The Challenge of Dead Space's BRUTAL Platinum

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Dead Space is widely considered a classic survival horror game and since I didn't get the chance to play it when it first released in 2008 I simply had to go for the Platinum of the Dead Space remake there's 48 trophies in this game but really there's three to keep in mind since they could require separate playthroughs we have one for completing the game with only the starting weapon another trophy here for completing New Game Plus and finally a trophy for completing the game on Impossible mode the game's hardest difficulty which happens to be permadeath mode as well at first glance this looks like it requires three different playthroughs but I found out it's possible to do this with only two playthroughs and since that meant an added challenge that's what I did so I started my journey into Dead Space on Impossible difficulty while restricting myself to only using the plasma cutter we take control of our protagonist Isaac Clark who is part of a crew sent to this ship the ishimura two investigate a distress signal we find out very quickly why there was a distress signal in the first place are they coming in yo where's is my gun bro I don't have a gun this is not fair so of course I ran as fast as I could until I found my first weapon and the only weapon I'll be using for this entire run pretty soon after my first encounter with the aliens did not go so well oh my god oh okay well that's uh that was a good run time to start the game over you know this death really put into perspective how nice it would have been to have teammates right now that didn't get taken out in the previous room and speaking of teammates you can definitely rely on teammates to help you when you join a clan in raid Shadow Legends this is a free to play mobile RPG that's perfect when you need a break from really difficult trophy grinds I know like impossible mode on Dead Space with over 80 million downloads already you'll have no problems finding a clan to help you take down some awesome bosses of course you're gonna need to level up a powerful Champion so you can do your part the top three Champions I'm personally looking forward to unlocking are special Valentine's Champion like cupid is here and Romero whose armor is amazing you have to admit and even this Champion here named Venus but there's over 650 completely unique Champions to choose from raids even prepared something special for all new players we get the chance to vote on our favorite starter champion after downloading raid all you have to do is copy your in-game ID and vote here at this URL for your favorite Champion act quickly because this vote ends February 10th otherwise you you'll miss out on a chance to win even more awesome prizes like epic and Legendary Champions or even some Amazon gift cards MMA and wrestling star Ronda Rousey has her own special Champion too you can get Rhonda by just opening raid on seven days before February 20th and that's it so if you haven't started playing raid yet then click the link in the description or scan the QR code on the screen and you'll get unique bonuses worth 35 dollars we're talking a free epic Champion named yotun 100K silver 50 gems and two epic skill teams all these awesome bonuses are only available for 30 days for new players and once you're in game come find me under my username three pointgamer now back to struggling on Dead Space on the next run I really tried to focus on two things using this ability here called stasis which slows things down as well as trying to use melee to save ammo but I also forgot that the enemy or Necromorphs that they're actually called walk up behind you which again led to my demise and yet another restart I'm dead I'm down I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead God damn it same room same room you know they say third time's a charm which I think is pretty true because I use stasis on these guys pretty perfectly and if you look at my health which is right here on Isaac's back I didn't even get hit but of course that only lasted a few seconds because of this situation just moments later oh I don't have I don't have stasis ew oh my goodness you've moved so slow I hate it yeah I don't know how I got out of that honestly but the game did reward me with my first trophy how did the other one die [Music] let's go my first trophy December this member 50 I can't read 50 limbs you you know what it says all it takes is one trophy pop for me to get the ball rolling because I'm a certified gamer and all after walking through the ship aiming down sights for a little bit around corners because I'm paranoid I completed the chapter for another trophy the focus of chapter two is to navigate the medical wing of the ship looking for the former Captain I say that because it can be tough to follow along with the story given the circumstances of the gameplay oh my God you know what I mean for example this room here sure things start out looking up and up because I earned a trophy rather quickly ooh races he died immediately but just a few moments later the worst possible outcome happens peace no all right I Stacey's both of bro I'm dying and as a reminder with every death I had to replay the game up to this point and there's no way to skip cussing no I made it so far into chapter two but on a positive note I was starting to get a better feel for the game knowing where enemies were and being more efficient with my ammo the following clip