I Platinum'd Gotham Knights To Be The Hero We Needed

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it's no secret that Gotham Knight's released with a bit of controversy I myself was conflicted on whether or not I would pick this game up but a wise man once said don't knock it till you try it so I bought Gotham knights in order to fulfill my desire to avenge Batman and become the hero Gotham City needed if you haven't heard of this game before it's a Batman family game and just know it was not developed by the studio who developed the Arkham games now I know it's cool to hate on this game but listen I went for the Platinum so you didn't have to and I'm gonna show you how I enjoyed it you can play as any other four characters I showed earlier and even play an online co-op I chose to play as Nightwing we started off with learning how to be a detective solve crimes while trying to figure out what happened to that game don't worry I won't spoil anything Story related in this video we soon get our first taste of stealth and then soon after some combat and listen I was not very good at the combat at first I want to emphasize that you are not supposed to mash Square you can actually combo up and perform stronger hits by timing the square button which I learned much later we're then introduced to the bat cycle which becomes an important mode of transportation and of course it has its own trophy later afterwards we get access to our abilities each character has unique abilities by the way and here's our reward for our first unlock [Music] s we Channel our inner mystery gang and get up to no good we start meddling in places we clearly shouldn't be and we end up in a predicament Gotham Knight's cameras in different levels which you obviously do not want to be seen by there's always a way to disable the cameras though which is what I'm going to do or later you can unlock a certain ability for a certain character that I certainly did not know about or choose this game breaks down its story Trophies by Case Files which is nice because it makes it really easy to know how far along you are and when the next trophy is going to pop there's also challenges side quests and collectibles grouped into here for some more trophies later of course many of the ongoing activities around Gotham City involve stopping crimes much like any other superhero game we're given optional objectives which I try to complete as often as possible because it rewarded us with some bonus XP okay before we dive any deeper I need to address the elephant in the room a major reason why people hate on this game is because it runs at 30 frames per second I don't really care though because it still looks amazing and part of the reason why I enjoyed it is because the different areas of the game were very distinct and detailed we're frequently introduced to new baddies and by baddie these I strictly mean enemies after taking out some bad guys we unlock our next story trophy so we're always throwing in some more detective work because Gotham City just cannot make it easy for us we couple this with some more stealth work of course because we can't let the baddies know we're coming and pretty soon we find ourselves with a puzzle this game definitely loves to throw puzzles at you to keep you on your toes I can't lie I had to look up a guide for this puzzle and then we come across this fire trap here which was insanely Over the Top If you ask me I mean come on whichever engineer designed this thing was out of their minds like who did they think was going to run through here who was their target audience this reminds me of those videos of people doing crazy workouts in the gym like what are you even training for some people are just extra the baddies we're fighting in this game were probably forcing those Engineers to fit in as much fire and death traps as they possibly could or else if they ever wanted to see their families again they had to figure out new ways to fit more fire into this little chamber here the worst part is it worked watch how ridiculous this is foreign nope by now I was getting flustered and I had to recall the words of a wise man once again perseverance is the key I decided to stop rushing and learn the pattern each time I died and let me tell you it felt really good to finally beat this part thankfully we're quickly rewarded as well thankfully after that traumatizing death trap experience we're rewarded for our efforts further by unlocking the Knighthood trophy this not only unlocks a new way of getting around but we also unlock a new skill tree which is cool again because each character skills is unique to them I wasted no time in testing out my new goodie here trust me traversing the city just became 10 times easier our friend Nightwing here continues getting up to no good and meddling with villains by finding himself deep in this mine and of course a few moments later he has to run for his dear life and escape this mine which brings us to our next trophy just a few minutes later I earned a trophy for completing a Harley Quinn crime for a side quest we'll go back to Harley Quinn later to the main storyline we find ourselves sneaking around some Court of owl enemies until we get into some combat the court of owls is one of the different factions of enemies in the game unsurprisingly we come across