This South Park PLATINUM Was Unbelievable!

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I'm used to hard platinums like Super Meat Boy and grindy platinums like Red Dead 2 so it was nice to finally play an easy funny Platinum like the stick of truth but was it the best South Park Platinum I could get to answer this question today I'll be earning the platinum trophy in South Park the fractured but whole this time there's only 36 trophies to earn compared to 51 last time and only one missable trophy the token experience for this I had to make sure to play on hard mode by making my skin tone the darkest it could be choose to difficulty we have to go with very difficult we're starting off strong with this one it's funny and just like the Stick of Truth Our Story begins on our Throne I got my first trophy for that all right so they really up their game cuz in the last game I was just button mashing I was kind of going for the Zoro look how do I do I did great I know before going outside it was very important to change the difficulty to Mastermind I'm actually not allowed to play on diabolical because it doesn't count for the token experience and now all I have to worry about in this phase is just beating the game although you'll see the fights in this game are not easy oh my goodness I just got rocked phase two of this grind will be mainly cleanup trophies but that's for later for now let's get back to the first fight I'm King douchebag what you mean stop playing with me you might have noticed this game is a little different from the Stick of Truth we now have this little grid where we can move on and personally I loved it and during this next fight I got one of my first combat trophies too I got another trophy Kill An Enemy by knocking another enemy into them okay I wasn't even going for that those are the best trophies soon after we were in the middle of of an intense battle with a dragon until a car came honking down the street we have to stop what we're doing because a car just passed by that's so real look at my hammer bro oh yeah give me another trophy maybe not dragon slayer King douchebag that's right baby and as a reward for this courageous feat well I didn't really get anything actually instead Cartman revealed himself as the [ __ ] and our mission was to find scrambles the missing cat my name is Theon I'm from the future in my time there is a massive crime wave and missing cats I knew my only hope was to assemble the team oh yeah show me Mysterion sorry guys you can't play with us we're playing superheroes now and you guys are dork wa he called me a dork too hold on hold on hold on hold on we were playing his game since Cartman just decided we're playing superheroes now I had to choose a superpower for myself every class in this game gets three moves to choose from that either deal damage or heal allies or some other cool things but the best part is the fourth move which is your ultimate [Music] bro that animation I mean I'm the Blaster they better watch out now that I'm a certified superhero I knew what had to be done increase my social media following if there's anything I learned from the boys it's that being popular is the most important thing in the world okay okay actual first order of superhero business was to recruit Kyle I mean human kite's help by dealing with his cousin Kyle he just gave himself a shield like that wow wait I thought I should get this t instead of the new kid because he didn't wait when I set time out earlier so I think it should be my turn now he keeps cheating bro taking my turns adding a shield all right here we go my super ultimate power get ready are you ready oh Jesus okay rft Kite from an alternate universe good fight man good try did we just win I think we just won I did having a buddy by my side makes random fights easier to be as well and what's cool is that in this game I can have more than one buddy at a time which is why I went directly to helping Craig next can we grab [Music] him he's running everywhere did I just kill him oh no no he's good he's good I thought I killed him super Craig joins the party I'm sorry I said that wrong super Craig moving on the [ __ ] then explains artifacts which are just items to equip to make us stronger our total might in the middle here is a quick glance at our strength overall and there will definitely be some trophies tied to this later for now it's just nice to get through random fights quicker okay was pretty badass damn right super Craig later on we found ourselves in some trouble in a fine establishment called raisins where the girls had a superpower of their own charm and they did not like it when mosquito did not want to tip them honestly there really isn't much to say in this fight so we'll move on to the school where I happen to get my next trophy for getting my follower count up follow bags to Mutual followers with 10 people in South Park I make no expression when I take selfies oh he didn't want me to move Mr Adler no no expression and this conversation with Mr Mackey is the reason why we came to the school and he even proceeded to call and tell my parents I had other options Mr Mackey that was a main mission too I thought I would have to actually do something going outside I get jumped by a bunch of guys who were upset with my choices apparently and normally I wouldn't even mention this unimportant fight except this happened oh yeah knock the redneck out bro I don't know what it is but you know I like fast pass I like Jimmy in this game look at him oh yeah what he's like the most op one here shout out Jimmy man the ultimates are seriously some of the best parts about this game in my opinion and there's a trophy for using every allies ultimate at least once and I did this every chance I got this first day in fractured but hole really felt like a ton of