pretty much sums up the entire experience that's right I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I learned my lesson I got the pull the pole vault with me whatever it's called I'm ready I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm not ready oh my God there's two of them oh my god oh I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm not ready oh I I didn't learn my lesson from if I like I said earlier they're always behind you I didn't learn my lesson we're good though we're good though they're they're crawlers now oh they're dead actually we're good so the rule of thumb is basically if I ever think I'm ready for what's about to come then I'm probably about to die we move on to clearing out this room to find the captain's body and steal his badge access that's right the entire goal right now was basically to steal his key fob and that wraps up chapter two now we need to talk about chapter three before I show you why this was my most painful chapter let's appreciate the zero gravity fun time this chapter starts us off with okay so remember how Isaac just got to the ishimura like 20 minutes ago in chapter one well that doesn't matter at all because we're tasked with solving all of the ship's problems and this time it's out of fuel oh and it's on a collision course with asteroids and an alien planet no big deal we don't want the ship to go boom we have to save the day oh my God I hear it oh he thought he snuck up on me he really thought so try to remember this section right here we're riding a gondola to another portion of the ship and there's no way to speed it up what could possibly go wrong we're going to the other side here in order to get the ship refueling one of our two tasks in this chapter and in this isolated area is of course a ton of demon spawns looking to cut our life into pieces after getting past them we have the option to turn the lights off or the oxygen off and this is necessary to get the fuel station running again I chose to leave oxygen on and cut the lights I actually rode the gondola back with no problems which might get you beautiful Gamers thinking that I hyped this Gondola section up and got through it easily oh no no just you wait I got the second refueling Station live and then basically my worst nightmare became reality bro I am running past a bunch of these brother like where's the ammo yup I'm not fighting back in this clip because I'm completely out of ammo my tip of the day is make sure you have ammo on Impossible mode uh here are them too are you serious I'd like to be able to say I didn't make the same mistake again a few hours later bro what do I do but I can't come on turns out it only takes dying twice a few hours into a run to learn my lesson there's actually stores all over the ship where you can buy Med packs and ammo and I was definitely making use of them from here on out so fast forward back to that same room again this time I did have more ammo and things were looking right until this happened bro I'm almost out of ammo oh and you forgot about the gondola ride didn't you no no no on this next attempt I turned the oxygen off instead of the lights why you ask well I don't know because I was being stupid and now we're about to lose a run before I even made it back to that room bro I better not die here come on come on don't do this to me don't do don't do this to me don't do I bet some of you saw this coming I'm not gonna lie I don't even know what to say so uh fifth time's the charm is what I always say I finally got past this God forsaken death trap of a room I keep forgetting that this elevator is here I keep forgetting this elevators here bro I think I just did it oh my God after activating this machine here we're almost near the end of the chapter just a few more minutes [Music] no that's the worst death there's there's no way there's actually no not making that mistake again I'm gonna let it pass by then right that seems like a smart thing to do there we go so finally my hardest earned trophy of the entire game popped chapter three complete it's been a while since I got a trophy so that I feel like look you guys will agree with me that's well earned chapter four is all about continuing our work shift and getting the ships Asteroid Defense System back online but things can never go smoothly before we get to do anything we're ambushed by a new enemy type called a brute oh what the what is that these guys kinda don't need an explanation they're very large very powerful and want to do very unspeakable things to Isaac so if you'll notice in this clip I'm trying to run in circles to flank this dumb brute and that's because he has weak spots on his side and back which are the only way to hurt him I'm only one shot away from game over but surprisingly this segment has a happy ending despite it being very stressful I got a trophy too let's go this challenge short we walk around the ship fighting our way to flipping some switches on for the defense system before this really cool segment here we get to fly out and calibrate the Cannons that are now online it's really simple we get up close to them then just shoot a couple asteroids to get them calibrated we take in the nice view and now this may seem dull but remember this is my first time ever playing dead space so I never know what's about to happen making it all that much cooler and with that we have completed chapter four did I just beat a chapter without dying hold on okay this feels suddenly possible chapter 5 introduces us to