How Wolfenstein 2's PLATINUM Took Over MY LIFE!

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I decided to challenge myself and earn Wolfenstein 2's platinum trophy this would require multiple playthroughs hours of Collectibles and One Singular trophy that made this whole thing a big mistake this video will showcase the pain I went through for Wolfenstein 2's Platinum will begin in phase one where I choose the difficulty I play on many of you told me that starting on death incarnate was a mistake and you were right my first trophy pops a minute into the game which locks me into this journey well that was a quick trophy the game starts off pretty dark and by the way the choice I made here was the wrong choice you'll see why later the very first level is one of the hardest for beginners like me you're in a wheelchair and your guns are at their weakest I'm not gonna lie I can't even think of an excuse I should have shot try that again first enemy of the game killed me oh there's another one back I'm over here collecting whatever's on the ground all right I think we're good oh bro I looked for like a few seconds struggling my way past the first enemies of the game brings me to the first missable trophy like many other games you're able to knock down enemies silently from behind I think this is it I can get him trophy let's go crippled but able one out of ten on stealth takedowns baby the rest of this level was just me dying quite a bit and having a swell time eventually I made it to the next level where I can finally walk as well as dual wield my guns and of course a trophy these extra jump circles perform Powers oh my goodness hold on this is like literally like Halo okay use the power armor here's the game introduces commanders if you take these guys out first the reinforcements don't show up this becomes my top priority later during the mind leaving playthrough but on my first playthrough I didn't realize there were two commanders in this room or really what these numbers meant so I really wasn't very stealthy and that leads to moments like this I'm out of ammo what it just happened oh I think I had to reload oh that was that was bad this first playthrough is hilarious because the enemy spawned in the same spots on every level but I of course didn't know this since I went in blind it leads to even more hilarious deaths I don't feel safe here oh yeah my next trophy comes after I start guns blazing through this section that's best done stealthy that's a common theme in this game by the way you can be stealthy for a lot of it which would have been good information to have boom thank you William the housemates is losing time oh nice and I got a trophy Wolfenstein 2 mostly takes place in the U.S and that last area was the final one before we get to our home base the Eva's Hammer this happens to be a submarine that we took over from the Nazis here is also where we get our next trophy oh I can upgrade a weapon whoa oh I can upgrade my weapon I wonder if this is a trophy here okay this is the weapon I keep using oh I can go stealth all right I'm going with stealth I'm doing it Tinker I had a feeling that would be a trophy after finishing up there we head on over to Manhattan which is not nearly as exciting as it is in real life there's a ton of close range enemies in this section and I definitely took my sweet time fighting them because of how quickly I could die from one small mistake the suppressor is wild and speaking of mistakes there's a giant robot in this level yeah I don't know why I stood I don't know why I Stood Still I'm gonna test the old man's medal all right I'm gonna just try to fight a run away I'm not I'm not gonna try to fight him where's the door I can go this way yeah let's go this way go go go go all right all right all right go go go if the game is saving so I clearly I did the right thing by running away sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles I'm picking to not choose this battle to reach the top of it's not moving wait let me upgrade my weapon hey I got a trophy I think it's because I fully upgraded that weapon yeah it is it's just the only weapon I've been using so far so I just want to upgrade it have access to a much better weapon but I didn't know it yet we're up to like four mistakes now in this run so far you also might have noticed these little pop-ups on screen these show my progress towards perk upgrades in this game you unlock perks by doing things rather than just buying them so I had to do stuff like getting dual wheeled kills or grenade kills and that unlocks bonuses for me it actually ends up being a huge grind in itself to unlock the trophy for maxing out all perks the next level is one that caused me so much heartache it took me quite a few attempts to figure out a decent strategy for this section the penthouse that was too late okay Amazing Grace trophy recruit Grace's group story trophy there's a robot get it don't tell me who killed me I don't want to reload I just want to pick up the armor in health yo they are coming from everywhere all right I like this corner they can't sneak up on me I have a lot of cover all right well I didn't know there was a gas right there I didn't see it okay wait hold on I like that Strat though I'm gonna I'm gonna go in that corner I got a trophy I've been dying here over and over I maxed out some perk I don't even know which one it was but w I killed him oh my goodness there's a robot baby yeah oh my goodness no way that