Ranking EVERY SUIT In The Batman Arkham Games

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today December 1st my birthday they released the Batman Arkham Trilogy on the Nintendo switch along with a new bat suit but we also have the suicide squad kill the Justice League coming out in a couple months with a new bat suit for the Arkham games and I thought that it would be fun to go through all of the bat suits from the Arkham games and rank them but we're not just going to be doing the bat suits we're going to be doing all of the characters that are playable so we're going to be talking about Robin we're going to be talking about Catwoman we're going to be talking about my boy Nightwing Harley Quinn red H we're going to go through all of them so we're going to start with the game that started all and that is Arkham Asylum because there are unlockable suits here so the first one that we have is just regular Batman here he's a little bit damaged because this is like post game but the thing that I really like about this suit is that it reminds me of the the '90s show more specifically Batman the new animated series and you know it's a pretty standard bat suit but I like the logo I like the long ears and I just overall really like the the design it's not like my favorite per se but I got to give it like a solid eight out of 10 very iconic for what the Arkham series represents up next we have the armored Batman right away I am not a huge fan of the armor personally I'm just zooming right into Batman's crotch right here where he has the the crotch guard like I'm just not really a big fan of Van of the armor stuff the chin strap also looks a little weird but it it it's basically the same suit but just armored and with a crotch guard but I'm going to give it like a six and that's it for Arkham Asylum all right moving on to Arkham City I want you all to know right now I actually had to go back and find the robin trophy so that way we could view it in here instead of just like in game but we're going to start with the bat suits we have uh Arkham City Batman almost almost identical to the Arkham Asylum variant I'm almost certain that it is the exact same suit it is the Asylum one just more detailed okay in that case for the more detail it's an 8.5 there's also a hot toy of this by the way I I need to mention that I want this as a hot toy someday in fact I actually want the Batman Arkham City collector's edition because of like the statue animated Batman from the 9s show in game this looks very good you know I'm just not really a big fan of like the animated style like clashing with like the realistic Graphics but I think that this does like just enough to make it fit in with the rest so I'm honestly I'm going to have to also give this an 8 out of 10 1970s bat suit not going to lie I'm not really a big fan of the blue like the he has the bullseye logo again which is fine the belt looks fine it's also very weird that he has the white eyes here um I'm going to give this like a seven it's not bad it's just lower on the scale for me I just I'm personally not a fan of the blue Batman color Batman year One I remember watching this movie see this is basically like more realistic version of what the uh the new animated series like bat suit looks like I really like it because it reminds me of that even the belt is similar it's just a little more desaturated texture looks great and the white eyes I will have to give this one an eight it's probably going to be like a lot of eights until we get to like the uh the stinkers Earth one Batman I don't really know how I feel about this I'm not a big fan of like the logo being up here like kind of attached to his cape the the cowl has like a slightly different section yeah you know it this is like a maybe like a five for me it's it's kind of average but yeah I agree the the the logo is too high and I'm also not really a fan of the logo itself it reminds me of uh Michael Keaton Batman The Dark Knight Returns look at him and his [ __ ] grumpy looking at I feel like they did something different with with the chin here to kind of make it more like Dark Knight Returns I just I've never really been much of a fan of the suit I think he looks goes into that like classic Batman style but just like slightly different interpretation it's it's an iconic look but like for me I'm going to give it a seven I just really don't like this logo that this logo is it's too big it's too big all right in here we have the piece of resistance Batman Beyond because it's Batman Beyond it's a t however they do this suit so right here it is like the perfect Recreation of the Batman Beyond suit and I I love the textures on it and like the face thing too this to me is what it would look like if Bruce wore the suit in his prime I love this suit I love the series I got to give my boy Batman Beyond a 10 this is the suit that I would use the most in this game it's so good the logos everything about it absolutely perfect uh Sinestro corpse Batman I actually lowy really like this suit I won't lie even with the yellow I love the detail that he has the the the Sinestro Corp ring on here I like the suit I like the logo and like the way that the yellow kind of splits off the yellow gauntlets and then the patch right here too I'm giving this like a nine I really like this suit so the other playable character Catwoman you know you know it's getting a 10 and that's all I'm going to say about it animated series Catwoman the whip on the side looks really weird but other than that