tutorials and it didn't stop there because up next Morgan Freeman taught me all about crafting some tacos because he owns his own taco shop of course with an enchilada and a burrito you've crafted an inero that's the first time anyone's ever done that we're just screwing over taco B in this game oh were you going to take a picture with me oh I got a picture of Morgan Freeman he's following me and Morgan's tacos sent me to the toilet for obvious reasons and I didn't know it at the time but there's actually a collectible for using all toilets in the game I started keeping track of these much later when I realized they say that some farts are so powerful they can actually bend the fabric of time you be careful out there foreshadowing perhaps naturally after leaving the taco shop we find ourselves in a fight with some priests who were too friendly and we we came here to get access to our first summon after this fight oh he knocked himself out I got a trophy fashionista find 10 costume pieces it wasn't even it didn't even have anything to do with them but obviously not before getting our selfie first he better give me that photo after all that also got a macaroni picture of Moses have to craft it to summon Moses oh craft a macaroni picture for Moses okay I mean that was simple I'm not going to lie so far I am liking this one better than Stick of Truth a lot of you guys did too as another reward for a productive day of superhero growing we get to choose a second class and this next trophy comes just moments later after equipping abilities from each class I don't like to ask often but if you are enjoying the video so far make sure to subscribe because I do have some very big videos planned in the near future the goat Mysterion man look at him right now I'm speaking to you telepathically get out of my head Timmy hold on like uh Professor X he just caught his douchebags in my mind he did all right you son of a [ __ ] oh wait hold on his powers are pretty maybe I should have chose psychic this led to a fight to prove our franchise was better than the freedom Pals Blaster finishing him off wait we're not finishing him off actually close though I want Mysterion on my side I want him to be a buddy now it was almost night time in South Park which just means more obsurd missions of course so I wanted to change my outfit for the different scenery and got a trophy cosplay curious wear costume pieces from three different sets at once I'm actually going to become an assassin but oh I don't have of it on man that was the whole point about to be night time so I want to be an assassin before heading to bed my madly in love parents reminded me to eat my dinner first but poor new kid just doesn't look like he's enjoying it I don't even know what that means 100 biohazard items biohazard what do I do with those and once it was late enough it was time for more superhero work we partnered up with Captain diabetes and our objective was to find a stripper who had info on the missing cats in town but we got distracted with a side quest first he's keying his own car I have a side quest to figure out who's keying his car and it's him just like before there's a bunch of side quests around town giving us different rewards and some are going to be required for the Platinum later too keeping your keave and that's final High fru toos death wave let's do it Captain Ty whoa whoa whoa that's right he turned it into strength let's just knock him out I'll get those keys right after this short little n it turns out that the club doesn't want us kids in here so we get kicked out but never fear because Captain diabetes is here I'm sorry that was corny inside we had the most disturbing miname of all time and these gentlemen were not happy with the service so we got to fight on our hands don't give them the entire have to like say mysterious a little bit but at least we're out of here those same gentlemen kindly revealed that we're looking for a girl named classy who wanted nothing to do with us and tried running away meaning we had another fight on our hands yo that's her attack and honestly this fight was the first of many that started to get kind of tough so I called in a summon the girls definitely did didn't like Moses ruining their party so they sent in their secret weapon too oh okay oh we got to run avoid spontaneous boute let's go let's get out of here once we finally made it outside we got access to a brand new ability that allowed us to control time itself you know like Morgan Freeman hinted at earlier you know what makes my fart super bad and crafted listen um I'm not even worried about that uh how do I how do I save him oh I have to eat the ENT to save him I just rewinded time with my farts oh yeah the power of the farts time fart somehow this restaurant we found ourselves in only meant more danger until an unexpected hero appears Randy I thought that was just a side quest we were doing earlier he just barged in red wine drunk Randy he has to stop to text his wife and while I fight Randy let me talk to you about another fun game for about 60 seconds War Thunder where does he keep getting these bottles from War Thunder is the most comprehensive vehicle combat game ever made and it's available for free on PC and consoles oh no wait he's about to knock me out oh my God he did why are they cheering him on there's an absurd amount of vehicles in this game with over 2500 tanks planes ships and more ranging from the 1920s to even modern fighter jets they've got it all the insanely detailed vehicles and frequently updated Graphics really help immerse you in the intense gameplay on wait wait wait [ __ ] has his s it doesn't do a lot what the hell is this oh this is cool he has an interview you can join a community of over 70 million players and experience War Thunder together in all the different game