another puzzle soon after that that I totally did not have to look up the solution to I swear after some cutscenes we earn our next trophy Nightwing continues to get up to no good and we find ourselves in this elaborate Labyrinth try saying that five times fast there's several different traps here that we need to crouch to get past or simply wait for the timing to allow us to maneuver around obviously there's no shortage of more fire traps those Engineers were really hard at work okay and yes we come across another puzzle this one was much simpler and I actually truth be told did not look up the solution to this one we then prove ourselves against this Gladiator Talon enemy and fight our way out of the labyrinth for our next trophy one of the ways we conduct our detective work in Gotham Knights is to brutally beat some baddies and then interrogate them to squeeze some info out of them you have to do this to Progressive story I just scanned all the enemies if I didn't explain already before you can interrogate anybody you have to scan and look for an enemy with a question mark and now I know I can knock everybody else out and that enemy right there is the one at the entirely after Gathering some Intel we Channel our inner Assassin's Creed and start scaling this building which I was a fan of scaling this building is pretty cool I'll be honest we take out some more guards in our way because these guys just do not learn that Nightwing should not be messed with in fact let me show you an example of some of Nightwing's combat ability since I haven't shown that off yet we have what's called momentum abilities at our disposal which can be combined with elemental effects for some cool techniques come on oh nice I leveled up I bet you wouldn't have guessed that a puzzle was up next or you probably did by this point let's be honest some people may not know I think I might have said it on stream before but I actually really like Sudoku I'm a big fan of Sudoku so this is actually a pretty cool puzzle I like this should be done in a second here there we go a few moments later I try my best to be stealthy but I was failing so instead I decided to just full send it to the other side like a trooper this pays off and provides a much needed dopamine Rush by popping the next trophy [Music] with six out of 8 main story Case Files completed I was at level 17 which meant I was a high enough level to fully complete the Knighthood skill tree this of course meant something very significant a worthy successor I mentioned earlier that I enjoyed this game because of the different areas of the game you could explore and this is just another example of that we get to explore Arkham Asylum this game's version of the prison is nothing like the game Arkham Asylum so don't expect anything like that our objective here is to navigate the dilapidated prison and find ways around while chasing leads on our current case File there is no shortage of combat of course with some League assassins which we make quick work of now that we have our Knighthood abilities maxed out we also come across this Tower here which I thought was pretty cool and what do you know another puzzle this one had me stumped for a little bit I can't lie but became clear what I needed to do and again I did not need to look up a guide we're then introduced to another enemy which is called a man bat this fight is framed as a boss battle but the man bats actually become repeatable encounters later so it's nothing too crazy of course as all things go we soon earn our next trophy for our second to last story case File now we get to explore some caves which is a pretty neat area mainly because it's the collapsed bat cave we come across some Batman memorabilia like this giant Penny here from one of Batman's earliest cases we get to sliding around and making use of our Hardcore Parkour skills before a series of cutscenes and boss fights which I cannot show you just know that it's pretty crazy and pretty cool but that completes the main story and earns us another trophy [Music] and we got our trophy Gotham Knight it's a bronze what's up with that so with the story completed it was time to tackle all of this stuff here I decided to begin with Harley's case File again these missions get fleshed out with their own storyline and areas of the game for us to tackle we fight our way through Harley's goons and have to continuously disarm some bombs as she is trying to detonate at the theater you know because she's crazy and of course we earn a trophy to complete the Harley quest line we continue fighting off some of her goons at the hospital and eventually get to confront her directly the boss battles in this game are quite fun I must say and involve a mix of evading enemy attacks and learning their patterns before dishing out some of your own combos while of course making use of momentum abilities after a few minutes we take her down thus closing her case File and of course earning a trophy like that he is almost dead a few more hits here we go Universal Health scare I like the name of that trophy the next villain case File we're pursuing is that of Clayface and let me tell you this was one of the best side quest storylines in the game by far we start by investigating a lead from some footstep trails and get into a high speed chase through Gotham