How to Make Beautiful Terrain with Unity 2021 URP | EASY

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hey this is jerry from blizzstudio and in this unity tutorial we're going to look at the train tools that are built into unity and then also the terrain tool asset that you can download as a package so if you're ready to start building 3d terrains let's go okay so here i am in unity and this tutorial is a little bit of a long one so i hope that you stick with me now what are we gonna cover we are covering creating terrain all right so to get started i've already imported a character that i downloaded from mixamo into my game the next thing i need to do is to go ahead and go over to and i've downloaded three different asset packs the first one is the low poly environment nature pack and the one thing that you need to know with a lot of the asset packs i am starting a urp project and you just need to make sure that the asset packs that you download will work with urp a lot of them will have a component that you install after you download this that will then upgrade the materials to urp so i'm using the low poly environment nature pack which is free i'm also using the fantasy skybox which is free as well and then we are going to in unity download unity's new terrain tools asset pack from the package manager and then with that it has a set of downloads that you can extend the built-in terrain tools set with this sample pack as well so this is terrain sample pack asset and we'll go over to unity so in unity let's take a look at the package manager the option that you need to download is terrain tools now there is already built-in terrain tools in unity this just extends and adds a lot more features to it so go ahead and download that and then here is the link for the download asset pack which is this terrain sample asset pack it'll be good for you to have for this particular tutorial all right now with that being said let's go ahead and close this i've already installed all of that so let's jump right into the terrain so for me to go ahead and start a terrain i am going to go ahead to 3d object and hit terrain this creates a terrain that's fairly large now my character looks big is because the character is way up in the sky and my terrain is way down low so for us to go ahead and set this up we want to make sure we have our terrain selected and then in the terrain component window you can see that we've got a bunch of different buttons across the top see with our paint train tab selected we can go and go to set height and then down at the bottom we're going to change this to be 100 and then we're going to flatten tile so what that's going to do is bring the level of our terrain up so we can then both decrease and increase the height boom all of a sudden our terrain is way higher now we need to go ahead and instead of set height we're going to go back to raise and lower terrain this is where we can start to increase and decrease the terrain to make it look like mountains and hills and valleys so i'm going to go ahead and just zoom out so you can see the size of my character in relation to the terrain we have all these brushes to then be able to use to paint hills and valleys onto our terrain there's a couple keys that you want to use they're the a d s and control key if you hold the 8 key you can decrease and increase the strength of the brush if you hold the s key that changes the size so i'm just hitting the key and then moving my cursor left and right and then the d key allows you to rotate your train brush and then the control key inverses it so that it's decreasing the size of the train versus increasing the size of the train so i'm going to go ahead and just paint out a little bit of terrain real quick we now have some features in our terrain so i'm going to go ahead and go back to my player and now it's below the train so what i need to do is to just go ahead and move the character up there we go and i've also went ahead and i've attached the main camera to the player and so that that that way it gives us a place to see or how we can see the player within the environment i'm gonna go ahead and just rotate my player real quick all right so now we have this terrain with some features we need to actually go ahead and start coloring it the way we're going to do that is to paint texture so with the terrain selected i'm going to go back to my paint terrain tab i'm going to select paint texture and then down at the bottom we can go ahead and start adding layers to actually paint onto our terrain so i'm going to first add the layer i have some of the predefined textures that we can add i'm going to go ahead and just use this grass a texture and then boom now our terrain has some texture to it now i think the grass is just a little bit small so what i'm going to do is to just select the name right next to the tile i'm going to select that and then i can change the size of the grass within this environment so i'm going to go ahead and just increase this to maybe 20 by 20 and i think that looks a little bit better now the next thing i want to do is to go ahead and paint a path onto my terrain as well so for me to be able to do that i'm going to go back to my terrain and i need to add another layer so i'm going to go ahead and add layer and i'm going to find something that looks like it would be path and so i'm going to go ahead and just use this sand terrain and then what i can do is i can go and select maybe this smooth brush and let's go back to our scene view and i need to make it way smaller i want to zoom in to where my players at and then we can go ahead and start painting so with my sand selected i'm going to go ahead and just start painting right a path onto my terrain now i'm going to go ahead and just increase the strength here just a little bit and you can start to see how there's just a little bit of a linear aspect what this path looks like and we want to make sure that this has a little bit higher resolution so we have a nice smooth transition so to do that what we're going to do is go to window terrain terrain toolbox and then right here we've got the option of choosing a texture resolution and we're going to set the control texture resolution here a little bit higher so i'm going to go to 2048 apply to select a train now we can just close that window and then our path will be a lot smoother so let me go ahead and just paint out a path real quick and we'll be right back so i have a little bit of a path painted out i'm going to go ahead and just continue by adding a new layer and what i want to do is just i don't want the path to be right on the grass and so what i'm going to do is just add a little bit of a transition in between the path and the grass so i've got a couple different options of elements here i'm going to go ahead and just choose this grass soil terrain and let's go ahead and choose that one and then i can go ahead and paint this as well cool so there we go we now have a little bit of a path that our character can travel along and of course those mountains that are in the distance aren't gonna be covered in grass they're gonna be covered in rocks so let's go ahead and add a new layer and let's just find a nice rock terrain okay so i'm gonna go ahead and paint some of the mountains in the distance to have rock drain okay now that we have some rocky terrain let's go ahead and add a little bit of snow so let's add