modes trust me you won't run out of content to enjoy and fun fact War Thunder's 100% completion on PS4 has a .4% rarity so who knows maybe you too can earn some of the rarest trophies out there level up a major slot diabetes Defender you can play War Thunder today for free on Playstation Xbox or PC by using my link in the description new and returning players who haven't played in 6 months will also receive a massive Bonus Pack across all platforms which includes multiple premium Vehicles the exclusive vehicle decorator the eagle of Valor 100,000 silver lions and 7 Days of premium account status but this is all available for a limited time only so you got to be quick thank you to War Thunder for supporting my channel and now let's get back to this amazing Platinum experience do you have any idea what time it is this is a school night you kids all get home now or I'm calling your parents man we really got kicked out how come how come they left me she didn't kick me out a new vigilante took to the streets last night and has apparently single-handedly taken down the foni crime family vigilante just like Mysterion the next day I was on my way to Kyle's house again except I got jumped by the raisins girls only to be saved by another surprising Ally one of the best in the game if you ask me an alternate human kite is again the reason why I was headed to Kyle's house we have our ultimate 2 oh he's so done for get him out of here man we need Kyle you know I didn't even use my ultimate it was just faster to use my regular attacks oh he's bleeding now Kyle's mom wasn't happy with how I treated Kyle's cousin so she joins the fight and she goes every other turn she has so many turns I'm going to teach you oh my oh my goodness I got rocked oh she is so done I kind of feel bad though kind of feel B she's so done oh no not Kyle's mad afterwards we unlocked another ability to get around town called parkour look at this new ability I love it this game there's like traversal abilities that you get I love it I know it feels like I'm constantly just unlocking abilities and stuff but like we're superheroes remember which is why I got the time pause ability next okay I didn't do that right pause the world of dangers oh this is cool this new ability wait I can't go inside oh there it is all right see we got another new ability that was that was worth it we came in here to get classy's medicine in exchange for the information she has about the cats except things don't go according to plan hey hey it's co relax you relax he freaked out oh we got into a fight and I mean they really don't go according to plan because this fight was not going good oh my goodness I just got rocked how am I supposed to do this they hit so hard obviously I wasn't doing it right because this fight is actually super easy when you figure out you're supposed to light the weed in the four corners of the room that's all I had to do that fight is really hard but turns out you don't actually have to fight them he was one year sober to too not anymore all right listen the place y'all [ __ ] need to go is you store it that's where they taking the cast you know what I'm saying did you store it we should have known all right keep classy safe I'll get back to you guys soon Roger that fast pass fast pass fast pass F pass pass out don't worry fast pass you're my boy the US St was our nighttime Mission and during the day we had other things to worry about like these rednecks I don't I don't know what that trophy was for what was that trophy Ted list reach the highest rank on one title in your character she Oh I thought it was for like actually doing something in the fight there were plenty of quests to get done around town too like learning about microaggressions with PC principle we want to talk about some race issues so we're going to start fighting this is just a funny way to get a free hit in in different fights I'm going to crush you [ __ ] microaggression hit him now that I can spot microaggressions I can't even speak wow I can spot them so I can just interrupt their attacks but something interesting happened during this fight because I noticed something all right this is an opportunity for probably two trophies I knocked out all my buddies which makes me a bad buddy but it's okay if I pause here and win wait I thought I was going to win and get a trophy okay there we go that's one right last kid standing win while three allies are down at the end of combat nice and stop drop and roll okay I knew there was one for this kill all remaining enemies at once before time resumes that was pretty easy just a random fight the same fight with the micro aggression I still can't say that skipping ahead I got this trophy while I was trying to figure out why I was stuck on a fight and this is the crazy fight I was talking about against some security guards outside of token's house I have to use my glitch like this is going bad he's going to attack me again he's still confused he can hit me from over there oh my goodness I should have revived but we die so quickly that I feel like if I revive they're going to kill me again seriously guys it took me like an hour of attempts to finally get to this moment the plan worked I fully healed up there's only two of them left I got my ultimate it's crazy cuz I lowered my might with my artifacts to get to this point as a matter of fact we're winning this oh I messed up completely okay don't uh ignore that we finally did it man I've been stuck at this fight for like an hour I got a trophy for it keep an ally alive for an entire combat while they take twice their Max health and damage that was not planned oh yeah I just broke in their house and we just got his passor reset what terrible terrible as an IT professional I don't approve and we came to token's house because we're working with the