a whole new horror this enemy here is called the Hunter come on oh he's weak I know I made a very bold claim just now but it turns out this thing regenerates his body parts and does not die instead he kind of chases us around the whole chapter around the ship our goal is to turn off some poison gas which is definitely the easy part because soon after we do that we're right back to being confronted by the Hunter and this time we're stuck in a room with them with no Escape at all psych you thought I died it turns out we just had to use stasis on him while he's inside of this chamber here then freeze him up using some machine controls just around the corner all right should be able to lock him in there we go I think that's it we watch him get locked away forever and ever and get rewarded with our trophy this chapter of the game has a proven the air quality around the ship dare I say it by now I was pretty damn skilled at the game because this is my third chapter in a row without dying to actually explain why that is basically I was making different decisions on this run you see dead space has an upgrade system it allows you to upgrade your suit which Awards you things like more health or more oxygen or upgrade your weapons for things like more damage or a faster fire rate remember that I'm only using the first weapon the plasma cutter so basically I just focused on upgrading my only weapon as much as possible on this run much more than my suit actually which proved to be extremely successful since I was able to plow through enemies now I was even nearing the end of another chapter but before that we actually had to fight another boss this thing is called the Leviathan and its tentacles shoot forward at you and are pretty difficult to dodge at least they were for me anyway I was absolutely confused at first and was really just trying to focus on Surviving before I noticed how to attack it I don't even know oh shoot that so similar to the dumb brutes from earlier I have to attack specific points on the leviathan's tentacles to do damage during the next phase this Behemoth passes gas and we're on time to oxygen on top of that he shoots out explosive spitballs at us while still shooting his tentacles if you ask me this is an uneven matchup but still no problem for a certified gamer oh I think I did it oh because that was like slow paced so things really were looking smooth for me right I truly feel the previous three chapters were the easiest of the game my plan now is to keep upgrading my weapon first and my suit second we're tasked with planting an SOS beacon on an asteroid and we're actually planning to shoot this asteroid into space to try to communicate with any other ship so we can skedaddle got it okay cool afterwards we backtrack a bit to a previous area and start fighting another horde by now this was day three of my Impossible Run and I'm gonna be honest back on day two I had learned something from social media that I did not have to use yet but I did decide I would use it should the need arise basically you're able to quit out when you're about to Die the game allows you to reload your last save file which means you saved your Impossible Run and can redo that section I know the last three chapters were super easy but just knowing this trick back in chapter 3 would have saved me like nine hours not risking I'm not risking I'm not risking I'm not risking it I'm not risking it I'm not risking it it's a little cheesy I know but there's other permadeath games that allow you to quit out and save your file too so basically that's how I looked at it here and it was just more fun for me and that's what matters at the end of the day so it turns out the SOS Beacon that we just sent into the void a few minutes ago worked pretty quickly because a ship did try making contact with us I say try because our communication system was down on this ship so we're tasked with fixing it of course during this chapter I was really trying to focus on saving up ammo leading to moments like this one here oh I got a strategy I'm gonna shoot these guys recharge my stasis and then run hopefully they're still think they are run or I can't run foreign ideas from me guys so we kept pushing forward to try to fix our Communications and we came face to face with an old friend that's right the Leviathan is back instead it just stuck to the outside of the ship disrupting our Communications so we're off for round two this working oh they didn't work it still shoots his tentacles at us but we get to use the ship's cannons to do big damage now keeping an eye on oxygen levels the entire fight and shooting the spots until they explode we have to fly over to the left and right shoot down the other two spots once you get down to one remaining explosive spot he actually shoots these mines out that you now have to avoid it's not too bad avoiding them though I got to the last Cannon ready to finish off our foe once and for all until he destroyed the cannon I was down to just the plasma cutter which was my last resort oh there we go I was saying like it destroyed my Cannon but can I take it out and I can't get off my [ __ ] we actually earned back to back trophies here too for completing the chapter nice chapter eight complete it's turned out the ship we came in contact with earlier is now infested and crashed into our ship just our luck right I'm gonna speed up here with the story for the remaining chapters because one I found it to be the only remaining difficult chapter for a number of