I think this suit is just kind of kind of okay this one I feel like is way more animated than the uh than the Batman one I don't know I'm just this one never really spoke to me I'm going to give it a six long Halloween Catwoman look at her in her [ __ ] Gremlin ears I do not like this suit at all it's getting a three I don't like it and now we move on to the boy hello boy this suit is [ __ ] getting a 10 from me I when the first image of Arham Robin dropped I audibly went holy [ __ ] like I love this modern inter ration of Robin he has like the Tactical but like he still looks like he's wearing like casual pants the Shing guards here I love this suit it's a 10 this is where my personal bias comes in this is one of my favorite Robin suits of all time I love this suit and I I love this pose that he does and the hood up too just adds that sort of extra layer of of badass okay so now we have animated series Robin I love how it's Tim Drake Robin but this this is Dick Grayson which is fine of course but this one also kind of goes into that like super duper animated style you know I'm also going to give this a 10 because this is also one of my favorite interpretations of Robin kind of also leading into like this being like kind of like very similar to the Teen Titans outfit actually you know what I'm going to give it a nine it's like the the robin logo looks a little bit weird other than that I like the rest of it so yeah it's going to it's going to get a nine Red Robin the amount of detail and texture on this suit is freaking amazing this suit is beautiful it's absolutely beautiful and it's Tim Drake Robins so it's super duper appropriate too the white eyes like yeah and like I feel like with the chin strap too he just looks so much more mature also it's getting a 10 I really like this suit I never really use it because I like the robin suit more but it looks it looks [ __ ] amazing Nightwing when this trailer dropped holy [ __ ] it it is one of my favorite video game trailers of all time and it's for a [ __ ] DLC character I love his hair he has the the city boy style which in Arkham Knight I'm pretty sure it is called uh the AR he is called like city boy or something I love the hair the mask looks great I love this interpretation of Nightwing and like I'm not really a fan of like these types of logos like like the v logo but with the way that this suit looks going all the way down to his arm he has the back holder for the esrea sticks and also the esrea sticks themselves I actually have these esrea sticks hold on I actually have the uh the Nightwing esrea sticks yeah Nightwing extremis stick so if I just they have like the the blue here you can see the Nightwing logo right here and that's supposed to light them up if you put like like batteries in suit's getting a 10 and now we have animated series Nightwing with an actual Nightwing logo however the only thing I don't like about it is that it goes to his back with the esrea stic holder other than that I also really love this suit the hair is different like he doesn't have the long hair in the back which is just kind of whatever I love the that suit we have the Batman Incorporated suit okay so so the logo is fine I like the logo on his belt too but then he just has another crotch guard that is just so it's like so inyour face I'm I'm not joking that's the first thing I looked at because it was right there and I just saw boom just black bat crotch just right there with with the guard it's I just know overall I'm giving it a seven yeah the crotch guard really stands out it was like I was like waa okay and that was is Arkham City so I don't have my copy of Arkham Origins unfortunately so we are going to look at the Arkham Origins suits here so this is the Arkham Origins bat suit like I I like the all black like there's no color whatsoever There's No Gray it's just black and I think it looks badass and he is so buff especially in the arms it's like holy [ __ ] like imagine getting punched by that I like this suit it's getting a nine it's not my favorite but it's get it's getting a nine for me look at look at this [ __ ] blackest Knight Batman ah d i the zombie texture stuff is cool the blackest Knight like logo on the bat suit looks weird the line looks a little bit weird also uh in the cape I'm probably going to give this like a six it's it's it's average not doing a whole lot for me though uh the long Halloween Batman ooh looks like he's wearing boxer bra is like an average suit with like the long ears but I I think it looks pretty good the belt looks a little weird though actually there's like nothing in the center and it's kind of weird looking uh I'm going to give it like a a six Al or actually no I'll give it a seven cuz I like it more than the blackest KN one but yeah the underwear STS it stands out uh Red Sun Batman It looks interesting you know it's not it's a good design I want to say short ears are really short I'm going to give this one a seven also there's a lot of sevens Gotham by gas I still need to watch this movie actually I like the throwing knives on the side the texture it just kind of looks I mean I know why the texture looks that way it just kind of looks like he's wearing pajamas the cowl being like sewed on there is kind of cool oh my God his shoulders are very bulky too and it's probably just like you know Arkham Origins Batman being so like you know I think that this one is going to get like uh it's like another seven for me uh New 52 Graphics Batman o it looks super duper techno the the belt