cops who identified Kingpin as their target this guy says he has a security system we should uh probably call them and like review review that system this attack here or this ability here is so unfair I cancel their attack and then go hit them and boom Kingpin down now obviously with such a huge successful Mission we get another reward but Lord I just wanted to let you know that we've decided to let you have your own Netflix series right after the Fastpass Fox miniseries and the third [ __ ] and Friends United movie oh yeah yeah I'm rewarded for my efforts I'm getting a third class actually all right we're going to go with psychic cuz I've been struggling with some of these fights so we got to we got to get some buff and debuff action going after every time I choose another class my hero origin story gets updated only this time a trophy was involved with another class of abilities under my belt it was time for civil war this fight against the freedom Palace ended up being even harder than the last few mainly because of one reason yo these kindergarteners have 100 Health bad enough that he gets to summon these kind gardeners they hit for 130 bro this is what how am I supposed to win this on the next attempt I had a new strategy oh my goodness attack him please attack him did we get him oh we did we did wait I think we might do we might actually win the kindergartener stay this is [ __ ] embarrassing this is embarrassing like what what at this point I began to realize what I needed to do and this was my best attempt yet this is it only another hour of attempts later can't believe believe it we're actually going to do it this fight was ridiculous I had to turn into a healing team which is probably smart anyways but this fight was ridiculous that pretty much ends day two until night time of course where we set out for the UST or it we got a new buddy let's go Tool Shed even though he's a freedom pal now toolshed unlocks even more areas of the map like SOS soopa with his ability to clear lava and lucky for me I got a trophy while fighting the hobos here oh wow I was not expecting this trophy glitch of death nice later Tool Shed helps all of us get into the UST store where we try to search for answers that is until Professor Chaos reveals himself I'm going to destroy and prove that I'm the bad guy not this new Kingpin jerkhead so long [ __ ] friend no minions you got to kill him a dang it and while fighting his minions I used tool shed's ultimate making more progress for that trophy except I was actually kind of struggling in this fight so I just reset checkpoint and tried to craft better artifacts to be stronger and still got a trophy one more hit and we win this game is so much harder when you're not healing I don't know why I keep doing that it makes no sense level up oh level up too new yes new slot oh that's a big that's a big Power Up Professor Chaos really likes to make our life hard in this area by the way because he sent his General after us next bro what oh no no no no no no no no skip their turn skip their turn real quick and go attack him did he teleport oh he's he's right next to me he's over there oh my goodness I wasted a turn it hit hard man I'm making that mistake again I got to heal I got to heal did I get him oh I got him from all way over there I didn't think that was going to work I got a critical hit oh man that was close we just released all his lava hang on super Craig we're going to find something to plug ted sand blaster into you and I both know I'm already dead super Craig no Craig what can we do we're going to power the sand blaster with our fart of course we are Jesus Christ that's [ __ ] it work too wait what is he what is he about to inject him with intro cardiac injection super Craig I had to stabilize you yo hold on he's going too far and after that very emotional experience with Craig we finally found what we were looking for this fight is cool because one call girl joins the crew and two there's a bunch of explosions that can happen on the battlefield we just put the cat urine in the drugs and alcohol the cat urine goes in drugs and alcohol what we're already dead with you bro what the cats are going to we just let the cats die nobody cares and if you thought that was it think again because this night just keeps going they have an unlimited amount of lava the whole town is going to be Lava I have finally bought enough tin to piece together my greatest weapon yet oh no oh this fight's going to be awful I can't even burn him obviously we had to fight Professor Chaos himself but surprisingly this fight wasn't too bad and it was going really good am I crazy this fight was really easy unless there's another phase but he's about to go down right now oh there's definitely another phase yep yep I should have know that was way too easy no just cannot be the end I'm really glad we opted for three phases guys the fight took a little while but wasn't that bad day two was definitely the hardest not night time it's finally getting easier hopefully smooth sailing from here on out come on shed come back to the team can't do that kite Freedom Palace is going to make way more money with their franchise the bottom line is making more moneylion doar they nailed it now back at the headquarters Cartman reveals something shocking there's only one person I know of who can disguise himself so easily and it's the same person who might have a motive for tearing South Park apart who Mitch Connor oh no no no no no no no who's Mitch Conor it's carbon's dumbass hand puppet you know damn well that Conor was just using my hand to suit his needs is that the villain Mitch Conor was [ __ ] this I'm going to bed yeah yeah let's go to bed that's enough for one night yeah anyway nice to have you in town new kid the next day I got a surprising call but before meeting