeah I left those for last instead I went ahead and started The Madhatter quest which starts after I take a conveniently placed cure on a random Rooftop in the city seriously how did Batman fall for this eloki deserve this whole mushroom hallucination thing and getting jumped on the bright side I was able to knock out two trophies in one first for getting a 50 hit combo and then later for foiling the Mad Hatter's plans whatever that may have been and remember those AR challenges from earlier like I said the first few were basic and unlocked a faster way to travel through the city but the advanced ones are what will earn this trophy for me they're a bit harder but there's really just one that's stupidly difficult look at where I have to glide through this is the one yes oh my goodness they're going to shoot me while I'm trying to do this thing so close so close no go down let's try this again dive don't you dare don't make it make it make it yes oh I got a trophy AR Knight why are those actually like tough at one point Bane actually shows up and recruits Batman to help him destroy the Titan tanks around the city we have of course agree because these gas tanks contain some powerful drugs that Joker used in the Asylum but did he seriously think Batman didn't expect this I knew I couldn't trust you Bane so I used you instead look at this doofus and the next few trophies kind of flew by they weren't as interesting as other side quests and I had high hopes for this Deadshot Mission but we kind of just take him out instantly oh that's easy well I'll take my trophy that was very easy and the ringing phones around the city they lead to the phone boo killer s oh my goodness bro that hurt me bro he's still yapping what is he talking about right now Crimson rivers of blood that will pour from the holes that will cut in your what there's also tracking down the mysterious Watcher the same guy I threw the battle rang at earlier he's just a glorified stalker let's be real there's a couple other side quests too but more importantly I have to do all this Riddler stuff who knew the Riddler was literally about to take over my life actually wait that might have been a good title I tried to find as many of these as I could they do show up on the map but some of them are still a mystery or should I say a riddle to solve and after every 80 riddles there's a hostage to save these little puzzle rooms are pretty cool not the hostage part but like the room you go to to save them they're pretty cool keep your eyes open Dark Knight shall we see if you were right I know I'm right nope and the winner is me he's going to die help you picked wrong Dark Knight all right we're going to pretend like that didn't happen wow he cheated no wonder why I got it wrong bro I got played shall we see if you were right how did you do that Mastermind you damn right and finally it was time to finish up the Riddler side quest once and for all don't get it twisted this whole side quest was extremely long and the worst part is he has the worst boss fight if you could even call it that that's right after struggling through the main story I had the pleasure of doing it all over again in New Game Plus honestly this wasn't too bad since I just played through the entire game so we won't focus too much on it two of the coolest trophies in my opinion were visiting a memorial for Bruce Wayne's parents and then this trophy for visiting the calendar man on 12 separate holidays in 2011 yes that's right I time traveled with my PS5 back to 2011 and listen to the calendar man tell me his psychotic stories about each holiday of the year this guy is creepy leave him locked up down there by the time I was about to earn this trophy I came to the conclusion that this dude is a menace and deserves to be locked down here forever with the key thrown now listening to him ramble was worth it though all right this is the last visit I'm over this trophy scog oh there we go I'm not even going to finish listening to him we got our trophy Storyteller and to 100% the trophies I had to go back into the story is Catwoman and collector Jewels no complaints for me I basically just had to run around scanning for who had the treasure then knock them out out I really can't say the same for Harley Quinn's Revenge though which I had to start three times in this DLC you play as Robin and it takes place after the main story since you have to select it from the main menu it loads up the game as a separate level compared to the main story this is important because one of the trophies I had to earn was destroying all of Harley Quinn's balloons there's 30 of these found throughout the level but what sucks is they don't show you where they are on the map at all if you go too far you cannot go back to find any that you missed and that's where I because I did not know that I went in blind cuz I just liked playing as Robin and thought it was cool he has his own set of tools and takes out the bad guys and his own style frequent flyer there we go battering I got both of them done already the focus of the DLC is trying to find Batman because he's been missing for a couple days everything was pretty normal at first and I was set to earn a trophy after fighting these dudes and the DLC cuts the Batman for a short time basically to explain how Batman got caught