looks fine the ears also look pretty fine also I like how this one is like more like dark gray well we'll talk about the new 52 suit in Arkham Knight later I'm going to have to give this one another seven it's like another one of those bat suits where it's just like the regular bat suit but just like different modifications that they just do to make it stand out to that more to make it more unique and that's basically what all those lines are for Batman noel I actually really like the way that this suit looks like the bat logo is black but it's also still a part of his cowl and then the grayness I and the gauntlets o I really like this one I'm giving this one an eight probably like an 8.5 actually I I really like that I like this here like the logo did it for me I think that looked so cool uh Batman and a knight of the Round Table this looks so goofy with the red Knight I I actually really love actually Loki kind of love this I think I'm going to give this like a nine I kind of wish that the belt was yellow and not red thrill oh oh that yellow logo is not doing it for me the belt looks super rubbery the gauntlets go up almost to his shoulders oh no oh and then he has the the chin strap oh my God I don't like this this one's getting a four Batman The Dark Knight wait what what is this just a recolor oh well then it's getting a whatever I said about Arkham Origins first appearance bat suit I think it looks fine the purple gloves are not my favorite and there's no gauntlets but like you know again I'm going to give it a seven it's I I don't hate it but I don't really love it either this suit looks cool the The Brightest Day Suit this looks [ __ ] cool I actually really like this logo and I think what I like about it is that that he doesn't have a bat logo either it's just the the you know the the White Lantern logo I'm giving it a nine I really really like it and I'm not going to lie I think I'd be even more terrified of Batman if he went to punch me and he was wearing all white uhoh no I don't know about this one it reminds me of the Noel skin but the logo just looks poo poo I don't know what they're doing with the gauntlets there oh he has a baton though the Baton looks cool I'm I'm giving it four the but I'm giving it the the brownie points for the esrea stic batons on the side he actually has them on the side Earth two Dark Knight so this is the is this Thomas Wayne yeah I love it I don't really have anything unique to say about it I'm giving I'm giving it a nine I think it looks better at night but I like how it looks here also injustice Batman this suit actually looks really dope I like this suit I like the belt all like the whole armored look and stuff I'm also giving this one a nine this looks really [ __ ] good I I I I usually like I liked the Injustice bat suit anyways but it's also really cool that it's here so Arkham Origins Deathstroke I like the suit I don't really like how he looks with the helmet off but I think he looks [ __ ] badass here I'm I'm going to give it I'm going to give it a nine Injustice to death stroke I was never really a fan of Injustice 2 death Strokes design I don't know there's something about it I I just didn't really like and even here I'm not really a big fan of it I'm going to give it like a seven it's all right I can't see him and not think of the look they gave him in Team Titans Well's funny because his teen San suit is right here and I actually really like oh actually I think I'd like this suit a lot more if they didn't have like the the the ammo strap around him uh he has like the boxer briefs I can already tell yeah I don't know like this this one is is getting a six for me it's definitely it's definitely not the vibe for me personally hi this is red grave of the future I realized that I actually missed a good portion of the Arkham Origin suits so we're going to go through them right here so right here we have the Batman 1 million suit it looks kind of goofy especially the logo like I I you know it oh my God I'm very mixed on this I like the mask with like no mouth and then you know there's part of me that doesn't like the shoulder pads connecting with the bat logo but also a part of me that really does it's it's one of those so I'm I'm giving it a seven I'm I'm giving this one a seven all right up next we actually have another playable character in Arkham Origins and that is Bruce Wayne himself I really like the ninja outfit that he has and he has like the the Muay Thai ropes around him to make his punches a little bit harder I like the beard it's a really nice ninja costume I kind of dig it if I'm being honest but again it's not like amazing but I I'm also going to have to give this maybe like a seven and then we have an alternate for the Vigilante costume which is actually like actually wait no no no no no this actually is more like a a vigilante costume because he's not wearing the ninja outfit but he has like you know the shoulder pads and the Le jacket and the gauntlets and stuff this feels like it would be like a vigilante suit you know it'd kind of be the same thing as like Spider-Man having his wrestler suit but this would be Bruce's first suit maybe like around like the first time that he was doing the whole vigilante thing I don't know for some reason I feel like this is also something that like Batman could wear like during the day and still not be recognized like that sort of thing uh I actually really like this I I never knew that this existed uh if I could just wear this around Gotham City and just kind