was ridiculous oh that that's the Strat now I just have to actually like do that again and over and over that is ridiculous from there we go on to Roswell I'll skip most of this section now because it's gonna cause me so much heartache later on mind leaving mainly because of this stupid elevator section where there is a commander 200 meters away making it very easy to set the alarm off and remember how I mentioned I made the wrong choice in the beginning of the game that choice directly affects which weapon I get the diesel or the laser ideally you want the laser but my choice gave me the diesel this is a grenade launcher weapon and unlike other first person shooters a grenade launcher in this game sucks up next is Mesquite Texas Billy's childhood home you don't spend a lot of time here but you do meet up with your awful old man this chapter of the game is actually much better known for what comes next the courthouse really what you tell me I just I just did that and survived what how did they let me break free and then I just die what how am I even surviving this long bro I need more ammo or more guns I pick up a machine gun immediately die this is widely considered the toughest section of the game and for good reason and with the help of chat I learned the best strategy was to hide under a desk oh there it is okay so I should be good I just gotta chill here and it's gonna take like 10 minutes this allows me to put the Fantastic enemy AI mechanics on full display who knew hiding under a desk makes you invisible to enemies all I had to do now was spend 10 minutes here then run upstairs and grab some ammo and then hold it down up there there I earned the next trophy where I get a brand new body Yes you heard that correctly oh I got a trophy get a new body and a new contraption that allows me to get to new heights which becomes incredibly useful for some quick strats to skip areas later for now we head on over to New Orleans where I ask some important questions oh my gosh how come I don't have a sniper is there a sniper weapon am I missing it that right there is a Panzer hunt and by now I've gotten past the halfway point of the game and with all my upgrades so far I don't really have much trouble anymore New Orleans also has nighttime levels too where I ride a Panzer hunt and wreak havoc I'll cover more of this area during my leaving and last but not least we head on over to Venus yes the planet this game gets pretty weird okay but before we get there we have another missable Trophy and probably the best one in the game this guy started bleeding immediately oh he's bleeding a lot oh he's bleeding leading a lot more oh man it's my turn to put on a show but there's a pretty funny trophy we're gonna go get first [Music] oh you died pretty quickly okay well I got my trophy kick it oh it just reloads I can do it again I don't have any guns though I'm just I just die immediately okay the game also spoils us with another trophy once we actually enter Venus Airfield oh trophy Venus this section perfectly showcases my adaptability skills my face here says it all I've Gotten Good at improvising this is fine this is fine we're good nobody knows I'm here I'm gonna go take out that Commander good and yeah Venus is another section that really isn't too bad we use some stealth we fight some big soldiers okay wait I do make some mistakes I'm not perfect okay and the end of the Venus level is my favorite because of this right here oh wow and then he just exit the level oh wow now before beginning the last chapter of the game I took two short detours for some more upgrades which is highly recommended on the later difficulties there's a short little obstacle course here to follow and then I punched this guy right here and then I'm pretty much done oh Plus Package okay unlock the battle Walker upgrade yes sir that's all I have to do my overcharged Health begins to deflate only when taking damage okay cool the next detour I took involved these two Trophies the first one is here where I solve some short and easy puzzles to unlock access to districts there we go Puzzler okay districts are how I revisit old areas of the game to take down Uber commanders which sounds scary but they're just regular old commanders to be honest oh I got a trophy too visit a district I feel like I've visited so many districts and I just finally got that trophy revisiting these districts is also key to find every collectible later but for now I was just here for the ram shackles another Contraption upgrade that I didn't choose earlier since I took the battle Walkers am I going the wrong way I'm probably going the wrong way right oh no I just got it the ramshackles sweet so I can just Ram through obstacles now and the final chapter of the game we're actually just revisiting the beginning area of the game all over again except this time there's way more enemies there are so many ways to die here all right all right and this is the last encounter of the entire game an absolutely insane gunfight what even is that thing what even is that all right I learned that you cannot just look at him and just shoot he will win and one-on-one like that he will win that did not work oh my God run this is my new strategy this is just my life now killed one two more oh that's two that's two I might actually do this like on the real run honestly wait there was only two though okay then wow the outs Mercer capture the outsmarter yup she's talking about me right now [Music] Revolution