City On Our bat cycle listen these could have been boring side quests where an NPC tells us to fetch an item for hunting enemy but these Case Files get their own content you don't see anywhere else in the game I already completed the story and there is no main mission that is comparable to this one right here we Chase Clayface underground and searches Hideout to confront him directly and get into a fight with him in his goons nothing too crazy again because by now I'm super hot level and have amazing equipment and after another cutscene we get our trophy the show mud go on to finish off clayface's case File we confront him one more time and start fighting before another chase scene on our backside once we get to a more suitable location for the fight we take him on fair and square and he of course proves to be no match for us we take him down for good [Music] third and final villain Case Files Mr Freeze true to his name the areas we're investigating have ice Left Behind which leaves us no doubt about who we're chasing after now back to some True Detective work we scan our environment to look for Clues as to what frieza's plans are which of course leads us to more trophies [Music] okay so this might be the coolest side quest of them all look at this environment we're in right now this looks like it would be part of the main storyline but it's not they really went all out on this storyline here we get to climbing the Elliott Center which is a prominent building in Gotham City that's been overtaken by Mr Freeze we fight plenty of his goons along the way while climbing our way to the top of the building and once we reach the top we get to thwarting freezes plans of freezing the entire city or something like that and of course we're confronts him by freeze himself who is anything but chill because we want to stop him killing everybody we get to another boss fight involving learning some more patterns and dishing out attacks of Our Own he makes this terrain around him it's kind of annoying his attacks are much slower than the other bosses though he's definitely easy come on I didn't kill him there we go snow problem this dude freezes a menace though because even in prison he's causing a problem for us so we start investigating and following his tracks leading us immediately into another fight with him somehow he's gotten more powerful even though he's incarcerated he's pulled out the big guns this time luckily my uh my suit regenerates health for me since it isn't too bad but uh it's hard to do damage that part about not being able to do a lot of damage was so true I was just slowly chipping away at his health and using any ability I could after a while I finally got him whittled down to closest baseball good and earn a few trophies thank you there we go cool down and end of an arrow which is all villain case foul feels good with all the story and side story missions out of the way it was time to do all the miscellaneous and collectible stuff starting with a trophy that I did not even know was coming protector of Gotham complete 50 challenges I wasn't even prepared for that one next I decided to finish up all the basic trainings Yes you heard that right this game offers basic training to learn the fundamentals and I didn't even do them until after I beat the game while going for the trainings trophy you need to unlock all the abilities first which is what I did the reason being is they lock you out of specific trainings until you earn their corresponding ability first a momentum occasion I got all my abilities just now let's go now I can go do the training so these two trophies right here go hand in hand there we go practice makes perfect I should be able to get a trophy here for just switching characters and we have to switch to all four characters one time and then we get a trophy the hood is the last character my family I'm going back to Nightwing now after that I completed all of the secret caches around Gotham City these are just short time challenges where we have to run through some quick markers and then we get an audio log from Batman these are very easy and are marked on the map and after just a few we earn our trophy right as soon as we collect this right here Gotham City confidential all right let's talk about the bat cycle challenges now there's only six in the game and they're actually really fun to do they're not very difficult at all and they give you plenty of time to complete them they even add time every time you pass a checkpoint I actually wish there were more of these races or that they were harder because I quickly made it to the last race do this I just hit the top of that light post what there's less time I think I have less time on this one than other ones the traffic gives you a little bit of trouble with these races but overall not too bad the reason why I say that is because you can crash into oh I just lost [Music] honestly of course I would mess up and lose the race just after saying I wish they were harder and after saying it's okay to hit something during the race listen I'm not perfect okay but I jumped right back into the race to win this time and earn our trophy okay trophy time not out of hell let's go all right we need to talk about the Collectibles which are underratedly grindy in this game it consists of 42 Historia strija day hope I