of Traverse around like this I totally would so honestly I'm giving this one an eight I actually really like this all right so we have Arkham Origins Adam West Batman and oh my God if I could zoom in he looks so grumpy I I actually really like it it looks like it's Arkham B like Arkham Bruce Wayne cosplaying as Adam West Batman and I really love it and I think the stubble and just the angry face that he has just completes it and I think for that I'm going to I'm actually going to give this like a nine so this I believe is called Nightfall cuz doesn't azreal wear this I oh it's I it's so terrifying but I also love it at the same time so oh yeah like the cape the you know what [ __ ] it I'm I'm giving it a nine also this is actually a really cool suit okay so this is badass so there's an actual story reason for this this is from the cold cold heart DLC like the thermal suit um I also read that like if you have batter rangs the batter rangs are also like they glow for like the thermal stuff I think it's badass I I think that having like the giant armor like this is just really cool I I I think I said this in my Spider-Man video but there was like an electr proof suit that just looked horrendous I didn't like it but I really like the way that that this one looks especially with like the design of like the the thermal stuff it's you know it's nothing like too special but it's not you know I playing it safe giving it an A and I completely skipped over that um Robin is also in Arkham Origins he's in the Arkham Origins multiplayer and he actually has Suits so so this is Arkham Origins Robin personally I'm not a fan of it um like it's like armor plated like it it's a lot of red it this honestly reminds me more of Tim Drake Robin than anything you know it's it's not my favorite but for like the Arkham Origins like first Robin suit you know I think it's okay i' I'd probably give this like a five it it's it's about average you know and like five somewhere between a five or a four one year later Robin so this is also a skin in Arkham Arkham Knight and um I I got to say that I I still I actually like it the the gauntlets are really long but this is also I think this is Tim Drake Robin right which is very weird that this is Tim Drake Robin but they gave uh yeah it's Tim Drake Robin but they gave dick the suit um you know I like it my thoughts are basically going to be the same as they are with the Arkham kns Su a little bit later um but I right here presented in front of me in the fact that like I I just really like Dick's haircut in his face at the math too um I'm going to give it an eight give going to give it an eight and this is the Tim Drake Robin suit right here this is also an Arkham Knight the it's Tim Drake Robin but this looks like dick for for sure I really like it um it's classic Robin suit can't go wrong with it I think out of all the robin suits here for Arkham Origins specifically though uh this one has to be my favorite and one of the things that I just realized is that he doesn't like he has a domino mask but the mask is also like extending around his ears kind of like how uh like the the arrow masks work and I actually kind of like that it's like it's almost like they were they were experimenting with like the the Domino mask and then they figured out how to Just Like Glue it to their faces you know uh I I really like it if I didn't rate it already I'm I'm going to give it a nine really really like it and now we go here I discovered the other day that I didn't have 240% and I was thinking about doing it for the bat suit and then I was like no I'm good this is the what number was it version 7.43 is this another case of just the Arkham City suit but just more detailed with it being the Arkham City suit but just more detailed I'm going to have to give you a 9.5 I'm not giving you a 10 though I don't know if this one deserves a 10 I'm giving it a 10 [ __ ] it it's my birthday bat suit [Music] v8.03 I think the thing about this because I know is just a filthy looking suit right here because of like the story purposes I love all the suit damage that this one gets specifically I'm not going to rate it though because the other one is just the same suit but you know not damaged but I really love all the suit damage that this one has I just don't know about this it it reminds me of the Nightwing suit a little bit in terms of it just kind of like all being like it's like a one piece instead of having like different layers for like the top and bottom I'm going to give it an eight it it like the super duper technical stuff with it like all like the plates move his helmet move is like I I'm I'm not really a big fan of that but it's not like bad New 52 suit this one I think this is a stinker suit I think that the lines are so distracting and ugly I really don't like that about this suit other than that it's just typical Batman suit I'm giving it like a five it looks rubber but like I don't really like the way that the plates are Michael Keaton bat suit see now this one has an excuse for looking like rubber because it literally is made of rubber but holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this suit looks good I remember playing with this for a little bit I'm giving it a 10 it's so good looking and you know what it looks like he's turning his head a little bit which maybe I should give it like a 9.5 because he's turning his head but I'm going to give it a 10 dude look at the look at the rubber ABS right there you can't see the batnips amazing batman Noel which