a new layer and i've got a snow terrain option and then i'm going to go ahead and just take the brush size way down so we can be very selective about where we're painting this okay so the next thing that i want to do is currently my path is just flat along the terrain and i want that path because it is a path where people have traveled i want it to be slightly indented so what we're going to do is go back to our terrain and we're going to go ahead and raise and lower i want to go ahead and indent that path so i'm going to take that strength way down as well so i want the path to be slightly indented so for me to do that i just need to hold down the control key and i can paint a dent into the path the next thing i want to do is to go ahead and paint on some grass so for me to do that i need to go to my grass tab and we can go ahead and edit details and i'm going to add some grass texture we can add meshes or we can add the texture i'm gonna go ahead and add a texture so let's go ahead and add detail and i'm gonna just choose my brush grass right here and then i have some options for how big this is in both a min and a max and then a height min and max and you can always go back and edit these as well so i'm going to go ahead and just go 0.2 and maybe point eight i'll do the same thing on the height so it'll give us just a little bit of a variety and i'm gonna go ahead and add that grass and then i can now just start painting grass onto the terrain so i've got the option of choosing the brush size the opacity which is how thick the grass is going to be as well as the target strength so boom you can see how easy it is just to start painting grass all over your terrain and if you do accidentally paint some grass onto your path you can easily go ahead and delete that as well so i'm going to just zoom into my path here take my brush size down and then i can just hold the ctrl key and boom now i'm just removing the grass now this grass doesn't really look all that great right now so what i want to do is i'm going to go ahead and go to my edit details and i'm going to edit this grass so what we can do is we can start playing around with the color as the grass is on the ground so we can change what the healthy color looks like so i'm going to just change this to be a little bit more in terms with the regular grass and there we go i can also add more details so i'm going to go ahead and just edit details and add more grass texture so let's find a different type of grass and let's maybe go ahead and add some flowers this time so i'm going to go ahead and add flowers now the next thing we need is some trees in our train okay so what i'm going to do is go to my paint trees tab and then with that we can go ahead and edit trees i'm going to add a tree so we're going to select a tree to use and even though these look pink they actually do paint out as regular graphics so i'm going to choose a pine tree go ahead and select ok and then i'm going to add that and then with this again i can choose the brush size and then how we're going to paint that tree and i can choose some randomization of the tree height so let's just start placing a few trees boom so that's pretty pretty dense there's a lot of different settings that you can use here but i'm going to go ahead and just undo that real quick and as opposed to painting all these trees in we can go ahead and use this this mass place trees option so i'm going to go ahead and select that and then with that we're going to place 10 000 trees across our whole terrain so i'm gonna go ahead and just hit place and then boom all of a sudden now we have trees across our whole train then you can go back and start filling in or removing as you see fit so i'm gonna go ahead and just remove remove a few here so again hold down the control key and we can just deselect or de-paint some of those trees and then we can also just go back and add more trees as needed boom there we go so that's actually looking pretty good now the next thing i need to do is to go ahead and maybe paint in some some brush as well so i'm gonna some bushes so i'm gonna edit trees add a new tree and then we also have some options here for different types of bushes so i'm gonna go ahead and just add one of those and in this case i'm just gonna go ahead and paint down a few of these cool this is looking pretty good but we can make it look just a little bit better so the first thing i want to do is to go over to my lighting tab and if you don't have that you can go to window rendering lighting and we want to go ahead and use our free sky box that we downloaded so for us to do that let's go ahead and in the environment part of our lighting tab we can go ahead and click on skybox material and i now have all of the materials that are in my game i'm going to go ahead and just try out a couple of these different sky boxes to see what really looks good yeah that one looks actually pretty good so i'm going to go ahead and use that then the next thing we need to do is we can turn on fog still in my environment tab i'm going to go ahead and turn on fog and then we can choose what the fog color is by default this fog color is gray but we can change it to whatever color we want and because i have a little bit of red in the sky i'm going to go ahead and just choose to have this as a little bit red and then we can change the density so how thick that fog is and how far away it is so let's just maybe take that down to two so we can see down just a little bit further in the distance so the next thing that we can do is to also add some post processing because this started out as a urp project post processing is installed so what i can do is to easily go to volume create a new global volume and i'm going to just call this post processing and then with that i'm going to go ahead and in my inspector i'm going to add a new post-processing volume and now i have that post-processing volume installed now i can just select the post-processing and then start adding overrides so in this case we can add post-processing override we can add maybe just a touch of bloom and increase the intensity slightly and for us to be able to see that we need to make sure that our main camera also has rendering and post processing checked by default that is off so let's go back to our post-processing volume boom there we go so let's go ahead and hit play to see how this actually looks yeah i'm digging it so there you go there is the terrain tool and a little bit of the post-processing and the fog for our terrain hey i hope you enjoyed that tutorial and it's something you can use for your game don't forget to hit like subscribe and that little bell icon down there so you know when the next tutorial is available until next time
Channel: Bliz Studio
Views: 107,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Design, Unity 3D, Beginning Game development, Game Development, Game Design Tools, Game Design Tutorials, Game Design Beginner, Free Tutorials, Learn Game Design, game design tutorial for beginners, game design tutorial for unity, easy unity tutorial, unity terrain, unity, free, terrain tool, free assets, paint trees, paint textures, paint, trees, textures, grass, skybox, fog, post processing, beautiful terrain, raise terrain, lower terrain, key commands, bliz studio, urp
Id: 2XdQkwSw-bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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