in the first place here I was able to free roam but I didn't know there were were a lot of Harley Quinn balloons here that I did not get to I know I know I should have used a guide but I was being an idiot a couple trophies later I was back to Robin if I would have done this correctly with a guy this entire DLC would have taken only an hour and that includes this Harley boss fight if you could even call it that again let's do it no Aura yeah this really might be the easiest boss fight in the game bro what kept you never heard of thank you facts what kept you imagine Batman oh I'm on a timer this is where I get this one Trophy and there's a sniper I got to get the sniper out all right bomb number two murderer Harley Quinn's mad at Batman we definitely made it and bomb squad and that finishes up the DLC but since I needed the balloons I loaded it back up and this time used the guide kind kind of I played the first section through then used the guy once I got to the open area this worked out well until I got to the end and had 29 out of 30 balloons this should have been the last one right here but I again missed one what are the odds that I missed one balloon in the first section of the game and well to answer that question I'll refer you to Murphy's Law what can go wrong will go wrong so I loaded up the DLC a third time and of course oh there it is right in the beginning part's over and now I'm on to the last phase of this Platinum Riddler's Revenge this is the hardest part of this grind by far and only gets worse with each character I complete I started off as classic old Batman The Riddler set up these challenge levels that I need to earn a specific score on to pass basically the bigger combo I do the more score I get I can also use gadgets and finishers for more score but you don't really need them they start out extremely easy and then they quickly turn into endless stress and frustration oh that was easy that was very easy Flawless Reflow fighter 2.0 that's a mouthful to say so that's the key just don't get hit and just keep the combo up I can keep doing that and that's what I did from just a combat challenges alone I made huge progress towards this Trophy and earned some others in the process too man that one was tough oh I got a trophy obtain 24 medals W you see there's also Predator challenges these are rooms full of enemies and I have three specific challenges to complete in each level this is where the difficulty is and they get harder as you go take this level for example I needed to pull someone off a ledge get a weak wall taked down and to get a great takedown these aren't too bad normally but all three together requires these enemies to be in a very specific spot which sometimes took me a little while to figure out that part might have been a skill issue easy but it was easy that was easy that almost went bad though oh I got my trophy too silver Revenge that's perfect perfect way to end a trophy but after enough attempts most challenges really didn't take that long and that even includes the infamous top of the world map this is by far the hardest level the way it's designed the only Vantage points I could grapple up to were outside the large room where all the enemies were so doing things like silent takedowns were much harder because I could be seen at any moment and it took me some trial and error before I was able to beat the six Predator maps that was so perfect it felt wrong before I realized that the game has extreme versions of the same levels and they definitely live up to their name I'm doing it are you scared damn I got sniped so so fast that was ridiculous that was so fast I popped out boom sniped this level is a good example of how ridiculous these levels can get I needed to get a reverse ledge takedown and leave the Jammer enemy for last I cannot stress how annoying this type of takedown is I can't do a reverse ledge Tak down from right here just look at these attempts oh I missed the button I died anyways I missed the button from over there got him got him got him hurry up oh my goodness I'm at one Health I'm at one Health okay we can do this we can do this we can do this we can do this three of them are right there on wake up damn it he's out cold Batman I thought he was going to face that way so I jumped down on this side but then he turned around this way and I was already in front of him on this side and he shot me that's what happened leave them we've got more important things to be looking I think I took out the wrong guy I'm actually mad that I did that you're not oh the guy with the jet the backpack gu right here never mind never mind we're good we're good I just jammed it yes yes I thought I messed up cuz the detective mode was showing too much we did it yo that took way too long yeah that was easily one of the tougher challenges the remaining challenges were tough too but I was eventually able to get through them until I got back to Top of the World extreme this was the last level I needed to earn this trophy for earning 72 medals and man was the game going to make me earn it let me explain all of the extreme Maps so far had new requirements to complete but they also have more enemies on the map and their guns do extra damage to me now this meant that using the wreck Gadget or the freeze clusters were extra