baby we're back at the ship yo where's my trophies I'm supposed to get like four trophies hello all right blaskowitz while the guys that's one keep playing that's for watching the credits hello oh they did yo they never popped yo they robbed me of the trophy Pops in fact it's been 14 minutes now before I cover my mind leaving run so let's go over all of the cleanup trophies all right so for this trophy I just need to I think I have to get off and just run through all right just gotta run through it feels so weird running past enemies after I played the whole game dying to them over and over get up get up I I it says I got an environment kill how all right let's try that again I'm also not exactly sure of the best route I think it's this way I want to say it's this way yeah you can definitely run forever you can definitely run forever oh my goodness I'm running low on health I need to pick up some armor or something there's got to be some somewhere go go go go oh is that the source bro are we serious what is that I didn't know there was a big robot here oh it's this hole there we go I'm machine enough okay perfect missable trophy done eat the Panzer and ride without killing anyone that was actually really easy so there are six different Collectibles to be found in all of the districts in Wolfenstein too this was also the perfect time to work on my perks I spent most of this phase visiting each district and following a guide to pick everything up sweet starting a collection along the way I did pick up other random trophies too like this moment here come here bro there's a trophy for run ramming into him but it never works there we go bull rush as soon as I say it it worked and all of the collectible cleanup leads to a ton of trophies popping back to back so let's just enjoy the trophy rush so there's plenty of games you can play oh I got a trophy oh nice I got my Hail Mary it took two tries and then his friend didn't know what happened to him oh there's my trophy Golden Boy okay that took a little while we got it trophy sweet meet the cast is that the Statue of Liberty what it is I can also get this trophy here by shooting that guy with his own gun all right so I just have to have to shoot his arm off pickup is gone where'd his gun go saw it no my trophy is that it need that right there whoa it's an Uber driver feels like I should have got the trophy just now hmm oh no I'm gonna I'm gonna load again let's see there we go taste of your own medicine why that didn't work the first time I don't know I don't know and I have to get this right here for another trophy boom back to back Terror Billy let's go home I Loki was scared I still would have dropped the video too another trophy there and then I gotta upgrade all my weapons and that's gonna be a trophy hold on oh wait hold on boom gun nut sing out all perks is made really easy in Wolfenstein 2. that's because your perk progress is saved even if you die that means I can set up a perfect save file in this area here the penthouse and grind perks as much as I need to before dying to reload my safe this respawns those same enemies and I keep all my progress all right this should be the last one and then that's my last perk which means another trophy Max all perks finally it took way too long all right so for this trophy I need to beat the shooting range so it looks like I need to get a score of 450. the shooting range is down here there's two trophies in this area actually I'm low on ammo all right switch weapons switch weapons it should be fine 3.95 come on oh I did it let's make a point okay I really ran out of ammo all right and then the next trophy is in the kill house I need to get the second best time which is 47 seconds boom boom jump boom almost forgot him over there can't forget him can't can't have him feeling left out now Ron we're done go come on oh yeah we beat it with comfortable time first loser that's right why am I happy to be the first loser and now it's time to talk about the one single trophy that scares most people away from attempting this Platinum the Mind leave in play through after making the correct decision this time I was about to blaze through the first level where was he I don't even know where he was this was going to be harder than I thought now's a good time to mention that every run of mine lieben begins with five minutes of unskippable cutscenes if I die I have to sit through this again every time this meant that I needed to be serious on every run to be as efficient as possible but you can jump in this what how am I jumping right now you know my living means my life what no it doesn't no way I better not die I was gonna say why was he crouching why was he no no it's a five minute cutscene no oh no uh why wasn't I paying attention my bad guys that's not me I I admit that's not me I admit I I admit I was I was focused on why he was able to jump don't worry I eventually started to take things seriously and made some real progress no no no listen I told you this is one of the harder levels with enough practice I did finally get consistent with it there's even cool moments like this ah the canister perfect and that's pretty much the end of this section here's the first Commander room again and like I mentioned earlier I took out the commanders first this time and stayed up here you guys have seen already how quick I can die in this game it's always better to be safe than sorry like this section here where I'm trying my best to avoid direct