reasons we'll soon get into and two the story kind of gets weird from here on out since there were no survivors left on this extra ship here our goal now was to retrieve its power core so that we can use it to flee on another small ship so we board this one and I noticed pretty quickly that I was low on ammo on top of that there was a nuclear warhead on this ship which you can imagine what the reason was for that these guys were not our friends clearly so right now we had to disarm it for obvious reasons but that did not go well on take two I shot this enemy in his explosive arm and this one's on me because I should have known not to shoot an explosive near a nuclear bomb what ended up working was using stasis a couple times on it and then shooting it but avoiding the explosive just a few moments later my ammo situation became a pretty real problem I was stuck in a room with two new enemies who are much faster than regular old ones I told you guys earlier that I was improving at this game and I really do mean it I was able to stay calm during this situation and actually made it out despite having no ammo left bro I don't have ammo however I did decide to backtrack here for about 10 minutes backwards just to visit a store and stock up on resources so we navigate a fire trap find the power core we were looking for and Escape before this extra ship explodes fast forward basically we learned that this red thing here is called the marker and it causes people to go paranoid becoming Necromorphs and apparently taking it back to the planet it came from is a solution to our problems so that's what we do but before we do that though it turns out I was able to get the trophy for 150 Collectibles just by exploring and playing the game without a guide I didn't know it at first but this made New Game Plus very simple so in the Final Chapter we land on this foreign planet and I noticed something in the sky right away you know what that looks like from never mind never never mind that I said that okay moving on our goal was to transport the red marker if you thought the ship was infested boy oh boy are you in for a surprise here this entire chapter is basically just fighting off dozens of enemies while the marker moves on Rails very very slowly honestly we're already past the last few difficult bits except for one final part coming up after placing the marker back we're headed back to our ship before being blindsided rather rudely I might add by what is called the hive mind It All Leads up to this one final battle with the monster that controls all the enemies we've been fighting up to this point and at the same time one final battle before we earn our trophy for completing impossible mode with one gun the tactic here is similar to before we have to aim for these yellow humps on the hive mind while avoiding its attacks which includes shooting these mines at us and spewing its bad breath I was doing very good on ammo at this point which shows real growth if you ask me and it basically allowed me to spray and pray because clearly my aim was not on point here however I didn't have any Med packs remaining but I did get used to its attack pattern so I was able to stay alive long enough to destroy the final lump I didn't see this coming oh please don't be dead again I had a very sound strategy I utilized spraying and praying baby it's a very viable tactic I promise I'm supposed to aim at that please make that a trophy Rush please Untouchable let's go complete the game in impossible mode one gun beat the game using only the plasma cutter set a benchmark okay I think we got four troubles cool with the very hard part done New Game Plus and cleanup was our only remaining Focus I prioritize using every other gun on this run and notice that the first weapon you get is pretty much the best weapon for examples this gun here is called the pulse rifle and it's an automatic weapon we are in trophies for defeating enemies with each gun by the way and here's the trophy for using the flamethrower and one more for using the Ripper which shoots saw blades novelty weapon if you ask me moving on from the weapons the biggest difference in New Game Plus and the Remake entirely actually is the addition of a new secret ending this can only be unlocked in New Game Plus and is triggered by obtaining a new collectible called marker fragments they're pretty easy to spot throughout the game and there's only 12. once you collect them all you place them in this little ritual room here near the end of the game and just proceed normally the remainder of the game is normal like I said but the ending is altered before completing the game again we have to fully upgrade all of our weapons and equipment for a few more trophies maxed out right before the final boss then fight the hive mind One Last Time who's much easier actually and I won't spoil the ending because it's new content but cue the final trophy pops rusted contractor let's go Union and there it is important's officer I don't want to spoil the secret ending for anybody that doesn't want to know what happens this Platinum had its challenges but if you want to see a real challenge click on the screen here for another platinum trophy video [Music]
Channel: 3PointGamer
Views: 94,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dead space, dead space remake, dead space trophies, dead space platinum, dead space platinum trophy
Id: L6nsRpyKDzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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