difficult because there's always a damn henchmen somewhere nearby these aren't very big Maps so adding more enemies made things really crowded and dangerous let's go I got shot up but it worked you rules are performing at a level significantly below what I had expected all you've done is tell me you're here come here bro come here oh my goodness I did it finally just under 7 minutes that was crazy but I didn't celebrate for too long though and just so you know I spent another 40 hours since this point here on the remaining trophies that starts with the Riddler campaign yes really I know I called calendar man a menace earlier but in reality The Riddler is seriously a deranged Menace because bro the campaign means these are three levels packed into one Challenge and I needed to get three medals on each one for a total of nine per campaign they can have a combination of combat and Predator Maps but some are only combat which are easy and some are only Predator which are not easy you might be thinking what makes this so hard since I just did every challenge map once I start a campaign I'm given additional restrictions to choose from and I have to use every single one by the end of the three levels but I can mix and match however I want some levels are better suited for any particular restriction compared to others this is important because I only have three retries before I have to start the whole campaign over so I had to be careful with my choices even with all this added on I actually felt like I had improved enough at the game that I was flying through these campaigns oh I got a trophy nice I forgot you get trophies along the way I was just expecting it to be like the last one the restrictions shook things up a bit but didn't make it feel impossible that is until I reached this campaign we'll do this do this and we'll do this at this point I'm only a few levels away from completing the trophy for all campaigns reverse ledge takedown you got to I went too fast are you kidding me he's going to see me get over here really okay well he saw me we got him the one the one on the right all the way over there I missed the button got it bro no way he has the aura now oh wait I almost took out the wrong dude I almost took out the wrong dude oh never mind we we're good the game just saved me now I know how to do the second map I know how to do it I think both chaos the no boom box Deep Impact and boom box they're both tough so as soon as I start I got to go immediately spray this right here go up there two of them there's two of them right there boom what boom go go go no please I think I'm good I think I'm good they lost me I don't know how to do the last map I don't know the strategy danger zone and free medal is that it that's the best you can do I messed up the strategy that dude was climbing the ladder that was perfect right there for two medals he's done he's done though right here boom he should be yeah he's knocked out this this all right take number two guys take number two no he went too far up I'm going to go up I know it's going to blow up they see me he didn't fall down he did yeah I got murdered bro I got murdered it's been real guys it's been real guys it's been real I tried I tried bro I tried I have another retry though I'm good they see me I should still be fine even though I messed up I should be fine cuz oh no cuz that cuz the ladder I'm not fine it's cuz I killed the one dude I need the ladder if I if I let him see me he's going to come down somehow you don't see me don't hurt me please what do you mean don't hurt you come down here no way he has more guns right there oh my God I got shot he had guns right next to [Music] him not going to lie I'm just I'm just spamming cuz I already did it it's done I can't lose now it's done I'm spamming cuz it's done no okay it's not done it's not done I got too excited they weren't dying I was shooting them with the thing they were falling over the ledge but they were still alive I don't understand I don't understand there's just no way he doesn't come to the ladder right there's no way he doesn't you turn around this game is rigged yes finally get down yes oh my goodness this was a tough two hours bro oh whoa slow down slow down oh he turn around what the hell why'd he turn around we're going to beat you down oh I'm not going to beat you down whatever ground tick down let's go campaign gold and it should be perfect night perfect night day two finally with Batman's campaigns done I would only need a few random trophies before I Platinum the game but I was on a mission all of that really stuff I did was extremely hard yes wait till you see what it was like as Catwoman Robin and Nightwing they are downright torture at certain points especially as Catwoman I started with the challenges and taken on the original Maps again and their extreme version since her tool set was smaller than Batman's there was only so much variety ahead with her challenge requirements got him got him too oh my God he dodged it what how do he Target is mobile Mission failed oh why did it what did I do wrong I don't even oh okay all right so I got that in place move to my location oh my God that dud has the best aim I've ever seen actually run run run run this is a really good start this is a really good start I've got Vis come on hurry up