combat oh man I'm nervous there he is hatchets are my best friend no no way no way no way I messed up yeah sometimes it's best to put the game down and come back later here's a great example of how I needed to be ready to react at all times to survive this playthrough first Commander kill this is where I messed up because the other guy would come around and he would see that dead body no close the door I still messed up oh no where was the enemy and that death right there taught me to always be sure there's no enemies left before moving on eventually I made it back here the last encounter before getting back to the evos Hammer thankfully this strategy of peaking under these pipes is very good and consistent and next up was Manhattan this is easily one of my favorite levels now after getting a suppressor and learning the best strats sometimes it's best to avoid fighting and simply run ahead oh my God go go go oh my how did I Live Now remember the Manhattan chapter ends with the penthouse you know that area where I died over 10 times there's actually a really good Strat that I now know about it makes this whole encounter very doable you know I'm starting to think I'm getting pretty good at this game but don't worry remember how I didn't cover Roswell much of my first playthrough we'll cover it now it begins simple enough sneaking around taking out weirdos and their evil dogs and boarding a train into enemy territory here I sneak around some more as it's actually really consistent and easy to do so you're able to go inside the trains but I choose to stay outside jump across these carts and climb these ladders to avoid enemies try to remember this it becomes a very important detail soon a few minutes later I got to the elevator section again that I briefly mentioned earlier in the video the commander is 200 meters away so staying hidden is of the utmost importance my strategy was to sneak to around this spot here and climb up this railing then wait for the elevator to come down and sneak up to the next area I made it this far without getting spotted so it was just a matter of time or so I thought it didn't let me climb I know I know that was tragic even worse knowing that it takes an hour and a half to get back to that exact point which I of course did here this is where I died yesterday I'm on the valve this time we lived oh man PB man this is literally a PB right here just because I made it to this platform they saw me how did they see me I thought I was safe here to be honest who was shooting me he spawned behind me oh my God bro what what what okay I'm definitely feeling the pain of this plaque it got so bad that I was dying in ways that I didn't even know I could I would say no that yeah because I was like I don't need yo I didn't even know you could die there bro I wasn't paying attention although my personal best was that elevator area twice I still had to make it back there on every run areas like this back in Manhattan were still a challenge I had to overcome on every single run specifically because of this robot thank you sometimes you guys ask me how I stay motivated on tough challenges like this and the answer is I'm absolutely stubborn I knew I could do this after all I wasn't gonna let an elevator stop me in my tracks but for some reason I just couldn't stay in stealth did they see me maybe it was a skill issue please please tell me they didn't see me oh my God they saw me how do they see me I hate it here bro I hate it here every guy that I watch people are fine I don't have ammo I'm done for bro he shot me through the floor it became very clear that RNG was a huge factor in the Roswell chapter but you know what wasn't RNG remember this train section that comes right before the elevator and that I said was important to remember look at what happens here I'm done I'm getting off I'm getting off I'm getting off I'm getting off I'm getting off I'm getting off yo good stream guys all right guys all right I can't believe I just did that this might have been the one death that hurt me the most and you haven't even seen what's to come yet like I said I'm stubborn and was not about to give up here's when RNG was in my favor okay I'm actually still stealth wow this is easily my best attempt finally we got past it and if you remember this next room was the main reason why I needed the laser weapon with the correct execution this room becomes very consistent all right I plant the bomb right and then I have to charge my weapon up then walk forward I think I got him I think I got I think I got him I think I got him I think I got him run I think I think I did it I think I did I think I'm scared I'm not gonna lie from there it's the easy house I mean the courthouse I made sure to get to my spot ASAP all right so now this is my new home for the rest of my life and that was true this method is really easy I actually never died at the courthouse on a mind leaving run now before heading on over to New Orleans there was a short detour we take back in Manhattan I didn't mention it earlier on my first run because it's usually really consistent and easy I stay in stealth pretty much the entire time making for a really fun section but this is my leaving where a mistake can kill me in two seconds foreign that's right this whole area is supposed to be a non-issue and I lost a full three hours to It New Orleans is a perfect example of game knowledge being my best friend I knew exactly how many enemies would spawn in this area