was literally in Arkham Origins but just better and more detailed why does it look like he's wearing leather because he is wearing leather what did I give Arkham Origins Noel an eight or a nine whatever I give Arkham Origins Noel I'm giving this like. five higher 1970 Batman Jesus Christ this again I I don't like blue Batman I just don't I'm sorry it basically is just the same suit but more detailed right whatever I gave it in the last game oh wait actually wait oo I like that the cowl is like completely separate from the cape 2 that's actually really good detail I'm giving it an eight actually this suit looks very nice I think that's the thing that Arkham Knight is going to do specifically it's going to be a lot of I don't know about this oh my God the game looks so pretty I'm boosted it higher Arkham Origins this suit does not fit this Batman I am very very very glad that it's here but I'm going to laugh very hard when all of those Nintendo switch [ __ ] are going to look at this suit and go what's Arkham Origin I thought that this was the complete Arkham TR G anyhow I'm giving it like I'm giving it a nine again hold oh my God it just looks so [ __ ] good in this game though I'm sorry iconic gray and black suit the belt looks weird I've never liked the belt here but again typical bat suit but just weird looking belt but I'm going to give it a seven I like everything else about it I just don't like the belt Batman Inc it is literally the same suit but it's actually better because it's it's not white or like a light gray it's a dark gray the crotches still here why are there screws on the crotch plate hold on it looks way better here I'm giving it like an eight o the O actually wait I like that like the the gloves yeah I'm I'm giving this one an eight it's it's way better than it was in City flasho Batman 10 10 10 10 [ __ ] look at him this suit is so [ __ ] good you have the pouches he actually has guns that he doesn't use I love the red contrast here holy [ __ ] I wish I used this suit a lot more often than I did this suit's beautiful 10 uh Earth two Dark Knight skin I feel like if I was Batman I would either wear this I would either have this suit or this suit there's something about the red on the first one that I really like but there's something about the red on this one that I'm I'm not sure about the logo is great oh wait he has red inside the cape that's probably why it looks a little funky to me this suit's [ __ ] badass though actually I'm going to give it an eight first appearance Batman skin it looks so goddamn weird it looks so weird in this game wait a minute the texture looks [ __ ] beautiful though bro imagine you rob a [ __ ] convenience store in this goofy looking [ __ ] shows up the Cape is very small bro Arkham Knight is really just doing a good job of making like meth looking suits very good based on the texture alone I'm going to give it a six though original Arkham Batman suit which is funny because apparently it's just this suit but more detailed I think I gave the Arkham Asylum suit like an eight this one gets more detail so it's like an 8.5 but yeah basically the exact same suit the long ear are back which I really like yeah 8 8.5 and now we're on to the bat Flack oh my god when they added this suit this is the suit that I use the most I am not a bat Flex man at least I wasn't at the time holy [ __ ] this suit I feel like works so well in this universe especially I really love the way that this suit looks the texture is [ __ ] great it's oh my God the the the cowl they they didn't do the thing that they did in sitting in this game which was kind of like alter like the face a little bit to kind of fit but I feel like with the way that the cowl sits on his face it fits really well here I really like this suit I'm giving it a 10 this is my favorite suit in the game and actually why know what else is funny I also have bat flick as a hot toy look at look at this [ __ ] suo you can see like the scratches that are right here too right like that wasn't like you know made from like wear and tear that's actually just how the suit is but you can see that exact same tear on the [ __ ] suit like you see that like you see the tears right there that's on my hot toy it's like they just took this and just made it a hot toy it I love it 10 out of 10 oh no I'm going to get cancelled aren't I I don't know about this one I don't like how bulky it is dude I know what they're doing but I just don't I prefer the original that's just that's just me it's a cool suit but not my Batman Beyond suit I think also for me it's like this like the cowl where it like stops at the mouth but you can still see the mouth like really they kind of had to do this to do the whole techno part thing I like this interpretation of it but it's it's oh my God it's it's way too much for me this also has a hot toy I'm giving it an eight I'm sorry I don't hate it but Batman Beyond Dark Knight Returns you see what I'm talking about with the bat logo though like it it does the same thing here I I like it more here but it the yeah it it's funny because it's almost like these two could almost be interchangeable if it wasn't for like the completely detailed texture and like the minor differences I'm giving this one like a seven you know it's it's fine classic TV series uh rest in peace Adam West now imagine you're mugging someone you look up and you see this goofy looking [ __ ] Arkham Knight does it again oh wait there's like a little like Batman pin right here on his cape that's cool