up with him I met with [ __ ] and Friends for my next assignment which was to be a spy and join the freedom Pals with the help of Professor Chaos himself Professor chaos is going to get us inside let's do this so I had two missions here and decided to go meet Mitch first and this happened Mr Conor sends his regards did I just get double crossed I knew I couldn't trust Mitch Connor look at double crossed by the ham puppet he didn't pay maybe I'm free damn it he paid I got to fight these ninjas really weren't anything crazy though and I beat them easily back with Professor Chaos we were grounded in his house and needed a way to escape flying minion he's going to help us get out of here that was not what I was supposed to do okay so the correct way to escape was to use our natural gift to launch Professor Chaos's minion up to these electrical wires but then we're confronted by Butter's dad who is not happy with us maximum power he shot him up there hey but it worked whoever you touch becomes ungrounded is that it your evil magic is not welcome here darkling whoa whoa whoa what did he what did he call me oh I'm going to enjoy beating him this fight has a cool mechanic where I have to unground my friends before I can use them in battle again but overall it's a pretty easy fight oh yeah oo Professor Chaos okay Butter's dad has a lot of health and we're just whittling him that look at him he looks tired he thought he gets a turn nope we win off of a Time farted for life but I don't feel grounded he guys I'm not grounded I'm ungroundable I'm ungroundable level up from there we went directly to infiltrate the freedom Pals as a spy they're here to spy on what Timothy is working on how did he figure it out so quickly we're here to spy what if the new kid really wants to switch we can see if the new kid's intentions are pure time to prove myself this gave me access to all allies in the game which is pretty awesome and I made my way to the mission I love to play myug horn myug horn goes oh no they're not ready for this that's disgusting improvise how long does this go on afterwards it was almost time for but not before another reward but can trick them into an assault on the lower level of the police station and meanwhile we'll sneak in and bust classy out you're probably going to get the freedom Pals killed and then whose superhero franchise would be number one Cartman is evil he's such a villain again with the puppy eyes are you [ __ ] kidding me right now you're right maybe you should have just one more class we got another class I thought we were actually done for Real uh plantmancer Marshall artist I'm going to go with martial artist that sounds cool this time our night mission was to infiltrate the police precinct the freedom pal didn't expect the Kun and friends but we're a spy remember and the cops are either distracted by drugs or do this so they make it easy for us to get in in this next fight I finally got to use the goat Mysterion in a fight no Mysterion wait wait I had a chance for a trophy I had a chance for a trophy hold on wait wait wait load load that back okay now I think I'm going to get this trophy with this attack right here how many can I hit boom right here let's see it this is definitely a he just blows up that's his ultimate first of all I thought that was a trophy second of all his ultimate is he just blows up hello I wasn't ready for that okay I kept this cop alive because apparently there's a dead Mysterion and I can use him and he has another ultimate maybe that'll give me a trophy Return To Life heal adjacent allies okay let's see I wasn't expecting that all right that's definitely all the ultimates I don't know why I didn't get the trophy what am I missing the cops make it very clear that they're locking up all the black people in town but they refuse to admit they're racist fre freeze Kanye yo they're wild all right I'm going to use toolsheds ultimate cuz I think that'll get me the trophy I've definitely used this before though if this not this it's got to be call girl maybe it's call girl but I've used hers too no trophy you really think cops just go around arresting black people for no reason it's reverse discrimination that's what it is if we were all black cops and our jails were filled with white people nobody would say a word so I guess you've learned that the real bigots here are you yo that is that is some crazy manipulation the cop in this next room was a little bit distracted with his lotion and it made it easy for me to get past him with the help of my buddies and while trying to figure out whose ultimate I was missing I got a different trophy instead equip powers from four different classes I'm trying to do all the ultimates right now and I got a different trophy now this next boss fight against Jared was tough and it didn't help that I was trying to get a trophy done instead of focusing on the fight oh my God she's going to die yo I'm so sorry call girl I need to avenge her all right maybe now oh there it is ore of power it was tweak I've used this before too I know I have I've seen this oh I must have lost the fight when I used it that explains it he's going to die bro I'm going to lose this fight oh because I was going for this trophy I have no chance no heals left all cuz I was going for this trophy I have to start over this fight was insane until I started using the Strat where I kept doing knockback damage with all of my characters oh he's going to kill me yeah he killed me oh no that's not good and it's also disgusting oh wait we won oh it worked nice that fight is tough what we were about to witness next is something nobody could have guessed black goat of 1,000 morbid young draw down the moon and extinguish the Sun all right let him go oh oh I see I guess because cops feed African-Americans to an elder god they're