bro I was spamming the whip so the cat caught the little mouse okay how come down come down come down come here bro I got to make sure you're the last one though I think he is is come here bro trophy in coming why is this one so stressful let's go beine Revenge oh no I said it people hate when I say let's go I don't know why but people hate when I say let's go but let's go feline revenge and many hours later I made it to the final campaign level as Catwoman but here you'll see I left three restrictions for the end that was dumb I was still confident though okay trip oh I can do this I can do this I can do this I can do this I can do this I can do this I come over here right boom doesn't know what hit him then we run run run what oh my God oh my God oh my God oh oh okay that's attempt number one down that was not how it was supposed to happen that dude that's where he was supposed to be oh oh I got stuck there's mines okay okay okay okay solid oh my God there's another mine okay okay okay okay hold on what they see me that wasn't on purpose that was not on purpose I thought we were yo I died so fast it's coming up the stairs like a bro how do they know I'm there how do they know it's a silent [Music] takedown this has been my best start by far for you got what I'm not going to do it I'm not going to do it up there I'm going to do it what this is perfectly understandable he's going to see me oh he didn't see me oh thank goodness finally bro it's taking like two hours we did it free medal baby campaign Kitty we're done with Catwoman don't ever have to use her again I thought I'd be happy going back to Robin after going through that insane struggle with Catwoman but things did not get easier again I was back to doing the challenges first before doing the campaigns at least now Robin actually has a real set of tools unlike Catwoman at this point I also learned that both Robin and Nightwing require a few more medals on both the challenges and campaign that's because they each have their own DLC levels and here is Robins which is on a train and it's actually a really cool sides scrolling 2D map 2D I kind of like this it's funny because it's the same like mechanics level two is just running to the right it's a different train car no oh I already made it 32,000 it also didn't take very long to get back to everyone's favorite challenge map top of the world I must confess even my overly optimistic prediction is I on the I'm off to a decent start here I got my three medals I just have to survive this might be it bro there's only one guy left and he doesn't have armor Target is moving this way all right trophy is mine with one HP Robin Revenge you you know the deal by now challenge Maps done and on to the campaigns I always left the hardest ones for last so fast forward 10 hours and we're back to this level oh yes okay two left you didn't have the aura right now you'd be done buddy wait wait one left the trophy is mine wait that's going to explode all right I almost messed that up I almost messed that up the trophy is mine campaign Wonder okay no more Robin and now finally the last character Nightwing his levels are weird to me because you don't use them in the story unlike the other three characters but it's still fun and honestly by this point the levels really didn't seem that hard anymore I already got through the toughest parts of the game by now and after this level I'd earned the Nightwing challenges trophy when he turns around I can do the standing ledge this is perfect W boom W trophy incoming only took 3 minutes too that was way easier than I expected Nightwing Revenge a couple hours later I'm at this point only a few medals away from being completely done with the Riddler I don't need to do the electrical blast you are the best how unfortunate for me to have to rely on you to get this done thankfully you still have me to guide you without my help you would already have lost screaming we did it I might have messed up that wasn't pretty it wasn't pretty but we did it that's it it's already mine we're done we already did it there'd be like six left should be like five left riveting game play is he the last one I think he is this is perfect soon as you go on that walkway you're done thank you very much look at him look at him going do a Beat down for the trophy finally campaign Nightwing baby this game and honestly this video has felt like a journey so thank you for watching this far the last trophy before popping the Platinum is perfect free flow 2.0 where I have to perform a complete combo with Batman using all of his techniques I did not mean to do that oh I have the aerial attack done that's not it oh I had to do ultra stun there we go who needs a list just remember what to do Platinum baby let's go that wasn't so bad it was the campaigns the campaigns were bad Arkham City's Platinum was rough but Gotham knights was pretty fun with insane missions like this one click on the screen to go watch it
Channel: 3PointGamer
Views: 314,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arkham city, arkham city platinum, plat, platinum, trophy, batman, batman platinum, batman trophies, catwoman, arkham asylum platinum, arkham knight platinum
Id: FiTWhWrr7VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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