I'm giving it a 10 I got to agree I got to respect Adam West but also just like the level of detail that is actually on this suit is actually mindboggling I I don't know about this one Sunny this this one is just very red I don't know about the ooh red cheeks the texture looks cool oh wait the metallic gauntlets actually look Al you know giving it an eight or no no no no no that's too generous I think seven I feel like this is what I would wear if I was Batman but yeah it's it's the red red on red on red on red is too much oh yeah I just noticed those ears too yeah those ears are ugly looking okay so here here's the thing about this suit I think it looks great it is a very very very nice Recreation of the suit I like all the detail but he is so [ __ ] skinny he is so so skinny in this look at how small he is I played with it for a little bit yesterday and I was like oh my God he just looks he looks [ __ ] tiny I know what they're doing but like Jesus like and that's why I like the bat Flex suit more in this game because I feel like it's more appropriate but I you know know I love the way that the suit looks though but I'm giving it an eight I like the Batman begin suit more I would also like to see the Batman begin suit in this I I I think that that would be nice uh anime Batman what the [ __ ] is up with that Gauntlet that's it's like on like the wrong part of his arm yeah I know it's all right the belt looks weird I'm giving this like a five maybe a four and then we have this this [ __ ] thing oh I know that this is a thing thing but like o I like the details on the cape though the cowl and the cape look like they're two different colors I five I'm yeah 10 out of 10 and zero out of 10 at the same time it's getting a five all right Robin they got so much right about Arkham City Robin and then they did this and they just ruined the suit the saturation is a bit different it's not as colorful I really don't like that he doesn't put the [ __ ] hood on it's I I just think you know not to say that like Tim Drake looks ridiculous I don't really find him intimidating right like Robin like Arkham City Robin looked intimidating but he looks Goofy with with the head shaven like this they they paded him up on his biceps which was is a smart thing to do but I just personally don't like the look he still kind of has the shinguards here but like he just look he looks so much less iconic don't like it this this is getting a five for me I really I'm not a big fan of this suit New 52 Robin skin I'm also giving a five I don't even need to look at it I don't like the way that the the logo looks the armor just looks kind of goofy the belt design looks very goofy this is just a very goofy looking suit I I I do not like this suit at all especially when you're sitting next to next to this the original Tim Drake Robin suit this suit a [ __ ] 10 this is my favorite like Robin suit of the game this is the one that I always use I love this suit I love the way that his hair looks like actually being like kind of like you know neat and tidy the robin emblem actually looks good it it looks more like traditional Robin but to me it kind of looks like with the new 52 Robin skin it's like okay let's take the robin suit and then just over complicate it the original Tim Drake Robin suit it's just yeah Robin suit green spandex the texture looks great you know it has like the that leotard look like classic classic robin look and you can actually see the biceps do you see the veins on this man do you see them like why would you not want to show that off why are you covering up the good stuff original Tim Drake Robin gets a 10 one year later Robin the texture on this also looks really good I don't know how I feel about the long ass gauntlets other than that that's it mask looks fine the texture it's basically just the exact same texture I'm giving this like a a nine and then we have classic TV series Robin Bert Ward I actually had an opportunity to see Bert Ward a couple years ago and I didn't take it and I regret it I love first of all like the recreation of like the face with the hair it's great je the [ __ ] the little elf shoes here 10 I'm giving it a 10 yeah it looks looks great I love it Catwoman I think once again this is just no no no it's not it's not her Arkham City look but more detail it's a little different um you know it's it's not that much different though but I agree I'm it's Selena Kyle she looks great here she has like an actual like holster for her Whip too I like that yeah I'm going to give it a nine uh 1990s Catwoman skin I really like the long ponytail in the back I really do I think that this like it reminds me of the um oh my God what was it the the long the like the Halloween skin from Arkham City but better because her gloves and her boots are actually different colors it has really good contrast with that the mask actually looks really cool I like it I'm G I'm giving it a nine classic TV series Catwoman skin meow they once again did the thing where they kind of like changed her face a little bit but I like the hair style is perfect the suit texture looks great I'm giving it a nine I I really like it I never really used it but I really like it okay as the certified di Grayson stand that I am I can definitively say that I do not like this suit here where do I begin with this the black like under Section is kind of fine right like I like like it's kind of standard Nightwing [ __ ] I like how he actually has a pouch now for all of his stuff good detail the I like the blue on the