racist let's do it and we found classy oh my God look at that cat yo what did he just do what did he just do this boss fight should have been hard but there's actually a really easy way to do it push them into the area yep mhm perfect I need my man super Craig to get out of here yo the bar's about to fill the bar's about to fill move move oh my God all right I'm so sorry Craig en damn Craig just got murdered oh yeah I have all of them in range all of them in range boom nope nope NOP your your turn is cancelled you need to stay in that range I think I'm going to kill them all right here if I just wait oh this is easy I'm just going to wait I feel like this is not fair boom we win right oh he didn't eat them he just killed them I thought he was going to eat them and we win cuz they do 2500 damage Craig I need to save you bro I'm sorry I'm sorry it took me so long Craig but let's do this oh my goodness Craig is going to die that's a bad way to go push this guy back too hold on wait this is going to be huge oh yeah this fight is interesting to say the least I got the cop over there actually even better we're going to make this cop go over there too boom and we win Craig didn't really do anything besides die but if I just end his turn we win I did Craig so dirty man earn the highest rank on five character sheet titles I will take it and we rank up we did it dude I got another the trophy an end to racism now you'd think that was the end to the night but nope Timmy immediately makes me fight all of the [ __ ] and Friends and it doesn't go too well at first until I knocked one out oh okay he's back on my side knowing the Buddies would join my side once I beat them made this fight a lot easier and eventually Timmy joined in the fight himself too and it really wasn't too bad unlike that playground Civil War fight earlier but back at Freedom pal HQ it was revealed that Timmy came up with the master franchise plan for both franch ches to succeed he's got the whole all three phases he had it figured out this brings everyone back together as friends again but the next day things are not okay before doing anything else that level up from the boss fight earlier made this next trophy possible after equipping another artifact and then the whereabouts of my parents are revealed be more of this the new kids parents where are they how should I know because that's [ __ ] you you took the new kid's parents because you hate that we merged with freedom pal the real villain shows himself oh my goodness what are you tell you Timmy just gave me all the classes I have every single class Mitch Connor gives me riddles to find people around town to selfie with in order to basically campaign for his Mayor run and during this whole Quest call girl is tracking Cartman's location we have to stop him you guys he's got all the new kid's followers now even with their help you can't stop me King all right Cartman you want us to kill Mitch Conor we'll [ __ ] kill him we're actually going to fight Mitch Cartman just wants us to believe this is actually happening he has so much health too he's just a hand I've got him in a perfect strategy right now a bunch of knockback damage every time I hit him this is great as long as he doesn't heal I think we win when he gets the turn oh wait wait wait wait glitch him and I think we win off of this they worked afterwards we interrogated Cartman until he gave up the location of where we needed to go yeah hi we signed up for the tour well I'm afraid for safety purposes the tours are only offered from 10: p.m. to midnight okay how far away is that uh about 6 hours all right just wait 6 hours and we're good to go wait is there really nothing I can do do I just really sit here for 6 hours like we're no way we're just going to sit here right oh God okay how long now right around 6 hours still Jesus [ __ ] oh there's Morgan Freeman I got a new ability to shift time tonight good cuz nobody wants to waste 6 hours to do anything I'm tour yes come in wait there's something over here ooh okay yeah this looks totally safe for kids at 10 p.m. oh some young people interested in genetic engineering huh so many of us Timmy honestly this whole tour section is probably the weirdest part of the game which kind of says a lot our new benefactor has asked that we genetically alter some of the local sixth graders and make them stronger and crazier okay okay why the [ __ ] would you do that I'm right there with you Craig we came here looking for cats and we we're finding experiments we're finding genetically modified sixth graders I'm probably going to have to fight them then things start to go horribly wrong the cat themselves aren't too bad but it only gets worse I put the stairs behind that portal door but to open the door you're going to need power the whole point of stairs is not to need electricity power y Craig is my favorite just throughout the game I feel like I I always agree with Craig along with cats we also have the mutant sixth graders to deal with and finally Cartman's lead was right obviously and we found Mitch in his evil plan which we of course took a selfie with it's almost a shame that no one will ever know how perfectly my plan worked he didn't see me just take a picture while trying to escape I ran into a ton of mutant sixth graders and cats and I really mean a ton thankfully they weren't that hard either how many of them are there in this fight I've killed like 20 experiments already just this one fight this next section gets very dark when I found my parents tied up they revealed that I have a real life super power of being able to gain millions of followers which explains a lot honestly but to get out of here one of them has to die yo he wanted me to save her and she wants me to kill him they're still fighting even now the CPU is waiting for either of our DNA