said that right 60 battle ranks 40 landmarks and 12 murals all of which are not marked on the map I started with a historious strategy day for no particular reason these are basically Pages ripped out of a history book and hidden in the most obscure locations you can think of I mean to prove my point the very first hidden page is hidden inside of a cemetery that's absurd if you ask me we have to fly around the entire city visiting places like an old factory just for Pages out of this book there's also hidden Pages just hidden in the bricks of random buildings or on the exterior walls of prominent buildings like churches around the city we're supposed to be keeping Gotham City safe from lunatics but instead we're here collecting Pages like it's Gotham City's version of the thievous Raccoonus but anyways we earn a trophy okay this should be the last one for a trophy I think I'll take that read all about it they have a lot of puns with all their trophies I've noticed nice collecting the batarangs was no different I could not help but think that Batman was going out of his way to hide his precious batarangs from his disciples and it made me think that he did not even want us to find these things in the first place if not for us what purpose would these batarangs serve being hidden in such obscure locations around the city this man has his climbing construction equipment and reaching the top of church towers just to retrieve his precious Hardware let me tell you I was very happy to be done with collecting these there you are the murals were a lot easier since they were so easy to scan and there were only 12. okay so this should be the last mural right here for a trophy see there we go blaming the mural High Ground let's go the landmarks were pretty easy as well we just scanned some notable buildings around the city and for some reason I was in a multiplayer game while doing this I don't know who this is they just showed up finally made it to the last one we should get our trophy history major man I think that's all the Collectibles nope there was one more which was to protect Batman's identity this sounds a little strange but really what we're doing is sneaking into some Police Department locations and uploading fake data into their servers about Batman's real identity I know that sounds crazy this is literally a crime but you know we'll ignore that because we're good guys recovery I just finished uploading oh that was the last one oh we got our trophy solid Alibi nice finally with all the Collectibles done all we had left to do was fight a ton of enemies for several different trophies of course to do this we needed some good gear and I ended up getting a trophy for crafting some legendary equipment now I can make a legendary ranged weapon two out of three I just need to make a suit and I get that last trophy there apparently I do have I don't know when I got this but I have a legendary suit so I believe I should get a trophy as soon as I craft this right here there we go dressed to impress nice so we're at the point of the video and game where we mindlessly fight crimes over and over until we defeat enough enemies to earn a trophy [Music] oh nice out of their league defeat 45 leaving Shadows assassins of 30 rocketeers yeah this part wasn't fun it got to the point where I lowered the difficulty so every enemy died instantly which made this much faster oh I got a trophy I'm just grinding up the 250 crimes We Got The Regulators nice that's one more down at the same time I still have to stop 250 crimes total so fighting these enemies was still contributing to that tour oh there we go drone you out that's another one done so that's the regulator's done it's one of the factions foreign there we go talented I was worried about this one because I there's no tracker for the 40 25 and 15. so I'm glad that one's out the way you ready finally there's only one type of enemy left I've been fighting those guys for like hours because they don't always show up please there we go another one that took forever all I had left to do was stop 250 crimes and reach level 40. the only way to reach level 40 is actually to start a new game plus so that's what I did I was actually leveling up really quickly since fighting even regular enemies gave us quite a bit of XP pretty soon I was able to stop 250 total crimes to earn our second to last trophy foreign oh I just got the 250 crimes nice I was soon only one level away from max level and I was literally speechless so I just want to show my hours played real quick we are at 36 basically 40 hours for Gotham Knights and to finally reach the last level all I had to do was finish up this Quest there we go you'd be so proud of you heir to the cow I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to click on that video right there to watch another platinum trophy video just like this one where I edited down the entire game into one single video click there
Channel: 3PointGamer
Views: 173,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: platinum, trophy, plat, gotham, knights, nights, nites, gotham nites, gotham nights, gotham knights plat, gotham knights platinum, gotham knights gameplay, ps5, ps4, platinum trophy collection
Id: 55tcQcs2Mvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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