boots right here it's very subtle I never really noticed it before I don't like this they were kind of trying to solve the issue of like the v logo kind of going like all around so they had like a strap like like the black strap right here going to the shoulders and then kind of connecting to the back I just don't like that and then the [ __ ] half cowl right here like what the hell who who did this who did this to my boy I want a list of names they cut his hair in the back too so he has long bangs up front and then just like really short hair in the back I [ __ ] hate this it's not even a cowl it's a mask I I don't like it I really don't I'm giving it like a six I really don't like this soup especially because two rows down you have this I'm I'm skipping New 52 because literally like you had this like add the pouch maybe and you're good right and and I'm giving this one a 10 again because it's literally just the same suit but just better textured this is the suit that I use I [ __ ] love this suit especially here with all the details and [ __ ] 10 new 52 Nightwing skin anyways that's my rant and see could you just now imagine this but in blue with like a little bit more of like like imagine like the logo and then like the arms here but with this suit and I feel like it'd be great I think I like the mask here out of all three yeah I do I do this mask is fine but I like the mask of new 52 Nightwing the most here this is going to be very nitpicky the only thing I don't like about this suit the screem atics are still the blue color but but the rest of the suit is red and I I think it just it just looks weird but I would also like to see this suit in blue I like the like the like the lines on the Belt here you know he actually has the holster for the esrea six too which is awesome I think his hair looks really nice I feel like the hair is like the exact same but like with the half cowl it just looks so [ __ ] weird it is I think it is the same hair but yeah the cowl like the the mask on his default look just just looks so [ __ ] weird I'm giving this one a nine though I'd give it a 10 if the esrea six were red that's that's the only thing I don't like about it but I would also like to see the suit in uh in blue we have Harley Quinn who is another playable character here typical Harley Quinn isms like she has the red and black that's just kind of like swapping back and forth you know she looks it's like appropriate Harley Quinn I'd want to say i' I'd give it an eight there's nothing really oh there's nothing really like stand itish about this version of Harley Quinn but I I'd give it an eight uh classic Harley Quinn skin it looks so rubbery there's a lot of detail on this though I got to say you know but yeah that is also the point I I think it's appropriate that I give this a 10 wait a minute hey where the [ __ ] backgirl we'll discuss that later Red Hood godamn godamn this suit they wanted to solidify Arkham Red Hood and they [ __ ] did it I'm not a big fan of the Shing guards I everything else I really like I yeah I like the jacket I like the jacket on the back too The Mask I think is better because he has his hood up how I don't know how he sees with his hood all the way up like that and normally I like the brown leather jacket design but I think that the red with like the red hoodie with the um black and white jacket here I I think it has really good contrast all around I I will also give this like a nine I'm just not a fan of the shinguards all right and then we have Arkham Knight I have never once worn this suit I it's all [ __ ] techno and [ __ ] like I I know that it's the Arkham KN but I would have much rather preferred having like the Red Hood alternate like that he gets at the end of the game I I like the technical helmet like the technical parts of the helmet with like the eyes and stuff but yeah like I you know I'm going to give it like an eight it's like in that sort of like8 out of 10ish way for me I I wish like I said I wish he had an alternate where it was like the Red Hood from the end of the game and I also would have liked to see an ALT with the brown jacket but I'm I'm not I wasn't going to be too picky about that obviously but you know like eight yeah now where the hell's backgirl all right so we have Batgirl get this ugly ass logo out of here okay uh talk UI so goddamn Barbara Gordon looks good is is that like are those bat boots are those bat boots do you see that there's like there's like one two three there's four different bats on here I am also not a fan of the logo personally like the wings are way too big she doesn't have a utility belt what the [ __ ] uh the gauntlets look sick I think it looks fantastic oh she has another bat on the on the cape right here that's actually really funny so one two three four she has five bats on this suit yeah and then the hair in the back too yeah this is a really good suit I I like it I'm going to give it like an eight average but yeah the Loco isn't doing it for me so we're going to look at the 240% golden bat suit which is right here which is literally just the Arkham night suit but with a gold bat logo and I think I gave it an eight I'm going to give it a seven because going for 240% to get the golden bat logo is just not it it I knew for years I was missing something with the bat suit like the Showcase thing I was like there's one thing I'm missing and I don't know how to get it and then I found out it was this and I was like oh and I was thinking about doing it yesterday for this video and then