just trick your mom into walking over to it don't make our child two sides they're really making me two sides though is this about the medicine I put in your food we only did it to protect you your dad knew it had side effects go ask him go ask your dad about the side oh my God this is so cruel yo it really happened this kid has had the most traumatizing what two weeks between the Stick of Truth and now the fractured behle like oh my God new kid is going through a lot Cartman then tells us he cloned another new kid which is confusing at first until he reveals who that new kid is he said he cloned a superhero we're all here wow oh my God how's he so big I'll have to attack you all or I get a migraine prepare for battle oh wow that's very unfair he just added more turns what and now we're grossed out too this fight is crazy time out time out I got a smudge on my how we going to last till daytime I don't know but we have to try wait I can change to daytime I guess not doesn't let me oh there we go shift this time of day go do it he's going to go back home with the sunburn so he's weak during the sunlight oh come on come on get some damage in get some damage in this fight really was just us trying to stay alive and it took a long time [Music] come on come on come on come on come on just attack really quickly he only has 700 Health left I feel like I can just beat him I think next attack I I win he's killing both of them over there it's literally just up to Tupperware plenty of Health on Tupperware I think we did it oh yeah we win right here let's go with one buddy left now that is what I call vacuum seal Victory vacuum seal Victory that's right I have to do one last fart okay to get us out of here what is this mini game this is like the ultimate invasive tumor removal that was pretty amazing dude I've never heard anyone rip like that thank you Craig my boy oh great the new kid farted us to next week way to go new kid man one's against me now I saved us and they're blaming me for making it next week he won there's Victory signs Oh No Mitch Conor is great again just when it felt like we were about to lose all hope a hero appeared we're about to leap through time yo we just time travel what's going on where are we I know where we are when are we he made it Christmas every day the Mitch experience oh we were supposed to go back and we went forward in time in this Christmas everyday future I got into the tough toughest fight in the game by far and I wish I was kidding when I say that we do get the help of a special someone but it wasn't enough this fight was so tough I had to start using abilities I never used before no they got tweak oh man they got Santa too luckily I killed two of them but damn this is rough oh they're healing over there come on for some reason they're not even attacking Santa too I moved Santa behind them and they're just chilling oh never mind we killed Santa bring everyone back to life boom we looking good and we get to and we glitch this one we're looking so good we're not even giving them turns anymore this fight was so annoying this feels good wait if he attacks Koger I think we lose oh no we win okay she's the only buddy left yo this fight was ridiculous man so many of them Tina I'm sorry I thought everybody was supposed to be happy it's Christmas every day Mitch it's Anarchy out here you might be wondering why we don't just fart away well that's because the new kid has a fractured now don't worry the abortion clinic can fix this just look at our friend ass this is just a crazy request to make oh we're about to leap through time again it worked oh we we showed up why are the two of us oh that's me from the beginning of the game we got to stop Cartman before he starts all this oh they're all here with us defeat the king wait we're fighting ourselves H come back King wait he ran away or I ran away Clyde came in the battle sorry Clyde that was actually really easy we're going to fight four five Craigs no four Craigs no it is five there's one back there I like that they're rotating our buddies out too I think I beat them here I must have got the real one right I did I got the real one the high elf Kyle wow past Kyle had such a cool costume what happened oh girl you're on our side hey we will fight by your side my wait he revived them all oh man we got to fight them all again this seemed like it was going easy but once again it wasn't because after Kyle revives everyone it gets crazy yet again not like a against the critters earlier but still pretty tough bro I just knocked myself out this is actually really hard I have to start all of it all over again seriously I kid you not it took several attempts and almost 2 hours to get back to this moment wow confusing the king worked he took out butters on his own finally killing Kyle that's it it's just us versus the king it took a while it took a lot of strategy but this is it it was just hard to get here but it worked out so good a few cut scenes later everybody confronts Theon once and for all you are Mitch Conor you've always been Mitch Conor and you better stop right [ __ ] now then how do you explain this C plot twist Mitch Conor's on Kyle's hand well Freedom Pals who do you attack me or the king we're fighting Mitch Conor wait are we fighting Kyle we're fighting both of them you attack me you attack the king K you son of a [ __ ] every time I attack Kyle it goes to it goes to Cartman all right I'm just going to take out Cartman first this isn't fair oh my goodness there he goes again they're over here cheating this last fight isn't even hard it's just funny seeing these two go back and forth and cheating the only way to end this is to defeat both of them wait what wait wait wait wait wait Dr Timmy says there's no more cheating allowed my boy cuz this was getting ridiculous oh we win finally