Universal Render Pipeline in Unity 2019 – Overview & Tutorial

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in unity 20 18.1 we introduced to scriptable render pipeline templates the high-definition render pipeline and the lightweight render pipeline the goal of the lightweight render pipeline was to provide optimized real-time performance on performance constrained platforms by making some trade-offs with regard to lighting and shading and now in unity 20 19.3 the light which around the pipeline was renamed to Universal render pipeline but you might wonder what was the thinking behind this what actually is the universal render pipeline what are we going to deal with it moving forward and perhaps most importantly how do you get started so in today's video that's exactly what we're talking about I'm Sam from unity and this is the overview of the Universal render pipeline let's get into it I mentioned that the light redundant pipeline now called Universal is one of two templates for this scriptable render pipeline if you're not familiar with the scriptable render pipeline it's often referred to as SRP and it's an alternative to the built-in render pipeline in unity with an SRP you can control and tailor rendering via c-sharp scripts which lets you edit and customize the render pipeline to your needs and that's exactly what we do with the templates while the high-definition render pipeline is optimized for high fidelity visuals on high-end platforms such as PC and consoles the universal rendering pipeline focuses broadly on untethered platforms including mobile devices and Nintendo switch and on top of that Universal aims to become the default render pipeline in unity in the future hence the name change we also have a blog post about this if you're interested to read more so make sure to check out the link in the description box after watching this video so now let's jump into unity and see what we have what's that software you have open Sam well good thing you asked because this is unity hub unity hub the only place where you can locate all of your projects unity versions and more all in one location that is awesome I know all the jokes aside you should get the unity hub through the link in the description not only doesn't help you manage all of your unity versions and projects but it also helps you create new projects using the universal render pipeline speaking which if you're just about to create a new project using unity hub and you want to use the universal render pipeline in the templates field users pick Universal RP then once you open your project it will be using universal out-of-the-box including a pre-configured example scene with post-processing already nicely configured for you but let's assume that you already have a unity project in progress and you just want to upgrade it to universal RP then that's just as simple in unity we just have to go to window enter the package manager and find universal RP and then we just press install after unity finishes installing the package we need to tell unity to switch to rendering with universal RP to do this we first need to right-click in our project window choose create go to rendering universal render pipeline and pick pipeline asset this will create the configuration file for the universal RP then we will head over to edit enter the project settings in here let's go to the graphics tab and drag the configuration file we just created into the scriptable render pipeline field and that's pretty much it for setting up your project to use universal RP now if you do have any assets in your project that turn pink after you do this don't worry if that just means we have to upgrade the materials of those assets to universal materials let's simply head over to edit once again and this time go into your render pipeline Universal render pipeline and in here pick to upgrade project materials to you RP materials and there you go there are so many cool new features to get access to simply by using the universal RP if I had to pick a personal favorite of mine it would probably be the revamped version of the post-processing stack for you RP the post-processing stack is part of the you RP package we installed from the package manager so all we have to do is select the game object where we can locate the post-processing components I normally do this on an empty game object that I create dedicated for post-processing on this game object let's add a component called volume you will notice that I have the mode set to global the reason is that global means that the set of effects we setup in this volume component will be affecting the entire scene if we disable global then we'll have to define a specific area in the scene where these effects apply now I'm going to add a bloom effect in the volume component enable all of the options and simply adjust the intensity I'll keep adding a couple more effects and adjust their settings until there is enough eye candy you I think this looks pretty good upgrading to universal RP also means that it is now possible to use unities visual node based shader editor shadowgraph i have linked to a guide on using shader graph in the description below and i have also left a link which will take you to the documentation for a universal RP where you can find a list of features that are unlocked by using you RP so make sure to check them out as you can see Universal render pipeline is pretty simple to get started with on a personal level I feel like I'm very lucky that I got started with you RP recently because I mean after all it does aim to become the default render pipeline for unity in the future so it's always good to get a head start and also to start experimenting with let me know in the comments section if you're working on a game right now where you are using the universal RP or you plan or intend to use it I'm interested in hearing more about your projects because you guys are so creative and I get a little bit jealous I'm not gonna lie all jokes aside it is super inspiring to see you in the comments section and to hear more about your projects so with that being said thank you so much watching this video and I will see you in the comments section you
Channel: Unity
Views: 192,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity3d, Unity, Unity Technologies, Games, Game Development, Game Dev, Game Engine, unity universal render pipeline, unity 2019, unity 2019.1, unity 2019.2, unity 2019.3, unity urp, unity universal, unity universal rp, unity universal render pipeline tutorial, unity scriptable render pipeline, unity 2020, unity tutorials, unity learn, unity 2020 universal, unity boat attack, unity game, unity making a game, unity3d, unity lwrp, unity lightweight render pipeline, lwrp
Id: m6YqTrwjpP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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