here because there's no Commander meaning there's no reinforcements but it's not like they needed it though because there's over a dozen enemies trying to get to me under this staircase nighttime New Orleans was the real issue this is where I briefly get to use my own Panzer to take down loads of enemies before relying on stealth again and if you ask most people New Orleans isn't too bad except for the last area this house was that last area I needed to clear it before finishing New Orleans entirely and trust me when I say this becomes stressful I took a lot of damage here there's gotta be stuff back here foreign yo I'm spamming the triggers and he's reloading shoot all right I admit that one was my fault why was I standing in the hallway reloading that that one was my fault oh we beat it and now it's time for Venus by this point I definitely had a guide up so I knew the correct lies to choose if you choose the wrong ones you die automatically and the Run ends and of course I did not kick him this time when the level actually starts my top priority is to remain in stealth because this area is full of big enemies dogs and explosives he was not supposed to be there all right I guess I'm chilling right here foreign I don't even know who killed me that run cost me four hours and all to a slight mistake at this moment right here I was supposed to be behind this wall on the left that's it that's the mistake I made here on this next run I obviously learned my lesson that's where I messed up last time what happened what happened oh strover is drover is drover it's over what happened I learned later that my mistake was I shot this battery here costing me another four hours by now I knew I made it through the first four hours just fine there was only an hour left of this game that I needed to master I felt more motivated than ever and in fact this section that I now died at twice back to back is one of the coolest sections to do correctly thank you finally oh man stressful once I actually got to the surface of Venus I was following the guide to a t except when I made a mistake and set the alarm off I have no cover though I have no cover like I said this game forces you to react and improvise I actually went to the low ground because that meant I could fight the dumb AI enemies from far away without getting hit thus saving the run and with my battle Walkers I was able to skip a few rooms by doing some parkour with full health and armor I was feeling good all right okay on second thought I messed up quite a bit on Venus didn't I it's even stressful watching it back while editing the rest of Venus includes this conveyor belt section that can be scary but thankfully gave me no issues and I then sneak around some more and use my favorite shortcut once again to exit the level foreign before the final level I took a detour again to pick up the ramshackles which many people were highly against for some reason but I knew what I was doing and this upgrade was very easy to get and well worth the five minutes afterwards I went on to the final area taking my sweet time with all of the enemies at this point it had been about five hours and I was really hungry but I didn't lose focus I executed stealthy sections flawlessly I used cover perfectly and I wasn't even scared when a super soldier jumped above me you but what did scare me was this next moment here where I had to run to this ladder this last portion of the game had to be almost Flawless and here's how it went all right it's now we're never let's do this we made it in here there's a big boy outside go back in [Music] oh there we go we're safe yep turning around nope turning around bro the dog's just chilling waiting for me yo this is a good Strat right here usually the commander is the last guy so he's walking towards me that's it yeah he's walking too much right now with his dumb pistol look at him headshot last fight hit the like button subscribe all that good stuff now we're never foreign and they said don't get the regen upgrade I'm gonna hang out here they're right above me right now too because they're right above me I'm going to blast this guy now that regen upgrade is fire bro you guys are crazy somebody said don't do it nah you're crazy just pissed him off there's another one all right I don't know where he's at oh my God I'm pretty sure that's a one shot oh I'm pretty sure that's a one shot I think I killed him I think I killed him that's it meow all right yes sit it's over I told you today was the day first try finally it's over finally man oh my goodness look at her she's repulsive mind leaving yes oh my goodness that was so painful we did not die in outsmarter 2. W's in the chat let's go oh my goodness if you're wondering why the Platinum didn't pop yet it's because I actually did mine leaving before all of these trophies and my final trophy remaining was the worst grind of all collecting 1 000 helmets took me around two hours of reloading a save file until I finally popped the Platinum laughs it happened mind leaving is so tough why is it a bronze I hope you enjoyed the video if you want to see another hard Platinum damn it check out my Super Meat Boy Platinum video here
Channel: 3PointGamer
Views: 137,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wolfenstein 2, wolf 2, plat, trophy, platinum, wolfenstein 2 platinum, mein leben, ps5, ps4
Id: 6aJYv3KXxn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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