this fight was so stupid they was just cheating and making up their own rules oh yeah trophy through the bowels of time survive the farts of Future Past look at Mitch Connor afterwards Mitch still tries to get elected quick but the kids stop him and use the selfie we took earlier as proof of his evil plans Mitch Conor's mom even makes an appearance at the end here too to stop things once and for all I'm going to kill you for what you did just kill me [ __ ] you kill me I don't want to you you me you well thank God that that guy isn't going to be mayor come on everybody let's go get clean drugs and alcohol from the next town over hey it worked happy ending there it is the missible trophy the token experience with that missible trophy done it's time for phase two the cleanup and then the Platinum is mine first up was the fully bloated trophy which is for unlocking all time farts to start I bought a taco recipe from Morgan Freeman the items for this recipe were very easy to find as well and involved a short side quest for Cartman's mom where I handed out business cards for her at the wine bar then I had to farore up to the roof of the bar break this AC and grab this crank I took it all the way to the farm to squeeze some grape juice all of this to be able to craft this recipe for honestly the best time fart in the game I wish I did this earlier up next we have a short scene with Professor chaos who's trying to get a loan to pay back his minions but we lost everything and to get it back we have to play the stock market oh I lost it oh no insider trading bonus ooh we hit gold we're doing good use this bonus o okay okay okay hold on this is kind of fun wait did I win my house back it only took $880 to win my house back oh we got a loan for $80,000 this is the face of a kid experiencing debt I mean the American dream early now I need to keep playing the game and climb to the top 0.01% to become a corporate wolf I had insider trading and I accidentally stopped on the wrong spot so I start over honestly this game was really easy and I just made sure to save in between rank UPS just in case but who knew the stock market was so easy use the bonus Let's Do It come on we could win right here oh we did corporate wolf we did it for the Friend Finder trophy I had to unlock two more summons one was Jimbo I had to do a short side quest where I return his wallet and then the other was Gerald who's just chilling on the roof here yeah I don't know if I ever want to call you Gerald now there's two types of collectibles in this game 40 yahi art pieces and using everyone's toilet in South par Park yep I've actually already been working on this one throughout the game most of the cleanup phas is just these two Collectibles but there is also three other fairly quick trophies too one was here for far coring up to the top of Soo SOA we made it all right so when we make it back down I should get my trophy divine wind and there's another trophy here for looting all coins in the homeless Camp which is awful I know but sucks for them because they did attack me earlier so fair game but now the Collectibles were almost done and this was the last very nasty I might add toilet to work on for the trophy oh of course that was the last one that one was disgusting the art pieces themselves didn't take much longer either I just followed a guide of course now you should be wondering why I looked different in that last clip if you didn't notice well you've got bigger problems but basically I talk to PC principal who allows me to just change my race whenever I want and I needed to do this for my final trophy where I need to fight Morgan Freeman and he only fights you if you're white sorry I don't make the rules let's start the Morgan Freeman fight we'll start by summoning my past self he taught me this trick which is the funny part his attack is a fart actually you know that kind of makes sense to be honest knock back damage baby get Max Health this is going to take a while oh he knocked out my clone not my clone my pass self oh what's he doing is this another phase yo he summoned somebody else young Morgan Freeman this is phase three but nothing happens he has like 3,000 Health left dud this really hasn't been that hard of a fight honestly oh he has two turns I see what happened listen to my heavenly voice and gaze upon my record congratulations you've just been freemen congratulations you've just been he's Charmed no oh that's bad nope we have to use an item use it well butthole and we're healthy again I used the item on the wrong character no damn it he's going to attack us now a it's going to inflict bleed on me too that's so unfortunate if I use mysterion's ultimate he's going to die but it's going to kill more I'm going to do it there's no better way to get this plat with the goat sacrificing himself farts over freckles there it is more powerful than you think all right this game definitely is better than the stick of truth I recommend this one for sure I enjoyed this one a lot more way less missables just a ton of fun thank you again to War Thunder for sponsoring this video don't forget to sign up for free using my link down below because new and returning players after 6 months will get that massive Bonus Pack which includes premium vehicles and much more it's only available for a limited time so be quick and if you enjoyed this video make sure to click on a screen here to see The Adventures of King douche bag in South Park the Stick of Truth
Channel: 3PointGamer
Views: 138,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: south park, platinum, plat, sp2, fractured, butt whole, trophies, stick of truth
Id: rahwSLhdM84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 38sec (2678 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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