I just said it wasn't worth it cuz I was at like 98% yeah I I was like no I'm not doing that but it's it's seven it's it's a seven out of 10 all right so up next we have the suit that was just added today the badson suit so here is a disclaimer so this is actually the unfinished version that we got you know from epics the epic game store that was released accidentally and then deleted because I looked at the Nintendo switch version and I actually forgot to put it up here so I am going to show you what it looks like on the Nintendo switch first of all do you see that bat signal look at it look at that 480p bat signal what what okay I'm I'm waiting for the perfect moment know how to make an entrance look at this oh look how they massacred my boy could you imagine if I actually [ __ ] paid $60 for this video just to get the the patents and batsuit look I want to see what the rest of the [ __ ] TRS look like so oh my God so like I said we're not looking at that we're actually looking at this the incomplete version of the suit which the lighting here like doesn't really look that great either but at least the textures are here so the Batman suit so like you can see like just because this is the unfinished product from the epic game store there's still like some sort of low res every once in a while like the the bat suit like the bat logo was low res it's like just slightly low reses though but looking at the rest of the suit this suit's a [ __ ] 10 it's a 10 I think personally This Bat Suit and we can even look at combat here this bat suit perfectly fits Arkham Knight Batman combat style and if we even look even here it looks great I absolutely love the way that this suit looks I'm giving it a 10 once it officially comes out for PlayStation I'm doing a whole other playthrough with this game honest honest to God yeah exactly and even in the movie when I was watching the movie burrito I was thinking like oh my God this is just Arkham Batman but but just on the screen and he was throwing like the elbow strikes too and using the gauntlet I I [ __ ] loved it 10 out of 10 can't wait to play it [ __ ] the switch version lastly we have this Suicide Squad killed the Justice League Batman I will say this for full transparency sake I did get access to the suicide squad killed the Justice League closed Alpha I was playing it the other day however the reason why I say that is because looking at this suit here as it's presented in front of me but also having the knowledge of what it looks like without the color filter it once again falls into the category for me of like it's just another typical bat suit where they have to look at it and go okay what can we do to make it more technified and I'm going to give it an eight because it's kind of like on that sort of exact same realm of like yeah it's like an average bat suit but personally speaking I just like the other ones more especially like looking at it right here there's like a yellow outline on the logo and stuff and like the belt is a little bit different honestly like this kind of look here reminds me of The Telltale Batman look personally but like I said eight out of 10 it it's an eight so yeah that was my ranking of all of the Batman Arkham suits not just Batman but for all of the other playable characters as well so in terms of like all the different bat suits you know the Arkham series is much like I'm sure many other people can agree um one of the best superhero serieses of all time and I'm glad that they are still updating it with a new suit uh the Robert patson suit specifically which is the reason why I wanted to make this video and then obviously we have a Suicide Squad killed the Justice League coming out very soon which is a continuation of the Arkham series but to me what I think some of my favorite suits are has to be like the Robin suit from Arkham City that one is probably if I had to rank all these on a tier list that would probably be my favorite favorite slowly followed be behind uh Arkham City Nightwing but in terms of like which suit was my favorite in terms of like Batman I got to say like it has to be the bat Flex suit uh the patson suit they look really nice in the games I really like the way that the Batman Beyond suit looks in Arkham City but I just really like the way that Arkham Batman looks in general I I think it's like like I said it's not like a 10 out of 10 for me but it's that like this is Batman and to me the Arkham series is one of my like definitive versions of Batman whatever your favorite suits are please let me know what they are in the comments below um if you want to rank them too you're more than welcome to do so I would love to see them in the comments thank you all again so much for watching and I will see you next [Music] time [Music] oh
Channel: Antonio Redgrave
Views: 222,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Redgrave, batman, batman arkham, batman arkham knight, arkham knight, batman arkham knight all suits, batman arkham knight all costumes, batman arkham knight all batsuits, arkham knight all batsuits, all arkham knight suits, all batman arkham suits ranked, all batman arkham suits, suicide squad game, suicide squad kill the justice league, rocksteady suicide squad game, rocksteady, arkham knight suit ranking, arkham knight robert pattinson suit, the batman suit arkham knight
Id: 7gMvxgBIxdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 35sec (2855 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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